"Planet ISKCON" - 55 new articles
Australian News: Brisbane = Harinam Sankirtan (Maha Harinama for Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja)
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ISKCON Orlando, USA: Orlando Janmastami 2010Click to view slideshow.![]() Australian News: New Govardhana School Hall Receives Government Funding
The move is part of the government's Building Education Revolution (BER) project, which has been undertaken across Australia as an economic stimulus package. "The hall is constructed primarily by expert devotees who are a part of our Hare Krishna community here and will be completed in a couple of months," says school administrator Vinod Bihari Dasa. " It will provide both the school and wider community with the facility to hold events and functions, as well as being an indoor sports/learning area." Established and registered in 1980, the Bhaktivedanta Swami Gurukula is located in the picturesque Tweed Valley near Murwillumbah, northern New South Wales and provides a natural and peaceful learning atmosphere, conducive to spiritual upliftment. Although for some time in its history it was a residential-ashram type school, it's now a primary school with day attendance only. Five teaching staff, all highly qualified professionals and all devotees, teach the forty boys and girls all the way from kindergarten to sixth class. Check out the New Govardhana Gurukul Flickerstream here Share this story your way:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Srila Prabhupada's Letters 1965 September 4 : "There was a rehearsal for emergency. We all prepared with belt on the body and the life boat was tested. There were two boats with capacity to load 120 persons. But we were all about fifty five on the board." Srila Prabhupada's Letters 1968 September 4 : "It is not very difficult to open a center for our activities. You can remain in any apartment as husband and wife, and invite persons there to hear your chanting and topics, that is our center, and let it be gradually improved." Srila Prabhupada's Letters 1969 September 4 : "Answer any ten of the following questions with reference to Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Brahma Samhita and Isopanisad. I shall personally examine the papers, and those who pass will be sent a Bhaktisastri certificate." Srila Prabhupada's Letters 1972 September 4 : "The eternal bond between disciple and spiritual master begins from the first day one hears. In 1922 my spiritual master said in our first meeting, why don't you preach this cult. That was the beginning - now it is coming to fact." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 September 4: "Have milk, vegetables, simple living, and chanting Hare Krsna. This world is a brain killing civilization. Spend time chanting, reading books. Let them come to free life. This is very essential propaganda." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 September 4: "I want you to know that nothing new should be added. Whatever I have introduced should remain. Nothing new should be added. New things means their brain is not clear. Carefully manage things what I have established." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 4: "If we get African devotees, then we are successful. Try to convince the African leaders that we have nothing to do with politics. We are trying to unite the whole human society under the flag of Krishna consciousness." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 4: "So it is good that she is again living in the temple. Keep her nicely. She is woman, so you call her Mother. As soon as you call her Mother, then she will be very pleased." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1965 September 3: Srila Prabhupada's Letters1969 September 3: "Even Lord Krishna, Lord Caitanya, and what to speak of other acaryas, all of them accepted a bona fide Spiritual Master. Aroha means to try to understand God by one's own effort, and avaroha means to understand God by disciplic succession." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1973 September 3: "Some years ago Australia would not allow any colored men to enter but now Caitanya Mahaprabhu has entered and inundated the whole country with Hari Nama Sankirtana. One day I hope Pita Varanara Gaura will rule over Australia." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 September 3: "My health is improving by the grace of Krsna. Thank you very much for taking so much care of my health by praying to Nrsimhadeva. He is very kind. By all your prayers He will surely take care of me." