Amrita Varshini - Sanatana Dharma is for the upliftment of everyone (6 Feb '12)
Creado por juancas del 02 de Junio del 2012
Sanatana Dharma is for the upliftment of everyone (6 Feb '12)
“Today is the auspicious occasion of the 100th anniversary celebrations of the Cherukolpuzha Hindumata Parishat. Seeing the ignorance of the common man regarding the principles of Hindu Dharma and the money being extravagantly spent for religious festival celebrations, Mahatma Sri Chattambi Swami’s heart was filled with pain. Understanding that knowledge alone can uplift people, Swami desired to open the doors of knowledge to everyone. Thus, it was to increase knowledge and unity in the people that Hindu Hindumata Parishat started functioning under Swami’s guidance.
“The relationship between man, Nature and God—Sanatana Dharma is the culture that saw this relationship in its entirety. Hindu Dharma offers the world principles and ideals of goodness and betterment for all beings. These have been handed down to us through the generations as the experiences of our rishis. Sanatana Dharma, in reality, is not a religion. It is the sum total of all the principles, pathways of spiritual practice and customs leading to the moral and spiritual upliftment of everyone.
“Dharma, artha and kama—all are accepted. However we are also reminded that moksha—or Self-knowledge—is the real goal of life. Hindu Dharma’s foundation is the expansive vision of seeing and worshipping out True Self in all beings, in the earth, the sky, the wind, the ocean and the whole of nature.
“One of the unique features of Hinduism is to help every person rise by going down to his level. People are of different samskaras—mental tendencies. Each person should be guided according to their samskara. For example, some patients may be given injections, while others are given tablets. People may go to a doctor complaining that they have stomach ache, but the doctor doesn’t give the same medicine to each and every person. The stomach ache could be due to indigestion, it could be due to appendicitis or it could be due to an ulcer or even cancer. The doctor must write the prescription according to the needs of the patient. Similarly, one should be advised to follow a particular spiritual path only after we’ve taken into consideration their physical and mental constitution and samskara. That is how the different paths of spiritual practices came into existence in Hinduism.” (Excerpted from the address of HH Amritanandamayi on the 100th anniversary celebrations of the Cherukolpuzha Hindumata Parishat – on the banks of the sacred river Pampa*, 5th Febuary, 2012)
*Significance of Pampa
This was the place where an infant, who later turned out to be Ayyappa was found abandoned by the riverside. The King of Pandalam picked him up and brought him up. Ram And Lakshman are also stated to have visited Pampa and met the sage Sabari. Many important landmarks in and around Pampa are mentioned in `Ramayana'. It is said that the footprint of Rama can be seen imprinted on a rock at `Rama Padam' located near the KSRTC bus stand at Pampa.
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