Here are the latest updates for - WSN September 2010 - World Sankirtan Newsletter
- Sita-pati dasa, AU: Kuli Mela Special Price
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Pictures from recent AGM near Ottawa
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Thursday, October 28th, 2010
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Wednesday, October 27th, 2010
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Yamuna-lila Mataji
- Doyal Gauranga dasa & Gadadhar Pandit dasa, NYC: Depression
- Doyal Gauranga dasa & Gadadhar Pandit dasa, NYC: Veggie meat balls
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 115
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: One Hundred Prabhupada Poems
- Bhakti Vikasa Swami: someday you will also have children
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Bhaktivedanta Purports
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Rustic
- Kurma dasa, AU: Wake Up!
- Doyal Gauranga dasa & Gadadhar Pandit dasa, NYC: Taking control
- Japa Group: Entering The Retreat
- Hari Sauri das, Mayapura, IN: No dogs in Dubai
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Maddy Jean-claude Durr, New Govardhana, AU: A Class About The Mind And The Senses (Given in Belgium)
- Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Fall Stresstival
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Tuesday, October 26th, 2010
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Arrival in Mumbai and brief report on visit with H.H. Narayana Maharaja
- ISKCON A New Book Connects Krishna, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Buddha and Baha'u'llah
- Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: 20 Things You Need To Know About GMO
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Pictures of Gurumaharaja at Sripad B.V. Narayana Maharaja
- Gouranga TV: Indradyumna Swami at NVD “Nitai Hey!!”
- Dandavats, Skepticism, and Believing
- Hearing and Chanting
- Chief Minister performs bhoomi puja for ISKCON Golden Temple
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Photographs By Jagannath Das – RADHA GOPINATH On SHARAD PURNIMA on 22nd OCT 2010
- Toronto Star Article! Where did the Hare Krishnas go?
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By Vijaya das
September proved to be a great month for the Pune temple. They did 12,960 points, a 207% increase over a year ago. The president there, Radhe Shyama Prabhu, is a graduate of IIT (the top university in India) and one of the nicest devotees you'll ever meet  Until November 14 adults can register for the child's price. That's AU$44 instead of AU$108! Kuli Mela is going to be awesome - I'm a big fan of kirtan, so I'm mostly hyped about the kirtaniyas who are going to be there. Here's a sampler of who is going to be there: Vaiyasaki, Gaura Vani and As Kindred Spirits, Kurma, Ghosh brothers, plus a few others who are not yet confirmed (possibly some of the Mayapuris, and the Kirtaniyas). Definitely getting my ticket during this red light special.
The Day Before India
Toronto, Ontario
This cab driver sees me regularly. He rolled down the window. “Why are you on Bloor? I usually see you walking on Yonge St.” he said amicably. Unfortunately when I stuck my head in to hear him the cab’s interior smelt like a brewery. After a few words of exchange I felt myself to be woozy. The alcohol content was that dense in the air.
I felt bad for my cab driver friend who succumbs to drinking. I had no idea. I shouldn’t be surprised. That’s the culture, isn’t it? Even in our affluent neighbourhood the liquor store is promoting a show, “Soul Whiskey”. It sounded like an oxymoron when I saw th sign. What does a potent liquor have in common with the soul?
The four pillars of mundane living that we monastics abstain from; intoxicants, meat-eating, gambling and casual sex, guarantee a socially happier life. This could not be further from the truth. I will not pass judgment on those who are habituated to such activities. I will loathe the sin and not the sinner.
Before I became a monk, in my mid-teens, I tried a cigarette. It was horrible. I recall seeing Cate Blanchette as Elizabeth the first trying her first tobacco from Sir Walter Raleigh. The reaction I had was like that. And I know it might sound funny to those who address me as “Maharaj” that I tried my first beer. “That is a harsh beverage,” I thought. Only socially did I feel the need to perpetuate (for some time). A cream soda pop drink surpasses that gassy urine-flavoured drink found in the amber coloured bottle.
You know, I was never really attracted to those things and habits. The meat? No! Girls! Yes! But my faith in God led me to avoid intimacy until marriage. It was a principle I sustained. Eventually I ended up with no marriage. The life of the real contraception of saying “No!” to these taboos made it easy for me to slide into my current lifestyle.
I’m ever so grateful for that. I still must work on greed, envy, anger, illusion, madness and other layers of lust. Looks like a lifetime assignment. Okay! “Keep busy and engaged in devotional service and count the days of temptation away.
I wish my taxi friend well.
These Days
Toronto, Ontario
Recently my day opens with a walk either on Yonge or Bloor Streets after a cool shower. Then arati begins at 4:30 AM. Radha Kanta, our monk from Assam, routinely plays the mrdunga drum. Is he ever good?
Our Mr. Positive, Dharma Prana, our very own monk made in Canadeea, is handicapped, suffering from a stroke three decades ago. He can sing well the Maha Mantra but is physically restricted to that. He keeps everyone on their toes with regards to hitting the synchronized pitch.
This morning after delivering a class someone asked me something unrelated to the message of the Bhagavatam. “What is Halloween all about?” This question came from our Hungarian born monk, Gaurachandra.
