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Indradyumna Swami Vyasa puja in UK 2010
Indradyumna Swami Vyasa puja in UK 2010
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Diary of a Traveling Monk - Volume 11, Chapter 4 - April 1 - 10, 2010 Diario de un monje viajero - Volumen 11, Capítulo 4 - 1 al 10 abril, 2010
By Indradyumna Swami Por Indradyumna Swami
After two months of preaching and fundraising in the United States, I was ready for a break, so when Swarup Damodar dasa, president of the Durban temple in South Africa, asked me to come in April for Ratha-yatra, I jumped at the chance. Después de dos meses a partir de la predicación y la recaudación de fondos en los Estados Unidos, yo estaba listo para un descanso, así que cuando Swarup Damodar dasa, presidente del templo de Durban en Sudáfrica, me pidió que fuera en abril de Ratha-yatra, salté a la oportunidad .
After checking in for my flight at the Atlanta Airport, I was walking to the boarding gate when I passed a group of young marines. Después de facturar para el vuelo en el aeropuerto de Atlanta, que se dirigía a la puerta de embarque cuando pasé por un grupo de marines jóvenes. “Hey, pretty boy!” one called out. "Oye, niño bonito!" Llamó a uno fuera. “Where you off to?” "¿Dónde estás fuera de?
I turned toward him. Me volví hacia él. “Pretty boy?” I said. "Pretty Boy?-Dije-.
“Yeah, sweetheart,” he said. -Sí, cariño ", dijo. “I mean the dress. -Me refiero al vestido. It's just awesome.” The other marines broke out laughing. Es simplemente increíble. "Los infantes de marina que otros rompieron a reír.
I walked over to where they were sitting. Me acerqué a donde estaban sentados. “These are my robes, soldier,” I said. "Estos son mis ropas, soldado," dije. “I'ma monk.” "Soy un monje."
Another marine laughed. Otro marino se echó a reír. “A monk?” he said. "Un monje?", Dijo.“In a pink sheet?” "En una hoja de color de rosa?"
“Is this is how they train you boys?” I shot back. "¿Es esta es la forma en que entrenan ustedes, muchachos?" Me replicó. “You're part of an elite fighting force, serving one of the greatest countries in the world.” "Eres parte de una fuerza de combate de elite, sirviendo uno de los mayores países del mundo."
“Huh!” sneered a marine. "¿Eh!-Se burló un marino. “What do you know about serving your country?” he said with a thick southern accent. "¿Qué sabe usted acerca de servir a su país?", Dijo con un acento sureño de espesor.
I glared at him. Me fulminó con la mirada. “First Battalion,” I said, “Alpha Company, Platoon 2066. "Primer Batallón," dije, "Alpha Company, Platoon 2066. I graduated from Camp Pendleton on March 16, 1969.” Me gradué de Camp Pendleton, el 16 de marzo de 1969. "
“Really?” one of them said. "¿En serio?" Dijo uno de ellos. “Did you fight in 'Nam?” "¿Se peleaba en Vietnam?"
“No,” I said. -No-dije-. “I was sick when my unit shipped out. "Yo estaba enfermo cuando mi unidad embarcado. All the boys in my platoon were wiped out in an ambush their first week in combat. Todos los chicos en mi pelotón fueron eliminados en su primera semana una emboscada en el combate. I received further training stateside and became an instructor.” He recibido en los Estados Unidos la formación continua y se convirtió en un instructor. "
The boy who first called out to me was about to say something when another marine stopped him. El muchacho que primero me llamó estaba a punto de decir algo cuando otro marine lo detuvo. “Leave him alone, Mark,” he said. "Déjalo en paz, Mark", dijo. “He did his time.” "Hizo su tiempo".
The others nodded in agreement. Los demás asintieron con la cabeza.
I turned to Mark. Me volví a Mark. “This is what you're fighting for, leatherneck,” I said. "Esto es lo que estamos luchando, marine," dije.
“Democracy means to have a choice. "La democracia significa tener una elección. We can choose our leaders, our ideals, and our religion. Podemos elegir a nuestros líderes, nuestros ideales y nuestra religión. I choose Krsna consciousness.” Elijo la conciencia de Krishna. "
“My cousin is a Hare Krsna,” said one of the boys. "Mi primo es un Hare Krishna", dijo uno de los chicos. “I know a little bit about your beliefs. "Yo sé un poco acerca de sus creencias. One of the first guys in your religion was a soldier. Uno de los tipos por primera vez en su religión era un soldado. He fought on a huge battlefield.” Combatió en un enorme campo de batalla. "
I smiled. Sonreí. “Arjuna,” I said. "Arjuna", le dije.
“Yeah, that's his name,” said the boy. -Sí, ese es su nombre ", dijo el muchacho.
I sat down. Me senté. “I have a student who's a Marine and has served two tours in Iraq,” I said. "Tengo una estudiante que es un infante de marina y ha servido dos veces en Irak," le dije.
“We're off to Afghanistan next month,” said one of the boys as they gathered around me. "Nos vamos a Afganistán el próximo mes", dijo uno de los chicos cuando se reunían alrededor de mí.
“What's your student's name?” said another. "¿Cómo se llama su hijo?", Dijo otro.
“Captain Anthony Alexander,” I said. »El capitán Anthony Alexander," dije. “He's a commanding officer with three hundred men under him in Communications Company, First Marine Division.” "Él es un oficial al mando con tres centenares de hombres bajo su mando en la Compañía de Comunicaciones, Primera División de Marines."
“What's he like?” said one of the marines. "¿Cómo es él?", Dijo uno de los infantes de marina.
“Like Arjuna,” I said. "Al igual que Arjuna," dije.
The boy put his hand up in a high-five gesture, which I met with my own hand. El niño metió la mano en un gesto de alto y cinco, que me reuní con mi propia mano. I looked at my watch. Miré mi reloj. “Sorry boys,” I said, “but I gotta go.” "Muchachos Lo siento-le dije-, pero yo tengo que ir."
“Hey,” said one of them, “stay a little longer,” -Oye-dijo uno de ellos, "mantener un poco más",
“My flight leaves in twenty minutes,” I said as I got up. "Mi vuelo sale en veinte minutos", le dije mientras me levantaba. “Keep your heads down over there.” "Mantenga su cabeza baja por allí."
As I walked away, Mark ran up and put out his hand. Mientras me alejaba, Marcos se acercó corriendo, le tendió la mano. “Sorry, sir,” he said. "Lo siento, señor", dijo. “I was disrespectful.” "Yo era una falta de respeto".
I shook his hand tightly. Le estreché la mano con fuerza. “No problem, soldier,” I said. "No hay problema, soldado," dije. “Semper Fi!” "Semper Fi!
The Marine who knew about Arjuna waved. El infante de marina que sabían de Arjuna saludó. “Hare Krsna, sir!” he called out. "Hare Krishna, señor!" Gritó.
Sixteen hours later, I arrived in Johannesburg and caught a connecting flight to Durban, where I was met by a small group of devotees. Dieciséis horas después, me llegó a Johannesburgo y cogió un vuelo de conexión a Durban, donde fue recibido por un pequeño grupo de devotos. “How are the preparations for Ratha-yatra going?” I asked Swarup Damodar. "¿Cómo están los preparativos de Ratha-yatra va a ir?" Le pregunté a Swarup Damodar.
“Very good,” he said. "Muy bien", dijo. “Thanks for coming.” "Gracias por venir."
“I needed the break,” I said, but I knew I would not get much of a break during the festival. "Yo necesitaba el descanso,-le dije-, pero yo sabía que no obtienen gran parte de un descanso durante el festival.
As we walked out of the airport, I noticed a lot of advertising for the upcoming Soccer World Cup. Al salir del aeropuerto, me di cuenta de un montón de publicidad para la próxima Copa Mundial de Fútbol.
“Looks like South Africa's gone all out for the Cup,” I said. -Parece que Sudáfrica se ha ido todos hacia fuera para la Copa ", le dije. “Is everything ready?” "Está todo listo?"
“Pretty much,” said Swarup. -Más o menos ", dijo Swarup. “Of course, there's always the issue of crime. "Por supuesto, siempre existe la cuestión de la delincuencia. South Africa has a very high rate of murder, rape, and assault. Sudáfrica tiene una tasa muy alta de asesinato, violación y asalto. There's a lot more here than in most countries.” Hay mucho más aquí que en la mayoría de los países ".
“Will that affect the decision of foreigners to come for the Cup?” I said. "Que afectará a la decisión de los extranjeros a venir a la Copa?-Dije-.
“I don't think so,” he said. "Yo no lo creo", dijo. “This year they're expecting sixteen million tourists. "Este año están esperando dieciséis millones de turistas. Statistics show that most crime happens among South Africans. Las estadísticas muestran que la mayoría de la delincuencia que ocurre entre los sudafricanos. If tourists are targeted, it's usually just petty theft. Si los turistas se dirigen, por lo general sólo pequeños robos.
“Unfortunately,” he continued, “many of our devotees have experienced some type of crime or another - burglary, carjacking, theft, or the like. "Desgraciadamente", continuó, "muchos de nuestros devotos han experimentado algún tipo de delito o de otro - allanamiento de morada, robo de auto, robo, o similares. One family had a very close call just two days ago.” Una familia tenía una muy estrecha llamada hace apenas dos días. "
“What was that about?” I said. "¿Qué fue eso?" Le dije.
“A sophisticated, well-coordinated gang of criminals posing as policemen pulled a devotee over on his way home from work,” Swarup began. "Un sofisticado y bien coordinado banda de delincuentes se hacen pasar por policías sacó un devoto más en su camino a casa del trabajo", comenzó Swarup. “They were brandishing high-caliber firearms. "Eran blandiendo armas de fuego de alto calibre. They said he was being investigated for fraud and they needed to search his home. Dijeron que estaba siendo investigado por fraude y que tenían que registrar su casa. They handcuffed him, put him in their vehicle and drove him to his home. Lo esposaron, lo metieron en su vehículo y lo condujo a su casa.
