"Planet ISKCON" - 50 new articles
Australian News: Read Prabhupada's books online – at the Vedabase Network
You can access the Vedabase.net site where ever you have internet access. It will work equally well on a computer as it will in a smartphone. It looks great on iPad. The following link takes you to the main site where you can see all the books that are available and find links to access them. One of the things I like about this site is that you can read through all the verses alone and click to see the purports, or you can see each page after the other like they are in the books. For example, click on this link and you can see all the verses to the Nectar of Instruction. http://nectarofinstruction.com/en1 If you click on the link to the left of the first verse you will se the vers and the purport. If you scroll to the bottom you can seethe arrows that will take you to the next verse and purport, or back t the previous one. If you click on the book title you can go back to the top of the book or click on Bhaktivedanta Vedabase to go to the top of the site. The following links take you to some of the books available, there are more available and more to come. Check it out I’ll bet you’ll be there for a long time. http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/en1 http://srimadbhagavatam.com/en1 http://caitanyacaritamrta.com/en1 http://lordcaitanya.com/en1 http://nectarofinstruction.com/en1 So click here and be transported to the Vedabase Network, you might never come back. Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Poem from Under Dark Stars1. 2. "escape … they were afraid of the "Build a temple and escape karma "Escape getting an "F." ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Jaya Radha Madhava - Vedavyasa Priya SwamiISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Vedavyasa Priya SwamiSrimad Bhagavatam 11.23.59 - Let our false ego be smashed by becoming Krishna conscious. H.H. Sivarama SwamiNo one can live within this material world eternally. The phenomenal world - Srila Prabhupada H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 684:00 A.M. From Namamrta by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: "The holy name brings faith in Krishna consciousness: "A faithful man who is absorbed in transcendental knowledge and who subdues his senses quickly attains the supreme spiritual peace." "Such knowledge in Krishna consciousness can be achieved by a faithful person who believes firmly in Krishna. One is called a faithful man who thinks that simply by acting in Krishna consciousness he can attain the highest perfection. This faith is attained by the discharge of devotional service, and by chanting "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare," which cleanses one's heart of all material dirt. Over and above this, one should control the senses. A person who is faithful to Krishna and who controls the senses can easily attain perfection and a knowledge of Krishna consciousness without delay" (Bg. As It Is, 4.38-39).I try to put my faith in the chanting of Hare Krishna. I want to believe in all the exalted statements of the scriptures about the power of Nama Prabhu as contained in Siksastakam. There are many achievements that can be attained by chanting. Haridasa Thakura said that just one utterance of the namabhasya stage of chanting can liberate one from all sins. A puffed-up brahmana who was present when Haridasa said this challenged him, and that brahmana fell into terrible condition. So not to have faith in the chanting of the holy name is offensive. But here in the Bhagavad-gita purport we hear that it is not simply that you have to put your faith in chanting but that chanting itself creates faith. Faith is attained by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra. We experienced that right from the beginning, we first devotees who came to Prabhupada in 1966. We didn't know anything about Krishna or Swamiji, but when he engaged us in kirtana and gave us beads to chant on we developed faith in Krishna. The chanting has that power. It is inexplicable by material reasoning. It can't happen by chanting of another kind of mantra. Other mantras may develop faith in demigods or faith in material results, but chanting Hare Krishna brings you faith in Krishna Himself, and that is the highest attainment. I woke only when the alarm went off this morning at 2:00 A.M. so I felt a little rushed. My chanting went quickly, but I haven't chanted even 12 rounds yet. Narayana Kavaca is back from Trinidad, and it's nice to see him again. I have a new electrical heater in my room, which makes it more comfortable for chanting. So I have no real excuses for not chanting nicely in the early morning. This morning I paid attention to the sounds. Yesterday we read in the Caitanya-Bhagavata that loud chanting is better than silent chanting. But I'm handicapped, and I have to chant softly for fear of headaches. But japa is itself a kind of soft chanting in contrast to kirtana, which is the yajna for the age. I should engage in both kinds of chanting, as I did on Janmastami. But of all the instructions of the spiritual master, the instruction to chant 16 rounds daily is essential. So I chant my rounds quietly in the morning and don't feel guilty about it. Unless I become purified by japa, I won't be able to preach. And to encourage others in their japa is itself a form of preaching. I can't do that preaching unless I myself practice it well. So the most important part of my day is early rising and chanting japa nicely.