I fumbled with the answer, “Something to do with the Celtic community, I believe, and something to correspond to All Saints Day…” Since it was unclear our little group of monks deputed hermit Hara Kumar to find out the origins. Jokingly we agree that this info would truly enlighten and elevate our consciousness. In some respects it would not be a bad idea, we thought, to gain a greater understanding as to what the neighbours on the street are all in a fuss about. Sometimes you can remain in the dark with the world around being rather cocooned in the temple ashram.
For instance I felt it necessary to inform our group that we have a new mayor. At least one amongst us could be a little informed. In any event we resolved that the next day would be the day to uncover from our sheltered minds that origins of the ghoulish festival known as Halloween.
More enlightening for me was reading a passage form the Gita and the reading had absolutely nothing to do with the pervasive nature of skeletal creatures everywhere. In reference to paramatma (God-in-the-heart) there is the verse 13.14“Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes, heads and faces. In this way the Supersoul exists in everything.”
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.26.10 - The acaryas use allegories to present the perils of material sense gratification.
What is depression? What's the difference between being depressed and just having a bad day, or a couple bad days, or a bad year? Some interesting ideas thrown out at our last Relfections discussion was that depression results from a deep feeling of being disconnected from your surroundings, your peers, and ultimately yourself. Having a deep sense of purpose and an active spiritual practice of meditation can help prevent bouts of depression, and maybe even bring positive happiness and fulfillment into your life, beyond just making ends meet and somehow getting by.
Feel free to replace your canned tuna with our veggie meat balls to make an all-time classic sandwich. Here's our recipe below.
A variety of vegetables can be used for this recipe, including
potatoes, zucchinis, or carrots. This particular one calls for cabbage.
1 head green cabbage
3-4 cups gram besan flour
1 teaspoon chili powder
½ teaspoon asafetida powder
1 ½ teaspoon tumeric powder
1 ½ teaspoon paprika powder
oil for frying
1 bunch fresh cilantro/parsley, chopped (for garnish)
1. Shred the cabbage finely and place in a bowl.
2. Sprinkle the spices in the bowl with the cabbage and begin slowly
adding the besan flour, about ½ cup to a cup at a time. Pour with
one hand while mixing with the other. When you're able to roll the
mixture into sustainable balls that don't collapse, stop adding flour
and roll the mixture into about 30-40 small balls (just a little
smaller than a golf ball)
3. Heat the oil in a pot. When hot, begin adding the kofta balls, one at
a time. Depending on the size of your pot, you can fry different
amounts of kofta at a time. Fry for a couple minutes until the kofta
turns a dark golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon. Garnish with
freshly cilantro/parsley
4. Smother in your favorite tomato sauce and couch the "meat"balls
inside a roll of fresh-baked bread, remember to smile, and
3:15 A.M.
From Namamrta by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:
“The pure brahmacari engages fully in the chanting of the holy name:
“[Lord Krsna]: Some of them sacrifice the hearing process and the senses in the fire of the controlled mind, and others sacrifice the objects of the senses, such as sound, in the fire of sacrifice. “The brahmacaris, or students under the care of a bona fide spiritual master, control the mind by abstaining from sense gratification. They are referred to in this verse as sacrificing the hearing process and the senses in the fire of the controlled mind. A brahmacari hears only words concerning Krishna consciousness; hearing is the basic principle for understanding, and therefore the pure brahmacari engages fully in harer namanukirtanam—chanting and hearing the glories of the Lord. He restrains himself from the vibrations of material sounds, and his hearing is engaged in the transcendental sound vibration of Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna.
(Bg. 4.26) Generally when we say brahmacari we mean one who is celibate, who refrains completely from sex life in its gross and subtle forms. But here sex restraint is not mentioned but the active practice of engaging the hearing process in chanting Hare Krishna. If one fully engages his sense of hearing and speaking in harinama, he will automatically overcome sex desire. It’s compared to offering in the ritual of the fire yajna. The mind is controlled by offering the words into the fire of harinama. In the morning the first duty of a brahmacari seeking spiritual elevation is to offer sacrificial oblations to the Supreme Lord. Those engaged in brahmacarya do not sleep until 7:00 or 9:00 in the morning. They must rise early in the morning, at least one and a half hours before the sun rises, and offer oblations, or, in this age they must chant the holy name of the Lord, Hare Krishna. As referred to by Lord Caitanya: kalau nasty eva, nasty eva, nasty eva gatir anyatha: There is no other alternative, no other alternative, no other alternative in this age, to chanting the holy name of the Lord. The brahmacari must rise early in the morning, and after bathing himself should chant the holy name of the Lord. Yesterday I had headaches all day long. I took all varieties of headaches and took all varieties of medicine, including migraine. Fortunately I got my quota of rounds done early in the morning, most of them, and finished the rest by noon. But I had to cancel my physical exercise and my afternoon walk. Only by evening time did my headache subdue itself. I went to bed on time, and woke up with a clear head. I was able to chant my rounds quickly, although a little confusedly in keeping up the quota. I did sixteen rounds by 2:30 A.M. because I woke at 12:00. I hope it will not be a repeat of yesterday, but in any case I have already finished my rounds. I have done the duty of the brahmacari, rose early and completed the yajna. A brahmacari or sannyasi
or celibate female, completely
refrains from sex life, which is
the great bondage to material life.
