"Kämyavana is the fourth among the twelve forests of Vraja-Mandal and it is one of the topmost forests. The fortunate person who circumambulates this forest is revered within Vraja-dhäma.”
“O Mahäräja, thereafter lies Kämyavana, where Vrajendra-nandana Shri Krishna performed many childhood pastimes. Bathing in Käma and other ponds in this forest fulfils all kinds of desires, even the desire for service to Krishna that is imbued with prema.”
The word Käma can only really be used to denote the gopis prema for Shri Krishna. Premaiva gopa-rämänäm käma ity ägamata prathäm (Bhakti-rasämrita-sindhu 1.2.285). In other words, the pure prema of the gopis exists solely to give Krishna happiness, and does not carry even the slightest scent of worldly lust. In the scriptures it is only this prema that is referred to as käma. The pure prema of the gopis is wholly opposite to the lusty desires in this world. The only aim of the gopis’ käma, which is devoid of al varieties of such lust, is to give happiness to Krishna, the abode of prema. Therefore, Srimad-Bhägavatam and other scriptures refer to the pure and unadulterated prema of the gopis as käma.
Kämyavana is the pastime place where the Divine Couple Shri Rädhä-Krishna express such transcendental prema. In this forest, one can even attain, quite easily, the gopis’ genuine prema in the form of pure käma, what to speak of being able to fulfil all kinds of worldly desires.
The word kämya means “extremely beautiful”, “well adorned” or “highly attractive”. This forest within Vraja-mandal is a most charming pastime place of Shri Krishna. Many pleasant lakes, wells, ponds, trees, creepers, flowers, fruits and species of birds contribute to its extraordinary beauty. Hence, it is called Kämyavana.
"Kämyavana is the fourth among the twelve forests of Vraja-Mandal and it is one of the topmost forests. The fortunate person who circumambulates this forest is revered within Vraja-dhäma.”
“O Mahäräja, thereafter lies Kämyavana, where Vrajendra-nandana Shri Krishna performed many childhood pastimes. Bathing in Käma and other ponds in this forest fulfils all kinds of desires, even the desire for service to Krishna that is imbued with prema.”
The word Käma can only really be used to denote the gopis prema for Shri Krishna. Premaiva gopa-rämänäm käma ity ägamata prathäm (Bhakti-rasämrita-sindhu 1.2.285). In other words, the pure prema of the gopis exists solely to give Krishna happiness, and does not carry even the slightest scent of worldly lust. In the scriptures it is only this prema that is referred to as käma. The pure prema of the gopis is wholly opposite to the lusty desires in this world. The only aim of the gopis’ käma, which is devoid of al varieties of such lust, is to give happiness to Krishna, the abode of prema. Therefore, Srimad-Bhägavatam and other scriptures refer to the pure and unadulterated prema of the gopis as käma.
Kämyavana is the pastime place where the Divine Couple Shri Rädhä-Krishna express such transcendental prema. In this forest, one can even attain, quite easily, the gopis’ genuine prema in the form of pure käma, what to speak of being able to fulfil all kinds of worldly desires.
The word kämya means “extremely beautiful”, “well adorned” or “highly attractive”. This forest within Vraja-mandal is a most charming pastime place of Shri Krishna. Many pleasant lakes, wells, ponds, trees, creepers, flowers, fruits and species of birds contribute to its extraordinary beauty. Hence, it is called Kämyavana.
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