“When they got there, other criminals, also posing as police officers, were waiting outside. "Cuando llegaron allí, otros delincuentes, también se hacen pasar por agentes de la policía, estaban esperando afuera. They took him into his house and quickly tied up his mother, his sister, and her six-month-old baby. Lo llevaron a su casa y rápidamente atado a su madre, su hermana y su bebé de seis meses de edad. Then they began ransacking the house looking for cash, jewelry, and firearms. Entonces comenzaron saqueo de la casa en busca de dinero en efectivo, joyas y armas de fuego. When they found nothing they threatened to kill the whole family if they didn't say where they kept their valuables. Cuando encontraron nada de lo que amenazó con matar a toda la familia si no decía dónde guardaban sus objetos de valor.
“The devotee man said they didn't store valuables in the house and pleaded for their lives. "El hombre devoto de sus objetos de valor, dijo que hicieron lo guarde en la casa y le rogó por su vida. The crooks pointed their guns at the family and put a plastic bag over the baby's head. Los ladrones apuntaron con sus armas a la familia y poner una bolsa de plástico sobre la cabeza del bebé. Meanwhile, the leader continued searching the rooms when he came across the family altar with pictures of Srila Prabhupada, Krsna, and Lord Caitanya. Mientras tanto, el líder continúan buscando las habitaciones cuando se encontró con el altar de la familia con fotos de Srila Prabhupada, Krishna y Caitanya Señor.
“He shouted to the others, 'Don't harm them. "Le gritó a los demás, no hacen daño ellos.They're Hare Krsna devotees. Son devotos de Hare Krishna. They feed our people in the townships. Se alimentan de nuestra gente de los suburbios. They give our children food. Ellos dan la comida los niños. Put down your weapons.' Dejen sus armas. "
“One of the gang took the plastic bag off the baby's head and slapped his back to get him breathing again. "Una de las pandillas tomó la bolsa de plástico de la cabeza del bebé y se golpeó la espalda para hacerle respirar de nuevo. The leader then ordered the others to leave, and he said, 'Put back whatever you've taken.' El jefe ordenó entonces a los demás a salir, y me dijo: 'Vuelva a poner todo lo que he tomado. "
“On their way out the gang dumped a few watches, several appliances, and assorted coins on the floor. "Al salir de la pandilla objeto de dumping relojes unos pocos, varios aparatos, y una variedad de monedas en el suelo. As the leader stepped through the front door, he turned and said, 'Sorry. Como líder salió por la puerta principal, se volvió y dijo: 'Lo siento. We didn't know who you were.' No sabíamos quién era usted. " Moments later they sped away in their cars. Momentos después se dio a la fuga en sus coches.
“Our Food for Life program has been distributing prasada in the impoverished areas around Durban for more than twenty years. "Nuestro programa de Alimentos para la Vida ha sido la distribución de prasada en las áreas pobres de todo Durban durante más de veinte años. It's much appreciated by the poor Africans. Es muy apreciada por los africanos pobres. What do you think, Maharaja?” ¿Qué piensa usted, Maharajá? "
I nodded. Asentí con la cabeza. “Yes,” I said. -Sí-dije-. “Srila Prabhupada had the perfect vision when he started prasada distribution in the early 1970s. "Srila Prabhupada tuvo la visión perfecta cuando comenzó la distribución de prasada a principios de 1970. He called it Lord Caitanya's secret weapon.” Lo llamó arma secreta del Señor Caitanya ".
“Actually,” Swarup said, “the Food for Life team was hoping you'd go out with them while you're here.” "En realidad-dijo Swarup," el alimento para el equipo de La vida era la esperanza de que salía con ellos mientras están aquí. "
“It'd be an honor and a pleasure,” I said. "Sería un honor y un placer", le dije.
“You'll have a police escort,” he said. "Tendrá una escolta policial", dijo.
“Is that necessary? "Es necesario? I said. Le dije. “I thought the Africans liked us.” "Pensé que los africanos nos gustaba".
“Most of them do,” he said, “but there is always the criminal element. "La mayoría de ellos lo hacen", dijo, "pero siempre existe el elemento criminal. And they may not always be as accommodating as those who tried to rob that devotee's house. Y no siempre es tan complaciente como los que trataron de robar a la casa del devoto. Two of our congregation members were murdered in similar burglaries.” Dos de los miembros de nuestra congregación fueron asesinados en robos similares. "
Three days later as the Food for Life team loaded big pots of freshly cooked prasada into a van, a police constable picked me up in his squad car. Tres días más tarde como la de Alimentos para el equipo de la vida cargada de grandes ollas prasada recién cocinados en una furgoneta, un agente de policía me recogió en su coche patrulla. Minutes later we all took off to pass out prasadam in rural Kwazulu-Natal, home to almost nine million Zulus. Minutos más tarde se quitó todos salgan prasadam en la zona rural de Kwazulu-Natal, hogar de casi nueve millones zulúes.
“Thanks for coming along,” I said to the constable. "Gracias por venir a lo largo", le dije a la policía.
“Paul's my name,” he said, putting out his hand. "Pablo es mi nombre", dijo, extendiendo la mano. “It's a pleasure.” "Es un placer."
He looked at the large Canon EOS camera hanging around my neck. Miró a la cámara Canon EOS grandes colgando alrededor de mi cuello. “You'll need me,” he said, “if only for that fancy camera you're carrying.” "Usted me necesita", dijo, "aunque sólo sea por esa cámara de fantasía que lleves."
“Yes,” I said. -Sí-dije-. “It does stick out a bit.” I squirmed a little. "Lo hace sobresalir un poco." Me retorcí un poco.
“Don't you worry,” Paul said. "No te preocupes", dijo Paul.
I looked him over. Le miró por encima. I could see I had nothing to fear. Pude ver que no tenía nada que temer. He was a tall black African in his forties, and he looked as strong as an ox. Era un hombre alto negro africano de unos cuarenta años, y parecía tan fuerte como un buey. Hanging from his belt were a handgun, two cans of mace, and a pair of handcuffs. Colgaba de su cuello eran una pistola, dos latas de maza, y un par de esposas. On the panel behind his head rested a shotgun, locked and loaded. En el panel detrás de su cabeza descansaba una escopeta, bloqueado y cargado.
I couldn't take my eyes off the little armory. No podía apartar los ojos de la sala de armas pequeñas. “Do you ever use that stuff?” I said. "¿Utiliza alguna vez eso?-Dije-.
“All the time,” he said without taking his eyes off the road. "Todo el tiempo", dijo sin apartar los ojos de la carretera.
My eyes turned to a wide, six-inch scar on his forearm. Mis ojos se volvieron hacia una cicatriz ancha, de seis pulgadas en su antebrazo. “Where did you get that?” I said. "¿De dónde sacaste eso?" Le dije.
Paul smiled. Pablo sonrió. “All in a day's work,” he said. "Todo en un día de trabajo", dijo.
An hour later, we turned off the highway onto a winding road into the Valley of a Thousand Hills, and another half hour later we came to a picturesque but rundown village. Una hora después, nos desviamos de la carretera por un camino sinuoso en el Valle de las Mil Colinas, y otra media hora más tarde llegamos a un pueblo pintoresco, pero la reducción.
“There's a lot of criminal activity out here,” Paul said. "Hay un montón de actividades delictivas a cabo aquí", dijo Paul. “They'll use an AK "Ellos usarán un AK 47 assault rifle to rob a store for a few packs of cigarettes.” 47 rifle de asalto para robar una tienda de unos paquetes de cigarrillos. "
Just then his police radio starting crackling. En ese momento, su radio de la policía de partida crepitante. Paul listened carefully and shook his head. Pablo escuchó con atención y negó con la cabeza. “There's a robbery taking place at this very moment,” he said, “just three hundred meters ahead.” "Hay un robo que tienen lugar en este mismo momento", dijo, "sólo trescientos metros más adelante."
I felt my throat tighten. Sentí que mi nudo en la garganta. “Are we going there?” I said. "¿Vamos allí?-Dije-.
“No,” he said calmly. -No-dijo con calma. “We never go in alone. "Nunca entrar solo. There has to be at least three of us in a squad car. Tiene que haber al menos tres de nosotros en un coche patrulla. Even then we have to assess the situation. Incluso entonces hay que evaluar la situación. If they have superior firepower, which they often do, we hold off.” Si tienen poder de fuego superior, lo que sucede con frecuencia, tenemos apagado. "
A hundred meters before the scene of the crime, we drove up to a small group of houses. Un centenar de metros antes de la escena del crimen, nos dirigimos a un pequeño grupo de casas.There were just a few people milling around. Sólo había unas pocas personas dando vueltas.As soon as we stopped, a devotee jumped out of the van and picked up a megaphone. Tan pronto como nos detuvimos, un devoto saltó de la camioneta y tomó un megáfono. “Prasada!” Prasada! "Prasada!" Prasada! Prasada!” he called out. Prasada! "Gritó.
Suddenly people began pouring out of the houses, even running from the other end of the village. De pronto la gente empezó a llegar fuera de las casas, incluso corriendo desde el otro extremo del pueblo. Children were running along the street with cups, bowls, plates, and even pots. Los niños corrían por la calle con tazas, tazones, platos, e incluso macetas.
