----- Original Message -----From: FeedBlitzTo:Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 7:50 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 26 new articles
Here are the latest updates for
"Planet ISKCON" - 26 new articles
- ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Deity Darshan: Sunday, November 28, 2010
- Bhakta Chuck, CT, USA: Friday Night Oxen #33
- Japa Group: Japa Poem
- Australian News: 24 HOUR KIRTAN Comes Alive!
- Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Finding the Perfect House Numbers
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Nectar of Devotion: a "must read"
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 151
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada Meditations
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Songs of Vraja
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Christmas Gifts
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Thursday, December 2nd, 2010
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Wednesday, December 1st, 2010
- Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Ascending process of knowledge is imperfect and always changing
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Newsweak: School Field Trip Tour of Slaughterhouse Traumatizes Children
- Kripamoya dasa, UK: Rejoice! Kirtan is here!
- ISKCON News.com: Is Unemployment Equivalent to Murder?
- ISKCON News.com: The Vedic Way of Knowing God – A New Book
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Silpa Karini dd. asks
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Microbe Finds Arsenic Tasty; Redefines Life
- H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami: Photo’s from the parikramas
- Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: Kulimela Australia: 30 Days And Counting…
- H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami: We were in front of Balaji for two or three minutes
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ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Deity Darshan: Sunday, November 28, 2010
Bhakta Chuck, CT, USA: Friday Night Oxen #33
Hello Everyone,
“The wise, engaged in devotional service, take refuge in the Lord, and free themselves from the cycle of birth and death by renouncing the fruits of action in the material world. In this way they can attain that state beyond all miseries.”Bhagavad Gita As It Is (chapter 2, text 51)“But one who understands his real constitutional position as the eternal servitor of the Lord, and thus knows the position of the Personality of Godhead, engages himself in the transcendental loving service of the Lord.”Bhagavad Gita As It Is (chapter 2, text 51 purport)Thanks to Gadadhar das for permission to use the picture.Have a nice weekend, in service to the Oxen,ChuckChantHare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare HareHare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare![]()
Japa Group: Japa Poem
Some sadhus say there is
only one offense—to criticize
saintly persons. There are
actually ten offenses, but they
talk that way to emphasize
the poison of sadhu-ninda.
Some sadhus swear they will
never use the word “ninda”
(offenses to others) or think that word
in their thoughts.
Krishna is kind and ready
to forgive the worst sinners.
Who are we to be unforgiving,
as if we are better than Krishna?
If someone offends us we can take
it that we are suffering from our
past offenses to others. Be tolerant
and go on chanting. Then you
have a chance to improve in
chanting. Chanting with envy to others
and you are pouring gasoline on
your offensive attitudes.
From Bhajan Kutir #151
Dear Friends,
Your start to 2011 just got better, because the legendary Deena Bandhu Prabhu (ACBSP) is coming to visit Brisbane. From the 29th December 2010 till the 2nd of January 2011, experience the wonder and magic of Vrindavan without even leaving the country. Tour through Raman Reti, the Yamuna river, Govardhan Hill and countless other holy places, as you relive the wonderful childhood pastimes of Krishna and Balaram. A Brijbasi in an American body, Deena Bandu Prabhu is a walking encyclopaedia on Krishna and His pastimes in Vrindavan. Stay tuned for more details.
Your servant
Sakhi-rai dasClick here to see the web site for Brisbane Temple
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Australian News: 24 HOUR KIRTAN Comes Alive!
Today at Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha Mandir in Sydney special guest Vaiyasaki Prabhu is hosting the 24 Hour Kirtan from 4pm. Many other kirtaneers, including Sri Prahlad will sing so please come along.
Vaiyasaki is a direct disciple of Srila Prabhupada and a senior devotee from the USA, reknowned worldwide for his wonderful kirtans.
The weekend promises to be a most enlivening experience with advanced devotees of Sri Krishna who will touch your hearts with their sweet chanting… don’t miss out!
