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"Planet ISKCON" - 39 new articles
- Japa Group: It Will Be Good Every Day
- Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - New Year's Eve 2010 - Kapil das - 3/22
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, March 22nd, 2010
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Devamrita Swami
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: conquering Krsna by submission
- ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Sunday Feast Recordings - March 21, 2010
- HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: '390' from The Yellow Submarine
- HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Prabhupada at Sri Caitanya Candrodaya Mandir' from The Yellow Submarine
- ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Sunday Feast Recordings - March 28, 2010
- HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Let My Catch the Train' from The Yellow Submarine
- HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Sea is a Wonderful Place' from The Yellow Submarine
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- ISKCON News.com: GBC Assignments for 2010
- ISKCON News.com: ISKCON GBC Releases 2010 Resolutions
- New Vrindavan, USA: Balaram Rasayatra
- Dandavats.com: Greatly Rewarded
- Hari Sauri das, Mayapura, IN: Sriman Padma Locan Prabhu’s Disappearance festival
- Matsyavatara das (ACBSP), Italy: Shri Gaura Purnima Mahotsava, 28 February 2010
- New Vrndavan, USA: Balaram Rasayatra
- Matsyavatara das (ACBSP), Italia: Shri Gaura Purnima Mahotsava, 28 de febrero de 2010 - Por Madhavipriya Dasi
- Shri Shaci-Sutastakam
- Matsyavatara das (ACBSP), Italy: Shri Vyasapuja Mahotsava, 26-27 February 2010
- Shrila Gurudeva introduce el primer día dedicado a Vyasapuja con una conferencia inolvidable.
- New Vrndavan, USA: Deity Kitchen Cleaning
- Japa Group: With Attention & Without Disturbance
- Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: Budapest Hungary
- Book Distribution News: Budapest Hungary
- Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: From Mrs. Obama's Garden
- Dandavats.com: Padmalocana Prabhu was not of this world
- Dandavats.com: Another avenue for book distribution - inside our house…
- Gouranga TV: Abishek-Gaura Purnima 2010 in Villaggio Hare Krishna!!!!!!!Italy
- Dandavats.com: jpsdisciples.com Website launch
- Dandavats.com: Kuli Mela 2007 Moscow DVD is now available at Krishna.com!
- Dandavats.com: Indian Australian billionaires ban workers from eating meat on their property
- Dandavats.com: New website for showcasing and distributing books by Bhakti Tirtha Swami.
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Japa Group: It Will Be Good Every Day
Why is it a struggle on some days to concentrate while on other days it is easier This is the very definition of unsteadiness. When you become steady, it will be good every day. You can make advancement in japa when you always look forward to doing it, feel pleasure when you do it, and do it with steady consciousness. Another measure is that you will feel less material desires. That symptom is more important than exactly how much bliss you feel while fingering the beads.
From Japa Reform Notebook by SDG
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - New Year's Eve 2010 - Kapil das - 3/22
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - New Year's Eve 2010 - Kapil das - 3/22
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - New Year's Eve 2010 - Kapil das - 3/22
Kapil das singing a Hare Krishna bhajan during the New Year's 12hr bhajan.
Dallas, TX
2010-01-01 - New Year Eve Bhajans - 03 - Kapil das
Download: 2010-01-01 - New Year Eve Bhajans - 03 - Kapil das.mp3
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, March 22nd, 2010
Open a Coconut and Share It
Coconut Grove, Florida
Ever since I was a kid my mind would romanticize about being a monk. The dream certainly came true. It’s been 37 year s since I joined, late March, something like that in ’73.
With Dr. Romeres I took to walking in the afternoon and with P. Krpa, someone I call a professional coconut tree climber. It was at Coconut Grove that we used as our venue looking for an outlet to access the ocean when two joggers dashed by. Relating to them as comrade marathoners and less as a monk (momentarily), I asked the surgeon, “What about joggers? What’s your diagnosis of them?”
“I understand many of these athletes don’t always live that long. They’re hard on their bodies.”
I asked, “Amongst your patients do you sometimes have wrestlers or boxers?”
“As a matter of fact I just had a wrestler the other day. The problem they have is mostly at the joints – the knees for instance give them a hard time. Many athletes do things in excess but you can’t stop them.”
He was implying that with athletes the passions are so strong a force that nothing hinders them until their bodies tell them “NO MORE” It becomes break down time.
Once we got to the sea access we were anticipating to spot some manatees that have survived the Florida freeze. They are lovely non-threatening and huge creatures. Over 120 manatees were found dead in the area. We were not fortunate to find a living one.
We did, however see dozens of homeless persons who camp out on a nearby island and boat in crude canoes to the mainland to purchase food. What a lifestyle!
By evening we found ourselves in the large ISKCON temple on Virginia Street and what really was going to be an open forum discussion with the community ended up being more of a proposal from my side to implement a monthly festival referred to as the Sankirtan Festival. This program emphasizes outreach through public chanting, distribution of snacks and books. It specifically is designed to be inclusive. As we pointed out “to spiritually be evolving we need to be involving.” It resonated with the group that there’s a need to be inclusive and less exclusive. That is the way of making personal spiritual progress. Let the public have a different taste of the ears, eyes and the tongue. Do something for them and automatically you are doing something for yourself.
15 KM
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Devamrita Swami
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.18.40-41 - Varnasrama-dharma is Krishna's material system to support devotional service.
No one can conquer Krsna, but Krsna can be conquered by His devotee. One should be submissive and say, "Krsna, I am very poor. I have no means to understand You. Please be merciful upon me. Please allow me to understand You and surrender." This is wanted. Krsna is very merciful, and when He sees that someone has surrendered, He will help from within.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => TLK Vs 30
ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Sunday Feast Recordings - March 21, 2010
The recording for this week's Sunday Feast can be viewed by clicking the image below.
As a reminder, the recordings from our weekly live web broadcasts are stored on our ISKCON Toronto Video Archive Blog.
HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: '390' from The Yellow Submarine
3:30 A.M.
I don’t know if these words that I’m writing will even be posted on the website. This is one of the most disappointing features of this trip to the Caribbean. The internet down here is so slow that it does not pick up the digital Dictaphones’ files. All of my poems have been omitted and other sections too. They say that about half of what I write is being printed. I am going to be able to publish my book Japa Transformations, and I’m very eager for it to come out. Krishna-ksetra Prabhu has written a wonderful foreword to the book, and it’s just up to Caitanya Candrodaya to make a cover and layout and send it to the printers. It will have my best japa reflections, and I hope will be enjoyable for many readers.
Chanting without internet
the vibration still reaches
Radha and Krishna by the transcendental
system. There is no obstruction
as long as my mind concentrates in
devotion. It is an ancient,
swift system dependent on no
electronic device. Krishna hears
me in my privacy and reciprocates
without a hitch.
Now I pray to do it nicely
as Prabhupada taught and
send my heart’s love to
Him in the thirty-two syllables
again and again without
missing a beat.
read more from SDGonline - daily updates from The Yellow Submarine: My Bhajana Kutir journal
HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Prabhupada at Sri Caitanya Candrodaya Mandir' from The Yellow Submarine
Prabhupada Smaranam
This was a thrilling moment in the morning program at the annual festival at Mayapur dhama. After Prabhupada finished his lecture he would walk over to the large brass bell hanging on a rope and tug the rope three times. It would make a loud ringing sound, heard from a great distance. The gleeful would gather around Prabhupada as he rang the bell and dance close to him and raise their hands in the air. Prabhupada would the walk down the length of the temple to where another bell on a rope was hanging, and he would ring it again three times. One bell was down by his vyasasana by the pictures of Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Bhaktisiddhanta, and one bell was at the other end of the temple up by the Deities altar. Hundreds of devotees would accompany Prabhupada as he made this walk and bell-ringing.
It was nice how Prabhupada developed this simple act and a deep meaning morning ritual. It had no particular meaning, just a personal ritual he enacted that brought about joy and family union between he and his disciples. It was the victory ring of Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir, the celebration of Prabhupada bringing devotees together from all parts of the world to worship Lord Caitanya in Mayapur. Since Prabhupada’s disappearance devotees continue the ritual, with someone ringing the bell and all the devotees circumambulating the temple as we did when Prabhupada was with us. By doing this we feel he is with us still.
The recording for this week's Sunday Feast, featuring Rama Navami festivities can be viewed by clicking the image below. As a reminder, the recordings from our weekly live web broadcasts are stored on our ISKCON Toronto Video Archive Blog.
HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Let My Catch the Train' from The Yellow Submarine
Krishna, will I one day
see You? Will You
glance at me from Your
arca-vigraha, will
I place my hand on Your
lotus feet?I do believe You are sentient,
and You make arrangements
to play and sport with
your devotees. But I
don’t know if I will ever
become one of those
special ones.
I am one of the countless
living entities who are Your
parts and parcels, and I
am even linked to You
via a great spiritual master.But will I be able to
take advantage of my fortune?
It would be the best thing
that could possibly happen
to me.I don’t yearn for riches
or women or fame.
I would like to be connected
to You in some direct way
in the spiritual world,
connected again with my
spiritual master in his
spiritual form or just as
I knew him in this world.Will that opportunity
ever come for me?
You know, and You
wish the best for me.
You like to have as
many servitors as
possible because it
increases the rasa.Radharani is Your dearest
and those who are connected
to Her become Your
dearest too. I don’t
know if I have a chance
for that. All these
things are unknown to
me but I can
say I desire them.My desire, known as laulyam or
greed for Your service has to
increase immensely. It can’t
be a lukewarm thing.I have to not think of my own
concerns and hears and
hungers, but I have to
hunger for pleasing You.
That is the way I will
please You.I pray to You from a
lowly position to please
increase my laulyam.
I know You want it
done by chanting out
loud to bring souls to You.
I just read that in a
poem by Prabhupada.He said a babaji who stays
inactive in his solitary
room practicing lila-smaranam
might be simply imitating
the great souls like
Ragunatha Goswami or Rupa
HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Sea is a Wonderful Place' from The Yellow Submarine
Free write
Yesterday I was too busy with the television interview to go down to the beach again. But all the other devotees who are gathered here, managed to find time and went for a second swim. I’m sorry I missed it, but I couldn’t find the time. They floated, swam and sang Hare Krishna mantra in unison. We read in Caitanya-caritamrta that Lord Caitanya often went swimming, especially during the four months when the devotees visited Him from Bengal. They would play water sports, with one devotee getting on another’s shoulder and fighting another person, trying to kick the opposing party of their feet and down into the water. The great Vaisnavas like Advaita Acarya, Ramananda Raya, etc., got so enthusiastically carried away that Lord Caitanya had to tell them “You are very grave personalities, you should not act so wildly like children.” ISKCON devotees have also had to be warned not to be too rough and rowdy in their water sports.
