viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011






Creado por juancas  del 11 abril 2015

Madre Divina, dame un poquito de hilo blanco.

Madre Inmaculada, Dame un poquito de HILO BLANCO

¿Divina Madre, - ¿Dáme una canastilla de Hilo Blanco?, - acompañada con Seres Virginales, y Doctos en las Ciencias Trascendentales, como Sri Narada, Sri Vyasadeva, Sri Prahlada, ¿Dénme Amadas Madres Santas?, un poco de hilo blanco.

La vida en la paz primieval, sin altibajos, como el Paraiso de Saturno, de leche y miel. ¿Dame un poco de Hilo Blanco, Amada Madre? - Y que sea Blando como el Algodón.

¿Denme Divina Trimurti del Tiempo a Vivir? - Un Ovillo de Hilo Blanco, aderezado, con paisajes campestres y con Arboles Inmensos. Denme Queridas Madres, Un Ovillo de Hilo Blanco, aderezado con aves acuáticas, de sonoro canto.

¿Quién pudiera elegir, el hilo de la vida cotidiana?

Dame una bobinita de Hilo Blanco, para que pueda arreglar el traje de mi precioso hijo

Es amada mía, su traje de gala...

Dame una bobinita de Hilo Blanco, que quiero hacer una costura a este traje tan hermoso.... para que vaya mi hija, de forma reluciente al baile... de su vida...

¿Dame, Tú, Bendita y Santa Madre?, - Divina Parca - un poco de hilo blanco.

Necesito el blanco de la Armonia y de la LUZ. Mi corazón con el blanco se siente en paz.

¿Hermosa Madre, Dame un ovillo sin nudos ni enredos?, - para que mi vida sea continua, sin tantas ataduras, sin tantos lios ni conflictos, dame Hermosa Madre, tu Dulce Canto.

Siempre que veo tus Hermosos Mensajes, lo veo de LINO, ALGODÓN, o SEDA... Siempre añoro el color blanco y el HILO CONTINUO... Sin enredo...

Nota: Cierta vez, estando en un lugar sagrado, con un maestro espiritual, en nuestro andar, tropezamos con una madeja de cuerdas con nudos y enredos por todas partes...

sabiendo que son los líos dificil de desenredar en nuestros problemas humanos me paré.. Ibamos a hacer algo importante es cierto, pero quizás lo mas importante fue este mensaje sencillo de las Parcas...

No deje los nudos a tu paso, desenredalos, pues son los nudos que luego nos impiden solucionar nuestros problemas diarios, cualquier cosa es importante, pero más importante es desenredar los nudos.

Cuando me paré el maestro espiritual, me dijo que dejara eso pues era impuro, estaba en el suelo, y eran desechos.. pero para mi era la solución de problemas que nos ibamos a encontrar en nuestro camino o estancia en el lugar, dias despues..

Yo comencé a desenredar los nudos y lios... hasta que todo quedó en un ovillo sin nudos ni enredos, y dejandolo bien continue con mi maestro espiritual...

Nadie le da importancia a las cosas que encontramos a nuestro paso, algunas son de suma importancia... pero lo que tenemos entre manos nos parece mas importante...

Las Parcas Nos hablan con las Tijeras y con los Hilos y las Madejas de Hilos y Sus Colores.

Me dijo el sacerdote de nuestra comunidad, el blanco además de ser el color de la pureza es el Color de la Resurrección.

Por eso cuando la Divina Madre nos hace encontrarnos con HILO, que por favor Amada Madre Divina, que sea blanco, lila, Rosa, Marrón, o el que Tú Mi Amada, el que desees.

Roberto Calasso nos habla de las vendas al viento, como hilos gruesos que a quien los vea le dice, que su vida tiene que pasar por un gran sacrificio, estas cintas nos hablan del sacrificio, de pasar por alguna prueba en la que seremos la OFRENDA del SACRIFICIO. Seremos la victima inmolada.

Mi querido Señor, Sea Prudente, que aquellos que te inmolaron una vez, no lo vuelvan a hacer, para que las crisis mundiales no sobrevengan más... ¿Cuantas víctimas han creado estos pequeños seres, vestido con uniforme de gala?

Cuando nacistes ya tenías preparada unas canastillas de hilos, de variados colores... y todos los demás seres también... pero son los colores que ya habíais vivido en vidas anteriores... que ustedes mismos habéis creado en vuestras idas y venidas...

Sabemos, mi amado pequeño, que tu deseas la bobina blanca, la rectitud, la pureza, la luz, la resurrección, el contacto con lo sagrado, El recordar los ritos y ofrendas a lo espiritual. Deseas siempre el hilo blanco, no el dorado, como algunos la riqueza y la opulencia...

Gánatela, por ti mismo. Nosotros no podemos dar aquello que no os merecéis, solo aquello que con arduo trabajo habeis elaborado, dia tras dia, vida tras vida, No renuncieis a vuestra bobina de hilo, vivirlo hasta el final, y gozarlo, como algo único, pues esa es la VERDAD...

Pero todo es igual, cada uno su color... Si a ti te va el blanco a otro le irá otro color... pero siempre es el que ustedes mismos habéis trabajado en vuestras anteriores vidas... a veces es impuesto por el Venerable y Excelso Destino... y otras es vuestra propia decisión la que cuenta... sea cual sea, es un tiempo corto, sean meses o años, todo pasa, algunos disfrutais con el marrón, el amarillo, el rojo, el negro, el azul.

¿Dame, una bobina de hilo blanco Mi Amada Madre? - Que con ella pueda sentirte a todas horas... Pues es el color de lo sagrado de lo que nos acerca a la comprensión de lo pristino, de lo primordial, de los SUPREMO...

¿Dame una bobina blanca sin espinas, sin nudos sin estrecheces, sin roturas que sea todo lo largo de la extensión de mi vida... que no hayas cambio en dicho color... no me lo des negro, ni de otro color.. damelo de color blanco, de las nubes soleadas... que mi vida os pueda recordar Seres Excelso y Benditos Dioses...

¿Dame una bobina de hilo blanca Estimadísima Madre Bendita?, - para que mi camino sea la pureza y apartamé de todo mal. Y de los seres que no me amen..

¿Dame una bobina de hilo Blanca?, - que pueda yo hacer con mis propias manos mis vestiduras, con el hilo blanco del lino.

¿Quién pudiera hacerse sus propias vestiduras y de color blanco, como las hacia mi estimado Amigo, Gandhi. Se hacia con su rueca su propio hilo y en su telar sus propias telas y luego las cocía a su gusto.

Dame hermosa Madre una Canastilla de Hilo Blanco, en tiempos de primavera y que vaya acompañado de tomillo, azafrán, canela, narciso, madreselvas, romero, violetas, y cerca de los bosques agrestes y pacíficos.

¿Dáme, una bobina de hilo Blanca?, - estimada Madres, que pueda yo hacerme mis telas blancas como los cuadros de Sorolla.

¿Dáme, una bobina de hilo Blanca?, - y que suenen las campanas y la musica sacra en dicho momento, para que esté aderezada con los impulsos mas elevado de la vida.

¿Quién pudiera elegir el color de su proximo retazo de vida, así la vida es fragmentada, siempre discontinua, ninguna persona vive una vida lineal, sino de diferentes coloridos, aún teniendo el mismo disfraz (sea sacerdote, médico, maestro, o sencilla ama de casa).

¿Dáme, una bobina de hilo Blanca?, - cerquita de una pared encalada (una pared encalá, como diría un andaluz), con cal, como se hacia en los antiguos tiempos, para que sea una vida descontaminada, y pacífica, donde está la cal, la vida transcurre de otra forma, no hay mucha velocidad en dicha vida, sino las gentes van a pie..., las gentes pasean.

