Surrounding this pond are pilu trees that produce fruits in abundance. On the pretext of collecting pilu fruits, Shri Rädhikä would come here to perform varieties of playful pastimes.Shri Krishna would also come here from Nandagaon and enact many pastimes with Her. Once, the unmarried daughter of Kirtidä, Shri Rädhikä, and Her sakhis went to Nandagaon to see Yasodä-maiyä. Charmed by Shri Rädhikä’s beauty and qualities, Yasodä-maiyä desired in her heart to marry Rädhikä to her son Krishna and thus have Her as her daughter-in-law. So great was her desire that she painted Kisori Rädhä’s hands yellow. Rädhikä’s heart became very happy but, as She returned to Her father’s house in Varsänä, She became quite embarrassed. She washed and scrubbed Her hands in this pond, and the pond’s water turned yellow. This pond is therefore called Piri-pokhara or Pili-pokhara, “the yellow pond”.
It is also called Piyäla-Kunda because Piyäla trees surround it.
Surrounding this pond are pilu trees that produce fruits in abundance. On the pretext of collecting pilu fruits, Shri Rädhikä would come here to perform varieties of playful pastimes.Shri Krishna would also come here from Nandagaon and enact many pastimes with Her. Once, the unmarried daughter of Kirtidä, Shri Rädhikä, and Her sakhis went to Nandagaon to see Yasodä-maiyä. Charmed by Shri Rädhikä’s beauty and qualities, Yasodä-maiyä desired in her heart to marry Rädhikä to her son Krishna and thus have Her as her daughter-in-law. So great was her desire that she painted Kisori Rädhä’s hands yellow. Rädhikä’s heart became very happy but, as She returned to Her father’s house in Varsänä, She became quite embarrassed. She washed and scrubbed Her hands in this pond, and the pond’s water turned yellow. This pond is therefore called Piri-pokhara or Pili-pokhara, “the yellow pond”.
It is also called Piyäla-Kunda because Piyäla trees surround it.
Del álbum:
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Añadida el 26 de febrero ·
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