But the sea is a wonderful place for floating and singing kirtana in unison and playing with the incoming waves.
1960 March 29: "I shall be very glad if an erudite scholar like you joins my mission (The League of Devotees). Your appreciation of India's cultural heritage is very much enlivening. Let us jointly distribute this great cultural heritage to the world at large in an organized manner and through the recommended process of Divine Love propagated by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1947-64
1966 March 29: "Navami. Today I went to see the loft of Mr. Paul. It is a big hall and can be utilised for meeting and Samkirtan purpose very nicely. I do not know if Lord Chaitanya wants me to change my present place to facilitate my missionary work. I do not mind my loss for the typewriter and tape recorder if I am given the facility for my missionary work. It is Lord Chaitanya's Grace that today Robert brought me an old typewriter."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1966
1968 March 29: "Practice together and Krishna may send some friends. Morning and evening, sit together in the front of Krishna's picture, chant Hare Krishna and read Srimad Bhagavatam. We have to create the atmosphere of Krishna Consciousness and thus create devotees also."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 march 29: "You say you are a fool, and I shall be glad to get a number of fools like you. I want such transcendental fools and not so many material intellectuals. Keep yourself always in that very humble mentality and Krishna will be very pleased upon you."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
1970 march 29: "Caitanya Mahaprabhu presented Himself as a merchant selling the transcendental commodity of Krishna consciousness in exchange for the people's eagerness. If people simply become faithful to the understanding of Krishna Consciousness, that will be the price they pay for our transcendental commodity, Hare Krishna Mantra. Please do this very nicely."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
1970 March 29: "The path of Krishna Consciousness is compared with a sharp shaving razor; the slightest inattention causes a bloody cheek. So remember this and manipulate the blade of Krishna Consciousness with great care. A little inattention may cause great fall down."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
1974 March 29: "Through history there have been so many revolutions simply to change leaders from this ism to that ism. Then everyone has to accept a particular leader and follow his instructions under his particular brand of ism. But because the leaders are all fools and rascals, the ultimate result of all this following is simply disappointment."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
1974 March 29: "Our propaganda is to educate people to accept Krsna as the perfect leader. Unfortunately, foolish people select their own concocted leaders and everyone is mislead by so many rascal leaders in philosophy, in religion, in culture, etc."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
ISKCON News.com: GBC Assignments for 2010
Zonal assignments for all secretaries.
ISKCON News.com: ISKCON GBC Releases 2010 Resolutions
Includes Resolutions, Budget, Ministries and Sannyasa List.
New Vrindavan, USA: Balaram Rasayatra
Krsna performs rasa lila of two varieties, one in the autumn season and one in the spring season, on vaisakha purnima. Balarama also performs rasa dance at this time.
In order to keep the gopis in Vrndavana satisfied, Lord Balarama stayed there continually for two months, namely the months of Caitra and Vaisakha. For those two months he kept himself among the gopis and he passed every night with them in the forest of Vrndavana in order to satisfy their desire for conjugal love. Thus Balarama also enjoyed the rasa dance with the gopis during those two months.
Krsna Book II p.78We will celebrate Balaram Rasayatra in the temple room on Monday, March 29th. At 5:30 PM, Lord Balaram will be offered abhishek. Everyone will be allowed to bath Lord Balaram in honey.
At 6 pm, His Holiness Varsana Swami will speak about Balaram Rasayatra. At 7 pm, Arati!!!! At 7:30 pm, feast served in honor of Lord Balaram !!!!!!!!
Dandavats.com: Greatly Rewarded
By Indradyumna Swami
After my unsettling experiences in the San Diego and Vancouver airports, where I was interrogated by security officials, I again considered wearing non-devotional dress while traveling in the United States.
On Saturday March 27 2010 I posted the following information regarding the passing of a dear Godbrother:
Dear Devotees,Please accept my humble obeisances _/\ò_. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!It is with deep regret and yet with joy that we have to inform the devotees that His Grace Sriman Padma Locan Prabhu departed this world at approximately 6.58 AM this morning, dvadasi, March 27 2010 in the hold dhama of Sri Mayapur.We request all the devotees to please pray for his entry into the eternal lilas of his spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, and Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Panca-tattva and Sri Prahlad Nrsimhadeva, the Deities he so lovingly served for many years here in Sri Mayapur dhama.We will post more information at a later time.Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances _/\ò_. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
It is with deep regret and yet with joy that we have to inform the devotees that His Grace Sriman Padma Locan Prabhu departed this world at approximately 6.53 AM this morning, dvadasi, March 27 2010 in the holy dhama of Sri Mayapur.
We request all the devotees to please pray for his entry into the eternal lilas of his spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, and Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Panca-tattva and Sri Prahlad Nrsimhadeva, the Deities he so lovingly served for many years here in Sri Mayapur dhama.
Padma Locan prabhu had been suffering an undiagnosed illness for more than two months. He was coughing blood and despite some preliminary X-ray and blood tests, plus the attention of several qualified devotee doctors, a clear diagnosis of his condition could not be given.
Padma Locan prabhu did not wish to go into a clinic or hospital for what would have been several days of scans and tests because it would have meant having to leave Mayapur. Many years ago he was informed by an astrologer that he would come near death during March of 2010, and that the worst period would be around 25th. If he made it through this period, the astrologer said he may then live for another 20+ years.
Padma Locan thus decided that he would wait until the main danger period passed before leaving the shelter of Mayapur. He was fixed in his determination to remain in the dhama and he told me a week before his departure that he was prepared to leave his body if that was what Krsna desired. If he got through the difficult period he would consider going to a hospital for tests but if not, he felt at peace with his decision. He told me that he was taking advantage of the critical situation to go deeper within himself in his relationship with Srila Prabhupada and Krsna, and that he had never felt as internally peaceful in his whole life.
He was thus quite prepared for whatever providence decided. On the Ekadasi day just prior to his leaving, he complained of some mental fog or static, and in the evening he reported to his main nurse, Ramadevi dasi, that was feeling cold. He had a semi-peaceful night and at 6.00AM he spoke very briefly with two devotee carers who had spent the night with him.
Then at about 6.40AM his breathing became rapid and at about 6.53 AM he left. To all intents and indications, he attained the highest goal, having departed in the holy dhama on the auspicious day of dvadasi.
Padma Locan prabhu had requested that his body be put in jal-samadhi, a system whereby one’s body is offered to Mother Ganga rather than being burnt and the ashes being put in. However, due to objections from local panchayat authorities we were not able to fully comply with this request. They only gave permission to cremate his body. It was a difficult quandry since there was a strong desire to fulfill this last wish.
Head pujari Jananivasa prabhu intelligently came up with a solution. He suggested doing all the rituals for a jal-samadhi and then fully immersing his body into the Ganga. After this jal-samadhi ceremony was over, the body could then be cremated in accordance with legal requirements.
Padma Locan prabhu with twins Pankajanghri and Jananivasa prabhus
Thus on Sunday March 28, at about 6.00AM the devotees gathered at his room and brought his body in sankirtana procession to the Ganga.
First we stopped at a special tree which Padma Locan would hug every morning on his way to the temple. Then we took his body to the temple entrance where Jananivasa and Pankajanghri prabhus annointed it with auspicious items.
We then circumambulated Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Panca-tattva and Prahlad Nrisimhadeva and after that we took him into Srila Prabhupada’s Puspa Samadhi for a last darshan of His Divine Grace.
After circumambulating Srila Prabhupada three times, we then took the body to the banks of the Ganges.
The weather was fair and a strong breeze was blowing off the Ganga onto the shore as Padma Locan’s body was first washed with Ganga-jal, then covered with Ganga mud, then washed again, then covered with tumeric and then finally dressed in new cloth.
Vrindavan-lila mataji gave him a final darshan of their Govardhana shila.
Jananivasa prabhu led us in chanting the appropriate mantras for the departing soul and then the body was lowered into the Ganga. It was fully immersed for some minutes and that brought the jal-samadhi rites to a close.
A few minutes later his body was placed on the funeral pyre with all the auspicious items and cremated in the traditional way.
The whole event was very auspicious and befitting a senior Vaisnava of Padma Locan prabhu’s caliber. I have no doubt whatsoever that he went back home, back to Godhead to join his spiritual master and Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava. Padma Locan prabhu ki jaya! Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!
Matsyavatara das (ACBSP), Italy: Shri Gaura Purnima Mahotsava, 28 February 2010
By Madhavipriya Dasi
Many devotees gathered at the Villa Vrindavana Temple to celebrate the most merciful Manifestation of God, Shri Caitanya Deva.
Shrila Gurudeva offers us teachings, images, memories, deep sentiments and ancient stories that reveal the most intimate nature of this charming Divine Figure.
“Shri Caitanya Deva is ekatma: Radhe and Krishna together, one soul; Krishna as source of every power, together with the sweetness, compassion, welcoming and endless mercy of Shrimati Radharani.
The quintessence of the teachings of Shri Gauranga is the unconditioned love of Radhe for Krishna. An unlimited and extremely sweet king of love, manifested by Shri Caitanya throughout His life, constantly absorbed in that special rasa of love ecstasy.”
Shrila Gurudeva tells some salient episodes of Shri Caitanya’s life; His encounter with Ishvarapuri, his acceptance of sannyasa, his transfer to Jagannath Puri, his pilgrimage in southern India, the special love relationships with His devotees and his meeting with the mayavada sannyasi Prakashandanda Sarasvati.
“Wherever he was, Shri Gauranga gave to everyone the endless mercy of the Holy Name. Every step he took, it was a dance, every word of his, a love invocation. “Let God enter your heart through His Holy Name. Chant the name of God and your heart will be purified.” Shri Caitanya explains to Shirla Rupa Gosvami the unforgettable metaphor of great suggestion called bhakti lata bija, the seed of the plant of devotional love. At the peak of our luck, our devotion, as a result of pious activities, it is possible to receive the seed of Bhakti, most likely from a devotee of the Lord. This seed must be hosted in our heart so it can become a flourishing plant, capable to give the fruits of devotion. The Bhakti plant must be taken care of so it is not annihilated by the sin.
We must constantly remove the weeds that try to suffocate and kill it. These weeds are called anartha, or conditioners. Our commitment should be to cultivate this plant by chanting the Holy Name of the Lord, without offenses, so that Krishnaprema, the pure love for God can sprout in our hearts.
To eliminate the offensive attitude, Shri Caitanya teaches us to look at every living being in his original constitutional position as servant of the Lord.
Let’s honor Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as a kind of Divine Manifestation and as a perfect model of devotee, who reveals the sweet rasa or sentiments of spiritual love for God, all the way to the most intense and elevate sentiment: viraha bhakti, Love while separate from the Loved one.”
