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![]() Madhavendra Puri's sitting place Añadida el 30 de abril de 2009 ![]() Radha Madhava, prati bhu Deities of Jayadeva Goswami ![]() Lord Caitanya's sitting place, Shyama Kunda ![]() Radha Krishna's playing area, Shyama Kunda ![]() Pilgrims at the Sangram ![]() Pilgrims offering respects by going around Radha Kunda and Shyama Kunda by offering repeated prostrated obeisances. Raghunatha dasa Goswami used to do this daily. Fotos de Gauranga Sundara Das![]() ![]() Añadida el 07 de marzo ![]() Añadida el 07 de marzo Bhakti: (sáns. vaiëòava). : Devotion; Self surrender in devout worship; Reverence In Dada's terminology: a) to approach nearer and nearer to the Self b) to follow as instructed by Gnana. Bhakti: (sáns. vaiëòava). The later popular Hinduism as distinguished from the priestly Vedic Hinduism of the Aryans. Whereas the Vedic emphasis was on sacrificial rituals and transcendental knowledge, Bhakti Hinduism centers around devotion to personal deities and includes a variety of popular and nonVedic practices. Images (murtis) and image worship, home Shrines and temples, poet-saints and holy men, devotional songs and dances, religious dramas, festivals, and pilgrimage are all interwoven with elements of Vedic thought and practice in the fabric of Bhakti Hinduism. Most of the characteristic features of Hinduism from the early centuries CE onward are associated with the synchronization of popular and priestly religion. Bhakti actually means the Love of God, surrender to the guru and to the individual's chosen deity (ishtadeva). In Hinduism there are various types and levels of bhakti: gurubhakti, surrender to the guru; vaidhibhakti, a preparatory stage during which all instructions (vidhi) from one's guru for the practice of bhakti are followed; ragabhakti, a state in which the bhakta thinks only of God. Everything reminds one of God and is related to God; parabhakti, the supreme love of God, wherein nothing exists save God and the consciousness of unity with God; premabhakti, ecstatic love of God; mahabhava, intense, ecstatic love of God. These last three are different designations for the same state. (The Manurishi Foundation, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Hindu Terms). Bhakti: (sáns. vaiëòava). "Bhakti" is not to be understood in its cheap connotation, which it has come to gather in its direct translation as `devotion'. Self-less love, seeking a fulfilment in itself, when directed towards the divine with firm faith and an allout belief, is called Bhakti. Love itself means identifying with the object of love in such a way that the joys and sorrows of the beloved become equally poignant joys and sorrows of the lover. In short, the lovers become one with their beloveds, both in their physical and emotional lives. Therefore, Sankara describes Bhakti as "the identification of the ego with its Real Nature". Bhakti: (sáns. vaiëòava). Devotional service to the Supreme Lord; purified service of the senses of the Lord by one's own senses. Bhakti: (sáns. vaiëòava). The deep loving feelings of a devotee’s heart for his beloved God where all of his personal requisites are merged into his Divine beloved’s overwhelming Grace which He imparts for His loving devotee. bhaktiBhakti: (sáns. vaiëòava). El culto bhakti es la más alta de todas las actividades trascendentales, y, por ende, es simultáneamente sublime y fácil. Es sublime para los devotos puros que están sumamente interesados en ponerse en contacto con el Señor Supremo, y es fácil para los neófitos que apenas se encuentran en el umbral de la casa del bhakti. Lograr ponerse en contacto con la Suprema Personalidad de Dios Ärî Kèëòa es una gran ciencia, y está abierta a todos los seres vivientes, incluso a los äûdras, vaisyas, mujeres, y hasta a aquellos que son más bajo que los äûdras de bajo nacimiento; de manera que, ni hablar de los hombres de alta categoría, como los brâhmaòas capacitados y los grandes reyes autorrealizados. Bhakti: (sáns. vaiëòava). Servicio devocional al Señor Supremo. (5º). Amor y devoción por el Señor, caracterizados por el acto de dedicar los sentidos de ser individual, una vez que éstos han sido purificados, al servicio de los sentidos del Señor. (1º) Bhakti: (sáns. vaiëòava). Devoción. Rendirse frente a Dios, Dioses o guru. El término abarca desde la simple expresión de devoción hasta el principio prapatti de desintegración del ego, que es rendición total. Bhakti es el cimiento de todas las sectas del Hinduísmo, así como de las escuelas yogas en todo el mundo (Uniéndose a Äiva). BHAKTI: (sáns. vaiëòava). Devoción. El esfuerzo del aspirante por realizar su verdadera naturaleza. Bhakti: (sáns. vaiëòava). Amor por Dios; servicio purificado que le prestamos a los sentidos del Señor mediante nuestros propios sentidos (Bg). // Servicio devocional con amor por Dios (Cc). Bhakti: (sáns. vaiëòava). La vía del amor devocional, quitándole a las palabras «amor» y «devoción» toda la resonancia dulzona, pasiva y sentimental que en occidente les damos. "Participación" sería el sentido primero de la palabra «bhakti». GLOSARIO DE LA TRADICION. bhakti o bhakti-yoga: (sáns. vaiëòava). El camino de aproximación al Supremo Señor Kèëòa a través de amor y servicio devocional extático. Bhakti: (sáns. vaiëòava). Devoción, piedad, adoración, amor divino. Significa el sincero anhelo de unión con Dios que comienza, prosigue y termina en amor. Bhakti no puede contraerse a ningún bien terreno porque el amor divino no es compatible con los deseos mundanos. En el hinduismo se aplica este término a la devoción apasionada a alguna entidad particular (Krsna o Äiva). Caitanya (1487-1527) fue un gran apóstol de la Bhakti. bhakti-abhasa: (sáns. vaiëòava). devoción (sombría), o bhakti mezclado con deseos por karma, jñâna o yoga. Bhakti Aloha Paramadvaiti Swami, Ärîla: (sáns. vaiëòava). Devoto y Presidente del ISEV de Colombia. Bhava-bhakti: (sáns. vaiëòava). El estado inicial de perfección en la devoción. Un estado del bhakti en el que el suddha-sattva, la esencia de la potencia interna del Señor consistente en conocimiento espiritual se transmite en el corazón del devoto practicante desde los corazones de los eternos asociados del Señor y una vez allí ablanda el corazón por medio de distintas clases de sabores. El bhava-bhakti es el primer brote del prema o amor puro por Dios. Bhakti: (sáns. vaiëòava). La palabra bhakti viene de la raíz bhaj, que quiere decir servir (ver bhajana). Por lo tanto, el primer significado de la palabra bhakti es prestar servicio. Se llama bhakti a la ejecución de actividades que están dirigidas exclusivamente a complacer al Supremo Señor Ärî Kèëòa, que se llevan a cabo con un espíritu favorable y lleno de amor, que están exentas de cualquier otro deseo y que no están cubiertas por karma o jñana. Bhakti-posaka-sukèti: (sáns. vaiëòava). Actividades piadosas que promueven el bhakti. Se refiere específicamente a la asociación de los devotos y a las actividades conectadas con el bhakti (ver sukèti). Bhakti: (sáns. vaiëòava). The word bhakti comes from the root bhaj, which means to serve (see bhajana). Therefore the primary meaning of the word bhakti is to render service. Ärî Rûpa Gosvâmî has described the intrinsic characteristics of bhakti in Ärî Bhakti-rasâmèta-sindhu (1.1.11) as follows: anyâbhilâëita-äûnyaà jñâna-karmâdy-anâvètam ânukûlyena kèëòânu-äîlanaà bhaktir uttamâ – “Uttamâ-bhakti, pure devotional service, is the cultivation of activities that are meant exclusively for the benefit of Ärî Kèëòa, in other words, the uninterrupted flow of service to Ärî Kèëòa, performed through all endeavors of body, mind, and speech, and through expression of various spiritual sentiments (bhâvas). It is not covered by jñâna (knowledge of nirviäeëa-brahma, aimed at impersonal liberation) and karma (reward-seeking activity), yoga or austerities; and it is completely free from all desires other than the aspiration to bring happiness to Ärî Kèëòa.” Bhakti-devî: (sáns. vaiëòava). the goddess of devotion. All potencies of the Lord have personified forms. In Mâdhurya-kâdambinî (1.3) Ärîla Viävanâtha Cakravartî Ùhâkura explains that bhakti is the svarûpaäakti of Bhagavân and that she is yadècchâ, which means that bhakti has her own will. Being sva-prakâäa, self-manifest, she is not dependent on any other agency in order to manifest in a person’s heart. In the Bhâgavatam (1.2.6) it is said: yato bhaktir adhokëaje ahaituky apratihatâ – “that by which causeless and uninterrupted bhakti for Lord Adhokëaja arises.” The word ahaituky in this äloka indicates that bhakti has no cause. The only cause of bhakti is bhakti herself.Ärîla Cakravartîpâda analyzes the meaning of this statement. He says that bhakti situated in the heart of a bhâva-bhakta is the only cause for her manifesting in others. Since Kèëòa is under the control of His unalloyed bhaktas, He has invested such power in them.Therefore sâdhana is not the true cause of bhakti’s appearance. Bhakti-devi, being self-willed, manifests bhakti in the heart when she is pleased with the bhakta’s unalloyed service attitude. Ultimately this indicates that Bhakti-devi acts through the agency of Kèëòa’s bhaktas who are situated in the stage of bhâva. When they see the sincerity of the sâdhaka-bhakta, the bhakti which is one with the very nature of their hearts is transmitted into the hearts of the sâdhakas. Other than this, there is no cause for bhakti’s appearance. Bhakti-kâòàa: (sáns. vaiëòava). A division of the Vedas relating to bhakti, which is performed exclusively for the benefit of Ärî Bhagavân. Bhakti-latâ: (sáns. vaiëòava). The creeper of devotion. Bhakti is likened to a creeper which grows in the bhakta’s heart until it matures and produces the fruit of love for Kèëòa. The bîja, or seed, of this creeper is characterized as kèëòa-sevâ-vâsana, the desire to serve Ärî Kèëòa. This desire is sown in the heart of the bhakta by the grace of Ärî-gurudeva and it manifests externally as äraddhâ, faith in the conclusions of the äâstra. After its intitial inception in the form of the bhakti-latâ-bîja, the creeper develops through eight successive stages culminating in prema. These stages are