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Sri Lalita Devi - Any pastime ??
Sri Hari - Thu, 12 Sep 2002 23:02:25 +0530
Dandavats to all Vaishnavas !
Is today the appearence day of Sri Lalita Devi ?
Is there any pastime available for posting ?
Your servant
Is today the appearence day of Sri Lalita Devi ?
Is there any pastime available for posting ?
Your servant
Advaitadas - Thu, 12 Sep 2002 23:06:32 +0530
Actually Lalita is born 27 days before Radharani and this appearance day is not mentioned in any other Vaishnava calendar. This Lalita Shasthi is a mysterious tithi......
Madhava - Fri, 13 Sep 2002 04:11:13 +0530
I apologise for not posting anything about Lalita Devi today. It has been absolutely hectic here for the last week or so, I haven't found the time for most of the things I was supposed to do, including answering several letters and so forth (sorry everyone). I will make it up after Radhastami.
Anyway, Lalita Sasthi is likely not the actual appearance day of Lalita Sakhi, as Advaitadas noted, and as has been discussed earlier. According to Dhyanacandra's paddhati, Lalita is actually 6 months and 12 days older than Radha. I recall the 27 days comes from Radha Krishna Ganoddesa Dipika. Is this perhaps a difference between the ages in prakata and aprakata-lila? I wonder if there are other numbers given as well. What dates are in Siddha Baba's Gutika?
Anyway, Lalita Sasthi is likely not the actual appearance day of Lalita Sakhi, as Advaitadas noted, and as has been discussed earlier. According to Dhyanacandra's paddhati, Lalita is actually 6 months and 12 days older than Radha. I recall the 27 days comes from Radha Krishna Ganoddesa Dipika. Is this perhaps a difference between the ages in prakata and aprakata-lila? I wonder if there are other numbers given as well. What dates are in Siddha Baba's Gutika?
Madhava - Fri, 13 Sep 2002 04:24:55 +0530
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Name: Lalita Sakhi Age: 14 years, 8 months, 27 days Nature: vama-prakhara Mood: khandita Complexion: gorocana (bright yellow) Dress: mayura-pincha (color of peacock feathers) Service: camphor and tambula Father: Visokaka Mother: Sarada Husband: Bhairava Gopa Residence: Yavata Kunja: Lalitanandada-kunja (on the northern petal of Ananga-sukhada-kunja), lightning coloured, covered with various kinds of flowers and trees. Gaura-lila: Svarupa DamodaraChief sakhis in her group: Ratnarekha (Ratnaprabha), Rati-kala, Subhadra, Candrarekhika (Bhadrarekhika), Sumukhi, Dhanistha, Kalahamsi, Kalapini |
Madhava - Fri, 13 Sep 2002 04:37:01 +0530
by Srila Rupa Gosvami
nirmaJchanopakaraNI-kRta deha-lakSAm |
uttuGga-sauhRda-vizeSa-vazAt pragalbhAM
devIM guNaiH sulalitAM lalitAM namAmi || 1 ||
राधा-मुकुन्द पद-सम्भव-घर्म-बिन्दु-
निर्मज़्चनोपकरणी-क्ऱ्त देह-लक्षाम्।
उत्तुग़्ग-सौह्ऱ्द-विज़ेष-वज़ात् प्रगल्भां
देवीं गुणैः सुललितां ललितां नमामि॥ १॥
rādhā-mukunda pada-sambhava-gharma-bindu-
nirmazcanopakaraṇī-kṛta deha-lakṣām |
uttuġga-sauhṛda-vizeṣa-vazāt pragalbhāṁ
devīṁ guṇaiḥ sulalitāṁ lalitāṁ namāmi || 1 ||
I offer pranama unto the haughty Sri Lalita-devi who is charmingly endowed with many beautiful, sweet qualities (sulalita). She has natural expertise in all arts (lalita), thus her seva self-manifests. She wipes away the glittering drops of perspiration which appear upon the lotus feet of Sri Radha and Madhava when They meet; and she is perpetually immersed in the most elevated mellow of sauhrda-rasa, or undivided absorption in fulfilling the heart’s desire of her intimate friend Srimati Radhika.
vaktra-zriyaM cakita-cArU camUru-netrAm |
devIM guNaiH sulalitAM lalitAM namAmi || 2 ||
वक्त्र-ज़्रियं चकित-चारू चमूरु-नेत्राम्।
देवीं गुणैः सुललितां ललितां नमामि ॥ २॥
vaktra-zriyaṁ cakita-cārū camūru-netrām |
devīṁ guṇaiḥ sulalitāṁ lalitāṁ namāmi || 2 ||
I offer pranama unto Sri Lalita-devi whose beautiful face mocks the brilliance of the full moon, whose eyes are ever-restless like those of a startled doe, who is famous for her extraordinary expertise in the art of dressing Srimati Radhika, and who is the treasure-house of unlimited feminine qualities.