At the end of the lecture, Shirla Gurudeva asks his God Brother Traidas Prabhu to offer his realizations on Shri Caitanya Deva. At the end, inspired by the received teachings, we offer a wonderful chant to Shri Gaurahari.
Matsyavatara das (ACBSP), Italia: Shri Gaura Purnima Mahotsava, 28 de febrero de 2010
Por Madhavipriya Dasi
Muchos devotos recolectaron en el templo de Vrindavana para celebrar la manifestación más compasiva de Dios, Shri Caitanya Deva.
Shrila Gurudeva nos ofrece las enseñanzas, las imágenes, las memorias, los sentimientos más profundos y las historias antiguas que revelan la mayoría de la naturaleza íntima de esta figura Divina encantadora.
“Shri Caitanya Deva es ekatma: Radhe y Krishna junto, una alma; Krishna como fuente de Toda energía, junto con el dulzor, la compasión, la acogida y la misericordia sin fin de Shrimati Radharani.
La quintaesencia de las enseñanzas de Shri Gauranga es el amor incondicional de Radha por Krishna. Un tipo de Amor ilimitado y extremadamente dulce, manifestado por Shri Caitanya a través de su vida, absorbido constantemente en ese rasa especial del éxtasis de amor.”
Shrila Gurudeva nos habla de algunos episodios sobresalientes de la vida de Shri Caitanya; Su encuentro con Ishvarapuri, su aceptación del sannyasa, su transferencia a Jagannath Puri, su peregrinaje por la India meridional, las relaciones especiales del amor con sus devotos y su reunión con la mayavada sannyasi Prakashandanda Sarasvati.
“Dondequiera que él iba, Shri Gauranga le daba a cada uno la misericordia sin fin del Santo Nombre. Cada paso que él dió, era una danza, cada palabra suya, una invocación de amor. “Deje a Dios incorporar su corazón con su Santo Nombre. Cante el Nombre de Dios y su corazón será purificado.” Shri Caitanya explica a Shrila Rupa Gosvami la metáfora inolvidable de la gran sugerencia llamada bhakti lata bija, la semilla de la planta del Amor Piadoso. En la cúspide de nuestra suerte, nuestra dedicación (nuestra devoción), como resultado de actividades piadosas, es posible recibir la semilla de Bhakti, muy probablemente de un devoto del Señor. Esta semilla se debe recibir en nuestro corazón así que puede convertirse en una planta floreciente, capaz dar los frutas de la devoción. La planta de Bhakti se debe tratar con mucho cuidado para que así no sea aniquilada por el pecado.
Debemos quitar constantemente las malas hierbas que intentan sofocarla y matarla. Estas malas hierbas se llaman anartha, o los condicionantes. Nuestra comisión debe ser cultivar esta planta cantando el Santo Nombre del Señor, sin ofensas, de modo que el Krishna-prema, el amor puro por Dios pueda brotar en nuestros corazones.
Para eliminar la actitud ofensiva, Shri Caitanya nos enseña a mirar a cada ser viviente en su posición constitucional original como sirviente del Señor.
Honremos a Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu como la Manifestación Divina y como Modelo Perfecto del devoto, que revela el rasa o los sentimientos dulces del amor espiritual por Dios, hasta el final al más intenso y eleve el sentimiento: viraha bhakti, amor en separación del amado.”
Al final de la conferencia, Shrila Gurudeva pide que su hermano Traidas Prabhu ofrezca sus realizaciones a Shri Caitanya Deva. Al final, inspirado por las enseñanzas recibidas, ofrecemos un canto maravilloso a Shri Gaurahari.
Shri Shaci-Sutastakam
His complexion is the hue of fresh cream tinged with kunkum. He is the ever-fresh Cupid who shoots arrows of newly blossoming flowers. He bears newer and newer moods of emotional ecstasies. He is fond of performing novel dances. He makes ever-new jokes that cause much laughter. His brilliant luster is like freshly cast gold.—I bow down to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.
He is endowed with ever-fresh love of Godhead. His radiant luster is like the color of fresh butter. His fresh attire is arranged in ever-new fashions. He relishes ever-new mellows of love for Krsna. He shines in nine-fold new ways while executing the nine-fold processes of devotion. He is permeated with a most auspicious loving nature.—I bow down to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.
He is absorbed in devotion to Sri Hari. He maintains the chanting of the names of Hari. While chanting He counts the holy names on the fingers of His hands. He is addicted to the name of Hari. He always has tears of love welling in His eyes.—I bow down to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.
He is always removing the suffering of material existence for mankind. He is the goal of life for persons who are dedicated to their supreme interest. He inspires men to become like honeybees (eager for the honey of Krsna-prema). He removes the burning fever of the material world.—I bow down to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.
He motivates pure devotion unto Himself. He is most attractive to His beloved servitors. By His dramatic dancing He exhibits the characteristics of the King of paramours. He causes the minds of beautiful young village women to dance.—I bow down to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.
He plays karatals as His throat emits sweet melodious sounds and the vibrant notes of the vina are softly played. He thus inspires the devotees to perform dramatic dancing that is infused with aspects of His own devotional service.—I bow down to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.
He is accompanied by the sankirtana movement, which is the religious practice for the age of Kali. He is the son of Nanda Maharaja come again. He is the extraordinarily brilliant ornament of the earth. His preaching mood is suitably adapted to the cycle of birth and death. His consciousness is fixed in meditation on His own form of Krsna. He is always accompanied by His transcendental abode.—I bow to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.
His eyes, the soles of His feet, and His clothing are reddish like the color that heralds the rising sun. As He utters His own names, His voice falters. He awakens a sweet flavor to life throughout the universe.—I bow down to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.
Shri Shaci-Sutastakam
Su tez tiene una tonalidad de la fresca crema teñida con kunkum. Él es el Cupid eternamente joven que tira flechas de flores que nuevamente florecen. Él da y da más nuevos humores de éxtasis emocionales. Él está encariñado con la ejecución de nuevas danzas. Él hace las inigualables travesuras que causan mucha risa. Su brillante lustre es como el oro recientemente bruñido. - Me inclino ante Gaura, el hermoso hijo de la madre Saci.
Está dotado con el siempre fresco amor de Dios. Su radiante lustre es como el color de la fresca mantequilla. Su fresco traje se arregla en siempre nuevas maneras. Él disfruta con las siempre nuevas melodias del amor por Krsna. Él brilla de nuevas maneras multiplicadas por nueve mientras que ejecuta los procesos multiplicados por nueve de la devoción. Lo impregnan con una naturaleza cariñosa más propicia. - Me inclino ante Gaura, el hermoso hijo de la madre Saci.
A Él lo absorben en la devoción a Sri Hari. Él se mantiene cantando los nombres de Hari. Mientras que Él canta cuenta los Santos Nombres con los dedos de Sus manos. Él es adicto al nombre de Hari. Él tiene siempre lágrimas de amor que manan de Sus ojos. - Me inclino ante Gaura, el hermoso hijo de la madre Saci.
Él está quitando siempre el sufrimiento de la existencia material a la humanidad. Él es la meta de la vida para las personas que se dedican a Su Supremo interés. Él inspira a los hombres que se conviertan en devotos, como las abejas (impacientes por la miel de Krsna-prema). Él quita la fiebre ardiente del mundo material. - Me postro a los pies de Gaura, el hermoso hijo de la madre Saci.
Él motiva hacia la devoción pura hacia Él. Él es el más atractivo a Sus servidores queridos. Por su baile dramático él exhibe las características del rey de los amantes. Él es la causa de que las mujeres jovenes hermosas de la aldea, agiten sus mentes por la danza rasa. - Me postro a los pies de Gaura, el hermoso hijo de la madre Saci.
Él juega con las karatalas mientras que su garganta emite dulces sonidos melodiosos y las notas vibrantes de la vina se tocan suavemente. Él inspira así a los devotos que realicen el baile dramático que se infunde con aspectos de su propio servicio piadoso. - Me inclino ante Gaura, el hermoso hijo de la madre Saci.
El movimiento del sankirtana lo acompaña, ya que es la práctica religiosa para la edad de Kali. Él es el hijo de Nanda Maharaja que viene de nuevo. Él es el extraordinario brillante ornamento de la tierra. Su humor de predicación se adapta convenientemente al ciclo de la generación y de la muerte. Su sentido se fija en la meditación en su propia forma de Krsna. Su Morada trascendental lo acompaña siempre. - Me inclino ante Gaura, el hijo hermoso de la madre Saci.
Sus ojos, las plantas de sus pies, y su ropa son de color rojizos que anuncia el levantamiento del sol. Pues él pronuncia sus propios nombres, su voz vacila. Él despierta un sabor dulce a la vida a través del universo. - Me inclino ante Gaura, el hermoso hijo de la madre Saci.
New Vrndavan, USA: Balaram Rasayatra
We will celebrate Balaram Rasayatra in the temple room on Monday, March 29th.
At 5:30 PM ,Lord Balaram will be offered abhishek. Everyone will be allowed to bath Lord Balaram in honey.
At 6 pm, His Holiness Varsana Swami will speak about Balaram Rasayatra.
At 7 pm, Arati!!!!
At 7:30 pm, feast served in honor of Lord Balaram !!!!!!!!
at New Vrindavan dham
By Madhavipriya Dasi
Shrila Gurudeva introduces the first day dedicated to Vyasapuja with an unforgettable lecture.
“The level of any of our thoughts, desires, actions and relationships is directly related to our interest in purifying our motivation because it is not the action per se that brings benefits or damages but the motivation that is implied. It is on this motivation that we must constantly work, throughout our entire life.
The holy doctrine can be found in many books.
It is not so difficult to own it and it is useful only at the level that it becomes the theoretical basis of our practical application of it. What is important is what we realize and this is the result of a continuous spiritual practice.
In Shrimad Bhagavatam it is explained that the real success in life is the achievement of a series of spiritual progressive realizations that come from the practice of the doctrine. We could store stacks of data, but the authentic value is on practice and holy knowledge and even more specifically on the purity used while practicing. The level of purity used while practicing produces a correspondent spiritual advancement. The intensity, continuity and purity that we dedicate to spiritual discipline are vital.
To understand our level of purity we must ask ourselves about the nature of the objective that we are pursuing and about the modalities that we plan on using to reach it. If we behave humbly, in spirit of servants of the Lord, we can realize our original identity. Spiritual service enables spiritual practice and gives it a special flavor. It makes us joyful, gives us vigor, power and capability to transfer knowledge and inspiration.
The writings on Bhakti from Shirla Rupa Gosvami, mainly on Bhaktirasamrita Sindhu and Upadeshamrita, indicate the rules to be followed to develop our Bhakti. By accepting these principles we voluntarily give up part of our pseudo-freedom to obtain the true immortal freedom. This is what the millennial practice of accepting vowels consists of. The strict respect of these vowels makes the practice of this doctrine very satisfying and a source of joy not only for ourselves but also for those that are around us.