The kids smiled and laughed as they pushed and shoved their way into a long line waiting for the distribution to start. Los niños sonreían y se reían empujó y empujó su camino en una larga línea de espera para la distribución de comenzar. Then the devotees piled out of the van with drums and karatalas and began a kirtana. A continuación, los devotos saltaron de la camioneta con tambores y karatalas y comenzó un kirtana. All the Zulu children started dancing and singing along. Todos los niños Zulu empezaron a bailar y cantar.
My eyes opened wide. Mis ojos se abrieron. “They even know the words!” I said. "Saben incluso las palabras!" Le dije.
Paul was looking over the crowd and the surrounding area to see if there was trouble. Pablo estaba mirando por encima de la multitud y sus alrededores para ver si había problemas. He turned to me. Se volvió hacia mí. “And why not?” he replied. "Y por qué no?", Respondió.“You people were passing out this food and singing this song to their parents when they themselves were youngsters.” "Usted gente se desmayaba este alimento y cantando esta canción a sus padres cuando ellos mismos eran jóvenes".
Pandemonium broke out as the devotees started distributing the stew of rice, beans, and vegetables. Pandemonium estalló como los devotos comenzaron a distribuir el guiso de arroz, frijoles y hortalizas. I saw a number of children get their bowls filled and then immediately return to the back of the line. Vi un número de niños a sus copas llenas y luego inmediatamente regresa a la parte de atrás de la línea. I smiled as I watched them eat all the way up to the front and then present their empty bowls for more. Sonreí cuando vi a comer todo el camino hasta el frente y luego presentar sus platos vacíos para más. Some came three or four times. Algunos vinieron tres o cuatro veces.
Paul kept his eye on the crowd and his hand on his gun. Paul mantuvo su mirada sobre la multitud y su mano en su pistola. “This is an especially bad area,” he said. "Esta es un área especialmente malo", dijo. “A few months ago I chased a criminal into the bush in the next village. "Hace unos meses me persiguió un penal en la selva en el pueblo de al lado. He suddenly jumped out just two meters in front of me and fired off four rounds at point-blank range.” De pronto saltó a sólo dos metros por delante de mí y disparó cuatro rounds en quemarropa ".
“What happened? "¿Qué pasó? I said. Le dije.
Paul chuckled. Paul se echó a reír. “He missed,” he said. "Echaba de menos", dijo.
Then his face became serious. Entonces su rostro se puso serio. “But it wasn't luck,” he said. "Pero no fue suerte", dijo. “It was the Lord above watching over me.” "Fue el Dios del cielo vela por mí."
“So you're a religious man,” I said. "Así que tú eres un hombre religioso," dije.
Paul smiled. Pablo sonrió. “Yes sir, I am,” he said. -Sí, señor, yo soy ", dijo. “Every time I go into action, I look up at the sky and say to the Lord, 'Cover me.'” "Cada vez que entro en acción, miro hacia el cielo y decirle al Señor:" Cover me ".
“That's very nice, constable,” I said. "Eso es muy bonito, policía," le dije.
“It's the only explanation for why I'm still here today,” he said. "Es la única explicación de por qué todavía estoy aquí hoy", dijo. “I know that for a fact.” "Sé que para un hecho."
A group of young men started walking toward me. Un grupo de jóvenes comenzó a caminar hacia mí. “Watch your camera,” Paul said looking over the valley. -Cuidado con la cámara ", dijo Paul mirando por encima del valle. “We do what we can out here, but these people are very poor, so crime is always on the rise. "Hacemos lo que podemos aquí, pero estas personas son muy pobres, por lo que el crimen es siempre en aumento. Not many folks take the risk to come here and help them like you do. No muchas personas se arriesgan a venir aquí y ayudar a ellos igual que lo hacen.
“Nowadays it's gotten so bad the villagers take justice into their own hands. "Hoy en día es tan mal los pobladores toman la justicia por su mano. When they catch a thief or a drug runner, they tie him to a telephone pole and beat him to death. Cuando capturan a un ladrón o un narcotraficante, que lo atan a un poste de teléfono y lo golpearon hasta la muerte. Then they place all his weapons around him on the ground. Después colocan todas sus armas alrededor de él en el suelo. Nobody dares take those weapons.” Nadie se atreve a tomar las armas ".
“Tell me,” I said, “when you're out here, do you always get your man? "Dígame-le dije-, cuando estás aquí, ¿siempre conseguir su hombre? Do they ever get away?” ¿Alguna vez escapar?
“Sometimes they get away in the bush,” he said, motioning toward the thick foliage surrounding the village. "A veces se alejan en la selva", dijo, señalando hacia el espeso follaje que rodea el pueblo. “When that happens we call in the dog squad. "Cuando eso sucede que llamamos en el equipo de perro. The criminals are terrified of our dogs, so they try to shoot the animals from where they're hiding. Los criminales están aterrorizados de nuestros perros, así que tratan de disparar a los animales desde el lugar donde esconderse. That's when we go in and arrest them. Ahí es cuando van a arrestar a ellos. But it doesn't always work.” Pero no siempre funciona. "
“Why's that?” I asked. "¿Por qué es eso?" Le pregunté.
“Last week I was heading into the bush to get a man when suddenly I bumped into a beehive,” he said. "La semana pasada me dirigía al monte a conseguir a un hombre cuando de repente me encontré con un panal de abejas", dijo. “Within moments the bees were all around me and stung me from head to toe. "En momentos que las abejas estaban todos alrededor de mí y me hirió de pies a cabeza. The guy got away, and I spent a few days in the hospital.” El chico se escapó, y me pasé unos días en el hospital. "
Two hours later the devotees packed the empty prasada containers into the van and jumped in with their musical instruments. Dos horas más tarde los devotos llenaron el prasada contenedores vacíos dentro del bus y subieron con sus instrumentos musicales. Only when everyone was inside did Paul indicate that we could get back in the squad car. Sólo cuando todo el mundo estaba dentro de qué Pablo indican que podríamos volver en el coche patrulla.Soon we were winding our way down the hill to the main highway. Pronto nos encontramos nuestro camino sinuoso por la colina hasta la carretera principal.
“They love you folks out here,” Paul said. "Te quieren gente aquí", dijo Paul. “I heard you've given out three thousand plates of food every day for many years. -He oído que usted ha dado a cabo tres mil platos de comida todos los días durante muchos años. One day it will all pay off.” Un día todo se verá recompensado. "
“It already has,” I said, thinking of the gang who had spared the devotee family. "Ya lo ha hecho-dije, pensando en la banda que había salvado la familia devoto.
“Anytime you guys need my service just give me a call,” Paul said as we turned onto the highway. "Cada vez que ustedes necesitan mi servicio solo dame una llamada", dijo Paul a medida que se volvió a la carretera. “I'm always happy to do my part.” "Siempre estoy feliz de hacer mi parte".
“Thank you, constable,” I said. -Gracias, alguacil,-dije-.
An hour later, as we neared the temple, Paul turned to me. Una hora después, a medida que se acercaba al templo, Paul se volvió hacia mí. “Sir,” he said, “do you mind if I ask, what is the meaning of that song you all sing out there? -Señor-dijo-, ¿te importa si le pregunto, ¿cuál es el significado de esa canción que todos cantan por ahí? You know, the Hare Krsna one?” Ya sabes, el Hare Krishna uno? "
I thought for a moment. Pensé por un momento. “It means 'Cover me,'” I said. "Significa" Cover me "," le dije.
Paul smiled from ear to ear. Pablo sonrió de oreja a oreja.
That evening I remembered something Nelson Mandela had said when he spoke at a large Food For Life gathering many years ago: Esa noche me acordé de algo que Nelson Mandela ha dicho cuando habló en una comida grande la vida acumulando desde hace muchos años:
“Another important building block for new democracy is the love and good will we show to each other. "Otro elemento importante para la nueva democracia es el amor y buena voluntad que muestran entre sí. That is the spirit of masakhane, of bringing one another together. Ese es el espíritu de Masakhane, de llevar unos a los otros juntos. It is also the spirit of today's festival organized by Hare Krsna Food for Life.” Es también el espíritu de la fiesta de hoy organizado por Hare Krishna Food for Life ".
Indradyumna.swami@pamho.net www. Indradyumna.swami pamho.net @ www.travelingmonk. travelingmonk. com Audio lectures: www. com audio conferencias: www.narottam. narottam. com Facebook: Indradyumna Swami Facebook com: Swami Indradyumna
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Dandavats Maharaja, Dandavats Maharaja,
Very nice story, I admire your courage in standing up to the Marines like you did.You changed a very negative situation in to a very positive ending . Muy bonita historia, admiro tu coraje para enfrentarse a los marines como usted did.You cambiado una situación muy negativa para un final muy positivo. Sounds like you gained much respect from them. Suena como que usted ganó mucho respeto por parte de ellos.
Haribol.Haribol.Haribol.Haribol, Haribol.Haribol.Haribol.Haribol,
Your Servant, Tu siervo,
Kanhaiya das Das Kanhaiya