How do they do it? They sacrifice
their life-breath into the yajna of harinama. It is recommended
that they rise early, one and
a half hours before sunrise
and begin concentrated japa
of Hare Krishna mantra. This
will go a long way towards controlling
sex desire as the mind gets
purified at the start of day
before passions can begin.
And they continue chanting
throughout the day,
avoiding sexual contact.
Lord Caitanya said hari-
nama the only way,
the only way in Kali-yuga to
avoid sinful acts
and succeed in spiritual life.

A devotee sent me some black-and-white photos.
One shows Prabhupada in a room where he sits eyes
closed in front of shelves where books
and pamphlets or notebooks are stacked.
The wall is bare, I don’t know where.
He wears garlands of big roses—some almost
like cabbages—and marigolds.
And his eyes are closed.
He is in so many places, it’s hard
figuring out where he is
in any particular picture.
When he closed his eyes
he could be anywhere
with Krishna.
He is waiting for the plane
that will take him from SF to NYC in April of 1967.
He wears a buttoned shirt and
under it a turtleneck jersey and
under the shirt a long piece of khadi as a shawl.
Early days of ISKCON in America.
His hand in a large bead bag.
He’s absorbed in the chanting
and in what he has to do.
He’s apart from the airport waiting room
and even from the disciples who surround him.
He’s lovable and our guru,
but inviolable.
Another photo is a side view of his face
with his right hand holding beads,
maybe an initiation yajna.
Here’s one smiling, the day he left
for New York City in 1967.
So many different moods in a day.
I can’t describe more . . .
He was very old in his 70s and then 80s
but not an old man. He’s not a man
at all, the pure devotee
is a pure representative of Krishna
and his body . . . is Prabhupada.
I look at his photos
with an awakening of love.
Laxmimoni dasi: We were sitting in Srila Prabhupada's room, and Prabhupada had just had an arati for his little Radha and Krishna deities. He had music of himself singing playing, and Prabhupada was playing kartals. We were sitting next to him. And then when the arati was over, Jagadish handed Srila Prabhupada a letter from Dharmaraj prabhu requesting initiation. So Prabhupada said he could get initiated. Then he turned to Jagadish and he said, "Do you know how to perform this fire sacrifice for the initiation ceremony?" and Jagadish said no, he didn't know how. So Prabhupada instructed someone in the room to give Jagadish instructions on how to perform the fire yajna for the initiation. At that time he said, "You have to know how to do this ceremony because someday you will have disciples of your own." He looked at me and I was in my eighth month of pregnancy and he said, "Just like before she was not mature, but now she has become mature and she is having children of her own. So in the same way, someday you will also have children of your own." >From the transcript to Following Srila Prabhupada, DVD #2.
The purports of Prabhupada
are very enriching to read.
True, they are repetitious, but
you learn not to let that
bother you. He’s rounding out
the point, saying the same
thing but in a slightly different
way that makes it complete.
They explain the text nicely.
It gives you the key Sanskrit
words that are “very significant.”
They have unique expressions
you remember. Then you
forget them and when you
reread it you appreciate it
again. “Service is the
most congenial form of
We want freedom.
Freedom is the pivot.
We want to get beyond
the walls of the universe
and meet the light.
Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura
specializes in the conjugal rasa.
He says the arrows that hit
Krishna were felt by Him like
the bites of a lover.
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati said
there is no scarcity in
this world except the
scarcity of Krishna consciousness.
He occasionally tells things
from his personal life.
“We had the great fortune
to be born in a Vaisnava
family. Our father gave
us Radha-Krishna Deities as our
childhood play and he spent
liberally for prasadam distribution
for our boyhood Ratha Yatra.”
He never misses a chance to scorch
the Mayavadis: a less intelligent
class of philosophers, those with a
poor fund of knowledge who
think they are as good as God.
He quotes Bhagavad-gita,
lots of Sanskrit, but
not too much. He makes
it accessible to the Western
Relax and keep reading them,
be satisfied and confident you are receiving the
best condensation of all
the acaryas, spending your time in the
best way for victory over birth and death,
for hearing about Krishna.
“Thus ends the Bhaktivedanta purports of the
First Canto, First chapter
of Srimad-Bhagavatam,
in the matter of
‘Questions by the Sages.’”