sâdhu-saôga, bhajana-kriyâ, anartha-nivètti, niëùhâ, ruci, âsakti, bhâva, and prema. Each of these are separately described in this glossary. Bhakti-latâ-bîja: (sáns. vaiëòava). The seed of the creeper of devotion. This refers to the inception of the desire to serve Ärî Ärî Râdhâ-Kèëòa in a particular capacity which is known as kèëòa-sevâ-vâsana. Within this seed is the undeveloped conception of bhâva. This seed externally manifests as äraddhâ, or faith in the instructions and goal described by the äâstras. When this seed is watered by the methods of hearing, chanting, and service to Vaiëòavas, it grows into a luxurious plant and ultimately delivers its fruit of love of God. Bhakti-poëaka-sukèti: (sáns. vaiëòava). Pious activities which foster bhakti. This specifically refers to the association of bhaktas and activities connected to bhakti (see sukèti). Bhava - abr 12 bhaktibhakti-upahẹ̀tam — offered in devotion; BG 9.26 bhakti-mân — devotee; BG 12.17 bhakti-mân — engaged in devotion; BG 12.18-19 bhakti-yogena — by devotional service; BG 14.26 bhakti-yogaì — contact of devotional service; SB 1.2.7 bhagavat-bhakti — the devotional service of the Lord; SB 1.2.20 bhakti-yoga — devotional; SB 1.5.35 bhakti — devotional service; SB 1.7.4 bhakti-yogam — the linking process of devotional service; SB 1.7.6 bhakti-yoga — the science of devotional service; SB 1.8.20 bhakti — by dint of devotional service; SB 1.10.23 bhakti-lakëaòaì — being practiced to the devotional system; SB 2.1.21 bhakti-yogaì — devotional service; SB 2.2.14 bhakti-yogaì — direct devotional service; SB 2.2.33 bhakti-yogena — by devotional service to the Lord; SB 2.3.10 bhakti-yogaì — devotional service; SB 2.3.12 bhakti-yogena — devotional service; SB 3.2.4 bhakti-pûte — unto the unalloyed devotee; SB 3.5.4 bhakti-yogena — by linking up; SB 3.7.12 bhakti-yoga — in devotional service; SB 3.9.11 bhakti-yuktaì — being situated in devotional service; SB 3.9.31 bhakti-yogaiì — through devotional service; SB 3.15.47 bhakti-bhâvena — by devotional service; SB 3.24.45 bhakti-yuktena — by discharging devotional service; SB 3.24.47 bhakti — devotional service; SB 3.25.18 bhakti — devotional service; SB 3.25.31 bhakti-yogena — by devotional service; SB 3.25.43 bhakti-yogena — by practice of devotional service; SB 3.25.44 bhakti-yogena — by devotional service; SB 3.27.5 bhakti-yogasya — of devotional service; SB 3.29.1-2 bhakti-yogaì — devotional service; SB 3.29.7 bhakti-yogasya — of devotional service; SB 3.29.11-12 bhakti-yoga — devotional service; SB 3.29.14 bhakti-yogaì — devotional service; SB 3.29.35 bhakti-yogaì — devotional service; SB 3.32.23 bhakti — devotional service; SB 3.32.32 bhakti-yogena — by devotional service; SB 3.32.34-36 bhakti-yogasya — of devotional service; SB 3.32.37 bhakti-pravâha-yogena — by continuous engagement in devotional service; SB 3.33.24-25 bhakti-bhâvataì — with faith and devotion; SB 4.7.61 bhakti-mat — according to the regulative principles of devotional service; SB 4.8.59-60 bhakti-yogena — by the process of devotional service; SB 4.8.61 bhakti-bhâvaì — situated in devotional service; SB 4.9.5 bhakti-yogaì — the devotional service; SB 4.24.53 bhakti-matâ — by the devotee; SB 4.24.54 bhakti-yoga — devotional service; SB 4.24.59 bhakti-yogaì — devotional service; SB 4.29.36-37 bhakti-yoga — of mystic devotional service; SB 5.1.27 bhakti-bhâjâm — executing devotional service; SB 5.5.25 bhakti — devotional service; SB 5.5.28 bhakti-yogam — loving devotional service; SB 5.6.18 bhakti-yogena — by dint of devotional service; SB 5.7.12 bhagavat-bhakti-yogena — by the practice of devotional service to the Lord; SB 5.15.7 bhakti-yoga — by devotional service; SB 5.15.12 bhagavat-bhakti-yogena — by devotional service unto the Lord; SB 5.17.2 bhakti-yoga — of the mystic process of devotional service; SB 5.17.3 avyavadhâna-ananya-bhakti-yogena — by uninterrupted and unflinching devotional service; SB 5.18.7 mahatâ bhakti-yogena — by dint of advanced devotional service; SB 5.18.24 bhakti-yogena — by devotional service; SB 5.18.34 parama-bhakti-bhâvena — in greatly ecstatic loving service to the Lord; SB 5.19.10 bhakti-yoga-lakëaòaì — having symptoms of pure devotional service; SB 5.19.20 ekânta-bhakti-yogena — with unalloyed devotional service; SB 5.25.4 bhakti — and devotion; SB 5.26.38 bhakti-mân — a pure devotee (cleansed of the modes of material nature); SB 6.2.24-25 tat-bhakti-mataì — the devotees of the Lord; SB 6.3.18 bhakti-yogaì — bhakti-yoga, or devotional service; SB 6.3.22 bhakti — of devotional service; SB 6.13.22-23 bhakti — through devotion; SB 6.19.10 bhakti — with devotion; SB 6.19.16 bhagavat-bhakti — devotion to the Lord; SB 7.1.4-5 bhakti-yogena — by devotional service; SB 7.1.27 bhakti — of devotional service; SB 7.7.36 bhakti-yogasya — of the principles of devotional service; SB 7.10.1 tat-bhakti-bhâk — who renders devotional service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead; SB 7.15.67 bhakti-utkalaì — full of ecstatic devotion; SB 8.23.1 bhakti-pravaòaì — in fully ecstatic devotion; SB 8.23.5 bhakti-yogena — by performing transcendental loving