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HH Bhakti Raghava Swami on Daivi Varnasrama
The process of bhakti-yoga, devotional service, is the main river flowing down towards the sea of the Absolute Truth, and all other processes mentioned are just like tributaries. HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami - Lord Caitanya’s Sannyasa Part 2
I will discuss the sannyasa pastimes because this year we are celebrating 500th anniversary or Caitanya Mahaprabhu taking sannyasa. HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami - Lord Caitanya’s Sannyasa Part 2412 Views / EMail This Post / Print This Post / Home » HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami - Lord Caitanya's Sannyasa Part 2
I was explaining about the sannyasa pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and prior to the explanation or description of the sannyasa pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had shed some light about this whole sannyasa business in Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s life, how this happens, it just happened like that, what was the reason behind this, what the normal reason could be and what is the deeper reason for Caitanya Mahaprabhu taking sannyasa, the order of sannyasa the integral part of param brahman Svarup. I talked on these different points. How many of you where there in my last class that I gave in the temple on Ekadasi. Very few! Many have left and new devotees have joined. I will discuss the sannyasa pastimes because this year we are celebrating 500th anniversary or Caitanya Mahaprabhu taking sannyasa. After Mahaprabhu took sannyasa the common understanding is that Mahaprabhu took sannyasa to deliver the people in general because there were many people that took sannyasa Caitanya Mahaprabhu to whom Mahaprabhu gave prema bhakti but there are some people they were not coming to take shelter of Mahaprabhu, the pasandis, all the intellectuals, the blasphemers. They were running away from Mahaprabhu. So Mahaprabhu was thinking, “I have come to deliver everybody but how these people will be delivered? They do not understand Me. They are not surrendering to Me.” What to speak of surrendering to Mahaprabhu they were blaspheming Mahaprabhu. They were trying to beat Mahaprabhu. The other day I explained when Mahaprabhu was chanting, “Vrindavan, Vrindavan! Gopi gopi!” eke dine gopi jagada isvara, vrindavava gopi gopi bole nirantara One day Mahaprabhu, jagat isvara in the mood of the gopis was chanting, “Gopi gopi! Vrindavan, Vrindavan!” But these people did not understand Him. An intellectual man came and saw Mahaprabhu chanting “Gopi gopi!” He said, “Oh Nimai what are You doing? You should chant krsna nama then you will get punya. Why you chanting Gopi gopi?” Mahaprabhu was in a different mood. When he was insisting that Mahaprabhu chant krsna-nama Mahaprabhu said, “Oh that Sometimes Radharani also develops a mood like that towards Krishna. This is special anger. The ordinary scholar could not understand. The Lord’s activities are so bewildering that even great demigods and rsis cannot understand. So in this way we can understand how these people don’t understand what is Mahaprabhu’s mood. So this scholar ran to his friends and said, “Oh see how Nimai is reacting! I told Him to chant harinama, krsna nama but He is chanting gopi nama and He wants to beat me up.” They were all pasandis. “Oh what kind of Vaisnava id He? You are chanting krsna nama. Which sastra says to chant gopi, gopi? We are not ordinary. We are also special. We were all studying together. Now He is complete Goswami? Next time if He comes to beat us we will also beat Him.” This is what they planned. Mahaprabhu realized this. Antaryami Bhagavan. “These people are thinking like this. What will happen to them? How will they be delivered? I am distributing prema. How will they get this prema?” Mahaprabhu told Nityananda Prabhu, “I have come here to give some medicine.” korila pippalikhanda kapha nibarite ulatiya aro kapha badila dehete. Pippalikhanda is one kind of ayurvedic medicine that one can take to cure cold disease. So Mahaprabhu compares this, “I came to make them free from this disease. I took pippalikhanda to remove cold.” “ulatiya aro kapha badila dehete - instead of reducing the cold it is increasing,” Mahaprabhu is saying. “I have come to deliver these people Nityananda. [Bengali.] I think I have not come to deliver them. I have come to destroy them. [Bengali.] What to speak of by seeing Me, getting My darsan they will be free from material bondage. [Bengali.] They are bound in material bandan, years of bondage they will get.” So Mahaprabhu became very worried. “What will happen? I have