Opening preaching centers...
" If q sincere soul goes out and opens a center in any part of the world, Krishna will help him in all respects. Without being empowered by Krishna, nobody can preach Krishna Consciousness. "
Srila Prabhupada - Letter to Brahmananda, November 11, 1967

A devotee is never alone...
" Feelings of loneliness are simply temporary manifestations due to past conditioning. We should try to concentrate our attention to our eternal friendship with Krishna. "
Srila Prabhupada - Letter to Kulasekara, November 2, 1969

The poison is personal ambition...
" These two things are always side by side - Maya and Krishna - Krishna is service and Maya is sense gratification. Our duty is therefore to be very, very careful. The poison is personal ambition. "
Srila Prabhupada - Letter to Satyabhama, November 1, 1970

Potent preachers...
" When pregnancy fails, it is due to the weakness of the male partner generally. Similarly, if we are full with Krishna vitality, then wherever we go the audience will be impregnated with Krishna Consciousness. "
Srila Prabhupada - Letter to Satsvarupa, October 31, 1969
The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Uddhava, by associating with My pure devotees one can destroy one's attachment for all objects of material sense gratification. Such purifying association brings Me under the control of My devotee. One may perform the ashtanga-yoga system, engage in philosophical analysis of the elements of material nature, practice nonviolence and other ordinary principles of piety, chant the Vedas, perform penances, take to the renounced order of life, execute sacrificial performances and dig wells, plant trees and perform other public welfare activities, give in charity, carry out severe vows, worship the demigods, chant confidential mantras, visit holy places or accept major and minor disciplinary injunctions, but even by performing such activities one does not bring Me under his control.
"Those who claim themselves to be devotees...
If one claims himself to be devotee, he must eat a small amount of sweets, steaming hot deep fried preparations, and should avoid any food which agitates his senses.
Srila Sanatana Gosvami in his Digdarsini-tika quotes a verse from Saradatilaka, "Those who claim themselves to be devotees should eat their meal in the afternoon, consisting of vegetables and different kinds of fruits, roots and grains."

Singing and chanting with devotion to Krishna...
" People should not misunderstand that we are a band of musical artists. They must know that we are devotees of Krishna. Our devotional practice and purity shall be so strong that whenever we chant there will be immediately an impression in the audience for devotion to Krishna. "
Srila Prabhupada - Letter to Tamal Krishna, October 30, 1969

na karma-bandhanam janma vaisnavanam ca vidyate
na karma-bandhanam janma vaisnavanam ca vidyate
visnur anucaratvam hi moksam ahur manisinah
A Vaisnava does not take birth under the jurisdiction of karmic law. His birth and disappearance are transcendental. The wise have declared that the servants of Visnu are eternally engaged in the liberated service of the Lord hence are free from the laws of material nature.
(Hari-Bhakti-Vilasa, 10,113, quoted from Padma Purana)

ata eva vaisnavera janma mrtyu nai
ata eva vaisnavera janma mrtyu nai
sange aisen, sange yayen tathai
dharma, karma, janma vaisnavera kabhu nahe
padma-puranete iha vyakta kari' kahe
The Padma Purana says that vaisnavas do not undergo birth and deathlike ordinary people do. They appear and disappear within this world of their own accord. In this way, sometimes we get their association and sometimes
their association is withdrawn. The devotees are not subject to any worldly considerations of duty and karma. (Caitanya Bhagavat, Antya 8.173,174)
Lord Krsna's devotee, His representative, who is sent to the material world for preaching the glories of Lord Krishna...
“So at the time of death... Of course, those who are devotees, their position is different. People may say, "The devotee is also dying, and the nondevotee, sinful man, is also dying. What is the difference?" So there is much difference. The example is given: just like a cat catching a rat in his mouth and at the same time carrying his cubs in the mouth. Superficially, we can see that the same mouth is being used, but one is feeling comfortable being carried by the mother, and another is feeling the death knell. Similarly, at the time of death, the devotee's feeling that they are being transferred to Vaikuntha, whereas the ordinary sinful man is feeling that the Yamaraja, the dutas, the constables of Yamaraja are dragging him to the hellish condition of life. So one should not conclude simply by seeing that he is dying. No. The process is different. Janma karma ca me divyam. As Lord Krsna's appearance and disappearance are all spiritual, transcendental, they are not ordinary things, similarly, Lord Krsna's devotee, His representative, who is sent to this material world for preaching the glories of Lord Krsna, their appearance and disappearance is also like Krsna's. Therefore, according to Vaisnava principles, the appearance and disappearance of Vaisnava is considered all-auspicious. Therefore we hold festivals. Just like yesterday we had the disappearance day of His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Prabhupada. So we offered our respects and observed a festival, Avirbhava, Tirobhava. Tirobhava.”
Srila Prabhupada - Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam 6:1:27-34, Surat