4.00 pm – 4.30 pm Sundara Nanda Gopal Das
4.30 pm – 5.00 pm Kartik
5.00 pm – 5.30 pm Vijaya Gauranga Das
5.30 pm – 6.00 pm Sri Prahlad Das
6.00 pm – 6.30 pm Vraja Dhama Das
6.30 pm – 7.00 pm Janardan
7.00 pm – 10.00 pm Vaiyasaki Das
10.00 pm – 11.00 pm Sri Prahlad Das
11.00 pm – 12.00 am Janardan
12.00 am – 12.30 am Krishnapada Das
12.30 am – 1.00 am Sitapati Das
1.00 am – 2.00 am Bacchu
2.00 am – 2.30 am Vrindavana Chandra Das
2.00 am – 3.00 am Mohan Prabhu
3.00 am – 3.30 am Kaliya Krsna Das
3.30am – 4.30 am Kartik
4.30 am – 5.00 am Vara Nayaka Das
5.00 am – 5.45 am Gandharva Das
5.45 am – 6.30 am Viraj Krsna Das
6.30 am – 7.15 am Karunamayi Das7.15 am – 8.00 am Sri Prahlad Das
8.00 am – 10.00 am Vaiyasaki Das
10.00 am – 10.30 am Hari Chaitanya Das
10.30 am – 11. 00 am Chitra
11.00 am – 11.30 am Vishal Lakhia
11.30 am – 12.00 am Jay Kathavate
12.00 am – 12.30pm Sundara Nanda Gopal Das
12.30 pm – 1.00 pm Tirtha Gauranga Das
1.00 pm – 1.30 pm Svetadvipa Das
1.30 am – 2.00 pm Kishori Mohan Das
2.00 pm – 2.30 pm Sri Goloka Das
2.30 pm – 3.00 pm Bacchu
3.00 pm – 3.30 pm Nimai
3.30 pm – 4.00 pm Kartik
4.00 pm – 4.30 pm Gandharva Das
4.30 pm – 5.00 pm Krishnapada Das
5.00 pm – 5.30 pm Janardan
5.30 pm – 6.00 pm Vraja Dhama Das
6.00 pm – 7.00 pm Sri Prahlad Das
7.00 pm – 10.00 pm Vaiyasaki DasShare this story your way:
See the temple newsletter for much more![]()
Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Finding the Perfect House Numbers
Don’t miss out on important social visits or paramedic aide because your house isn’t clearly marked! These simple, classic house numbers will mark the spot when a simple ‘X’ won’t do. Horton Brasses also does numbering and lettering in your choice of fonts/sizing/etc.
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
Their Lordships are clad in jovial blue, yellow and pink today, especially for the pleasure of our friendly neighbours who will visit Them on the occasion of the Garden Party.
A kind reminder:
Deena Bandhu Prabhu will hold his seminar on "The Glories of Sri Vrindavana Dhama" tonight from 7.30-9pm in the temple.
Deena Bandhu Prabhu imbibed us in the Vrajabhumi mood yesterday on Harinama; photos coming up soon.
In the meantime, here's a slideshow of "The Glories of Sri Melbourne Dhama".
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Nectar of Devotion: a "must read"
Nectar of Devotion is very important book. It is the science of devotional service. If you want to be engaged in devotional service, then you must read the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. And then we shall be able to see God.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => The Nectar of Devotion -- Vrndavana, October 18, 1972
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 151
4:27 A.M.
Excerpts from Sri Harinama Cintamani (spoken by Haridasa Thakura to Lord Caitanya and written by Bhaktivinoda Thakura):
“Criticizing Saintly Persons: The Ten Offenses Against the Holy Name“Lord Caitanya said, ‘Haridasa, now describe in detail the offenses against the holy name.’
“Srila Haridasa replied, ‘O Lord, whatever I say will be on Your prompting alone. I am Your puppet. The scriptures enumerate ten offenses against the holy name, and I am very fearful of these offenses. I will list them one by one. Please give me strength to avoid these offenses, my Lord.
“One: To criticize saintly persons.
“Two: To consider the demigods to be independent of the Supreme Lord, or that the Lord’s name, form, qualities and pastimes are separate from the Lord.
“Three: To disobey the spiritual master, who reveals the truth about the holy name.
“Four: To criticize the scriptures that describe the glories of the holy name.
“Five: To consider the excellences and divine qualities of the holy name as delineated in the scriptures to be imagination.
“Six: To commit sinful activities on the strength of chanting the holy name.
“Seven: To instruct faithless persons on the glories of the holy name.
“Eight: To equate chanting of the holy name with the materially auspicious activities recommended in the karma-kandiya section of the Vedas.
“Nine: To be inattentive while chanting the holy name.
“Ten: To not develop love for the holy name after knowing His glories because of maintaining attachments to the body and things related to the body.