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 September 3: "No proposal for rental of even a pinch of land shall be entertained by you. Strictly this should be followed. No more tenants. Do not entertain any proposal for tenancy for any corner of any pinch of land." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 3: "I never said that. They misunderstand me. Unless it is there from me in writing, there are so many things that 'Prabhupada said.'" Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 3: "Who has drawn this big scheme? And, where to get the money? I wanted simple life. The first scheme is how to get food grains. I will go in my quarters there, nothing more." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 3: "Regarding your question, Sukdeva and Bilvamangal Thakura developed the conjugal ecstasies later on. Regarding your difficulty in rendering Caitanya Bhagavata, yes you are right that you are overstepping your position. Better to stop it." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1949 September 2: "Mother nature does not tolerate the exploitive motive of Her asura children and takes at once Her grim trident and inflicts the weapon in the very heart of the asura. This is all done according to the plan of Godhead." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1965 September 2: Srila Prabhupada's Letters1970 September 2: "He is preaching that I am Krsna, that I am Supersoul, that I have withdrawn my mercy from my disciples, that I have left the Society and so on." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1970 September 2: "I have tried to give you all Krsna Consciousness, now it is your duty to develop it. You are GBC, so you think over very deeply how to save the situation. It is a fact however that the great sinister movement is within our Society." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 September 2: "You have got complete capacity to spread this Krishna Consciousness movement. That is a fact. Continue this door to door program. All of Lord Caitanya's close associates used to do that. So we must follow in their footprints." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 2: "What you have done is good. Now you are getting very good training. Why has he suggested you remarry? You have got no children, you are free, so take sannyasa." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 2: "There is a laddu which anyone who has tasted once, laments, and anyone who has never tasted, laments. So one who has tasted, and one who has not tasted, both are lamenting. Wife is like that." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 September 2: "Do not try to taste again. Now you are experienced, so don't take sex life again. You should not take sannyasa out of sentiment nor artificially, but it is better to accept it anyway." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1949 September 1: "Sri Gita Mandir Trust, I am very glad your program for preaching in the foreign countries is still under consideration. I believe that practical solution of world unrest is lying in the transcendental message of Sri Krishna as given by Him lately in the Bhagavad-gita." Australian News: UK Leicester Janmastami temple fire: "It was a miracle no-one was killed" (See the video)A Hare Krishna temple in Leicester was evacuated seconds before an explosion almost destroyed the building, according to fire crews. A religious celebration was being held at the property in Thoresby Street when one of the occupants went to disconnect a gas cylinder being used for cooking. Leicestershire Fire Service said the man noticed the valve was leaking and got everyone out with moments to spare. It was a “miracle” no-one was killed, watch manager Bill Smith said. He said “Most of the guests were in and around a marquee area just outside the building. In the kitchen they had a large LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) cylinder hooked up to a large gas ring. “After the meal they disconnected the pipe from the cylinder but the cylinder kept leaking. Fire crews initially feared people were trapped inside “The person who disconnected the cylinder realised the danger of the gas leaking. He ran out and got everybody to run over to the other side of the road. “Within 30 seconds there was a large explosion. He has no doubt saved the lives of many people with his actions.” A number of people suffered minor injuries and shock, but nobody was seriously hurt in the blast, which shook nearby homes. Read the rest of the story here and see the VIDEO View the pictures here at BBC UK ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ISKCON News.com: Devotees' Escape from Leicester Temple Explosion Dubbed "A Miracle"
ISKCON News.com: ISKCON Australia School Hall Receives Government Funding
