domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010

[pensamiento-del-dia:666] De nuevo en el camino bienaventurado

Sábado, 07 de marzo del 2010

PENSAMIENTO DEL DÍA: De nuevo en el camino bienaventurado

Enviado desde el Ashram Bhaktivedanta en Austin, Texas, EE.UU.

Esta mañana salimos en nuestra gira de conferencias de primavera 2010 alrededor del mundo. Es siempre un sentimiento extático salir para difundir la conciencia de Krishna por todo el mundo porque este movimiento de conciencia de Krishna es la necesidad principal de la humanidad sufriente. Incrementa el océano de bienaventuranza trascendental y permite a todos experimentar el gusto por el que han estado anhelando por millones de vidas. Dado que cuanto más das bienaventuranza, más obtienes bienaventuranza, nada hay verdaderamente más iluminador, animante y gozoso que avanzar la ola sísmica de Krishna bhakti por todo e l mundo.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


Pregunta: ¿Cómo estar protegido de Maya?

¿Cómo podemos protegernos de la influencia de Maya devi?



Respuesta: Rendicion total al guru y a Krishna

La manera de estar protegido de la energía ilusoria del Señor, conocida como Maya devi, es llegar a estar totalmente entregado al guru y a Krishna. Maya devi es una devota pura de Krishna, y su trabajo es probar tu sinceridad para servir a Krishna. Una vez que ella ve tu dedicación completa al guru y a Krishna cesará de molestarte.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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VISITE LA SECCIÓN: Curso de la Máxima Autorrealización


Esta semana -

Clase del Bhagavad-gita: Lección 127



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Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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Sankarshan Das Adhikari

jueves 11 de marzo de 2010


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By Nrsimha Kavaca dasa

A Summary Of Achievements During 2009. Vision For Our Activities For 2010. A Message To The GBC Executive Committee

Mayapur Online: Gaura Purnima special lecture – HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami


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"Planet ISKCON" - 29 new articles

  1. ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Rathayatra in the Western Suburbs
  2. Ahaituki Bhakti dd, USA: From Naradhama to Angel Instantly, This Is Srila Prabhupada's Program
  3. Clemens Both, Germany: more pics from Gaura Purnima
  4. Clemens Both, Germany: what I've been up to the last couple of weeks...
  5. ISKCON Deity Worship Ministry Report 2009
  6. HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 367
  7. HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Questions and Answers: MDLK
  8. Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: KulimeLA 2009: Bhajan Kutir – Volume 1 CD now available on cdbaby, iTunes and Amazon!
  9. Japa Group: We Should Not Minimize The Hearing
  10. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  11. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  12. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  13. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  14. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  15. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  16. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  17. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  18. New Vrndavan, USA: "Time Ploughs On Infinite Railways" by Hayagriva das ACBSP
  19. Mayapur Online: Gauranga Prasada Seva
  20. H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Friday, March 5th, 2010
  21. H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Thursday, March 4th, 2010
  22. Maddy Jean-claude Durr, New Govardhana, AU: Another Aussie Journey. Brisbane Leg 05: New Beginnings
  23. Mayapur Online: Mayapur Summer Festival 2010
  24. Mayapur Online: Gaura Purnima special lecture – HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami
  25. Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Stop Eating Meat and Save The Planet?
  26. Candidasa dasa, UK: Gaura Purnima / Golden Avatar Festival 2010 Photos
  27. Mayapur Online: Live from Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir!
  28. Gouranga TV: Hare Krishna Kirtan – Aindra Das – Vrindavan – 9-11-2009 Part 2/3
  29. Phanisvara das, Mayapura, IN: srila prabhupada's books for the blind?
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Rathayatra in the Western Suburbs

The Western Suburbs' Bhakti Vriksha groups invite you to join their Jagannatha Rathayatra next Sunday.


In conjunction with the Wyndham Weerama Festival, ISKCON will celebrate a grand Rathayatra parade, with a maha prasadam feast to be served afterwards.

