"Planet ISKCON" - 63 new articles
H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Sunday 19 September 2010--Sweetest Happiness in Sliven--and--What is Success and Failure?After an ecstatic two hour Ratha Yatra parade through Sliven, Bulgaria we assembled in a park near the end of the parade route. I was requested by the festival organizer to speak on Krishna consciousness. Although the crowd was small, they heard my lecture very attentively and many of them joined in with us in chanting. At the end of my lecture a young... Australian News: The Great Electric Drum: Brihadmrdanga.com
Brihadmardanga.com takes its name from a phrase coined by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. Brihadmrdanga originally referred to the power of the printing press as an instrument for getting the message of Krishna consciousness out to the wider world. The Internet has taken over from printing press to become the ultimate medium for communicating information from one to many. ISKCON News is as example of the ability of the Internet to provide access to information to people on every continent on earth all at the same time. Brihadmrdanga.com is a news aggregation web site, which means it collects information from other webs sites to share with a wider audience. Concentrating on news and events from Australia and abroad Brihadmrdanga.com has quickly gained and audience. Visitors to Brihadmrdanga.com can browse through a range of stories which describe the activities and programs being held in temples and centres all around Australia. There are videos, photos, audio file and links to websites around the country and around the world. You can navigate the site by looking at the latest entries on the front page, by browsing the categories of posts or by choosing from links that lead to the websites for the temples and centres in all the states and territories. "This is a great web site," Says devotee and well known chef Kurma Dasa. "It's just the kind of thing we need to bring everyone together." The Australian land mass is almost as large as America but with a population of only 20 million people the devotees are spread far apart. "This is a very useful site," Says Vara Nayaka Dasa, Sydney temple president. "It provides regular updates and news. It lets people know the Hare Krishna's are still alive in Australia." Brihadmrdanga.com was designed primarily for devotees but many others are also visiting the web site to find out what the devotees are doing in their area. Another purpose for the site is to encourage Krishna's devotees to see what is happening at the other temple and centres. This will hopefully stimulate increased devotional activity within and between Australian centres. When you see that others are holding festivals and organising Harinam Sankirtan you realise that you can do that too. "I really like it," says Madhava Smullen from ISKCON News. "It's a bit like some of the other efforts that have gone before to aggregate news, only a hundred times more attractive and professional." Originally posted at ISKCON News Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Australian News: Sydney Ratha Yatra: A Garland of Spiritual DevotionText and images by Antony Brennan for ISKCON News Sydney Australia: A garland of spiritual devotion weaved its way through the heart of Sydney today as the annual Sydney Ratha Yatra was celebrated by devotees and well wishers of Lord Krishna. The weather participated in the festival by providing a great day and the people of Sydney joined in as usual with their enthusiasm and appreciation. The Ratha Yatra is a great opportunity for the wider community to come into contact with the deities of Lord Jagannatha, Subhadra and Baladeva and with the devotees of Lord Krishna. During the parade books about Krishna consciousness and sanctified food, or prasadam, were distributed to people who are attracted by the sights and sounds of a Ratha Yatra. Parked at the entrance to Sydney's Hyde Park the Rath cart was profusely decorated with flowers and balloons. Srila Prabhupada's murti and the deities arrived and great care was taken to make sure their dress and jewellery was just right so everyone looks their very best for the festival. Much care is also taken to help Srila Prabhupada and the deities aboard the cart. Kadamba Kannana Swami and Sri Prahlad started the kirtan and the crowd began to build. Many people who were passing began to participate in the worship of the deities who have pride of place on the cart with Srila Prabhupada. Bhakti Charu Swami also joined the parade singing and dancing along the entire route. Singing the Mahamantra, and dancing to the transcendental sound of the music, devotees and friends pulled the cart out into the streets of Sydney, immediately attracting the attention of people everywhere. Cameras are ubiquitous and all the way along the parade route people line the street taking photos with cameras, phones and video equipment. Before the sun has set on the day Facebook joins into the Ratha Yatra festival as onlookers and devotees alike upload what they've captured of the days proceedings to share with their friends and family. Bystanders cheered and waved as hundreds of devotees showered the city streets with sound and colour. Many people joined in singing and dancing along. Everyone is encouraged to take a turn pulling the cart by the ropes, and quite a few people have a go. Some people get really happy when they see the cart carrying deities and devotees singing and dancing joyfully. On the way a construction worker caught up in the transcendental moment danced in front of his co-workers, jumping up and down. All the people on the street began to take photos of him. Each year devotees are involved in many ways to ensure the Sydney Ratha Yatra is a success. For the last few years Prananatha Dasa has organised the security team. To obtain a permit for the parade the authorities require the organisers to assist with directing the participants and ensuring things go as safely as possible. "People respond to the security team very well," Prananatha says. "They listened to us and carried out any instructions we gave. It's really exciting to be able to do this service and ensure that the Ratha Yatra goes smoothly and without incident." The police are always very happy with the Ratha Yatra. "The head policeman even shook my hand," Prananatha says. "It seemed to me everyone was very happy. Srila Prabhupada seemed happy, the devotees were happy, the general public were happy and I think Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subahdra were also happy, I am looking forward to next year and the chance to organise security again." Each year as the parade reaches its destination at Sydney's Darling harbour it signals the beginning of the annual two day Holi festival, organised by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. This year Bhakti Charu Swami led a kirtan and gave a talk on Krishna consciousness to Holi festival audience. A very long line formed as soon as the prasadam distribution began. Ratha Yatra is celebrated at various locations in the Sydney region. Srila Prabhupada attended the first Ratha Yatra festival in Australia, held in Melbourne, in June, 1974. Originally published at ISKCON News Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ISKCON News.com: D.C. Devotees Honor Aindra Dasa and 9/11 with Spiritual Peace Formula