“To criticize a saintly person is offensive:
“Criticizing a saintly person is the first offense against the holy name; it completely disrupts one’s spiritual life. You have personally described the qualities of a sadhu in Your incarnation as Lord Krishna, when you spoke to Uddhava as recorded in the Eleventh Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam.
“The sadhu’s qualities are as follows: he is merciful, tolerant, equal to all, performing penances without excessively inflicting injury to the body, truthful, pure-hearted, compassionate, free from lusty intelligence; master of the senses; voluntarily accepting material impoverishment, gentle, clean, regulated in eating, peaceful, apathetic to materialism, patient, steady, taking Lord Krishna as his only shelter, free from illusion, grave, a conqueror over hunger, thirst, lamentation, envy and old age; not expecting honor from others; offering respect to others; expert, not a cheater, and knowledgeable.”The ten offenses are often recited daily in the ISKCON temples just to emphasize their importance. The ten offenses are committed not just in during the two hour period of the japa session, but they are a day-long, night-long practice. Before you go to chant, you have already indulged in criticizing saintly persons or you have criticized the scriptures that describe the glories of the holy name. So one has to be watchful all the time, and not just during the time of japa. Chanting is such an all-around process. We are chanters of the holy name, and all the aspects of our activities fulltime.
Criticizing a saintly person is listed first because it is one of the foremost destructive offenses. It is referred to as the “mad elephant” offense. If a mad or intoxicated elephant breaks into your garden, he will completely uproot all the creepers and plants. Similarly, in your garden of devotional plants you will wreak havoc to whatever good you have done if you commit this one offense of criticizing a saintly person. There are ten offenses, but this one is particularly destructive.
Some sadhus say there is
only one offense—to criticize
saintly persons. There are
actually ten offenses, but they
talk that way to emphasize
the poison of sadhu-ninda.
Some sadhus swear they will
never use the word “ninda”
(offenses to others) or think that word
in their thoughts.
Krishna is kind and ready
to forgive the worst sinners.
Who are we to be unforgiving,
as if we are better than Krishna?
If someone offends us we can take
it that we are suffering from our
past offenses to others. Be tolerant
and go on chanting. Then you
have a chance to improve in
chanting. Chanting with envy to others
and you are pouring gasoline on
your offensive attitudes.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada Meditations
“Dear Srila Prabhupada,“Please accept my humble obeisances. I am trying to write something artistic in the name of serving you. This is in the line with the Bhagavatam verse spoken by Narada, idam hi pumsas tapasah srutasya va . . . On this verse you have remarked, “These talents are acquired after austerity, so everything should be employed to describe uttamasloka, Krishna . . . this is art.
“I know you want plain, direct service. Please help me. I think of the verse spoken by Arjuna to the Lord: ‘As a father tolerates the impudence of his son, a friend the impertinence of a friend, or a husband the familiarity of his wife, please tolerate the wrongs I may have done You.’ (Bg. 11.44)
“Is thinking and writing of you also service to you? Yes, in the same way that chanting His holy name is service. Prabhupada, please give me strength; teach me to play upon the big mrdanga and tell about you to the world.”
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Songs of Vraja
Talavan dasa wrote me
that he only likes writing in
the line of Rupa Goswami,
Visvanatha Cakravarti et. al.—
“only this stuff and no other stuff.”
When I wrote my wild books
he said, “To preserve my sanity
I had to break off my relationship.”But I am writing a poem stating
about our squirrel-proof
bird feeder which is busy throughout the day with little
birds going in and out the
bars getting their sesame seeds.Rupa and Visvanatha wrote
about the cakora birds
and the cakravati and their behavior in the
pastimes of Radha and Krishna.
One bird drinks only the water
that falls from the sky of Vraja.
Another one cries out to its mate
the Krishna-cry and
she cries back
like Radha.You can shut your eyes and find yourself quietly
in the forests of greed
and spiritual love.The birds and thunder
and raining from the ether.
This is His darker side and
a bolt of lightning comes like a jagged pole
a fighting weapon from the sky.So you can start from a bird-feeder and be drawn to
Radha-Krishna, to the birds,
sky and Hare Krishna mantra.
