"Planet ISKCON" - 34 new articles
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Janmastami Folk News Now OnlineAre you ready? It's just four weeks until Jhulan Yatra, the swing festival. Then come Balarama Purnima, Sri Krishna Janmastami, Srila Prabhupada's Appearance Day and Radhastami! Never mind Melbourne's grey winter skies, by Mahaprabhu's desire a torrent of nectar will rain down. • Email to a friend • ![]() Namahatta.org: The Multilevel Marketplace of the Holy NameThe devotees of ISKCON of Silicon Valley (ISV) in San Jose are still glowing after recently completing the annual Bhaktivinoda Thakur Monthly Sankirtan Festival. They set for themselves the daunting goal of mobilizing 300 book distributors, but when the dust settled a record 556 people had gone out, with a net result of over 10,000 books distributed and over $18,000 collected in donations! On July 17th I interviewed His Grace Vaisesika Das Adhikari, the architect and mastermind of this innovative approach of facilitating broad, congregational participation in book distribution by holding various Monthly Sankirtan Festivals (MSFs) throughout the year. courtesy - dandavats.com • Email to a friend • ![]()
Japa Group: The ABC's Of Japa
B - Be careful to avoid offenses in chanting the Holy Names, especially the offense of inattention C - Chant with respect for the Holy Names, as you would respect the Supreme Lord Himself • Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Gangesvara PrabhuSrimad Bhagavatam 11.22.31 • Email to a friend • ![]() Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: human society: absolute failureBecause the so-called great leaders of human society are ignorant of this great knowledge of bhakti-yoga and are always engaged in ignoble acts of sense gratification, bewildered by the external energy of the Lord, they are stubborn rebels against the supremacy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and they never agree to surrender unto Him because they are fools, miscreants and the lowest type of human beings. Such faithless nonbelievers may be highly educated in the material sense of the term, but factually they are the greatest fools of the world because by the influence of the external, material nature all their so-called acquisition of knowledge has been made null and void. Therefore all advancement of knowledge in the present context of things is being misused by cats and dogs fighting with one another for sense gratification, and all acquisition of knowledge in science, philosophy, fine arts, nationalism, economic development, religion and great activities are being spoiled by being used as dresses for dead men. There is no utility in the dresses used for covering a coffin of a dead body save getting false applause from the ignorant public. The Srimad-Bhagavatam therefore says again and again that without attainment of the status of bhakti-yoga, all the activities of human society are to be considered absolute failures only. >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 2.9.36 • Email to a friend • ![]() Hari Sauri das, Mayapura, IN: 2010 Tour – Karlovac CroatiaNext stop on my summer tour from May 5 – 8 was Karlovac. Its about an hour south west of Zagreb. Its a small town of about 60,000 but we have a nice center with approx. 40 active devotees. The temple is a small rented apartment three floors up in a one hundred years old building in the down town area. Their Gaura Nitai Deities are extremely attractive and apparently were made by a devotee in Europe. Despite the limited facilities the devotees are enthusiastic in their preaching and the turn out for the Sunday feast was very good, as was the attendance for the morning and evening classes. The evening seminar topics were Cleanliness and Book Writing and I also did four SB classes. One thing I took advantage of was the fact that one of the devotees, Srivasa Pandita prabhu, works in a health spa. Just before setting out on my tour, I put my lower back out and it gave me quite a bit of trouble, especially when actually traveling, lugging my luggage, and getting in and out of cars etc. We drove to the Leshche thermal spa for an afternoon session and my visit was both enjoyable and therapeutic. Its a big set up with inside and outside spas. It sits on the banks of clear gushing mountain stream. The spa waters are piped up from some deep underground volcanic source so I took a dip in the inside spa for half an hour, combined with an expert massage from Srivasa Pandita prabhu. It really helped a lot. Meantime my tour arranger and companion on my travels, Radhe Govinda prabhu, took advantage of the outside facilities. As payment Srivasa Pandita prabhu requested me to attend the installation of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai at his home in Bosiljevo on May 9, a short drive from Karlovac. It was a nice program and attended by a full house of enthusiastic devotees. After taking a little delicious maha-prasadam the devotees gave us a blissful send off for our trip to Split, four hours away in the south. • Email to a friend • ![]() Dandavats.com: In Memoriam
