sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

[pensamiento-del-dia:840] Servir a Krishna con amor







Viernes, 27 de agosto del 2010

PENSAMIENTO DEL DÍA: Servir a Krishna con amor
Enviado desde el Ashram Bhativedanta, Austin, Texas, EE.UU.

Cualquier cosa que hagamos en el servicio de Krishna debería hacerse con amor. De lo contrario, si simplemente servimos al Señor mecánicamente, no conseguiremos el resultado deseado. No saborearemos la bienaventuranza de la conciencia de Krishna y tarde o temprano incluso podemos abandonar totalmente la conciencia de Krishna. Deberíamos siempre recordar que Krishna nos instruye en el Bhagavad-gita 9.26: 

"Si alguien Me ofrece con amor y devoción
una hoja, una flor, fruta o agua, Yo la aceptaré".

Note que ofrecer estas cosas con amor es una condición para que sean aceptadas. Si no son ofrecidas con amor y devoción no podemos esperar necesariamente que Krishna las acepte. 

El mismo principio de servir a Krishna con sentimiento es expresado en la Biblia Cristiana en el Salmo Nº 100: 

"¡Canten al Señor con alegría, habitantes de toda la Tierra! Con alegría
adoren y sirvan al Señor; ¡Con gritos de alegría vengan a Su presencia!".

Aquí de nuevo el principio es reconfirmado que debemos servir al Señor con una actitud amorosa, feliz y agradecida.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Srila Prabhupada y sus discípulos cantan y bailan en amor extático
en Bhaktivedanta Manor, Watford, Reino Unido el 21 de Agosto de 1973



Pregunta: Conocimiento, orgullo y humildad

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias. 

En mi niñez leí "vidya dadati vinayam" (el conocimiento da humildad). Pero nunca he encontrado que eso sea verdad. El conocimiento material solo lo hace a uno engreído. En esta situación como un estudiante ¿Cómo no ser afectado por esta clase de situación embarazosa? 

Su sirviente insignificante, 

Cosmic Singh

Respuesta: El conocimiento verdadero trae humildad

Conocimiento verdadero significa conocer las cosas tal como son. El pseudo conocimiento es inventado sobre la plataforma de la especulación mental y no lo hace a uno humilde. Más bien eso infla más y más el sentido de orgullo falso de alguien. Si uno es afortunado para conseguir el conocimiento verdadero al entrar en contacto con un maestro espiritual genuino, que con bastante precisión describe la sabiduría Védica, naturalmente se volverá humilde por escuchar y aplicar ese conocimiento en su vida.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari



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Traducción del inglés por cortesía de:

Wilmer Alberto Estrada Morales



Redacción y gramática revisadas por:

Caitanyadeva das

San José, Costa Rica


Ceremonia de iniciación en Lituania

(durante la celebración de Nrisimha Chaturdasi)
VISITE LA SECCIÓN:       Curso de la Máxima Autorrealización

Esta semana -

Clase del Bhagavad-gita: Lección 132




Nuevo nombre del sitio de Sankarshan Das  Adhikari en Español




Nuevo libro sobre Su Gracia Sriman
Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Por Devadeva Das




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están disponibles en el enlace siguiente:






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Sankarshan Das Adhikari - ANUAL

24 Hour Sri Harinam ( on 9/11/10 ) in DC dedicated to pay homage to H.G. Sripada Aindra prabhu !



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  1. NYT review of Siladitya and Adidev’s daughters……..pretty good review!!
  2. Talking Books brings a revolution in primary education
  3. The Most Wonderful Thing
  4. 24 Hour Sri Harinam ( on 9/11/10 ) in DC dedicated to pay homage to H.G. Sripada Aindra prabhu !
  5. Art Seminar Details Memo/ Reminder
  6. Review Of Vaiyasaki’S Radha Damodar Vilasa
  7. Prabhupada Festival 2010, Iskcon Montreal
  8. Harinama ki jai!
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NYT review of Siladitya and Adidev’s daughters……..pretty good review!!

New York Times: Prince Rama — the sisters Taraka and Nimai Larson, with Michael Collins — at the Mercury Lounge on Monday night, two out of three members barefoot, raining a formidable sound down in a far more tepid environment than the band deserves

H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 1.2.17 "I am Narayaran & I am Laksmi" I hope they fall for it 08-20-2010- Video



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"Planet ISKCON" - 63 new articles