Just play the chanter
and you’ll fully be absorbed in the
sounds of Krishna singing love.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Christmas Gifts
Free Write
I turned at random to Srimad-Bhagavatam, Third Canto, chapter 25, verse 8:“Your Lordship is my only means of getting out of this darkest region of ignorance because You are my transcendental eye, which, by Your mercy only, I have attained after many, many births.” This verse indicates the crucial relationship between the spiritual master and the disciple. The disciple or conditioned soul is put into this darkest region of ignorance and therefore is entangled in the material existence of sense gratification. It is very difficult to get out of this entanglement and attain freedom, but if one is fortunate enough to get the association of a spiritual master like Kapila Muni or His representative, then by his grace one can be delivered from the mire of ignorance. The spiritual master is therefore worshiped as one who delivers the disciple from the mire of ignorance with the light of the torch of knowledge.
We begin the first verse of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, om namo bhagavate vasudevaya. The vasudeva referred to here primarily refers to the person Vasudeva, the son of Ugrasena in the Yadu dynasty. It does not refer to the Vishnu expansion, as in Vasudeva, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. Vasudeva is the son of Vasudeva in the Yadu dynasty–that is, Krishna. He is the Cause of all causes material and spiritual as is said in many scriptures like the Padma Purana and the Brahma-samhita.
We worked out in the gym after skipping it for three days. He’s coming back for a rematch. The audience is against them, they will be booing him. He’s coming back for the rematch. But he is tough. He knows how to play the game. There will be police protection. But it will be bad. He will have to fight. I’m sorry if these sentences are incoherent, and I wish I had better penmanship. I am coming back for the rematch, and there should be no backing out or resentment against it. Am I buying any Christmas gifts for the kids. “Don’t buy one for my wife.”At 4:00 A.M. his manager discovered that he was not in bed. What has happened? I knocked on his door, but he was not there. But if he does not get a full night’s sleep, how will he be able to fight. I am going to take a nap and then I will be ready.
You are making a false accusation. You are saying that I would be gone for the rest of the day.
That’s not right. I will be present for the rematch.
Lonnie, get an AKP for this and slow this down. It’s getting suspicious.
Don’t be suspicious. We will put him to bed if we have to.
He can eat a half a piece of pie and another piece of pie and then he will be fit for the rematch.
They brought two copies of the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Which is the most important, the one published in India or the edited ones. The edited ones have to be done for the academic public, but there is a special flavor in the unedited ones that Prabhupada did himself in India. Will you sleep while reading the Srimad-Bhagavatam?
Answer: No, I wil be awake, but I may lose my attention.
I have been writing incoherent sentences because I have a concussion from last week’s football game. The players hit their helmets against each other. They say, “Oh it was just a concussion. He’s a little woozy, but he will play next week. After all, football is a violent sport. That’s the way it is. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just “punch-mouth football.” In Krishna consciousness we don’t have so much violent encounters. A man may fall from a roof during construction, but if he is chanting Hare Krishna his next life will be auspicious. The same cannot be said for the footballer’s concussion. Building the planetarium in Mayapur with derricks and piledrivers is dangerous work.
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Thursday, December 2nd, 2010
It All Began At the Campus
Gainesville, Florida
The fellow sitting next to me on U.S. Airways had to compliment us (meaning Hare Krishna monks). When he heard that Gainesville was my final destination for the day, he said, “In the early nineties you guys fed me every day while at university. The meals were great; the price was right - $1 per meal.” He mentioned to me that he is on his 150th flight for this year. I joked with him if he's targeting 200 flights for 2010. I asked him about the novel he was reading.
“Is the book 'Vicious Circle' about the wheel of birth and death?”
“It's my escapist reading. It's actually all about exorcism,” he said. He also alluded to needing to be in a world outside of his own. It was priceless what he had said. The real truth about living in this mundane world came right out his mouth. Trying to escape or exploring another world apart from our own are natural inclination. That's why fantasy is so popular. That's why people attempt to alter their state of consciousness. That's why some people in a more virtuous fashion seek spirituality.
I'm not sure that my flying friend has taken a path for spiritual growth but I would say that his spiritual journey began because of the fact that he ate meals of wonderful food we call Krishna prasadam. This is food surcharged with spiritual energy.
The Krishna Lunch program has been running for years (over 3 decades) at the University of Florida campus permitting a Friends of Lord Krishna culture to evolve.