In this conditioned world, we encounter countless obstacles to the development of pure love for God, this is why Bhaktivinoda Thakura prays: “Shrila Gurudeva, please make me more humble than a blade of grass with a drop of your mercy. Give me the strength to overcome any obstacle and free myself from desire of personal honor.”
Humbleness is a frequency of the soul, a modality of the human being, the only one in which we can learn and evolve. By becoming proud and haughty we lose the opportunity to improve ourselves, we become stagnant in our mental frames and our balance becomes static, thus causing great damages and dangers.
The celebration of Vyasapuja is to strengthen the importance of observing the regulatory principles, developing authentic humbleness (the hardest thing to do at all) and the sincere attitude to serve the Vaishnava. Nama ruci, the flavor of the Divine Name comes from Vaishnava seva. Love and spirit of service are our eternal qualities, the rest is upadhir, masks or illusory designations that we must learn to abandon if we want to have a successful spiritual life. Vyasapuja is an extraordinary opportunity to enforce our desire and commitment to pursue this life.
Shrila Rupa Gosvami explains the correct dispositions of one’s mind, the commitments and their completions, that enable us to overcome our conditioners and resist the attacks of Maya. Without these practices that enforce our spiritual taste, we would have a hard time absorbing the blows that life has for everyone. Whether saint or rascal everyone must deal with crisis. The saints must shield themselves from outside attacks, rascals endure blows from everywhere.
The celebration of Vyasapuja enables us to enforce our ties with the Spiritual Master and with the devotees that are on our same path and that have chosen a life of discipline and service to accelerate their evolution. It is an extraordinary opportunity to exchange spiritual sentiments, open our mind and look for inspiration and comfort. This is the most effective prophylaxis in spiritual life, especially in the Guru-disciple relationship, but also in the relationship with God-brothers and God-sisters, with Vaishnava in general and extended to everyone. Let’s always remember that the quality of the sentiments is their genuineness, at the same time the heart of an action is its motivation.
yasya deve para bhaktir
yatha deve tatha guroh
tasyate kathita hi arthah
prakashante mahatmanah
God is the great counterpart of ourselves and the purpose of life is reawake our love for Him. From our relationship with God we can extend our love to all creatures, but we must maintain our concentration on the central scope of existence, or we will exit our barycentre and lose balance.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare: this is the central practice of our spiritual life. Do you want to know how Shrila Prabhupada and the other Acharia before him have translated the Maha Mantra Hare Krishna?
“Krishna, please teach me how to serve You. This is the only way that will enable me to know You and Love you. Oh Energy of Love, You who possesses the supreme fascination, source of eternal bliss, please engage me in Your service.”
The journey toward Krishna is wonderful, but certainly not easy. At the beginning of the path you see only obstacles, in the middle you can still see them, and also at the end. There is however a great difference. At the beginning, obstacles are created by us, in the middle they are created by us and by others, at the end they only come from outside. In this last position, the most elevated one, we only suffer because we see others suffering, however, in any moment of the journey there are trials and difficulties to overcome. In fact in the Shrimad Bhagavatam it is explained that even the most advance devotees sometimes fall down.
Falls are always caused by mistakes, lower impulses, disturbing thoughts, evil selfish calculations, etc. To avoid committing errors it is fundamental to nurture with devotion and humbleness our relationship with the Vaishnava by exchanging sentiments and realizations and by serving them. Each of us can serve from his/her own position. We can serve even from the position of king, by performing our role with sense of justice and duty for everyone’s wellbeing. We must deeply realize that life without spirit of service to God is craziness. It is like expecting to fly without wings. Serving is our ontological nature, as we are made to love and be loved and love does not exist without spirit of service. If we don’t serve God and His devotees, we will find ourselves serving someone anyhow, but it would be of very different nature such as Kripana and duajana, greedy and evil people. The basis of our spiritual advancement is the spirit of service to Shri Vaishnava, Guru and Krishna. Shri Guru teaches first of all to begin as servants. Without the spirit of service, knowledge doesn’t get through and it is not realized.
The Bhagavatam is filled with stories of souls that had reached high levels and then suddenly fell. We must remain conscious that in this world there are dangers at every corner, and that the association with the Vaishnava and celebration of Mahotsava such as Vyasapuja are fundamental to avoid such dangers.
We should constantly commit to clean our psyche, our heart, our thoughts, our desires and our sentiments to reach the necessary practice of the holy doctrine that clears our conscience. This will allow us to see in an ever clear way param gatih, the supreme purpose. We can perform many activities in the world, the most various ones, but the important thing is not to lose sight of the central purpose of our existence.
Each of us has difference nature and tendencies and will find his place in the area of varna and ashrama that he feels more congenial to his personality. However, no matter which position he will be in, he will achieve authentic success if he will carry on his responsibilities and duties to the service of Shri Vaishnava, Guru and Krishna. Being a devotee means serving the devotees.
In our lives we must learn to combine sky and hearth, to connect immanent with transcendent, because we cannot be happy living with only “bread” but not even by running abstractly from the world. We must work in this world leaning forward to the Absolute and gaining from the Absolute those resources and essential strength that allow us to act on earth with enlightened conscience. Down-here and up-there are not separate dimensions.
As long as we are inside a human body and in the kingdom of Maya devi, we are subject to many temptations, attacks and to the kaleidoscope of illusion which continuously fragments reality and reflects it distortedly. In this world we do not see reality but only appearance. To see reality it is necessary to follow a spiritual discipline and take shelter in a Spiritual Master. This is the message from the Acarya.
Let’s make this staying together the journey toward the Center.”
By listening to the letters offered to Shrila Gurudeva we clearly realize the nature of Bhakti! Nothing stops it, not even the worse illness. It lives in the heart, breaths Love and resides in the eternity. Together we understand ever more the greatness of serving. Only by giving always and without limitation we can be endlessly fulfilled.
The two Vyasapuja days are articulated by touching letters and reflection of great inspiration offered by Shrila Gurudeva.
“In life sometimes there are difficult moments and dangerous curves. We can get bogged down in errors that we commit because of our weakness or because of our listening to bad advisors, however, if we avoid aparadha or offenses, the wounds can be cured, the bruises can be healed, you can catch your breath and restart.
When the Bhakti sentiment is sincere, even if there are difficulties or weakness we can always remediate our errors. However, if this sentiment becomes ambiguous, false and deceptive, the fall is disastrous. If we need to catch our breath and reposition our weights, with frankness and humbleness we can ask for a pause, find a more suitable position for our temporary situation and intensively desire to regain as soon as possible energy and inspiration to restart the Journey. Do not be ashamed to be weak. Be ashamed to be fake.
Those who fall in a short circuit of the senses, for sudden weakness, can raise and continue their journey if their desire for evolution is strong and sincere. However if the genuine spiritual sentiments are lacking, everything becomes harder. Protect and purify your sentiments, be transparent and sincere. If we are well centered, if the spiritual sentiment is well hardened and rules above everything else, even if sometimes there are certain difficulties to express it, soon or later coherent and harmonic actions of that sentiment will follow.
Bhakti is the pure sentiment of Love. If we realize this sentiment we discover that we do not need anything from outside ourselves. All we will need is a square meter to sit, some simple prasada, wonderful, constructive and evolutionary thoughts and sentiments that connect immanence to transcendence, the company of the Vaishnava and the presence of Shri Shri Guru and Krishna in our heart. The need of whatever is mundane will become almost null and we instead feel an ever more intense desire to serve the Lord and His devotees to express our spiritual sentiments and our Love. Through service we express our sentiment and realize ourselves.
Purity is strength, Shastra are the real basis of our knowledge/wisdom, not the subjective one, relative and historical, but the meta-historical and absolute one, which gives love in any circumstance. Love does not have an exclusive object. It is the modality of the soul. This is the modality that we must develop, toward human beings and animals, toward the planet, the sky, the stars, our parents, and the parents of others. Love does not distinguish. If it separates instead of connecting, it is not true love. Do not be identified as those who separate. Try to be known as those who unite. What hatred separates, Love unites.”
These teachings shake the consciences, enlighten, give light to darkness and make love perceivable above everything. A river of sentiments flow from the Guru toward his disciples and from the disciples toward their Guru. The strongest sentiment is gratefulness. In a letter, a disciple writes:
“In my life I was protected only by your teachings. Now I want to protect your divine work. What else has any value?”
Shrila Gurudeva:
“The Presence of the Divine in our heart has a different flavor every time and it is always stronger. This is the characteristic of infinite amounts of rasa, that follow one another like waves but none is similar to another. This is why we are fascinated by fire, ocean, the music of a stream, because in everything we can appreciate the endless rasa of the Divine, but this is only minimal in comparison to the indescribable Presence of God in His personal manifestation in our heart.
We experience that Presence of Love when we are in a humble attitude of service and we only desire other’s happiness. The only true project of one’s life is helping others. What can we do to make them feel happy, comfortable, welcomed to the best of our capability and inspired for a better life? The example of a coherent life, of our responsibilities carried with rigor and joy is our biggest patrimony to be shared with those who have an intense desire to share. It is important to show stability in any circumstance no matter what happens and show that anything that happens in the world is only apparent turbulence. At the end we will discover that those apparent turbulences are a good thing for all, the opportunity to discover new prospective, learn from our and other’s errors, understand what moves and what remains fixed, see what there really is and what is only a fleeting illusion.
What is the best welcoming that we can offer to people? It is not that of a five star hotel. It is the welcoming of that famous square meter where, if we have our mind a little serene, little prasada and spirit of service, we can find Krishna in our heart and share His Divine Presence with all.
Authentic love is immortal, the rest is sentimentalism. A little spark can become a great flame. Sometimes a little spark of Love can initiate a flame that will later become a fire that will transform us. That spark is the Spiritual Master, the dynamic principle of our spiritual evolution. If we remove that spark, everything becomes heavy and of little worth.
The greatest art consists of transforming anything that happens to us in an opportunity of growth and spiritual development, a disgrace for the benefit of all. On the spiritual level, there is no separation between friend and enemy. Someone’s failure cannot be my victory, no one can build on other’s debris. The Caitanya Caritamrita, Madhya lila explains that the Vaishnava who has established an irreversible Bhakti sentiment in his heart does no longer see good from bad, he only sees good, and authentic good, is extended to everyone.
If we are conscious that the only truth is Krishna, God and His unconditioned Love, it will not be hard for us to transform everything that happens into benefit for all.