Join us at the parade assembly: ISKCON book stall (stall 31, Werribee Racecourse mounting yard at 10:30am. Enter via the main gate off Bulban Rd. The parade ends around 12:30pm.

Please confirm with Charu Chaitanya Dasa (0412 696 559) or Ajay Prabhu (9395-0343, 40 Baltimore Drive Point Cook) if you are joining us for the feast.

Jaya Jagannatha!

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Ahaituki Bhakti dd, USA: From Naradhama to Angel Instantly, This Is Srila Prabhupada's Program

My husband Bhakta Philip and I have been active online recently about releasing the hundreds of Srila Prabhupada recordings that the Bhaktivedanta Archives are unwilling to let devotees listen to. If you wish, you can sign the petition in this regard here, and read more about the subject here.

We actually would prefer not to be involved in this issue at all. But every day we have a morning program in our sankirtan van and we pray/sing to Srila Prabhupada:

“Guru-mukha-padma-vakya, cittete koriya aikya, ar na koriho mane asa”

My only wish is to have my consciousness purified by the words emanating from his lotus mouth.

We don’t like to get involved in such difficult issues as this, and have never done so before. But we could not tolerate Srila Prabhupada’s words being locked up, the words that are our life and soul.

This brings us to the purpose of this posting, sharing some simply wonderful nectar from our service! After a day of sankirtana we always tell each other what kind of people we met and what happened. A couple of days ago I asked Philip to write down his experience so we could send to our friends that want to hear sankirtan stories. I'm posting it here as well for the pleasure of the devotees.

"By the Vaisnavas mercy, I have been able to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books for many years now. I met a young man on sankirtana who first told me that he’s totally not interested at all. I tried my best to explain the book to him. I said that this book (Bhagavad-gita As It Is) is the most important thing to all humankind because it teaches us who we are beyond the bodily, materialistic conception that we are all bewildered with. I showed him the Sanskrit verses, "These are the original texts where all knowledge of yoga, meditation and karma comes from. Einstein would read these books regularly and many other great thinkers got their ideas from here, like Emerson and Thoreau."

I continued explaining and showing him how awesome the books are. Out of the blue he started saying “You’re an angel!” He would just repeat that over and over again. “This is amazing! This is awesome!” He was almost literally jumping up and down. He said “You made my whole week! This is incredible! I’ll treasure these books and read them.” etc.etc. He gave a very nice donation and took Science for Self-Realization, Sri Isopanisad and Gita.

It was almost funny how many times he kept on repeating that I’m an angel. He wasn’t joking, he was serious. I explained I’m nobody special, I am just a conditioned soul like anyone else. The only difference between me and the next guy is that I have found these books and am trying to share them, and others don’t have these books. I am just like a mailman trying to deliver a extraordinarily valuable message to someone. Whether I am special or not. The important thing is that I am delivering an important message! "Please understand, these books are the real thing."

I think he understood, but he was just so overwhelmed with ecstasy of finally after so many lifetimes coming in contact with the real truth in its pure unadulterated form that he didn’t know what else to say. Besides that I am an "Angel".

Then he started telling me how much he’s been looking for something like this, for so long. After he was done explaining this to me I jokingly told him "Ok I have to go and be “an angel” to someone else." Even as I was walking away he was saying I’m an angel. It was kind of embarrassing, other students were watching.

There were several other people in the same school too who were surprisingly grateful. At one point I was simply walking and trying to find somebody and I hear from behind me “Hey you!” Then I hear my name “Hey, Philip?” I turned around and some girl was walking towards me. Again she asked “Philip?” Turns out a friend of hers yesterday got a Bhagavad-gita from me (everyone I give a book to I give a card with my name, phone number, email, address and website) and she was reading the Bhagavad-gita her friend got last night. I guess she must have seen my card and remembered my name. She told me “Yeah, I was reading my friends book last night and I was hoping I could find you and buy a book from you today.” Then she asked me “Please can I give you some money and you could give me one of those Bhagavad-gitas?” It was almost comical, the whole thing.

