domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Templos de los Goswamis en el Radha-Kunda

Fotos de Nitai Karuna Dasi - Darshan

Añadida el 16 de abril

Añadida el 16 de abril

Añadida el 16 de abril

Añadida el 16 de abril

Templos de los Goswamis en el Radha-Kunda

En el Radha-Kunda se pueden encontrar réplicas de todos los templos de los Goswamis de Vrndavana.

En el año 1670, cuando los soldados del fanático emperador musulmán llamado Aurangzeb atacaron Vrndavana, todas las Deidades importantes de los Goswamis fueron llevadas secretamente en un carro tirado por bueyes al Radha-Kunda para mantenerlas a salvo.

Se dice que las mismas estuvieron sumergidas en el Radha-Kunda hasta que el temor de que fueran destruidas por el emperador pasó. Se decidió que se llevarían a Rajasthan, donde estuvieron controladas por reyes hindúes, los cuales eran muy devotos de Krsna. Los gobernantes de Jaipur, la capital del estado de Rajasthan, estuvieron muy felices de acoger las Deidades de los Goswamis. Incluso hoy todavía la mayoría de estas se siguen adorando en Jaipur. Antes de que las Deidades fueran llevadas a Rajasthan, se labraron réplicas de las mismas en el Radha-kunda y luego se instalaron en templos situados alrededor del Radha-kunda, así como también en Vrndavana. Estas réplicas de las originales se las consideran no diferentes y son llamadas las expansiones pratibhu, lo cual significa que son las representaciones de las Deidades originales, teniendo la misma potencia espiritual. Los Vrajavasis dicen que los templos de los Goswamis fueron construidos aquí para que los residentes locales no tuvieran que abandonar Radha-kunda para tomar darsana con las Deidades de los Goswamis.

Lista de las Deidades Pratibhu en el Radha-Kunda y quén estableció las Deidades originales:

Nombre de la Deidad Establecida por

Radha Kanta Vakresvara Pandita Goswami
Radha Syamsundara Syamananda Pandita Goswami
Radha Damodara Jiva Goswami
Radharamana Gopal Batta Goswami
Radha Govinda Rupa Goswami
Radha Vinoda Lokanatha Goswami
Radha Madhava Jayadeva Goswami
Radha Madana-mohana Sanatana Goswami
Radha Gopinatha Madhu Pandita Goswami
Radha Gokulananda Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakura

Sri Sri Radha-Kanta Mandira.

Justo en frente al Gopal Manipura Mandira está el templo de Sri Sri Radha-Kanta.

Además de las Deidades pratibhu de Sri Sri Radha-Kanta hay un puspa-samadhi y un murti de Vakresvara Pandit, quien era un asociado íntimo del Señor Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Vakresvara estableció las Deidades originales de Radha-Kanta en Jagannatha Puri, justo al lado del Gambhira, el cuarto donde el Señor Caitanya vivió.

Se cree que Vakresvara Pandit es el sakhi Tungavidya en los pasatiempos de Krsna. Este templo está situado en el mismo punto cercano al Radha-kunda donde el kunja de Tungavidya está ubicado en el aprakata-lila.

Sri Sri Radha-Kanta ki jai jai!!

Sri Vakresvara Pandit (7 de Junio día de su aparación)

Una vez en la casa de Srivasa Thakura, mientras Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu cantaba, Vakresvara Pandit bailó en constante éxtasis durante setenta y dos horas. En ese momento el Señor Caitanya dijo, 'Vakresvara, yo sólo tengo un ala como tú, pero si tuviera otra, ciertamente podría volar por los cielos.' Experto en el canto y el baile, Vakresvara Pandit siempre complacía al señor Caitanaya con su servicio en los grupos de sankirtana de Navadvipa (a los cuales se unió desde sus inicios), los dramas en el Srivasa Angam y los primeros Ratha-yatras en Jagannatha Puri.



äpane mahäprabhu gäya yäìra nåtya-käle
prabhura caraëa dhari' vakreçvara bale


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personalmente cantaba, mientras, Vakrecvara Pandita bailaba cuando cayó a los pies de loto del Señor y habló como sigue.

Vrndavana dasa Thakura dijo, 'para despertar a las almas dormidas de la era de kali, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu vino para distribuir el néctar del santo nombre de Krishna. Cuando el vino, la khol (mrdanga)y las karatals sonaron como nubes tormentosas. Absorto en el humor de amor extático y gritando 'Haribol, Haribol', Sri Gauranga les dijo a todos que cantaran el santo nombre de Krsna. Levantando sus dorados brazos hacia el cielo, el Señor Gaura hari bailaba en éxtasis. En ese momento, Vakresvara Pandit y otros bailaron con el Señor.

