martes, 20 de abril de 2010


Gautama - is popularly known as Akñapäda Gautama. According to some scholars, he lived in the 5th century BC and founded the präcéna, or older, nyäya school of philosophy. He wrote Nyäyasütra, which is known as the earliest systematic literature of the system. The traditional nyäya system as it stands today is mainly based on this work of Gautama. The Nyäya-sütra is divided into five adhyäyas, or lessons, usually called books. Each lesson is divided into two ähnikas, or daily portions, and these in turn contain a number of sütras, or aphorisms. These sütras are also divided into prakaraëas, or topics, by commentators such as Vätsyäyana and Väcaspati.

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Gopinätha Äcärya

Gopinätha Äcärya - a great devotee of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu. He was the husband of Särvabhauma Bhaööäcärya’s sister. During Mahäprabhu’s childhood, he lived in Nadéyä. He later lived with the Bhaööäcärya in Purédhäma while Mahäprabhu was there. He was the first one in Püri to proclaim Çré Caitanya as Bhagavän, for which he was initially ridiculed by the Bhaööäcärya, who later obtained the mercy of Mahäprabhu.


Kaëäda - an ancient sage. He is the originator of the vaiçeñika system of Indian philosophy (see vaiçeñika in the Glossary of Terms).

The word kaëäda primarily means “one who lives on a small particle of food.” This may have some connection to the basic tenet of the school which says that the universe is formed of the minutest units of matter, called aëu (the Nyäya-kandalé of Çrédhara may be consulted for further information on this point). Kaëäda is also referred to by the synonyms of his name, e.g. Kaëabhuja and Kaëabhakña, or by his genealogical name Kaçyapa. He is also known as Ulüka, which literally means an owl. Tradition explains this name with a story that Lord Çiva appeared before the sage in the form of an owl and revealed the vaiçeñika system to him. It is traditionally believed that Kaëäda lived and taught in Väräëasé.

Kaëäda is credited with the authorship of the Vaiçeñika-sütra, the basic text of the system, but the precise dates of his life and work cannot be ascertained. While tradition sets him in the 8th century BC, modern scholarship assigns the composition of the Vaiçeñikasütra to the first century AD. The basic tenets of the system were known to the early compilers of the Caraka-saàhitä – not only to its final editor, Caraka, but to its original author, Agniveça, who is thought to have lived several centuries prior to the Christian era.

The vaiçeñika philosophy, as propounded in the sütra, is acknowledged by several schools of Buddhist philosophy, particularly the madhyamikas and the vaibhäñikas. The Pali work, Milindapanha, which was written in the 1st century AD, mentions vaiçeñika as an established branch of Indian learning.


Añadida el 05 de abril

Añadida el 05 de abril

Däsyam - one of the aìgas of sädhana-bhakti; to render service with the pure egoism of being a servant of Kåñëa. Only when one renders service with this attitude, giving up false conceptions of the self, can one’s bhajana practices attain perfection. According to Bhakti-rasämåta-sindhu (1.2.183) there are two kinds of däsya: in its beginning form, däsya means to offer all of one’s activities to Çré Bhagavän, and in its mature stage, däsya means to render all kinds of services to Him with the feeling that ‘I am a servant of Çré Kåñëa, and He is my master.’ This attitude is called kaiìkarya. Däsyam is one of the nine primary aìgas of bhakti.


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jueves 11 de marzo de 2010


Râdhâ, Gopi y Manjaris

Contenido - Contents

Fotos de Urmila Edith Best

Do you see them coming amidst the clouds? :)
Añadida el 03 de julio

Urmila Devi Dasi will be here tonight! 2 weeks of fun in the sun! :)
En esta foto: Radhanath Swami, Urmila Edith Best (fotos)
Añadida el 02 de julio

Añadida el 13 de mayo ·

Tulasi Nadia Harrison hey adidaddy, did you take a look at those talking books?
14 de mayo a las 3:35

En esta foto: Urmila Edith Best (fotos)
Añadida el 13 de mayo

Añadida el 13 de mayo

Añadida el 13 de mayo

En esta foto: Urmila Edith Best (fotos)
Añadida el 24 de abril

Añadida el 06 de abril

En esta foto: Urmila Edith Best (fotos)
Añadida el 06 de abril

On half way from Delhi to Vrindavan there is a famous HARI OM DHABA where ALL the taxi drivers ALWAYS stop to drink a cup of tea :-))) From another car which stopped on the way from the different direction was... Urmila Mataji! We were happy to have personal acquaintance with her and receive a few drops from Radha Kunda on a half way to Vrindavan already!!! Jay-jay Sri Radheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-Shyam!
Añadida el 10 de abril

Râdhâ: (sáns. vaiëòava). The eternal consort of Ärî Kèëòa and the embodiment of the hlâdinî potency. She is known as mahâbhâva-svarüpinî, the personification of the highest ecstacy of divine love. She is the source of all the gopîs, the queens of Dvârakâ, and the Lakëmîs of Vaikunùha.