Let’s abstain from conflicts, partisanship and from anything that divides and doesn’t allow us to love. Whatever happens, whether it rains or the sun shines, whether the weather is flaming hot or there is a polar cold, whether we are alone or with company, any circumstance is a precious opportunity to grow as long as we do not become distracted from our vital function characterized by devotional service. Extremely warm weather teaches as much as extremely cold weather, even death offers us a great lesson because, in its absence, we would live an unproductive and meaningless life. Our death and the one of people dear to us and abandonment from people very dear to us, teach us that this is not our original home, we are only in transit.
Let’s walk then in this world on our tip-toes and let’s extend to every living being our desire for freedom, justice, peace, knowledge and love.”
The desire of improvement, gratitude and love that pervade the celebration of the Vyasapuja strengthen our will to serve for the joy of serving, to be open, humble, truthful, courageous like heroes, simple like children and wise like those who are enlightened and great at heart.
“Balance is something that we cannot touch, cannot measure, cannot weight and cannot easily understand until we reach it. We can conceive only the level of balance that has already entered our experience, but we cannot understand a higher one until we have experienced.
Every embodied being is a paradox by definition. It has all and the contrary of all, it has functions that are in inner contraposition. It has enthusiasm and generosity but also egoism and resentment, strength and weakness. It is developed in one direction and regressed in another. The human being is ambivalent. If it doesn’t become ambiguous, we can successfully help him to work on himself. However, when he becomes ambiguous, the helping action becomes harder. Ambiguity has an underground and negative content. This is why sometimes we unconsciously touch dark and coarse parts of a person and we obtain unexpected reactions. Perhaps you have corrected that person countless times for his own good and that person had become grateful and inspired, but in a certain circumstance, a small correction, shatters him.
It is useless to fly high if we have not resolved our problems at a lower level. We must learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others. While the wise men can learn even from the actions of the fouls, the fouls cannot learn even from the wise men. (Tacito).
To enhance our level of conscience and help others with their evolution we must resolve problems of lower level as well, those problems related to our earthly components. Sometimes we must leave the sweet symphony of the higher spheres and descend in the turbulent tormented life, in the bad smelling rumble of blocked experiences. This is the reason why, in my lectures, I also speak of psychology, history, art, sociology, economy and other sciences of this world, in a transcendent prospective.
If the purpose is spiritual, if the vision is clear and the compassion is strong, our words will be pervaded by a purified vibration similar to a wave. If we are in this frequency we can speak of any science and it is as we always pronounce uttams shloka, however, to achieve this we must have established in our conscience the firm contact with the over-world.
We must urgently engage in putting spiritual qualities in society. Society is not only suffering, it is agonizing and almost dead. Many things are at risk: health, everyone’s safety, civil rights and respect for life. If we only concentrated on the spiritual aspects and neglected to emphatically feel the needs of the people in this society, we would risk an inflation of spiritual values and as you know, in inflation we lose the intrinsic value of the what is Good. Instead of becoming more inspired, we would become more dispersed and confused. Our journey in the sky is the counterpart of the one undertaken on the worldly level by introducing spiritual principles at all levels, offering our care to those who need it because they suffer psychologically, emotionally and physically. We don’t always achieve the hoped results, but it is not success what pays us, but our sincere effort. Don’t look for success, because you would surely find a fiasco. Success comes on its own for the sweet will of God. It is the joy to operate at the service of other that we need to pursue with all of our might.
Do not speak abstractly about spirituality. The spirit must live here and now, among our relationships. We must let it live in a sister, a brother, a disciple, a friend, a travelling companion, on a train, in the dentist’s waiting room, everywhere.
Always ask yourselves: how do I implement this spiritual concept in my daily life? If you learn to observe and be sensitive to other’s problems, we will see that many precious opportunities will show up and these opportunities are our real patrimony. We should not measure the abstract concept, but how much we were able to practically implement it in our lives in relation to others.
Let’s commit to practice spiritual knowledge in every moment of our lives, by not looking for personal gratification but committing to help others. We are not the one to chose the beneficiary of our help, it is Krishna who chooses it for us and if we refuse it our failure begins. When we discriminate and want to choose who we want to care for, we are already on the wrong side. Whether a person is a relative of ours or someone else’s relative, what’s the difference? If we have some to give, let’s give it without reservation. It is by giving that we get richer. It is by holding on that we become poorer. What we give we have conquered forever. What we hold for ourselves, we lose inevitably.
We must show loyalty to everyone, not only to those that we like. Authentic loyalty is toward all, the same is for opening, transparency, generosity and goodness. When they are given selectively and exclusively they are not genuine sentiments, they are egoistical sentiments and they don’t open the way to Love. Whether our interlocutor is young or old, attractive or not, aggressive or passive, we must not limit our capability to love, but only modify our way to express that love. Obviously we cannot impose anything to anyone, not even affection or mercy. We can only make offers. Sometimes people perceive this, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they perceive for a short period of time, some other times for a medium or long period, but in any case we must always be thankful for what that person was able to give and for what he permitted us to offer. When we take or give we must never have expectations. Everyone is free to come and go, as long as they do it in a civilized manner. I pray to be able to give forever and continuously. Everyone must have their own prayer, the one felt in their hearts.
With devotional service, the bhakta enters into a dialog, listening at Shri Shri Guru and Krishna and he gets tuned with Them. Joy is a symptom of that syntony. When syntony exists, serving is not hard, however it is hard to interrupt our service. If we are connected to the spiritual level, we get up spontaneously in the morning and we are alive. Bhakti is the alarm clock. Indolence in performing our spiritual practices is the sign that we are not tuned. What to do then? We must re-center ourselves and ask the devotees and the Spiritual Master for help to live inspired and in balance.
There is a time to eat and a time to sleep, a time to operate in the world and a time to contemplate and meditate. Food makes us vigorous, but if we eat too much we fall ill and if we eat too little we get weak.
We must look for balance, by entering in syntony with the Supreme Soul and with the one of the people around us.
Look at people’s heart, not at their clothes or the color of their skin. Look at their soul and talk to their soul. If you know how to get in tune with their heart, every relationship will become special and every action will be connected to the spiritual dimension. Meditation can become every moment of our lives, like every action that we perform.”
We realize ever more, while we are united at the lotus feet of our Guru that Vyasapuja and generally all of the Mahotsava in the Vaishnava calendar are energetic injections to reinforce our spiritual vigor. If we don’t take advantage of these opportunities there will be a weakening of conscience which will lead to many other pathogen agents. Prevention is the best among medications.
An important point of our growing journey, Shrila Gurudeva explains, consists in learning the lesson of impermanence.
“The lecture on impermanence is one of the first ones that one Guru should give to his disciple. In the journey of life we will not be able to always have as companions members of our original family, nor those of the family that we have created. We will not be able to be always together with our God-brothers or our Spiritual Master, however, thanks to God, there are other dimensions where we can live eternally together and no one can deny this to us. If we build an authentic spiritual relationship, based on loyalty, faithfulness and true deep respect and love, no one will ever be able to take it away, not even death. We will always live together, but in a different dimension from the physical one and much more reliable.”
Sweet melodies and spiritual chants vibe in and out of us, sealing inside our heart the realizations offered by Shirla Gurudeva. These realizations are direct of reflected in the words, the looks, the sentiments of our dear travel companions. The feeling is that of drinking at a pure water fountain.
“We should live spiritual discipline with profound gratitude toward the great opportunity that is offered to us. Discipline allows us to sublimate the whims of our sense, achieve domination over our instincts and regain our center without being continuously thrown around like survivors by the waves.
By constantly practicing with faith vaidhi-sadhana-bhakti, which is the regulated by the injunctions of the Shastra and of the Spiritual Master, gradually we will see a miracle happening. We will begin to develop an intense and spontaneous taste while we live under those principles. From that moment on, the Guru is perceived as infinitely dear and essential to our life, no more because he tells us what to do, but because he made it impossible not to do it.
How long does it take to make this passage from sadhana-bhakti to? It depends on the intensity of our desire and on the consequent commitment. Do not waste time unproductive raves, practice seriously! You will discover that what you were looking for is inside you.
Shrila Gurudeva introduce el primer día dedicado a Vyasapuja con una conferencia inolvidable.
“El nivel de cualesquiera de nuestros pensamientos, deseos, acciones y relaciones se relaciona directamente con nuestro interés en la purificación de nuestra motivación porque no es la acción por sí mismo lo que trae ventajas o daños sino que implica la motivación. Está en esta motivación que debamos trabajar constantemente, a través de nuestra vida entera.
La santa doctrina se puede encontrar en muchos libros.
No es difícil esta doctrina y es útil solamente en el nivel que se convierte en la base teórica de nuestro uso práctico diario. Lo que es importante es lo que realizamos y ésto es el resultado de una práctica espiritual continua.
En Shrimad Bhagavatam se explica que el éxito verdadero de la vida es el logro de una serie de realizaciones espirituales progresivas que vengan de la doctrina práctica. Podríamos almacenar infinidad de datos, pero el valor auténtico está en la práctica y el sagrado conocimiento y en la pureza que se use más específicamente mientras que practicamos. El nivel de pureza usada mientras que practicamos produce su correspondiente adelanto espiritual. La intensidad, la continuidad y la pureza que dedicamos a la disciplina espiritual son vitales.
Para entender nuestro nivel de pureza debemos preguntarnos acerca de la naturaleza del objetivo que estamos persiguiendo y sobre las modalidades que planeamos en usar para alcanzarlas. Si nos comportamos humildemente, en el espíritu de servicio al Señor, podemos realizar nuestra identidad original. El servicio espiritual permite la práctica espiritual y le da un sabor especial. Nos hace alegres, nos da vigor, energía y capacidad al conocimiento y a la inspiración de la transferencia.
Las escrituras sobre el Bhakti de Shrila Rupa Gosvami, principalmente en El Bhaktirasamrita Sindhu y La Upadeshamrita, indican las reglas que se seguirán para desarrollar nuestro Bhakti. Aceptando estos principios conseguimos elevarnos, la parte de nuestra pseudo-libertad para obtener la libertad inmortal verdadera. Esto es lo que consiste en la práctica milenaria de aceptar votos.
El respecto terminante de estos votos hace que la práctica de esta doctrina muy satisfactoria y una fuente de alegría no sólo para nosotros mismos sino también para los que estén a nuestro alrededor. En este mundo condicionado, encontramos obstáculos incontables al desarrollo del amor puro por Dios, esta es la razón por la cual Bhaktivinoda Thakura ruega: “Shrila Gurudeva, por favor hazme más humilde que una hoja de hierba con una gota de Su misericordia. Déme la fuerza para superar cualquier obstáculo y para liberarme del deseo del honor personal.”
La humildad es una cualidad del alma, una modalidad del ser humano, la única en la cual podemos aprender y desarrollarnos. Siendo orgullosos y arrogantes perdemos la oportunidad de mejorarnos, solo conseguimos estancarnos en nuestros marcos mentales y nuestro equilibrio llega a ser estático, y así causando grandes daños y peligros.