[Caitanya Caritambrta, Adi-lila 10:18]

Gracias a las bendiciones de Vakresvara, Devananda Pandit fue liberado del Vaisnava aparadha que cometió contra Srivasa Pandit. Luego, Sri Caitanya aceptó a Devananda Pandit como uno de Sus 'propios devotos'. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu comentó acerca de este incidente, 'Krishna ha hecho su hogar en el corazón de Vakresvara Pandit. Ya que Krsna baila en su corazón, también lo hace Vakresvara Pandit. Cualquier lugar que Vakresvara Pandit bendiga con su asociación, se convierte en el lugar de peregrinaje más sagrado sobre todos los demás.'

Ciertamente estos grandes devotos, Vakresvara Pandit, Paramananda Puir, Svarupa Damodara, Gadadhara, Jagadananda Pandit, Sankara, Raghunatha dasa Estuvieron asociados con Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu desde el mismo principio de Sus pasatiempos en Navadvipa. También sirvieron con mucha fe al Señor cuando Él se mudó a Nilacala Dhama (Jagannatha Puri). Vakresvara Pandit estableció Deidades de Sri Sri Radha-Kanta en la casa de Kasi Mishra, al lado de el Gambhira en Jagannatha Puri. Kavi Karnapura dice que Vakresvara Pandit es la encarnación de Aniruddha de catur-vyuha. Vakresvara Pandit inició a Gopal Guru Goswami. Él dice en sus libros que Vakresvara Pandit es una encarnación de Tungavidya-sakhi, una experta cantora y bailarina que sirve como una de las asta-sakhis de Srimati Radharani.

Su samadhi se encuentra en el área 64 de Samadhis en Vrndavana.

Srila Vakresvara Pandit ki Jai Jai ! !

Rädhä-kuëòa - abr 23
Map of Shri Radha Kunda and Shri Shyam Kunda
- abr 23
Shri Rädhä-Kuïjabihäri ji - abr 04
Radharani, Gopi y Manjaris - abr 20

jueves 11 de marzo de 2010


Amekhala Dasi - Message from HG Hari Sauri Prabhu

Añadida el 18 de enero

Añadida el 18 de enero

Añadida el 18 de enero

Añadida el 18 de enero

Añadida el 18 de enero

Añadida el 18 de enero

Friday, April 30, 2010

Message from HG Hari Sauri Prabhu

Dear Devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances _/\ò_. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Srutakirti prabhu has requested me to post the following appreciation of his recently departed wife Smt. Amekhala dasi written by Sriman Patita Pavan prabhu, which I am very happy to do. I am also attaching a photo provided by Srutakirti prabhu.

Your humble servant,
Hari-sauri dasa

Amekhala Dasi Goes Back to Godhead

by Patita Pavana das Adhikary

Our longtime friend and Godsister Amekhala Dasi left this world on 23 April 2010 in London apparently from the effects of cancer. She was surrounded by her devotee friends including her husband Shrutakirti das. Hundreds of devotees had visited her in her last days. From the language of astrology we can see just how special she was to Lord Krishna.

In January, she asked Srutakirti to write to us to decide whether the painful treatments modern medicine prescribes would be worthwhile. Abhaya Mudra Dasi and I looked at the stars and advised her not to bother but to only shelter in Krishna’s name. Thinking of her a few days back, I wrote her a letter, and twelve hours after I sent it, she left her body. Since we are getting older now, the end is drawing near for the first generation of the Hare Krishna Movement as the next able generation has accepted this mantle of responsibility. I would like to share our letter with the devotees.

My dear Amekhala devi dasi,

Please accept my humble obeisances. I am so happy at your wonderful good fortune. By Srila Prabhupada's divine mercy, Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is inviting you Back to Home, Back to Godhead during His favorite month, Purushottama. The Sun is in Uttarayana as well.

No one can know you but your spiritual master and Shri Kishna. Others will go their own way, only the Guru Maharaja knows the heart of the disciple. Now your material sojourn is behind you and you are on your way to join Krishna in Vrindavana.