Anyway, all I could do was say “Yes.” Then after gratefully giving a donation and taking Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-Gita she truly thanked me from her heart for being out here, for doing what we do and for distributing this knowledge, and said "I hope you stay warm" (It was a very cold day). And she walked away her life being changed.

It's so nice to witness Srila Prabhupada’s mercy in action! It often even amazes me and I have been distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books for 14 years seeing it happen every day but it's always like the first day, new and fresh.”

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

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Clemens Both, Germany: more pics from Gaura Purnima

check out:

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Clemens Both, Germany: what I've been up to the last couple of weeks...

somehow this pic came first, but that is not to say that actually the Wellingtonians like our Harinams! I think it was a joke because they missed us twice... it's amazing though that quite a lot of people were attracted to come and check out the Gaura Yoga Center (by the way: because they had seen a Harinam!Shastra-Krit Prabhu firing up the Sankirtan PartyeDamian Prabhu from

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By Nrsimha Kavaca dasa

A Summary Of Achievements During 2009. Vision For Our Activities For 2010. A Message To The GBC Executive Committee

ISKCON News - Is Dharma the Same as Religion?

Fotos de Marisha Naidoo - radhe shyam

ISKCON News - The News Agency of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness - 16 new articles

In This Issue...

Toronto's Goodwill Ambassadors Put the Fun in Book Distribution

By Madhava Smullen on 5 Mar 2010
Vaisesika Dasa of California works his magic north of the border and sparks a revolution in the lives of a band of committed young adults.

Gaura Purnima Festivities Ring in Vaishnava New Year

By Madhava Smullen on 5 Mar 2010

Celebrations in India, the country of Mahaprabhu's appearance, were especially impressive, with his hometown of Mayapur marking a historic event.

The Holy Name Goes to Every Town & Olympic Village

By Lavanya-mangala Dasi on 5 Mar 2010
As spectators and athletes hustle around Vancouver, devotees race to spread the message of the Golden Avatar.

Mayapur GBC Meetings: Days 10-12

By Sraddhadevi Dasi on 5 Mar 2010

The body discusses educating devotees, from college students to spiritual masters.

Manipur Dance Festival Entertains, Inspires, and Educates

By Basu Ghosh Dasa on 5 Mar 2010
Performers come from as far as France for the first-time extravaganza.

Mayapur Institute - Graduation Ceremony 2010

By Gaurav Sharma on 5 Mar 2010
Under new management, the school continues to immerse devotees in the essential scriptures of Vaishnavism.

Mayapur Institute - Graduation Ceremony 2010

By Gaurav Sharma on 5 Mar 2010

February 15th 2010 saw the graduation ceremony for the newest batch of Bhaktisastri students at the Mayapur Institute (MI) Sri Dham Mayapur Campus.

Approximately 75 students hailing from 34 different countries were present at the event, which began with a devotional "rap" by Prema Vikas Das from South Africa and a play by the women of the graduating class that Padmanayana Dasa, Director called “a purely sattvik experience”.

Janmastami Dasa, the founder of MI, spoke about the power of Sri Dham Mayapur and its significance on the students who undertake studies here. “Everyone who takes the courses at Mayapur has a transformation of the heart!”

Praghosh Dasa took the opportunity to thank Janmastami Prabhu for his dedication and commitment to serve Srila Prabhupada. He said “he [Janmastami Prabhu] went through a lot of trials and tribulations to keep MI going. MI is actually the seed or the beginning of a University in Mayapur”.

The course has students living in Sri Dham Mayapur for 3 months studying Srila Prabhupada’s books and participating in temple and campus activities, such as parikramas, 24-hour kirtans, seminars and temple service.