Her father is Vèëabhânu Mahârâja, Her mother is Kîrtidâ, Her brother is Ärîdâma, and Her younger sister is Anaìga Mañjarî. She has an effulgent, golden complexion and She wears blue garments.

She is adorned with unlimited auspicious qualities and is the most dearly beloved of Ärî Kèëòa.

Radhâ-Äyâma : (sáns. vaiëòava). The divine couple Ärî Ärî Râdhâ-Kèëòa.

Radha-bhava: (sáns. vaiëòava). Se conoce como radha-bhava a la característica particular del extasis o los sentimientos de amor divinos que experimenta Srimati Radhika en Su actitud de servicio puro a Sri Krsna. La felicidad que Ella experimenta en la posición de ser el receptáculo del prema supera a la felicidad que Krsna experimenta como el objeto del prema. Ansioso por saborear esa clase de prema, Krsna asume la forma de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu dotado con los sentimientos y la tez de Srimati Radhika.

Lalita, Visaka, Sucitra, Campakalata, Ranga-Devi, Sudevi, Tungavidya e Induleka son las ocho más queridas amigas de Srimati Radharani.

Las manjaris son las sirvientas directas de Srimati Radharani, ellas son jóvenes e inocentes, no tienen más de 13 años y son sirvientes exclusivas de Radharani. Las manjaris tienen acceso a servir personalmente en las áreas interiores de los kunjas (arboledas) de Vrinda van, a donde las sakhis no tienen acceso.