ISKCON News.com: The Great Electric Drum: Brihadmrdanga.com
Japa Group: Immersed In The Nectar Of Chanting
2) When will I taste the essence of the Holy Name, feeling myself to be lower than the grass, my heart filled with tolerance? When will I give respect to all others and be free from desire for respect from them? 3) When will I cry out that I have no longer any desire for wealth and followers, poetry and beautiful women, all of which are meant just for bodily pleasure? O Gaura Hari! Give me causeless devotional service [bhakti] to your lotus feet, birth after birth. 4) When will my body be covered with goose bumps and my voice broken with emotion as I pronounce Krishna's name? When will my body change colour and my eyes flow with endless tears as I chant? 5) When will I give up all thought of the world and society to run like a madman along the banks of the Ganges in Navadvipa, singing and danvcing and sincerely calling out the names ofGaura and Nityananda? 6) When will Nityananda Prabhu be merciful to me and deliver me from the enchantment [maya] of the sense objects? When will he give me the shade of his lotus feet and the right to enter the market place [nama-hatta] of the Holy Name? 7) When will I buy, borrow or steal the ecstasies of the Holy Name? When will I lose myself in the intoxication of the Holy Name? When will I immerse myself in the nectar of the Holy Name after grasping the feet of a saint who constantly relishes the flavours [rasa] of devotion? 8) When will I feel compassion for all living beings [jibas]? When will I forget my own pleasure in genuine humility? And when will I, Bhaktivinode, meekly go from door to door, preaching your message of love? This is an amazing song and for me I just need to meditate in one verse for the rest of my life and pray so I can have this mercy : "When will you give me your blessings, erase all my offences and give my heart a taste [ruci] for chanting the Holy Name in purity?" May our Lord as Nama Prabhu bless our chanting so we can achieve a taste and purity in japa. your servant, Aruna devi ISKCON News.com: Sydney Ratha Yatra: A Garland of Spiritual Devotion
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Lecture - Prahladananda Swami - SB 9.13.4-5 - Vasistha vs VishvamitraLecture on Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 9, Chapter 13, Texts 4 & 5 given by Prahladananda Swami titled "Vasistha vs. Vishvamitra". Dallas, TX Text 4 TRANSLATION After completing the sacrificial performance for King Indra, the spiritual master Vasishtha returned and found that his disciple Maharaja Nimi had disobeyed his instructions. Thus Vasishtha cursed him, saying, "May the material body of Nimi, who considers himself learned, immediately fall." Text 5 TRANSLATION For unnecessarily cursing him when he had committed no offense, Maharaja Nimi countercursed his spiritual master. "For the sake of getting contributions from the King of heaven," he said, "you have lost your religious intelligence. Therefore I pronounce this curse: your body also will fall." PURPORT The religious principle for a brahmana is that he should not be greedy at all. In this case, however, for the sake of more lucrative remunerations from the King of heaven, Vasishtha neglected Maharaja Nimi's request on this planet, and when Nimi performed the sacrifices with other priests, Vasishtha unnecessarily cursed him. When one is infected by contaminated activities, his power, material or spiritual, reduces. Although Vasishtha was the spiritual master of Maharaja Nimi, because of his greed he became fallen. Download: 2010-07-12 - Lecture - Prahladananda Swami - SB 9.13.4-5 - Vasistha vs Vishvamitra.mp3 ISKCON News.com: Gaura Nitai Deities to be Installed in Campina Grande, Brazil
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 753:05 A.M.From Namamrta by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: "By chanting the holy name, the devotee becomes attracted to Krishna: "The Supreme Lord can only be appreciated by devotional service. Therefore, one should be fully devoted. One should fix his mind fully on Krishna in order to achieve Him. One should work only for Krishna. It does not matter in what kind of work one engages, but the work should be done only for Krishna. That is the standard of devotional service. The devotee does not desire any achievement other than pleasing the Supreme Personality of Godhead. His life’s mission is to please Krishna, and he can sacrifice everything for Krishna’s satisfaction, just as Arjuna did in the Battle of Kuruksetra. The process is very simple: one can devote himself in his occupation and engage at the same time in chanting Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Such transcendental chanting attracts the devotee to the Personality of Godhead." (Bhagavad-gita As It Is 12.6-7, purport) By chanting we become attracted to Krishna. As the rivers flow and their natural tendency is to reach the sea, so as soon as one hears the glories of the Lord, his soul is at once attracted toward the Supreme Lord. Just by chanting the vibration, all of Krishna’s paraphernalia, His name, His fame, His abode and His associates—everything all of a sudden becomes manifested within because He is present. So the chanting is like a magnet. In the Bhagavad-gita purport Prabhupada points out that one can go on doing his occupational duty, and it can be varied; it is not confined to a particular kind of work. But while one works, he should go on chanting. He can dedicate his work to Krishna and chant His name. Sometimes while at work one cannot chant out loud. I asked Prabhupada if I could chant silently while I was at the welfare office so as to avoid the chatter of prajalpa of the workers. Prabhupada approved. I told him the workers were talking nonsense. He said, "Not only your workers are chanting nonsense, but all the great philosophers of the world are chanting nonsense." So one should take shelter of chanting, either out loud or silently, if one is in an inconvenient position for loud chanting. But the principle we are stressing today is that the holy name attracts you to Krishna. Jut by remembering the words, by chanting them, one remembers all the information behind them, so when our minds are attracted to Krishna and everything about Him by hearing the glorification, that is the beginning of pure Krishna consciousness. Chanting is a thorough science; it is not just the parroting of words. Lord Caitanya knew He was giving us a full method in the chanting and that it would do everything required in spiritual life to reach the ultimate goal: attraction to Krishna. