Däü ji Temple
A large deity of Däü ji resides nearby, to the east of Triveni-Küp, in the middle of dense thorny hinsa bushes. This temple was built by Räjä Todaramala on the order of Shri Näräyana Bhatta.
Shri Näräyana Bhatta was a Gaudiya Vaisñava ächärya. He took birth in the state of Madhuräpattana in South India. His father, Shri Bhatta ji of the Bhattabhäskara Tailanga brähmana-paramparä of that place, was famous for his erudition. Shri Näräyana Bhatta became detached from the material world at the age of fourteen and came to Vraja around 1546 AD. He was especially dedicated to Shri Rädhikä. It is well known that the present deity in the Shri ji Temple in Varsänä manifested as a result of the special prayers of Shri Näräyana Bhatta. These deities manifested on the second day of the bright moon in the month of Äsädha (July) in 1570 AD. Shri Näräyana Bhatta had undivided faith in Vraja. In his famous work, Vraja-bhakti-viläsa, he describes all the pastime places of Krishna in Vraja in great detail.
Shri Näräyana Bhatta inaugurated the enactment of räsa-lilä, which is still being carried out today. The priests and brähmanas of the Shri ji Temple, Varsänä, take initiation from the descendants of Näräyana Bhatta Gosvämi. Bhatta ji’s main engagement was serving in the Däü ji Temple in Üncägaon.
A large deity of Däü ji resides nearby, to the east of Triveni-Küp, in the middle of dense thorny hinsa bushes. This temple was built by Räjä Todaramala on the order of Shri Näräyana Bhatta.
Shri Näräyana Bhatta was a Gaudiya Vaisñava ächärya. He took birth in the state of Madhuräpattana in South India. His father, Shri Bhatta ji of the Bhattabhäskara Tailanga brähmana-paramparä of that place, was famous for his erudition. Shri Näräyana Bhatta became detached from the material world at the age of fourteen and came to Vraja around 1546 AD. He was especially dedicated to Shri Rädhikä. It is well known that the present deity in the Shri ji Temple in Varsänä manifested as a result of the special prayers of Shri Näräyana Bhatta. These deities manifested on the second day of the bright moon in the month of Äsädha (July) in 1570 AD. Shri Näräyana Bhatta had undivided faith in Vraja. In his famous work, Vraja-bhakti-viläsa, he describes all the pastime places of Krishna in Vraja in great detail.
Shri Näräyana Bhatta inaugurated the enactment of räsa-lilä, which is still being carried out today. The priests and brähmanas of the Shri ji Temple, Varsänä, take initiation from the descendants of Näräyana Bhatta Gosvämi. Bhatta ji’s main engagement was serving in the Däü ji Temple in Üncägaon.
Del álbum:
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Añadida el 26 de febrero
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