"Planet ISKCON" - 56 new articles
H.H. Jayadvaita Swami: Thank you to my assistantsFor a bit more than the past year and a half, I have had the benefit of having Brijesh Vadhvania serving as my personal assistant. He rendered a host of services—in particular, expertly managing the practical details of my life. Now he has returned home to London, where he’ll be connected with Bhaktivedanta Manor. (At the moment, he’s busy helping with the setup for this year’s annual Krishna conscious program in Glastonbury.) I thank him for his devoted personal assistance and wish him all the best in his Krishna conscious life. We plan to stay in touch. Kurma dasa, AU: Finding Love in LilydaleMy Tasmania Weekend is over, and here's my promised report. Day one began, like all days do, with sunrise. This one was a welcome appearance after a zero-degree night.
The view from my window was a beautiful sight. Fresh jonquils (narcissus, my favourite flowers) bloomed and filled the air with a delicious fragrance.
Creatures big and small awoke from their slumber, including the local ducks and geese, and my son Nitai who accompanied me on the trip as my assistant.
Lesley and John Gallagher, avowed vegetarians, with their daughter Jasmine, run Cherry Top and Eagle Farm as the home of L.O.V.E. (Lilydale Organic Vegetable Enterprises). They grow organic fruit and vegies for a small local customer base who collect their love boxes every week. That's Lesley, below, far right, at the onset of our first cookery class, on day one.
Lesley and I spent many months co-ordinating the 'Winter Spice Retreat' at Eagle Farm, and finally the weekend was upon us. Cherry Top and Eagle Farm sit in the lovely rolling hills near the village of Lilydale, about 45 minutes from Launceston, near the northern part of Tasmania.
Sean and Nadia drove from Launceston for the weekend. They helped pick some lovely fresh vegetables, still drenched with morning dew, for our first day of cooking.
Pink carrots were just one of a number of ingredients I hadn't used before, including some lovely fresh herbs, notably rocket flowers and borage flowers.
Phil cuts some freshly harvested coriander greens as the beautiful pastureland, replete with grazing horses, lights up with the full rays of the morning sun. We cut, we chatted and cooked our way to a delightful late lunch of Sweet & Sour Mung Dal Soup with Pumpkin, Zesty Lemon Rice with Fresh Coconut, Coriander & Cashews, Succulent Tomato, Peas and Home-made Curd Cheese (Matar Panir) , Dry-roasted Crispbreads (Pappadams) , Fresh herb-laced Garden Salad, Battered Crispy Fritters of Cauliflower, Eggplant & Sweet Potatoes (Pakoras) , and Hot & Spicy Apple Chutney. Dessert was a magnificent Saffron-infused Semolina Halava Pudding with Almonds, Walnuts & Raisins, and an invigorating Hot Spiced Rooibos Tea (Masala Chai) . The weekend ended with another class, bristling with song and kitchen camaraderie, culminating in a wonderful candlelit banquet, where we enjoyed more jolly talk, and feasted on Fragrant South Indian Hot & Sour Toor Dal Soup (Rasam) , Basmati Rice with Cashews, Peas & Fresh Coriander (Pulao), Creamy Cauliflower and Potato Supreme (Gobi Alu Bhaji) , North Indian Puffed Fried Breads (Poories) , Hot, Sweet, Spicy & Sour Eggplant Pickles, and yet another Fresh herb-laced Garden Salad. Finally, out came the Traditional Karnataka Carrot Halava and another welcome mug of cardamom- and cassia-laced Hot Spiced Tea (Masala Chai). And so it all came to an end, as quickly as it had begun. Farewell Tasmania, until next time. Oh, and remember, if you'd like to experience the delights of a day or night of cookery camaraderie and feasting in your home, I'm available.
Doyal Gauranga dasa & Gadadhar Pandit dasa, NYC: Civilized society
Kurma dasa, AU: Infinity
"There are only two truly infinite things, the universe and stupidity. And I am unsure about the universe." Albert Einstein ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Aniruddha PrabhuSrimad Bhagavatam 11.21.29-30 - Sacrifice will gradually elevate one to surrender to Krishna. ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Niagara Falls Sankirtan Festival - Postponed to July 3rd!
The plan was to have a memorable festival at Niagara Falls on June 26th, 2010. However, due to the G-20 happening that weekend there are numerous road closures and significant delays on all major highways. In lieu of that, the Toronto Sankirtan Team has decided to postpone this festival till July 3rd.
We will still be going to Niagara Falls and the plan stays the same, just a change in the date! We request those of you who registered for the even on June 26th to please register again by filling the form or sending an email to toronto.sankirtan@gmail.com We apologize for the inconvenience and we hope to see you on July 3rd!