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada SmaranamOne Hundred Prabhupada Poems, #32 "Prabhupada, I was just outside under slim "I try to be equipoised, but "So I was exercising for you, deep bends, H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Poem from Under Dark Stars1. This is a simple portrait H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Danger as an OpportunityFree writeI opened Srimad Bhagavatam to Canto Eight, Chapter Three, "Gajendra’s Prayers of Surrender," verse 32: "Gajendra had been forcefully captured by the crocodile in the water and was feeling acute pain, but when he saw that Narayana, wielding His disc, was coming in the sky on the back of Garuḍa, he immediately took a lotus flower in his trunk, and with great difficulty due to his painful condition, he uttered the following words: “O my Lord, Narayana, master of the universe, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You.” When a devotee is in a dangerous condition he sees it not as a dangerous position because he takes it as an opportunity to pray to the Supreme Lord. He does not blame Krishna but sees his danger as due to his past reactions. This is not so easy to do, but one who does so is guaranteed deliverance from his material position. He concentrates on the Lord with undeviated attention and attains salvation. This can take the form of being delivered back to Godhead. In this context, the Srimad Bhagavatam verse is quoted, tat te ‘nukampam … (10.14.8). The paraphrased meaning of this verse is that if a person loses all his good fortune in this world and his family and friends turn away from him, leaving him no shelter, he can turn to the lotus feet of Krishna and be saved from all illusions. Prabhupada took this verse personally in his own life and thought that it applied to him because of his failure in business and his wife and children’s indifference to Krishna consciousness. He renounced his family life and went to Vrndavana, living as a renounced person and spending his time writing and preaching. His poverty turned out to be a great fortune to him, as he accepted sannyasa , began translating Srimad Bhagavatam, and went to America, where he began the Hare Krishna movement under the order of his guru maharaja. Free write what comes into your head. I used to do private writing sessions one hour long with no intention of publishing them. I loved the almost-physical exercise of writing down for an hour and allowing myself to say what came. Now I won’t let myself do it with that much openness and vulnerability. I am a censored author. I want it to be something worthy. But I still yearn for that freedom. Maybe I could be open at least to some extent. I am reading the anthology of American poets that Steve Kowit generously sent me. One school of poetry in the 20th century was the "confessional" poets. They wrote openly about their lives. Robert Lowell’s motto was "Why not tell what happened?" Some stuff is taboo. At least tell your little life. Baladeva delivered the second shipment of cookies (chocolate-chip) as payment for keeping the dog inside so he doesn’t bark right outside our window and disturb "Poppa," Baladeva’s father. He delivered them when the women were waiting on the front porch for the schoolbus. The little girl grabbed the cookies and ran inside the house. Baladeva figured she immediately ate some and put some in her lunch pail. He was left on the front porch with the mother and the older girl. The older girl is big for her size. The others tease her because she is always wearing a tiara (small crown) which she recently received as a gift. It looks odd on her with her wardrobe, but she insists on wearing it. Baladeva asked if the newborn, Lucas, was teething yet, but the mother said he is still only making bubbles. Saci’s older daughter Kaulini (14 now) has launched her own private bakery business. She makes numerous flowers of cupcakes with icing on them. She puts signs in the window to advertise her sales. She calls them "love-cakes." I had one for my evening snack and it was very tasty. Usually I have only two cookies. I’m afraid that if I had an iced cupcake every night it would be fattening, and I’m already insidiously gaining weight. We are reading in Caitanya Bhagavata how Lord Caitanya was transformed after His visit to Gaya and His meetings with Isvara Puri. He has now become an ecstatic Vaisnava, always chanting and displaying bodily symptoms of ecstasy. At His school He teaches all verbal roots and grammar as meaning Krishna. He teaches nothing but Krishna. He said He’s prepared to argue from the sastras to defend His position. The students are puzzled, and His teaching tutor, Ganga dasa Pandit, tells Him to keep regular scholarship in His curriculum. But He does not. He told His students He is resigning from teaching, and they can find another teacher as they like. They say they are sold to Him and couldn’t select another teacher. Then He tells them they don’t need to pursue scholarship any more. Whatever they have learned is enough. They should simply hold kirtana and talk about Krishna. Vrndavana dasa Thakura states that Visvambhara’s students are His eternal associates and that they are very fortunate, even more fortunate than Brahma or Siva, to have studied with Sri Caitanya. They decide to stop their worldly studies and dedicate themselves to the sankirtana movement. ISKCON News.com: Reaching Inwards and Reaching out at Manor Festivals
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: From Transcendental Diary: Srila Prabhupada on dogs (1)As I [Hari Sauri Prabhu] massaged Prabhupada under his mosquito net on the roof tonight, he complained about the dogs barking and yowling in the alleyways. They were disturbing his sleep. He shook his head and told me that a birth as a dog is a most unfortunate situation. Because they are weak from hunger, they fight and yowl. But if you feed them, they become strong, and then they fight even more, making even more disturbance. He said there is no use in feeding them or in taking compassion on them. They are a condemned species, especially meant for starving and having a hard life. Kurma dasa, AU: Yamuna Devi Recipe # 3 : Papaya, Avocado and Jerusalem Artichoke Salad