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Tuesday, August 31st, 2010A Few Know H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, August 30th, 2010City Trails and Cemeteries H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Thursday, September 2nd, 2010Vyasa-puja - birthday of the guru H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Wednesday, September 1st, 2010Some Extraordinary Way Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: A stroke of good fortuneA few years ago my wife Krsna Rupa and I met an Indian gentleman named Gyan who was interested in the Srimad bhagavatam set. We went to his house to show him the books, did kirtan and gave him some prasadam. He ended up getting $1600 worth of books; the S.B set, Caitanya Caritamrta, Lilamrta, Hari Sauris books etc. We would go and visit occasionally, do a program and he would gradually pay for the books. But one day I lost his phone number. So we drove around to his house only to find it vacated. I had no forwarding address so I thought I would never see him again. He still owed $1000 on the books! About 2 years later I suddenly got a phone call. The voice sounded weak and eventually he told me his name was Gyan. He said some time ago he had a debilitating stroke which took a long time to recover from as he was an elderly man. He said he felt really bad that he had not paid for the books and had not got in touch. He felt the stroke was some sort of karma for his negligence. I assured him it was OK and he invited us around to do more programs and has now paid for the books. He seems to be alot more serious about Krsna consciousness since the stroke and he really gets absorbed when we do kirtan and speak about Krsna consciousness. Rupa Raghunatha dasa Sydney Australia Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Vyasa puja meditation: Srila Prabhupada constantly sees KrsnaBhakti-devi dasi: Have you ever seen Krsna? Prabhupada: Yes. Bhakti-devi dasi: You have? Prabhupada: Daily. Every moment. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Room Conversation -- July 4, 1972, New York ISKCON News.com: ISKCON Television Begins Production on Cell-Phone Mini Shows
Dandavats.com: 'Miracle' Escape As Blast Wrecks Temple - videos
Worshippers fled a Hare Krishna temple just seconds before a gas explosion ripped through the building in Leicester, according to fire officials. Book Distribution News: A stroke of good fortuneA few years ago my wife Krsna Rupa and I met an Indian gentleman named Gyan who was interested in the Srimad bhagavatam set. We went to his house to show him the books, did kirtan and gave him some prasadam. He ended up getting $1600 worth of books; the S.B set, Caitanya Caritamrta, Lilamrta, Hari Sauris books etc. We would go and visit occasionally, do a program and he would gradually pay for the books. But one day I lost his phone number. So we drove around to his house only to find it vacated. I had no forwarding address so I thought I would never see him again. He still owed $1000 on the books! About 2 years later I suddenly got a phone call. The voice sounded weak and eventually he told me his name was Gyan. He said some time ago he had a debilitating stroke which took a long time to recover from as he was an elderly man. He said he felt really bad that he had not paid for the books and had not got in touch. He felt the stroke was some sort of karma for his negligence. I assured him it was OK and he invited us around to do more programs and has now paid for the books. He seems to be alot more serious about Krsna consciousness since the stroke and he really gets absorbed when we do kirtan and speak about Krsna consciousness. Rupa Raghunatha dasa Sydney Australia Dandavats.com: The Appearance of Lord KrishnaBy Giriraj Swami So, it is not just a question of mouthing God's name. One should be in the proper consciousness, the proper mood of service to God and to the devotees of God--in whatever tradition, culture, or community they may be. Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: MemoJapa Group: The Real Constitutional PositionWhen we chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra we are saying, "Hare! O energy of the Lord! O my Lord Kṛṣṇa!" In this way we are simply addressing the Lord and His spiritual potency, represented as Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa, Sītā-Rāma or Lakṣmī-Nārāyaṇa. The devotee always prays to the Lord and His internal energy (consort) so that he may engage in Their transcendental loving service. When the conditioned soul attains his real spiritual energy and fully surrenders unto the Lord's lotus feet, he tries to engage in the Lord's service. This is the real constitutional position of the living entity. Cc. Madhya 22.16 Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Finished Kitchen: Details!