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Medical Tour to Bhaktivedanta Hospital and MayapurMedical Tour to Bhaktivedanta Hospital and Mayapur1,270 Views / EMail This Post / Print This Post / Home » Medical Tour to Bhaktivedanta Hospital and Mayapur Mayapur Worldwide: Hare Krsna Please accept my humble obeisance, All glories to Srila Prabhupada! To humbly please HDG Srila Prabhupada , HH Jayapataka Swami and HH Radhanath Swami we at Mayapur Worldwide humbly announce the launch of the brand new “Spiritual Care Tour” which is a Medical Tour. The Tour is aimed at Nurses, Doctors and ALL Healthcare related personnels. Our Aim: The tour includes : Medical related seminar by Dr Vaishnava Seva das and Dr Vishwarupa das from the Bhaktivedanta Hospital - also includes tour of the hospital. Spiritual seminars for Healthcare Professionals by HG Bhuta Bhavana das to be held in Sri Dham Mayapur - also includes tour of Mayapur. A certificate of attendance will be issued by the Mayapur Institute of Higher Education (MIHET - A WELL RECOGNISED Institute for Higher Education). Healthcare Professionals can then use this certificate as part of their proof for ongoing education for their CV. The “Spiritual Care tour” commences on 4th November in Mumbai and ends 10th November in Mayapur and promises to be very exciting. You will also get an opportunity to experience “Diwali” in Mumbai and “Kartik” in Mayapur. By word of mouth the tour was 90% booked up in its first week and many more anxious to go next year. We have just one spot available for a MALE person. Either a male doctor, male nurse, male physio , male radiographer, medical secretary etc. This is of no discrimination. Rooms are limited due to the GBC meeting in November and the rooms are two sharing. So if you or you know anyone that would be interested to join this tour please contact: Sukanti Radha dasi +44 7803608641 mayapurworldwide@pamho.net urgently! We are also taking bookings for next year and spaces are limited as there is a huge demand for this tour. If you would also like us to arrange a medical tour for you please contact mayapurworldwide@pamho.net If you would like to help serve on this project in whichever capacity, also please contact us. We humbly ask the vaishnava community for their prayers and blessings and support in this project so that we can please HDG Srila Prabhupada and HH Jayapataka Swami and HH Radhanath Swami on this project in trying to deliver the sick Patients and those that serve the sick Patients back to Godhead. Your Aspiring Servants The Mayapur Worldwide Team www. mayapurworldwide. org Mayapur Worldwide: To humbly please HDG Srila Prabhupada , HH Jayapataka Swami and HH Radhanath Swami we at Mayapur Worldwide humbly announce the launch of the brand new "Spiritual Care Tour" which is a Medical Tour. The Tour is aimed at Nurses, Doctors and ALL Healthcare related personnels WSN June 2010 - World Sankirtan NewsletterBy Vijaya das The month of June had some interesting highlights. Bhaktin Radhika of the temple in Juhu (Mumbai) did 44,560 book points, distributing 20,000 Bhagavad-gitas and 9,120 medium books. Very impressive Narada Bulletin - Monsoon Special Edition
*Hebri/Udupi* Karnataka* India*
Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada and his Varnasrama Mission!
H i g h l i g h t s ¨ Monsoon starts brings in flurry of agricultural activities across the village ¨ Paddy cultivation in full-fledge ¨ Ragi crop being cultivated ¨ Ginger and turmeric sowed ¨ Jivamrta extensively applied to all the fields ¨ Fencing repaired for protecting crops ¨ Goshala flooring with stones completed ¨ Panchagavya product sales continues nicely ¨ Bow and arrow creation by Nagulu Prabhu ¨ Searching for prospective donors for Godan
N e w s i n D e t a i l
Monsoon starts
Krishna’s creation is so wonderful. This monsoon started as described in the sastras. Panchanga predictions, farmer’s intuitions, birds and animal’s behaviour and devotees prayers marked the beginning of monsoon and there was a flurry of agricultural activity at SSKBK.
Devotees at SSKBK prepare for the Monsoon.
Fruits in the monsoon season
Ginger and turmeric cultivation
Ginger and turmeric are very important ingredients for all preparations. Both were being sowed at different locations. Turmeric is a six month crop. The seeds used for both were from the harvest of last time done in the farm.