come here to deliver or to destroy humanity?” Then Mahaprabhu said, “Nityananda tomorrow I will take sannyasa. [Bengali.] I shall shave My head, dress like a sannyasi and I will go house to house to beg. Those people that are offending Me, that are planning to beat Me, [Bengali.] I shall go in front of them tomorrow begging, begging from their house, their street,” Mahaprabhu is so expert to conquer the heart of the people. This is Mahaprabhu’s magnanimity. [Bengali] No other incarnation, no other bhagavat svarup has gone to that extent to deliver the living entities. Krishna form or Rama form, has killed to deliver somebody but Mahaprabhu He delivered the most miscreants like Jagai and Madhai. He delivered the animals of Jarikanda forest. And they have forgotten about that and are planning to beat Him! He is planning how to deliver them. “I will give up everything. I will take sannyasa. I will stand in front of their doors to beg alms from them.” This is the way in which Mahaprabhu is thinking. With Mahaprabhu’s mercy, in the om purnam adah purnam idam purnat purnam udacyate purnasya purnam adaya purnam evavasisyate [Iso Invocation] In Vaikuntha one minus one is equal to one. When Caitanya Mahaprabhu came one minus one is equal to two. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mercy. One minus one is equal to two. How does that happen here? In this way the acaryas are explaining if you see one bucket of water in this material world and you take one lotta of water, one lotta of water will be reduced in the bucket. In Vaikuntha if you take from one bucket of water one lotta of water out it will remain the same. In Mahaprabhu’s case if from one bucket of water you take one lotta water out of it, it will double! That means it will overflow. So Mahaprabhu is so merciful He brought that golokera prema-dhana, hari-nama-sankirtana from Goloka Vrindavan [Bengali.] The ocean of mercy that was kept in Goloka Vrindavan [Bengali] He brought that here. People who are interested they come to the river and take bath. Some lazy fellows, they don’t take the trouble of going to the river. Then what happens? The river floods and water comes then they take bath there. When there is flood in Mayapur water does not only come to the pathways but goes into the temple also. Before you know there is this much water. So Mahaprabhu is so merciful that He distributes His mercy. When I go to preach I tell the Indians, “You Indians, you took your birth in India but you don’t understand. Your are just interested in making money. Mahaprabhu is so merciful that He is running behind you also.” “Whoever you are take this prema.” The point here is that Mahaprabhu took sannyasa. The sacrifice that He has gone through is a great sacrifice. Just imagine His family. Father has left the body, elder brother has taken sannyasa, in His house there is a sixteen-year-old wife and old mother. How strong hearted one has to be, what kind of strong determination one has to have, what kind of compassion one has to develop at heart so that he will renounce his family situation and take sannyasa. This is the magnanimity of Caitanya Mahaprabhu! How severe renunciation, how strong sacrifice He has that He gave up everything. What to speak of Mahaprabhu’s renunciation, how much Saci Matta has given up! Just imagine He will take sannyasa. Mahaprabhu told Nityananda Prabhu that, “You only tell five personalities that tonight I will take sannyasa.” He told Nityananda Prabhu, “I will take sannyasa.” So when the whole of Navadvip came to know that Nimai is planning to take sannyasa. At one point He said tonight I will take sannyasa. Navadvip basis know that Nimai will take sannyasa maybe after some nama sankirtana in future but they don’t know that that particular night - kal astra, most difficult night of life that Nimai will take sannyasa. Nobody knows. “Nityananda Prabhu only tell five people about this, My mother, Gadadhara and Mukunda..” Mother Saci knows Nimai will take sannyasa. The night that Nimai took sannyasa, for the whole night Mother Saci could not sleep. Which mother can sleep? Nimai was leaving the house. Mother Saci was sitting at the doorstep. Tears were rolling from her eyes, she seemed like she had no life, she could not speak anything. Mahaprabhu was very attached to His mother just like any other child. Mahaprabhu was sitting in the middle. One side was Haridas and one side was Gadadhara. So at one point Mahaprabhu woke up to leave the house. One said, “Nimai, I must go with you. I am Your childhood friend.” “No I will go alone. I don’t like anybody to see.” Visnu Priya does not know this. On the doorstep Saci Mata was sitting. Tears were flowing from her eyes. She