(Originally I had these links just at the bottom, but what the hell…it’s a lengthy post.) How I organized my new kitchen! Garden Web Kitchen Forum Link To My Finished Kitchen Page ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() DETAILS STYLE: Modern Classic Island Galley Cabinets: Schuler (Lowes) Plywood Cabs / Hampton Door Style / Maple Wood Divinity Paint / Cherry Wood Chestnut Stain Countertops: Carrara Marble (Magma Granite / Ocala) 3 Integrated drainboards / honed island / polished perimeter 8′ x 30″ Tabletop: Sapphire Brown Granite Appliances: Kenmore All Fridge (purchased in 2005 from Sears) / Samsung Dishwasher (Lowes Clearance) / Broan 60″ Hood (Discontinued / Sears) / 2 30″ Fivestar Dual Fuel Ranges (AJ Madison) Tile: Hakatai Classic Series in Mint Ice / Meadow / Porcelain (white grout) American Olean White Glossy Subway Tile (gray pearl grout) Angled Plugmold: Gray sockets on aluminum (Tasklighting.com) Lights: Avian Fan (Lowes) / Seagull 76012 Lighting Modern Flush Mount / Progress Lighting Functional Flush Mount (single light) / Progress Lighting Functional Flush Mount (double light) / Kichler 9112 Transitional Single Light Outdoor Wall Sconce / Fluorescent Undercabinet Lighting (Lowes) Faucets: Kingston Brass Wall Mounted Faucets / Model # KS200SN / Model # KS3228AX / Model # KS216SN / Sinks: Porcher London 30″ Apron Front Fireclay Sink / 6o” Custom Belvedere Soapstone Double Bowl Sink (M. Teixeira) Hardware: Aubrey Pulls & Duluth Pulls 8″ / Satin Nickel (Restoration Hardware) / Aubrey Pulls & Duluth Pulls 8″ / Antique Finish (custom finish by Horton Brasses) / Cast Brass Bin Pulls 4″ / Antique Finish & Polished Nickel (Horton Brasses) / Classic Kitchen Knobs 1.25″ / Antique Finish & Satin Nickel (Horton Brasses) Diamond Cut Crystal Glass Knob (D. Lawless) / Octogonal Cut Old Fashion White Milk Glass Knob (D. Lawless) Open Shelves: 72″ 16-gauge Stainless Steel Restaurant Shelving (The Web Restaurant Store) Flooring: Rustic Pre-finished Red Oak 3/4″ x 2-1/4″ (Lumber Liquidators) Seating/Dining: Custom Steel Table Base (Gainesville Ironworks)/ Large Wood Table (Purchased 2003 from Pier 1 Outlet) Wood Chairs (Purchased 2004 from Target) Aluminum Jailhouse Chairs (Discount Seating) Paint: Sherwin Williams Steamed Milk (Walls) / Alabaster (Ceiling) Curtains: Coqo Floral Curtain in Natural (Anthropologie) / Dahlia Curtain Holdbacks (Clearance / Curtain Rod Store) Contractors: Chris Nietanbach @ Nietanbach Construction 352-246-3098 KD Clinton Moreaux & Lotus @ Moreaux Carpentry 352-339-6801 Shout Outs! Loved working with Ted & Paula from Magma Granite in Ocala! They gave *excellent* pricing, were super nice to deal with and did an exceptional job on the fabrication. The internet was my best friend, allowing me to price engineer a killer kitchen at a price point we could swallow. Orion at Horton Brasses is a sweetheart. This hardware company is family owned and Orion will personally talk to you on the phone, send you cute little cards and just bend over backwards to make your hardware purchase perfect. My husband is such a generous guy with, thankfully, flawless credit! XOXOXO Chris, KD and Lotus are the BEST contractors in the Alachua County/Gainesville area. Ridiculously hardworking, strong like oxen, precise and all around gems–these guys are a terrific buy and do amazing work. Love them! I am extremely happy with how the kitchen turned out. So close to perfection! If I had it to do over again, I would have gotten the cabinets in White Icing, not Divinity (prefer the white white look to creamy white), worked in island seating for the husband to hang out and would paint the walls a different shade of white. We used the same paint that we had elsewhere in the house, but the 1962 walls are plaster and concrete. The paint looks different on the sheet rock and it is driving me slightly crazy. I know it is relatively easy to repaint, but we have other parts of the house that need our love now. Gotta move on. Same thing with the stone dining table. Originally planned for white marble, that didn’t work out, had a granite I could deal with fabricated, an accident happened on the way to the truck and then had to pick a new slab. Not my all time fave, but it is nice, and the husband really likes it. The dark color will make it a prime spot for spreading khandvi. What I love loVE LOVE? *The functionality. I am a walking disaster, possibly one of the messiest cooks you will ever meet. Clean up is a cinch in the new kitch. Love the galley layout, which is basically in the same footprint as the original, just longer. *The soapstone sink, which is