I continue serialising some superb recipes by my cooking guru, Yamuna Devi. Before attempting to cook any of her recipes, make sure you are aware of the difference between US measures and Australian/metric measures. See below* The creaminess of papaya and avocado and crispness of Jerusalem artichokes are pleasantly set off by the sweetish coriander-lime vinaigrette. You may prefer mango instead of papaya, or celeriac instead of Jerusalem artichokes. Peled Jerusalem artichokes may be blanched before use or left raw, depending on your preference. This light salad goes well on any menu from lunch to late supper. Serves 4. 3 tablespoons maple syrup or honey, ¼ cup lime juice, 1/3 cup olive oil or two parts almond oil to three parts sunflower oil, ½ teaspoon salt, ¼ teaspoon yellow mustard powder, ¼ teaspoon freshly ground pepper, 3 table spoons chopped fresh coriander, 1 medium-sized papaya (about 2½ pounds/1.5 kg), peeled, halved lengthwise, seeded, sliced crosswise into 1/3 –inch (1 cm) slices and sprinkled with lemon juice, 2 medium-sized ripe avocados, peeled, seeded, cut into ½-inch (1.5 cm) cubes and sprinkled with lemon juice, 4 Jerusalem artichokes, peeled, cut lengthwise into Julienne and sprinkled with lemon juice Combine the sweetener, lime juice, oil, salt, mustard, pepper and coriander in a bowl and whisk until creamy. Arrange the salad decoratively on a platter or individual plates; for example, overlap papaya slices around the edges, mound the avocado in the center and sprinkle the julienne artichokes between the two. Pour on the salad dressing and serve at once. *Note that since Yamuna wrote her recipes using US measurements, the weights are in US with metric in brackets. More importantly, her tablespoons are US (15ml) whereas Australian/metric tablespoons are 20ml. So if you follow these recipes using metric measures, your tablespoons should be scant. Similarly, the US cup is 240ml as distinct from the Australian/metric 250ml cup. The same scant measuring should thus apply to Australian/metric cup users. The teaspoon is a universal 5ml. ISKCON News.com: ISKCON Guyana Celebrates Deities' 25th Anniversary
ISKCON News.com: Schools Pick Up New Krishna Conscious Reading Series
ISKCON News.com: ISKCON Goes Back to School
Srila Prabhupada's Letters 1955 September 19 : "Sripada Gosvami Maharaja, So why for the matter of saving some papers we shall not print the full number? In my opinion we should print more than 1,000 copies every month and distribute them in large scale." Srila Prabhupada's Letters 1965 September 19 : "Today is the 38th day of our journey. We reached New York Port at 12:30 pm, three hours later than the scheduled time." Srila Prabhupada's Letters 1968 September 19 : "The prospect in Berlin is very bright. Similarly I have received report from London; they are having regular kirtanas and feasts, although not in our own temple, but in different places." Srila Prabhupada's Letters 1969 September 19 : "In England there is very good prospect for pushing on Krishna Consciousness. I am trying to make some arrangement with Mr. John Lennon to have the facility for of his garden house. Here we can accommodate many devotees." Srila Prabhupada's Letters 1969 September 19 : "When the Spiritual Master accepts a disciple and the disciple surrenders unto Him, He has got the responsibility of absorbing the sinful reaction of His disciples life. This is a great responsibility of the Spiritual Master." Srila Prabhupada's Letters 1970 September 19 : "Hundreds of people join our Sankirtana Party daily in downtown Calcutta, and I am confident that this great mission will be successful if only we continue to push on without any personal motivation." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 September 19: "Your duty is to carry out my orders. Anyone who surrenders to Krishna wholeheartedly and engages in His service cannot say later on, I resign. Once surrendered, it cannot be withdrawn." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 19: "To the Prime Minister of Mauritius: I thank you very much for your kind invitation to visit your country. I am arriving at Port Louis on the afternoon of the 30th. I look forward to meeting with Your Excellency." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1960 September 18: "[From the Visitors' Book] I am pleased to write herein that I have come to Delhi from my H.Q. Kesi Ghat, Vrindaban (U.P.) purely on spiritual mission to propagate the cult of devotional service of the Lord. And I am publishing an English fortnightly magazine of the name Back-To-Godhead from this place." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1965 September 18: Srila Prabhupada's Letters1965 September 18: Srila Prabhupada's Letters1968 September 18: "If by begging alms we can provide ourself, we should not accept any job. Form a party of Sankirtana, and walk in the street, you can get not less than 50 to 100 marks daily. Form a local trust party of 12 heads and immediately start your work." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1968 September 18: "It is clear that the place is destined for our temple, and you can immediately take it on lease. You are a sincere devotee and Krishna will give you timely all good intelligence in this connection. Now please try to organize as quickly as possible." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 September 18: "Now you are my elder advanced disciples so these questions should not arise amongst you again and again. That means everyone is not conscientious. These things are not new to you, why do you continually ask these questions?" Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 September 18: "The subject matter is very grave and unless you intimately associate yourself with us it will be very difficult to understand. I have got my program to go there by the end of the month. At that time you can try to meet me." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 18: "Your letter will be reviewed during the annual meeting. That is the time to take up such matters. You all should co-operate and then things will go on very nicely. We should not bring in politics. That is a very nasty thing." Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Point in space called Takashi"As I sat on the doorway of my house, I became aware of a sudden blinding flash. Soon, everything around me turned dark. I crouched on the floor unaware of what would happen next. I could see things falling all around me. After what seemed like a long time to me, I got up and saw destruction everywhere. My house was reduced to rubble. Bloody-faced, I looked around and searched for my mother, but could not find her anywhere. Kirtans in Oxford, UK: December Kirtan Photos.