Algunas personas devotas, usan el HILO de ORO, para bordar los MANTOS de las VÍRGENES y del SEÑOR, con distintos coloridos.. (coloridos espirituales)

Ese Hilo es una parte de SUS VIDAS colocado en el INMENSO MAPA de la REINA y REY CELESTIAL, y así es la PARTE MAS ELEVADA, de su VIDA..

Ese Sencillo Homenaje, que le presenta la DEVOTA al SEÑOR o a la MADRE INMACULADA, hace que TODO EL MANTO de la VÍRGEN sea su PROTECCIÓN en el Momento de SU TRIBULACIÓN, si tuvieran que pasarla... Es la DEVOCIÓN, PURA, INMACULADA, como es el ORO ESPIRITUAL... así se convierte la Persona en una ESTRELLA de SU SAGRADO MANTO...

¡Oh, Gloriosas Trimurti Femenina!, Diosas del Divino Tiempo a Vivir. Ustedes que en trozos de porciones de vida, nos cambiais las madejas de hilos y de aspecto de vida. Un retazo, como religioso, otro trozo como estudiante, otro como banquero, otro retazo como marino, otro retazo como parado, otro retazo como bohemio, otro retazo como artista..., otro trozo como panadero, otro trozo como yupi, ...

¿Dame, Madre Divina, un Ovillo de Hilo Blanco?, - para que sea puro en esas vidas fragmentadas..., deseo ver mis canastillas de hilo, que tengan un tonalidad en la suma lo mas cercana al blanco....

Haz que mi canastilla de hilo no sea de colores oscuros, donde yo no pueda ver lo que me viene por la densa oscuridad en la que vaya a vivir...

 Galería de pilar

Que mi Ovillos de Hilos no tengan nudos ni enredos.

Las Moiras, Las Parcas, La Trinidad Femenina, La Diosa Blanca

La Hilandera, La Bella Hilandera

Las Moiras son la personificación del Destino. Son tres Moiras: Átropo, Cloto y Láquesis. Su función es regular la vida de cada mortal, desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte, con ayuda de un hilo que la primera hilaba, la segunda enrollaba, y la tercera cortaba cuando llegaba el final de esa existencia.

Las Moiras son hijas de Zeus (dios de los dioses) y de Temis (diosa de la Ley) y hermanas de Las Horas. Según otra tradición, eran hijas de La Noche, como Las Ceres, por lo que pertenecían a la primera generación divina. En este caso, serían titánides (de la generación de lo Titanes).

Se las puede ver en conjunto con Ilitía que es la encarnación del nacimiento o con Tique que es lo mismo.

En la Mitología Romana, equivalen a las Parcas, con la variación de que una preside el nacimiento, otra el matrimonio y la otra la muerte. También conocidas como las Tres Hadas.

En la Diosa Blanca de R. Gravés, son la Trimurti Femenina, La Diosa Blanca. La Ninfa, la Madre, y la Anciana.

El Hilo que Ariadna le da a Teseo (El Laberinto de Dédalo)

Para liberar a Atenas, Teseo se presenta voluntario, para ser entregado al Minotauro de Creta. Llegan a Creta en barco y las rejas de la carcel donde alojaban los jóvenes que iban a ser sacrificados al Minotauro, lindaba con el parque por donde las hijas del Rey Minos, Ariadna y Fedra, solían pasear. Un día el carcelero avisó a Teseo que alguien quería hablarle.

Ariadna enamorada del valor de Teseo, le dijo que cuando entrara en el Laberinto, amarrara el extremo del Hilo a la entrada y a medida que se adentrara en el, lo fuera desenrollando. Para que fuera la guía para poder salir de el. Una vez que hubiera matado al Minotauro.

Recordar que el Hilo de nuestra vida, vivida, desaparece a medida que la hayamos vivido, y es ahí donde está el enigma. ¿Cómo salir del Laberinto? - ¿Si el hilo vivido desaparece?

Vemos el Ovillo de Hilo ir menguando a medida que pasan los dias, semanas o meses e incluso años. Sea el Hilo de Color, Lila, Rosa, Negro o Blanco. ¿Cómo Salir del Laberinto?

Si el Hilo es de un color de condena, es grato verlo menguar, pero si es alegre y feliz, nos pondremos triste sabiendo que todo tiene un final.

Algunos hacemos con el HILO de la VIDA un mantel, un lienzo, botitas para nuestro bebe, ropas, tapices, o jerseys, en conjunto es hilo de nuestra vida, en la forma de NUESTRO ARTE, es el AMOR a la VIDA, y la gracias que cada uno da con su TRABAJO personal es SU PLEGARIA a la vida, y SU AGRADECIMIENTO..

Nota de Robert Graves: Las leyendas de la expedición de Teseo al Averno y de su aventura en el laberinto cretense de Cnossos son en realidad dos partes de un mismo mito confuso. Teseo (el que dispone) va desnudo, salvo por su piel de león, al centro del laberinto, donde mata al monstruo de cabeza de toro del hacha doble - la labris de la que se deriva la palabra “laberinto” - y segunda parte del mito fracasa en su expedición al Averno; tiene que salvarlo Hércules, y su compañero Peritoo se queda allí como Gwair, suspirando perpetuamente por la liberación. (La Diosa Blanca de R. Graves, 1º)

Ariadna le da el Hilo a Teseo y el Huso a Dioniso

Notas de Roberto Calasso: Mientras Dioniso dormía, exhausto, se le apareció Ariadna una vez más. ¿Por qué abandonaba a todas las mujeres, como la había abandonado a ella? ¿Por qué Palene, a la que tanto había deseado mientras rodaban juntos por la arena, se borraba ahora de su mente? En el fondo, Teseo había sido mejor que él. Al final, Ariadna tuvo también un gesto irónico. Le dio un huso para tejer y le rogó que se lo regalara a su próxima víctima. Así un día la gente diría: regaló el hilo a Teseo y el huso a Dioniso.

El Hilo es para el Humano y el Huso es de las Divinidades

Imagenes de Agua: Imagenes de Agua - Dinamicas


Notas de Roberto Calasso: En las historias cretenses, al comienzo hay un toro, al final hay un toro. Al inicio Minos evoca de las aguas el toro blanco de Posidón, prometiendo sacrificarlo al dios cuando aparezca. El toro aparece y Minos no cumple su promesa. Aquel toro es demasiado bello, no quiere matarlo, quiere que sea suyo. Será el toro por el que desarrollará una pasión funesta la mujer de Minos, Pasífae.

Al final, Teseo captura el toro de Maratón, que sigue siendo el toro cretense surgido del mar. Después de los amores con Pasífae, el toro se había vuelto salvaje, y Minos había llamado a Heracles para capturarlo. El héroe lo había apresado y llevado al continente. Durante largo tiempo, el toro había vagado por el Peloponeso, antes de llegar al Ática. Y allí nadie había conseguido vencerle, ni siquiera Androgeo, hijo de Minos, que, sin embargo, vencía a todos los atenienses en los juegos. Le venció Teseo, en Maratón. Y lo ofrenda a su padre Egeo, que lo sacrifica a Apolo. Todo lo que transcurre entre ese inicio y ese final, el destino de Ariadna, está incluido en el desplazamiento de un sacrificio: de Posidón a Apolo, de Creta a Atenas. Este paso está constelado de víctimas. Las mudas víctimas del sacrificio pertenecen al rito. Pero el mito reivindica para sí las restantes víctimas, las que caen alrededor del lugar del sacrificio, limaduras de hierro en el campo magnético. Del sacrificio, junto con la sangre, manan las historia. Así afloran los personajes de la tragedia. En las historias cretenses, son Pasífae, el Minotauro, Ariadna, Fedra, Minos, Hipólito, el propio Egeo. Teseo se olvida de arriar las velas negras, al regreso de Creta, y Egeo se mata arrojándose de la acrópolis. Era una última apostilla al desplazamiento sacrificial. (págs. 26-27, Las Bodas de Cadmo y Harmonía, Calasso).