paTTAMzukAbharaNa-kaJculikAJcitAGgIm |
gorocanA-ruci-vigarhaNa gaurimANaM
devIM guNaiH sulalitAM lalitAM namAmi || 3 ||
गोरोचना-रुचि-विगर्हण गौरिमाणं
देवीं गुणैः सुललितां ललितां नमामि॥ ३॥
paṭṭāṁzukābharaṇa-kazculikāzcitāġgīm |
gorocanā-ruci-vigarhaṇa gaurimāṇaṁ
devīṁ guṇaiḥ sulalitāṁ lalitāṁ namāmi || 3 ||
I offer pranama unto Sri Lalita-devi whose body is adorned with a splendid sari as brilliant as the multi-coloured tail-feathers of an ecstatically dancing peacock, whose upper body is covered with an exceedingly attractive blouse (kanculi), whose hair part is decorated with shimmering red vermilion, and who wears various necklaces and other jeweled ornaments. Her golden complexion defeats that of even gorocana [bright golden pigment that comes when rain-water from svatinaksatra hits the hoof of a qualified cow] and she possesses innumerable good qualities.
mA dakSiNA bhAva kalaGkini lAghavAya |
rAdhe giraM zRNu hitAm iti zikSayantIM
devIM guNaiH sulalitAM lalitAM namAmi || 4 ||
धूर्ते व्रजेन्द्र-तनये तनु सुष्ठु-वाम्यं
मा दक्षिणा भाव कलग़्किनि लाघवाय।
राधे गिरं ज़्ऱ्णु हिताम् इति ज़िक्षयन्तीं
देवीं गुणैः सुललितां ललितां नमामि॥ ४॥
dhūrte vrajendra-tanaye tanu suṣṭhu-vāmyaṁ
mā dakṣiṇā bhāva kalaġkini lāghavāya |
rādhe giraṁ zṛṇu hitām iti zikṣayantīṁ
devīṁ guṇaiḥ sulalitāṁ lalitāṁ namāmi || 4 ||
I offer pranama unto Sri Lalita-devi, the charming treasure-house of all good qualities, who instructs Srimati Radhika in this way: “O Kalankini (unchaste one)! Radhe! Listen to my good instructions which are favorable for you! Vrajendra-nandana is very crafty (dhurta). Don’t display Your mood of gentle submission (daksina bhava) to Him; instead, in all circumstances be contrary.”
kUTaM manAg api vilokya vilohitAkSIm |
vAg-bhaGgibhis tam acireNa vilajjayantIM
devIM guNaiH sulalitAM lalitAM namAmi || 5 ||
राधाम् अभि-व्रज-पतेः क्ऱ्तम् आत्मजेन
कूटं मनाग् अपि विलोक्य विलोहिताक्षीम्।
वाग्-भग़्गिभिस् तम् अचिरेण विलज्जयन्तीं
देवीं गुणैः सुललितां ललितां नमामि॥ ५॥
rādhām abhi-vraja-pateḥ kṛtam ātmajena
kūṭaṁ manāg api vilokya vilohitākṣīm |
vāg-bhaġgibhis tam acireṇa vilajjayantīṁ
devīṁ guṇaiḥ sulalitāṁ lalitāṁ namāmi || 5 ||
I offer pranama unto the abode of all good qualities, the supremely charming Sri Lalita-devi, who, upon hearing Sri Krishna speak even a few sly words to Srimati Radhika, immediately becomes furious and shames Krishna with her biting, sarcastic remarks, “You are so truthful and simple-hearted, and such a chaste lover!”
sakhyAnuzikSaNa-kalAsu guruM sakhInAm |
rAdhA-balAvaraja jIvita-nirvizeSAM
devIM guNaiH sulalitAM lalitAM namAmi || 6 ||
वात्सल्य-व्ऱ्न्द-वसतिं पज़ुपाल-राज्ज़्याः
सख्यानुज़िक्षण-कलासु गुरुं सखीनाम्।
राधा-बलावरज जीवित-निर्विज़ेषां
देवीं गुणैः सुललितां ललितां नमामि॥ ६॥
vātsalya-vṛnda-vasatiṁ pazupāla-rājzyāḥ
sakhyānuzikṣaṇa-kalāsu guruṁ sakhīnām |
rādhā-balāvaraja jīvita-nirvizeṣāṁ
devīṁ guṇaiḥ sulalitāṁ lalitāṁ namāmi || 6 ||
I offer pranama unto the supremely charming Sri Lalita-devi, who possesses all divine qualities; who is also the recipient of Yasoda-devi’s parental affection; the guru of all the sakhis, instructing them in friendship; and the very life of both Srimati Radhika and the younger brother of Baladeva.