We, the members of the Festival of India in Poland, would like to express our extreme sorrow and lamentation over your untimely departure from this world. We know that the Lord has a plan for all His devotees, but nonetheless we are finding it most difficult to accept that you are no longer here • Email to a friend • ![]() Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: The Eco-Caravan: Slovenian Pada-Yatra![]() A few days ago, Slovenian devotees started their 9th annual pada-yatra festival called Eco-caravan 2010. The eleven-day program was inaugurated on Sunday by "reawakening" the pada-yatra deities Sri Sri Nitai Gaura-Nataraja. On the first few days, there were thirty-five devotees walking and chanting along the route of the Eco-caravan. They were also distributing prasadam and books. The pada-yatra cart is being pulled by horse Haridas, replacing ox Bhima, who retired two years ago. For daily reports and photos pelase visit www.ekokaravana.si. ![]() Related Stories:Read more: http://news.iskcon.com/node/2967/2010-07-08/slovenian_pada_yatra_the_eco_caravan#ixzz0tIw649xI • Email to a friend • ![]() Dandavats.com: His Grace Aindra PrabhuBy the members of the GBC Executive Committee It is with deeply sad hearts that we have come to know about the sudden passing of His Grace Aindra Prabhu. There is possibly no devotee in the entire world of ISKCON who has not heard one of Aindra Prabhu's kirtans, either live or from a recording, and has been left wondering whether this celestial singing was coming from this earth or from another world. • Email to a friend • ![]() Dandavats.com: GlastonburyParasuram das: This is a video clip taken from the Hare Krishna Tent at the Glastonbury festival 2010. Yeah the Leprechaun is Parasurama Das :-) • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 163:51 A.M.The first eight rounds were not very good but then the last four of the twelve I've chanted were good. They were speedy and alert and attentive. So I've recovered from a slow start. I can expect my last four will be all right too. I have to put up with the slow conditions when I wake in a painful state. It was a pleasure to break out of the slump and hear the holy names chirping like birds in my last set of four when I came alive again. There is nothing more depressing than not being able to chant well and spending the time over sluggish rounds. Coming out of a semi– read more from SDGonline - daily updates Viraha Bhavan journal • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: France AgainPrabhupada SmaranamI have shown pictures of this event before but these are new ones. This is Prabhupada leaving the Paris temple early in the morning to drive into the country to inspect a palace the devotees were considering purchasing. He rode in the back seat for safety. Prabhupada had a car accident in Mauritius and the car was a total wreck. He was riding in the back seat and a car came head-on and crashed them. Brahmananda was with him in the back seat and he said just before the accident occurred Prabhupada braced himself with his cane. He wasn't hurt except for some scratches and a bump on his leg, which left him limping for a few days. The devotees found another car and took Prabhupada back to the house. They then treated his wounds and Harikesa Swami read to him from the passing away of Haridasa Thakura in Caitanya-caritamrta. There were no accidents on this trip in France. One can see from the pictures where Prabhupada has stopped to take his picnic, what a stylish luxury car it is. Prabhupada was adventurous to take outings like this just to see the prospect of a new building. In this case he did not purchase the building for various reasons but he liked to acquire spacious buildings in the country if they were prospects of self-sufficient agriculture and keeping of cows. Seeing him stopping for lunch in the countryside shows it was a strenuous motor-trip which took all morning. Such things were a strain on his aging body but he liked the spirit of going out and seeing things for himself. And the devotees have made it as comfortable as possible, with a nice car and a well-prepared lunch. In the spirit of a modern age Swami, he leans against the sports car and calmly takes his meal without a rush. Perhaps the devotees should have figured out for themselves that the building wasn't suitable without having to drag Prabhupada out to see it himself, but he was not resentful and considered it a suitable engagement. He returned to Paris in the evening with his decision not to take the place. • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Unsolving the PuzzleKrishna is very powerful but
The material disasters come from
In Goloka everyone is harmonious with
These aspects are hard to reconcile
I don't know much what
But I have faith in His goodness,
Keep close to His pure devotees • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Vaisnava LiteratureThis might be a picture of Lord Caitanya teaching Haridasa Thakura or Sanatana Gosvami. Yadunandana Swami is reading to me from the Caitanya-caritamrta chapters on the teachings to Sanatana Gosvami. They are many chapters. They are not my favorite chapters in the book because they are very technical and philosophical. I have to admit I have certain tastes and aptitudes. I like the sections where we hear the personal dealings of Lord Caitanya with His disciples and of course His inner moods in the Antya-lila. Pradyumna Prabhu was here and he said he did not like rasika literature but preferred to stick to Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. I liked hearing him say that. It sounded very loyal to Prabhupada and to the most essential Gaudiya literature. But I very much like Caitanya-caritamrta and I like some of the books of the Gosvamis. I read Sanatana Gosvami's Brhad-Bhagavatamrta twice and would like to read it again, it is so tasty. It is good to hear all the Vaisnava literature except some that is too detailed in amorous pastimes and some that I feel is a little too dry in heavy philosophy. That leaves us plenty to read about the glorious pastimes of Radha and Krishna. Pradyumna's mentioning of Bhagavad-gita is good because we can never read it too much, it gives you such strength in the conclusion that bhakti is topmost and Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The main thing is to keep a