Map of Varsana
Varsänä’s original name is Vrishbhänupura. Vrishabhänu Mahäräja, the father of Shri Rädhikä, lived here with his family. Varsänä is situated fourteen miles west of Govardhana and six miles east of Kämyavana.
According to the Varäha and Padma Puräns, Brahmä pleased Shri Hari at the end of Satya-yuga by performing arduous worship. Brahmä then asked for the following boon: “Please perform Your sweet pastimes with the Vraja-gopis on my very form and allow me to behold these liläs. Please make my life blessed, by especially performing swing pastimes in the rainy season and by performing Holi in spring.”
Pleased with Brahmä, Shri Hari instructed him, “Go to Vrishbhänupura and take the form of a hill there. In that form you will be able to behold all Our sweet pastimes.”
And so it happened that Brahmä assumed the form of a hill at this place in Vraja and fulfilled his cherished desire.
Varsänä’s original name is Vrishbhänupura. Vrishabhänu Mahäräja, the father of Shri Rädhikä, lived here with his family. Varsänä is situated fourteen miles west of Govardhana and six miles east of Kämyavana.
According to the Varäha and Padma Puräns, Brahmä pleased Shri Hari at the end of Satya-yuga by performing arduous worship. Brahmä then asked for the following boon: “Please perform Your sweet pastimes with the Vraja-gopis on my very form and allow me to behold these liläs. Please make my life blessed, by especially performing swing pastimes in the rainy season and by performing Holi in spring.”
Pleased with Brahmä, Shri Hari instructed him, “Go to Vrishbhänupura and take the form of a hill there. In that form you will be able to behold all Our sweet pastimes.”
And so it happened that Brahmä assumed the form of a hill at this place in Vraja and fulfilled his cherished desire.
Del álbum:
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Añadida el 26 de febrero
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