La celebración de Vyasapuja es consolidar la importancia de observar los principios reguladores, desarrollando la auténtica humildad (la cosa más dura de hacer) y la actitud sincera para servir al Vaishnava. El Nama ruci, el sabor del Divino Nombre viene del Vaishnava seva. El amor y el espíritu de servicio son nuestras cualidades eternas, el resto es el upadhir, las máscaras o las designaciones ilusorias que debemos aprender para abandonar si queremos tener una vida espiritual acertada. Vyasapuja es una oportunidad extraordinaria de hacer cumplir nuestro deseo y propósitos que perseguimos en esta vida.
Shrila Rupa Gosvami explica las disposiciones correctas de su mente, de los propósitos y de sus terminaciones, que nos permiten superar nuestros condicionamientos y resistir los ataques del maya. Sin estas prácticas que hacen cumplir nuestro gusto espiritual, tendríamos dificultades por absorber los soplos que la vida tiene para cada uno. Si uno es un santo o un bribón cada uno debe ocuparse de crisis. Los santos deben resguardarse de los ataques del exterior, y los bribones aguantan soplos procedentes de todas partes.
La celebración de Vyasapuja nos permite hacer cumplir nuestros lazos con el Maestro Espiritual y con los devotos que están en nuestra misma trayectoria y que han elegido una vida de disciplina y la mantienen para acelerar su evolución. Es una oportunidad extraordinaria intercambiar sentimientos espirituales, abrir nuestra mente y buscar la inspiración y la comodidad. Ésta es la profilaxis más eficaz de la vida espiritual, especialmente en la relación Gurú-discípulo, pero también en la relación con los divinos-hermanos (devotos) y las divinas-hermanas (devotas), con los Vaishnavas en general y así extendido a todos. Siempre recordemos que la cualidad de los sentimientos es su autenticidad, al mismo tiempo el corazón de una acción es su motivación.
yasya deve para bhaktir
yatha deve tatha guroh
tasyate kathita hi arthah
prakashante mahatmanah
Dios es las grandes contrapartes de nosotros mismos y el propósito de la vida es volver a despertar nuestro amor por Él. De nuestra relación con Dios podemos ampliar nuestro amor a todas las criaturas, pero debemos mantener nuestra concentración en el alcance central de la existencia, o saldremos de nuestro baricentro y perderemos el equilibrio.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Ésta es la práctica central de nuestra vida espiritual. ¿Usted quiere saber como Shrila Prabhupada y los demás Acharya anteriores a él han traducido Maha Mantra Hare Krishna?
“Krishna, por favor enseñáme a cómo servirLe. Ésta es la única manera que me permitirá conocerLe y amarLe. ¡Oh Energía del Amor!, Tú que posee la Fascinación Suprema, Fuente de Dicha Eterna, me contrata por favor a Su servicio.”
El viaje hacia Krishna es maravilloso, pero ciertamente no es fácil. Al principio del camino usted ve solamente obstáculos, hacia la mitad del camino usted puede todavía verlos, y también al final. Hay sin embargo una gran diferencia. Al principio, los obstáculos son creados por nosotros, en la mitad del camino son creados por nosotros y por los demás, al final vienen solamente de exterior. En esta última posición, elevada, sufrimos solamente porque vemos que otros sufren, sin embargo, en cualquier momento del viaje hay pruebas y dificultades a superar. De hecho en el Shrimad Bhagavatam se explica que incluso se caen la mayoría de los devotos antes de llegar al final de camino.
Las caídas son causadas siempre por errores, por muy bajos impulsos, por pensamientos que nos atormentan, por malvados cálculos egoístas, etc. Para evitar cometer errores es fundamental consolidar nuestra dedicación y nuestra humildad debemos relacionarnos con los Vaishnavas intercambiando sentimientos y realizaciones y sirviéndoles. Cada uno de nosotros puede servir desde su propia posición. Podemos servir incluso desde la posición del rey, realizando nuestro papel con el sentido de justicia y deber por el bienestar de cada uno. Debemos realizar profundamente que la vida sin el espíritu de servicio a Dios es locura. Es como esperar volar sin alas. Servir es nuestra naturaleza ontológica, pues nos hace amar y ser amado y el amor no existe sin el espíritu de servicio. Si no servimos a Dios y a Sus devotos, nos encontraremos la forma de Servir a los demás, sino estariamos en naturaleza muy diversa tal como las personas de Kripana y duajana, codiciosas y malvadas. La base de nuestro adelanto espiritual es el espíritu de servicio a Shri Vaishnava, al gurú y a Krishna. El Shri gurú nos enseña en primer lugar que comencemos como sirvientes. Sin el espíritu de servicio, el conocimiento no consigue afianzarse y no se realiza.
El Bhagavatam está repleta de historias que hablan de almas que habían alcanzado niveles elevados y después bajaron repentinamente. Debemos seguir estando conscientes que en este mundo hay muchos peligros en cada esquina, y que es fundamental la asociación con los Vaishnavas y la celebración de Mahotsava tal como Vyasapuja para evitar tales peligros.
Debemos confiar constantemente para limpiar nuestra psique, nuestro corazón, nuestros pensamientos, nuestros deseos y nuestros sentimientos para alcanzar la práctica necesaria de la doctrina sagrada que despeja nuestra conciencia. Esto permitirá que veamos el propósito supremo param gatih siempre claro. Podemos realizar muchas actividades en el mundo, las más variadas, pero la cosa importante no es perder de vista el propósito central de nuestra existencia.
Cada uno de nosotros tiene naturaleza y tendencias diferentes y encontrará su lugar en el área de Varna y del ashrama en la que él se sienta más a gusto a su personalidad. Sin embargo, no hay manera de encontrarlo, si él alcanzará el éxito auténtico es solo si él continúa sus responsabilidades y deberes al servicio de Shri Vaishnava, gurú y de Krishna. Ser un devoto significa servicio a los devotos.
En nuestras vidas debemos aprender combinar el cielo y el hogar, para conectar inmanente con lo trascendente, porque no podemos vivir feliz con solamente “pan” sino incluso viviendo con lo abstracto del mundo. Debemos trabajar en este mundo que se inclina adelante el Absoluto y que gana del Absoluto esos recursos y fuerza esencial que permitan que actuemos en la tierra con exclarecida conciencia. Aquí-abajo y el allí-arriba no son dimensiones separadas.
Mientras estemos dentro de un cuerpo humano y en el reino de devi maya, estamos expuestos a muchas tentaciones, a muchos ataques y al caleidoscopio de la ilusión que hace que los fragmentos de realidad sean reflejados continuamente distorsionadamente. En este mundo no vemos la realidad sino solamente aspecto. Para ver realidad es necesario seguir una disciplina espiritual y tomar el abrigo en un Maestro Espiritual. Éste es el mensaje del Acarya.
"Hagamos este viaje junto hacia el Centro."
¡Escuchando las letras ofrecidas a Shrila Gurudeva realizamos claramente la naturaleza del Bhakti! Nada lo para, ni incluso la peor enfermedad. Vive en el corazón, respiraciones amor y residen en la eternidad. Juntos entendemos que siempre la grandeza está en servir. Solamente dando siempre y sin limitación podemos por fin quedar satisfechos. Los dos días de Vyasapuja están juntos tocando las letras y la reflexión de la gran inspiración ofrecidas por Shrila Gurudeva.
“En la vida a veces hay momentos difíciles y curvas peligrosas. Podemos quedar empantanados en los errores que cometemos debido a nuestra debilidad o debido a escuchar a los malos consejeros, sin embargo, si evitamos las aparadha u ofensas, las heridas se pueden curar, las contusiones pueden ser curadas, usted puede coger su respiración y recomenzar.
Cuando el sentimiento de Bhakti es sincero, incluso si hay dificultades o debilidad podemos siempre remediar nuestros errores. Sin embargo, si este sentimiento llega a ser ambiguo, falso y engañoso, la caída es desastrosa. Si necesitamos coger nuestra respiración y colocar nuestros pesos de nuevo, con franqueza y humildad podemos pedir una pausa, para que encontramos una posición más conveniente para nuestra situación temporal y que deseamos intensamente recuperar cuanto antes la energía y la inspiración para recomenzar el Viaje. No nos avergoncemos de ser débil. Esta verguenza es falsa.
Los que caen en un depresión de los sentidos, debido a una debilidad repentina, pueden levantarse y continuar su Viaje si su deseo de evolución es fuerte y sincero. Sin embargo si los sentimientos espirituales genuinos son escasos, todo se convierte en más difícil. Proteja y purifique sus sentimientos, sea transparente y sincero. Centrese bien, si el sentimiento espiritual se fortalece bien y gobierna sobre todo, incluso si a veces hay ciertas dificultades para expresarlo, pronto las acciones coherentes y armónicas posteriores de ese sentimiento seguirán.
Bhakti es el sentimiento del amor puro. Si logramos este sentimiento descubrimos que no necesitamos nada fuera de nosotros mismos. Todos lo que necesitaremos son un metro cuadrado o sentarse, algunos pensamientos simples de prasada, maravillosos, constructivos y evolutivos y sentimientos que conectan la inmanencia con la trascendencia, la compañía de los Vaishnavas y de la presencia de Shri Shri Guru y Krishna en nuestro corazón. La necesidad de lo que es mundano llegará a ser casi nula y nosotros en lugar de otro sentimos un deseo siempre más intenso de servir al Señor y a Sus devotos por expresar nuestros sentimientos espirituales y nuestro amor. Con nuestro servicio expresamos sentimiento y nos realizamos.
La pureza es fuerza, Shastra es la base verdadera de nuestro conocimiento/sabiduría, no la subjetiva, relativa e histórica, sino la meta-histórico y el Absoluto Uno, que da amor en cualquier circunstancia. El amor no tiene un objeto exclusivo. Es la modalidad del alma. Ésta es la modalidad que debemos desarrollar, hacia los seres humanos y hacia los animales, hacia el planeta Tierra, el Cielo, las Estrellas, nuestros padres, y los padres de los demás. El amor no distingue. Si te separa en vez de unirte, no es amor verdadero. No te identifique pues con los que te separen. Intente ser conocido con los que unan. El odio separa, y el Amor une.”
Estas enseñanzas sacuden las conciencias, las aclaran, dan luz a la oscuridad y hacen que Amor antedicho perciba todo. Un río de sentimientos fluye del Gurú hacia sus discípulos y de los discípulos hacia su Gurú. El sentimiento más fuerte es Agradecimiento. En unas palabras, un discípulo escribió:
“En mi vida sus enseñanzas me protegieron solamente. Ahora quiero proteger su divino trabajo. Qué hay de más valor?”