* Isvari
Devi Dasi *
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râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 1.5
râdhâ — of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 1.5
râdhâ-madana-mohanau — Râdhârâòî and Madana-mohana; CC Adi 1.15
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 1.16
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.55
râdhâ — of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.55
râdhâ-kèëòa — Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Adi 4.56
ärî-râdhâ-ùhâkurâòî — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.69
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.71
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.76
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.82
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.96
râdhâ-kèëòa — Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Adi 4.98
râdhâ-bhâva — the mood of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.99-100
râdhâ — of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.126
râdhâ-prema — the love of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.127
râdhâ-premâ — the love of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.128
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.215
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.216
râdhâ-saha — with Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.217
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.218
râdhâ — of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.245
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.250
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.255
râdhâ-sukha — happiness by association with Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.258
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.261
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.262
râdhâ-bhâva — the moods of Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 4.268
ärî-râdhâ-govinda — the shelter of Ärî Râdhâ and Govinda; CC Adi 5.204
ärî-râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 5.213
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 5.215
ärî-râdhâ-madana-mohane — Râdhâ-Madana-mohana; CC Adi 5.216
râdhâ-kèëòa — to Kèëòa and Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 5.229
râdhâ-kèëòera — of Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Adi 10.100
râdhâ-kuòàe — in the lake of Râdhâ-kuòàa; CC Adi 10.101
râàha-deäe — the place where there is no Ganges; CC Adi 13.61
râdhâ-prema-rasa — the mellow of the loving affairs between Râdhârâòî and Kèëòa; CC Adi 17.276
râdhâ-bhâva — the mood of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 17.276
râdhâ-sane — with Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 17.282
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 17.289
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Adi 17.290
râdhâ-madana-mohanau — Râdhârâòî and Madana-mohana; CC Madhya 1.3
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 1.4
râdhâ — Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 1.76
râàha-deäe — in the Râàha countries; CC Madhya 1.92
râàha-deäe — in the tract of land known as Râàha; CC Madhya 3.4
saba râàha-deäe — all of the tract of land known as Râàha-deäa; CC Madhya 3.5
râdhâ-ùhâkurâòî — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 4.194
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 8.99
râdhâ lâgi' — for the sake of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 8.103
râdhâ-premera — of the loving affairs of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 8.104
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 8.105
râdhâ-pâäa — by the side of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 8.109
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 8.114
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 8.115
kèëòa-râdhâ-tattva — the truth about Râdhâ-Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.129
râdhâ-preyân — dearmost to Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 8.142
râdhâ — of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 8.150
râdhâ-ùhâkurâòî — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 8.160
râdhâ-prati — toward Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 8.166
râdhâ — of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 8.186
râdhâ-saôge — with Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 8.189
râdhâ-kèëòera lîlâ — the pastimes of Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.201
râdhâ-kèëòa — of Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.204-205
râdhâ-kèëòayoì — of Ärî Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.206
râdhâ-kèëòera — of Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.228
râdhâ-kèëòera — of Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.229
râdhâ-kèëòa-prema-rasa-jñânera — of transcendental knowledge about the loving affairs of Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.239
râdhâ-kèëòe — to Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî and Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.247
râdhâ-kèëòera prema-keli — the loving affairs of Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.250
râdhâ-kèëòa-pada-ambuja — on the lotus feet of Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.253
râdhâ-kèëòa-prema-keli — the loving affairs between Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.255
râdhâ-kèëòa nâma — the holy name of Râdhâ-Kèëòa, or Hare Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.256
râdhâ-tattva — the truth about Râdhâ; CC Madhya 8.263
râdhâ-kèëòe — unto Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.277
râdhâ-kèëòa — Lord Kèëòa and Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 8.277
râdhâ-aôga — of the body of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 8.287
râdhâ-kèëòa-lîlâ — the pastimes of Ärî Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.305
râdhâ-kèëòera caraòe — at the lotus feet of Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Madhya 8.307
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 13.126
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 13.159
râdhâ-saôge — with Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 14.74
râdhâ-ùhâkurâòî — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 14.160
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 14.170
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 14.171
râdhâ-âsya-nayana — the face and eyes of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 14.179
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 14.183
râdhâ vasi' âche — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî is sitting; CC Madhya 14.185
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 14.190
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 14.193
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 14.195
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 14.198
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 14.201
râdhâ-prema-âveäe — in ecstatic love of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 14.235
râdhâ-kèëòe — unto Their Lordships Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Madhya 15.228
râdhâ-kèëòa — Lord Kèëòa and Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 15.229
râdhâ-saôge — with Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 17.216
râdhâ-kuòàa-vârtâ — news of Râdhâ-kuòàa; CC Madhya 18.4
râdhâ-kuòàera — of Râdhâ-kuòàa; CC Madhya 18.6
râdhâ — Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 18.7
râdhâ-kuòàa — Râdhâ-kuòàa; CC Madhya 18.7
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 18.8
râdhâ-sama — like Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 18.10
ärî-râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 18.12
râdhâ-dâmodara — the Dâmodara of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 20.201
râdhâ — of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 21.105
râdhâ-ùhâkurâòî — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 23.66
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Madhya 23.92
râdhâ-madana-mohanau — Râdhârâòî and Madana-mohana; CC Antya 1.5
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 1.6
râdhâ — Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 1.79
râdhâ — Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 1.114
râdhâ-âdi — of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî and Her companions; CC Antya 1.128
râdhâ — of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 1.143
ärî-râdhâ-kèëòa-pâdân — unto the lotus feet of the all-opulent Ärî Kèëòa and Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 2.1
ärî râdhâ-kèëòa-pâdân — unto the lotus feet of the all-opulent Ärî Kèëòa and Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 3.1
râdhâ-kèëòa-lîlâ-rasa — the transcendental mellows of the pastimes of Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Antya 4.224
râdhâ-ùhâkurâòî — the supreme mother, Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 6.115
râdhâ-kèëòa-sevâ — service to Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Antya 6.237
râdhâ-jñâna — consideration as Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 14.14
râdhâ-saha — with Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 14.19
râdhâ-ùhâkurâòî — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 14.108
râdhâ lañâ — taking Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî along; CC Antya 14.109
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 15.30
râdhâ-saha — with Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 15.45
râdhâ — of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 15.46
râdhâ-aôga — the body of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 15.47
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 15.62
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 15.77
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 17.24
râdhâ-bhâvera — of the ecstasy of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 17.57
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 18.89
râdhâ-sane — with Râdhâ; CC Antya 18.92
râdhâ-sane — with Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 18.93
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 18.93
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 18.106
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 18.107
râdhâ-kèëòa — Râdhâ and Kèëòa; CC Antya 18.108
râdhâ-bhâva-âveäe — in the ecstatic emotion of Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 19.31
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 19.90
ärî-râdhâ-saha — with Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 20.142-143
ärî-râdhâ-saha — with Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 20.142-143
ärî-râdhâ-saha — with Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; CC Antya 20.142-143
râdhâ-kuòàam — a place called Râdhâ-kuòàa; NoI 9
râdhâ — Ärîmatî Râdhârâòî; NoI 11

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jueves 11 de marzo de 2010


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