The Parikramä of Varsänä is four miles long. Vraja-bhaktiviläsa, quoting Padma Purän, describes the characteristics of Vrishbhänupura as follows:
“According to the Padma Purän, two hills face each other here –one is Vishnu-Parvata and the other is Brahma-parvata. Vishnu-parvata is on the left and Brahma-parvata is on the right. On top of Brahma- Parvata is a temple of Shri Rädhä-Krishna. Close by to the north, on the lower side of this hill, is the palace of Mahäräja Vrishbhänu, where one can have darsana of Shri Vrishbhänu Mahäräja, Shri Kirtidä Mahäräni, Sridäma and Shrimati Rädhikä. Nearby is a templeof Shri Lalitä, in which one can have darsana of Rädhikä along with nine sakhis.
“Also on top of Brahma-parvata are Däna Mandira, the place of a swing (hindolä), Mayüra-kuti, a räsa-mandal and a temple of Shri Rädhä. Further on between the two hills is Sankari-khor. Near Sänkari-Khor is Viläsa Mandira, and next to Viläsa Mandira is Gahvaravana. Within Gahvaravana are Rädhä-sarovara and a Räsa-Mandal, and nearby is Dohani-Kunda. Very close to this kund is Mayüra-sarovara, which was constructed by Citralekhä”. Bhänu-sarovara is also nearby, and on its bank is Vrajesvara, a deity of Mahärudra. On its left side is Kirti-Sarovara.
Del álbum:
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Añadida el 26 de febrero
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