service to the Lord; SB 9.4.26 ekânta-bhakti-bhâvena — because of his performing unalloyed devotional service; SB 9.4.28 bhakti-matâm — of the devotees; SB 10.9.21 labdha-bhaktî — having revived their natural condition of devotional service; SB 10.10.20-22 bhakti — with devotion; SB 10.45.42-44 bhakti — of pure devotion; SB 10.47.69 bhakti — of devotion; SB 10.59.24 bhakti — with devotion; SB 10.59.32 äiva-bhakti — in devotion for Lord äiva; SB 10.62.2 bhakti-upahṛtam — offered in devotion; SB 10.81.4 bhakti — by devotional service; SB 10.84.26 bhakti-man — who is devoted; SB 10.86.59 bhakti — with devotion; SB 10.89.12 bhakti-yogena — devotional service unto Me; SB 11.11.48 mat-bhakti — by devotional service to Me; SB 11.13.2 bhakti-yogaì — devotional service; SB 11.14.2 mat-bhakti-yuktaì — one fixed in devotional service to Me; SB 11.14.24 mat-bhakti-yogena — by loving service to Me; SB 11.14.25 bhakti — with devotion; SB 11.16.44 tvat-bhakti-lakëaòaì — characterized by devotional service to Your Lordship; SB 11.17.1-2 tvat-bhakti — by loving service to You; SB 11.17.7 bhakti-mân — being a devotee; SB 11.17.55 mat-bhakti — with devotional service to Me; SB 11.18.47 bhakti — of loving devotion; SB 11.19.5 bhakti-yogam — loving devotional service; SB 11.19.8 bhakti — and devotional service; SB 11.19.13 bhakti-yogaì — devotional service to the Lord; SB 11.19.19 bhakti — devotional service; SB 11.19.27 bhakti-yogaì — the path of loving devotion; SB 11.20.8 bhakti-yogena — by devotional service; SB 11.20.29 mat-bhakti-yuktasya — of one who is engaged in My loving service; SB 11.20.31 mat-bhakti-yogena — by loving service unto Me; SB 11.20.32-33 bhakti — devotional service; SB 11.21.1 bhakti-yogasya — of devotional service; SB 11.24.14 bhakti-yogena — through the process of devotional service; SB 11.25.32 bhakti-yuktaì — endowed with devotion; SB 11.27.9 bhakti-yogena — by the performance of devotional service; SB 11.27.53 bhakti-yogam — devotional service; SB 11.27.53 mat-bhakti-yogena — by devotional service to Me; SB 11.28.27 bhakti-mân — full of devotion; SB 12.10.36 bhakti-yogaì — the process of devotional service; SB 12.12.5 jñâna-virâga-bhakti-sahitam — together with knowledge, renunciation and devotion; SB 12.13.18 sva-bhakti — of His own service; CC Adi 1.4 bhakti-äaêsanât — from the propagation of devotional service to ärî Kèëòa; CC Adi 1.13 kèëòa-bhakti — devotion to Lord Kèëòa; CC Adi 1.92 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to Lord Kèëòa; CC Adi 1.96 bhakti-rasa — of the mellow of devotion; CC Adi 1.99 bhakti-rasa — devotional inspiration; CC Adi 1.100 bhakti — devotion; CC Adi 1.108-109 bhakti-yoge — by devotional service; CC Adi 2.25 sva-bhakti — of His own service; CC Adi 3.4 prema-bhakti — loving devotional service; CC Adi 3.14 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 3.14 vidhi-bhakti — regulative devotional service; CC Adi 3.15 bhakti — devotion; CC Adi 3.19 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 3.20 bhakti-rase — with the mellow of devotional service; CC Adi 3.32 kèëòa-bhakti — to the service of Lord Kèëòa; CC Adi 3.45 kèëòa-bhakti — of devotion to Lord Kèëòa; CC Adi 3.96 bhakti-gandha — a trace of devotional service; CC Adi 3.97 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 3.99 bhakti-yoga — by devotional service; CC Adi 3.111 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 4.15-16 äuddha-bhakti — pure devotion; CC Adi 4.21-22 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 4.41 prema-bhakti — devotional service in love of Godhead; CC Adi 4.99-100 bhakti-yogasya — of devotional service; CC Adi 4.206 bhakti-bhâve — with a devotional attitude; CC Adi 4.227-228 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 4.265 bhakti-rasa-prânta — the limit of the mellows of devotional service; CC Adi 5.203 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 5.229 bhakti-äaêsanât — from the propagation of devotional service to ärî Kèëòa; CC Adi 6.5 bhakti-pravartana — inauguration of the bhakti cult; CC Adi 6.27 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to Lord Kèëòa; CC Adi 6.28 bhakti-upadeäa — instruction of devotional service; CC Adi 6.29 bhakti — devotion; CC Adi 6.92 bhakti — the cult of devotional service; CC Adi 6.94 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 7.1 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 7.101 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 7.141 sâdhana-bhakti — another name of this process, "devotional service in practice"; CC Adi 7.142 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 7.164 bhakti — devotional cult; CC Adi 7.165 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 8.7 prema-bhakti — love of Godhead; CC Adi 8.18 bhakti-yogam — devotional service; CC Adi 8.19 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 8.26 kèëòa-bhakti — of devotion to Lord Kèëòa; CC Adi 8.36 bhakti-siddhântera — in understanding devotional service; CC Adi 8.37 bhakti-kalpa-taru — the desire tree of devotional service; CC Adi 9.9 bhakti-kalpa-tarura — of the desire tree of devotional service; CC Adi 