For the Late afternoon Jagannatha Puri Dham, whose marriage I attended in Denver earlier this year, took me to trek around the campus. He brought me to the place where the monks of the early Krishna days - monks like Visnujana and Garga Mun i- had begun the mission here in North Florida. He also pointed out the grassy area where our guru, Srila Prabhupada, gave a talk to young students, seekers of the truth.
“To this day people remember Srila Prabhupada. They come to us to tell us,” said Jagannatha.
My final message is an appeal to readers for prayers in honour of a dear Godsister, Yamuna who is not doing very well with her health.
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Wednesday, December 1st, 2010
Obligation to Sustain
Port Royal, Pennsylvania
The excessive rains of the entire night and morning kept me somewhat handicapped from walking to the local temple for morning sadhana (devotional mantra workshop). While Europe is being clobbered with snow, Pennsylvania is getting water. The Juniata River which borders a portion of the Gita Nagari farm rose to an overwhelming level, burying the bases of trees. Once the rains let up. I could explore a new country road.
This is a predominant agricultural land with the Amish community at the helm. Gita Nagari has the potential to be that model community that our guru, Srila Prabhupada had desired. Some members had just returned from a CSA meeting. CSA stands for Community (or Co-operative) Sustainable Agriculture. The meeting left members rather impressed with the various co-operative implementations going on to prepare for a better world based on people, land, and animals.
At the present pace of consumerism leaving environmental challenges it becomes encouraging to know that there are groups marching progressively forward with the rain towards sustainability. It is common knowledge that the current way of existence cannot be sustained; and that measures must be taken to befriend the environment. I wish like anything that the devotee community of Gita Nagari succeed in this regard.
My last presentation at the farm temple (as it has been a pleasurable consecutive classes I've delivered) was leading an enlivening kirtan (chanting session). One attendee said it was “highly creative”. We sang. We danced. We came together to remind ourselves of obligations to our Creator and Sustainer, Krishna.
“This kirtan,” I announced, “is dedicated to two people- Satsvarupa Goswami, guru and excellent writer of devotional sciences and secondly, Dadhi Harta, our dear Godbrother from Canada, tender of cows at the Saranagati farm in B.C. And who passed away from cancer.”
Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Ascending process of knowledge is imperfect and always changing
Scientists are working hard trying to define life on this planet and elsewhere. Constantly, there are reports on planets "conducive" for life. The scientific world is rife with speculation regarding this. I have seen numerous numbers thrown out stating "earth" like planets in the solar system and that these planets support life. In fact...the movie "Avatar" is based on this romantic idea of advanced life forms in other planets.
This type of mental speculation with mathematical probabilities is the process of "ascending" knowledge. According to this process, knowledge starts from the self- the individual. The scientists use their fertile brain to propose theories and hunt evidence to prove them. This ascending process of knowledge is imperfect because human beings (self) are unimaginably limited in their ability to gather knowledge. This imperfection is visible with glaring effects when we simply evaluate the world around us. The amount of environmental degradation, famine, poverty, cancer etc is a direct result of advancement in science and technology. Why did the scientists when they were busy inventing factories, cars, and oil drilling wells not think of its side-effects? The negative outcomes overtly outweigh the positives and I have just scratched the surface in regards to negative outcomes versus positive. The scientists have to admit that they let the global community down in the past 250 odd years.This, in my opinion, shows the failure of our educational system which is built on the philosophy of "ascending" process of knowledge gathering. Therefore, our knowledge will never be perfect and constantly in flux. In contrast, descending knowledge from a "pure" source is considered perfect free from human defects. Such a source is KRISHNA.According to Krishna, life exists everywhere under all circumstances. Below is a conversation by Srila Prabhupada indicating the same.Recorded on April 18, 1973, in cheviot Hills Park, Los Angeles.
Srila Prabhupada is accompanied by Dr. Thoudam Damodara Singh, Karandhara dasa adhikari, Brahmananda Svami and other students.
Life on Other Planets
Srila Prabhupada. Even on the sun and moon there are living entities. What is the opinion of the scientists?
Dr. Singh. They say there is no life there.
Srila Prabhupada. That is nonsense. There is life there.
Dr. Singh. They say that there is no life on the moon because they did not find any there.
Srila Prabhupada. Why do they believe that? The moon planet is covered with dust, but within that dust the living entities can live. Every atmosphere is suitable for life--any atmosphere. Therefore the Vedas[1] describe the living entities as sarva-gatah, which means "existing in all circumstances." The living entity is not material. Although encaged in a material body, he is not material. But when we speak of different atmospheres, we refer to different material conditions.