Faith grows by chanting H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada SmaranamFrom One Hundred Prabhupada Poems, #25 "I entered the temple and sat before Srila Prabhupada. "He taught us to "Do I see him personally H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Poem from Under Dark Stars1. 2. "escape … they were afraid of the "Build a temple and escape karma "Escape getting an "F." Japa Group: Develop Heart Chanting
This shows me we all have our own relationship with Krsna when we are chanting and we are developing this relationship or maybe missing this change to develop it. When we chant , our rounds offensively, we are not taking this opportunity to relate to the Lord because He is not there. If we chant with love, affection and in a prayer mood trying to hear and pronounce the mantra properly we are developing this relationship, we are giving the Lord our respect and our our time and trying to put our heart in it. One of these days I asked a friend how could I chant and do everything I need to do in my life, how can I concentrate knowing I have so many things to do. Sometimes this idea of not chanting because we may chant with offenses come to the mind, so my friend said, when you see your japa as the most important thing in the day, when you give attention to this everything works nicely, all the other things are easier to do. So listening to maharaj made me more aware of this personal relationship with Krsna and give more of myself to my japa, actually I can remember the days I did that and I used to feel much better and my life was easier in many ways, I could do everything and I felt protected by the Lord in anything I did in my life. I am eager to feel this again, but this means more dedication and more commitment to my japa and my spiritual life. May the Lord bless our lives so we can have this relationship with the Him and enter in this heart chanting atmosphere. your servant, Aruna devi H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Free WritePicked out at random from Srimad Bhagavatam a verse from the Third Canto, Chapter Nine, Verse 25: "I am now engaged in manifesting his diverse energies in the form of the cosmic manifestation. I therefore pray that in the course of my material activities I may not be deviated from the vibration of the Vedic hymns." These are Lord Brahma's prayers to Lord Vishnu for creative energy. He was bewildered atop the lotus emanating from the Garbhodaksayi Vishnu's navel and was being tossed by the waves of the Causal Ocean. He practiced austerities and prayed to the Lord for intelligence how to create the universe. In the course of creation, Brahma would have to meet many vicious living entities, and he wanted to be protected by the Lord. An ordinary brahmana may fall down from his power of brahminical excellence due to bad association. “This is a warning to one and all in the spiritual advancement of life." (Srimad Bhagavatam 3.9.25, purport) We have to constantly pray for protection and blessing to carry out our duty. The path of spiritual life is like a razor, and a little inattention can cause havoc. If you are completely surrendered to the Lord, you have no fear of falldown. The fickle mind and senses are always tempting us to deviate. In Kali-yuga we are surrounded by enemies to brahminical life. The whole atmosphere is polluted with illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling. Associating with Krishna conscious persons protects us from indulging in sinful activities. Devotees will always only eat vegetarian prasadam and will avoid the other sinful activities as well. They will fully occupy themselves with Krishna conscious activities so there will be no room for deviation. The idle mind is the devil's workshop. Devotees are always occupied with projects of devotional service and creative preaching. The room is cold. I'm shivering. Soon we'll have to get some kind of heat in here.When the sun comes out it will get warmer. You can think of something to write. I used to do writing sessions and just write what came to the mind. I used to hear many birds chirping in the summer. I don't hear so many now. The poets have things to say about life. Some of them make no sense. John Ashbery is one. They make up words, and you can do that too. The curliques of painting I don't do anymore. You can't paint in a cold room. You would paint sadhus in gamshas and chanting on their beads. Mathematics and chemistry were hard subjects for me. I took two semesters of geology at Brooklyn College. There were many students in the class because all Liberal Arts students took geology as their science course. It was the easiest science course. I studied the book but don't remember if I got a "B." You have to write with bigger, clearer penmanship. Haridasa Thakura was a great saint, and the Lord had him expose his power so people could see how great he was. He chanted 300,000 names of Hare Krishna a day. Krishna is the center of