  1. H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Saturday 28 August 2010--Living My Dream--and--Did We Evolve from the Apes?
  2. Australian News: MAHA KIRTAN 7 LIVE!
  3. H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 1.2.17 "I am Narayaran & I am Laksmi" I hope they fall for it 08-20-2010- Video
  4. Australian News: Janmastami is coming – find out where and when
  5. Kirtan Australia.com: Maha Kirtan 7 – Brisbane
  6. Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: The greatest service
  7. Book Distribution News: The greatest service
  8. Sita-pati dasa, AU: Maha Kirtan 7 - live!
  9. Australian News: Campbelltown Ratha Yatra 2009
  10. Australian News: Messages from the Madd Monk
  11. Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: Fated Words
  12. ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Lord Balarama's Appearance Day Festivities
  13. Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Steadfastness
  14. H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 1.17.33 Sacrifice In The Modes
  15. Vrndavana Vinodini dd, Toronto, Canada: Fitting It Together
  16. H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 1.17.30 Krishna Conscious & With Etiquette
  17. ISKCON News.com: India Asks, Should Food Be a Right for the Poor?
  18. Maddy Jean-claude Durr, New Govardhana, AU: A Journey Across to Poland: [P26] Beyond the Soggy Ground (Niechorze)
  19. Japa Group: My Mind Wandered Sometimes
  20. ISKCON News.com: Srila Prabhupada's Arrival Festival and Boston Harbor Cruise
  21. H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 1.17.26 50 Weeks of Work For Illusion
  22. ISKCON News.com: Eating Well: Giving Up Meat for a Better World
  23. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 53
  24. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada Smaranam
  25. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: A Poem from Under Dark Stars
  26. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Some ways I know …
  27. Dandavats.com: NYT review of Siladitya and Adidev's daughters……..pretty good review!!
  28. Dandavats.com: Talking Books brings a revolution in primary education
  29. Dandavats.com: The Most Wonderful Thing
  30. Dandavats.com: 24 Hour Sri Harinam ( on 9/11/10 ) in DC dedicated to pay homage to H.G. Sripada Aindra prabhu !
  31. Dandavats.com: Art Seminar Details Memo/ Reminder
  32. Dandavats.com: Review Of Vaiyasaki'S Radha Damodar Vilasa
  33. Dandavats.com: Prabhupada Festival 2010, Iskcon Montreal
  34. ISKCON News.com: Food and Faith: Agriculture as a Theological Act
  35. H.H. Sivarama Swami: Lesson by Niranjana Swami at Varsana
  36. Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Balaram's Appearance Day - Breaking Honey Pot - 3/3
  37. ISKCON News.com: Defense For Religious Hospitals Against Government-ordered Abortions
  38. Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Swamped
  39. Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Balaram's Appearance day - 1st Grade Dhenukasura Song - 2/3
  40. Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Balaram's Appearance day - Abhishek - 1/3
  41. ISKCON News.com: A Thousand Little Krishnas On His Birthday
  42. ISKCON News.com: Pyari Radhe: A Single From ISKCON Coventry`s New Musical Album Has Been Released
  43. Clemens Both, Germany: Back in Germany!
  44. Akrura das, Gita Coaching: ASKING POWERFUL QUESTIONS
  45. Australian News: ISKCON Perth: The Schedule
  46. ISKCON News.com: Live Internet Janmasthami Broadcast from the UK
  47. ISKCON News.com: The Mind Wasters
  48. Dandavats.com: Harinama ki jai!
  49. H.H. Sivarama Swami: Sun storm to hit with ‘force of 100 bombs’
  50. ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Monthly Sankirtan Festival - Srila Prabhupada Special!
  51. ISKCON News.com: Remembering Svayambhu Swami
  52. H.H. Sivarama Swami: Haladhara asks whether it is Ok for devotees to drink green tea
  53. Japa Group: Utter And Hear The Name Distinctly
  54. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  55. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  56. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  57. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  58. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  59. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  60. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  61. Srila Prabhupada's Letters
  62. H.H. Sivarama Swami
  63. Gouranga TV: Govinda Maharaja 2
  64. More Recent Articles
  65. Search Planet ISKCON

H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Saturday 28 August 2010--Living My Dream--and--Did We Evolve from the Apes?

I dream of a world that is completely Krishna conscious, and I live my dream by every day doing whatever I can to make it happen. Why should I resign myself to living in a world of misery when I can ecstatically live my dream every day of helping to transform an ever-increasingly chaotic world into a spiritual paradise? How could such a seemingly...

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Australian News: MAHA KIRTAN 7 LIVE!

Maha Kirtan 7 – Brisbane
Listen to it live: Kirtan Australia Internet Radio

1000 – 1030 Sakhi-rai Dasa
1030 – 1100 Ekendra Dasa (New Govardhana)
1100 – 1130 Varsana Radhe Dasi
1130 – 1200 Jaya Vijaya Dasa
1200 – 1230 Maha-mantra Dasa
1230 – 1300 Naveen Gupta (Canberra)
1300 – 1330 Akash


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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 1.2.17 "I am Narayaran & I am Laksmi" I hope they fall for it 08-20-2010- Video

Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 2, Text 17 by Prahladananda Swami on Ustream.

Ljublijana, Slovenia


Lecture starts at 42:42

Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.17

srnvatam sva-kathah krsnah


hrdy antah stho hy abhadrani

vidhunoti suhrt satam


Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, who is the Paramatma [Supersoul] in everyone’s heart and the benefactor of the truthful devotee, cleanses desire for material enjoyment from the heart of the devotee who has developed the urge to hear His messages, which are in themselves virtuous when properly heard and chanted.


