Vrindavan’s Historic Brahma-Kunda revived after decades of neglect 
A boom in Indian economy and technology is attracting the world. With our readiness to take the lead role, the world is expecting a total spiritual solution from us, which can establish trust, peace and harmony among the entire human race. A worldwide increasing interest in eastern teachings proves this fact, but our crumbling infrastructure and eroding faith in our own age old wisdom is exposed when an inquisitive western devotee comes to Brahma-Kunda at Vrindavan (Mathura) as per the descriptions in his guide book while searching for a living symbol our superior knowledge and faith, but finds nothing but heaps of garbage and flocks of dirty hogs. A pitiable condition has fallen upon a most enchanting and revered place associated with the first cosmic being, Lord Brahma. Legend and Mythology: Scriptures define that Lord Brahma approached Krishna exactly here, and begged pardon for his offence of stealing the calves. A simultaneously sweet description is found that divine potency Yogamaya asked Lord Shiva to take bath in this kunda, so that He may receive a female body like a gopi, to get entrance in love trance of rasa-dance. According to Varaha Purana, a giant Ashok tree is installed in the north of this kunda, and if one is fortunate enough to behold this tree on a specific time during summer, he gets all purity and divinity. In Sanskrit literature the glory of the Brahmakunda is depicted as below— tatra snanam prakurvita eka ratroshito narah tathatra munchate pranan mamlokam sa gachati “One who will bathe at this beautiful Kunda after observing nightlong fast and austerities, he will enter in my holy abode with all bliss and splendour.” Historical Account:
The kund is believed to be one of the favorite playgrounds for Radha and Krishna and was rediscovered by Gaurang Mahaprabhu while he was on his 84 kos Braj Parikrama along with four other saints. They sat here and discussed about Krishna’s numerous ‘leelas’ with special reference to the story related to Brahma, hence the name Brahma kund. It is also said that the five wells within the kund were made by each of the five saints.
Vrindavan remains a pivot of cultural and religious heritage of India, but very few people know that it also has a rich ecological and sacred environment that has also been passed on by generations. The importance of this pond is well linked with great blind poet Bilvamangal, who revealed rich devotional nectar while residing at this kunda. Lush green groves surrounding this kunda were providing shelter to brilliant ascetics, who made Emperor Akbar to bow down in the dust of Vrindavan. Location and Description: Brahma Kund is considered to be the centre point (Brahma- sthan) of Vrindavan. The Kund is located adjacent to and North of very famous Rangji temple. A narrow lane separates the kund from the temple premises.
Structural Features: The kund is square in plan with its four ghats jutting out from the center of each side, thus giving the overall plan an interesting stepped shape similar to the Davanal kund. But the boundaries are unclear and blurred due to the dumped waste and the surrounding encroachment.
At each intersection point between the ghat and the kund wall, in all making 8 such points, there is a hexagonal burj. Two out of the 8 have been damaged beyond repair and one has been reconstructed in brick. The masonry of the embankment wall, bastions and ghats is extremely deteriorated and loose due to vegetative growth. Originally, there were 4 pavilions at the center of all four sides of the kund. Leaving out the Western pavilion all have been lost to thoughtless construction and encroachment. According to a local Brahmin, there are five wells in the kund, one in the center and the rest on the four corners. He said that the marshy soil at those points was indicative of this and that if the kund were made functional again, Vrindavan would never have to face any water scarcity. The kund at the centre has been excavated out by The Braj Foundation. Depleted Condition:
Shri Vineet Narain, CEO of the foundation reiterates that in the initial survey they found that kunda had lost its original shape due to encroachments on all sides. The water resources were either blocked or dried. And thus it had turned into a garbage field by nearby residents due to lack of awareness and ignorance of the historical and heritage worth of the kund. There is a peripheral circumambulation pathway that goes around the kund but is not visible easily as it runs behind a single property line. This pathway joins the lane that separates the temple and the kund on the Southern side. There is a small old temple in dilapidated condition on the Southern side of the kund. The kund had become a garbage dump for the local municipality and a home for stray dogs and pigs. Process of Restoration and Revival by the Braj Foundation: “First we took the help of district administration to negotiate with the opponents, as they were trying to hinder the restoration process for their shallow interests. The most arduous task was to carry our tractors and JCB machines there because the streets were narrow and in case of machinery breakdown while digging , the call for crane was absolutely impossible. Only by the Divine Grace of Lord Radha Krishna we crossed over all hazards.” Says Vineet Narain.
