ISKCON News - The News Agency of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness - 15 new articles
In This Issue...
- New Vrindaban Hosts Radhastami Festival
- In Pursuit of Purity
- Why Quick, Cheap Food Is Actually More Expensive
- Americans Drowning in Prescription Drugs
- Armed Robber Abandons Raid After Shop Assistant Preaches a Christian Sermon
- Becket Fund to provide free defense for religious hospitals against government-ordered abortions
- The Rathayatra That Started Them All Comes to DVD
- Daytona Beach Rathayatra Succeeds Against All Odds
- Sammamish Vedic Center celebrates Kumbha Mela
- Leicester Devotees Persevere after Losing Their Temple
- New East London Center Attracts Local Community
- Devotees Safe, But Temple Damaged in New Zealand Quake
- Is Money Really Sweeter Than Honey?
- Hinduization of ISKCON? What do you mean exactly?
- Breaking the Cycle of Intolerance
- More Recent Articles
- Search ISKCON News - The News Agency of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
New Vrindaban Hosts Radhastami Festival
On Wednesday, September 15, New Vrindaban Community will celebrate Radhastami, which is Radha's Appearance Day or birthday.
In Pursuit of Purity
It will be a draining week for the three devotees, particularly Charan, considered the spiritual leader of Hamilton's 16 initiated Hare Krishna.
Why Quick, Cheap Food Is Actually More Expensive
The odd paradox is that food insecurity--not knowing where the next meal is coming from or not having enough money to adequately feed your family--leads to obesity, diabetes and chronic disease.
Americans Drowning in Prescription Drugs
Nearly half of all Americans now use prescription drugs on a regular basis according to a CDC report that was just released.
Armed Robber Abandons Raid After Shop Assistant Preaches a Christian Sermon

A would-be armed robber who held up a mobile phone shop repented during the raid and left as a rescued soul after a sermon from a Christian shop assistant.
Becket Fund to provide free defense for religious hospitals against government-ordered abortions
The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty threatened to sue the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) if it tried to force religiously affiliated hospitals to perform abortions against the conscientious objections of their doctors and nurses.
The Rathayatra That Started Them All Comes to DVD
As Rathayatra season comes to a close, devotees can immerse themselves in the one that started them all in ISKCON film-maker Vasudeva Dasa's new English language version of his little-seen 1992 classic, Pulling Krishna Home.
Daytona Beach Rathayatra Succeeds Against All Odds
The forecast said that there would be heavy thunderstorms on August 28th, the date set for the Rathayatra parade at Daytona Beach, Florida. But that didn't stop the Rathayatra team.
Sammamish Vedic Center celebrates Kumbha Mela
The music, dancing and eating lingered late into the night Sept. 1 as thousands of families from around the Seattle area flocked to the Vedic Cultural Center along 228th Avenue Southeast.
Leicester Devotees Persevere after Losing Their Temple

"The prayers and messages of support we've received from all over the world have given us great strength and courage to be resilient at this time," says temple president Pradyumna Dasa.
New East London Center Attracts Local Community
Offering a whole host of weekly programs, activities and educational classes, the new ISKCON Center in Redbridge promises to be a spiritual haven for youth and for the rest of the local community.
Devotees Safe, But Temple Damaged in New Zealand Quake
It seemed like just another peaceful mangala arati ceremony for the devotees at the ISKCON temple in Christchurch, New Zealand, when the 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck.
Is Money Really Sweeter Than Honey?
"Money is sweeter than honey" is a common expression which has a special significance for most people living in today's modern era of industrialization.
Hinduization of ISKCON? What do you mean exactly?
Breaking the Cycle of Intolerance
I'm ashamed to say it's happening right in my own backyard. Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida has announced plans to burn the Islamic holy book, The Koran, on the ninth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks this Saturday.
More Recent Articles
- Devotees' Escape from Leicester Temple Explosion Dubbed "A Miracle"
- ISKCON Australia School Hall Receives Government Funding
- ISKCON Television Begins Production on Cell-Phone Mini Shows
- Mothers Who Fail To Breastfeed Double Their Risk Of Diabetes
- Organic Produce Superior To Conventional On Every Level, Study Finds
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