Free write

A devotee asked me to turn at random to Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto Three, Chapter 24, verse 38: “Now, being sanctioned by Me, go as you desire, surrendering all your activities to Me. Conquering insurmountable death, worship Me for eternal life.” If anyone wants real, eternal life he has to engage himself in devotional service, or Krishna consciousness. To become free from birth and death is not an easy task. Birth and death are natural to this material body. The modern scientists do not have sufficient means to understand the process of victory over birth and death. Therefore, they set aside the question of birth and death; they do not consider it. They simply engage in the problems of the material body, which is transient and sure to end. Actually, human life is meant for conquering the insurmountable process of birth and death. One must engage in devotional service. In Bhagavad-gita Krishna says, “Man-mana bhava mad bhaktah. Just become My devotee. Just worship Me.” But foolish so-called scholars say it is not to Krishna we must worship and to whom we must surrender; it is something else. Without Krishna’s mercy, therefore, no one can understand the philosophy, which is especially meant for liberation. On the last days before He left home to take sannyasa, Lord Caitanya danced and sang in sankirtana with His associates. In the evening He would go and sit on the bank of the Ganges and look at the river. He told Lord Nityananda to tell only five people of His plans to leave home. One of them was Mother Saci. As soon as she heard, she began to weep incessantly. Lord Nityananda told the others to meet Lord Caitanya at a certain village where Kesava Bharati lived. On the last night the Lord entered yoga-nidra and pretended to sleep. Saci stayed awake. When there were only two hours left in the night, the Lord got up and started to leave the house. He had to pass Saci at the front door. He spoke sweet words to her, saying He existed only because of her love and protection, and that he owed her a great debt. “You are very dear to Me,” He said, with His hand on His chest. Saci said nothing in return but stood like an immovable object, crying tears. He left her, and she sat outside the house. When the morning came and the Lord’s associates came to meet Him, they found Mother Saci sitting outside the door. They asked her where the Lord was, and at first she said nothing. But finally she said, “The Lord has left us.” Cries of grief and separation rose in the house, then more of Lord Caitanya’s associates arrived and heard the news. Even the blasphemers cried that they would not see Lord Caitanya again. All of Navadvipa plunged into tears of sadness. Meanwhile, Lord Caitanya and His four associates met in the village of Kesava Bharati. The Lord led them in wild, joyous sankirtana. He danced and sang and amazed Kesava Bharati, who believed that Lord Caitanya must be the Supreme Personality of Godhead. After some time, He calmed down and made obeisances to Kesava Bharati. He requested him to award sannyasa initiation. At first Kesava Bharati refused in humility, but then he said, “If You want me to do it, I will.” Lord Caitanya asked Candrasekhara to gather all the necessary ingredients for the ceremony. The Lord asked the barber to shave His hair. At first the barber was weeping too much, and he could not see to cut His hair.
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Hinrik from Reykjavik, Iceland wrote: "Hello Kurma, I remember you wrote one article where you said that the good time to get up in the morning according to yoga principles was an hour or so before sunrise. Can you help me? Where is that article. I must say that sunrise times in Iceland are quite late at the moment - 9.15 am !! So I can sleep in without any problems. My reply: Hello Hinrik, and thanks for your letter. Here is the link to my essay. I guess when you have your 'midnight sun' this could be a bit of an interesting challenge. Happy reading.
In the Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna that our senses can draw us, even if we are striving to control some of their negative influences upon us, into situations that we don't want to go into, to say words we don't want to say, and to hurt feelings we don't want to hurt. Sense control is not something we ever think about too often, but our discussion helped us all to find a common bond and understanding, from the wisdom of the Gita, as to why a little restraint and understanding about the sensual forces in our life can help us to find a deeper spiritual understanding. Letting our sensual desires get out-of-control can throw us into a downward spiral that leads to anger, bewilderment, and the kind of illusions that prevent us from finding consistence and contentment in our spiritual lives.
Of course, living in our go-go-gadget world means that this is easier said than done. This past week, we discussed the importance of the wisdom of sense control that the Gita teaches us, and how we can take a step back, through the vision of ourselves as spirit soul, and see the forces that are working upon us. Practices like mantra meditation can help us to steady our mind and deepen our perspective so that we can push back and remain strong against the urges of our tongues, bellies, etc that throw us off and make us feel miserable, despite whatever temporary pleasure might be there.
Or so I was told. And its a fact, you don’t see any dogs running around in any of the Gulf States cities. There are probably a few but I was told by one of the devotees that Muslims consider dogs to be very low on the scale as far as living beings are concerned, so you just don’t see them around. His comment reminded me of a few dog stories. Srila Prabhupada also didn’t have a very high opinion of them. As he says in Caitanya Caritamrta Adi 10.1: “We have actually seen that a dog has no respect even for the tulasi plant. Indeed, a dog is especially inclined to pass urine on the tulasi plant. Therefore the dog is the number one nondevotee.” Srila Prabhupada was fond of warning people that if they did not take proper advantage of their human forms of life, they run the risk of taking birth as dogs in their next lives. 