La Diosa Atenea y la Hilandera Aracne

Aracne es hija de Idmón un tintorero y nació en Lidia. La joven era muy famosa por tener gran habilidad para el tejido y el bordado.

La Leyenda dice que era discípula de Átenea (diosa de la sabiduría y y de las hiladoras).

Aracne era muy habilidosa y en un momento de inconciencia, retó a la diosa Atenea haber quien bordaba mejor, y por supuesto aceptó el reto. Primero, se le apareció a la joven en forma de anciana y le advirtió que se comportará mejor con la diosa y le aconsejó modestia.

Aracne, orgullosa e insolente desoyó los consejos de la anciana y la competencia inició. En el tapiz de la diosa, mágicamente bordado se veían los doce dioses principales del Olimpo en toda su grandeza y majestad. Además, para advertir a la muchacha, mostró cuatro episodios ejemplificando las terribles derrotas que sufrían los humanos que desafiaban a los dioses.

Por su parte, Aracne representó los amoríos deshonrosos de los dioses, como el de Zeus y Europa, Zeus y Dánae, entre muchos más. La obra era perfecta, pero Palas encolerizada por el insulto hecho a los dioses, tomó su lanza, rompió el maravilloso tapiz y le dio un golpe a la joven. Ésta sin comprender, se siente totalmente humillada y deshonrada, la convirtió en una araña, para que continuara tejiendo por la eternidad.

Nota: Por eso los tejedores, no terminan nunca la obra que tienen entre manos sino que dejan un pequeño defecto en sus obras de telar, para no enfadar a la Bendita y Grande Diosa Atenea. Un Aspecto de la Diosa Triple, o Diosa Blanca de Robert Graves.

El Hilo de la Red que nos envuelve (Mito de Apolo y Dafne)

Al entrar en el templo de Apolo en Delfos, alterados por la multitud de cuerpos metálicos sobresalientes y brillantes en la sombra, se podía distinguir a veces, en el fondo, el busto de una mujer (y durante mucho tiempo fue una mujer joven), que parecía surgir del suelo: llevaba el sencillo peplo utilizado por las muchachas del pueblo, era la Pitia. Encaramada en el trípode como en el taburete de un bar, seguía con la mirada a los recién llegados mientras se asomaban por el mégaron. En relación con la sala del templo, la cámara de la Pitia, el ádyton, era pequeña y con poco más de un metro de altura. Al lado, había una cabina con un banco, donde se sentaban los consultantes, y no podían ver a la Pitia mientras vaticinaba, rodeada de sus objetos sagrados: el elevado trípode hincado en el suelo sobre una hendidura del terreno, la piedra-ombligo rodeada por los hilos de una doble red, el zócalo de la tumba de Dioniso, una estatua de oro de Apolo, un laurel que recogía escasa luz desde arriba, un hilo de agua que corría detrás de ella. (Roberto Calasso, Las Bodas de Cadmo y Harmonía pág. 150)

Nota: Recuerdo una historia de Hilo y Enredos, en el Nacimiento de Heracles o Hercules. Cuando el Padre Supremo iba a crearlo lo divulgó con antelación, y por gaztarse de su logro, Ate, la diosa que nos hace avergonzar, le pisó la cabeza, pues es la diosa que humilla, y Zeus la arrojó del Olimpo a la Tierra.

Pero Su Estimadísima Esposa Hera, sabiendo de que iba a tener un hijo tan poderoso, sintió un poco de angustia, pues no iba a participar ella como madre. Por lo que siguiendo a su esposo hasta la futura madre puso guardia en su casa. Cuando Alcmena la esposa de Anfitrión y futura madre de Heracles, quien era del linaje de Perseo y de Andrómeda, ya que su padre fue Electrión, hijo de éstos.

Como decía cuando Alcmena, retozó con Zeus, quedó en cintas de dos hijos, uno proveniente del Padre Zeus, y al día siguiente que llegó su verdadero esposo Anfitrión, también quedó en cintas de este.

Pasaron los días, y ya se le veía a la madre la hinchazón del vientre muy avanzada, cuando Hera con su corte de Ninfas llega a su morada, y se adentra en la alcoba de Alcmena. Que está a punto de Parir, y Cruza las piernas y todas sus Ninfas hacen lo mismo, y llevan todos los cinturones apretados y anudadas. Y por la Magia Simpática, del obstrucción hacia todo lo que deviene... los nudos y el cruzamiento de las piernas.

Pero en la casa próxima iba a nacer el Futuro Señor de Heracles, destinado por su Esposa Hera, (esposa inmortal de Zeus) que enterada de todo y presa de celos hace que el parto se prolongue hasta los diez meses. Gracias a que sabiéndolo el Bendito Padre Zeus, manda una comitiva de ayuda a Alcmena, que viendo que su parto se prolongaba mas de lo debido, pide ayuda y socorro a Zeus, el Padre de los Dioses, y este manda dicha comitiva. Viendo que en su habitación estaba Hera y sus Sirvientas, dicen ya ha nacido, por fin, ya ha nacido... y salen todas corriendo, y gracias a esta treta, Hera descruza sus piernas y las Ninfas corren junto con ella para ver al niño, niño que verdaderamente no había nacido aún, pero que por desatarse el NUDO, viene en ese mismo instante...

Pero, Euristeo (primo de Heracles) nace primero, y Heracles queda sometido a los designios de Euristeo debido a un oráculo que Zeus había dictado según el cual el próximo descendiente de Perseo reinaría sobre Argos.

El mayor se llama Heracles (Hércules) y es hijo de Zeus, mientras que de Anfitrión nace Ificles.

Y así los planes de Hera, la esposa de Zeus, consigue su objetivo, el de desequilibrar los planes de su esposo Zeus.

Más adelante, Alcmena enviudó y acompañó a Heracles junto con Yolao (sobrino de Heracles) e Ificles en el fallido intento de regresar a su patria de origen, una vez que Heracles había terminado los doce trabajos impuestos por Hera mediante Euristeo. Éste se negó a dejarlos permanecer en su tierra.

Los NUDOS, el CRUZAR las piernas, el PLEGAR las piernas

Esto viene a colación, de los NUDOS, por eso pido que mi Ovillo de Hilo, no tenga nudo, no tenga obstrucción.

Recordad, también ya que el Hilo pudiera contener nudos, y que los nudos en la vida son esclavitud, y obstrucción, atadura, y demoras... que es como el cruce de las piernas, no es favorable, así las personas que cruzamos las piernas no somos favorables para los demás, seamos cautos, juguemos en el juego mas limpio aún. Cruzar las piernas hay que evitarlo, los hombres favorables no suelen hacerlo, sigamoslo, si podemos.

Cruzar las piernas cuando estamos sentados no es favorable y en el Yoga, no se suele cruzar las piernas sino plegarlas, es como recogerla, dentro de nuestro cuerpo. Esto si es favorable, pues no es cruzar, sino plegar.

Si las piernas es la representación de nuestro Destino, plegar las piernas es señal que interiorizamos el Devenir o Destino... lo hacemos interior.. desde dentro de nuestro Ser lo vivimos, en la meditación.