cannot speak anything. Mahaprabhu went and touched her lotus feet. And showing His gratitude He said, “Oh you have done so much for Me, you have taken care of my life. For what you have done I have not done anything in return.” Caitanya Mahaprabhu was speaking but Saci Mata was not replying a single word. She was simply shedding tears and Mahaprabhu left. Mahaprabhu left but again after few days after taking sannyasa Nityananda Prabhu tricked Him and He came back to Santipura. Nityananda Prabhu told Mahaprabhu then said to Saci Mata - Radhanath Maharaj was saying in one program that Mahaprabhu told Saci Mata, “Now My dear mother I have realized that I have committed a great mistake by taking sannyasa but know I am thinking that I should come back home.” Can you imagine He finished taking sannyasa and is with shaven head and saffron cloth and then He is saying that He is thinking of going back home? Mahaprabhu told, “I will go back to My house now. Just see Mother Saci’s heart so tolerant so much tyga, sacrifice she has and she said, “No You don’t go back to the house. If You come back home I will be very happy but if You go back to the house after taking sannyasa people will blaspheme and blame You as big kalanka. So I can I tolerate that? Better You remain as sannyasa.” The core of Mother Saci’s heart she is thinking that Nimai has taken sannyasa to deliver the whole universe. When Radhanath Maharaj was giving a lecture in Jagannath Puri he was saying Nimai is very much glorified. The whole world knows Nimai, His great sacrifice, what a great personality He is but if you compare to the suffering in separation of Saci Mata and what went through. Caitanya Mahaprabhu left home by He has already preached to so many devotees and He is chanting, dancing, having After we join Iskcon - father, mother and everybody say,” No, no. You come back to our house. Please come back.” Here on single mother, the day Nimai took sannyasa Mother Saci sacrificed. That was on Maha Sankranti. Who remembers Mother Saci’s sacrifice? Everybody glorifies Mahaprabhu. Behind that sannyasa the sacrifice of the Navadvipbasis, what the residents of Navadvip have sacrificed, Vrindavan das Thakur explained what the residents of Navadvip went through, such suffering, what separation, how they spent their days and nights in separation from Gauranga Who was their life and soul, for them there was no suffering in their lives because of Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s presence and Mahaprabhu left them. The sacrifice of the Navadvipbasis, the sacrifice of Sacimata - just imagine the sacrifice of Visnu Priya! What sacrifice she has done! Mahaprabhu left when she was sixteen years old, small sixteen year old girl - just married. And what kind of husband she had! Some ordinary husband ready for divorce - so much pain. After getting a husband like Gauranga Mahaprabhu, so beautiful, so nice, well behaved that increased the amount of suffering in separation. If you have bad husband you do not feel so much separation. Visnu Priya had to go through increased separation. Sixteen-year-old girl and Mahaprabhu left. Her heart was breaking but she encouraged, “Yes, if that is Your desire, I am not here for my pleasure. If You stay by my side I will enjoy. I am here for your pleasure. And Your pleasure is to deliver all the living entities.” So how Visnu Priya developed a mood to avoid all these things? She completely forgot her suffering, how hard hearted, how stone hearted, how tolerant, what sort of sacrifice she was prepared to do. Even if she was feeling deep pain she was feeling pain from having to separate from Gauranga Mahaprabhu. So Mahaprabhu left - 48 years old Mahaprabhu closed His pastime and went back and this 24 years Mahaprabhu’s was in a very blissful mood though in separation there is always suffering His was blissful suffering, suffering in the mood of separation from Krishna of Radharani that He was going through. But what was happening to Visnu Priya. She was left alone here. No big festival with many people chanting and dancing and easy to forget. No. She was left behind alone here. Sometimes Mahaprabhu would send a little message to Mother Saci. She would get the message fro someone who was coming from Puri, “How my Nimai is there.” Sometimes Nimai would come. He told Saci Mata, “Even though I may take sannyasa I will take care of you materially and spiritually.” Mahaprabhu was doing that. Mahaprabhu used to come from time to time to meet Sacimata. Sacimata would cook something and Mahaprabhu would come and eat. Sometimes Mahaprabhu would say, “Tell My mother last night she was feeding Me very nice tasty food.” Sacimata would see Mahaprabhu but