Maharaja, it is always enlivening to read what Krishna has in store for you along your path, as a pilgrim and preacher on this earth planet… Maharaja, siempre es animar a leer lo que Krishna tiene reservado para usted a lo largo de su camino, como un peregrino y predicador en este planeta tierra ...
Thank you for sharing with us who are tied up for the most part by our seva as grihastas… Gracias por compartir con nosotros que están atados en su mayor parte por nuestro seva como grihastas ...
May you always have the blessings of Srila Prabhupada with you, who “covers” you ! Que siempre tengas la bendición de Srila Prabhupada con usted, que "cubre" usted!
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Your servant in the service of Srila Prabhupada Su siervo en el servicio de Srila Prabhupada Puskaraksa das Das Puskaraksa
Jaiva-dharma: Jaiva-dharma:
“In the Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad, 4.3.9, we find: "En el Upanishad Brhad-Aranyaka, 4.3.9, nos encontramos con:
idam ca paraloka-sthanam ca sandhyam trtiyam ca idam paraloka-ca sthanam sandhyam trtiyam
svapna-sthanam tasmin sandhye sthane tinthan ete tasmin Svapna-sthanam sthane sandhye tinthan ete
ubhe sthane pasyati idam ca paraloka-sthanam ca idam sthane pasyati ubhe ca-paraloka sthanam ca
“The jiva has access to two places, both of which he may seek, this material world and the spiritual realm. "El jiva tiene acceso a dos lugares, tanto de las que pueda buscar, este mundo material y el reino espiritual. He is situated in svapna-sthanam, the dream-like third state, on the margin of these two worlds [the Casual Ocean]. Él se encuentra en Svapna-sthanam, el tercer estado de ensueño, al margen de estos dos mundos [el Océano Casual]. From that middle position he is able to see both the material and the spiritual worlds.” Desde esa posición intermedia que es capaz de ver el material y los mundos espirituales. "
“Further, the following statement from the Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad, 4.3.18, describes the nature of the marginal position of the jiva: "Además, la siguiente declaración de la Upanishad Brhad-Aranyaka, 4.3.18, se describe la naturaleza de la posición marginal de la jiva:
nusancarati purvam ca param caivam nusancarati purvam caivam ca param
evayam purusa etav ubhav antav purusa evayam etav ubhav antav
anusancarati svapnantam ca buddhantam ca anusancarati svapnantam ca ca buddhantam
Apr 19 2010 Cover Me