healthy diet of various literatures and go reading along with your chanting. Keeping close to the Bhaktivedanta purports is health. I have written many books and I like to occasionally read one to see how it came out. And I like to read the new books by godbrothers. For keeping in tune with poetry I like to read small amounts of poetry books by mostly modern poets. It helps me with my own. When Prabhupada first told me we would read only about Krishna I told him it seemed narrow-minded. But he told me there was enough literature about Krishna for you to read twenty-four hours a day for your whole life. I am finding this is true and I want to read some of the books again and again. It is a prime means to make yourself eligible to think of Krishna and qualify yourself to go back to Godhead. • Email to a friend • ![]() Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: What Are You Doing For Cow Protection?Krsi goraksya vanijya. Krsi means ploughing or agriculture and goraksya, cow protection. These are the staples of society, this is what people live on. All living entities subsist on grains. So the ksatriyas may direct and instruct people, the brahmanas may perform their yajnas, but if they don't eat then giving shelter or instruction is not going to work. That eating is therefore the most essential aspect of life and this is why the vaisyas and their assistants, the sudras, are so integral that the other castes think that they are the most important people, because it is actually they who are feeding. Of course the vaisyas think that the brahmanas are the most important because they are taking the result of their work and offering it back to the Lord. Srila Prabhupada said that this very common type of exchange was there but the responsibility of this goraksya, is it the duty of just some people? Some very very exclusive people? Is it the responsibility of all vaisyas, or is it for all grhastas or all devotees? My proposition is that it is everyone's responsibility. Just like everyone's responsibility is chanting Hare Krishna, watering Tulasi devi, reading Bhagavatam. Similarly part of our common dharma is to protect cows. This is something that you see ingrained in communities like Bhaktivedanta Manor, where they have to limit the amount of cows they receive as gifts, and be very careful about the type of food that is offered to the cows, because to a greater or lesser degree all the devotees see the protection of cows as their dharma. It is everyone's dharma: the cow is our mother, she gives us milk while all over the rest of the world cows are being butchered, slaughtered, abused, and taken advantage of. Vaisnavas must take it as their responsibility to protect cows. Now, how do you protect cows? Does that mean that you have a cow on your balcony in downtown Singapore? No, that type of cow protection is actually cow abuse. You cannot just keep your own cow. Cows only give milk if they have calves, which means you have to constantly have calves, which means you have to have a herd, and that is a full time business. So how is it that individuals should protect cows? They should in some way or another be connected to ISKCON's herds. Srila Prabhupada established cow protection for instance in New Vrindavan, Gita Nagari, or as we have done here in Hungary at New Vraja-dhama. These herds are not the sole responsibility or duty of the local devotees in those places, they are the responsibility of the devotees and congregation of the local country. It is their responsibility to contribute to the cow protection, to donate towards the maintenance of the cow, to come and do some cow seva, and when they come to the temple they should bring some bhoga for the cows, to find out what items are needed by the cowherds. And the cow herds. Cow protection is everyone's business, it is everyone's responsibility. This is being written down as varnasrama dharma. If one does not contribute or participate directly in cow protection then he should know that he is neglecting his dharma, he is neglecting his dharma. In other words he is adharmic. This is in my view the greater picture of what varnasrama means. Varnasrama doesn't mean that we simply philosophise about a way of life, but what are the duties of varnas and asramas, what are the duties that are common for all Vaisnavas, for all humans. And one of them is the protection of cows, just like chanting Hare Krsna is a common responsibility as mentioned earlier. So, similairly, cow protection is a common responsibility for everyone. It doesn't necessarily always occur to us, and even when it does, it's difficult to get devotees interested. More difficult than getting devotees to do sankirtan, more difficult than getting someone to cook in the kitchen or be temple president, is to get devotees to be cowherds. To make devotees work with the cows, bulls, and oxen and to make that their life, it is very difficult for devotees to do this. "I am an educated person, I have this diploma and you want me to take care of cows? You want me to do that thing that God does? You want me to do that activity that is going on in the spiritual world?" And that is what is going on the spiritual world. That is what is going on where we are going–at least where I want to go is where there is only gopas and gopis. The whole social identity is based on go, on cows. There are milkmaids and there are cowherd men. And if we are not willing to be milkmaids and cowherd men here in the material world, if this service is beyond us and we cannot forsee how we are going to dedicate our lives to working with the cows, then were are we going? Then you had better look for somewhere other than Braja. Then you had better go to Dwaraka or Vaikuntha, where that is not a