she knows Nimai has left and gone to Puri.” So she would think that, “I am dreaming.” Just like in Krishna was playing .. Sacimata will think like that, maybe she was dreaming Mahaprabhu was there but still she would recognize that Mahaprabhu was there. So Visnu Priya has to tolerate she was on this planet in manifested pastimes for ninety-six years old. She left the planet when she was ninety-six years old. Just imagine sixteen years old and Mahaprabhu left and eighty years - not five years or ten years she tolerate that but for a long period of eighty years staying in separation from Caitanya Mahaprabhu. What a life this is! But this is Mahaprabhu and His associate’s sacrifice and that Radhanath Maharaj was saying, “Who recognizes the sacrifice of Visnu Priya and what she has done for delivering the whole universe.” So Gauranga Mahaprabhu took sannyasa, that night He crossed the Ganga in a place called Nirdaya - Daya - no mercy, merciless. Through that ghat Mahaprabhu went to Katwa - Since then His heart has no daya, no mercy. Mahaprabhu left this place and went to Katva So in 5 -10 minutes we will be ready to broadcast that lecture of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj. So I hope technically everything is okay. So Mahaprabhu crossed and then went to Katva but before I tell you that I want to tell you one thing - how Mahaprabhu’s taking sannyasa is not accidental. How Mahaprabhu’s taking of sannyasa is not just external or just happened because Mahaprabhu saw, “Oh they are thinking like this about Me, okay tomorrow I will take sannyasa.” No. It is integral part of Mahaprabhu’s life. After explaining Mahaprabhu’s lifestyle I have often quoted how when Radharani was in Vrindavan when Krishna left Mathura, Radharani said [Bengali] I will become yogini.” Yogini means I will take sannyasa. [Bengali]” Forest to forest, country to country.” That desire she had manifested when She came in the form of Mahaprabhu that took place. Real sannyasi. So that mood of Srimati Radharani to search for Krishna in the for of Mahaprabhu telling, “[Bengali.] Where should I go? Where will I find Muralivadan? What should I do, where should I go?” This symptom was there in Mahaprabhu, which was manifested in full when He took sannyasa. Our acaryas are quoting just like when Visvarupa took sannyasa and Mother Saci was very worried that Visvarupa took sannyasa and Mahaprabhu is pacifying Mother Saci but what He is saying? bhala haila, — visvarupa sannyasa karila pitr-kula, matr-kula, — dui uddharila [Cc Adi 15.14] “My dear mother there is nothing to worry. Visvarupa has taken sannyasa. That is very good - pitr-kula, matr-kula. There is a belief that in somebody’s family if a person takes sannyasa both mothers’ side family and fathers’ side family, they all get delivered.” So from this statement we can see that how Mahaprabhu Nimai from the beginning He was supporting, the tendency was there to take sannyasa. Another incident also after Visvarupa took sannyasa is that one-day Mahaprabhu was chewing some betel nut, tambula and He fainted for long. There was no external consciousness. So when He came back t external consciousness then He said to everybody, He said to Mother Saci, “You know what happened to Me? Visvarupa told Me , ‘Nimai come with me and take sannyasa.’ ” Mother Saci said, “You can do anything besides this one thing, taking sannyasa.” Sannyasa she is a very allergic to. She hates the word sannyasa. And Nimai said, “My elder brother came and told me to come with him and take sannyasa.” You can realize what Mother Saci felt when she heard this. Then Nimai said, “But I told My brother, ‘No, no I am a small boy. What will I understand about sannyasa? I will serve my mother and father and attain the perfection of my life.’” That time Mahaprabhu hide the real reason of exposing but here also we see that Mahaprabhu after He lost His external consciousness how it is an indication that He is also going to follow in the footsteps of His brother. Also when Mahaprabhu went to what is now So why Mahaprabhu said to go to Benares? Because Mahaprabhu knows that after taking sannyasa He will go to Benares on the way to while traveling to Vrindavan. All these things are there in His Svarupa, not accidentally happening like that. Mahaprabhu used to do all night kirtan in Srivasangam. Only intimate associates will get a chance to enter inside. Outsiders were not allowed. Once one brahmana went to see Mahaprabhu’s chanting and dancing and he was not allowed inside. The brahmana became very angry. So one day while Mahaprabhu went to take His bath in the Ganga the brahmana saw Him. Both Mahaprabhu and the brahmana paths crossed and the brahmana said to