After two months of preaching and fundraising in the United States, I was ready for a break, so when Swarup Damodar dasa, president of the Durban temple in South Africa, asked me to come in April for Ratha-yatra, I jumped at the chance
Mar 29 2010 Greatly Rewarded

After my unsettling experiences in the San Diego and Vancouver airports, where I was interrogated by security officials, I again considered wearing non-devotional dress while traveling in the United States.
Mar 15 2010 Lessons from the Road

As my flight to Los Angeles took off, I looked through the window at the disappearing Australian landscape and thought about my three-month visit to the country. "Our festival tour was intense," I thought, "but it went by in a flash. When you enjoy what you're doing, time passes quickly."
Jan 25 2010 My Spiritual Brothers

With the hustle-bustle of Hong Kong behind me, I boarded a plane and settled in for the long haul to Sydney. Twenty-eight devotees from my summer festival program in eastern Europe had arrived in Australia the previous week. We would be touring the country for three months
Nov 17 2009 The Source of My Good Fortune

He gave me a salagrama sila that had been worshiped in his family since the time Mahaprabhu stayed with them. And he made it clear that it was in appreciation of ISKCON and the great work you did in spreading Krsna consciousness all over the world.
Nov 10 2009 Twenty Beads of Causeless Mercy

By serving Madan Mohan one conquers material desires; by serving Govindaji one purifies the senses; and by serving Gopinatha, master of the gopis, one achieves pure love of God, the perfection of life
Oct 8 2009 Feelings of Separation

My dear godbrother Sridhar Maharaja, Each of us in his own way benefited from your saintly association when you were among us: your disciples from your fatherly guidance on the spiritual path, your friends and well-wishers from your brotherly love and affection, and the fallen jivas from your learned talks on the Absolute Truth.
Sep 28 2009 The Yogi

The day after our last festival in Poland, I boarded a flight for India and landed the next morning in Delhi. I was going down a flight of stairs leading to Immigration and Customs when my knees buckled and I began to fall. A large man grabbed me from behind in the nick of time.
Sep 21 2009 Will Those Sweet Days Ever Return?