prekSya sva-pakSa-padavIm anuruddhyamAnAm |
sadyas tad iSTa-ghaTanena kRtArthayantIM
devIM guNaiH sulalitAM lalitAM namAmi || 7 ||
यां काम् अपि व्रज-कुले व्ऱ्षभानुजायाः
प्रेक्ष्य स्व-पक्ष-पदवीम् अनुरुद्ध्यमानाम्।
सद्यस् तद् इष्ट-घटनेन क्ऱ्तार्थयन्तीं
देवीं गुणैः सुललितां ललितां नमामि॥ ७॥
yāṁ kām api vraja-kule vṛṣabhānujāyāḥ
prekṣya sva-pakṣa-padavīm anuruddhyamānām |
sadyas tad iṣṭa-ghaṭanena kṛtārthayantīṁ
devīṁ guṇaiḥ sulalitāṁ lalitāṁ namāmi || 7 ||
I offer pranama unto the supremely charming Sri Lalita-devi, the treasurehouse of all good qualities. Upon seeing any young maiden anywhere in Vraja and discerning that she is inclined towards her priya-sakhi Srimati Radhika, Lalita immediately tells Radha that She must accept this person in Her own party (sva-paksa). Radha obeys Lalita, who thus fulfills that maiden’s desires.
varyAM vinizcitavatIm akhilotsavebhyaH |
tAM gokula-priya-sakhI-nikuramba-mukhyAM
devIM guNaiH sulalitAM lalitAM namAmi || 8 ||
वर्यां विनिज़्चितवतीम् अखिलोत्सवेभ्यः।
तां गोकुल-प्रिय-सखी-निकुरम्ब-मुख्यां
देवीं गुणैः सुललितां ललितां नमामि॥ ८॥
varyāṁ vinizcitavatīm akhilotsavebhyaḥ |
tāṁ gokula-priya-sakhī-nikuramba-mukhyāṁ
devīṁ guṇaiḥ sulalitāṁ lalitāṁ namāmi || 8 ||
I offer pranama unto Sri Lalita-devi, the embodiment of all divine virtues and the foremost of all the favorite sakhis of Gokula. Her primary task is providing pleasure for Sri Radha-Govinda by arranging Their meetings – this delightful seva surpasses the enjoyment of all the best festivals combined together.
padyAni yaH paThati nirmala-dRSTir aSTau |
prItyA vikarSati janaM nija-vRnda-madhye
taM kIrtidA-pati-kulojjvala-kalpa-vallI || 9 ||
नन्दन् अमूनि ललिता-गुण-लालितानि
पद्यानि यः पठति निर्मल-द्ऱ्ष्टिर् अष्टौ।
प्रीत्या विकर्षति जनं निज-व्ऱ्न्द-मध्ये
तं कीर्तिदा-पति-कुलोज्ज्वल-कल्प-वल्ली॥ ९॥
nandan amūni lalitā-guṇa-lālitāni
padyāni yaḥ paṭhati nirmala-dṛṣṭir aṣṭau |
prītyā vikarṣati janaṁ nija-vṛnda-madhye
taṁ kīrtidā-pati-kulojjvala-kalpa-vallī || 9 ||
पद्यानि यः पठति निर्मल-द्ऱ्ष्टिर् अष्टौ।
प्रीत्या विकर्षति जनं निज-व्ऱ्न्द-मध्ये
तं कीर्तिदा-पति-कुलोज्ज्वल-कल्प-वल्ली॥ ९॥
nandan amūni lalitā-guṇa-lālitāni
padyāni yaḥ paṭhati nirmala-dṛṣṭir aṣṭau |
prītyā vikarṣati janaṁ nija-vṛnda-madhye
taṁ kīrtidā-pati-kulojjvala-kalpa-vallī || 9 ||
If a person with a cheerful and pure heart recites this astaka in praise of Lalita-devi, he will be affectionately brought into Srimati Radhika’s own group of sakhis. Lalita-devi is superbly ornamented with beauty, grace and charm, and, along with Srimati Radhika, is the effulgent wish-fulfilling creeper (kalpa-valli) of Vrsbhanu Maharaja’s family that winds around the kalpa vrksa of Krishna.
Sri Hari - Fri, 13 Sep 2002 08:12:59 +0530
QUOTE(Madhava @ Sep. 12 2002,17:54)
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Name: Lalita Sakhi Age: 14 years, 8 months, 27 days Nature: vama-prakhara Mood:vama-prakhara Complexion: gorocana (bright yellow) Dress: mayura-pincha (color of peacock feathers) Service: camphor and tambula Father: Visokaka Mother: Sarada Husband: Bhairava Gopa Residence: Yavata Kunja: Lalitanandada-kunja (on the northern petal of Ananga-sukhada-kunja), lightning coloured, covered with various kinds of flowers and trees. Gaura-lila: Svarupa Damodara Chief sakhis in her group: Ratnarekha (Ratnaprabha), Rati-kala, Subhadra, Candrarekhika (Bhadrarekhika), Sumukhi, Dhanistha, Kalahamsi, Kalapini |
I apologise for not posting anything about Lalita Devi today. It has been absolutely hectic here for the last week or so, I haven't found the time for most of the things I was supposed to do, including answering several letters and so forth (sorry everyone). I will make it up after Radhastami.
Dear madhavaji, thanks so much and if you have some extra time; give a brake-for-yourself ( I mean, relax a bit ).
But if you got that extra energy, could you please tell us
why it is mentioned; mood and nature of Lalita Devi as :
vama-prakhara and how is that ?
your servant
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