Radhanath Swami said that over the years he has observed how varieties of people become connected with ISKCON and how they all are transformed by Sri Dham Mayapur. He said, “It [Mayapur] really has a very powerful influence and divine facility to deeply impress Krsna Consciousness in their hearts.”

Anuttama Dasa said the students of MI are a testimony of ISKCON maturing. “Our tradition is the deepest and the richest. We have to allow our devotee members to experience the depth of our sampradaya, bring new energy to ISKCON.”

Lokanath Swami emphatically expressed how important it is for devotees to read Srila Prabhupada’s books. “Our movement is that of education. When you come you have sraddha – faith, but that is not enough. It can lead to punar mushika bhaav [become a mouse again]. Faith is good but that is not enough, you have to have Nistha! And how will you get that? Nityam bhagvata sevaya… if we don’t then we run a risk!” As one of the faculty members at MI, he assured the students that Srila Prabhupada is pleased with them.

Urmila Dasi, who taught at MI for the first time, added that “these books are our anchor, our refuge and our shelter. Whenever there is upheaval and fire of ordeal, it is very nice to turn to Srila Prabhupada’s books. But it’s hard to turn to them if you haven’t read them.”

But others reminded the young scholars that it takes more than just study. Sesa Dasa asked “How do we transform? By reading from sastra, by coming to the holy dham and by serving, not just by academic endeavor.”

His Holiness Bhakti Purusottama Swami mentioned that Janmastami prabhu has transferred the reigns of MI to Padmanayana prabhu, as successor, and stepped down for personal health reasons. He mentioned that education is of prime importance in ISKCON as stressed in the current GBC meetings. He also thanked His Grace Atul Krsna Prabhu for his valiant efforts as a teacher and facilitator.

Certificates were awarded to the successful Bhaktisastri students, as well as to the first four Bhaktivaibhava graduates of MI.

The program ended with a vote of thanks by Janmastami Prabhu, who recently stepped down from the Directorship due to health concerns. He thanked Atul Krsna Dasa as “the unsung hero” and complimented him for his highly entertaining and interactive teaching style. He also lauded Padmanayana Dasa’s efforts and success in the short time since he took over management of MI. He concluded by saying “the growth and development of our students makes it worth going through all the troubles and tribulations.”

ISKCON's Prison, Outreach Ministries Release New Books

By Madhava Smullen on 5 Mar 2010
Swamis share treasures from their fields of experience.

ISKCON Leader Inaugurates Scriptural Gathering in Kerala

By Basu Ghosh Dasa on 5 Mar 2010
Bhakti Vinoda Swami preaches theism near the birthplace of monism's founder.

"Inspiration Explosion" Devotional Album Released

5 Mar 2010
Album features the grandson of late Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, perhaps the most acclaimed Hindustani classical singer.

Why the Long Face?

By Sesa Dasa on 5 Mar 2010
From India to America, smiles are hard to come by in this world.

Is Dharma the Same as Religion?

By Bhakti Raghava Swami on 5 Mar 2010
The Sanskrit term embodies a profound understanding of living beings and their role in this world.

Is Dharma the Same as Religion?

By Bhakti Raghava Swami on 5 Mar 2010

One of the great Indian saintly persons of the 20th century, Srila Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati Thakura, Founder-Acarya of the well-known Gaudiya Math all over India and spiritual preceptor of yet another well renowned spiritual leader, Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness [ISKCON], has given humanity a new dimension and deeper insight to the term religion when he explained that “philosophy without religion is mere speculation” while “religion without philosophy is but sentimentalism which sometimes leads to fanaticism”. According to Vedic scriptures, in particular Srimad Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, religion cannot be man-made. “Actually, the principles of religion can only be laid down by the Lord Himself. Dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam (SB, 6.3.19). No one can manufacture a religious principle by imperfect speculation. One must follow in the footsteps of great authorities like Brahma, Shiva, Narada, Manu, the Kumaras, Kapila, Prahlada, Bhishma, Sukadeva Gosvami, Yamaraja, Janaka, and Bali Maharaja.” [BG, 4.16, Purport].