Messages of the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna are nondifferent from Him. Whenever, therefore, offenseless hearing and glorification of God are undertaken, it is to be understood that Lord Krsna is present there in the form of transcendental sound, which is as powerful as the Lord personally. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, in His Sikshastaka, declares clearly that the holy name of the Lord has all the potencies of the Lord and that He has endowed His innumerable names with the same potency. There is no rigid fixture of time, and anyone can chant the holy name with attention and reverence at his convenience. The Lord is so kind to us that He can be present before us personally in the form of transcendental sound, but unfortunately we have no taste for hearing and glorifying the Lord’s name and activities. We have already discussed developing a taste for hearing and chanting the holy sound. It is done through the medium of service to the pure devotee of the Lord.

The Lord is reciprocally respondent to His devotees. When He sees that a devotee is completely sincere in getting admittance to the transcendental service of the Lord and has thus become eager to hear about Him, the Lord acts from within the devotee in such a way that the devotee may easily go back to Him. The Lord is more anxious to take us back into His kingdom than we can desire. Most of us do not desire at all to go back to Godhead. Only a very few men want to go back to Godhead. But anyone who desires to go back to Godhead, Sri Krsna helps in all respects.

One cannot enter into the kingdom of God unless one is perfectly cleared of all sins. The material sins are products of our desires to lord it over material nature. It is very difficult to get rid of such desires. Women and wealth are very difficult problems for the devotee making progress on the path back to Godhead. Many stalwarts in the devotional line fell victim to these allurements and thus retreated from the path of liberation. But when one is helped by the Lord Himself, the whole process becomes as easy as anything by the divine grace of the Lord.

To become restless in the contact of women and wealth is not an astonishment, because every living being is associated with such things from remote time, practically immemorial, and it takes time to recover from this foreign nature. But if one is engaged in hearing the glories of the Lord, gradually he realizes his real position. By the grace of God such a devotee gets sufficient strength to defend himself from the state of disturbances, and gradually all disturbing elements are eliminated from his mind.

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Australian News: Janmastami is coming – find out where and when


The Divine Appearance of Lord Sri Krishna

(fast till midnight)

Thursday 2nd September 2010

4pm till 1am

Arati & Continuous Kirtan in the temple room and outside marquee

Abhiseka / Discourse / Offerings Gifts / Midnight Candle-lit arati / Grand Feast

Temple Restaurant open from 5:30pm until 11:30pm

Janmashtami commemorates the earthly appearance of Krishna, who is described in India's sacred writings as God Himself. One of the biggest religious festivals in the world, it is celebrated by nine hundred and thirty million people around the world–and two million in the US alone. To devotees, it's Christmas and New Year's in one, a day of deep spiritual renewal and celebration that effectively finishes an old year and begins a fresh one.

But why Janmashtami, you may ask? What's so special about Krishna, as opposed to any other form of God? It's His personableness
For every devotee who offers Him love, He reciprocates in uniquely human ways. He is a mischievous son, a romantic lover, a compassionate friend. And on Janmashtami, devotees celebrate Krishna in all of these aspects. For just as Krishna reciprocates individually with His relatives and confidantes, he responds to the distinct feelings and desires held most deeply in the heart of every single worshipper.

So remember that whatever way you worship Krishna on Janmashtami, He will reciprocate with you accordingly. It's a meditation that makes for an extremely rewarding devotional experience. Please join us in the temple this year for an extra special celebration.

See the newsletter for more information

Sri Krishna Janmashtami in Canberra
Venue: CSIRO Discovery Centre, North Science Road , Canberra.

Time: 6.00 pm – midnight
See the web site for more details

Sri Krishna Janmastami in Adelaide
Program: Abhisekam, Drama, Dance, Bhajan, Arati, Kirtan, Reading, Prasadam
Adelaide’s Bhakti Vedanta Ashram, at 25 Le Hunte Street, Kilburn, is located just 10 minutes from the CBD and surrounded by parkland.

Phone – 08 8359 5120, Fax – 08 8359 5120
Email – iskconsa@tpg.com.au

See the web site for more details

New Gokula Farm
New Gokula Farm will be celebrating the auspicious event of Shri Krishna Janmastami on Thursday September 2nd. Please come along and get the blessings of Shri Shri Radha Gokulananda by chanting in the association of devotees.

See the web site for more details

New Govardhana

Sri Krishna Janmastami, Thursday Septembe,r 2nd.

See the web site for more details

ISKCON Melbourne

Dear Friend,
Please accept Sri Sri Radha Vallabha's great blessings! I am sure you will agree that by far the most exciting day on our calendar is Sri Krishna Janmastami. At Melbourne it is BIG, BEAUTIFUL and FESTIVE. A memorable day that begins at the crack of dawn and ends after midnight with every minute filled with great excitement. It is a day like no other – and it is only a few weeks away!!

That is why, on behalf of Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Vallabha, I personally want to invite you, your family and friends to this great day. Come and see the Deities resplendent in Their specially designed outfits. Come and enjoy Their opulent prasadam specially prepared for that day. Come and soak up the spiritual atmosphere and return home feeling enlivened and renewed! They are waiting to enjoy your company. This year Sri Krishna Janmastami falls on a Thursday.