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 4753:46 A.M.I slept well without a headache. I got up from bed at 1:30 and began chanting. At first I was dwelling on distractions from yesterday, but then I got control of my mind. I bared down on rapid chanting, counting the numbers. I’ve done twelve rounds which is pretty good. Now I’ll go to my writing. I have only four more rounds to do for my quota. I tried pleading with Krishna to let me chant better. It was mostly a race for numerical strength, but it was good because I stayed fixed on chanting, chanting, chanting. When you stay fixed on the numerical count you avoid offenses and keep a narrow focus on harinama. You don’t reach meditation on the meaning of harinama, but at least you keep absorbed in the count. Speeding and paying
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada SmaranamPrabhupada is touring the Los Angeles headquarters, and he is stopping to see the devotee who operates the Bhaktivedanta Tape Ministry. They were using the latest state-of-the-art equipment, which was producing tape cassettes, which are now outmoded and replaced by MP3s. All of Prabhupada’s lectures used to fit into dozens of bulky albums, and they now fit into one compact booklet. Some devotees still like the old-fashioned type cassettes although their life duration is limited. It is a great foresight that devotees so carefully taped all of Prabhupada’s lectures, morning walks and room conversations. Apparently some of them have not been publicly released yet, and some of his lectures were never recorded. But we are lucky we have as much as we do, over a thousand lectures. One might say the books are more important, but the recordings are very important too. Vedic knowledge emphasizes the importance of sound vibration. To imbibe Prabhupada’s teachings through the ear is unique. He had a special style of lecturing that is different than his written purports. In his lectures he would be more likely to go off on tangents, away from the subject of the scriptural verse. Then in an artful manner he would return to the subject of the lecture by the end of the lecture and round it out in a masterpiece of oratory. We also have many singing bhajanas which capture Prabhupada’s emotional ecstasies in the songs of the acaryas. Professor Larry Shinn declared that Prabhupada’s bhajanas captured his piety and essence as a pure devotee and are important evidence of his devotion to Krishna. As technology progresses, the Bhaktivedanta Tape Ministry will continue to preserve the precious sound recordings of Prabhupada’s voice in the most modern methods, and they will never be lost. Generations will benefit and be able to hear the eternal sound vibration of the pure devotee made in disciplic succession in the 1960s and 70s and preserved forever. We can continue to learn Krishna consciousness and to be inspired by Prabhupada through these lectures, thank God. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Hoping for Better1.
He said if you feel you
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Temple Prasadam, Western StyleFree write![]() ![]() Temple prasadam, western style confectionery. The cupcakes are little smiling men wearing tilaka. Their tops will taste creamy sweet and the bottoms floury dough. The “Happy Birthday” cake is a picture of Lord Caitanya and kirtaneers, but also Prabhupada. It looks like sweet, heavy carob icing. These are not Indian recipes. Prabhupada preferred sweets like sandesa and rasagullas. Sometimes devotees would offer him cakes like these, and he wouldn’t eat them.
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Qualification of spiritual leaderWithout hearing and chanting, to become leader, it is impossible. You can become leader in the material world, but not in the spiritual world. 730414SB.LA Japa Group: Chanting Early Is BestI reflected on this recently....the earlier the better for chanting Japa. In the morning the mind is not so much caught up in the mode of passion and we may be able concentrate more on the sound. Later in the morning or in the afternoon, the mind is more active and tends to think about what is ahead in the day etc. There is a nice quote about this given by Srila Prabhupada: "Chanting japa should be done early in the morning with full concentration preferably during the Brahma Muhurta time. Concentrate fully on the sound vibration of the mantra, pronouncing each name distinctly and gradually your speed in chanting will increase naturally. Do not worry so much about chanting fast, most important is the hearing." Letter to Radhaballabah das - 6 January, 1972
Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: a correctionHari bol Prabhus, The letter I just sent, "The Bhagvad Gita wins the hearts of yoga students...." took place in Taiwon not Vancouver. your servant, Vijaya das Book Distribution News: a correctionHari bol Prabhus, The letter I just sent, "The Bhagvad Gita wins the hearts of yoga students...." took place in Taiwon not Vancouver. your servant, Vijaya das Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: The Bhagvad Gita wins the hearts of yoga students....We were invited to teach mantra meditation at a small hatha yoga group's gathering in Vancouver Canada. About 15 students came. In the course of our presentation we mentioned the uncontrolled senses being like untamed horses, pulling the chariot each to its side, the reins being the mind, the driver the intelligence, the passenger the soul... and passed around a