By observation, we can see that over the centuries, the term “religion” has remained either a source of great inspiration for some, thus helping to bring peace and harmony in society, or has been a source of great anxiety for others; thus bringing disunity and disparity among individuals, communities and nations. This is largely because of man-made religious systems which are rampant in the present Age of Kali- the age of quarrel and misunderstanding. For most people, religion remains somewhat abstract, nebulous and difficult to define. However, religion can best be understood and defined when we consider the Sanskrit term “dharma”, an essential word in the Vedic literatures. Indeed, without understanding what is dharma in its deepest sense, even practicing devotees will tend to misjudge what is religion and what is not religion.

The beginning of this understanding comes when we master the ABCs of spiritual life. Without receiving this basic knowledge, it will remain very difficult for most people to understand what religion is. It will also remain impossible for people to put into practice the actual meaning of dharma. The five basic truths about religion or dharma are summarized in the perennial teachings of the Bhagavad-géta as 1) isvara [God, the controller], 2) jivatma [the spirit soul], 3) prakriti [the material nature], 4) kala [the time factor] and 5) karma [reaction to good or evil deeds]. Of these, the first four are eternal principles while the fifth one, karma, is temporary.

Religion as Dharma

Religion is generally defined and understood as some spiritual belief which is based on faith. We have observed that people sometimes change their faith, from being a Christian to becoming a Muslim, or from being a Hindu and becoming a Christian, etc. Dharma, on the other hand, refers to something which does not change because it is based on facts and reality which is further supported by philosophy and confirmed by scriptures, not simply by some belief which can change. Dharma refers to the original nature or character of something or someone. We can easily understand that all things have their natural characteristics which cannot be changed. For example sugar is sweet, that is its dharma. The moment sugar is no longer sweet, it cannot be called sugar. It may be white and looking very much like sugar, but if it has a different taste, it may likely be salt. If we take any object, it has a particular characteristic and that particular unchangeable characteristic is called its dharma. Similarly, we find that human beings have a natural character which is common to all human beings; by nature everyone has a propensity to love and to serve. Therefore, service is the common and universal dharma of all human beings; either service to the family, community or nation, but generally service to our own self. Dharma is thus known to be something common and universal to all living entities.

Religion is One

Because we are first and foremost spirit souls, aham brahmasmi, different than our physical or mental body, our first and superior nature is spiritual. Therefore, religion in its true sense refers to the natural identify and natural character of all spirit souls and is thus meant to be a common concept for all concerned. When we have that understanding, we can more easily accept the fact that religion, in its highest and purest expression, is one and universal. Due to lack of this understanding, we have created artificial differences between religious beliefs calling one group Christian, another Hindu, another Buddhist, etc. But since the spirit soul is of the same nature in all forms of life and at all times, the religion is also meant to be the same. Understanding and acting on the platform of our eternal identify as eternal spirit souls is the real religion.

Dharma as Dual in Nature, Spiritual, and Material

While dharma in its pure and highest expression in the spiritual realm generally refers to the duty or characteristic of the spirit soul, dharma in the material realm takes on a second meaning or dimension that of the natural and standard material duties of conditioned or embodied souls. Not only does one become a proper follower of dharma by awakening ones spiritual consciousness, Krishna consciousness, but also by acting according to the principles of material dharma. In the same way the spirit soul can best be situated and thus experience full happiness by acting on the natural platform of his eternal spiritual nature, i.e., of service to Lord Krishna. The conditioned soul in the material world can experience happiness by being situated on the platform of natural occupation [varnas] and in its natural spiritual divisions [asramas] as defined in the God-made system of varnasrama dharma:

catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagashau
tasya kartaram api mam viddhy akartaram avyayam

“According to the three modes of material nature and the work associated with them, the four divisions of human society are created by Me. And although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the nondoer, being unchangeable.” [BG, 4.13]