Nimai, “Oh. You are doing kirtan and not allowing me to enter. I am so dukhi, I am so unhappy. I am so angry.” He took his brahmana thread and broke it. He was so angry like Durvasa Rsi. “I am breaking my brahmin thread and I curse You that You will never get the pleasure of Your family life.” Yes he cursed Him. Mahaprabhu was very happy that, “Oh, such nice blessings are there for Me.” When Narada Muni was cursed by daksa he also said very nice. The brahmana was very angry; “I cursed You that You will never take pleasure in family life.” Mahaprabhu accepted, “Yes, give Me that curse. I want that curse. I will take sannyasa and go.” So all these things are there in Mahaprabhu’s whole life. Long before this incident took place at Srivasa’s house, when these scholars said they should beat Nimai, before this criticism also when Mahaprabhu was doing sankirtan in the house of Srivas Thakur everyday and one day while Mahaprabhu was in kirtan Srivasa’s son died. Then when Srivasa saw all the ladies crying, Srivasa became very worried, “If you all cry like this, this will hamper the kirtan of Mahaprabhu and this will be the obstacle in Mahaprabhu’s enjoyment of kirtan. Please stop crying.” But the ladies could not stop crying since the eldest son just died. Then Srivas said, “You like to cry? Okay I will die so that you can cry for me and my son also.” So all the ladies stopped crying. Srivas said, “If you want to cry at all you wait until Mahaprabhu stops chanting and dancing then you cry all day. I will have no problem. You are crying that your son died in such a nice brahmanda Isvara chanting and dancing in my house. I pray to die a thousand times like this. And you are crying for this.” His mood is different. So he stopped. Meantime word has spread and all the devotees were talking, “Srivasa’s eldest son died.” But no one was trying to stop Mahaprabhu’s kirtan. So after two or three hours Mahaprabhu realized that something was wrong, that some calamity has happened. Then devotees said, “Yes Mahaprabhu Srivasa’s eldest son has died.” “Oh really when did he die?” “Two or three hours before.” “Then why nobody told Me that he died?” ” We wanted to tell You but Srivasa Thakura did not want it to be an obstacle to Your enjoyment in chanting the Hare Then Mahaprabhu said, “Okay. Bring the boy here.” And they brought Srivasa’s eldest dead son. Mahaprabhu said, “Get up, getup!” The dead son became alive and sat up. Mahaprabhu asked, “Where have you gone. Your father and mother are crying. Why you have left untimely like this?” The boy asked, “Father and mother? Which father and mother are they?” They said, “We are your father and mother.” Then he gave a philosophical explanation how by desire he had come and by desire he was leaving. After this Mahaprabhu was discussing with the devotees how Srivas did not realize his eldest son died. He did not want to interrupt Mahaprabhu’s pleasure. In that way Mahaprabhu told softly, not loudly - these words came out from His mouth. “Alas! How can I leave such dear people? They are so dear, they don’t realize the pain and suffering of their son dieing. They are so dear to Me. How can I leave them?” All the devotees could hear that Mahaprabhu was saying, “How can I leave them?” From there they could imagine that Nimai is going to take sannyasa. They started to cry, “Why Nimai is talking like this that, ‘How can I leave?’” So there were different indications that how Mahaprabhu was planning in different ways that He will take sannyasa. Mahaprabhu was telling different people that when He told Mother Saci. Mother Saci said, “No. No Nimai. Why will You leave home/ You stay here. Just like when we leave our house, our parents say, “No. No don’t join Iskcon. I will build a nice temple here. You can chant and dance here. Whatever you like you can do here.” Similarly Mother Saci tried to pacify Nimai, “No don’t go. Stay in my house.” The same mood also she showed motherly affection. One day Mahaprabhu revealed to Mother Saci, “You don’t worry My dear mother. How can I leave you? You are not My mother only After that Mahaprabhu said - this verse in Caitanya-bhagavat explains that Mahaprabhu said, “I will appear in two other forms, that is arca-vigraha and holy names. And you will be My mother in the form of tongue. I will appear from the tongue of everybody - you as mother and I will appear as the holy name. And I will appear as arca-vigrah from the earth. You will appear like earth and I will appear from you as arca-vigraha.” But these stupid fellows they cheat people. They just quote one line that Mahaprabhu said that, “I will appear again in two different forms.” That much they say and, “Out of those two I am one.” These