Bhagavad-gita open on the painting of that description. I saw one girl taking note of the ISBN number of the book and other info (so that she could get it later), before she handed it on to the person sitting next to her. Near the conclusion of the lecture and the chanting, we said that in case anyone wondered where they could get a copy of the Bhagavad-gita, we had some downstairs in the car. Seven of the fifteen students came forward and bought a book. Your servant, Dayal Nitai das (Taiwan). hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare Srila Prabhupada's Letters1966 June 22: "Panchami. Theosophical Lodge at 72nd kept one set of books on approval. My phone number was given to them. Social Studies at Broadway invited to see me with books. In the evening there was meeting, the attendance was eleven, the Collection was only $7.50." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1968 June 22: "Nnaturally, your children being well educated in jada-vidya, are reluctant to receive enlightenment in Krishna Consciousness. But there is nothing to be disappointed, because they are your children; they have got the initiative seeds in them, and someday it will fructify. Don't worry." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1970 June 22: "The Rathayatra day feast should consist of bhuni kitchri which you make by first frying the dahl and rice in ghee. Also fry the vegetable with little ghee and masala. Other preparations may be a fruit salad, sweet rice, puris, a chutney, and a vegetable which is neither wet nor dry." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 June 22: "It is a unique temple in all the world. I always think of our Juhu place, and I want that it shall be the model for all the world to emulate and respect as the perfect example of a Krishna Conscious community." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 June 22: "If all of the mill-owners and officers become our members from Ahmedabad and other cities you can collect millions of Rs. In Gujarat we can open a Center in every city because by nature the people are so much dedicated to Krishna." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1973 June 22: "Because we are engaged in warfare with the forces of Maya there will be casualties. We should be prepared to protect the Deities and always expect Krishna's Mercy, because we are always dependent on Him and we cannot do anything on our own without Him." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 June 22: "In a motion picture it looks like the body is moving but the viewers cannot see there are so many thousands of little pictures in the spool. Similarly every moment the spirit soul is changing the body. Those who are not sober cannot understand." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 June 22: "There are two kinds of men, dhira and adhira. Modern education is producing only the adhira class who are neither sober nor educated. Therefore out of so many scientists only you and a few others are understanding the importance of this subject matter" Book Distribution News: The Bhagvad Gita wins the hearts of yoga students....We were invited to teach mantra meditation at a small hatha yoga group's gathering in Vancouver Canada. About 15 students came. In the course of our presentation we mentioned the uncontrolled senses being like untamed horses, pulling the chariot each to its side, the reins being the mind, the driver the intelligence, the passenger the soul... and passed around a Bhagavad-gita open on the painting of that description. I saw one girl taking note of the ISBN number of the book and other info (so that she could get it later), before she handed it on to the person sitting next to her. Near the conclusion of the lecture and the chanting, we said that in case anyone wondered where they could get a copy of the Bhagavad-gita, we had some downstairs in the car. Seven of the fifteen students came forward and bought a book. Your servant, Dayal Nitai das (Taiwan). hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare Dandavats.com: How Prabhupada took Londonisvara
By the time I got to London, in September of 1969, Prabhupada was about to get 7 Bury Place. But what is a temple without Deities? Prabhupada instructed us to install Radha Krishna Deities when the temple opened in December, but we didn't have any Deities, and he didn't ask for any Deities to be made in India Dandavats.com: Released But Not Yet Free
Prison environments are often very precarious. One inmate recently wrote me that in the five years he’s been incarcerated, he has seen more death than in his entire life before that. He is in constant danger and Lord Nrsimadeva plays an important role in his devotional life. Dandavats.com: Paradise Vacation RentalNandini: Marvelous mountain home in Puerto Rico. Located on the enchanted tropical island of Puerto Rico, a US territory. 35 minutes from San Juan and airport and turquoise Caribean beaches. Dandavats.com: The passing away of a special soulSaranagati (dasi) GRS (Mayapur - IN): I would like to share with you the auspicious passing of HG Biharini devi dasi. In the early hours of Saturday 8th May 2010, during the auspiscious month of Purushottam, Biharini devi dasi peacefully left her body at her home close by to Jagannath Mandir, Rajpur, Sridham Mayapur. David Haslam, UK: Swami Festival 2010It’s been an amazing few days at the manor as we have been blessed by so many visiting Swami’s each day, so morning class has been fired up so it is with great humbleness that Krishna has arranged it so that I am here doing service. Here is the three morning classes for you to enjoy: HH [...] H.H. Sivarama Swami: Pictures from the Montreal visit with my mother to the cemetery, my high school, our old home, grade schools, our first home when arriving from Hungary and Mount Royal