Paddy cultivation This time all the paddy fields were brought under cultivation unlike last time. Last time grown paddy was soaked in cow urine called bijamrta treatment. Then the seeds were sown in a nursery . Then it was transplanted to cultivate 1 acre of field. Another method being tried for the first time is a unique sowing method by sowing cluster of seeds in marked rows directly on the land (as if transplanted). Cow dung manure was applied before ploughing. Matajis toiled hard in transplanting. Jivamrta was also extensively applied to all the fields. Devotees Planting Rice Pic -1
Devotees Planting Rice Pic -2 Devotees Planting Rice Pic -3
On one field we are trying another local variety of rice which can be harvested for three months.
Ragi crop
Ragi nursery was also sowed along with the rice nursery. This is the second time ragi is being cultivated. This time we are using a different variety of seeds (bigger variety). There are more than 5 indigenous varieties of ragi available than the last time. Ragi crop can withstand heavy or very less rain. SSKBK is situated at the foothills of Agumbe (where second highest rainfall occurs in India) and gets around 2000mm of rains annually. This makes wide spectrum in terms of adaptability to rainfall and temperature.
Fencing repaired for protecting crops
Fencing was repaired. This needs to be done every year before cultivation. Neglect can be disastrous. Fencing net was also purchased this time. Net fencing at SSKBK
These nets are usually available as sales in second’s or used ones at Rs45/Kg. To fence around for an acre approximately around 50Kg of net is required. May be more depending on utilization and damage. While choosing the net, big eyed (spaced more) are preferred so that snakes do not get caught in them. Of course these snakes are so much required since they are farmer’s friends!
Goshala flooring with stones completed
Goshala flooring was done with stones. As one devotee exclaimed it as exciting! It seemed that even our cows lead by Subhadra and bulls lead by Bala Krishna and Balaram agreed! Usually the moist soil of the rainy season would make it difficult for the cows to take rest. The flooring makes sure that cows can rest comfortably. Also we can collect the urine of the cows more easily by using a drum kept at the end of the Goshala. We thank Sriram prabhu to have worked hard in getting this done. Haribol!
Panchagavya product sales
Around 40 more bottles to Bellary, 100 odd to Bangalore and similar to Hyderabad of Goark showed mercy of devotees in receiving the mercy of gomata and extending helping hand to SSKBK. Also, pickle bottling and sales with the idea of Parasuram Prabhu, is going on and enchanting the buyers with transcendental taste and aroma of SSKBK. More products are being planned!
Pickle bottles at SSKBK
Bow and arrow creation by Nagulu Prabhu
With the heavy rains lashing and almost all transplantation and other agriculture services done it is time to do some artistic Krishna conscious creations. This time in ecstasy of Lord Sriramchandra katha Bhakta Nagulu Prabhu ended up making a beautiful bow and arrow. Everybody vociferously cried out Jai Sriram! He is trying something more!
Visitors to SSKBK 1. Devotees from Brazil lead by Bhakta Sebastien 2. Devotees from Chowpatty Wada farm lead by Nirmal Krihsna Dasa 3. Students from SDM ayurvedic college 4. 30 devotees from Bangalore 5. Sriram Prabhu, Hyderabad 6. Visitors from Hebri 7. Last but not least H.G.Atmatattva Prabhu along with Laxmipati Prabhu.
All had great experiences. Devotees from Brazil stayed for over a week. From Wada farm for a night.
Godan service opportunities for our Dear Readers : Our new born calf with dog Prasadi
Pure milk from our Goshala
With goshala flooring done we are ready to accept more cows into the Goshala. WE request our readers to kindly participate in this activity by donating for the cows. Godana is highly praised in scriptures as one of the most sacred acts. Kindly let us know so that we can provide more details. You can directly contact H.H.Bhakti Raghava swami @ bhakti.raghava.swami@pamho.net , Parasurama Dasa @ parasurama.dasa@yahoo.com Or Bharat Chandra Dasa @ Bharat.Chandra.BRS@pamho.net or Srirama Dasa @ sriramadasa.brs@gmail.com
We look forward to your kind co-operation.
Assistant Editors: HG Parasurama Dasa and HG Gaura Naraj Dasa Prepared by: HG Bharat Chandra Dasa Please visit the following websites for more information on varnasrama developments: www.varnasrama.org & www.sahyadriksetra.org
Krishna's creation is so wonderful. This monsoon started as described in the sastras. Panchanga predictions, farmer's intuitions, birds and animal's behaviour and devotees prayers marked the beginning of monsoon and there was a flurry of agricultural activity at SSKBK Identifying Right from WrongChirag Dangarwala: The capability to Identify Right from Wrong is of vital importance for everyone. Yet it is astonishing that most of us baffle and many a times walk into arguments regarding this basic concept More Recent Articles |
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