El Hombre que sabe hacer nudo es aquel que sabe amarrar aquello que le interesa, se le suele escapar dificilmente la presa, sea familia, esposa, hijos, amigos, o trabajo....

El Hilo de Plata o de Oro

Es el que une el cuerpo al alma cuando el ser humano está dormido. Se ve en los viajes astrales, y llega a distancias impensables.

El Hilo o Cordón Sagrado de los Brahmanes.

Es el Hilo del que nace por SEGUNDA VEZ, la segunda como SER HUMANO, y todo lo que esta palabra encierra, antes somos seres inconscientes, y perniciosos, los unos para los otros, pero no todos los que lo llevan llegan a SER HUMANO, pero al menos han comenzado el camino.... Es dificil, escarpado, y estrecho, solo los HÉROES pueden alcanzar la cima... no es un CAMINO para todo el mundo.. Aquel que lo comience a subir se tendrá que ATAR MUY BIEN LAS CORREAS DE SU ZAPATOS o los CORDONES.

NOTAS ACLARATORIAS: Todos sin excesión, venimos al mundo con una canasta de PAN, una alforja de MONEDAS, y una Canasta de HILOS de variados colores, el pan, la alforja se pierde y el hilo se oscurece cuando dañamos al prójimo.

Protegeos de vosotros mismos pues el mal que buscaís en los demás los llevaís también en vosotros... Purificáos de vuestras faltas... veréis como se llena la canasta de pan, se aclaran los colores de vuestras vidas, y se llena vuestra alforja...

Recordar que Dios es EXPLÉNDIDO y no escatima en Gasto, ....



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hilo de la vida, el hilo de oro. El hilo de la vida nos permite continuar existiendo, y el ... Sin esta atadura, el alma podría salirse del cuerpo, como un ...

  1. Alineamiento del alma y la personalidad

    Segundo, existe el 'hilo de vida' representando la vida del alma, con su fuente en la Mónada. Esta 'vida egoica' impregna el cuerpo entero, sirviendo de ... - En caché

  2. Los misterios de la muerte

    San Pablo nos dice en la Biblia que el ser humano posee un cuerpo carnal y un ... el cordón de plata que une al cuerpo físico con el cuerpo astral o alma. .... Realmente el cordón de plata es el hilo de la vida que los Ángeles de la ... - En caché - Similares






  1. BIBLIA - LINKS en - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

  3. BIOGRAFÍAS - LINKS - - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

  5. EGIPTO - LINKS - - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
  6. Deepak Chopra - Eckchart Tolle - LINKS -

  7. Deepak Chopra - Eckchart Tolle - LINKS - - martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

  9. HISTORIA en GENERAL - LINKS - jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012


  1. JESUCRITO I - viernes 13 de enero de 2012
  2. Mundo Religioso 1 - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
  3. Mundo Religioso 2 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
  4. Mitología Universal 1 (Asturiana) - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
  5. El Narrador de Cuentos - UNO - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
  6. El Narrador de Cuentos - DOS - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011


  1. Medicina Natural - Las Plantas Medicinales 1 (Teoría) - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
  2. Medicina Natural - Plantas Medicinales 1 y 2 (Visión de las Plantas) - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
  3. Practica de MEDITATION & RELAXATION 1 - viernes 6 de enero de 2012
  4. Practica de MEDITATION & RELAXATION 2 - sábado 7 de enero de 2012


  1. KRSNA - RAMA - VISHNU -  jueves 16 de febrero de 2012
  2. Gopal Krishna Movies -  jueves 16 de febrero de 2012
  3. Yamuna Devi Dasi -  jueves 16 de febrero de 2012
  4. SRILA PRABHUPADA I -  miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
  5. SRILA PRABHUPADA II -  miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
  6. KUMBHA MELA -  miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
  7. AVANTIKA DEVI DASI - NÉCTAR BHAJANS -  miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
  8. GANGA DEVI MATA -  miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
  9. SLOKAS y MANTRAS I - lunes 13 de febrero de 2012
  10. GAYATRI & SHANTI MANTRAS - martes 14 de febrero de 2012
  11. Lugares Sagrados de la India 1 - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
  12. Devoción - PLAYLIST - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
  13. La Sabiduria de los Maestros 1 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
  14. La Sabiduria de los Maestros 2 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
  15. La Sabiduria de los Maestros 3 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
  16. La Sabiduria de los Maestros 4 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
  17. La Sabiduría de los Maestros 5 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
  18. Universalidad 1 - miércoles 4 de enero de 2012


  1. Biografía de los Clasicos Antiguos Latinos 1 - viernes 30 de diciembre de 2011
  2. Swami Premananda - PLAYLIST - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011


  1. Emperadores Romanos I - domingo 1 de enero de 2012


  1. Ajenaton, momias doradas, Hatshepsut, Cleopatra - sábado 31 de diciembre de 2011
  2. EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO I - jueves 12 de enero de 2012
  3. EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO II - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
  4. EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO III - lunes 16 de enero de 2012
  5. EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO IV - martes 17 de enero de 2012
  6. EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO V - miércoles 18 de enero de 2012
  7. EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VI - sábado 21 de enero de 2012
  8. EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VII - martes 24 de enero de 2012
  9. EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VIII - viernes 27 de enero de 2012

La Bíblia

  1. El Mundo Bíblico 1 - lunes 2 de enero de 2012 (de danizia)
  2. El Mundo Bíblico 2 - martes 3 de enero de 2012 (de danizia)
  3. El Mundo Bíblico 3 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
  4. El Mundo Bíblico 4 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
  5. El Mundo Bíblico 5 - martes 21 de febrero de 2012
  6. El Mundo Bíblico 6 - miércoles 22 de febrero de 2012
  1. La Bíblia I - lunes 20 de febrero de 2012
  2. La Bíblia II - martes 10 de enero de 2012
  3. La Biblia III - martes 10 de enero de 2012
  4. La Biblia IV - miércoles 11 de enero de 2012
  5. La Biblia V - sábado 31 de diciembre de 2011


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VIDA de los SANTOS - LINKS en - domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012


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EGIPTO - LINKS - - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

Deepak Chopra - Eckchart Tolle - LINKS -

Deepak Chopra - Eckchart Tolle - LINKS - - martes, 28 de agosto de 2012


HISTORIA en GENERAL - LINKS - jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012



Kirtan Sri Prahlada’s Kirtan Concerts: Jan-May 2011


----- Original Message -----
From: FeedBlitz
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 8:54 AM
Subject: Planet ISKCON - 51 new articles

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"Planet ISKCON" - 51 new articles