![]() ...and Shaunaka pretending to play it! ![]() Afterwards we feasted on delicious home-made pizza and mulled grape-juice. The chanting, the company and the candlelight were all mellow and harmonious and I think we all left feeling good. Many thanks once again to Claire who kindly took these photos. More about her in an upcoming post! H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 1.17.28 Qualities of a Leader, KsatriyaSB 01.17.28_Qualities Of A Leader, Ksatriya_2004-10-24 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 1.17.28 Qualities of a Leader, Ksatriya 2004-10-24 Houston H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Remembering Srila PrabhupadaQuestions and Answers and Readings from Remebering Srila Prabhupada recorded live today. Mayapur Online: Indulekha Sakhi Appearance DayToday is the auspicious appearance day of Indulekha Sakhi. Posted below is Indulekha Sakhi’s darshan on her appearance day in Mayapur. Let us meditate on her service to Sri Sri Radha- Krishna and qualities, as described in Sri Radha-Krsna Ganodesa.Indulekha is the sixth of the varistha gopis. She has a tan complexion and wears garments the color of a pomegranate flower. She is three days younger than Srimati Radharani.Her parents are Sagara and Vela-devi and her husband is Durbala. Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: book distribution in TaiwanI usually keep some small books like "Perfection of Yoga" and "Beyond birth and death" in my bag. I try to distribute them to anyone who seems a little favorable. Taxis are pretty commonplace in Taiwan and I do take them quite often. When it's time to get off, the driver usually extends his hand towards the back seat and then I put a book in his hand. Sometimes they take it and I say they can donate the taxi fare, which is usually NT$ 70 or 100 ie US$2 or 3. This afternoon when I was leaving home, a lady was leaving from the apartment across our house. We were in the elevator together and I commented that she looked a lot like the lady who lives in the apartment across from our house. She said "yes" that lady is her sister. Then I said you even talk like her, the resemblance was uncanny. So then we walked out of the apartment building and suddenly I remembered that I had a "Beyond birth and death" in my bag. So I took it out and showed it to her and she took it so I asked for a donation. She said she will get it from her car. She took her purse from the car and gave me NT$2000 ie US$60!!! I was so amazed! I didn't know whether I should keep the money or try to return it to her. In the meantime she got in her car and drove off. ys, Krishna Bhavna dd Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Refining Gold With Fire“The yogis who practice such breathing exercises are very soon freed from all mental disturbances, just as gold, when put into fire and fanned with air, becomes free from all impurities. “PURPORT “This process of purifying the mind is also recommended by Lord Caitanya; He says that one should chant Hare Krsna. He says further, param vijayate: “All glories to Sri Krsna sankirtana!” All glories are given to the chanting of the holy names of Krsna because as soon as one begins this process of chanting, the mind becomes purified. Ceto-darpana-marjanam: [Cc. Antya 20.12] by chanting the holy name of Krsna one is cleansed of the dirt that accumulates in the mind. One can purify the mind either by the breathing process or by the chanting process, just as one can purify gold by putting it in a fire and fanning it with a bellows.” Srimad Bhagavatam 3.28.10 “God is a consuming Fire. He alone can refine us like gold, and separate us from “As long as we do not permit His love to consume us entirely and to unite us in Himself, Thomas Merton. New Seeds of Contemplation. (New York: New Directions Books 1961) Filed under: Thomas Merton ![]() New Vrndavan, USA: Photos From RadhastamiClick here for photos by Jaya Murari from Radhastami. Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: What is good?In today's world, everyone does some sort of good to others...well...at least that is what they think. However, there are some genuine thinkers and activists who take up a good cause and run with it. Martin Luther King Jr wanted to do good for the community at large by helping the African American community of USA. Mahatma Gandhi did the same for the people of India and so did Mohammed Ali Jinnah for the people of Pakistan. Nelson Mandela fought against racial discrimination, Mother Teresa against social inequity and poverty. At a more smaller scale, everyone of us common man take up a profession or act with some "good" in mind. As an urban planner, I want to make this world a better place. A doctor would profess goodness by helping the sick. A theoretical physcist would claim good by way of intellectual emancipation by answering fundamental definitions of life such as what is this universe? where did I come from? etc. Everyone has some sense that what they do or represent is actually "good" and that gives them the motivation to do more. I am sure even terrorist operate on the same platform of some twisted "goodness" that they contribute to their own clan, ethnicity, religion, region or leader. So...really...what then is "good"? In my opinion, "good" is akin to "selfless act". If I have to quantify loosely, if any given act of mine is part selfless and part selfish, then the part that is selfless is "good" and the rest is not. So an act, according to me, can either be completely (100%) good and or partially (as low as 1% or less) good or in other words an act can be 100% selfless or as low as 1% selfless. So "good" is as good as "selfless" in my book. If I compare this to the examples above of Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Mandela and even the terrorist, surely these people contribute some "selfless" act for their cause. To add to this cause of selflessness is the concept of time, if this selfless act has temporary results, then the value of good, in my opinion actually is less. In other words, if I have to select an act out of my free-will that is selfless (aka good) but if that selfless act only gives temporary results or temporary goodness, then, really am i really doing good? Because if I purposefully take up something investing my limited resources to a cause (albeit selflessly) but I know will only yield temporary relief, then in one sense, is this temporary relief really good? In my opinion, a selfless act is good but a selfless act with temporary results is of lower quality goodness. Therefore, if we want to do the best goodness to others, then, we have to act selflessly but act in