compulsory, integral part of life. Because in the spiritual world, in Goloka Vrindavan, Krishna goes out every day to tend cows. And yet it is so difficult to get devotees to be cowherders, to see that this is a respectable future, and to stick with that service. Because once again, cow protection is something that we talk about as being against the principles of slaughtering the animals. We don't believe in slaughtering the cow, we don't believe in eating the meat of the cow, cows should be properly protected. But, when it comes to properly protecting the cows, are we willing to do it? Are we actually willing to dedicate our lives to taking care of cows? Or are we willing to participate and support the protection of cows? Therefore, we should ask: "What am I doing for protecting my mother? What am I doing to sustain cow protection in my zone? It is my responsibility, my duty as a Vaisnava. Am I performing my dharmic duty?" Filed under: Cows and Environment ![]() • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami: Photos from the Phoenix Ratha Yatra• Email to a friend • ![]() New Vrndavan, USA: Letter From a VisitorA few weeks ago, New Vrindaban Communications sent out a press release across the state of West Virginia regarding the upcoming Ratha Yatra. Jenny’s newspaper included Ratha Yatra in its Calendar of Events. Jenny saw the listing and drove two hours with her son to get to New Vrindaban. They spent the entire day here. Previously, all Jenny knew about New Vrindaban and Krishna consciousness was “stereotypes.” Please read the message she sent yesterday — it proves that Lord Caitanya’s mission is still going on! __________________________________ Dear Rita, I’m sorry I took so long to respond. Still working on my final project but sent you the pictures through Snapfish. Don’t buy any from there though bec/ I’ll send you a disc w/ all of them. I can’t say thank you enough, Rita, for spending so much time w/ us last weekend. Christopher and I are still sharing w/ our family and friends. He’s been taking confirmation classes for almost a year ( just once a month). Parents make sure the children are baptized and receive first communion, but confirmation is when the children speak for themselves and “confirm” they want to be a Christian and Catholic. He hasn’t been sure that’s what he wanted to do, and it’s his decision. But, seeing your religion showed him the major things we believe in (God above all and be nice to each other, be steward’s of the gift of earth) isn’t something our religion just invented. These are universal truths. I can’t tell you how many genuine conversations we’ve had about Catholicism and other ways of living. Sunday morning bef/ we went to church, we saw a show where Buddist monks were teaching how to meditate. Christopher asked, “Mom, is that against our religion?” I asked him, “What do you think Jesus was doing for 40 days in the desert?” We discussed your Hare Krishna beads and our rosary and other ways people choose to meditate. He bought a Jugernaut (spelling?) at the thrift store. The saleswoman (She takes care of the flowers at the palace.) told him it was holy and not just a souvenir and to put it in a good place. He not only keeps it safe in his room, but he asked me to buy him paints so he could fix the chips in the wood and freshen where the paint was faded. It may not be a typical Catholic symbol, but he understands its importance and that it represents Krishna deities. Christopher wanted me to invite you to our WV Italian Heritage Festival in Clarksburg. It’s over the Labor Day weekend. He said, “Mom, I want Rita to see our culture. But, we’re going to have to feed her at our house bec/ she can’t eat any of the food downtown.” (Mostly steak and chicken sandwiches – but lots of good desserts.) I was proud as his mom and his Spanish teacher that he wants to share his culture but understands your practices have to be considered. If we could get all our youth to this point, can you imagine what kind of country we’d have? When I finish my project, I’ll send you a copy of that, too. And, thanks for interviewing us. One of my classmates went to your website and found it. We drive to class together, and he and his wife wanted to check out the community. He emailed the rest of the class so they could read the article, too. What’s funny is that you wrote Jonathan instead of Christopher. We talked so much about different names and appearances. What’s funny is my baby brother is Jonathon (w/ an “o”, not an “a”), and Christopher looks like him – you can barely tell their baby pictures apart. Thanks again so much, Rita. Jenny PS. When I was reading the website bef/ I visited, I read where the Hare Krishna chant means service to God. So, I made up my own chant. I’ve been using it with my rosary – I don’t think I’ll ever get to 2 hours though. But, when I need to slow down or calm down, I say either yours or mine and feel better after just a few times. Use me, O God. Use me, O God. • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Sivarama Swami: Sri Gokula asksWhether reading books on management principles and other practical subjects, for the purpose of benefiting ISKCON or our own service, is not contradictory to the Vaisnava teaching of not hearing from non-devotees? • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Sunday, July 18th, 2010Some Friendship • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Saturday, July 17th, 2010Proud Parading. • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Friday, July16th, 2010A Poem for Aindra • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Thursday, July 15th, 2010Freeing the Guy • Email to a friend • ![]() Dandavats.com: Colossal Ratha Yatra in Dhaka, Bangladesh!