  1. Kirtan Sri Prahlada’s Kirtan Concerts: Jan-May 2011
  2. ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class -Parividha Prabhu
  3. H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Friday 25 February 2011--Always Happy in Krishna Consciousness--and--Excessive Krishna Consciousness?
  4. Kirtan Sri Prahlada & Havan with Swami Shankardev
  5. Vraja Kishor, JP: Grow Up, World
  6. H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Photos – Vrindavan March 2010
  7. ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Deity Darshan: Sunday, February 20, 2011
  8. Giridhari das, Brasilia, Brazil: Two Yoga Retreats with Laurent Dauzou in Pandavas Paradise
  9. Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Apron Front Sinks From Across The Pond : The Belfast & The London
  10. ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
  11. Japa Group: Very Quickly Purify Your Existence
  12. Australian News: Classic ISKCON Vinyl – Visnujana Swami and the Children of the Gurukula
  13. Sutapa das, BV Manor, UK: The ‘Real’ World
  14. Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: India’s Renewable Future: Challenges and Prospects
  15. New Vrndavan, USA: Signing Gas Leases to Help Protect Our Water Supply
  16. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  17. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  18. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  19. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  20. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  21. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  22. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  23. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  24. Live From Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir! HH Radhanath Swami - Disapp HH Gour Govinda Swami
  25. Tapping into Sridhama Mayapur’s Potency
  26. There is a flower in my cosmos
  27. Christchurch Quake Destroys Deities and Temple Beyond Repair
  28. Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Animal slaughter equals Social Unrest. The U.N. and U.S.Fed Chair, Bernanke back it up...
  29. Mayapur Online: HH Jayapataka Swami's invitation for Navadvip Mandala Parikrama
  30. Bhakta Eric, Seattle, USA: Classic ISKCON Vinyl – Visnujana Swami and the Children of the Gurukula 7″
  31. Mayapur Online: Srimad Bhagavatam Class- Live from Mayapur
  32. Some thoughts about the GBC agenda topic: The GBC is the ultimate managing authority”
  33. Akrura das, Gita Coaching: WHY CHANT HARE KRISHNA?
  34. H.H. Sivarama Swami: One topic on the GBC agenda is what Srila Prabhupada meant when he said “The GBC is the ultimate managing authority.”
  35. Mayapur Online: Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakura- Appearance day lecture
  36. David Haslam, UK: HG Kripa Moya Dasa Class now in MP3 format
  37. Japa Group: Do You Have Love For It
  38. David Haslam, UK: Class By Kripa Moya Das
  39. Live From Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir! HH Bhakti Dhira Damodara Swami
  40. H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: USA Retreat 2011
  41. Welcome to Mathura
  42. Bhaktivinoda Thakur’s Influence On The Establishment And Development Of Iskcon
  43. Hare Krishnas and Chaitanya College at Croome Park Worcester published by the National Trust(c) 2010
  44. Please mark your calendar - March 20, 2011
  45. Gouranga TV: Aindra – Hare Krishna kirtan – ISKCON Mayapur 2007
  46. Live From Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir! HH Bhakti Raghava Swami
  47. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): 230
  48. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): Poem, February 23
  49. Vraja Kishor, JP: Lyrics to Padabali Kirtan
  50. Book distribution seminar: For Devotees traveling by train to Mayapur and Vrndavana festivals
  51. Book Distribution News: For Devotees traveling by train to Mayapur and Vrndavana festivals
  52. More Recent Articles
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Kirtan Sri Prahlada’s Kirtan Concerts: Jan-May 2011

Sri Prahlada’s calendar is already booking up for 2011 with many concerts scheduled in or around the Sydney area. More details of the following events will be provided nearer to the dates.

Date: Place: Artists:
22-23 of January, Saturday & Sunday 40hr Kirtan ISKCON Sydney Sri Prahalda, Gaura Vani, Carmella Baine and others
26-27 of January Wednesday & Thursday Big Day Out, Sydney, Lilyworld Stage Sri Prahlada
19 February Saturday
6:30 PM
$10 cover charge, includes dinner
Govindas Lotus Room Sri Prahlada
5 of March Saturday
Time: 5.30pm – 8.00pm
Qi Yoga
Freshwater, 2 Moore Road (Cnr Albert Street) Freshwater, Sydney 2096
Investment: $25
Bookings: 9977 4725
Sri Prahalda
26 of March Saturday Earth Hour ISKCON Sydney Sri Prahlada & Carmella Baynie
2 of April Saturday Manly Yoga Madhava & Sri Prahlada
27-29 of April Akhand kirtan
Satyananda Yoga at Mangrove Mountain
Sri Prahlada & many other kirtan performers
7 of May Manly Yoga Sri Prahlada
21-22 of May ISKCON’s 40th anniversary ISKCON Sydney Sri Prahlada, Carmella Baynie & others
27-29 of May Akhand Kirtan Satyananda Yoga at Mangrove Mountain Sri Prahlada, Carmella Baynie & others

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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class -Parividha Prabhu

Srimad Bhagavatam 11.31.13-22 - We can develop attraction for Krsna just by hearing His glories like Rukmini who heard glories of Krsna from Narada Muni.

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H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Friday 25 February 2011--Always Happy in Krishna Consciousness--and--Excessive Krishna Consciousness?

A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course(tm) Friday 25 February 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. Today's Thought: Always Happy in Krishna Consciousness Uploaded from Bhaktivedanta Ashram--Austin, Texas USA No matter what transpires in the devotee's daily life, he remains steady in rendering service to his spiritual master and Krishna. In this way, no matter what happens in this material world the devotee is always happy in Krishna consciousness and is the most powerful, successful, and wealthy person in this world. His opulence is his Krishna consciousness. He does not depend on material circumstances for his happiness. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Blissful Vishnupriya Mataji (wife of Sankarshan Das Adhikari) Teaching the Science of Krishna Consciousness Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Excessive Krishna Consciousness? Gurudeva, Please accept my obeisances. Please guide me. It is said that excess of everything is bad. Is it true in case of devotional service to Lord Krishna? Ravi Answer: There Is No Such Thing. The principle excess is bad applies only to material things. There is no such thing as having too much Krishna consciousness. No matter how much Krishna consciousness a devotee has, he always wants more. No matter how much he renders service to Krishna, the devotee is always greedy for more and more service. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at: Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address:

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Kirtan Sri Prahlada & Havan with Swami Shankardev

Kirtan with Sri Prahlada & Havan with Swami Shankardev
When: Saturday 5th March 2011
Time: 5.30pm – 8.00pm
Where: Qi Yoga Freshwater, 2 Moore Road (Cnr Albert Street) Freshwater, Sydney 2096
Cost: $20 prepaid by Tues 1st March, Full fee $25
Bookings: 9977 4725

Join your yoga community for an uplifting and inspiring evening of mantra, chanting, spiritual stories and kirtan. We guarantee you will leave the kirtan evening feeling happy, light, openhearted connected with yourself and connected with others.

Sri Prahlada has been singing and playing kirtan all over the world for most of his life. He has performed kirtan in traditional, as well as rock and reggae styles before audiences of tens of thousands. Along with the likes of Krishna Das and Jai Uttal, he features in Steven Rosen’s book “The Yoga of Kirtan”. Sri Prahlada’s heart and soul permeates every moment of every kirtan he sings, transporting you to the realm of spiritual consciousness.

Dr Swami Shankardev is an eminent medical doctor, yoga Acharya (authority), yoga therapist, internationally acclaimed author and teacher and co- founder of online yoga learning “Big Shakti”
Shankardev is expert in leading and conducting havans in the ancient Vedic tradition. He has the ability to impart his knowledge and understanding of complex esoteric concepts like havan with simplicity, humour, compassion and ease.

5.30pm Havan with Swami Shankardev 6.15pm Kirtan with Sri Prahlada and the Bhakti Band

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Vraja Kishor, JP: Grow Up, World

Gay Pride Amsterdam 2008

Image by FaceMePLS via Flickr

You would think that having grown a bit past the age of, say, 14 the fascination with the anatomy of our bodies would wear off. But for the vast majority of human society – perhaps for the vast majority within the individual consciousness of each and every one of us – this just doesn’t happen.

Men keep on being obsessed with the discovery that they are men, and showing it to the world by flexing their muscles. Women keep on being obsessed with the discovery that they are women, and showing it to the world by posing and primping and bearing their nipples.

I don’t know – shouldn’t this behavior have worn off on us a bit after we really discovered our genders? You know say, 13 years old? Maybe 14. OK maybe 16 or even 18? No?