After the Woodstock festival we went back to our programs on the Baltic Sea coast. We were exhausted but determined to make it through the last seventeen days of our tour. There might be some austerities, but the satisfaction of sharing Krsna consciousness with thousands of people would far outweigh any discomfort.
Sep 10 2009 How Fortunate We Are to Have Seen It!

"Over my dead body!" screamed the woman over the telephone. As I entered the office I could hear every word she was saying to Nandini dasi: "Never! I'll never rent my school to you people! Not in a million years!" With that, she hung up.
Aug 27 2009 This Sacred Task

My dear spiritual master, I know that one day the curtain will close and my part in this festival program will come to an end. My hope and prayer is that my disciples will continue to push it on, having imbibed the purpose and spirit of this service from their own spiritual master.
Aug 6 2009 Summer Has Never Been the Same

"Losing the battle doesn't mean losing the war," I said to Nandini dasi. One of our festivals had been canceled despite her determined efforts, and she was sitting there fuming
Jul 22 2009 Friends and Enemies in High Places

On Monday the Polish police raided our school base looking for drugs. The next day, the devotees went for harinama on the beach. Most of the devotees went by bus, and I was in a van with a few others.
Jul 16 2009 The Enemy Never Sleeps

The atheists are always prepared to harass a devotee; therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu suggested that one be very tolerant of these people. Nonetheless, one has to continue chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and preaching the chanting of this mantra because such preaching and chanting constitute the perfection of life.
Jun 28 2009 Never Too Late to Pray

One thing I appreciate about traveling in Russia is the constant reminders that this world is an unhappy place. I am reminded again and again to become serious and to focus on my devotional service.
Jun 20 2009 A Blessing in Disguise

I am happy in Krsna consciousness. With each rising and setting of the sun, I come closer to the goal of my life. I constantly thank Krsna for allowing me to meet with Srila Prabhupada's books and my eternal spiritual master in this life.
Jun 11 2009 One Step Closer to the Goal

Srila Prabhupada says: "I have been in Russia also. It is not that they are godless. The population is as good as in other country, but the government is suppressing. So that is another chapter...
May 15 2009 It’s Krsna!
A monsoon of ecstatic spiritual love brings great floods. All of Santipura floats on those waters. Alas! Ananta-raya's heart was not swept away by those flooding nectaran waters
Apr 22 2009 A Difficult Place
So I have seen so many prisoners. They were shackled with iron chains. So we are also chained up here, and what is that chain? That is our sense enjoyment. Yes. We are chained in this material world by sense enjoyment. That's all.
Feb 26 2009 Following In His Footsteps
Our festivals in Sydney were a huge hit. We had given the event a French name, Le Carnaval Spirituel. During December we averaged more than five hundred people a show. After the New Year, we traveled north to Brisbane and held another round of successful programs on the Gold Coast.
Jan 19 2009 Down in the Pits
Our festival programs continued in the Sydney area with great success. I had come with twenty-eight devotees from various countries, and many of them were staying in rooms at the Sydney temple. Devotees from other parts of Australia were also staying there for the Christmas Marathon.
Dec 19 2008 Coming Home
During the 1970s, I would get culture shock whenever I went to India. The crowded cities, the heat, the food, the occasional sickness, and the austerities of local travel would painfully remind me that I was a stranger in a foreign land.
Nov 26 2008 In Her Own Handwriting

For most people the New Year begins on January 1st. For me it comes in early October, when my yearly worldwide preaching tour finishes and I head to Vrindavan for spiritual rejuvenation.
Oct 13 2008 The Warlock

As we were driving through beautiful forests on our way out of the Republic of Adegeya, a disciple turned to me. "Guru Maharaja," he said, "there's a man who lives nearby who is said to have amazing healing powers...
Oct 8 2008 A History of Discontent

Wherever the service to the Lord, who is the protector and creator of the universes, and wherever the congregational chanting of His names were well established, they set the worlds in peace.
Sep 29 2008 The Fortune Teller

The next day I flew to the Greek city of Thessaloniki with Uttama-sloka das and several other devotees. Tara das and his wife, Radha Sakhi Vrnda dasi, had recently opened a preaching center there and had invited us to present two programs.
Sep 25 2008 Until We Meet Again

My dear Godbrother Sridhar Maharaja, today is the celebration of your Vyasa-puja. It is a day of mixed feelings for me: I am happy to remember your exalted service to Srila Prabhupada, and at the same time I am sad. I miss your association and friendship more than you can imagine.
Sep 19 2008 Ready and Willing: A Vyasa Puja Offering

O Sanatana! Your lotus feet surpass even the nectar of the gods. Finding in this lotus flower of your feet the essence of sweetness which is endowed with truly wonderful mellows, I pray that today the bee of my mind will eternally reside there.
Sep 8 2008 Good and Faithful

When we reached Moscow, one of the devotees meeting us rushed up to me in the parking lot. "Guru Maharaja," he said, "after your flight took off from Irkutsk, there was an earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale. There are reports of 900 people injured, some dead as well.
Sep 2 2008 Rain or Shine

We enjoyed perfect weather the first two days of the next festival, in Rewal. On the third and final day, we began preparing early in the morning for a Vedic wedding of two couples, expecting a big crowd. But Mother Nature had other plans, and just before noon it began pouring rain.
Aug 28 2008 In Adoration

In Srimad-Bhagavatam, Prahlad Maharaja says that a devotee should see his advanced Godbrothers on an equal footing with his spiritual master. Just as we need the help of our spiritual master to understand the Supreme Lord, we also need the help of our Godbrothers to appreciate and serve our beloved spiritual master.
Aug 19 2008 Woodstock: A New Direction

O all-auspicious Krishna! May You be victorious! You perform all kinds of sweet pastimes. Let my name also be there when You count Sri Radha's associates. This is my prayer. Although I am covered by material consciousness I can still aspire for this. O Lord, may my prayer be fulfilled
Aug 11 2008 Times Have Changed

Although we have had resounding success with our festivals this summer, we have had some setbacks as well. We thought we had another setback when Nandini dasi called the man in charge of the amphitheater in Miedzyzdroje, where our festival was to take place in two weeks.
Aug 5 2008 Special Mention

I'll never forget how the crowd applauded the Lord that day. They went on and on, and some even looked towards the heavens. As we were all loudly acknowledging His mercy, I took it to be as good as sankirtan, the congregational chanting of the holy names. Such is the effect of just one of our festivals
Jul 28 2008 The Curse

Srila Prabhupada writes:"Because of the curse of Daksa, Narada is never allowed to live continuously in one place. Sridhara Swami, however, has pointed out: in Dwarka there is no influence of curses or other such evils, because Dwarka is the abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is always protected by His arms.
Jul 22 2008 Can You See This?