Karandhara. They say that the moon's atmosphere is unsuitable for life, but all they can legitimately say is that it is unsuitable for life as they know it.
Srila Prabhupada. The Vedas say that the living entity has no connection with material things. He cannot be burned, cut, dried up or moistened. This is discussed in Bhagavad-gita.[2]
Dr. Singh. Scientists extend their knowledge about life on this planet, thinking that it must apply to life on other planets also.
Srila Prabhupada. Yes. They are thinking foremost of their own selves. They are thinking limitedly, in terms of their own circumstances. This is what we call "Dr. Frog's philosophy. [Laughter.]
Karandhara. The basis of what they call "scientific integrity" is that they talk only about what they can directly experience.
Srila Prabhupada. You may talk about your experience, and I may talk about my experience. But why should I accept your experience? You may be a fool, so why should I also become a fool? You may be a frog, but suppose I am a whale. Why should I take your well as all in all? You have your method of acquiring scientific knowledge, and I have mine.
Dr. Singh. Because the scientists haven't detected any water on the surface of the moon, they've concluded that no life could survive there.
Srila Prabhupada. They haven't seen the whole surface of the moon. Suppose someone were to come here from another planet, drop into the Arabian Desert and then return home. Could he come to a complete conclusion about the nature of the whole earth? His knowledge would not be complete.
Karandhara. They have a device that senses water. They say they've had it orbit the moon, and they've concluded that the moon has no water and therefore no life.
Srila Prabhupada. Even if, as on the sun, there is apparently no water, still there are living entities there. How does a cactus grow in the desert, apparently without water?
Karandhara. It gets water from the atmosphere.
Srila Prabhupada. Yes, because the atmosphere contains all the elements needed to sustain life: earth, water, fire, air and ether. In anything material, all these elements are present. For example, in my body there is water, although you cannot see it. Similarly, you don't see fire in my body, yet my body is warm. Where does this warmth come from? You don't see any fire. Do you see any fire burning in my body? Then where does the warmth come from? What is the answer?Now...Prabhupada as astute as he is makes perfect sense in his common sense logic. Yet the scientists cannot deny his questions. To prove Prabhupada is correct in that scientists know very little through their ascending process of knowledge gathering and that life can exist in all circumstances has been seen as valid by a group of scientists who have discovered a germ that thrives on arsenic. According to the scientists...this germ redefines the definition of life. Vedic science has been saying this all along for more than 5000 years that life is ubiquitous and yet modern thinking man is stubborn to ignore such perfect knowledge coming down from a perfect source.Please read the full article hereIn conclusion, the ascending process of learning is imperfect, incomplete and unsafe to trust. Modern scientists therefore are imperfect, incomplete and unsafe to trust. This post is one evidence but there are numerous in this regard.If you have faith in a "perfect" person Krishna, then the knowledge descending from Him is also perfect. According to Him, the goal of life is not to search after life forms or build skyscrapers or conduct harmonic notes for pleasure. The goal of life is to understand the root cause of all suffering and put a stop that root. The root cause of all suffering is repetitive birth and death. The way to stop this is by chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra.Please chant Hare KrishnaHare Krishna
Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Newsweak: School Field Trip Tour of Slaughterhouse Traumatizes Children
Posted on 21 November 2010.
OMAHA, Neb. (Newsweak.com Exclusive) — Eighteen grade 5 students of Mavis Beacon Elementary School are undergoing counseling after a school field trip visit to a beef slaughterhouse. The children reportedly were horrified to see how cows were processed into beef. Some of the students vomited, and most cried.
Their teacher, Maxwell Barnes, faces disciplinary action for organizing the school field trip. “I didn’t see anything wrong with it.” Barnes stated. “Earlier this year we had a field trip to a chocolate factory. Kids have a curiosity about where their food comes from. I don’t think there should be anything wrong with showing them where meat comes from.”
The children were escorted through the facility from the loading bay, where cattle enter the building, through to the stunning process where the animals receive a pneumatic bolt to the brain, rendering them brain dead. “Some of the kids started crying then.” said slaughterhouse foreman Dan Smith. “We told them it was all a natural part of how beef is made and ends up in yummy hamburgers, but that didn’t seem to help much.”