Overwhelming crowds of people poured into the streets of Dhaka to participate in ISKCON's Ratha Yatra festivle here last Tuesday. Police, and other city officials, estimated that around 50 thousands people joined Lord Jagannatha's procession through the center of Dhaka, Bangladesh's capital city • Email to a friend • ![]() Dandavats.com: School is My Second HomeBy Brajasundari Hausner I am in fourth grade at the Bhaktivedanta Academy in Alachua, which is like my second home. Growing up in a big community with lots of devotees and going to a Krishna conscious school make me feel very fortunate because not many devote children have this rare opportunity • Email to a friend • ![]() Dandavats.com: HG Aindra PrabhuBy Ananda Tirtha Das Alas, for reasons unknown to us, his worshipable Lord chose to take Aindra Prabhu in sudden and apparently unfortunate circumstances. His absence is reverberating throughout ISKCON in ways few, if any, others could have affected • Email to a friend • ![]() Dandavats.com: Cai-tanya MahaprabhuBy Yadavendra Das I met an Indian lady from South India of all places, who gave her name as Tanya. I replied to her:" But that's not an Indian name!" Then she said:" My full name is Cai-tanya" Then I asked her whether she knew Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. She replied "No" • Email to a friend • ![]() Dandavats.com: Lord Caitanya's mission is still going on!By Rita Gupta I read where the Hare Krishna chant means service to God. So, I made up my own chant: Use me, O God. Use me, O God. O God, O God. Use me, use me. Dear Lord, guide me. Dear Lord, guide me. Guide me, guide me. Dear Lord, dear Lord • Email to a friend • ![]() Dandavats.com: "Water Took Everything": Hungarian Devotees Help in Flooded Areas
Thousands of people were forced to leave their homes in a hurry and those who stayed behind faced a shortage of drinking water and food without any electricity. • Email to a friend • ![]() Dandavats.com: New Vrindaban To Host Artists' Seminar: "Painting Krishna Art"New Vrindaban Communications: The seminar will be from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm daily. Lodging and vegetarian meals will be available. During the morning, students will focus on figure drawing. In the afternoon, students will work on an individual painting of Lord Krishna, including both figure and landscape techniques. • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Sivarama SwamiBe more concerned with your character than with your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are. - Dale Carnegie • Email to a friend • ![]() Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Rathayatra 2010 - Bhagavad-gita Recital by Bhakti-vriksha children - 8/14The Bhakti-vriksha children recite verses from the Bhagavad-gita at the Dallas Rathayatra. Dallas, TX • Email to a friend • ![]() Gouranga TV: Lokanath Swami – Krishna He – ISKCON Tirupati 2007 – Part 2/2Lokanath Swami – Krishna He – ISKCON Tirupati 2007 – Part 2/2 • Email to a friend • ![]() Gouranga TV: Lokanath Swami – Krishna He – ISKCON Tirupati 2007 – Part 1/2Lokanath Swami – Krishna He – ISKCON Tirupati 2007 – Part 1/2 • Email to a friend • ![]() Namahatta.org: Fitting In With Devotees-Kaunteya das Srila Prabhupada taught that each of us should cultivate a mood of service The same point has been stressed by His Holiness Romapada Swami Maharaja Read on.... • Email to a friend • ![]() More Recent Articles |
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