not too deep but plenty roomy. Belvedere was not my first choice but it is the hardest soapstone in M. Teixeira’s repertoire and also in the cheapest class category. But you know what? I love it so much now. We are leaving it unoiled *My marble! For those of you who have kept up with my kitchen obsession on this blog, white marble has an affect on me akin to a dinner of oysters, chocolate and Viagra. Sorry, it’s true. My countertops, especially the honed island where I do most of my work, is like a dream. A very sexy yet soothing dream. It is stone yet it is soft. Evocative of a cloud, pocketbook friendly carrara has a certain translucence and lightness that is divine and inspired. Love it. *The big sink wall. I love the el cheapo white subway tile. Love the gray grout. So easy to clean. Wall mount satin nickel faucets MMMUH! And the mirror. The mirror was an unauthorized purchase before the green light was given for the remodel. We had no funding. No firmed up plans. Just my vision. And I spotted this beauty at Pier 1 and let me tell you…it was a lot of money for Pier 1. I bought it on the spot and, well, the husband and I were at odds for an entire weekend over it. Ooops. *Integrated drainboards…yay. *Hakatai Classic Series Tile. Whenever I showed people the tile sample or pics, they really tried to be polite. I saw it in their strained smiles and read it in between the lines of their courtesy emails. Very few people liked it. They thought the tile was too bathroomy and that the colors were too bright. But I think everyone agrees now that the Hakatai tile choices worked out fabulously, bringing color into the space without kitsch. *I love the cheap stuff, like my $2 curtain holdbacks, $17 ceiling lights, stainless steel restaurant shelving, Kingston Brass faucets and the magnetic knife holder we recycled from the old and ugly kitchen. Basically, I am living in my dream kitchen. If you don’t see me out and about, it’s because I would rather be home cooking. Cleaning up…well, not so much. I am going to work on getting a page up devoted to the remodel, including the worker bees who toiled so hard on what somedays seemed like an endless vortex of monster kitchen–so stay tuned! In the meantime, here are links to the finished kitch: How I organized my new kitchen! Garden Web Kitchen Forum Link To My Finished Kitchen Page ![]() H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 603:50 A.M.From Namamrta by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: "One who chants the holy names is understood to have passed through all forms of Vedic ritual, sacrifice, austerity and study: [Devahuti to Lord Kapila:] "Oh, how glorious are those whose tongues are chanting Your name! Even if born in the families of dog-eaters, such persons are worshipable. Persons who chant the holy name of Your Lordship must have executed all kinds of austerities and fire sacrifices and achieved all the good manners of the Āryans. To be chanting the holy nameS of Your Lordship, they must have bathed at holy places of pilgrimage, studied the Vedas and fulfilled everything required." "There is a hereditary class of brahmanas called the smarta-brahmanas who are of the opinion that even if such persons who are chanting the holy name of the Lord are accepted as purified, they still have to perform the Vedic rites or await their next birth in a family of brahmanas so that they can perform the Vedic rituals. But actually this is not the case. Such a man does not need to wait for the next birth to become purified. He is at once purified. It is understood that he has already performed all sorts of rites. It is the so-called brahmanas who actually have to undergo different kinds of austerities before reaching that point of purification. There are many other Vedic performances which are not described here. All such Vedic rituals have been already performed by the chanters of the holy name. (SB 3.33.7)" The Westerners who first came to Srila Prabhupada were not born in brahmana families, nor had they performed Vedic rituals. But according to this important verse, just by chanting in kirtana and japa with Srila Prabhupada they achieved all the results of practicing Vedic rituals. Even if they were born in the family of meat-eaters (or practiced meat-eating themselves), they became purified by the chanting of the holy name. Chanting is a shortcut. So one should not feel inferior to those who perform rituals and think one has to do them in order to become purified. The chanting alone bypasses the need for performing brahminical sacrifices and ritualistic ceremonies. All the examinations are already passed. There are many statements in the Vedic literatures to support this exalted position of the chanters of the holy name. I slept all right and rose early, around 12:30 A.M. But my chanting was slow and somewhat distracted. I could not focus and concentrate on the meaning of the holy names. Sometimes, for some unknown reasons, you have mornings like this. But I persisted in chanting without sleepiness and completed my 16 rounds. I can be assured that I have attained the benefit of chanting the holy names even if there are discrepancies in the performance. But to chant on the topmost platform, one has to do it with full attention and devotion. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada Smaranam