The field trip then went awry after the brain dead animals were chained up by their back legs and then cut into to be bled to death. “I saw one little boy throw up.” Smith said. “And then after that there was screaming and running and all these other kids throwing up all over the place. We tried to calm them down but it was out of control by then. These kids were just freaked out, they didn’t even finish the tour.”
Okay, for those of you who did not figure out NewsWEAK is a spoof or started laughing when reading the part I underlined above, then I need to spell it out...
This is a made up story!
However, the moral of the story is an important one. If people were to see where how their meat is made and identify with the dead body that they are putting into their mouth, then the slaughterhouses would close!Kripamoya dasa, UK: Rejoice! Kirtan is here!
Many centuries ago, the great Vaishnava saint Nammalvar made a prediction. Writing a devotional poem that would become the celebrated Tiruvaymoli, he looked into the distant future. In ecstasy, he told of a time when kirtan - the singing of God’s holy names – had covered the entire Earth:
Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice!
The persistent curse of life is gone;
The agony of Hell is destroyed; Death has no place here.
The Age of Kali is destroyed. Look for yourself!
The followers of the sea-coloured Lord swell over this Earth,
Singing with melody, dancing and whirling. We see them!
The whirling Age of Kali ends; the divine ones enter in;
The Golden Age dawns, and floods of great joy sweep over the land.
The followers of Him who is dark as a cloud,
My Lord, the one coloured like the sea,
Fill this Earth, singing with melody,
They are all over the land
- From the Tiruvaymoli 5.2.1-3
Just over a hundred years ago, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur described the sankirtan movement of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu – the movement for the congregational chanting of God’s names – to be the ‘future church’ of the world.
As devotees take to the streets this December, they distribute books to everyone they meet. Although the books contain deep philosophy, the essential message they contain is simple: lead a life illuminated by God’s words, and recite His holy names.
The prophecies for this Age of Kali have already started becoming reality. The only decision we personally have to make is how we’ll take part – and how many others we’ll bring with us.
Here’s a few who are already getting others ‘dancing and whirling’ in kirtan:
Gaura Vani and his Mantralogy project
And Kirtan Australia ( Click )
ISKCON News.com: Is Unemployment Equivalent to Murder?
We live in the age of ‘utility theory’. Utility is the defining factor of what is a creature’s ‘validity’ to live. An object is respected as long as it is of economic use to other human beings.
ISKCON News.com: The Vedic Way of Knowing God – A New Book
Revealing the profound philosophical insights of the world's most ancient spiritual philosophy, this new book by Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya not only boldly answers the question "How do I know God?" from the distinctly Vedic (Hindu) perspective, but also explores the further issues of what it even means to be able to know God.
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Silpa Karini dd. asks
“The Goswamis introduced worship of Radha and Krsna. Can you please say something more from a historical and devotional point of view about introducing Radha-Krsna worship and how it was before in our devotinal line?”
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Microbe Finds Arsenic Tasty; Redefines Life
This some news from the scientific arena – actually a paradigm changing
discovery. Scientists from NASA have discovered a life form that substitutes
arsenic for phosphorous. This is a big deal since now we can begin to
conceive of life forms (on earth and elsewhere) without the basic building
blocks of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sulphur, Phosphorous and Nitrogen. One
more step closer to life forms on the sun!http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/03/science/03arsenic.html
H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami: Photo’s from the parikramas
Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: Kulimela Australia: 30 Days And Counting…
H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami: We were in front of Balaji for two or three minutes
Dear devotees and friends, Please accept my best wishes. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I last wrote on the way to the Govardhana Puja festivals in South Africa. First we had one in Johannesburg at our Lenasia temple on Friday evening November 5th, then one in Sri Sri Radha Radhanatha temple in Durban in the early afternoon of the actual [...]
SRI SARANGA THAKURA & “SRI MADANA-GOPALA TEMPLE” AT “SRI MODRUMADVIPA” ISLAND OF SRI NAVADVIPA-MAYAPUR DHAM Sri Saranga Thakura is also known as Sarangapani, Sarangadhara or Saranga Murari Caitanya Das. The Caitanya Caritamrta Adi 10.113 describes Saranga Thakura as the seventy-seventh branch of Lord Caitanya’s tree of Bhakti. Gaura Ganoddesa Dipika states, “That person who was [...]
Gouranga TV: Sarvajaya Gauranga Das kirtana
Sarvajaya Gauranga Das kirtana
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