Entering into the pastimes of Krishna...
" Renunciation is required, but when one makes further progress after renunciation towards spiritual life and enters into the Pastimes of Krishna, then things become perfect. "
Srila Prabhupada - Letter to Kapiladeva, Oct. 24, 1969

Krishna is the Father of all living entities
Krishna states: " I am the seed-giving father of all living entities. "
"It doesn't matter, in different forms. He does not say that " I am the father only of the white, not of the black"
Srila Prabhupada - Nairobi, Oct. 26, 1975

And the real, pure, eternal Vrindavana will be yours...
" Transcend the idea that I am Hindu, American, brahmana, brahmacari, sannyasa, whatever. In Vrindavana, the only identity is I am Krishna's servant. Live in that consciousness, and the real, pure, eternal Vrindavana will be yours... "
Srila Prabhupada - Vrindavana days, page 311-2
The Divine Couple... Sri-Sri Radha-Krishna
One of Srila Prabhupada's final instructions...
" I have given the ideas. Now you give the shape. "
Srila Prabhupada - Vrindavana, October 14, 1977

The dust of the lotus feet of Srimati Radharani...
durad apasya svajanam sukham-artha-kotim
sarveshu sadhana-varesu ciram nirasah
varsantam eva sahajadbhuta-saukhya-dharam
sri radhika carana renu aham bhajami
“Abandoning Family and Friends, Material Pleasures, Wealth and all other Spiritual paths, finding them distasteful. I take on my head and worship the Dust of the Lotus Feet of Sri Radhika, which is shower of Wonderful Transcendental Bliss!!”
From Sri Bhajan Rahasya by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur

When one becomes a devotee of Lord Viṣṇu, everyone is served, for the Lord is the Supersoul of everyone...
yathā hi skandha-śākhānāṁ
taror mūlāvasecanam
evam ārādhanaṁ viṣṇoḥ
sarveṣām ātmanaś ca hi
yathā—as; hi—indeed; skandha—of the trunk; śākhānām—and of the branches; taroḥ—of a tree; mūla—the root; avasecanam—watering;evam—in this way; ārādhanam—worship; viṣṇoḥ—of Lord Viṣṇu;sarveṣām—of everyone; ātmanaḥ—of the Supersoul; ca—also; hi—indeed.
When one pours water on the root of a tree, the trunk and branches of the tree are automatically pleased. Similarly, when one becomes a devotee of Lord Viṣṇu, everyone is served, for the Lord is the Supersoul of everyone.
Srimad-Bhagavatam 8.5.49
When one becomes a devotee of Lord Viṣṇu, everyone is served, for the Lord is the Supersoul of everyone...
yathā hi skandha-śākhānāṁ
taror mūlāvasecanam
evam ārādhanaṁ viṣṇoḥ
sarveṣām ātmanaś ca hi
yathā—as; hi—indeed; skandha—of the trunk; śākhānām—and of the branches; taroḥ—of a tree; mūla—the root; avasecanam—watering;evam—in this way; ārādhanam—worship; viṣṇoḥ—of Lord Viṣṇu;sarveṣām—of everyone; ātmanaḥ—of the Supersoul; ca—also; hi—indeed.
When one pours water on the root of a tree, the trunk and branches of the tree are automatically pleased. Similarly, when one becomes a devotee of Lord Viṣṇu, everyone is served, for the Lord is the Supersoul of everyone.
Srimad-Bhagavatam 8.5.49
A Krishna conscious person must be seen by ears...
" A Krishna conscious person must be seen by ears and not by the eyes. This is the way one should try to knnow the depth of realization of a Krishna conscious person..."
Srila Prabhupada - Letter to Brahmananda, October 11, 1967

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