And sometimes he would make unfavorable comparisons between humans and dogs: June 21 1976 – Toronto There was an airport strike in Toronto, so Srila Prabhupada took an early bath and lunch. At 1:00 P.M. we set out by car for Buffalo, just across the U.S. border. After little more than a two-hour drive we arrived at the airport in Buffalo. The plane to Pittsburg wasn’t scheduled to leave for two more hours and Prabhupada held a darsana in the waiting lounge. Pusta Krsna Maharaja first read from Bhagavad-gita. Then Prabhupada talked for while. He said that people cannot understand Krsna because they are in the bodily concept of life. He used our trip over the border as a prime example of ignorance. “We pass through Canada to USA. Why Canada? Why USA? This is bodily concept. ‘It is meant for the Canadians,’ ‘it is meant for USA, Americans.’ Immigration, customs, the same mentality as a dog coming from other neighborhood. The other dogs, they all come together, ‘Yow, yow, why you have come, why you have come?’ In civilized dress only. This is the position. What is the difference between the dog’s mentality… When another dog comes to another neighborhood, these neighborhood dogs, you know that? All animals. ‘Yow, why you have come?’ So this department, ‘Why you have come here?’ dogs barking, and this immigration, what is the difference? 
Is there any difference? This is our policy. Very difficult. How they will understand Krsna consciousness? Their mentality is not better than the animals.”
In Vrndavana, where there are lots of dogs, Srila Prabhupada informed us that they were fallen devotees who had committed offences in the dhama and were now being punished by taking birth as dogs. After one lifetime suffering as an animal, they get liberated and go back to Godhead. Sometimes the dogs would create a disturbance and Srila Prabhupada would complain: April 29th, 1976 – Fiji With few visitors, the day was quiet, and Prabhupada has been able to relax. Fiji appears quite paradisiacal, but it is not perfect. Srila Prabhupada was disturbed by a constant nightlong howling, emanating from what seemed like a multitude of dogs. It started off in one quarter of town and flowed like a cacophonous wave around the entire district, and this prevented Prabhupada from translating. But despite their lowly position even dogs have at least one good quality: September 26 1976 – Vrndavana As I massaged Prabhupada under his mosquito net on the roof tonight, he complained about the dogs barking and yowling in the alleyways. They were disturbing his sleep. He shook his head and told me that a birth as a dog is a most unfortunate situation. Because they are weak from hunger, they fight and yowl. But if you feed them, they become strong, and then they fight even more, making even more disturbance. He said there is no use in feeding them or in taking compassion on them. They are a condemned species, especially meant for starving and having a hard life.
He said there is nothing lower than a dog, yet even dogs have one good quality — faithfulness. And he told me a story about a man, a dog and a baby: The man had to leave his house for a few minutes, so he placed his baby on a bed and left his dog in the room to guard it. When he returned a short while later, the room was empty. He was horrified to find a trail of blood leading out into the garden. Following it, he suddenly came upon the dog running out from the bushes, its mouth covered in blood. The man was shocked. He thought that the dog must have attacked the baby, dragged it into the bushes and killed it. He angrily rushed inside, got a gun, and returned to face the dog. As he pointed the gun at the dog, the animal sat obediently before his master, making no attempt to run away.  Bang! He killed the dog. But at the loud report of the gun, the cry of a baby rent the air. Confused, the man ran inside and found his child lying under the bed, unharmed. Now perplexed, the man retraced the trail of blood into the garden. Behind the bushes he found the body of a dead fox covered in blood. It was clear what had happened: The fox had threatened the baby, so the dog put the baby under the bed to protect it. It fought and killed the intruder and dragged it out into the garden. The man lamented his hasty action. The dog was so faithful that, although he knew he had fulfilled his duty in a valiant way, still he did not protest when his master shot him. The conclusion, Srila Prabhupada told me, is that the disciple should serve the spiritual master in the same way. If the disciple cannot remain faithful to his spiritual master, he is less than a dog.”
1972 October 23: "If there is any slip in enthusiasm, then how things will go on? I have seen how everything is deteriorating, simply because this enthusiasm is lacking. Enthusiasm and patience, these things required first. If we are not able to maintain, how we shall expand?"Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
HG Lalita Krsna Prabhu asked me to take his slot for the morning Bhagavatam class. The class was on the verse 4.29.63
(The recording is a little unclear – a mumbled Australian accent doesn’t carry so well in the ether.)
TRANSLATION One can understand the mental or conscious position of a living entity by the activities of two kinds of senses—the knowledge—acquiring senses and the executive senses. Similarly, by the mental condition or consciousness of a person, one can understand his position in the previous life.