9.10 bhakti-vṛkëe — in the tree of devotional service; CC Adi 9.25 bhakti-artha — the bhakti interpretation; CC Adi 10.77 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 10.89 bhakti adhikârî — bona fide devotee; CC Adi 10.146 caitanya-bhakti-maòḍape — in the devotional hall of ärî Caitanya Mahâprabhu; CC Adi 11.10 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 11.22 prema-uddaòḍa-bhakti — the most elevated in love of Godhead and devotional service; CC Adi 11.26 kèëòa-bhakti pâya — gets love of Kèëòa; CC Adi 11.29 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 11.42 prema-bhakti — love of Godhead; CC Adi 13.32 prema-bhakti — love of Kèëòa; CC Adi 13.35 prema-bhakti — love of Kèëòa; CC Adi 13.38 bhakti-dharma — of devotional service; CC Adi 17.30 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 17.53 guru-bhakti — offering respects like a spiritual master; CC Adi 17.66 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 17.75 bhakti — devotion; CC Adi 17.220 prema-bhakti — love of Godhead; CC Adi 17.242 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 17.261 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 17.263 bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 17.266 prema-bhakti — devotional service; CC Adi 17.297 äuddha-bhakti — unalloyed devotional service; CC Adi 17.310 bhakti-kalpa-vṛkëera — of the desire tree of devotional service; CC Adi 17.322 bhakti kari' — with great devotion; CC Madhya 1.14 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 1.22 prema-bhakti — the loving service of the Lord; CC Madhya 1.23 bhakti — the devotional service; CC Madhya 1.26 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 1.29 bhakti — the devotional service; CC Madhya 1.30 bhakti pracâriyâ — broadcasting devotional service; CC Madhya 1.32 bhakti-grantha — of books on devotional service; CC Madhya 1.33 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 1.34 hari-bhakti-vilâsa — the scripture named Hari-bhakti-vilâsa; CC Madhya 1.35 bhakti-grantha — books on devotional service; CC Madhya 1.42 bhakti-siddhântera — of the conclusions of devotional service; CC Madhya 1.43 bhakti — respect; CC Madhya 1.222 bhakti-bala — the strength of devotion; CC Madhya 1.245 prema-bhakti — love of Godhead; CC Madhya 1.251 bhakti — devotion; CC Madhya 3.203 bhakti kari' — with great devotion; CC Madhya 4.13 bhakti kari' — out of devotion; CC Madhya 4.99 bhakti — devotion; CC Madhya 4.145 ei bhakti — this type of devotion; CC Madhya 4.190 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 4.208 bhakti — of devotional service; CC Madhya 5.24 bhakti-vaäe — under the obligation of the devotional service; CC Madhya 5.123 bhakti kari' — in great devotion; CC Madhya 5.125 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 5.158 bhakti-bhûmânam — into a great personality of devotion; CC Madhya 6.1 bhakti — and devotion; CC Madhya 6.120 prema-bhakti — devotional service in love; CC Madhya 6.160 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 6.178 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 6.184 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 6.237 bhakti-sâdhana — in the execution of devotional service; CC Madhya 6.241 bhakti-yoga — devotional service; CC Madhya 6.254 bhakti-yogam — the science of devotional service; CC Madhya 6.255 bhakti-pade — in devotional service; CC Madhya 6.261 bhakti-pade — the word bhakti-pade; CC Madhya 6.262 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 6.263 bhagavat-bhakti — to the devotional service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; CC Madhya 6.263 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 6.264-265 bhakti-äabda — the word bhakti; CC Madhya 6.276 bhakti-tuëùam — satisfied in devotional service; CC Madhya 7.1 bhakti-rasa — the mellows of devotional service; CC Madhya 7.65 sva-bhakti — of His own devotional service; CC Madhya 8.1 viëòu-bhakti — devotional service to Lord Viëòu; CC Madhya 8.57 jñâna-miärâ bhakti — devotional service mixed with empiric knowledge; CC Madhya 8.64 jñâna-äûnyâ bhakti — devotional service independent of logic and empiric philosophy; CC Madhya 8.66 prema-bhakti — ecstatic love in devotional service to the Lord; CC Madhya 8.68 kèëòa-bhakti-rasa-bhâvitâ — absorbed in the mellows of executing devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.70 bhakti-tattva — the truths of transcendental loving service; CC Madhya 8.124 kèëòa-bhakti-tattva — the truths of transcendental loving service to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.125 bhakti-matâm — for persons engaged in spontaneous devotional service; CC Madhya 8.227 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.245 prema-bhakti — pure love of Godhead; CC Madhya 8.307 bhakti — devotion; CC Madhya 9.109 bhakti-matâm — for persons engaged in spontaneous devotional service; CC Madhya 9.132 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to Lord Kèëòa; CC Madhya 9.161 prema-bhakti — devotional service in ecstatic love; CC Madhya 9.263 bhakti-hîna — nondevotees; CC Madhya 9.276 bhakti — devotion; CC Madhya 9.361 bhakti-siddhânta — conclusive statements about the science of devotional service; CC Madhya 10.113 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 10.119 prema-bhakti — of ecstatic love for Kèëòa; CC Madhya 11.40 bhakti — devotion; CC Madhya 12.13 prema-bhakti — ecstatic love; CC Madhya 12.43 äuddha-bhakti-kârya — the matter of pure devotional service; CC Madhya 12.193 kèëòa-bhakti haila — there was awakening of Kèëòa consciousness; CC Madhya 12.220 äuddha-bhakti — pure devotional service; CC Madhya 13.54 prema-bhakti — devotional service in great love; CC Madhya 13.208 kèëòa-bhakti — Kèëòa consciousness, or devotional service to Lord Kèëòa; CC Madhya 15.41 prema-bhakti — devotional service in love of Godhead; CC Madhya 15.42 bhakti — of devotional service; CC Madhya 15.107 kèëòa-bhakti — devotion to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 15.116 kèëòa-bhakti — devotion to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 15.117 bhakti-niëùhâ — faith in devotional service; CC Madhya 15.137 bhakti-bhâjâm — of persons engaged in devotional service; CC Madhya 15.170 prema-bhakti — ecstatic love of Godhead; CC Madhya 16.14-15 tâôra bhakti — his devotion; CC Madhya 16.105 bhakti — devotion; CC Madhya 16.262 prema-bhakti — ecstatic love of God; CC Madhya 17.47 sat-bhakti — of devotional service without motives; CC Madhya 19.74 bhagavat-bhakti-hînasya — of a person devoid of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead; CC Madhya 19.75 bhakti-sâra — the essence of devotional service; CC Madhya 19.76 bhakti-tattva — of the truth about devotional service; CC Madhya 19.115 bhakti-rasa-äâstra — transcendental literatures about the mellows of devotional service; CC Madhya 19.131 bhakti-rasera — of the transcendental mellows in devotional service; CC Madhya 19.136 bhakti-rasa — of the mellows in devotional service; CC Madhya 19.137 bhakti-latâ — of the creeper of devotional service; CC Madhya 19.151 äuddha-bhakti — pure devotional service without material contaminations; CC Madhya 19.166 äuddha-bhakti — pure devotional service; CC Madhya 19.169 bhakti-yogasya — of devotional service; CC Madhya 19.172 bhakti-yoga-âkhyaì — called bhakti-yoga; CC Madhya 19.174 bhakti — of devotional service; CC Madhya 19.176 sâdhana-bhakti — the process of regularly rendering devotional service; CC Madhya 19.177 kèëòa-bhakti — of devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 19.180 kèëòa-bhakti-rasa — the transcendental mellows of devotional service to the Lord; CC Madhya 19.181 kèëòa-bhakti-rase — in mellows derived from devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 19.183-184 kèëòa-bhakti — of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead; CC Madhya 19.185 bhakti-rasera — of the feelings of devotional service; CC Madhya 19.235 prema-bhakti — love of Godhead; CC Madhya 19.256 bhakti-äâstra — of the science of devotional service; CC Madhya 20.1 bhakti-bale — the strength of your devotional service; CC Madhya 20.56 bhakti — of devotional service; CC Madhya 20.97 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 20.107 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 20.124 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 20.125 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 20.139 bhakti-phale — by the result of devotional service; CC Madhya 20.141 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to the Lord; CC Madhya 20.143 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 20.157 bhakti-miära-kṛta-puòye — because of pious activities mixed with devotional service; CC Madhya 20.302 prema-bhakti dilâ — He distributed love of Kèëòa; CC Madhya 20.340 bhakti — of devotional service; CC Madhya 20.371 bhakti-rasa-âärayaì — the shelter of devotional service; CC Madhya 20.380 vidhi-bhakti — regulative principles in devotional service; CC Madhya 21.119 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to Lord Kèëòa; CC Madhya 22.5 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 22.14-15 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to Lord Kèëòa; CC Madhya 22.17 bhakti-mukha — of the face of devotional service; CC Madhya 22.17 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to Lord Kèëòa; CC Madhya 22.18 bhakti vine — without devotional service; CC Madhya 22.21 kèëòa-bhakti vine — without devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 22.29 bhakti-yoge — by devotional service; CC Madhya 22.35 bhakti-yogena — by devotional service; CC Madhya 22.36 bhakti-phala — the result of devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 22.49 bhakti-yogaì — the process of devotional service; CC Madhya 22.50 bhakti naya — there is not devotional service; CC Madhya 22.51 kèëòa-bhakti — love of Kèëòa or devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 22.51 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 22.62 bhakti-adhikârî — eligible for discharging transcendental loving service to the Lord; CC Madhya 22.64 kèëòa-bhakti — of devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 22.83 bhagavat-bhakti-hînân — who are bereft of Kèëòa consciousness and devotional