Chapter 10: The Trunk, Branches and Sub-branches of the Caitanya Tree
madhupebhyo namo namaù
kathaïcid äçrayäd yeñäà
çväpi tad-gandha-bhäg bhavet
Let me repeatedly offer my respectful obeisances unto the beelike devotees who always taste the honey of the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya Mahäprabhu. If even a doggish non-devotee somehow takes shelter of such devotees, he enjoys the aroma of the lotus flower.
Considerations to be taken regarding the branches and sub-branches.
1)In this chapter mostly those devotees who were closely related to Lord Caitanya in Bengal and Orissa are listed.
2)“The associates of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu were many, but none of them should be considered lower or higher. This cannot be ascertained.” (t.4)
The main branches and sub-branches of the Caitanya tree. (8/123)
A glimps at their identities, pastimes and glories
1)Çréväsa PaëòitaNärada Muni
Çré Räma Paëòita Parvata Muni4 brothers
2)Äcäryaratna, also named Çré Candraçekhara Äcärya
3)Puëòaréka VidyänidhiVrsabhanu Maharaja
4)Gadädhara PaëòitaThe pleasure potency of Çré Kåñëa
5)Vakreçvara PaëòitaAniruddha (catur vyuha)
6)Paëòita JagadänandaSatyabhämä [one of the chief queens of Lord Kåñëa].
7)Räghava PaëòitaDhaniñöhä gopi
8)Paëòita Gaìgädäsa
9)Çré Äcärya Purandara
10)Dämodara PaëòitaSaivya gopi
11)Çaìkara Paëòitathe shoes of Lord Caitanya and is Bhadra gopi.
12)Sadäçiva Paëòita
13)Pradyumna Brahmacäré (Nåsiàhänanda)a worshiper of Lord Nåsiàhadeva.
14)Näräyaëa Paëòita
15)Çrémän Paëòitaused to carry a torch while the Lord danced.
16)Çuklämbara Brahmacäréone of the wives of the yajïic brähmaëas.
17)Nandana Äcärya
18)Mukunda DattaMadhukaëöha the singer
19)Çréla Väsudeva Datta ÖhäkuraPralhad Maharaja
20)Haridäsa ÖhäkuraLord Brahma
21)Muräri GuptaHanuman
22)Çrémän Sena
23)Çré Gadädhara däsaCandrakäntithe luster of the body of Çrématé Rädhäräëé.
24)Çréla Çivänanda SenaVérä and Düté gopis.
25)Govindänanda Datta
26)Govinda Dattathe principal singer in Lord Caitanya’s kértana party.
27)Çré Vijaya däsa or Ratnabähugave the Lord many books written by hand.