Make a note in your diaries: Krishna Janmastami, Thursday, 2nd September, an all day event. Major programmes begin at 6.30pm.

Even though this is a weekday we expect big crowds because it is everyone's favourite day. Last year we stopped counting at the 8,000 mark. Being a week day, the crowds were slow in the early evening then really picked-up from about 10pm. By midnight huge crowds were still thronging through the entrance to see Their Lordships.

We can expect a similar crowd this year. Towards the end of every Janmastami evening I ask you, Sri Sri Radha Vallabha's guests, how you enjoyed the festival. Last year you told me that you loved the decorations n the temple, the Deities were indescribably beautiful, the kirtana was enlivening, and the atmosphere festive and blissful. In fact as one lady told me, "Melbourne is known for throwing very good festivals …", then she added, "….and that is true!" People love coming to our Sri Krishna Janmastami festivals.

Check out the web site for more details

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Kirtan Australia.com: Maha Kirtan 7 – Brisbane

Has now started.

Listen to it live here: Kirtan Australia Internet Radio


1000 – 1030 Sakhi-rai Dasa

1030 – 1100 Ekendra Dasa (New Govardhana)

1100 – 1130 Varsana Radhe Dasi

1130 – 1200 Jaya Vijaya Dasa

1200 – 1230 Maha-mantra Dasa

1230 – 1300 Naveen Gupta (Canberra)

1300 – 1330 Akash Prabhu (Melbourne)

1330 – 1400 Ali & Alyona Shakir

1400 – 1430 Prema Yogi Dasa

1430 – 1500 Premavati Dasi

1500 – 1530 Abhirama Hamby

1530 – 1600 Janna Griffith

1600 – 1630 Vedavyasa Dasa (Canberra)

1630 – 1700 Janardan Kewin

1700 – 1730 Rasika Seva Dasi

1730 – 1800 Acyuta Priya Dasi

1830 – 1900 Sita-pati Dasa

1900 – 2000 Sandhya Arati & Kirtan – H.H. Devamrta Swami

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Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: The greatest service

The greatest service one can render to the Lord is to try to infuse devotional service into the heart of the conditioned souls so that they may be released from conditioned life. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has said that a Vaisnava is recognized by his preaching work -- that is, by convincing the conditioned soul about his eternal position, which is explained here as nija-dharma.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Madhya 20.6

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Book Distribution News: The greatest service

The greatest service one can render to the Lord is to try to infuse devotional service into the heart of the conditioned souls so that they may be released from conditioned life. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has said that a Vaisnava is recognized by his preaching work -- that is, by convincing the conditioned soul about his eternal position, which is explained here as nija-dharma.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Madhya 20.6

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Sita-pati dasa, AU: Maha Kirtan 7 - live!

Just started.

Listen to it live here: Kirtan Australia Internet Radio

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Australian News: Campbelltown Ratha Yatra 2009


By Antony Brennan

Campbelltown is a city 50 kilometers from Sydney, Australia. Every year the city of Campbelltown celebrates a community festival called the Fisher's Ghost Festival, thousands of people line the festival route which stretches down the main street for more than 1.6 kilometers.

Devotees have been participating in the festival for around four years. One year the Ratha Yarta cart won an award for the best entrant. Thousands of people get to see the the deity form of Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra, as well as Srila Prabhupada. They also get to hear the Mahamantra as the devotees chant and dance all the way along the parade route.


This is the cart waiting for our turn to join into the parade. Staff from the State Emergency Services co-ordinate the day and they told us when we should be ready to take our turn.


Srila Prabhupada wore a special Jagannatha hat to keep the sun off. The sun was so got I got a sunburned face.


Whilst we waited we practiced our sweeping


And dancing


We were having a great time


And we did a lot of chanting


We got the ropes in our hands and we were ready to go


Here come the Hare Krishna's


Dancing and singing


We pulled our cart up two hills along the parade route


The locals really enjoyed seeing us


And we enjoyed being there

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Australian News: Messages from the Madd Monk

the Madd MonkWe awoke to Cidananda's enthusiastic announcement of "pizza!" The hearty tour goers quickly complied. It was a beautiful Monday to kick back, relax and let the excess stress dissolve away. I passed HH Indradyumna Swami's room. "Maddy" he called, and I took a double take. He started asking me about my profile picture on facebook, the one he had snapped up with his camera in Kolobrzeg. It was funny to talk with Maharaja about facebook and his photography. We chatted shortly and then he sent me on my way. Just as I was leaving, he added "by the way, I read all your blogs so be careful." I laughed and said that I would (although I'm not sure I know where to draw the line ).