existence. He is a beautiful, bluish cowherd boy. A headache makes it harder to write. You want to say something that will enliven people, make them think seriously, and entertain them. This is kichari-writing. You want to say more. We had lunch with T.J. and Brian. Now I'm up in my room feeling chilly. The sky is gray and breezy, "San Francisco weather." But soon it will be colder than that. In Krishna's abode it is always warm and sunny, with pleasant scented breezes from the Yamuna. Only when Indra sent a storm was it uncomfortable, and when Trnavarta caused a dust storm. But these were pastimes which were rescued by Krishna's intervention. H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: First Day Ujjain Seminar 2010*Ujjain update 11th September, 2010* Sent in by His Grace Mukunda Prabhu *The seminar started from today and devotees have started converging from various places like South Africa, London, Holland, Malaysia and various parts of India. We expect more devotees to come in the next couple of days.* * * *Early morning during mangal arati [...] David Haslam, UK: My Guru Maharaja is the only way (for real)Ok! so there’s no misunderstanding and to make things quite clear to anyone reading my blog here is the facts; unless your initiated by my guru maharaja and go to the centers set up and run pacifically by him neither shall you have any understanding or pure bhakti, nor an understanding of Krishna and defiantly [...] Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: all are expected to become guru by following paramparaSo every one of us, those who have come to this Krsna consciousness movement, expected to preach in the future and to become a spiritual master also in the future. But first of all you must spiritualize yourself; otherwise it is useless. So krsna-sakti vina nahe. Without... Just like without being red hot, you cannot burn any other thing. Similarly, without being fully spiritualized, you cannot make others spiritualized. Therefore we have to follow the parampara system. The disciplic succession, as we get the knowledge, as we get the power, as we get the instruction, so we have to follow. That will help me to spiritualize myself. And when you are spiritualized... You'll have to wait for that time. Then, wherever you will preach, the result will be there. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.1.1 -- New York, April 10, 1969 ISKCON News.com: New Vrindaban Hosts Radhastami Festival
ISKCON News.com: In Pursuit of Purity
ISKCON News.com: Why Quick, Cheap Food Is Actually More Expensive
ISKCON News.com: Americans Drowning in Prescription Drugs
ISKCON News.com: Armed Robber Abandons Raid After Shop Assistant Preaches a Christian Sermon
Srila Prabhupada's Letters1965 September 11: Srila Prabhupada's Letters1965 September 11: Srila Prabhupada's Letters1968 September 11: "Simply by understanding Krishna, one understands everything. Therefore, Krishna being the Supreme Spirit, one who tries to understand Krishna, he can understand everything else." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1968 September 11: "It is my duty to open your eyes so I am trying my best to do my duty, and if you cooperate with me, fully, certainly both yourself and myself will be successful in our missionary work." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 September 11: "Why there should be any misunderstanding between a Krishna conscious husband and wife? So whether you are alone or with husband you must continue to follow the regulative principles. And wherever you get place, you should always remember Krishna and never forget Him for a moment." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 11: "The system for calculating is as follows: the first day of birth is the first birthday. The next year that day is the second birthday; i.e. the second birthday means that one year has been completed. So it is my 80th birthday, and I have completed 79 years." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 11: "Siddhasvarupananda and his group, whenever they see me they give me money. So they are not against me. So it is a natural thing for the brothers to fight, as long as they all stay obedient to the father." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 11: "Patron Life Members can live in a Guest room for three days free of charge. If they want to stay longer they may move to the Devotee Rooms, where they must live as we do. Those who live in the Devotee rooms must attend mangal arati or starve." ISKCON News.com: Becket Fund to provide free defense for religious hospitals against government-ordered abortions