The first two festivals of the Polish tour went exceptionally well, with thousands of people attending. Throughout both of them, however, devotees were meditating on the third festival - in the town where the deputy mayor had almost succeeded in canceling the event. It would be our biggest and most prestigious festival of the summer.
Jul 1 2008 Enemies in Powerful Positions

If the preachers in our Krsna consciousness movement are sincere devotees of Krsna, Krsna will always be with them because He is very kind and favorable to all His devotees.
Jun 21 2008 Hurricane Katrina Revisited

Most important is that our distribution of prasadam and chanting of the holy names earned us respect and admiration, especially among the local and federal authorities. By combining forces with them, we were able to offset some of the suffering that Katrina wrought and to give people genuine spiritual welfare.
May 13 2008 Taxi Driver Wisdom

"My philosophy is that man is here to do good for others," he continued. "And the best way you can help another man is to encourage him to follow his religion. It makes no sense to condemn his religion. And let me tell you what the cause of all the problems in the world is. You wanna know?"
Apr 1 2008 Pastimes of the Holy Names

Because of the cramped space, I was unable to move out of the way and sat pinned in the middle of the frantic scene. The man continued shaking, flailing his arms and grimacing in pain. Unable to offer any more practical help, I continued chanting clearly so he could hear every syllable of the holy names.
Mar 21 2008 The Mother Temple

On the flight from Hong Kong to Bali, I thought about a conversation I had had with my Godbrother B. B. Govinda Maharaja the previous day. We were talking about seeing Srila Prabhupada at the Detroit airport in 1971. It was our first meeting with Srila Prabhupada, and I asked Maharaja if he remembered anything from Srila Prabhupada's arrival address.
Mar 2 2008 A Perfect Ending

I understood Chandrasekhar's anxiety. He and a team of local devotees had been organizing the festival for six months. At great cost they had rented an auditorium with 1,000 seats for two evenings at a prestigious university in downtown Hong Kong. Never before had the small yatra attempted such a bold preaching program.
Jan 30 2008 Troopers

My friend told them that you are planning to hold a festival in Byron Bay, the bus driver continued, and that you're on the way to advertise it. The SES said you should turn around immediately and go back to your community. The advice is to pack up your stuff and get out of the area fast.
Jan 17 2008 No Worries Mate

After a month-long parikrama of Vrindavan, Mayapura and Jagannatha Puri, I was sad to be leaving India. I boarded my flight to Sydney, Australia, on December 2 with memories of the places I had visited still fresh in my mind.
Jan 9 2008 Just Wander

As we sat down to have bhajan, one of the local priests, who had overheard me, came and began whispering in my ear. "The chief priest here, who oversees the worship of Radha Kanta, may be able to tell you where the other three Deities are," he said. "He's an old sadhu in his 80s and very learned in the Vaisnava tradition."
Dec 12 2007 Feelings of Separation

I sometimes try to envision how the residents of the spiritual world must have celebrated the day you rejoined them. What festivities did they perform to welcome you, the Lord's chosen son, back to that transcendental abode?
Oct 15 2007 Farewell

Dear Nirguna prabhu, Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I am following the news of your departure from this world due to cancer through the Dandavats website, as well as through devotees who are coming to Vrindavan from Mayapura Dhama. The website has a telephone number and an invitation to call you and say farewell.
Oct 12 2007 Vyasa-puja Offering

Today I sit to compose my Vyasa-puja offering to you just minutes before I will be called on to speak. Ordinarily a disciple writes his or her offering days, weeks or even months before the appearance day of the spiritual master, but this year service to your lotus feet went on day and night, without respite.
Oct 10 2007 Prepared for Peace - Ready for War

After a series of programs in the Republic of Ireland, I drove north with several other devotees to Belfast. On the way I turned to Praghosa das, the local GBC representative, and congratulated him on the Ratha-yatra we had held the previous day in Dublin. "I was amazed how the crowds lined the streets to watch the cart pass by," I said. "And so many people came for the festival in the park afterwards."
Sep 7 2007 Self-evident Truths

As I sat down before the harmonium to begin singing, I looked out at the huge crowd stretching back 100 meters. Pausing for a moment, I closed my eyes and prayed to the Lord for the mercy to share the nectar of His holy names with such people for as many years, or as many lifetimes, as He saw fit.
Aug 30 2007 One Love

I grew up in the United States in the 1960s and 70s. As with many other young Americans of my generation, my world view was significantly influenced by the music of Bob Marley. His songs about revolution, social change, world peace, and racial equality inspired me.
Aug 11 2007 A Flood of Happiness and Joy

"All the other events along the coast pale in comparison to yours," said the woman reporter. "Your event is so big, so well-organized, and so entertaining that besides including it in our report we're planning a documentary on your festivals."
Jul 28 2007 The Sunshine of His Mercy

We'll just have to show the Supreme Lord that our desire to distribute His mercy is stronger than the impious deeds of those who've caused the excessive rain to fall. Surely, if all of our devotees pray together the sunshine of His mercy will prevail.
Jun 5 2007 A Second Chance

As a devotee grows older, he becomes more and more aware, by the grace of the Lord, that his life is coming to a close and his time to achieve perfection in Krsna consciousness is running out.
May 15 2007 The Duty of a Mendicant

Sometimes the Krsna consciousness movement sends its representative sannyasis to foreign countries where the danda and kamandalu are not very much appreciated. We send our preachers in ordinary dress to introduce our books and philosophy. Our only concern is to attract people to Krsna consciousness.
Apr 2 2007 “An Old Friend”