Sweet morning arati, dimmed lights Srila Prabhupada, I will speak of you H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Free WriteFree Write
I want to be purified by chanting the holy names of the Lord. I believe the holy name of the Lord is the Lord Himself. I just have to become purified by chanting and hearing, and then it will be as good as seeing the Lord personally. There will be no dissatisfaction. You just have to realize Krishna in the sound vibration of His name. Seeing Him personally present is certainly special, but chanting and hearing are the means to bring about His darsana. If we were to continue reading this section, we could hear the realized prayers of the Pracetas. They offer their obeisances to the Lord again and again. Krishna is known through the Vedic literature. Hearing about Him and seeing Him brings about His causeless mercy. Radha and Govinda were polished and dressed in new outfits by Baladeva yesterday. I played Beethoven's "Late" string quartets while he did the work. The music was so lovely and lively and tender—and I hadn't heard it in a long while—so that I felt happy hearing it, and I told Baladeva so. He said, "And I have become happy by bathing and dressing Radha and Govinda." It was a nice combination for a Janmastami yajna. Free write tries to stay in Krishna conscious acres. The children used colored sidewalk chalk and drew pictures of Radha and Krishna in the asphalt driveway and playground. They are highly blessed and intelligent children, although interested in fun and games and not yet able to focus on the philosophy. All glories to the next generation of Krishna conscious people. On Janmastami I wrote a poem of non-chronological stanzas of memories of Prabhupada. I called it "Some Ways I Know Prabhupada." The typist omitted many stanzas that I had written, so I will write them here: Around 1971 he visited us at Dallas gurukula and there were fascinating exchanges involving the installation of Radha-Kalachandji. They had arrived with decorative paint, but the devotees convinced me that the decoration should be scraped off and They should be repainted straight black. When Prabhupada arrived, he was angry that this had been done, and he said the decoration should be restored. On one morning walk I told him that I thought the new painting had not dried and the Deities would not be ready for installation. He said to Syamasundara, "Let us get tickets and leave Dallas immediately." But fortunately we used electric fans on the Deities, and They dried in time for the installation. During this visit Prabhupada reprimanded me for chopping down a tree that had fallen and was leaning against a building. When I asked him if my act was "demoniac," he said, "No, just ignorant." Around 1970—I answered the invitation Prabhupada extended to all his temple presidents and visited him in Los Angeles, his Western-world headquarters, to learn the ideal way to run a temple. I copied everything I saw there, the white-colored tiles and yellow-painted walls of the temple room, the way Visnujana Swami wore black electric tape on his fingers to play mrdanga, etc., and brought it back to Boston. Two previous times I had asked Prabhupada if I could quit my welfare job and he said no. I asked him again and he said, "Yes." Around April 1974—I grew restless as Prabhupada's permanent servant and asked him in Bombay if I could change my service. He grew irritated and told me not to jump around like a monkey. I wrote him a letter of apology and said I wanted to stay with him. In the upper corner of my letter he wrote in his hand, "You are pure. May Krishna protect you from calamities." Around June 1974—while still his servant, I sat in the room in Geneva. I heard him speaking about the need for a group of men to travel to the universities to place standing orders of his books. I spoke up and said I could do it. "Then do it!" he said abruptly. Around the fall of 1966—I first heard Prabhupada say Krishna married 16,108 wives. I raised my hand and said, "I'm trying to understand Krishna and the Bhagavad-gita philosophy, but