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Lecture - Prahladananda Swami & Braja Bihari das - BG 9.22 - Krishna's Grateful LoveLecture on Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 9, Text 22 given by both Prahladananda Swami and Braja Bihari das titled "Krishna's Grateful Love". Dallas, TX TRANSLATION But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditating on My transcendental form -- to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve what they have. PURPORT One who is unable to live for a moment without Krishna consciousness cannot but think of Krishna twenty-four hours a day, being engaged in devotional service by hearing, chanting, remembering, offering prayers, worshiping, serving the lotus feet of the Lord, rendering other services, cultivating friendship and surrendering fully to the Lord. Such activities are all auspicious and full of spiritual potencies, which make the devotee perfect in self-realization, so that his only desire is to achieve the association of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Such a devotee undoubtedly approaches the Lord without difficulty. This is called yoga. By the mercy of the Lord, such a devotee never comes back to this material condition of life. Kshema refers to the merciful protection of the Lord. The Lord helps the devotee to achieve Krishna consciousness by yoga, and when he becomes fully Krishna conscious the Lord protects him from falling down to a miserable conditioned life. Download: 2010-07-10 - 4 - Prahladananda Swami and Braja Bihari das - BG 9.22 - Krishna's Grateful Love.mp3 ISKCON News.com: The Rathayatra That Started Them All Comes to DVD
Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: “Transcience” by Sarojini NaiduNay, do not grieve tho’ life be full of sadness, Nay, do not pine, tho’ life be dark with trouble, Nay, do not weep; new hopes, new dreams, new faces, Filed under: Poetry ![]() New Vrndavan, USA: Appearance of Srimati RadharaniThe most auspicious appearance of Srimati Radharani will be celebrated this Wednesday, Sept 15. Besides the splendid morning darshan of Her Lotus Feet and an Evening Abhisheka and Feast at the RVC Temple, there will be a special program at Radha Kunda at HH Varsana Swami’s place. The program will be from Noon until 2pm. Their Lordships Sri Sri Radhe Shyam will receive a Swan boat ride and then enter into their newly constructed Summer Temple for Their bhoga offering and arotika. All devotees are invited to a delicious lunch prasadam picnic at Varsana Swami’s place. There will be no lunch served at the RVC Temple. See you there! Gaura Nitai das, Mayapura, IN: Such a sad reality...Such a sad reality. ![]() Giridhari das, Brasilia, Brazil: Pandavas Paradise in Top Brazilian Travel MagazineOne of Brazil’s top travel magazines, Viaje Mais, has published a six page article about Pandavas Paradise. The article was written by a reporter who participated in our June retreat. The article is mentioned on the cover (above), with the title “Zen Retreats in the Chapada dos Veadeiros”. Here in Brazil, “zen” is an adjective used for all things spiritual and peaceful and doesn’t imply that we practice Zen Buddhism! I couldn’t have written a more favorable article myself! She expertly captured the mood in our retreats, glorified the peace and natural beauty of the place, the loving reception she got, the great food, beautiful waterfalls and our comfortable rooms. The article also posted useful information on how to get there, our website, phone numbers and future retreats. It explains clearly that this is a Hare Krishna retreat centre and the word Krishna is used in the article about 6 times. You can see the article (in Portuguese) here: http://bit.ly/9G240p! ![]() Australian News: Help Bhaktivedanta Hospital's annual Barsana eye camp to save the eyesight of as many Brajbasis as possibleHelp Bhaktivedanta Hospital's annual Barsana eye camp to save the eyesight of as many Brajbasis as possible. By Antony Brennan: The Barsana eye camp is gets underway every year. Your donation to this cause will help save the sight of villagers and farmers now arriving at Barsana from around the Vrindavan region. This year a team of 12 qualified ophthalmologists from Mumbai, more than 30 doctors, 5 nurses and around 150 volunteers from various fields have all converged n Barsana to offer their services to those in need. Prem Manjari Devi Dasi (Dr. Niketa Chotai), is a gold medal radiologist from Mumbai University. Prem served in Bhaktivedanta hospital for 8 years as Consultant and head of the radiology department, and now works in Singapore. "When I was at Bhaktivedanta Hospital I got involved in Barsana eye camp," Prem Manjari says. "The first year I assisted Dr. Deepak Gupta to take care of pre and post operative ward patients. This touched my heart and from then on I took it as a mission to serve Brajbasis and other devotees of Krishna in any capacity I could." "Since then I have come to the camp almost every year as head of the post operative ward," Prem says. "We receive the patients coming out of the cataract surgery and take care of their medical and other needs during their 1 to 2 days stay with us. We carry out the ophthalmologists' instructions for each patient." Prem also organizes the shifts and duty