There are far too many people sticking their tits in the public eye. Yeah, yeah – it’s not always naked tits. But it always boils down to tits. Tits and Ass. It’s as if that not only defines the womanliness of woman bearing them, but also defines the manliness of the man drooling over them. It’s just too much. Every time we see it, it pulls us backward. De-evolves us. Pulls us back to puberty.

Seriously, puberty was pretty fucked up. I’d rather move on.

We have a human society on Earth right now of 20, 30, 40, 50, even 60 year old teenagers. And the 70 years olds pass their short remaining time just lamenting that they are not 40 any more – those where the days when they could still pull off imitating the teenagers showing their beautiful new tits and lusting over them with their newly functional mainly muscle.

I’m not calling anyone evil or a devil. I am an evil devil. Hell, for a while I even earned a living helping people broadcast tits. I am not preaching, just speaking up. Having been on all sides of the spectrum from the monastery to the tits-industry and having seen it all my conclusion is that it is really not a good thing for humanity to keep teenage hormones going for 50 years.

Besides being “not good” it is really boring. Sex is awesome, I can agree with that. But we are not even exploring sex in a grown up way! What to speak of exploring anything beyond the realm of physical pleasures and gratifications. It is boring, it makes for a very boring society – for anyone who doesn’t have a pile of hormones kicked into turbo mode by viagra or whatever. We need more art, science, music, philosophy, dance, and culture that is not centered on newly discovering or rediscovering our basic gender anatomies.

ISKCON desire tree - Radha and Krishna Dance T...

Image by ISKCON desire tree via Flickr

In a way, our inability to grow past puberty speaks to the profound magnitude of the pull exerted on our psyche by what is originally the parakiya-ujjvala-rasa of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. The fascination with lawless unbounded new idyllic discovery of erotic romance is a thirst fundamental to the spiritual substance of who and what we really are at our highest height of purity! Yet the tree of reality reflected on the pond of illusion winds up being upside down – roots up  and branches down, or “legs up heads down” to put it in a vulgar way. That which is in reality the highest branch of the most enlightening and liberating thing – the parakiya-ujjvala-rasa of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna, the original cause of our facination with being men and women – when reflected on the pond of illusion, becomes the lowest part of the image.

By “low” I mean, retrogressive, de-evolved, un-special, base, and not-that-great.

The real medicine to this boring zombie-teenage culture we have is more art, science, dance, music, and culture that discovers and rediscovers the transcendental love affairs of the divine couple. Meanwhile, “enjoy” Lady Gaga and the countless permutations of the same that are sure to follow when her tits (and her style of flaunting them) get a little too old to keep in the game.

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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Photos – Vrindavan March 2010





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ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Deity Darshan: Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Giridhari das, Brasilia, Brazil: Two Yoga Retreats with Laurent Dauzou in Pandavas Paradise

We had two yoga retreats with the famous French Iyengar trained yoga teacher, Laurent Dauzou. The first was from the 19-23 of January and the other from the 11-16 of February.

Laurent is a very skilled and knowledgeable teacher. His classes are intense and, quite literally, body altering – your body gets realigned, stretched and more balanced. The students had over 4 hours of yoga classes with him every day!

Both groups (of about 12 guests) were especially united and quickly took to each other, creating a loving and family like atmosphere.

In the first group we had a reporter, from a travel magazine. It was his first time in contact with the practice and philosophy of yoga and Krishna Consciousness.  He’ll be writing an article on Pandavas Paradise to be published in March. He was very well impressed and I expect his article will be very positive.

It’s summer here in Brazil (as all of you buried under massive snow storms will be pleased to know, I’m sure!).  In this time of the year we have beautiful sunny days, with the occasional massive thunderstorm. We were blessed with great weather for hiking our trails.

Even though we’re at 4000 ft altitude, when it’s sunny it gets quite hot – perfect weather for splashing about in our waterfalls!

Every day the guests practiced concentrated, sitting-down, japa, after the mangal aratik. In the evenings, after Gaura aratik, I lectured on different topics of our yoga philosophy and how to apply it to our lives. In the second retreat we also showed the “Ever Wellwisher” documentary on Srila Prabhupada. (Nice as it is, isn’t it time ISKCON had a new professional documentary on Srila Prabhupada?)

In both retreats, the guests bought Gitas, Yoga Sutras, other books and japas and neck beads in the hopes of continuing what they had started in Pandavas Paradise.

Here are some of the comments we got from our guests:

“Again, wonderful and intense moments, nurtured by the company of super special people, invigorating practices of yoga, and absolutely refreshing and delicious prasadam, which incidentally, is one of the highlights of Paradise. I thank you for all the moments of fun, introspection, life and yoga lessons, talks, walks and refreshing swimming in the waterfalls. To the folks of Pandavas Paradise, after my third visit, I can safely say, ‘until next time!’”- Helena, Brasilia-DF

“I needed some time for myself, to go back to my essence, to hear my inner self, and, within days, not only did I get all that, but I also got to know special people that made me feel at home, a “home” that I never thought existed, with everyone seeking the same things despite having such different personal backgrounds. The place – precious, the company – wonderful, the food – divine, the lessons – challenging and the peace – eternal. Thanks for everything and everyone for taking part in this special moment!”- Fernanda, Brasilia-DF

“My friends, I thank you for everything. Thanks for such a wonderful place and for the people who complete the magic of this paradise on earth. “- Adriana, São Paulo-SP

“Frieds, I am very grateful to you all for sharing such important and amazing moments with me! I can still feel the good energy that we cultivated in these days of meditation, kirtans, yoga classes, and in every moment. I hope that Pandavas Paradise will continue to be this wonderful place of giving and receiving of good energy. “- Gabriela (Gal), Aracaju-SE

“It was really a unique opportunity to have participated in the retreat in Pandavas Paradise! I was very happy to meet people who are so dear and attuned to subtle and valuable aspects of life! “- Mario, Brasilia-DF

“I really enjoyed those days we spent together and carry with me the positive mood, fond memories and lasting impressions of each one of you. I thank you all, and especially Giri and Laurant for facilitating these moments of peace, connection and understanding. “- Ju, Florianópolis-SC

Click here to see more pictures of the retreat of our January retreat and here to see pictures of the February retreat!

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Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Apron Front Sinks From Across The Pond : The Belfast & The London

The other day we were working on updating the Horton Brasses catalog, getting ready for the rollout of some new kitchen hardware. I don’t want to reveal too much right now, but I will say it is very exciting bling. And oh so very English. In fact, if I didn’t know better, I would fancy a guess that Orion was a distant relative of Christopher Peacock because this new stuff totally struts!

Since then, I’ve been completely knackered–what with trying to channel an English vocabulary and all. Get it? “Channel.” “English.”  English Channel! I’ve been working on my puns, as well, because puns are oh so very British. I have a full on case of Anglophilia. All because of that forthcoming kitchen hardware. Tastier than scones with clotted cream!

And then this morning I had a revelatory experience. About sinks. That’s right, sinks. Sinks, sinks and…more sinks.

kitchen_2 Belfast-sink-cabinet-03 belfast fireclay apron sink Picture 001 images
 K (68) comeragh house, waterford ireland-scullery london apron front fireclay sink KITCHEN

While taking part in an online discussion on apron front farm sinks–and whether or not they are accurately Victorian–the origin of these sinks was further revealed. I knew they had European roots, but did you know that there is a completely different kind of apron front sink that is authentically British and pretty much unavailable  in the United States? No, you didn’t. And I didn’t either.