So now, please just forget about everything here because you are going there too. Have no fear and no attachment for this world. Remember us only as your eternal friends in the Spiritual Sky and we will all join you there very soon, soon enough. Please let go of all material attachment. We are all spirit souls, parts and parcels of Lord Shri Krishna, His eternal servants sheltered by the divine power of His Holy Names.

You are a kind, compassionate and good person at heart and Shri Krishna knows your heart. Now please make up your mind only to go to Him, through the divine loving grace of Shrila Prabhupada.

See you soon enough, sister,

Patita Pavana das

After Amekhala departed, Srutakirti Prabhu wrote me with the details, and a portion of Srutakirti’s letter is given hereunder:

Dear Patita Pavana Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances.i

She has had hundreds of devotees pass through the hospice in the last few days she was there.

Of course she wanted that her leaving in the UK be a reason for everyone to come to the Manor to glorify Srila Prabhupada, a way to bring the community together. Something that was very important to her.

She took her last breath at 5:56 a.m. It was without any strain. If you blinked you would have missed it.

There was no gasping for a last breath and no pushing from her last breath. It was simple, profound and ladylike. We were happy that Radhanatha Maharaja made it here in time to visit her and speak about her in class on Friday evening.

With affection your servant and friend,

Srutakirti das

Now let us have a look at the stars under which Amekhala left our limited vision. As stated, she departed during the Uttarayana or “northern path of the Sun”. Bhishma, the great warrior and mahajana, had to rest on a painful bed of arrows for over a month in order to leave during Uttarayana. Amekhala met all criteria for liberation--as per Krishna’s instructions to Arjuna--and then much, much more. Not only was the Moon in the auspicious shukla-paksha phase, or waxing fortnight, but Amekhala left on the auspicious dashami day preceding holy Padmini Ekadashi, the day of Lord Hari.

As noted above, the month, still running, is the rare intercalary Purushottama-masa, Lord Vishnu’s favorite which occurs once in three years. She left this world exactly at the juncture between Brahma muhurta and Sunrise with the Sun in his northern progress, or daytime of the demi-gods.

In Vedic astrology, the Sun is called the atmakaraka, or “planet of the soul”. Lord Surya Narayana, who appeared in the lagna or “house of self” in the chart or kundali of her disappearance, is only one degree from the highest point of exaltation, which is 10º Aries, Mesha rashi.

The phenomenon of the Sun occupying at or near his point of extreme elevation at sunrise--atmakaraka in the atmastan--occurs only for a few hours in a solar year. Who but the self-realized could depart under such conditions?

The bright kundali is decorated with several other telling details, such as Budha in ucchamsa in conjunction with the Sun, but are too technical for a general explanation.

Who can describe the glories of leaving this Earth under such rare stars and exalted muhurta? Even great yogis are denied leaving this world during such conditions. The final statement is the most profound. Only the rarest of souls would be allowed to leave at such a moment because such a fortunate mahatma is certainly granted the eternal shelter of Shri Krishna.

As Shrutakirti Prabhu pointed out, Amekhala wanted her departure to be an example for us, her Godbrothers and -sisters languishing behind in the world of birth and death. In that our Godsister has succeeded beyond the powers of all imagination.

Amekhala’s life and transition to the next world forces us to ask ourselves about the spiritual identities of those who follow Shrila Prabhupada.

Prabhupada often said that his disciples--his “nice boys and girls”--are “not ordinary mahatmas, but they are sudurlabha mahatmas”. In fact, Prabhupada, who appeared to the average man as a mere householder-turned-Indian-Swami, was not even an ordinary Jagat Guru.

Shrila Prabhupada was the Acharya of World Acharyas. The closer we disciples and ISKCON members can co-operate with one another, the sooner history will verify his position as a shaktyavesh avatara and personal direct associate of Lord Chaitanya’s sankirtan.

Therefore it follows that understanding the most exalted position of our spiritual master means understanding the position of those who serve His Divine Grace with every breath, even their last one. For me, this is the parting message of our beloved and rare Godsister, Shrimati Amhekala devi dasi, beloved daughter of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

(Text PAMHO:19535378) --------------------------------------

------- End of Forwarded Message ------

Radha Mohan das
Bhaktivedanta Manor Communications
07818 815 978 (m)
01923 851003 (w)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dear Devotees

Mother Jyesta asked me to set up a blog where devotees can share their messages, memories and photos of Amekhala for the world wide community.

Please email them to and I will post them up for you.



La Madre y el Hijo

jueves 11 de marzo de 2010


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