Varsänä is the pastime place of Sri Krishna’s beloved Shri Rädhikä. Lying at the heart of this village is a multitude of the Divine Couple’s sweet and secret amorous pastimes, together with Their transcendental moods and desires. The Vaisñava community reveres Varsänä.
This venerable land with its lakes, ponds, gardens and forests – such as Gahvaravana, Sänkari-khor and other pastime places – reminds one of Rädhä and Krishna’s different pastimes. In Vraja, the grass, small shrubs, creepers, trees, animals, birds, insects, snakes and so forth are all composed of sac-cid-änanda; or eternality, spiritual consciousness and full transcendental bliss. They assist Rädhä and Krishna in Their pastimes, and are very dear to Them. It is said in the scriptures that even eminent realised souls, like Brahmä and Shankar, repeatedly pray to attain a birth like theirs so that they too may be able to serve Rädhä and Krishna.
For instance, Shrila Raghunätha däsa Gosvämi says in Shri Vraja viläsa- Stava (verse 102) :
“All the grass, shrubs, insects and other creatures found in Vraja are very dear to He who is the very embodiment of all transcendental bliss, Shri Mukunda, and they assist in His pastimes. All the scriptures have repeatedly established this fact, and devotees ranging from Brahmä to Uddhava have expressed a desire to take birth in Vraja amongst these species. For these reasons, I worship all the creatures who reside in Vraja.”
Varsänä is the pastime place of Sri Krishna’s beloved Shri Rädhikä. Lying at the heart of this village is a multitude of the Divine Couple’s sweet and secret amorous pastimes, together with Their transcendental moods and desires. The Vaisñava community reveres Varsänä.
This venerable land with its lakes, ponds, gardens and forests – such as Gahvaravana, Sänkari-khor and other pastime places – reminds one of Rädhä and Krishna’s different pastimes. In Vraja, the grass, small shrubs, creepers, trees, animals, birds, insects, snakes and so forth are all composed of sac-cid-änanda; or eternality, spiritual consciousness and full transcendental bliss. They assist Rädhä and Krishna in Their pastimes, and are very dear to Them. It is said in the scriptures that even eminent realised souls, like Brahmä and Shankar, repeatedly pray to attain a birth like theirs so that they too may be able to serve Rädhä and Krishna.
For instance, Shrila Raghunätha däsa Gosvämi says in Shri Vraja viläsa- Stava (verse 102) :
“All the grass, shrubs, insects and other creatures found in Vraja are very dear to He who is the very embodiment of all transcendental bliss, Shri Mukunda, and they assist in His pastimes. All the scriptures have repeatedly established this fact, and devotees ranging from Brahmä to Uddhava have expressed a desire to take birth in Vraja amongst these species. For these reasons, I worship all the creatures who reside in Vraja.”
Del álbum:
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Añadida el 26 de febrero ·
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