It was time for some semi spiritual Frisbee. This was our Monday tradition on tour and a good way to loosen the tightened joints from the long bus rides and other seva endeavours. After throwing around the disk with Cid, for a good half an hour or so, I returned to my laptop (another reason why the joints are stiff). Someone sent me a link to a youtube article, entitled "American Swami in Seattle". I curiously opened it to find HH Radhanatha Swami being interviewed on Fox News! I was so amazed that I shared the link all over cyberspace. Lord Caitanya's movement was spreading like wild fire. The interview was so positive that it seemed too good to be true. Radhanatha Swami genuinely captured the presenters, who would otherwise act interested only by default. His preaching was subtle and direct, perfect for the time, place and circumstance.

Read the rest at the website

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Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: Fated Words

On the evening of May 30th, 2010, I was in anxiety.

Sure, the grounds of New Raman Reti were alive with celebration - after all these years of anticipation, Sri Krishna and Balaram had just been placed upon the altar only an hour before. Tumultuous kirtans of welcome rocked the templeroom.  

But I was outside, pacing. I still didn't know if I would be joining the other devotees the next morning to receive initiation. After all of these years of contemplation and prayer, the initiation ceremony was only hours away, and I still didn't know if I would be in it. 

Then, I saw Radhanath Swami talking with devotees amidst some picnic tables. This was my last chance. With a deep, deep breath, I approached him.

The whole issue of initiation awkwardly tumbled out into our conversation, and with mild surprise Maharaj asked me, "Are you chanting 16 rounds?"

"Yes, Maharaj," I replied. At last I had said it. Although I'm sure some had had their suspicions, I had not told a soul about how many rounds I had been chanting since last August.

Without a moment's hesitation, Maharaj agreed to give me initiation the following morning.

I was in shock. Instead of grinning and laughing in amazement and gratitude - at last, at last!, I wrung my hands a little. For years now, Maharaj has been a witness to my japa journey, and he intimately knows my issues of faith in the holy name.

"You look a little hesitant," Maharaj said. "Do you want to receive initiation?"

"Oh yes, Maharaj, more than anything in the world." I paused and sighed a heavy sigh. "But... I've only been chanting 16 rounds... for ten months," I thought of all the people who have been chanting 16 rounds for years and years with such faith, waiting and waiting to receive initiation from Radhanath Swami. And yet here he had only inquired if I was chanting at all.

Then, Maharaj said the words that will remain with me my entire life. He looked into my eyes and said,

"I trust you."  

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ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Lord Balarama's Appearance Day Festivities

Deity Darshan:

Festival Slideshow:
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Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Steadfastness

One who is convinced that he must realize Krishna at all costs will be steadfast. Krishna Consciousness requires self control so that one will not be distracted.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Notes transcribed from a lecture given September 8, 1966

from BTG #4

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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 1.17.33 Sacrifice In The Modes

SB 01.17.33_Sacrifice In The Modes_2004-10-29

Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 1.17.33 Sacrifice In The Modes 2004-10-29 Houston

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Vrndavana Vinodini dd, Toronto, Canada: Fitting It Together

Everywhere you look there are people who seem to have it made. Whether it be materially, spiritually, physically or emotionally, you name it and they seem to have it. Those well-put together strangers who walk by you on the street and bewilder you into thinking, "If only I looked like that."

It's the endless comparison game. That game which your mind plays that results in self-doubt and dissatisfaction. It's hard to control this mind-game from recurring especially when we reach certain stages in our life where we feel, "I didn't imagine myself to be here right now."

But if we were to take a survey of all those strangers or friends or friends of friends who our mind compares us to, we would probably find that most of them probably aren't satisfied or as put together as we thought they were.

In those trying times it's easier to get through them by looking at things from a different perspective. Our sojourn through this lifetime is like a jigsaw puzzle. It's exciting to shake all the pieces out of the box originally but putting it together takes patience and determination. As time progresses, we'll notice that some pieces fit together very easily, some we may not find for awhile (not realizing that they were still in the box) and others may be the ones we were sure fit together only to realize later on we forced them to when in reality those pieces belonged elsewhere.

The uncertainty and challenges we face are similar to constructing that jigsaw puzzle. It's only by persevering and changing our perspective can we ultimately finish the puzzle. As important as it is to focus on the big picture, sometimes it's just as important to work on small parts. Building momentum and gathering confidence helps us in sorting the rest of it out.

As well, it's important to note that puzzles come in all shapes and sizes. Comparing how one puzzle fits together with a different one is ludicrous. Yet, that is exactly what we do with ourselves. We are all unique individuals and similarly our situations, personalities and outlooks are different from everyone elses. This idea of comparing myself with others generally doesn't help anyone figure out their own puzzle.

At the end of the day Krsna already knows what our life will look like. We just need to have firm faith in Him and continue trying to fit the pieces together.

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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 1.17.30 Krishna Conscious & With Etiquette

SB 01.17.30_Krishna Conscious & With Etiquette_2004-10-26

Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 1.17.30 Krishna Conscious & With Etiquette 2004-10-26 Houston

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ISKCON News.com: India Asks, Should Food Be a Right for the Poor?

By Jim Yardley for The New York Times on 8 Aug 2010

India's ability, or inability, in coming decades to improve the lives of the poor will very likely determine if it becomes a global economic power, and a regional rival to China, or if it continues to be compared with Africa in poverty surveys.