If you are like me and find this completely fascinating, keep reading. If you are like my husband, you’ve made your way to the kitchen and are fixing yourself a quesadilla in the microwave. Beep! Beep! Don’t burn the roof of your mouth on that cheese.

You with me? Read on…

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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana


Their Lordships look like immaculate white swans gracefully gliding on a lush lake of milk that is bordered with pastel pink and blue flora, don't They?

May we also cultivate a swan-like mind; a mind that can separate the rich milk of truth from the plain water of delusion.

Thus like the Paramahamsas, we shall seek pleasure only in the pure and crystalline waters of loving devotional service to Sri Sri Radha Krsna.

What a

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Japa Group: Very Quickly Purify Your Existence

This chanting of sixteen rounds of japa-mala daily, chanting the full Hare Krsna mantra, Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, on each bead 108 times in each round, this process will very quickly purify your existence, and you will come to your rightful spiritual understanding in very short order.

Letter Suresh Candra
11 August, 1972

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Australian News: Classic ISKCON Vinyl – Visnujana Swami and the Children of the Gurukula

At Eric Swanger maintains a down loadable archive of “Classic ISKCON Vinyl” from back in the day. Go check it out and you will find a review of each record (that’s what we used to listen to before the invention of the CD) pictures of the covers, streaming audio and a button to download it for your mp3 library.

Recently Eric says he received a package in the mail from his friend Alan. “Not knowing what to expect, I opened it and to my ridiculous delight were two Classic ISKCON 7 inch vinyl records.

One was from Radha Krishna Temple (Los Angeles). “The second one, however, nearly brought me to my knees.” Eric says. “I had heard of it before, but figured that I’d never get a chance to listen to it, let alone add it to my collection.”

“Sometime in the early 70s,” Eric says “Visnujana Swami recorded two songs with the Dallas gurukula and released a 7 inch. I remembered that Alan had told me about it,and how he received the record.”

Here is what Alan told Eric:

“One fine spring Saturday afternoon, almost 40 years ago, a Greyhound bus pulled into Riverside Park, a tidy, quiet park near two college campuses in the Bellhaven area of Jackson, Mississippi. It was a Greyhound bus, but no ordinary Greyhound bus–this was a bus from the Radha Damodar Traveling Sankirtan Party. For those too young to remember, the Hare Krishnas converted three Greyhound buses into mobile temples to bring the message of Krsna consciousness to every town and village in the United States and Canada.

I couldn’t believe my eyes, ears and nose as devotees poured out of the bus; a wondrously exotic sight of saffron and white flowing garments, shaved, tilaked heads, the ching-ching-ching sound of kirtals, and a smoky-trail of Spiritual Sky incense billowing out with each devotee as each stepped out of the doors of the bus. The first one out was carrying a sparkling fiberglass (mirdunga) drum, and wasted no time in producing an infectious, exotic, melodious rhythmic beat. Well, up until then, I had seen these other-worldly young men and women, chiefly in my travels to and around New York City. These were the cultish people who approached my dad and I at the Atlanta and New York airports, books and incense in hand for anybody that would stop and give a moment. Taking walks with my Hasidic grandfather in the Lower East Side of the city, we’d often spot a group of these young men wrapped in saffron-colored sheets, surrounding a golden, glowing little elderly Indian man whose feet seemed to glide above the sidewalk. The mass of shaved heads with little pony-tails would stop every so often as the little golden man appeared to be expressing a point, arms and hands waving about–little did I know then, that the little golden man was His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acharya of the Hare Krishna Movement.

As the Hare Krishnas left the bus, the mirdungas and kirtalas multiplied to produce a sound that seemed oddly familiar, not to my ears, but to my soul. Immediately, a group of people were drawn in, mostly college students, some hippies, and myself, a young, soon-to-be Bar Mitzvah boy. We joined in a circle of exuberant, uninhibited dancing and chanting lead by the devotees. This was my first kirtan.

A day or two later, the local FM radio station (which introduced the London Temple Album to Jackson), announced that the Hare Krishnas were giving a lecture and meditation discourse at an apartment near Millsaps College. My mom, very liberal and open-minded, took me, after all, she was a big fan of ISKCON’s Spritual Sky incense (she bought from some devotees in New Orleans earlier that year), and hoped to replenish her supply. I don’t remember much about the discourse, other than chanting the Mahamantra that was printed on little cards given out to everyone present. “Please chant: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Chant these words and your life will become sublime.” I didn’t realize it at the time, but the lecture was given by the mystical Vishnujana Swami Maharaja, as several years later confirmed to me by senior devotees at Mississippi’s New Talavana Farm Community.

Vishnujana was very kind to everyone, constantly smiling and patiently answering everyone’s questions. I remember tasting prasadam for the first time, thinking it was the most amazing food I have ever put in my mouth. Before leaving, Vishnujana made sure to thank everyone who attended personally, and gave my mom a KRSNA BOOK to which my mom gave a nice donation. Vishnujana Swami warmly thanked my mom, asked us to wait a moment, and briefly left the room. He returned with a 45 rpm record. My mom asked if it was a record of Indian music, to which Vishnujana laughed. I don’t remember his exact words but he explained it was a recording of a ‘bunch of ecstatic children screaming their love for God.’ We left that glorious evening, happily humming the mantra, KRSNA BOOK, Vishnujana record, and, oh yeah, Spritual Sky Patchouli Incense, in hand.

This record has given me and many friends years of listening pleasure. All thanks and praises to Eric, who painstakingly cleared out many scratches and clicks; now, this gem can be shared with so many others as it makes it debut into cyberspace.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Jaya Vishnujana Swami Maharaja Ki !!!!

Hare Krishna!

Aspiring to serve,

Click here to see the record and download the audio at Sit Properly Have a look around whilst youare there and see what else is on show.

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Sutapa das, BV Manor, UK: The ‘Real’ World

The Vedic scriptures offer a variety of enchanting accounts describing the nature of the metaphysical world. In that realm, every step is a dance, every word is a song, every action is motivated by pure love, and the atmosphere is infused with ever-increasing transcendental happiness. Sounds good... maybe too good. Of course, skeptics may posit that such ideas are embraced by escapists desperately seeking solace from the immediate aches and pains of life. Could such descriptions be ethereal concepts formulated to distract us from the ‘real’ world? Are they simply fairytale accounts which constitute nothing more than childish, naïve, wishful thinking?

Once, when asked whether the guru knows everything, Srila Prabhupada replied to the affirmative. The reporter proceeded to quiz the swami on the number of windows in the Empire State Building. Srila Prabhupada gravely looked back at the reporter and countered – “how many drops of water in a mirage?” Amidst constant change, can we identify anything to be really real? Although not illusory, nobody can deny the temporality of this world. For this reason, Vedic scriptures describe this physical world as unreal - although it can be perceived by our human senses, it is constantly changing and has no endurance in the context of eternity.

The Bhagavad-gita offers a revolutionary worldview, stating that far from the spiritual world being a distraction, the actuality is that the material physical world is a distraction. To live in reality means to be fully conscious and aware of one’s identity, purpose and true home. As spiritual beings, we are not residents of London, Leicester or Leeds, but rather residents of the spiritual world. No doubt, one must attend to the immediate demands, pressures and responsibilities of life, lest we become dysfunctional non-entities in this world. However, one would do well to avoid becoming overly engrossed and captivated by the changing fashions, constant conflicts and temporal affairs of worldly life. As a wise spiritualist once quipped “don’t take the illusion too seriously!”

