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Detroit late 80's teaching Añadida el 10 de enero de 2009 · Detroit 1980's putting gas in the school bus Germany London London Outside the barn at the New Vraja Dhama farm in Hungary, 2008 Fotos de ART OF KRISHNAART OF KRISHNAArtwork courtesy of The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International,Inc. Bhakta: (sáns. vaiëòava). Un devoto. Bhakti: (sáns. vaiëòava). La palabra bhakti viene de la raíz bhaj, que quiere decir servir (ver bhajana). Por lo tanto, el primer significado de la palabra bhakti es prestar servicio. Se llama bhakti a la ejecución de actividades que están dirigidas exclusivamente a complacer al Supremo Señor Sri Krsna, que se llevan a cabo con un espíritu favorable y lleno de amor, que están exentas de cualquier otro deseo y que no están cubiertas por karma o jñana. Ärî Rupa Gosvâmî ha descrito las características intrínsecas del bhakti en el Sri Bhakti-rasâmèta-sindhu (1.1.11) como sigue: anyâbhilâëita-äûnyaà bhaktir ânukûlyena jñâna-karmâdy-anâvètam kèëòânu-äîlanaà Uttama - "Uttama-bhakti, el servicio devocional puro, es el cultivo de actividades que tienen por objeto exclusivamente para el beneficio de la cre Kèëòa, en otras palabras, el flujo ininterrumpido de servicio a Ärî Kèëòa, realiza a través de todos los esfuerzos del cuerpo, la mente y el habla, ya través de la expresión de los sentimientos espirituales distintos (Bhavas) . No está cubierto por jñâna (conocimiento de nirviäeëa-brahma, dirigido a la liberación impersonal) y el karma (la actividad de búsqueda de recompensa), el yoga o la austeridad, y es completamente libre de todo deseo que no sea la aspiración a hacer felices a los Ärî Kèëòa. " Bhakti-posaka-sukèti: (sáns. vaiëòava). Actividades piadosas que promueven el bhakti. Se refiere específicamente a la asociación de los devotos y a las actividades conectadas con el bhakti (ver sukèti). Bhakti: (sáns. vaiëòava). The word bhakti comes from the root bhaj, which means to serve (see bhajana). Therefore the primary meaning of the word bhakti is to render service. Ärî Rûpa Gosvâmî has described the intrinsic characteristics of bhakti in Ärî Bhakti-rasâmèta-sindhu (1.1.11) as follows: anyâbhilâëita-äûnyaà jñâna-karmâdy-anâvètam ânukûlyena kèëòânu-äîlanaà bhaktir uttamâ – “Uttamâ-bhakti, pure devotional service, is the cultivation of activities that are meant exclusively for the benefit of Ärî Kèëòa, in other words, the uninterrupted flow of service to Ärî Kèëòa, performed through all endeavors of body, mind, and speech, and through expression of various spiritual sentiments (bhâvas). It is not covered by jñâna (knowledge of nirviäeëa-brahma, aimed at impersonal liberation) and karma (reward-seeking activity), yoga or austerities; and it is completely free from all desires other than the aspiration to bring happiness to Ärî Kèëòa.” Bhakti-devî: (sáns. vaiëòava). The goddess of devotion. All potencies of the Lord have personified forms. In Mâdhurya-kâdambinî (1.3) Ärîla Viävanâtha Cakravartî Ùhâkura explains that bhakti is the svarûpaäakti of Bhagavân and that she is yadècchâ, which means that bhakti has her own will. Being sva-prakâäa, self-manifest, she is not dependent on any other agency in order to manifest in a person’s heart. In the Bhâgavatam (1.2.6) it is said: yato bhaktir adhokëaje ahaituky apratihatâ – “that by which causeless and uninterrupted bhakti for Lord Adhokëaja arises.” The word ahaituky in this äloka indicates that bhakti has no cause. The only cause of bhakti is bhakti herself. Ärîla Cakravartîpâda analyzes the meaning of this statement. He says that bhakti situated in the heart of a bhâva-bhakta is the only cause for her manifesting in others. Since Kèëòa is under the control of His unalloyed bhaktas, He has invested such power in them. Therefore sâdhana is not the true cause of bhakti’s appearance. Bhakti-devi, being self-willed, manifests bhakti in the heart when she is pleased with the bhakta’s unalloyed service attitude. Ultimately this indicates that Bhakti-devi acts through the agency of Kèëòa’s bhaktas who are situated in the stage of bhâva. When they see the sincerity of the sâdhaka-bhakta, the bhakti which is one with the very nature of their hearts is transmitted into the hearts of the sâdhakas. Other than this, there is no cause for bhakti’s appearance. Bhakti-kèëòa: (sáns. vaiëòava). A division of the Vedas relating to bhakti, which is performed exclusively for the benefit of Ärî Bhagavân. Bhakti-latâ: (sáns. vaiëòava). The creeper of devotion. Bhakti is likened to a creeper which grows in the bhakta’s heart until it matures and produces the fruit of love for Kèëòa. The bîja, or seed, of this creeper is characterized as kèëòa-sevâ-vâsana, the desire to serve Ärî Kèëòa. This desire is sown in the heart of the bhakta by the grace of Ärî-gurudeva and it manifests externally as äraddhâ, faith in the conclusions of the äâstra. After its intitial inception in the form of the bhakti-latâ-bîja, the creeper develops through eight successive stages culminating in prema. These stages are sâdhu-saìga, bhajana-kriyâ, anartha-nivètti, niëÙhâ, ruci, âsakti, bhâva, and prema. Each of these are separately described in this glossary. Bhakti-latâ-bîja: (sáns. vaiëòava). The seed of the creeper of devotion. This refers to the inception of the desire to serve Ärî Ärî Râdhâ-Kèëòa in a particular capacity which is known as kèëòa-sevâ-vâsana. Within this seed is the undeveloped conception of bhâva. This seed externally manifests as äraddhâ, or faith in the instructions and goal described by the äâstras. When this seed is watered by the methods of hearing, chanting, and service to Vaiëòavas, it grows into a luxurious plant and ultimately delivers its fruit of love of God. Bhakti-lata-bija - abr 15 Bhava-bhakti - abr 15 Bhakti-poëaka-sukèti: (sáns. vaiëòava). Pious activities which foster bhakti. This specifically refers to the association of bhaktas and activities connected to bhakti (see sukèti). ISKCON desire tree - Sri Krishna Kathamrita - Bindu 55ISKCON desire treeThis ebook is compiled by ISKCON desire tree for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and the devotee vaishnava community. Media - ebooks derived from vedic or hindu teachings. For morevisit ISKCON desire tree - Sri Krishna Kathamrita - Bindu 054 ISKCON desire tree published this 04 / 25 / 2009 ISKCON desire tree - Sri Krishna Kathamrita - Bindu 054 Fuentes - FontsSOUV2P.TTF - 57 KB SOUV2I.TTF - 59 KB SOUV2B.TTF - 56 KB bai_____.ttf - 46 KBbabi____.ttf - 47 KB bab_____.ttf - 45 KB SOUV2T.TTF - 56 KB inbenr11.ttf - 64 KB inbeno11.ttf - 12 KB inbeni11.ttf - 12 KB inbenb11.ttf - 66 KB balaram_.ttf - 45 KB indevr20.ttf - 53 KB Página PRINCIPAL OBRAS y AUTORES CLÁSICOS Agradecimientos Cuadro General Disculpen las Molestias
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