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Maddy Jean-claude Durr, New Govardhana, AU: A Journey Across to Poland: [P26] Beyond the Soggy Ground (Niechorze)

Tuesday 17th, August 2010.

I caught up with Radheya, after samosa seva.  He had vanished for the length of our scheduled day off , so he could work on his personal sadhana.  He went to the "Tree House" to read and chant.  Whilst there, he fell asleep for some time and experienced some spooky dreams (possibly confirming that the hunting outpost was haunted).  It reminded me of my Book Distribution Graduation Course, in Mayapur.  They were telling us nice places to read and chant while out on book distribution.  "Churches are nice" said the instructor, "but never fall asleep in a church.  Many of them are built on or near graveyards so you will have terrible dreams."  It was a true fact, well noted on the bus trips in Poland (a predominately Catholic country).  It seemed (based on this) that the hunting tower, the scene of countless violence, had a phantom guardian of its own.

I went online and checked on Radhanatha Swami's video, which had featured on Fox News.  The link was spreading now all over on facebook, like wildfire.  I decided to research his book and found it on Borders online bookstore.  It was sold out!  The book had to be back ordered, with a two to four week waiting period.  I followed the fire on facebook with a follow up fuel, a link to Radhanatha's book on Borders, so everyone could do their part to propagate HH Radhanatha Swami's big, spiritual success.

I entered our room, to pack my things for the trip to Niechorze.  Asurari Prabhu, one of our roommates, approached me.  He told me that he was reading my diaries and asked me if there were any diaries written about the Australian Tours.  Australia was where I chose to begin the epic diary journeys so I had plenty of material available.  I sent him a season via email, just before we headed off to the festival together.

We came to a scene of chaos.  The festival was in the same location as it had been at the start of the season but it had been moved a block to the side.  Only half the tents were set up and there were debris all over the soggy, wet ground.  I found out, from my insiders in the site crew, that they had placed the site in its original location but it was too wet to set it up there.  After a couple hours into the labour they broke it all down and moved it across the road, which was in closer proximity to the beautiful Niechorze Lighthouse.

I sat in the sogginess, talking with Sitala Mataji.  We were talking about the early days of ISKCON and the current day situation of the movement.  It was amazing to think it, a bunch of twenty year olds starting an international society.  It was not hard to understand why there were so many ups and downs to begin with, considering this fact.  Now all those kids were mature adults and the society had grown to phenomenal proportions.  I felt like it was a ripe time for all of us to feel a joint responsibility for our fledgling society, which was potential for a soaring, spiritual success.  I could really feel Lord Caitanya smiling upon us as our conversation delved through the amazing gift Srila Prabhupada had granted us, a gift that we had to care for with utmost loyalty.

I joined the Gita players for their makeover session.  It reminded me of our Australian Gita preparations (indeed a lot of the players were also doing the play in Australia with me).  They painted up their hands and faces, and made their way to the stage.  I took the rare opportunity to tease them from behind the curtains, just as Sri Prahlada did in Australia so many times.  I disappeared before anyone noticed my silliness.

The tour came to it's usual fabulous end.  The mud hardly hindered us as we did our usual thing.  Nonetheless, the troopers were more than happy to snuggle up in the dry buses and head home to their nice, warm cocoons.


Wednesday 18th, August 2010.

We were organizing our transports out of Poland.  The tour was nearing its final ending and we all needed to secure an exit strategy.  I pulled out of all the organized transport, mostly heading to Berlin, for a wild card entry; I was planning to go with Govinda Dev to Polish Rathayatra and then on a wild adventure around Europe.  I prayed for Krsna to make the best arrangements for me and submitted to His protection.

I took a day out of the fight, so I could catch up on resting, writing and sadhana.  The final days of the tour were taking it out of us.  The start of the tour drained us, the Woodstock destroyed us and now the remaining days were simply finishing off the remnants.  I also wanted to avoid the soggy fields, which were awaiting in Niechorze.  I went on my japa walk, trying to go past the "Tree House" and beyond the forest.  I headed off but the rain met me, forcing me inbound, back to he base.  I decided that I would make this venture before tour's end, but for now I was grounded.


Thursday 19th, August 2010.

I looked around at my friends, all curled up in their sleeping bags.  Their clothing was hanging on chairs around the room and I could see pants caked with mud.  It had been a blessing that I missed the second soggy session, saving my souls for another solid soaking today.

Radheya and I decided to go the skleps, just as the buses were coming, and nearly risked missed another day of festivals.  The first two buses left and we waited…and waited.  Two hours later, another bus came.  It was one of the original buses, which had driven to Niechorze and then back to pick us up (an hour each way).