truths they don’t tell to the people that Mahaprabhu said He would appear as holy name and arca-vigrah. And the whole f Bengal is cheated like this. Whole India is cheated like this. Then Mahaprabhu pacified Mother Saci. Then Mahaprabhu left to Katva and there He met Kesava Bharati, Mayavadi sannyasi. That is why many people interpret that Nimai also was a Mayavadi sannyasi because He took sannyasa from Kesava Bharati. Actually it was not Mayavadi sannyasi. Mayavadi people take sannyasa from . Their sannyasa mantra is tatvam asi. This is Mayavadi mantra - tatvam asi, so aham - that means their goal of life is to become one with god, to merge with god and become one with god. Their philosophy is that we are all god and because of maya we have become this. When we are free from maya we become god. So then they follow this aham brahmasmi and tatvam asi. So that mantra was given to Madhavendra Puri, Isvara Puri but when a Vaisnava takes sannyasa they don’t accept that meaning tat means that Supreme Being, tvam means You, asi means You are. Tattvam asi means - You are the Supreme Being. That is not the way they chant. Tattvam asi. Tattvam asi. By chanting like that they come to the platform of being one with God. Nobody can become one or equal with God but to some extent they elevate themselves to that level. Our Vaisnavas taking of this mantra tattvam asi is different. Tattvam asi is not that you are god tasya tvam asi - you are His. Mayavadi says tatvam asi means you are He but Vaisnava acaryas say, you are His. So in this way Vaisnava sannyasis take the meaning of Vedas. On the first night that Mahaprabhu went to Katva, in the morning He went whole night He was spending in Krishna katha. So He mentioned to Kesava Bharati, “I will take sannyasa from you.” Kesava Bharati was very happy. “I am so happy I will get You as my disciple.” Usually disciples feel very happy, very careful to get a good spiritual master but here Kesava Bharati is feeling grateful to get a disciple. Usually Guru delivers the disciples. Sometimes the disciple delivers the Guru. So Mahaprabhu and Kesava Bharati’s relationship is like that. “Okay tomorrow morning I will give You sannyasa initiation. No problem.” Mahaprabhu told Candrasekhara to make all the arrangements. So Candrasekhara acarya was there. Huge arrangements lot of ingredients was brought. Big ceremony, thousands of people came. Tomorrow Nimai will take sannyasa. People were crying. “We will miss that beautiful form of Nimai with long hair.” When I was reading this book wherever He would go to Nityananda Prabhu, then He went to Mukunda, to Gadadhara everybody said the same thing, “Nimai when You take sannyasa we can see Your beautiful face but we will miss Your long hair.” Everybody was worried about their hair - how will I look like, how will I tolerate shaving it off. So all the Navadvipbasis were all thinking that all this beautiful hair would be cut. Then the barber came. Mahaprabhu said, “Okay cut My hair.” He said, “How can I cut this hair? In my whole life I have not seen hair like this.” He was feeling very reluctant to move his razor. Mahaprabhu saw he was delaying and on top of that Mahaprabhu met Kesava Bharati, so much ecstasy. He said, “Mukunda you chant.” Mukunda was chanting and Mahaprabhu was dancing. Then he stopped and said, “Okay hair will be shaved.” Mahaprabhu sat down. When the barber moved his razor once, Mahaprabhu got up then again he chant and dance. Then He sat down, again one move of the razor and again He chant and dance. The whole day this happened. Chanting and dancing and Mukunda and everybody were wondering what is going on here. The finally Mahaprabhu took bath and came back. Now was time for initiation. Who will give initiation to whom? Kesava Bharati was to give initiation to Gauranga Mahaprabhu or was Gauranga Mahaprabhu to give initiation to Kesava Bharati? He is jagad-guru. Mahaprabhu said, “Oh Gurudev last night I had a dream. In this dream one maha-purusa came to Me and told Me a mantra. I will tell you that mantra. Is it correct mantra?” So Mahaprabhu told that mantra to His Guru. [End of recording.] [Audio of this lecture and others are available on mayapur. com/downloads.] 412 Views / EMail This Post / Print This Post / Home » HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami - Lord Caitanya's Sannyasa Part 2 You must login before replying. 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Oh… My God.. What a wonderful description of Mahaprabhu Lila. It really takes us back to the 500 years ago.
I am very much thankful to H.H.Bhakti Puroshottam Maharaj for sharing this nectarian pastimes of Lord Chaitanya with all of us.
Your Servant,
Gour Gopal Das