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Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: India’s Renewable Future: Challenges and Prospects

By Dr. Farooq Abdullah, India’s Minister of New and Renewable Energy   |   February 4, 2011   |

Dr. Farooq Abdullah, India’s Minister of New and Renewable Energy, wants his country to transform the promise of boundless and clean energy into reality

New Delhi, India — India is perceived as a developing country, but it is developing at a pace that is not matched by many others. We have experienced significant economic growth. Yet the fact remains that our growth is constrained by energy supply and availability. Although we have seen an impressive increase in installed capacity addition, from barely about 1,350 MW at the time of independence (1947) to about 160,000 MW today, over 90,000 MW of new generation capacity is required in the next seven years. A corresponding investment is required in transmission and distribution.

The increasing appetite for energy that has developed in the recent past has been further complicated by rapidly diminishing conventional sources, like oil and coal. To further add to the problems of increased demand and constrained supply, there are serious questions about pursuing a fossil fuel-led growth strategy, especially in the context of environmental concerns. The challenge facing a developing nation such as ours is to meet our increasing energy needs while minimizing the damage to the environment.

This is why, while striving to bridge our energy deficit, we want to increase the share of clean, sustainable, new and renewable energy sources. Whether or not renewable energy completely replaces fossil fuel, we are determined to develop renewable energy to its fullest potential.

Driving inclusive growth

India today stands among the top five countries in the world in terms of renewable energy capacity. We have an installed base of over 15 GW, which is around 9% of India’s total power generation capacity and contributes over 3% in the electricity mix. While the significance of renewable energy from the twin perspectives of energy security and environmental sustainability is usually well appreciated, what is often overlooked, or less appreciated, is the capacity to usher in energy access for all, including the most disadvantaged and the remotest of our habitations.

In its decentralized or stand alone avatar, renewable energy is the most appropriate, scalable, and optimal solution for providing power to thousands of remote and hilly villages and hamlets. Even today, millions of decentralized energy systems, solar lighting systems, irrigation pumps, aero-generators, biogas plants, solar cookers, biomass gasifiers, and improved cook stoves, are being used in the remotest, inaccessible corners of the country. Providing energy access to be most disadvantaged and remote communities can become one the biggest drivers of inclusive growth.

The National Solar Mission

(left) Selco solar panel installation | Photo: Selco Solar Light Ltd.

The Sun is the ultimate source of energy. The National Action Plan on Climate Change in June 2008 identified the development of solar energy technologies in the country as a priority item to be pursued as a National Mission. In November 2009, the Government of India approved the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission.  This is a unique and ambitious transformational objective that aims to establish India as a global leader in solar energy by creating the policy conditions for its diffusion across the country, as quickly as possible…

Read complete article here

Filed under: Cows and Environment
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New Vrndavan, USA: Signing Gas Leases to Help Protect Our Water Supply

The nonprofit corporations managing land in what is known as New Vrindaban own 1135 acres of mineral rights. The overall acreage of McCreary’s Ridge where these 1135 acres are located is well over 4000 acres, meaning that New Vrindaban only has about 25% of the mineral rights on the ridge.

What is important to understand is that these 1135 acres are NOT contiguous, which is to say it isn’t all in one block. It is a patchwork of parcels mixed in with more than 3000 other acres.

At the time New Vrindaban managers were contemplating whether or not to sign gas leases, 55% (over 2,200 acres) of the ridge was already leased, and more private landowners were on the verge of signing. This meant all of New Vrindaban’s properties were going to have wells drilled next to them whether we signed leases or not. For example, the first well drilled on the ridge, the Snyder 1H, is on a neighboring property right next to Bahulaban.

The existing leases were split between two companies, Chesapeake Energy and AB Resources. Which ever company we signed with would become the dominant Lessee of gas rights and would in all likelihood trade leases (from different ridges) with the other company to get a solid block. FYI, the Snyder 1H well is an AB well, on a lease signed over 4 years ago.

At the time we were contemplating signing, the new leases being signed on the ridge were with Chesapeake.

The Palace is at about 1200′ elevation. It is a 400’ drop to Wheeling Creek where the water wells that supply the Temple and Palace complex are located. The water wells are 200 feet deep, which means the water source is 600’ below ridge level. The gas companies drill about 6000′ deep from the top of the ridge, not in the hollows.

Gas well bore holes are cased with metal pipe. To help seal it, the first part of the bore hole is also cased with concrete. Chesapeake’s leases say they will double case the drill bore with concrete to 300′. AB agreed to double case the bore hole to 1000′. Ergo Chesapeake would have ended the double casing 300’ ABOVE the water source and AB will go 400′ below the water source.

Being aware of the publicity about Marcellus gas drilling contaminating water wells, we felt that this possibility needed to be considered. It was deemed that signing with AB was a preemptive move to prevent Chesapeake from gaining enough leases to take over the ridge.

Drilling on the ridge was inevitable; there was nothing we could have done to stop it so we attempted to get the best possible situation with some leverage over drilling practices, i.e., getting 1000’ of concrete casing from AB instead of Chesapeake’s 300’. If we hadn’t signed with AB, Chesapeake would have taken the ridge. Signing with AB minimized the potential of damage to the water system.

Here was a case where inaction in the form of not signing gas leases would have had a potentially worse result than if we signed the lease with the more environmentally responsible company.

In our next report we will discuss the Rule of Capture, whereby gas companies can take the gas from underneath your property even if you haven’t signed a lease with them.

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Srila Prabhupada's Letters

1966 February 24: "The classes I am holding now may be called the initiation classes for developing The International Institution for God consciousness. The classes may be held thrice in a week and I shall be available for discussion between 6 to 8 P.M."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1966

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Srila Prabhupada's Letters

1967 February 24: "I am very glad to learn that the N.Y. center is doing really well. It is all Krishna's mercy. So if you think that my presence will be necessary then immediately book my seat in the air line when you want me to go there. I shall then cancel all programs here for three weeks."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1967

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Srila Prabhupada's Letters

1967 February 24: "Today I have sent you the first installment of Narada Bhakti Sutras. Please let me know how do you like it or if there is any difficulty to understand it. On hearing from you I shall take up the next installment."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1967

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Srila Prabhupada's Letters

1970 February 24: "I am very much anxious to get him a good wife so I have all my blessings for the girl being married to him. Perform the ceremony on my behalf. I am sure under your care they will be trained as good husband and wife and be happy in life in Krsna Consciousness."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970

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Srila Prabhupada's Letters

1971 February 24: "Krishna is in your heart. The more you surrender to Him, the more He takes charge. And seeing your sincerity, He gives you all facility for increasing your service."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1971

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Srila Prabhupada's Letters

1971 February 24: "We have contacted a nice Muslim friend from Dacca. If you at all seriously intend to go to East Pakistan, please contact this gentleman and if you think it is favorable you may go there with the blessings of Krsna. When you decide your departure, I will give you further instructions on this."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1971

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Srila Prabhupada's Letters

1972 February 24: "So I am very glad that you are working for opening a branch there and going on with your work in Krishna Consciousness despite so many obstacles which Maya has placed in your path just to try to deviate you from going back to Home, back to Godhead."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972

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Srila Prabhupada's Letters

1972 February 24: "Follow this simple formula of chanting regularly with full attention, reading at least one hour, and balance time preaching. If you spend your whole time preaching, that will cure you of all misgivings and miserable conditions. "
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972

Email to a friend Live From Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir! HH Radhanath Swami - Disapp HH Gour Govinda Swami

By Radhanath Swami

He took first, second and sannyasa initiation within eight months of joining Iskcon and meeting Srila Prabhupada. There were complaints. People complained to Prabhupada that, "This new man, he has so much responsibilities, he is a sannyasi."

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