Contenido - Contents
- Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama 2010 - mar 29
- Closing Ceremony - Le Carnival Spirituel.m4v -
- Science of Self Realization (scribd) (ing.) - mar 29
- Fotos de Prabhavati Devi Dasi - mar 29
Fotos de Prabhavati Devi Dasi

Radha and bumblebee.

Господь Рамачандра, ломающий лук.
"О мой Господь! Ты - Победитель демонов, защитник Своих преданных. Пожалуйста, войди в мое сердце и уничтожь демонов сомнений, страхов, греховных желаний... Пусть там останется единственное желание - бескорыстно служить Тебе жизнь за жизнью."
Lord Ramachandra, fracturing bow (weapon).
"O my Lord, You - Winner of demons, Protector of Your devotees. Please come into my heart and destroy the demons of doubt, fear, sinful desires ... Let there remain only desire - to selflessly serve You, life after life."

By Gopijan ballab das
Around 4000 + devotees were blissfully walking on the nine islands of Navadvipa in Parikrama for the past seven days and returned to Mayapur today. Three different parties, Namahatta party with 2500 devotees , Russian party ( for the first time) with 900 devotees and international party with 1000 devotees set out to recharge their spiritual batteries, immersing themselves in hearing of pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, singing and chanting the holynames, walking in the dust of the holy dhama, abundant sadhu sanga- Parikrama is totally a transforming experience.
Parikrama is full of excitement: At Kolavecha Sridhar angan, HG Jananivas Prabhu & Pankajanghri prabhu enacted the drama. It was so blissful to get one of those bananas from their hands. Report of special programs at Rajapur here:
Parikrama is full of ecstasy: Video of dancing of HG Pankajanghri prabhu & HH Janananda Goswami at Dhameswar Mahaprabhu temple uploaded in You tube. At one point, devotees carried Pankajanghri prabhu and danced :
All the 7 days Parikrama pictures are added in our gallery. Take time to browse through the pictures and feel your presence in Parikrama :
Everyday transcriptions, Bhagavatam class audio downloads and festival reports, sponsorship details are updated. Visit and stay connected to the happenings at Sri Mayapur dhama.
Sri Navadvipa dhama ki jai!
Your humble servant
Gopijan ballab das
Science of Self Realization
Science of Self Realization
Closing Ceremony - Le Carnival Spirituel.m4v
Closing Ceremony - Le Carnival Spirituel.m4v
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