now you tell us that Krishna married 16,000 wives. How can I understand this?" Prabhupada replied, "You cannot understand it? The greatest scholars cannot understand it." Around the summer of 1966—I asked Prabhupada my first private question: "Is there a level of spiritual advancement from which you don't fall down? He answered simply, "Yes." That one-word answer gave me the confidence and ability to follow the four rules. Around the spring of 1967—I was accompanying Prabhupada in the New York City streets after a meeting with his lawyer on Chambers Street. Prabhupada said, "The city is like a jungle." I replied, "Except there are no snakes." Prabhupada said, "What about Mr. Payne?" (Mr. Payne was a real estate agent who had cheated us out of $5,000.) Around May of 1968—Prabhupada and the devotees went to Boston Commonwealth Pier, where he first arrived in America in 1965. We went in Hamsaduta's used schoolbus. Except for the driver's seat, the bus had no seats. The devotees placed a chair for Prabhupada, and a strong devotee, Vamanadev, held the chair, but still the chair slid back and forth. At the pier there was a sign, "Unalloyed Steel." Srila Prabhupada said, "They have unalloyed steel, we have unalloyed devotion." On the way back he told Hamsaduta he should not have bought a used bus. Around Memorial Day of 1967—Srila Prabhupada was in the Beth Israel Hospital with a stroke. Devotees took turns being with him in his room so he was never alone. Once I was the only person present while he was sleeping. He woke, sat up and said, "I do not know Krishna. I only know my Guru Maharaja." These are a few of the times I have jotted down. There are many ways I know Prabhupada, and I treasure them all. ISKCON News.com: Mothers Who Fail To Breastfeed Double Their Risk Of Diabetes
ISKCON News.com: Organic Produce Superior To Conventional On Every Level, Study Finds
Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: symptoms caused by the soul is not "life"Craig Venter's laboratory cell violates the divine law of recreation, says Kanchi Sankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati, who believes that creating life in a laboratory is an act of defiance against God, as man is created based on his deeds in his previous birth. "Venter's work violates karma, which alone decides the nature of life for all humans and, besides, creating life in lab could cause cultural degradation as it eliminates the need for marriage and family values," the swami told DC when his attention was drawn to the creation of synthetic cells in Venter's laboratory in Rockville, Maryland. The above as spoken by the revered Indian Guru Jayandra Saraswati Shankaracharya. Below are the words spoken by the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain.- BG 2.20 Krishna's words contradicts with modern science and the guru. Although the guru condemns synthetic life, he does not know the real definition of life. From Krishna, from the Bhagavad Gita, we understand life can never be created or destroyed. Therefore the life the scientists talk about is not the same as what Krishna is talking. Krishna is referring life to the actual soul which is pure spirit, where as the synthetic life per the scientists (and that which is opposed by the Guru) refer to "symptoms" caused by the soul. In other words, the "symptoms" caused by the soul are exhibited via matter, if not, one cannot perceive the presence of the soul. However, the symptoms caused by the soul is not exactly the same as the soul per se. Something like the symptom of a moving car implies a driver. Similarly the symptom of a moving cell or combination of cells implies a soul. The scientists can only manipulate the cells thus creating the illusion of creating life. Cloning, test-tube babies etc all are similar manipulations (of existing matter) through which the soul is injected by karma (or higher authority) and thus ultimately bringing into "life" dead matter or combination of cells. If scientists were really on the verge of creating life...the real test is to bring the dead back to life (all dead people and not just certain type of dead people, after all if everything boils down to cells & tissues, then the scientists should be able to reconstruct a human body from scratch). The conclusion, the scientists and the Indian Guru do not have a clue as to what life really is? Unfortunately, these are the leaders of today's society. Hare Krishna ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Deity Darshan: Sri Krishna Janmastami!!!Maddy Jean-claude Durr, New Govardhana, AU: A Homage to Srila Prabhupada, My Eternal SaviourDear Srila Prabhupada,Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to you!