Shrila Gurudeva:
“La presencia del divino en nuestro corazón tiene un sabor cada vez más diverso y es siempre más fuerte. Ésta es la característica de cantidades infinitas de rasa, de que sigue una a otra como ondas pero ninguna es similar a la otra. Esta es la razón por la cual el fuego, el océano, la música nos fascina con una corriente, porque en todo podemos apreciar el rasa sin fin del Divino, pero éste es solamente mínimo con respecto a la Presencia indescriptible de Dios en su Manifestación Personal en nuestro corazón.
Experimentamos esa presencia de amor cuando estamos en una actitud humilde de servicio y deseamos solamente otra felicidad. El único proyecto verdadero de tu vida es ayudar a los demás. ¿Qué podemos hacer para sentirnos felices, cómodo, dada la bienvenida a la mejor de nuestra capacidades e inspirada por una vida mejor? El ejemplo de una vida coherente, de nuestras responsabilidades llevadas con rigor y alegría es nuestro patrimonio más grande que se compartirá con los que tengan un deseo intenso que compartir. Es importante demostrar estabilidad en cualquier circunstancia no importa qué sucede y demuestra que cualquier cosa que sucede en el mundo es solamente evidente turbulencia. Al final descubriremos que esas evidentes turbulencias son una buena cosa para todos, la oportunidad de descubrir cosas nuevas, para aprender de nuestros errores y de los errores de los demás, así comprendemos que se mueve y qué sigue estando fijo, vemos que es lo que hay allí realmente y que es solamente una efímera ilusión.
¿Qué es lo mejor que nosotros podemos ofrecer a la gente? No es el de un hotel de cinco estrellas. Es el dar la bienvenida a ese famoso metro cuadrado donde, si nosotros tenemos nuestra mente un poco serena, un poco prasada y el espíritu de servicio, nosotros podemos encontrar a Krishna en nuestro corazón y compartir Su Presencia Divina en todos.
El auténtico amor es inmortal, el resto es sentimentalismo. Unas pocas chispas pueden convertirse en una gran llama. Unas pocas chispas de amor puede iniciar a veces una llama que se convierta más adelante en un fuego que nos transformará. Esa chispa es el Maestro Espiritual, el principio dinámico de nuestra evolución espiritual. Si quitamos esa chispa, todo se vuelve pesado y de poco valor.
El arte más grande consiste en transformar cualquier cosa que nos sucede en una oportunidad de crecimiento y de desarrollo espiritual, una desgracia en beneficio de todos. En el nivel espiritual, no hay diferencia entre el amigo y el enemigo. La falta de alguien no puede ser mi victoria, ninguno puede edificar de la ruinas. El Caitanya Caritamrita, Madhya-lila explica que el Vaishnava que ha establecido un sentimiento irreversible de Bhakti en su corazón ve ni más bueno ni más malo, él lo ve solamente bueno, y auténtico bueno, se amplía a cada uno.
Si somos conscientes que la única verdad es Krishna, Dios y su amor incondicional, no será duro que transformemos todo lo que sucede en ventaja para todos.
Abstengámosnos de conflictos, partidismos y de cualquier cosa que cree división y que no nos permita que nos amemos. Lo que sucede, si llueve o brilla el sol, si el clima es muy caliente o es un clima frío polar, si estamos solos o en compañía, en cualquier circunstancia en la que estemos, es una oportunidad preciosa de crecer mientras no nos distraigamos de nuestra función vital caracterizada por el servicio piadoso. El tiempo extremadamente caliente enseña tanto como el tiempo extremadamente frío, incluso la muerte nos ofrece una gran lección porque, en su ausencia, viviríamos una vida improductiva y sin setido. Nuestra muerte y la muerte de aquellos que estimamos y el abandono de la gente muy estimada por nosotros, nos enseñan que éste no es nuestro hogar original, nosotros solo estamos de paso.
Entonces caminemos en este mundo de puntillas o con las puntas de los pies y extendamoslo a cada vida que es nuestro deseo de conseguir la libertad, la justicia, la paz, el conocimiento y el amor.”
El deseo de mejora, la gratitud y el amor que impregnan la celebración del Vyasapuja consolidan nuestra voluntad por servir para la alegría de la porción, seamos abiertos, humildes, veraces, valerosos como los héroes, simples como los niños y sabios como los esclarecidos y grandes de corazón.
El “equilibrio es algo que no podemos tocar, no podemos medir, no podemos cargar y no podemos entender fácilmente hasta que lo alcancemos. Podemos concebir solamente el nivel de equilibrio que ha incorporado ya nuestra experiencia, pero no podemos entender más allá hasta que lo hayamos experimentado.
Cada incorporación es una paradoja por definición. Tiene todos y lo contrario de todos, tienen funciones que están en contraposición interna. Tiene entusiasmo y generosidad pero también egoísmo y resentimiento, fuerza y debilidad. Se desarrolla en una dirección y se regresa en la otra. El ser humano es ambivalente. Si no llega a ser ambiguo, podemos ayudarle con éxito a trabajar en sí. Sin embargo, cuando él se hace ambiguo, la acción de ayuda se vuelve más difícultosa. La ambigüedad tiene un contenido subterráneo y negativo. Esta es la razón por la cual inconscientemente tocamos a veces la parte oscura y las partes groseras de una persona y de nosotros mismos y obtenemos reacciones inesperadas. Quizás usted ha corregido a la persona incontables veces por su propio bien y que la persona había quedado agradecida y le había inspirado, pero en ciertas circunstancias, una pequeña corrección, lo rompe.
Es inútil seguir subiendo si no hemos resuelto nuestros problemas en un nivel inferior. Debemos aprender de nuestros errores y de los errores de los demás. Mientras que los hombres sabios pueden aprender incluso de las acciones de los hombres viles, los hombres viles no pueden aprender ni incluso de los hombres sabios. (Tacito).
Para realzar nuestro nivel de conciencia y de ayuda a los demás para su evolución debemos resolver problemas del nivel inferior también, esos problemas relacionados con nuestros componentes terrenales. Debemos dejar las dulce sinfonía de las elevadas esferas y descender a veces a la vida atormentada turbulenta, en el estruendo de la pestilencia a causa de experiencias bloqueadas.
Ésta es la razón por la que, en mis conferencias, también hablo de la psicología, de la historia, del arte, de la sociología, de la economía y de otras ciencias de este mundo, en un transcendente anticipado. Si el propósito es espiritual, si la visión está clara y la compasión es fuerte, nuestras palabras estarán impregnadas de una vibración purificada similar a una onda. Si estamos en esta frecuencia que podemos hablar de cualquier ciencia y mientras que pronunciamos siempre uttams shloka, sin embargo, para alcanzar esto debemos haber establecido en nuestra conciencia el contacto firme con el supermundo.
Debemos unirnos urgentemente y poner cualidades espirituales en la sociedad. La sociedad no sólo está sufriendo, está agonizando casi absolutamente. Muchas cosas están en peligro: la salud, la seguridad de cada uno, los derechos civiles y el respecto por la vida. Si nos concentráramos solamente en los aspectos espirituales y descuidaramos el sentimiento de las necesidades de la gente en esta sociedad, arriesgaríamos una inflación de valores espirituales y como usted sabe, en la inflación perdemos el valor intrínseco de lo que es bueno. En vez de inspiración, nos dispersaríamos y nos confundiríamos. Nuestro viaje hacia cielo es las contrapartes de lo emprendido en el nivel mundano introduciendo principios espirituales en todos los niveles, ofreciendo nuestro cuidado y apoyo a los que lo necesiten porque sufren psicologicamente, emocionalmente y físicamente. No alcanzamos siempre los resultados esperados, pero no es el éxito el qué nos paga, solamente nuestro esfuerzo sincero. No busque el éxito, porque usted encontraría seguramente un fracaso. El éxito viene a ti por la voluntad del dulce Dios. Es la alegría a trabajar en el servicio de los demás que necesitamos perseguir con toda nuestra fuerza.
No divagemos sobre espiritualidad. El espíritu debe vivir el aquí y el ahora, entre nuestras relaciones. Debemos dejarlo vivir con una hermana, un hermano, un discípulo, un amigo, un compañero que viaja, en un tren, en la sala de espera del dentista, por todas partes.
Siempre pregúntese: ¿cómo ejecuto este concepto espiritual en mi vida de cada día? Si usted aprende observa y sea sensible a los problemas de los demás, veremos que muchas oportunidades preciosas aparecerán y estas oportunidades son nuestro patrimonio verdadero. No debemos medir el concepto abstracto, sino que cuánto podíamos ejecutarlo prácticamente en nuestras vidas en lo referente a los demás.
Confiemos en la práctica del conocimiento espiritual en cada momento de nuestras vidas, no buscando la satisfacción personal sino confiándola para ayudar a los demás. No somos los que elegimos al beneficiario de nuestra ayuda, es Krishna quien lo elige para nosotros y si lo rechazamos hemos cometido una falta. Cuando discriminamos y queremos elegir a quién queremos cuidar, estamos ya en el lado incorrecto. ¿Si una persona es un pariente nuestro o algún otro familiar, cuál es la diferencia? Si tenemos algo que dar, démoslo sin reservación. Es dando por lo que nosotros consiguimos ser más rico. Es por buscar guardarlo lo que nos hace más pobres. Lo que damos lo hemos conquistado para siempre. Lo que guardemos para nosotros mismos, lo perdemos inevitablemente.
Debemos demostrar lealtad a cada uno, no sólo a aquelos que nos agradan. La lealtad auténtica es hacia todos, igualmente abierta, con transparencia, con generosidad y con calidad. Cuando se dan selectivamente y no exclusivamente, nos sentimientos genuinos, son sentimientos egoístas y no abren la manera de amar. Si nuestro interlocutor es joven o viejo, atractivo o no, agresivo o pasivo, no debemos limitar nuestra capacidad para amar, sino modificamos solamente nuestra manera de expresar ese amor. No podemos imponer obviamente cualquier cosa a cualquier persona, ni incluso el afecto o la misericordia. Podemos hacer solamente ofertas. La gente percibe a veces esto, a veces no lo perciben. Lo perciben a veces durante un corto período de tiempo, algunas otras veces durante un corto o un largo periodo, pero en todo caso debemos siempre ser agradecidos por el cuál podía esa persona dar y por lo que él permitió que ofreciéramos. Cuando recibimos o damos nunca debemos tener expectativas. Cada uno está libre de venir y de ir, mientras lo hagan de una manera civilizada. Ruego por poder dar siempre y continuamente. Cada uno debe tener su propio rezo, el que sentimos en nuestros corazones.