We arrived to the squelch fest that was our festival site.  The ground was like a carpeted fish tank.  It was a day for hot halava and hardly any handiwork (what to speak of general movement).  The final kirtana featured only six matajis, dancing behind Gurudeva (normally there was a dozen or so) and a crowd to suit.  The lacking numbers hardly contrasted the massive festival tents and epic kirtana ensemble.  There was a trumpet, violin, flute and djembe; as well as the usual kirtana instruments.  I joined the troopers for a while but then opted to skip off from the dance session, due to blistered feet (my skin was aggravated from being soaked all the time) and hopped on the bus.  I heard Maharaja from the stage, crying out, "festival tour 2011 ki!"  "Jai!"  He was enthusing the troops, who were weary from enduring a long tour.  He was energizing their sorrowful hearts with the reassurance that they would be back for another exciting adventure on another amazing year of Polish tour.



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Japa Group: My Mind Wandered Sometimes

I was lucky in that I was wide awake and chanted at a steady, rapid pace. My mind wandered sometimes, but I brought it back under the control of the mantra.

From Bhajan Kutir #52
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ISKCON News.com: Srila Prabhupada's Arrival Festival and Boston Harbor Cruise

By Daru Krishna Das for ISKCON News on 27 Aug 2010

On September 18th & 19th, 2010, organized by ISKCON Boston there will be a celebration of the 45th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada's arrival in the West.

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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 1.17.26 50 Weeks of Work For Illusion

SB 01.17.26_50 Weeks Of Work For Illusion_2004-10-22

Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 1.17.26 50 Weeks of Work For Illusion 2004-10-22 Houston

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ISKCON News.com: Eating Well: Giving Up Meat for a Better World

By Katja Thimm for www.spiegel.de on 19 Aug 2010

Jonathan Safran Foer used to love his grandmother's chicken and carrots. But after his son was born, the bestselling American author decided to give up meat.
Like German author Karen Duve, who is also writing a book about eating ethically, Foer is trying to make the world a better place.

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H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 53

www.sdgonline.org. SDGonline Daily updates

3:11 A.M.

From Namamrta by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:

"The most important item in the execution of devotional service is the chanting of the holy name:

"Then the Bhattacarya asked Caitanya Mahäprabhu, "Which item is most important in the execution of devotional service?" The Lord replied that the most important item was the chanting of the holy name of the Lord.

"There are nine items to be executed in devotional service. These are enumerated in the following verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (7.5.23):

"'Hearing the glories of the Lord, chanting, remembering, serving the lotus feet of the Lord, offering worship in the temple, offering prayers, becoming a servant of the Lord, becoming the Lord's friend, and sarvatma-nivedana, offering oneself fully at the lotus feet of the Lord—these are the nine devotional processes. In The Nectar of Devotion, these are expanded into sixty-four items. When Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya asked the Lord which item was most important, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu immediately answered that the most important item is the chanting of the holy names of the Lord—Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.'

Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya 6.241

Here it is starkly stated, and the evidence is conclusive. Prabhupada sometimes says any one of the nine items executed can bring you the result. But here he says the most important item is the chanting of Hare Krishna. It is comforting to know that the item which I am most inclined to is the most important item. If I can do no other item but chant Hare Krishna, I am doing the most important thing. This is what Caitanya Mahaprabhu told the Bhattacarya when He was directly asked. There was no beating around the bush or inconclusive reply or several replies. The chanting of the holy name is the most important element of devotional service.

I had a terrible night last night. I was looking at the clock at 9:00 P.M. and then at 10:00 P.M. again. At that time I had a migraine headache and took medicine. At 11:00 P.M. I was awake and looking at the clock again. At 12:00 A.M. I awoke with a headache. I took medicines and put two pillows under my head and lay awake for an hour. Then I got up at 1:00 A.M. and began my chanting. So it was basically a sleepless night. Fortunately my chanting has been going well, so any relapse from lack of sleep will come later. I chanted my 16 rounds all in a row, with alertness and awakeness. I concentrated on the accumulation of the numbers but paid good attention to the syllables and kept a good rapid pace. So even when you don't sleep all night, you can still chant your rounds sufficiently in the morning. I will take a nap later.

Chanting after no sleep,
the Lord still allows you
to chant alertly. You are
most grateful for that.
It is the most important
item in devotional service,
so you need to keep your mind
fixed as you utter the names.
I paid attention to the
count and finished 16.
Of course, I could have
done better, but I won't
look a gift horse in the
mouth. To complete my
rounds after a
sleepless night is a boon
I will gladly accept.

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H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada Smaranam

www.sdgonline.org. SDGonline Daily updates

From One Hundred Prabhupada Poems, #10

Remember us, Prabhupada, wherever you are.
We heard you will lead us in Goloka Vrndavana
whenever we get there.
For now there is more than enough to do
to follow your instructions to preach
bhagavat-dharma. When we leave this ISKCON farm
and go down the hill,
we immediately see the degraded age. Up here we are immune from it,
in a spiritual world
you advised us to live in.

The temple is a farmhouse
but because we worship here and speak Bhagavatam
it is like Vaikuntha.

Now we must go downtown to the people
not leaving them to their fate. When we preach you are with us because you came from Vrndavana
to do this work, and you are
never affected by the noise and pollution.
You never gave up trying,

So devotees get in cars and go
down the hill.
But early morning is for
the temple room,
which you taught us is absolutely necessary
to stave off the effects of Kali and sin.
Chant Hare Krishna.