Religion as Bhagavat Dharma and Varnasrama Dharma

Unless we understand both levels of dharma, 1) bhagavat dharma, refers to the duties of the spirit soul, i.e., pure devotional service to Lord Hari or Krishna, and 2) varnasrama dharma, refers to the duties of conditioned soul, i.e., standard and ideal activities connected with the body, we will not be able to properly discharge our spiritual and material duties. Religion in its fullest sense means acting properly both on the spiritual and material platform. To understand that dharma has a dual nature is easier than to understand that religion has two features- spiritual and material. Since religion is generally connected exclusively with spiritual activity, all material activities are generally regarded as not falling in the category of religion. To be religious means to practice some spiritual activity such as going to the church or mosque, synagogue, temple or wat. Religion is generally more closely connected with rituals and prayers which are often performed at specific times of the day and at particular places. However, the Vedic literatures teach us something else. Within the context of varnasrama dharma, guidelines are given to address both the material and the spiritual natures. We have our material duties called varnasrama dharma as well as our spiritual duties known as bhagavat dharma; we thus have our material religious duties as well as our spiritual religious duties.

Modern Day Deviations from Dharma

Modern day occupations connected with factory, industry and all kinds of recently invented hard technologies, have deviated mankind from his more natural occupations connected with land, cows, nature, and God. Modern day lifestyle in urban cities has also diverted mankind from his more natural and simplified living condition, within an agrarian based environment. This has brought about unprecedented imbalances in nature, in social conduct, and in mental outlook on life; resulting in increased disparities and anomalies at all levels. For those who understand the dual nature of dharma, the present way of modern life based on consumerism, competition for material acquisition and material well-being is but a major deviation from dharma. We need to clearly understand this. The remedy lies not in making adjustments through legislation, but in returning to the natural way of life- both materially and spiritually, as defined in our standard scriptures and as advocated by all the great spiritual leaders.

Dharma as Standard for Material and Spiritual Duties

In the same way that we can more easily understand that dharma is meant to cater to the duties and activities of both the body and soul, similarly, religion is also meant to cater to the duties and activities of the body and soul. Peace and harmony can only come when we are able to synchronize both levels of religion or both levels of dharma. When we deviate from the standard norm, as is the case in modern day society, we create what is called “varna sankara”, unwanted and unplanned population which makes for a chaotic society and where people are engaged in abominable activities called “ugra karma”. In a situation of “varna sankara” and “ugra karma” no one can be happy and satisfied because both the material and spiritual duties of persons are neglected. To rectify this chaotic condition, one must acquire proper knowledge so that one can begin to discriminate and not remain on the platform of sentimentalism and mental speculation. Our sastras give us clear understanding of our duties at both levels, one being devotional service to the Lord through devotional activities [bhagavat dharma] and the other being adhering to the principles of varna and asrama [varnasrama dharma]. Unless we take this up, there is no possibility of peace and happiness in this present chaotic world or in the next world.

'God Gap' Impedes U.S. Foreign Policy, Task Force Says

By David Waters for Washington Post on 24 Feb 2010
Think tank believes American foreign policy is handicapped by a narrow, ill-informed and "uncompromising Western secularism."

Walmart's Journey to Sustainability

By Eric Wesoff for Greentech Media on 25 Feb 2010
The controversial retail giant sets a bold goal.

Belief in a Caring God Helps With Depression, Study Finds

Sciece Daily on 24 Feb 2010
The report from Chicago shows it's about more than just hope.

Spanish Senate Approves New Abortion Law

By Ciaran Giles for AP on 24 Feb 2010
The decision is the latest in a series of liberal reforms in the traditionally Catholic country.

Indian and Saudi Leaders Talk About Terrorism

By Nilanjana Bhowmick for All Headline News on 2 Mar 2010
The first such meeting in four years goes well beyond talk of oil.

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