Con servicio piadoso, el bhakta entabla un diálogo, escuchando al Shri Shri Guru y a Krishna y él consigue temple con ellos. La alegría es un síntoma de ese síntoma. Cuando ese síntoma existe, servir no es duro, no obstante es duro interrumpir nuestro servicio. Si estamos conectados con el nivel espiritual, nos levantamos espontáneamente por la mañana y estamos vivos. Bhakti es el despertar. La indolencia en la ejecución de nuestras prácticas espirituales es la muestra que no estamos templados. ¿Qué hacer entonces? Debemos concentrarnos y pedir a los devotos y al Maestro Espiritual ayuda para obtener viva inspiración y equilibrio.
Hay un tiempo para comer y un tiempo para dormir, un tiempo para trabajar en el mundo y un tiempo para comtemplar y meditar. El alimento nos hace vigorosos, pero si comemos demasiado caemos enfermos y si comemos demasiado poco nos ponemos débiles.
Debemos buscar el balance, entrando en sintonía con el Alma Suprema y con la unidad de la gente a nuestro alrededor.
Mire el corazón de la gente, no su ropa o el color de su piel. Mire su alma y hable a su alma. Si usted sabe conseguir la armonía en su corazón, cada relación se convertirá en especial y cada acción será conectada con la dimensión espiritual. La meditación puede convertirse en cada momento de nuestras vidas, como cada acción que realicemos.”
Realizamos siempre más, mientras que nos unen en los pies del loto de nuestro Guru ese Vyasapuja y todo el Mahotsava en el calendario Vaishnava es generalmente inyecciones de enérgias para reforzar nuestro vigor espiritual. Si no nos aprovechamos de estas oportunidades habrá un debilitamiento de la conciencia que llevará a muchos otros agentes patógeno. La prevención es mejor que la medicación.
Un aspecto importante de nuestro viaje cada vez mayor, Shrila Gurudeva explica, consiste en el aprendizaje de la lección de la impermanencia. “La conferencia sobre la impermanencia es la primera que un gurú debe dar a su discípulo. En el viaje de la vida no siempre podremos tener como miembros compañeros a nuestra familia original, ni a la familia que hemos creado. Ni podremos estar siempre junto con nuestros queridos hermanos en la fe (devotos) o con nuestro Maestro Espiritual, sin embargo, gracias a Dios, allá se encuentran otras dimensiones donde podemos vivir eternamente juntos y nadie pueden negarnos esto. Si construimos una relación espiritual auténtica, basada en lealtad, en fidelidad y en el respecto profundo y el amor verdaderos, nadie podrán nunca eliminarla, ni incluso la muerte. Viviremos siempre juntos, pero en una diferente dimensión de la física y mucho más confiable.”
Dulces melodías y dulces cantos espirituales dentro y fuera de nosotros, sellando dentro de nuestro corazón las realizaciones ofrecidas por Shrila Gurudeva. Estas realizaciones son directamente reflejadas en las palabras, las miradas, los sentimientos de nuestros estimados compañeros de viaje. La sensación es la de la consumición en una fuente de agua pura.
“Debemos vivir con disciplina espiritual con profunda gratitud hacia la gran oportunidad que se nos ofrece. La disciplina permite que sublimemos los caprichos de nuestros sentidos, que alcancemos la dominación sobre nuestros instintos y que recuperemos nuestro centro sin estar continuamente lanzado de aquí para allá como sobrevivientes por las olas.
Constantemente practicando la fe del vaidhi-sadhana-bhakti, que es regulado por las prescripciones del Shastra y de Maestro Espiritual, veremos gradualmente un suceso milagroso. Comenzaremos a desarrollar un gusto intenso y espontáneo mientras que vivimos bajo esos principios. A partir de ese momento entusiasmado, percibiremos a nuestro gurú como infinitamente estimado y esencial para nuestra vida, no porque él nos dice lo que hay hacer, sino porque él hace imposible no hacerlo.
¿Cuanto tiempo gastamos en practicar estos sencillos pasos de sadhana-bhakti? Depende de la intensidad de nuestro deseo y de la comisión consiguiente. ¡No pierdas el tiempo, práctica seriamente! Usted descubrirá que lo que usted está buscaba está dentro de usted mismo.
You are cordially invited to a Super Spring Cleaning Event. On Wednesday, March 31st, we will meet in Radha Vrindaban Candra’s kitchen at 3 p.m. to have the privlege of serving Their Lordships by cleaning their kitchen. We will clean for a few hours. The more participants that come earlier, the more we can work together in powerful teamwork.
This is also an opportunity to serve those servants who have cooked ongoingly for Radha Vindaban Candra.
We look forward to seeing you and having your association this Wednesday.
All cleaning paraphernalia will be supplied. Just bring yourself and lots of elbow grease.
Thank you for your kind consideration of our request.
Your servant,
Vani devi dasi
Japa Group: With Attention & Without Disturbance
From Bhajan Kutir #389The room is quiet and except for a dog barking and an early morning bird chirping, and except for the electric fan, I’m enclosed in quiet. It’s so important to chant with attention and without disturbance and without agi ta tion of the mind. I’ve been able to do that pretty well so far here in Trinidad.
Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: Budapest Hungary
The afternoon went well. People were friendly, curious, and giving donations for books. I had an hour left at the shopping mall and prayed to Krsna to distribute a complete Krsna book (in Hungarian).
The next man I met proved to be the desired customer.
In fact, he was a regular customer of mine, who first bought "The Path of Perfection" four years ago, even though he had been a reader of mayavada and impersonalist books for thirty years.
The next time we met, a year later, he got "The Hidden Glory of India".
A year later, at our third meeting, after having read POP and HGI, the man told me, "Bhakti is better than impersonalism, it's needed, he said, because impersonalism is nothing and can just make you go mad." This time he bought the First Canto.
He lives alone in a small town and doesn't like to meet people in groups. He was thinking -- just the day before -- that Christianity has no concretely personal God, while Hinduism has Visnu and Rama, and he was wondering about Krsna. He knew hardly anything about Krsna.
So, by Krsna's arrangement, we met again.
After he took the Krsna book, we talked for an hour, and he told me, "Krsna is inconceivably tricky whereas Visnu is just always good. Krsna is not so understandable and is hard to put in a box as God. He said, "Yes, I'll read the Krsna book and understand my relationship with Krsna."
your servant, Mohan das (Text D:2420265) -------------------------------------------
------- End of Forwarded Message ------
Book Distribution News: Budapest Hungary
The afternoon went well. People were friendly, curious, and giving donations for books. I had an hour left at the shopping mall and prayed to Krsna to distribute a complete Krsna book (in Hungarian).
The next man I met proved to be the desired customer.
In fact, he was a regular customer of mine, who first bought "The Path of Perfection" four years ago, even though he had been a reader of mayavada and impersonalist books for thirty years.
The next time we met, a year later, he got "The Hidden Glory of India".
A year later, at our third meeting, after having read POP and HGI, the man told me, "Bhakti is better than impersonalism, it's needed, he said, because impersonalism is nothing and can just make you go mad." This time he bought the First Canto.
He lives alone in a small town and doesn't like to meet people in groups. He was thinking -- just the day before -- that Christianity has no concretely personal God, while Hinduism has Visnu and Rama, and he was wondering about Krsna. He knew hardly anything about Krsna.
So, by Krsna's arrangement, we met again.
After he took the Krsna book, we talked for an hour, and he told me, "Krsna is inconceivably tricky whereas Visnu is just always good. Krsna is not so understandable and is hard to put in a box as God. He said, "Yes, I'll read the Krsna book and understand my relationship with Krsna."
your servant, Mohan das (Text D:2420265) -------------------------------------------
------- End of Forwarded Message ------
Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: From Mrs. Obama's Garden
Published: March 24, 2010 in the New York Times editorial section
A year ago, Michelle Obama and pupils from a Washington elementary school dug up a patch of the South Lawn to plant a White House vegetable garden. Mrs. Obama’s stated goal — apart from providing food for her family’s meals and for formal dinners — was to promote healthful, locally grown fruit and vegetables and healthier eating by kids at a time of rising rates of childhood obesity and diabetes.
Mrs. Obama has translated that into a serious national initiative to improve childhood nutrition and health. In appearances around the country, she has been talking about childhood obesity and engaging parents, schools, pediatricians, celebrities, and public officials, including members of her husband’s cabinet, with the goal of solving the problem within a generation.
Last month, Mrs. Obama began her “Let’s Move” campaign. Beyond encouraging greater physical activity by children, the Food and Drug Administration is trying to help parents make healthy food choices by making food labels more customer-friendly. The campaign includes $400 million to bring grocery stores offering fresh produce and other healthy food to underserved, often poor areas, and a planned nutritional upgrade of school lunches when Congress reauthorizes the Child Nutrition Act.
Recently, appearing before the Grocery Manufacturers Association, Mrs. Obama spoke with humor about her own experience as a mother trying to encourage healthy eating habits in her children, and praised food companies for some positive steps. But she also chided the industry for not going fast or far enough.
“We need you not just to tweak around the edges, but to entirely rethink the products that you’re offering, the information that you provide about these products, and how you market those products to our children,” Mrs. Obama said. “That starts with revamping, or ramping up, your efforts to reformulate your products, particularly those aimed at kids, so that they have less fat, salt, and sugar, and more of the nutrients that kids need.”
Mrs. Obama’s campaign is just beginning, but she has already started a national conversation on obesity.
Dandavats.com: Padmalocana Prabhu was not of this world
By Shyamasundara Dasa
Doubtless Padmalocana Prabhu was not an ordinary soul, he was definitely not of this earth but had descended from a higher region to fulfill the tasks assigned to him by the Lord and finish up his worldly existence.
Dandavats.com: Another avenue for book distribution - inside our house…
By Rupa Raghunatha das
We set up a shop in the foyer with mainly books but other paraphenalia also. So we do home programs and some people buy books during the programs.
Gouranga TV: Abishek-Gaura Purnima 2010 in Villaggio Hare Krishna!!!!!!!Italy
Abishek-Gaura Purnima 2010 in Villaggio Hare Krishna!!!!!!!Italy
Dandavats.com: jpsdisciples.com Website launch
Sukanti Radha dasi: Jpsdisciples.com was launched on the auspicious Vyasa puja day of HH Jayapataka swami as a Vyasa puja 2010 offering from his disciples worldwide.
Kuli Mela Association: Click HERE to check out the growing Kuli Mela video and audio selections…
Dandavats.com: Indian Australian billionaires ban workers from eating meat on their property
Perth (Australia), Mar.28 (ANI): Indian Australian billionaires Pankaj and Radhika Oswal have banned workers building their Peppermint Grove mansion from eating meat, attracting the ire of the Western Australian construction union.
Jayananda dasa: Hari-Nama Press, the non-profit book publishing company dedicated to printing and distributing the works of His Holiness Bhakti Tirtha Swami, has just launched a new website!
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martes, 30 de marzo de 2010
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: conquering Krsna by submission
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