Through eons of time I had forgotten You, but You have never forgotten me, not even for a moment. Your greatest act of kindness was to lead me to my spiritual master, my savior, who is kindly teaching me the art of loving You. Please help me to act in such a way that he may always be proud of me
Mar 13 2007 An Unsung Hero

But mostly about Tribhuvanath Dasa. Because of his efforts these people, and many more Africans like them, have been given the chance to taste the nectar of chanting Krishna's holy names. Such a Vaisnava hero should be given the recognition he deserves
Jan 17 2007 Vyasa Puja Address to Partha Sarathi das Goswami

I offer my respectful obeisances to Das Goswami, who helped pioneer the mission of Srila Prabhupada in the southernmost tip of the world. He is devoted to bhajan and is caring and affectionate to all those who take shelter of his lotus feet
Jan 12 2007 Disappearance Day Offering to Srila Prabhupada

O Srila Prabhupada! The list of such disciples is endless, both here and beyond, for your glories are known throughout the three worlds. All glories to all your followers, their service to you, and their compassion upon the fallen conditioned souls!
Jan 4 2007 Fruit of Vrindavan

Better you yourselves do as much as possible to spread Krsna consciousness there by distribution of literature, kirtana and prasadam. That will be as effective as my personally coming. I am very keen on the distribution of my books and I am very indebted to all of you for your untiring efforts to see that every man and woman in America gets one of my books. If they simply read one page, even if they do nothing else, they can become perfect.
Dec 22 2006 “Mysterious Antiques”

Going to India is more of a necessity than a luxury for one in the renounced order of life. To do his service well, a sannyasi must remain always pure in heart, and there is no better means of purifying the heart and building one's spiritual strength than spending the auspicious month of Kartika in the holy land of Vrindavan.
Dec 13 2006 Luck of the Irish

When I was young, my mother would often speak of her Britannic forebears. "Your grandmother was from Wales," she told me on many occasions. But what she liked best was the Irish part. "Your grandfather was an Irishman from Cork," she would say proudly
Nov 16 2006 A Lion among Men

Now that Lord Gaura has descended to this world, the waves of the holy names of Lord Krsna are suddenly flooding this planet, and the hearts of the sinful conditioned souls, which were as hard as thunderbolts, have now become as soft as butter. Let me take shelter of that Lord Gaura.
Nov 2 2006 “Bearing the Burden”

Although Tamala Krsna Maharaja once told me not to attribute bad health solely to the karma of my disciples, I couldn't ignore Srila Prabhupada's statement in Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers, that a spiritual master takes on the burden of the sinful activities of his disciples.
Oct 5 2006 Our Fervent Prayers

"Fortunately, a teacher in a local school took pity on me and tutored me in her spare time. Going to church and praying to God was all that made sense in life at that time, but as I grew older, I became dissatisfied with the sermons, as they didn't explain enough about God. I was frustrated. 'How will I ever know Him?' I often said to my friends.
Sep 28 2006 Old Cleaning Man

“A man works all his life,” he continued, “and he gets a pension to live out his remaining days, but the cow gives milk all her life, and then people kill her. It’s wrong. And the whole world is suffering the reaction in the form of wars. Therefore God sends messengers at different times to enlighten us to these truths, but people just don’t listen. What can be done?”
Sep 21 2006 “Give More Than You Take”

Our spiritual master said that in this material world a boy naturally desires a girl and a girl naturally desires a boy, and they come together in holy matrimony to make it sacred, and they advance in material prosperity and spiritual prosperity together. I think that is a nice definition of love: “to be concerned about the needs of your beloved.”
Sep 19 2006 “Giving and Receiving Gifts”

If the opulence or knowledge of many millions of universes were clustered together, they would hardly equal a small fragment of the glory of Krsna's holy name. Krsna's holy name is my life. It is the goal of my life. It is the means I will employ to attain the goal of my life
Aug 24 2006 “Modern-Day Pastimes”

Whether it was the cowherd boy Lord Krsna or the young shepherd Jesus Christ, it appeared the great Woodstock Festival had been purified of all animosity and both groups were now free to peacefully share their message of love. "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb; and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them."
Aug 18 2006 “The New Site”

The headmistress smiled. "I visited your village at Woodstock last year," she said. "When I came, one of your leaders was speaking on the stage. After listening to his talk, I understood that the values you uphold are everything we try to impress on the children we teach. But the real change came when I walked through the whole Woodstock festival.
Aug 15 2006 For the Benefit of Everyone

Although Vasudeva Vipra was a leper and had suffered greatly, still Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu cured him. The only return the Lord wanted was that Vasudeva preach the instructions of Krsna and liberate all human beings. That is the process of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness.

We have no business creating enemies, but the process is such that non-devotees will always be inimical toward us. Nevertheless, as stated in the sastras, a devotee should be both tolerant and merciful. Devotees engaged in preaching should be prepared to be accused by ignorant persons, and yet they must be very merciful to the fallen conditioned souls.
Dandavats Maharaja,
Very nice story, I admire your courage in standing up to the Marines like you did.You changed a very negative situation in to a very positive ending . Sounds like you gained much respect from them.
Your Servant,
Kanhaiya das
Maharaja, it is always enlivening to read what Krishna has in store for you along your path, as a pilgrim and preacher on this earth planet…
Thank you for sharing with us who are tied up for the most part by our seva as grihastas…
May you always have the blessings of Srila Prabhupada with you, who “covers” you !
Hare Krishna
Your servant in the service of Srila Prabhupada
Puskaraksa das
“In the Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad, 4.3.9, we find:
tasya va etasya purunasya dve eva sthane bhavata
idam ca paraloka-sthanam ca sandhyam trtiyam
svapna-sthanam tasmin sandhye sthane tinthan ete
ubhe sthane pasyati idam ca paraloka-sthanam ca
“The jiva has access to two places, both of which he may seek, this material world and the spiritual realm. He is situated in svapna-sthanam, the dream-like third state, on the margin of these two worlds [the Casual Ocean]. From that middle position he is able to see both the material and the spiritual worlds.”
“Further, the following statement from the Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad, 4.3.18, describes the nature of the marginal position of the jiva:
tad yatha maha matsya ubhe kule’
nusancarati purvam ca param caivam
evayam purusa etav ubhav antav
anusancarati svapnantam ca buddhantam ca
“The symptoms of the marginal existence are like those of a huge aquatic who is capable of living on both the eastern and western sides of the river at his own will. Similarly, the jiva soul, situated within the waters of the Causal Ocean, which lies between the material and spiritual worlds, is able to reside in both the dream world of matter and the spiritual world of divine wakefulness.”