"Dandavats" - 7 new articles
Darwin’s Passion for Hunting and KillingBy Jerry Bergman One side of Darwin rarely discussed in popular and scientific literature was his powerful sadistic bent. One of his passions that reflected this was his love for shooting, hunting, and guns. Darwin's interest in shooting and hunting was not unusual in nineteenth century England, but he carried it far beyond that of most of his contemporaries Memories Of Citra Devi Dasi
The following article is a condensed version of the memories of Citra Devi that devotees shared the day of the ceremony we did in her honour in New Mayapur, France, on Sunday July 26 Adore Ye All the Happy DayBy Payonidhi das In 1936, Srila Prabhupada was in Bombay when he composed and offered two historic tributes to his spiritual master, His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur: this poem and an essay entitled "The Universal Teacher". Both were published in The Harmonist on the occasion of the vyasapuja celebration of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur's appearance The Dark Times Of The BodyBy Damana Krishna Das It is interesting that looking through the light of modern science related to sports and neurobiology refering to the tendency of the body to keep everything in status quo. This is just partial point of few without taking in consideration the function of inteligence, soul and ultimately the supersoul Local Sustainability Festival- September 25th-Prabhupada Village NCMitra Das: Prabhupada Village, a community of 20 devotee families in North Carolina is hosting their 4th Local Sustainability Festival Gentle Reminder To All Vaishnavis!Malati devi: Your Annual Retreat occurs Oct. 1,2, & 3 in New Vrindaban. There are quality presenters who will offer much guidance and inspiration towards your spiritual journey Krishna’s CrosswordsJagadvira Dasa: Find the answers to spiritual questions. Transcendental fun for all ages More Recent Articles |
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