service; CC Madhya 22.92 sâdhana-bhakti — regulative principles for executing devotional service; CC Madhya 22.104 sâdhana-bhakti — process of devotional service; CC Madhya 22.108 vaidhî bhakti — the regulative devotional service; CC Madhya 22.108 râgânugâ-bhakti — spontaneous devotional service; CC Madhya 22.108 vaidhî bhakti — regulative devotional service; CC Madhya 22.109 mat-bhakti — in My devotional service; CC Madhya 22.146 vaidhî-bhakti — of devotional service according to the regulative principles; CC Madhya 22.148 râgâtmikâ-bhakti — spontaneous devotional service; CC Madhya 22.149 râgânugâ-bhakti — spontaneous devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 22.164 sâdhana-bhakti — devotional service performed by means of the body and senses; CC Madhya 22.167 sâdhana-bhakti — devotional service in practice; CC Madhya 22.168 bhakti-phala — the result of practice of devotional service; CC Madhya 23.3 bhakti-rasa-jñâna — transcendental knowledge of the mellows of devotional service; CC Madhya 23.3 kèëòa-bhakti-rasera — of the mellows of devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 23.4 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to Lord Kèëòa; CC Madhya 23.47 bhakti — by devotional service; CC Madhya 23.95-98 bhakti-sukha-äriyâm — those for whom the only opulence is the happiness of devotional service; CC Madhya 23.95-98 bhakti-äâstrera pracâra — propagation of the revealed scriptures of devotional service; CC Madhya 23.103 bhakti-smṛti-äâstra — the reference books of devotional service; CC Madhya 23.104 bhakti-mân — possessing devotion; CC Madhya 23.110 bhakti-mân — fixed in devotional service; CC Madhya 23.111-112 bhakti — the platform of devotional service; CC Madhya 24.29 bhakti-äabdera — of the word bhakti; CC Madhya 24.30 prema-bhakti — ecstatic love of Godhead; CC Madhya 24.30 bhakti-äabdera — of the word bhakti; CC Madhya 24.34 bhakti-bâdhaka — impediments on the path of devotional service; CC Madhya 24.62 bhakti — and devotional service; CC Madhya 24.79 râga-bhakti — spontaneous devotional service; CC Madhya 24.84 vidhi-bhakti — regulative devotional service; CC Madhya 24.84 bhakti-matâm — for persons engaged in spontaneous devotional service; CC Madhya 24.86 bhakti-yogena — by the practice of bhakti-yoga; CC Madhya 24.90 bhakti vinu — without devotional service; CC Madhya 24.92 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 24.92 äuddha-bhakti pâya — one obtains the platform of pure devotional life; CC Madhya 24.97 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 24.99 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 24.109 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 24.109 bhakti-vivaraòa — description of the devotional service; CC Madhya 24.119 bhakti-bale — by the strength of devotional service; CC Madhya 24.134 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 24.136 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 24.139 ahaitukî bhakti — unmotivated devotional service; CC Madhya 24.146 ahaitukî bhakti kare — they perform causeless devotional service; CC Madhya 24.167 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 24.171 äuddha-bhakti — pure devotional service; CC Madhya 24.188 bhakti-siddhi — perfection in devotional service; CC Madhya 24.196 bhakti-yogena — by the practice of bhakti-yoga; CC Madhya 24.197 bhakti-prabhâva — the influence of devotional service; CC Madhya 24.198 bhakti karâya — engages in devotional service; CC Madhya 24.198 kèëòe bhakti karaya — engage themselves in loving devotional service to Lord Kèëòa; CC Madhya 24.300 bhakti kare — all of them engage in devotional service; CC Madhya 24.301 bhakti-vaäe — by dint of devotional service; CC Madhya 24.312 antaì-bhakti-rasena — by the mellows of inner love of Kèëòa; CC Madhya 24.348 bhakti-rasa — the mellows of devotional service; CC Madhya 24.353 bhakti-siddhântera anta — all the conclusions of devotional service; CC Madhya 25.3 bhakti kare sâra — established the predominance of devotional service; CC Madhya 25.20 bhakti vinâ — without devotional service; CC Madhya 25.30 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 25.86 sâdhana-bhakti — the practice of devotional service; CC Madhya 25.103 sâdhana-bhakti — of devotional service; CC Madhya 25.121 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 25.122 bhakti — known as devotional service; CC Madhya 25.135 kèëòa-bhakti — of devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 25.150 prema-bhakti — of ecstatic love of Godhead; CC Madhya 25.260 bhakti — devotional service; CC Madhya 25.264 bhakti-tattva — the truth of devotional service; CC Madhya 25.265 kèëòa-bhakti-siddhânta-gaòa — the conclusive understanding of devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Madhya 25.273 kèëòa-rasa-bhakti — the transcendental mellows of devotional service; CC Antya 1.57 sva-bhakti — of His own service; CC Antya 1.132 bhakti-äâstra — transcendental literature regarding devotional service; CC Antya 1.202 rasa-bhakti — devotional service; CC Antya 1.219 nija-bhakti — His own devotion; CC Antya 2.14 bahu bhakti kaila — offered him devotional service; CC Antya 2.32 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to Lord Kèëòa; CC Antya 2.91 bhakti-matâm — of those engaged in devotional service; CC Antya 3.85 bhakti-mâne — a great devotee of Haridâsa Ṭhâkura; CC Antya 3.167 bhakti-sukha — transcendental bliss derived from devotional service; CC Antya 3.196 bhakti — devotional service; CC Antya 3.201 bhakti-artha — the real meaning of devotional service; CC Antya 3.216 târa bhakti — his devotion; CC Antya 4.27 bhakti — devotion; CC Antya 4.43 bhakti-rase — in the transcendental mellow of devotional service; CC Antya 4.49 bhakti vine — without devotional service; CC Antya 4.56 bhakti vinâ — without devotional service; CC Antya 4.58 nava-vidhâ bhakti — the nine prescribed methods of devotional service; CC Antya 4.70 bhakti — devotional service; CC Antya 4.79 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Antya 4.80 bhakti-siddhânta — conclusive decision in devotional service; CC Antya 4.97 vyavahâra-bhakti — ordinary behavior as well as devotional service; CC Antya 4.168 bhakti — devotional service; CC Antya 4.219 hari-bhakti-vilâsa — of the name Hari-bhakti-vilâsa; CC Antya 4.221 kèëòa-bhakti-rasera — of the transcendental mellows in devotional service; CC Antya 4.223 bhakti-äâstra — books on devotional service; CC Antya 4.228 bhakti pracârilâ — preached devotional service; CC Antya 4.235 bhâva-bhakti — of ecstatic devotion; CC Antya 5.21 prema-bhakti — ecstatic love of Kèëòa; CC Antya 5.47 kèëòa-bhakti-rasa-maya — absorbed in the devotional service of Lord Kèëòa; CC Antya 5.71 bhakti — devotional service; CC Antya 5.85 bhakti-siddhânta-vilâsa — spreading the essence of devotional life; CC Antya 5.86 bhakti-tattva-jñâna — transcendental knowledge in devotional service; CC Antya 5.89 bhakti pracâriyâ — preaching the cult of devotional service; CC Antya 5.90 bhakti-siddhânta-sindhu — the ocean of the conclusions of devotional service; CC Antya 5.103 bhakti-bhakta-rasa-tattva — the truth about devotional service, devotees and their transcendental mellows; CC Antya 5.163 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Antya 7.16 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Antya 7.19 bhakti-yoga — of devotional service; CC Antya 7.22 kèëòa-bhakti — of devotional service to Lord Kèëòa; CC Antya 7.22 prema-bhakti — devotional service in ecstatic love; CC Antya 7.24 prema-bhakti — love of Kèëòa; CC Antya 7.24 bhakti-matâm — for persons engaged in spontaneous devotional service; CC Antya 7.27 sarva-bhakti — all types of bhakti; CC Antya 7.43 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to Kèëòa; CC Antya 7.52 bhakti-siddhânta — conclusions of devotional service; CC Antya 7.54 bhakti — devotion; CC Antya 7.89 dṛḍha bhakti — fixed devotion; CC Antya 7.169 prema-bhakti — loving devotional service; CC Antya 9.152 bhakti-äâstra — of the system of devotional service; CC Antya 10.100 bhakti — devotional service; CC Antya 11.6 bhakti deha' — please give devotional service; CC Antya 11.7 bhakti — devotional service; CC Antya 11.8 dṛḍha-bhakti — firm devotional service; CC Antya 11.101 kèëòa-bhakti — devotional service to Lord Kèëòa; CC Antya 12.30 bhakti kariha — show devotion; CC Antya 13.37 bhakti-rasikaì — expert in devotional service; CC Antya 15.97 kèëòa-bhakti — devotion to Kèëòa; CC Antya 16.28 kèëòa-bhakti — devotion to Kèëòa; CC Antya 16.29 kari' mahâ-bhakti — with great devotion; CC Antya 16.114 mâtṛ-bhakti — devotion to His mother; CC Antya 19.101 sarva-bhakti — all kinds of devotional service; CC Antya 20.13 äuddha-bhakti — pure devotional service; CC Antya 20.27 äuddha-bhakti — pure devotional service; CC Antya 20.30 dâsya-bhakti-dâna — the awarding of devotion in servitude; CC Antya 20.31 prema-bhakti — ecstatic love and devotion; CC Antya 20.65 bhakti-paramâì — those engaged in devotional service; NoI 10 bhakti-bhâjâm — for persons engaged in devotional service; NoI 11 bhakti — of devotion; Bs 5.38 bhakti-bhâjâm — of persons engaged in devotional service; Bs 5.54 bhakti — by devotional service; MM 10 bhakti — of devotion; MM 13 bhakti — devotion; MM 24 bhakti — of devotional service; NBS 76 bhakti — of devotional service; NBS 83 bhakti-mân — endowed with devotion; NBS 84 ISKCON desire tree - Sri Krishna Kathamrita - Bindu 60ISKCON desire treeThis ebook is compiled by ISKCON desire tree for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and the devotee vaishnava community. Media - ebooks derived from vedic or hindu teachings. For morevisit ISKCON desire tree - Sri Krishna Kathamrita - Bindu 060 ISKCON desire tree published this 04 / 25 / 2009 ISKCON desire tree - Sri Krishna Kathamrita - Bindu 060 Fuentes - FontsSOUV2P.TTF - 57 KB SOUV2I.TTF - 59 KB SOUV2B.TTF - 56 KB bai_____.ttf - 46 KBbabi____.ttf - 47 KB bab_____.ttf - 45 KB SOUV2T.TTF - 56 KB inbenr11.ttf - 64 KB inbeno11.ttf - 12 KB inbeni11.ttf - 12 KB inbenb11.ttf - 66 KB balaram_.ttf - 45 KB indevr20.ttf - 53 KB Página PRINCIPAL OBRAS y AUTORES CLÁSICOS Agradecimientos Cuadro General Disculpen las Molestias
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