such a way that it yeilds permnanent results and not temporary. The concept of "permanent" or "eternal" is applicable only within the domain of the soul and Supersoul and not matter. From that standpoint, what Srila Prabhupada did as an act of "selflessness" is the "purest" and the "highest" form of "good" any man can do to a fellow human and actually all species of life. Why....because his act gives eternal freedom from the bondage of cyclical suffering that comes to us in various forms such as sociology, economics, politics, religion, basic living needs etc. What is his act of selflessness...to tirelessly encourage people to accept God into their lives beyond superficial rituals, by encouraging people to give up bad-habits, and ultimately give what no man has given...that is to encourage and inspire people to chant the Holy Names of Krishna in an unprecedanted scale. All of Prabhupada's acts have such repurcussion which no cost-benefit analysis can quantify. That is correct, people giving up bad habits (inspired by Prabhuapada) such as meat eating, intoxication, gambling and reckless sexual behavior has saved the Federal Government billions of dollars of benefit money over a period of one's life. Is this not good from an economic standpoint? Giving up bad habits has imparted stability, productivity and positive feelings thus enhancing social & economic relationships at the domestic and community level. Prabhupada inspired everyone to be good productive citizens...and the best part is he did not even explicitly fight for this cause. Being a good productive and equitable citizen, while is the life goal for most activist, for the movement started by Prabhupada, it was a by-product...why because his goal was permanent (not temporary). Equal rights, alleviating poverty, politics etc all are good for brief periods of time, but what Prabhupada wanted to give us was to transcend all suffering all together. While he stressed the value of character and discipline, he taught us the ultimate purpose in life is to "love God with all Thy heart, mind and soul". This he taught us by first correcting our character and at the same time (simultaneously) call out God's names. When we become a self-controlled disciplined individual giving respect to all living entities including the plants and animals and at the same time call out God's names, he said and also demonstrated through his practical life that love for God will gradually invoke within us. This, Prabhupada said, is the fullest and most comprehensive solution to all problems of life now and forever. In conclusion, the two criteria for a "good" act are: 1. degree of selflessness associated with the act and 2. the amount of time the goodness endures as a result of the act Therefore, in my humble opinion, yes...there are many great people who have done good in the past for brief periods and in the future will do good to others for brief periods, but none can compare to Prabhupada who did and does acts which are pure, 100% selfless and timeless and that in my opinion is the highest and purset form of "good" one living entity can do to another. We should aspire to do good like he did. To such a tireless, and selfless master, I bow down in full prostration. Please do a good act that can permnanetly solve your problems. Chant Hare Krishna. Hare Krishna Book Distribution News: book distribution in TaiwanI usually keep some small books like "Perfection of Yoga" and "Beyond birth and death" in my bag. I try to distribute them to anyone who seems a little favorable. Taxis are pretty commonplace in Taiwan and I do take them quite often. When it's time to get off, the driver usually extends his hand towards the back seat and then I put a book in his hand. Sometimes they take it and I say they can donate the taxi fare, which is usually NT$ 70 or 100 ie US$2 or 3. This afternoon when I was leaving home, a lady was leaving from the apartment across our house. We were in the elevator together and I commented that she looked a lot like the lady who lives in the apartment across from our house. She said "yes" that lady is her sister. Then I said you even talk like her, the resemblance was uncanny. So then we walked out of the apartment building and suddenly I remembered that I had a "Beyond birth and death" in my bag. So I took it out and showed it to her and she took it so I asked for a donation. She said she will get it from her car. She took her purse from the car and gave me NT$2000 ie US$60!!! I was so amazed! I didn't know whether I should keep the money or try to return it to her. In the meantime she got in her car and drove off. ys, Krishna Bhavna dd Dandavats.com: Darwin's Passion for Hunting and KillingBy Jerry Bergman One side of Darwin rarely discussed in popular and scientific literature was his powerful sadistic bent. One of his passions that reflected this was his love for shooting, hunting, and guns. Darwin's interest in shooting and hunting was not unusual in nineteenth century England, but he carried it far beyond that of most of his contemporaries Australian News: Eco-Valley: The Green Path of Harmony – The VideoKrishna-lila Devi Dasi is the Managing Editor of ISKCON News, The News Agency of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Krishna-lila is a scholar, activist, and filmmaker, and a devotee of Krishna. With a Ph.D. in Comparative Literary Studies and Indian Aesthetics from the University of Budapest, and a Certificate in Screenwriting from New York University, she is the author of 3 books, dozens of articles, and writer-producer of 25 documentaries. As a media spokesperson for ISKCON, she has led several international campaigns against religious and minority discrimination. Krishna-lila Devi Dasi lives in New York. On 14th of December, Krishna-lila’s film entitled Eco-Valley: The Green Path of Harmony was screened at the United Nation`s 2009 Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. (Writer-producer: Krisztina Danka (Krishna-lila Devi Dasi), Director: Norbert Palinkas, Director of Photography: Denes Doboveczky) Click on the play button and watch and excerpt from Eco-Valley: The Green Path of Harmony Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Australian News: Sri Sri Gaura Nitai on Their new altar: Hare Krishna Valley – Go There NowSo finally the big day arrived, and we placed our presiding Deities, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai on Their new altar. The festival was held on Sunday, and around 110 devotees and guests attended this lively event. We performed an Abhishekh, which is a bathing ceremony in which we pour various auspicious ingredients over the Deities for