I am writing you now for you most auspicious appearance day. Indeed the day itself tells of your glories. Lord Krsna knew how wide and far you would spread His glories so He bestowed upon you the glory of accompanying his very own appearance day every year. Indeed the event of Krsna Janmastami and your appearance day are often seen as one single festival (simultaneously one and different). This is very appropriate also because you are the great Guru of so many souls and the Guru is seen as good as God in the eyes of his disciples. I feel unqualified to write this message to you, to associate with your movement and to read your books. You are proving yourself to be specifically empowered by Lord Nityananda, the original spiritual master, by showing your unlimited mercy. I am yet another Ajamila, Jagai or Madhai but you have so gloriously bestowed upon me more mercy than I could have ever earned by my greatest endeavours. I make so many offences and I am worthy of being thrown away, like a piece of dirty garbage, but you are so merciful that I am forever receiving new chances to associate with your dearest, exalted disciples and to continue to read your seamless books. Even though, within my false ego, I think I am so great, I genuinely cannot find, in my philosophical efforts, any single qualification for any of this favour that you have bestowed upon me. To me, this is inconceivable and can only be explained as "causeless mercy". Srila Prabhupada, I still feel aggrieved. I see so many threats to your society and I only want to be an instrument in preserving what you have established. Still, even with this intention, I am so envious by nature and have made unlimited mental offences to the devotees, as well as plenty of verbal ones. I mask this with the excuse that I want to "correct" the wrongs but I have no position to make such claims. I am using this to protect my ego from the intense need to clean my own heart in service to you. I feel that if you were to see me in person, you - with your piercing vision - would turn in disgust. "This boy is a rascal" you would say. I don't want to be that rascal. I hope that you will forgive me and never let me leave this mercy. I have been spoiled with so much love and I am not appreciative enough of this endless, spiritual waterfall that is bestowed upon me. I beg for your blessings, so that I may never stop reading your books and so I will always be a faithful follower of your vision. I don't want to be another mental speculator, quoting your words and other authorities to justify my own sense gratification; I beg you to empower me to speak the truth and to see your vision. Please empower me so that I can help others to take shelter of your lotus feet, for what is the use of life otherwise? Srila Prabhupada, you gave me everything in life; from my schooling, to my ethics, to my friends and family members. Indeed my very birth would be genetically impossible without your prior mercy. I thank you for your books, which are endlessly enjoyable, inspiring, deep, and which have endless glories to mention. I hope that I can offer my life to your cause, not that this could pay back my debt to you, but simply as an insignificant sign of my gratitude. I thank you also for your prayer, which helps me to know you more and more, every time I meditate upon it. It could easily be overlooked as a simple prayer but it contains the essence of your existence, written by you for your disciples. "Our respectful obeisances are unto you, O spiritual master, servant of Sarasvati Gosvami. You are kindly preaching the message of Lord Caitanyadeva and delivering the Western countries, which are filled with impersonalism and voidism." The first line of your glorification is apply explained by you, in your preface to Bhagavad-gita As It Is: "If I have any credit in this connection, it does not belong to me personally, but it is due to my eternal spiritual master…If personally I have any credit in this matter, it is only that I have tried to present Bhagavad-gita as it is, without any adulteration." The second line was forever exemplified by your zealous preaching and your endless example. Indeed you came all the way to the Western countries to save impersonalists and voidists like myself. Your endless humility is also exemplified by this verse because you had all ample opportunity to praise yourself but you simply portrayed yourself as a servant of your Guru and only took credit for presenting the philosophy of Krsna Caitanya without adulteration. After stating this about yourself, you simply stated your mission, which is also ours to uphold.
Your fallen servant of your servants, Madhavendra Puri Dasa.
[http://maddmonk.wordpress.com/2010/09/03/a-homage-to-srila-prabhupada-my-eternal-saviour-2010] H.H. Sivarama Swami: Kesava Bharati Maharaja's Holy Name seminarPart 3. English/Hungarian. Dandavats.com: Fulfilling Your Desires
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