PURPORT There is an English proverb that says, "The face is the index of the mind." If one is angry, his anger is immediately expressed in his face. Similarly, other mental states are reflected by the actions of the gross body. In other words, the activities of the gross body are reactions of the mental condition. The mind's activities are thinking, feeling and willing. The willing portion of the mind is manifest by the activities of the body. The conclusion is that by the activities of the body and senses, we can understand the condition of the mind. The condition of the mind is affected by past activities in the past body. When the mind is joined with a particular sense, it immediately becomes manifest in a certain way. For instance, when there is anger in the mind, the tongue vibrates so many maledictions. Similarly, when the mind's anger is expressed through the hand, there is fighting. When it is expressed through the leg, there is kicking. There are so many ways in which the subtle activities of the mind are expressed through the various senses. The mind of a person in Krsna consciousness also acts in a similar way. The tongue chants Hare Krsna, the maha-mantra, the hands are raised in ecstasy, and the legs dance in Krsna consciousness. These symptoms are technically called asta-sattvika-vikara [Cc. Antya 14.99]. Sattvika-vikara is transformation of the mental condition in goodness or sometimes transcendental ecstasy.SB 4.29.64
Lots going on. Kids had a soccer game yesterday at the ungodly hour of 5:30 pm. Am cooking the “vegan fare” for my kids’ school Fall Festival today. I sure hope there are some vegans attending! Spent too much time trying to figure out how to attach a bulbous styrofoam bodied bat to the back of a black t-shirt. And life. Let’s recap. Okay. I was proud of this. Dinner from cutting board to table in 35 minutes. Vegetables/tofu/pasta, deeeeeep fried plantains in tomato sauce and glazed carrots. GLAZED CARROTS! Like rice pudding, i LOVED glazed carrots as a kid. So, I thought I would introduce my own spawn to the yum. "It tastes weird." "Can we just have them not cooked." Why do I bother?  Fry Shack! I am making kebabs for sale at the Fall Festival food court so the past 24 hours have involved a lot of high heat and coconut oil. The last time I made a big quantity of kebabs, the 2" stainless steel backsplash on the range got all ickity and commercial kitchen looking. I wasn't totally clueless that this would happen, which is why I went tile behind the cooktop. We had to use heavy duty oven cleaner to get the ick off and still, there are faint little rainbow puddle stains behind that oiled up burner. Of course, I find them charming. Anyway, Easy Off oven cleaner is not charming. So here's my little kitchen tip that I'm passing on to you: foil behind your fryer! Non-flammable and totally protects your stainless steel from tough to clean heat baked grease stains.  Birthday season is upon us and the baked goodies have been making an appearance at parties and in their classrooms. My kids gladly practice gastronomical abstinence in the face of such egged out treats, but I don't blame them for dropping a mention that they couldn't have any. So for the in school Halloween/Fall Festival today, I cranked out 50+ cupcakes for distribution in their classrooms. My daughter's teacher is very strict about no frosting and healthy eating, so I hope it all flies. The frosting is a super airy, light buttercream, slightly sweetened. Madhumati insisted on white frosting but I wanted to make it autumn-y so I did some extra frosting colored with turmeric. Originally I was going to use saffron, but to be honest, didn't want to spend my precious imported threads on kids that might just dump their cupcake in the trash. So, turmeric. Stinky, earthy turmeric. I mixed in some pure maple extract and cinnamon--that totally covered up the taste. But the smell? Well, it is Halloween!
Tell Them
Duntroon, Ontario
They were deep down in the crevice. Madehavendra and I first heard faint voices within the rock somewhere along the trail. They were happy sounding youthful voices and they gradually became more audible as the two of us inched our way to the edge of the escarpment’s cliff. When we saw the source of the voices we identified them as a class of students a good 30 feet below amidst moss-covered well-worn rock. They were exploring nature.
So were Madhav and I. One of the teens below looked up and shouted, “Hare!” Little did he know this was the road of transcendence. The whole group waved their arms in greeting – a greeting which comes so naturally in such a Godly-charged woody atmosphere.
After we left the youngsters in their narrow crevices of fun we were dwarfed plentifully by birch and beach trees admiring the young and old among them, some so aged we couldn’t make it out of their model. Those certainly demonstrated an haunting aspect with their brittle bark and leaves abandoned from their tree tops. Such leaves were picked up by Vayu (god of the wind) and tossed by air eddies to eventually land until the next whirlwind pushed them about.
Madhav and I were led on this trail by local resident Rami Blekt, an Ayurveda pshychologist. He had given us the warm hospital of his home for the morning hours while a view into our astrological readings was simply an added feature of insightfulness. He mentioned that I should always be close to the earth and avoid living too high.
The crown jewel of the visit to Duntroon was the Bruce trail that we tread. Here you gain the sense of being small, but empowered, a sense of freedom yet anchored like so many of the trees whose roots we mugged our feet over while their arms above danced a happy one.
Madhav and I took to only a 2.5 km loop of the trail but our dreams cast us ahead to the spring when so much more can be savoured. Our intent is to bring our youth to this country treasure. Share what good you have found. Share ‘what is sattvic’ as Rami had said. Tell them that this is a wonderland better than Alice knew. And tell them the source of this beauty is the forest-dwelling youthful Krishna.
 | A pioneering new book entitled Founders of Faith: The Parallel Lives of God's Messengers Connects Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha and Baha'u'llah connects the backgrounds, missions, teachings and legacies of seven world-religion founders and details 25 striking parallels between them and their resulting faiths. |
From our friends at Health Book Summaries
Dear Reader,
Genetically modified (GM) foods are “plants or animals whose genes have been changed in the laboratory by scientists.” Recently, GM salmon have taken the spotlight in today’s health and consumer news. The FDA will soon decide whether or not to approve GM salmon as food. If approved, the GM salmon will be the first GM animal officially authorized for human consumption in the United States. In a freaky twist of nature, scientists have been able to engineer the salmon’s genes to continually produce growth hormone, which allows them to grow to full size in fewer than 250 days. In nature, it takes around 400 days for an Atlantic salmon to grow. Read on to learn more about this untested science and what it means for our food supply. 1. The terms "genetically modified organism" (GMO) and "genetically modified foods" (GM foods) refer to plants or animals whose genes have been changed in the laboratory by scientists. All living organisms have genes written in their DNA. They are the chemical instructions for building and maintaining life. By modifying the genes, scientists can alter the characteristics of an organism. In agriculture, genetic engineering allows simple genetic traits to be transferred to crop plants from wild relatives, other distantly related plants, or virtually any other organism. Manipulating the genetics of foods is not new.
- Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods
2. We have entered an era of genetically modified foods, which are just that — genetically mutated foods that are not necessarily better for you. The health implications not only to humans but also to the environment is a hotly contested debate; the introduction of genetically altered food could have serious consequences, such as allergic reactions and increased resistance to certain antibiotics. Two of the prime targets for genetic engineering — soy and corn — are America's cash crops.
- Brenda Watson and Leonard Smith, The Detox Strategy: Vibrant Health in 5 Easy Steps
3. Genetically modified (GM) foods may look and feel the same as conventional foods, but they are drastically (and possibly harmfully) different. These types of foods have been altered by taking the genetic material (DNA) from one species and transferring it into another in order to obtain a desired trait. The FDA does not require any safety testing or any labeling of GM foods, and introducing new genes into a fruit or vegetable may very well be creating unknown results such as new toxins, new bacteria, new allergens, and new diseases."
- M.D. David Brownstein, The Guide to Healthy Eating
4. Apart from the fact that corn contains a high amount of sugar and often a lot of mold, most corn you buy in the United States is genetically modified (GMO). GMO corn was lauded by farmers and biotech firms for its ability to be disease- and pest-resistant and more bountiful. Genetically modified organisms are different from hybridized plants, which are naturally occurring. An example of hybridization is one breed of dog mating with another. An example of a GMO would be mating an eggplant and a dog in a Petri dish, which is, obviously, not naturally occurring. GMOs are not good for us.
- Frank Lipman, Mollie Doyle, Spent: Revive: Stop Feeling Spent and Feel Great Again
5. Organically grown soybeans are grown without pesticides and are not from genetically modified seeds. This is an important issue for soy foods in particular, as genetically modified soy crops have increasingly dominated in the agriculture business. Fortunately, there are farmers and manufacturers who are committed to raising and producing organic soy products. The optimal use of soy would be to start early in life and eat a diverse array of soy foods with a total dietary intake of 50 to 150 mg of soy isoflavones per day.
- Tori Hudson, N.D., Women's Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine: Alternative Therapies and Integrative Medicine for Total Health and Wellness
6. If manufacturers are so sure there is nothing wrong with genetically modified foods, pesticides and cloned meats, they should have no problems labeling them as such. After all, cancer will kill one in every two men and one in every three women now alive, reports Samuel Epstein, chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition. Like our ancestors, we act in ways that will bemuse future societies. The military-industrial complex lubricates the mass-agriculture system with fossil fuels. Tons of heavy metals and other hazardous, even radioactive, waste is sprayed on American agricultural soil.
- Adam Leith Gollne, The Fruit Hunters: A Story of Nature, Adventure, Commerce and Obsession
7. The typical North American diet used to be higher in beta-sitosterol, but with increased consumption of processed foods and genetically modified foods, our diet has become relatively deficient. I have no doubt that this deficiency has contributed to the rise in both heart disease and cancer. I recommend supplementing your diet with beta-sitosterol, particularly if you are a woman with breast tenderness, fibrocystic breast disease, or high cholesterol.
- Phuli Cohan, The Natural Hormone Makeover: 10 Steps to Rejuvenate Your Health and Rediscover Your Inner Glow
8. About 90 percent of all soy is genetically modified (GMO). Soy is also one of the top seven allergens, and is widely known to cause immediate hypersensitivity reactions. While in the last forty years soy has occupied an important place in the transition from an unhealthy meat-based diet to vegetarian and vegan cuisine, it is time for us to upgrade our food choice to one having more benefits, and fewer negative possibilities. In 1986, Stuart Berger, MD, placed soy among the seven top allergens — one of the "sinister seven.” At the time, most experts listed soy around tenth or eleventh.
- Gabriel Cousens, There Is a Cure for Diabetes:The Tree of Life 21-Day+ Program
9. I would avoid any product that contains genetically modified (GMO) corn, because there are still questions regarding the long-term health effects of genetically altered foods on the human body have not been thoroughly tested. Sugars are also sneaked into tons of different foods, especially foods marketed to kids. Again, study the labels carefully before buying.
- Deirdre Imus, Growing Up Green: Baby and Child Care: Volume 2 in the Bestselling Green This! Series (Green This!)
10. Stress increases our nutritional needs, but, sadly, today's standard diet of refined, enriched, preserved, irradiated, genetically modified, pasteurized, homogenized, hydrogenated, and otherwise processed foods doesn't begin to meet our increased nutritional needs. Today's foods are less nutritious than their counterparts of yesteryear, owing largely to methods employed by modern agribusiness to increase agricultural yield and shelf life — at the expense of nutrient content and consumer health.