Their pleasure. The ingredients include milk, yoghurt, sugar water, ghee and honey. Everyone attending then had the opportunity to bath the Deities with water. Aniruddha Prabhu and Gangeshwara Prabhu then addressed the audience, explaining to us the significance of such an event. Aniruddha emphasised that temples like the one we have established at Hare Krishna Valley are examples for those who visit how to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Gangeshwara then explained to us the importance of establishing these farm projects all over the world. We then had an ecstatic kirtana, where everyone chanted and danced enthusiastically. And of course, we finished the programme with a sumptuous vegetarian feast cooked by His Grace Vaisnava Charan Prabhu. The festival was so successful that we are thinking of holding a similar one in January for all of those who could not attend. We look forward to speaking to you again next week. Keshava Dasa. Please visit the website at Hare Krishna Valley Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Dandavats.com: Memories Of Citra Devi Dasi
The following article is a condensed version of the memories of Citra Devi that devotees shared the day of the ceremony we did in her honour in New Mayapur, France, on Sunday July 26 Dandavats.com: Adore Ye All the Happy DayBy Payonidhi das In 1936, Srila Prabhupada was in Bombay when he composed and offered two historic tributes to his spiritual master, His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur: this poem and an essay entitled "The Universal Teacher". Both were published in The Harmonist on the occasion of the vyasapuja celebration of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur's appearance Dandavats.com: The Dark Times Of The BodyBy Damana Krishna Das It is interesting that looking through the light of modern science related to sports and neurobiology refering to the tendency of the body to keep everything in status quo. This is just partial point of few without taking in consideration the function of inteligence, soul and ultimately the supersoul Dandavats.com: Local Sustainability Festival- September 25th-Prabhupada Village NCMitra Das: Prabhupada Village, a community of 20 devotee families in North Carolina is hosting their 4th Local Sustainability Festival Dandavats.com: Gentle Reminder To All Vaishnavis!Malati devi: Your Annual Retreat occurs Oct. 1,2, & 3 in New Vrindaban. There are quality presenters who will offer much guidance and inspiration towards your spiritual journey Dandavats.com: Krishna's CrosswordsJagadvira Dasa: Find the answers to spiritual questions. Transcendental fun for all ages Australian News: "Fulfilling Your Desires" – Diary of a Traveling Monk. Indradyumna Swami MaharajVolume 11, Chapter 8 September 3, 2010 By Indradyumna Swami "Fulfilling Your Desires" Dearest Srila Prabhupada, Please accept my most humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All On this auspicious day 114 years ago, you appeared in this world to bestow I feel greatly fortunate to have been part of your pastimes both then and In the short note that accompanied my donation I mentioned how I would feel In the naivety of my spiritual youth I somehow assumed you would always be Knowing your heart – how you intensely desire the deliverance of fallen Srila Prabhupada, your International Society for Krsna Consciousness is "O all-merciful spiritual master, representative of the Supreme Personality [Srila Sridhar Swami, quoted in Krsna Book]. Srila Prabhupada, I know the path of pure devotional service is not easy and Some may consider me mad. In my youth I would hanker for the calm and "Everywhere saintly men and women are laughing, the stone-like hearts of the [ Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati, Sri Caitanya-candramrta, Text 120]. Dearest Srila Prabhupada after diving into the nectarine ocean of Sri Krsna Srila Prabhupada in all honesty I do not feel myself be a very competent On this auspicious day my thoughts are deeply immersed in your divine My dear spiritual master, savoir of my soul, my promise to you on this Your grateful servant, Please visit the web site Travelling Monk.com Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() H.H. Sivarama Swami: An address to the devotees of Leicester following the explosion that demolished most of the temple thereH.H. Sivarama SwamiHe [Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati] wanted to see that everyone is engaged in preaching work, some sort of preaching work, either indoor or outdoor. When you are indoor you have to be busy writing articles for a magazine and proofread and so many things indoors. And outdoors you have to go door to door, make them members, make them interested in this movement, collect money for expenses, outdoor. Preaching, you have to meet opposing elements. So many will criticize, so many will attack. Nityananda Prabhu was hurt personally, but still, outdoor. This is missionary work, not that “Whenever I find some opportunity, go to some solitary place and sleep.” This is not missionary life. - Srila Prabhupada ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Deities' Darshan for RadhastamiHere is a slide show of the Deities' darshan on Radhastami morning. H.H. Sivarama SwamiWhat’s the point in talking nonsense? One’s words may be simple, but they should be valuable. Every day your employer is printing so many newspapers. On Sunday, especially, the paper is so big that one can hardly carry it. But after reading it an hour, people throw it away. Here is this book, Bhagavad-gita, and people keep it and read it for a lifetime, and in this way it has been read for the past 5,000 years. Give such literature that will be taken and kept forever. - Srila Prabhupada Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Cows Need Your Help Now!From our friends in Australia at brihadmrdanga.com By Antony Brennan Krishna by His practical example taught us to give protection to the cows, and Srila Prabhupada spoke often with great force and feeling on the need to protect cows. As time progresses and as more and more of us live in urban environments, cow protection seems as if it could slip through our fingers and disappear. ISKCON has played a pioneering role in advocating and practising cow protection by establishing farm communities and goshalas, all over the world. In these difficult economic times we should try and not forget the request of Krishna, the Vedic literature, and the Srila Prabhupada, that we protect cows. It can seem that there is little those devotees living in urban areas can do, but there is something. Quite a few cow protection organisations