H.H. Sivarama Swami: My mother and I visit our homes, schools and mount Royal in MontrealISKCON Melbourne, AU: June Retreat 2010 - Bhurijana Prabhu and Jagattarini MatajiKirtan-1 Bhurijana Prabhu and Krsnagraja Prabhu ISKCON Melbourne, AU: June Retreat 2010 - Bhurijana Prabhu and Jagattarini MatajiKunja-vihari astakam - Jagattarini Mataji and Krsnagraja Prabhu ISKCON Melbourne, AU: June Retreat 2010 - Bhurijana Prabhu and Jagattarini Mataji5 min with Srila Prabhupada in Sridham Mayapur -3- Bhurijana Prabhu ISKCON Melbourne, AU: June Retreat 2010 - Bhurijana Prabhu and Jagattarini Mataji5 min with Srila Prabhupada in Sridham Mayapur -2- Bhurijana Prabhu Mayapur Online: Pandava Nirjala Ekadasi
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: June Retreat 2010 - Bhurijana Prabhu and Jagattarini Mataji5 min with Srila Prabhupada in Sridham Mayapur -1- Bhurijana Prabhu Mayapur Online: Ganga Puja Festival- PicturesGanga Puja festival is very unique and special, as we get the opportunity to have darshan of abhisheka of Ganga devi, listen to the pastimes of Nimai, sitting on the very place -on the banks of Ganges, where these pastimes were enacted and take part in the spectacular Ganga Arthi. ISKCON Melbourne, AU: June Retreat 2010 - Bhurijana Prabhu and Jagattarini MatajiLila Kirtan_2_Bhurijana Prabhu ISKCON Melbourne, AU: June Retreat 2010 - Bhurijana Prabhu and Jagattarini MatajiLila Kirtan_1_Bhurijana Prabhu ISKCON Melbourne, AU: June Retreat 2010 - Bhurijana Prabhu and Jagattarini MatajiGoing Beyond the Reach of Time-5-Jagattarini Mataji ISKCON Melbourne, AU: June Retreat 2010 - Bhurijana Prabhu and Jagattarini MatajiGoing Beyond the Reach of Time-4-Jagattarini Mataji ISKCON Melbourne, AU: June Retreat 2010 - Bhurijana Prabhu and Jagattarini MatajiGoing Beyond the Reach of Time-3-Jagattarini Mataji ISKCON Melbourne, AU: June Retreat 2010 - Bhurijana Prabhu and Jagattarini MatajiGoing Beyond the Reach of Time-2-Jagattarini Mataji ISKCON Melbourne, AU: June Retreat 2010 - Bhurijana Prabhu and Jagattarini MatajiGoing Beyond the Reach of Time-1-Jagattarini Mataji ISKCON Melbourne, AU: June Retreat 2010 - Bhurijana Prabhu and Jagattarini MatajiIntroduction H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami: Appearance of JagganathaDear devotees, Please accept my best wishes. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. We have just completed the Lithuanian Rathayatra/Padayatra programme with His Grace Madhavananda prabhu from Bhubanesvara. I arrived in Lithuania from Novosibirsk on the 14th. There was some anxiety as I had put Giriraja in my checkin luggage, and we had to transit in Moscow. [...] ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Pandava-Nirjala Ekadasi - Today!
Now every fortnight, we observe Ekadasi, a day of prayer and meditation. On this day we fast (or simplify our meals and abstain from grains and beans), and spend extra time reading the scriptures and chanting the auspicious Hare Krishna mantra.
Once a year, we honour Pandava-Nirjala Ekadasi wherein, on this auspicious day, devotees do a complete fast from all food, even from water! The purpose of this day is to spend more time in focusing on feeding our spiritual needs! On this auspicious day of Pandava-Nirajala Ekadasi, we encourage you all to come to the temple for sometime and spend time in chanting and praying! We also encourage you to come out for the Bhagavad Gita Seminar tonight and enjoy learning about the practical applications of the Bhagavad Gita! Happy Pandava-Nirjala Ekadasi! H.H. Sivarama Swami: An article in the New York Times says this“A new law pushes the average price for a pack of cigarettes to about $9.20 in the state and nearly $11 in the city.” If a pack of cigarets costs so much we should not be shy to ask people to pay more than that for a Bhagavad-gita. H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami: Photos from NovokuznetskH.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami: Photos from BiiskJapa Group: Hold On To Your Beads!In the beginning, the rock stubborn, lazy mind will rebel with a thousand excuses and obstacles to foil one's attempt to implement the three M's. Persevere; hold on to your beads! By the mercy of Sri Guru and Gauranga one will patiently progress through the three stages of method, mood and mellow. From the Art Of Chanting Hare Krsna by Mahanidhi Swami Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: UN Urges Global Move To Meat And Dairy-Free Diet
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Adi Kesava PrabhuMonday 21st June, 2010. Gouranga TV: Closing Ceremony – Le Carnival Spirituel.m4vClosing Ceremony – Le Carnival Spirituel.m4v ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Letter of AppreciationI wish to share with you a very nice letter from one of our regular members of the Melbourne Folk News website, David Haslam:
I hope you don't mind me sending a quick e-mail of thanks for all the hard work the devotees there in Melbourne do, especially the daily classes that are posted on line, that inspire, challenge and give me much positive thoughts throughout the day. More Recent Articles |
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