- Brenda Watson and Leonard Smith, The Detox Strategy: Vibrant Health in 5 Easy Steps
11. Stop eating unfermented soy and genetically modified corn. While soy and corn are less detrimental and Spent-causing than sugar or gluten, they do add to the body's burden and can throw us out of rhythm. For the last twenty years, soy has been touted as the ultimate replacement for animal protein, fish, and dairy products. The thinking goes that Asian societies are healthier because they eat large amounts of soy. But the truth is that Asian cultures consume soy foods in small amounts (about 2 teaspoons a day) as a condiment and not as a replacement for animal foods.
- Frank Lipman, Mollie Doyle, Spent: Revive: Stop Feeling Spent and Feel Great Again
12. Since plants cannot be patented unless genetically modified, drug manufacturers will not research and promote as medicinal any natural foods or herbs, even though they generally result in far less harm and are far less toxic than laboratory drugs. There is simply no huge profit markup in natural healing. Yet diet is most certainly key when all of the research is examined. Dr. Campbell reached the conclusion that "nutrition [is] far more important in controlling cancer promotion than the dose of the initiating carcinogen."
- Susan E. Schenck, The Live Food Factor: The Comprehensive Guide to the Ultimate Diet for Body, Mind, Spirit & Planet
13. We are eating hybridized and genetically modified (GMO) foods full of antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, and additives that were unknown to our immune systems just a generation or two ago. The result? Our immune system becomes unable to recognize friend or foe — to distinguish between foreign molecular invaders we truly need to protect against and the foods we eat or, in some cases, our own cells. In Third World countries where hygiene is poor and infections are common, allergy and autoimmunity are rare.
- Mark Hyman MD, The UltraMind Solution: Fix Your Broken Brain by Healing Your Body First
14. Since the body becomes what we feed it, genetically modified foods and produce will have a negative influence on one's cellular structure.
- Ron Garner, Conscious Health: A Complete Guide to Wellness Through Natural Means
15. The FDA's letter to Monsanto regarding its MON810 Bt corn is typical: 'Based on the safety and nutritional assessment you have conducted, it is our understanding that Monsanto has concluded that corn products derived from this new variety are not materially different in composition, safety, and other relevant parameters from corn currently on the market, and that the genetically modified corn does not raise issues that would require premarket review or approval by FDA...."
- Jeffrey M. Smith, Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods
16. Laura Krause, like other American farmers who choose not to grow genetically modified corn, are now paying the price for the unwanted consequences of a technology they did not ask for. They are discovering that their economic fate is tied, through the complex connections of the agricultural commodities market, to the efforts of those French farmers to remove Monsanto's fingerprints from their soil, and from the sentiments of European consumers who don't want them in their supermarkets.
- Mark Schapiro, Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and What's at Stake for American Power
17. If a farmer with a one-hectare plot plants a single row with genetically modified seed, it will overtake the natural corn in only seven years.
- Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods
18. Cows given genetically modified growth hormones make more milk, but have painful swollen udders, have ulcers, joint pain, miscarriages, deformed calves, infertility, and much shorter life spans. Their milk contains blood, pus, tranquilizers, antibiotics, and an insulin growth factor that can cause a fourfold increase in prostate cancer and sevenfold rise in breast cancer. This is the milk used in our school lunch programs and served to our children. This is the milk that you buy every day. This is the milk used in all cheeses, yogurts, butter, and cream.
- Kevin Trudeau, More Natural Cures Revealed: Previously Censored Brand Name Products That Cure Disease
19. In 1994, the Flavr Savr* tomato (engineered to resist rotting) was the first genetically modified food reviewed and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for human consumption. FDA-employed scientists warned that altered products such as the Flavr Savr® could create toxins in food and trigger allergies. Shockingly, the FDA approved the "Frankenstein" tomato anyway with claims, "... the Flavr Savr passed muster so well that the rigor of its testing will not have to be repeated for other bioengineered foods."
- Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, Health Begins in the Colon
20. The introduction of genetically modified foods (GMO) tampers with the essence of life in an experiment with an unknown outcome and no real way to undue the damage. The FDA purposely does not require labeling of GMO food, since no one who understands the issue would ever purchase it. This makes it all the more difficult to locate healthful food.
- Byron J. Richards, The Leptin Diet: How Fit Is Your Fat?
Sent by His Grace Vinod Bihari Prabhu Note: You need a Facebook account. We are not responsible for comments on the photos. Many people write comments which are blasphemous but we wanted to share these pictures nonetheless because we have unflinching faith and love for our Gurumaharaja. We could not simply download the pictures without [...]
Indradyumna Swami at NVD “Nitai Hey!!”

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One has to hear. It is not that, "All right, tapes are there, I'll hear the recorded tapes." sabda-brahma will never descend. [...] You should be greedy. Physical contact is required. You must hear directly, not just by listening to tapes. Sabda-brahma will never descend through a tape. One must hear from a physically present Sri Guru
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Sent by His Grace Vinode Bihari Prabhu For watching the photographs please click here
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