A major community sensitization and awareness drive was undertaken by the Foundation to involve the community and convince them of the crisis facing not only the historic kund but also the community as a whole on an environmental and sanitation level. Now this pond has flourished back in its natural state after a year of enduring hardships at different levels, the efforts are bearing fruit. The locals are happy to see the hexagonal form of the pond reemerging, through the efforts of The Foundation. The Braj Foundations has involved expert architects and landscape artists to beautify and revive the grandeur of the entire complex. Life size figures of Lord Brahma, Mira Bai and Karmaithi Bai are planned to be installed in the complex. Stone cladding is being done and large scale aforestation and landscaping is going to be completed soon. Local Braj residents are now expecting a growth of tourists and pilgrims. Besides they are more aware now for environmental preservation. Community participation is still sought through The Foundations continued efforts such as periodic ‘kar sevas’, ‘prabhat pheris’ and so on. The Movement:
Initiated by Vineet Narain, a crusading journalist, Braj Foundation has undertaken the challenge to renovate and revive the entire land of Braj. Many top industrialists from all over the country have also joined hands and are extending generous support. Many young IITans jumped into this movement with their utter dedication. Rejecting all physical comforts they are personally reaching to hundreds of villages of Braj area for holistic upliftment. It costs around 20 to 50 lakhs of rupees to renovate a single kunda, and presently more than 30 water bodies are in various stages of restoration and beautification, with a remarkable progress towards completion. The newest and most unique GIS satellite technique is applied to recognize thousand of water bodies around Braj, though this process is exclusively expansive. Mr. Raghav Mittal, project co-coordinator for The Foundation, says that they are preparing for marathon to save the ponds and hills from massive destruction. Since this mammoth task of conservation and restoration will benefit the entire human race for generations to come, all the limbs of society should commit for collective involvement—he added. Brahma Kund was inaugurated on 10 Feb 2009 Today many foreigners appreciate the developments at Brahma-Kunda. In such we can boldly declare that our country still stands with all unparallel and unbroken golden glories, which Fahyan sung in middle age. India’s present will match to its bright historical descriptions. More details about the developments in Braj are available on the official website of Braj Foundation—www.brajfoundation.org. Interesting facts about Brahma-Kunda: - During his visit to Vrindavan, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who is the founder of Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition, personally revealed the importance of Brahma- Kunda, and his principal disciple Shri Rupa Goswami made possible the appearance of self manifested deity of Vrinda Devi from this Kunda.
- By taking bathe in this Kunda, Narad Muni also could experience the Gopi Bhava, the devotional love trance.
- A famous devotee of Braj, Karmaiti Bai also performed long austerities at this Kunda.
For more details contact:
Presently more than 30 kunds are in various stages of revival and restoration. To know more details about Brahma Kund or the Foundations ongoing efforts in the Braj region, please contact us at any of the address of Braj Foundation given below— Delhi Head Office Contact Persons: Mr. Vineet Narain, CEO Ph: 011-26566800 Mr. Raghav Mittal, Project Coordinator Ph: 0565-2540084, 9927337111
Mr. Rajneesh Kapur, Communications Officer Ph: 011-26566800 Delhi Office C-6/28, SDA, Hauz Khas New Delhi-16 Tel : 91-11-2656-6800, 91-11-2651-9080 Cell : 9873966800 E-mail : brajfoundation@gmail.com Vrindavan Field Office Flat No. 303 & 304, Keshav Kunj Raman Reti, Opp. ISKCON Temple Vrindavan, Dist. Mathura Tel: 0565-2540084, 9927337111 |
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