have web sites which allow you to adopt a cow. Cow protection is not usually a profit making business, so donations to programs such as adopting a cow can be very important. Donations help provide for the general feed and care of cows, this is a very useful and helpful contribution to carrying on the business of protecting cows. Click on: www.krishnafarm.com for the New Govardhana farm in NSW and scroll down to see photo's of the resident cows and find ways you can help with the protection effort underway there. At New Govardhana their mission is to show the spiritual and material benefits that result from protecting and caring for the cows. To do this they want to make New Govardhana a place in the world where everyone can see this demonstrated practically. A place where anyone, regardless of religious persuasion, can experience the peace and satisfaction that comes from personally caring for cows. Practically demonstrating our gratitude to her, not only will we receive her blessings, but God himself will smile upon us in appreciation. Of this there is no doubt. Click on: www.newgokula.com for the New Gokula farm in the Hunter Valley in NSW. Click on COWS on the menu to see photo's of the resident herd and click on CONTACT then DONATE on the menu to donaste funds for assisting with the protection of cows. Winter is a hard time to survive if you're one of our cows or bullocks hit especially hard by the intense frosts the likes of which have not been seen in this region in a very long time. New Gokula Farm spent over $350 per week on lucerne feed for cows and bullocks to help see them through the harsh winter months. They are requesting everyone to try and contribute any donation big or small to gain Krishna's blessings by performing this extremely important Go-seva. You may contribute directly to the cause via the paypal link on the web site or in person if you are visiting the farm. "Thank you for your support of New Gokula Farm and our cow protection program which Srila Prabhupada stressed was the essence of human civilzation." Click on: www.careforcows.org and choose 'How Can I Help' on the menu bar. Here you will find a variety of ways you can help the Care for Cows care for the cows of Vrindavan. Care for Cows in Vrindavan (India) maintains abandoned cows, bulls, retired oxen, and orphaned calves. Iinternational volunteers offer talents and resources to tend to the neglected cows living in Krishna's holy land. Care for Cows provide stray cows with hay, flour, fresh grass, medical attention and a place where they can recuperate from injuries. At present they host a herd of three hundred. There are approximately three to four hundred abandoned cows in Vrindavan requiring accommodation. Unless they are protected they are destined to subsist on refuse and become plagued by various debilitating and often terminal diseases or suffer injury from careless motorists. However, the most immediate danger is that they become abducted for slaughter by cattle rustlers who are active in this area today. The present facility is full and there is an urgent need to acquire more land for their protection. Click on: www.iscowp.org and choose the 'How to Adopt a Cow' link. Here you will find photos of some cows who can be adopted and details on how you can make a payment. The ISCOWP web site says: "5000 years ago, Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appeared on earth to protect His devotees and to demonstrate His pastimes. Among those pastimes was his childhood role as a cowherd boy. The cows were very dear to Him because of their affectionate and gentle nature as well as their contributions to human society, and He was kind to them in return and protected them. We should follow His example." Click on: www.gitanagari.org and choose the 'Adopt A Cow' link. Then choose the adoption program link. There are a variety programs and payment options you can choose from. The Gita Nagari website says: "If You Drink Milk, You Have a Responsibility: This responsibility cannot be assumed by someone else. If milk from protected cows is not available, then compensatory donations should be made on a regular basis to support cows and cowherds on a devotee farm. Large-scale commercial milk production is likely to result in over-breeding and future neglect of retired animals; therefore it should be strongly discouraged." Click on: www.newtalavana.org and choose the 'Adopt-a-Cow' link. Choose from the donation options that suit you. The New Talavan website says: "New Talavan has been protecting cows for over 30 years. We cannot do it without you. Please contribute and be one of Bhagavan Sri Krsna's eternal cowherd boys and girls." Click on: www.savethecow.wordpress.com and click on 'Adoption Options. Here you will find the options available and the cows who need your help. The Save the Cow website says: "Every cow and ox protected by Save the Cow's dedicated staff and donors lives a happy, natural life. Feeling secure, each one expresses a unique personality. Some are shy and some playful. Some are explorers and others pranksters. When Krishna tended cows in Vrindavan He knew each of them by name and treated them as individuals. Through cow protection, Save the Cow creates a Vrindavan atmosphere in North Central Florida at New Raman Reti farm." It may be that due to the current economic climate adopting a cow may be beyond your means. The web sites mentioned above also allow one off donations to the amount that you can afford Click on: www.firstgiving.com/mgosh, another site where even a small amount will be put to good use. Japa Group: Great Souls Go On ChantingThe great souls go on chanting Hare Krishna and helping others around the world to take up the chanting because it is by chanting, more than any other practice, that one will be able to remember Krishna. And when we remember Krishna, we have achieved the goal of life. Remembering Krishna at the time of death assures one to join Him in the spiritual world. Forgetting Krishna is the greatest dilemma. From Bhajan Kutir #73 Gouranga TV: Madhava Prabhu – 24 Hours Hare Krishna Kirtan in Spain 2010 – HD 720p – Part 5/5 Madhava Prabhu – 24 Hours Hare Krishna Kirtan in Spain 2010 with Pandava Sena – HD 720p – Part 5/5 H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Statistics www.bcswami.comNote : please click on the picture for the enlarged display. Sent by Vinod-Behari Prabhu (The Hague, Holland, our web-master) “Bezoekers” means visitors, the number of visitors started to peak recently, see also on the maps which parts of the world log in to bcswami.com. More Recent Articles
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