roster for the volunteers. "Barsana eye camp has become an integral part of my life and devotional service" Prem says. "For me it is an opportunity to serve Brajbasis, and my Gurudev’s mission. When I see smiles on the faces of the people of Braj I get a deep sense of satisfaction, as if I have been able to please Radharani." Prem Manjari says those volunteering at the camp come always come away changed by their experience. "I have also seen many newcomers coming and serving at Barsana having their heart transformed before they leave." "At the eye camp I have had many touching experiences which I treasure in my heart," Prem says. "Every year many patients would hold my hand. They make me sit next to them and lovingly put their hand on my head like their own child. They would offer me their home made prasadam from their tiffins. Many times they fed me rotis with their own hands." Prem tells the story of an elderly patient who was crying whilst being discharged. "She was holding my hand and requesting me to keep her in the camp for few more days, saying that the care being given to her was even more than her own children gave, and she wanted to be with us longer." Your donation will enable Bhaktivedanta Hospital to expand and provide more health care and eye surgeries. They will be able to transport more special cases and family members back to Bhaktivedanta Hospital to receive more complex procedures restoring their eye sight and health. To view the video and make a online donation, visit the web site: http://www.barsanaeyecamp.com/ Other ways to donate: US / Canada: India: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Australian News: Ratha Yatra RAP: Boston… …the Video – Aight?All you ganstas come get down wid me So scroll on down and get ready wid you mouse ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Vedavyasa Priya SwamiSrimad Bhagavatam 11.23.58 - The hard struggle for existence. Australian News: Radhastami: New Govardhana.
Australian News: Melbourne… Pre-Janmastami: The Photo's!Everyone knows that a great deal of effort goes into every festival at any of our temples or centres. Many people pitch in to hang, build, clean, move, paint, rehearse, cook and organise. Here are some photos from the day preceding Sri Krishna Janmastami in Melbourne, Aniruddha Prabhu was playing the paparazzi. Those are the photos he took of the dedicated servants in Melbourne, busying themselves at this appearance day better than ever before. The last few pictures in the slideshow are from the Krishna Janmastami midnight darshan. Check out the slide-show on Flickr by clicking here Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() H.H. Sivarama Swami: Cleanliness is next to godliness
Australian News: This is PERTH: Don't miss out on the pictures from JANMASTAMI!ISKCON Perth celebrated Janmastami, the appearance day of Lord Sri Krishna. Perth devotees welcomed one and all to come and celebrate the advent of our beloved Lord's birth in an evening filled with fun and festivities! There was Kirtan, abishek, a drama, dance, discourses, cultural Programs, a midnight candlelit Aarti, a special Midnight Feast and prasadam was served from 7.30pm onwards. Look at all the devotees gathering to glorify Lord Krishna on his appreance day. It’s always heartwarming to see. Check out the rest here at the ISKCON Perth Facebook Page Follow this link to check out the web site for ISKCON Perth Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Thursday, September 9th, 2010Response to Islam Growth H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Wednesday, September 8th, 2010Toons in Saskatoon H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Tuesday, September 7th, 2010Thoughts at Arbor Creek H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, September 6th, 2010Time for Yourself H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Sunday, September 5th, 2010A Good Change H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Friday, September 3rd, 2010Time Measured By Soap Gouranga TV: Prabhupada kirtan 2010H.H. Sivarama SwamiIt isn’t the size of the gift that matters, but the size of the heart that gives it. - Eileen Elias Freeman Dandavats.com: Turkish Books to AbroadNrsimha Krsna das: This is Nrsimha Krsna das from Istanbul, Turkey. I am a disciple of Srila Sivarama Maharaja. We have a small but happy :) yatra here connected to New Vraja Dhama in Hungary. We are having regular namahatta programmes weekly, that we generally organize in the houses of the devotees Dandavats.com: Perfection of Life Through TongueVrndavanlila dd: Food…yum yum. The very thought of delicious food activates our salivary glands. The demands of the body can be categorized as that of the tongue, of mind, of belly and of the genitals. The entire theatrical of getting trapped in the cycles of lifetimes and suffering evolves from these four demands More Recent Articles
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