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H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: A Poem from Under Dark Stars

www.sdgonline.org. SDGonline Daily updates


Narayana said the later ones
are better than the earlier ones,
I covered different themes with
balance and honesty. The summaries
go back in time and beg to capture
and expand what I stated in the
poem. They go off in tangents
an attempt to uncover what
I may have been hiding by
my unclarity. But the unclarity
has a purpose: for poem form
and tantalizing mystery
you speak in a "foreign" tongue.

read more from SDGonline - daily updates Viraha Bhavan journal 

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H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Some ways I know …

www.sdgonline.org. SDGonline Daily updates

Free Write

Unless you go through Lord Caitanya and His sankirtana movement, you can't reach Radha-Krishna. You can't go directly to Radha-Krishna and jump over Lord Caitanya. Sri krsna caitanya/radhe krsna nahe anya. This means Lord Caitanya is none other than Radha and Krishna combined. He is Krishna Himself, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but He has appeared in a disguised form. Lord Krishna is blackish, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appears in a golden form. He assumes the complexion of Radharani and the mood of Radharani's feeling separation from Krishna. He manifested the mood and bodily transformations of ecstasy in the company of His confidential devotees at Jagannatha Puri. At other times He appeared as the great scholar and the ecstatic chanter, spreading the sankirtana of the holy name in the mood of Krishna-prema. In ISKCON devotees approach madhurya lila through the performance of sankirtana, which makes them eligible to approach Radha Krishna in the chanting of Hare Krishna and spreading the sankirtana movement. They also directly approach Radha-Krishna in the pancaratriki system of Deity worship.

Narottama dasa Thakura says that one cannot enter Vrndavana with material desires. He yearns for the day he can approach Radha Krishna in a  pure service mood.

When heavy eyes come, you find it hard to continue esoteric subjects. You can barely stay awake. This means you have to shut down your writing or force yourself, which is not good. You fall into incoherency. You risk getting a headache. It is time to take a break.

Steve Kowit and I exchanged books in the mail. His poetry is very good. He wrote an essay lambasting poetry that is too difficult and inaccessible and which propounds to be profound. He says poetry should communicate and be accessible. I did not send him my recently published books Japa Transformations or My Dear Lord Krishna: A Book of Prayers. I thought they were too much for insiders, for practitioners of Krishna consciousness. I took a chance and sent him Under Dark Stars, but he may find it too difficult and inaccessible because of its wildness and stream-of-consciousness style. I'll have to see what he thinks. In its own way, I thought UDS might reach a wider audience because of its creativity.

Saci-suta just read to me Prabhupada's "Note" at the end of Madhya-lila Cc.  Krishna dasa Kaviraja states that those who are like pigs and hogs may not like his writing of Lord Caitanya and Krishna, but those who are sincere will take pleasure in it. Prabhupada then wrote that his books and his movement are being widely appreciated, but there are envious people in India who are like pigs and dogs who do not appreciate the Krishna consciousness movement. I believe he wrote this strong defense of his own position to protect his devotees. When they would hear the criticisms of their founder-acarya, they could read his awareness of the criticism and how he compared it to the criticism received by Krishna dasa Kaviraja.

Some ways I know Prabhupada.

Around the end of November 1977—I spent the last days with him in Vrndavana and on the 14th I stayed at his bed all day as he stayed internal and finally passed away at 7:30 P.M.

Around April of 1977—I massaged his feet with talcum powder and felt I was saying farewell.
Around January 1974—he called for me to become his permanent servant and I joined him in L.A. I was in high spirits and felt very privileged.

Around May 1st 1968—he arrived in Boston and gave lectures at our storefront and at the universities for a full month. Various personal exchanges with him.

Around February 1974—he brought me with his entourage to Vrndavana and made me feel at ease in India by his fatherly presence.

Around July 1966—I walked into the storefront at 26 Second Avenue and saw him for the first time. I thought he looked like Lord Buddha. After that first night I never stopped coming back, and I followed the four rules. I began reading his books, which I continue to do now, 43 years later.

Around spring 1973 I joined him, my first trip to Mayapur, and served him as his secretary taking his dictation for letters. We went to visit his Godbrother Sridhara Maharaja.

Around all the time—whenever I chant japa I am following his order.

Around 1971—he visited us at Dallas gurukula, and there were fascinating exchanges involving the installation of Radha Kalachandji. He said I was ignorant for chopping down a big tree that had fallen and was leaning against a building. I asked him, "Was I demoniac?" "No," he said, "just ignorant."

These are just a few times I have jotted down. There are many ways I know Prabhupada, and I treasure them all.

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Dandavats.com: NYT review of Siladitya and Adidev's daughters……..pretty good review!!

New York Times: Prince Rama — the sisters Taraka and Nimai Larson, with Michael Collins — at the Mercury Lounge on Monday night, two out of three members barefoot, raining a formidable sound down in a far more tepid environment than the band deserves

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