- Abhayûvara: Abhayûvara means, secure from anything. This refers to the expression used in chap. 42, § 2. of Vinaya Texts.
- Abhidhânappadipikâ
- abhihaùùhuê
- Abhihaùuê pavâreyyâ ti yâvatakaê ikkhasi tâvatakaê ganhâhiti
- abhiharitvâ
- abhihaùuê
- abhihaùùhuê
- abhihaùuê
- abhîkshòam ('repeatedly')
- abhisaêkhâra
- addhâna
- addhayogas
- Adhikaraòa-samathas
- adhisîla: According to Buddhaghosa, moral transgression (adhisîla) is said with regard to offences against the pârâgika and saêghâdisesa rules, while transgressions in conduct(agghâkâra) consist in offences against the minor rules of the Pâtimokkha. Buddhaghosa's explanation is confirmed by the Mahâvagga IV, 16, 12.
- âdibrahmakariya-sîla
- Agapâla, banyan tree
- agghâkâra: transgressions in conduct consist in offences against the minor rules of the Pâtimokkha.
- aggibhâganâni
- ahivâtakaroga: Buddhaghosa explains ahivâtakaroga by mâribyâdhi, and says: When this plague befalls a house, men and beasts in that house die; but he who breaks through wall or roof, or is "rogâ mâdigato(?)," may be saved.
- âhundarikâ
- Âkariya: Los deberes de un âkariya hacia su antevâsika, y de un antevâsika hacia su âkariya, se encuentran indicados en los chaps. 32, 33 (=Kullavagga VIII, 13, 14), son exactamente los mismos como aquellos de uno hacia su saddhivihârika y viceversa (chaps. 25, 26 = Kullavagga VIII, n, 12).
- âkârya
- akimbo
- Akkâyika
- akkâyika-kîvaraê
- akkeka-kîvaraê
- Âlâra Kâlâma
- Amûlha-vinaya
- anakkhariya
- Ânanda
- Anâtha Piòàika: There, at Sâvatthi, the Blessed One dwelt in the Getavana, the garden of Anâthapiòàika.
- Anâthapiòàika: There the Blessed One dwelt at Sâvatthi, in the Getavana, the Ârâma of Anâthapiòàika.
- anatikkantâ
- anâvila-saêkappa: Tener objetivos puros, una de las diez ariyavâsas según el Buddhaghosa
- aôgula: Buddhaghosa prescribes to leave an interstice of one hattha, and he adds that the ancient Sinhalese commentaries differ as to the measure required for this interstice: the Kurundî requires one vidatthi, the Mahâpakkarî four aôgula.
- aniggata-ratanake
- anîhata-ratanake
- anikkhantâ
- Aniyatâ Dhammâ
- aniyatâ dhammâ: Having been recited, the two aniyatâ dhammâ
- Âôgirasa: tribe
- Aôguttara Nikâya
- aññâtakassa
- Aññatitthiyas
- Anotatta: lago
- antaggâhikâ diùùhi
- Antaragharaê paviùùhâ
- Antaraghare
- antimavatthu: Most probably antimavatthu refers to the pârâgika offences which require excommunication.
- anuakkhariya
- Anupadaggeyya
- anupakhagga
- Anupasampannaê padaso dhammaê vâkeyya
- Anurâdhapura
- Aññâtakoòàañña
- Apadâna
- Apadisitabbo
- apakkuddhârakaê
- apanîta
- apariyositâya
- âpattiyâ adassane
- âpattiyâ appaùikamme
- arahâ
- Arahats: los seis (personas que han alcanzado la absoluta santidad) en el mundo.
- ârâma
- ârâmika
- ariyasakka
- ariyavâsas: The ten
- Âsâlha: There are two periods, O Bhikkhus, for entering upon Vassa, the earlier and the later. The earlier time for entering (upon Vassa) is the day after the full moon of Âsâlha (June-July); the later, a month after the full moon of Âsâlha. These, O Bhikkhus, are the two periods for entering upon Vassa
- âsâpenti
- Âsavas
- asekhâ dhammâ
- asekhehi dhammehi
- Âshâàha: the full moon day of Âshâàha or on the full moon day of the following month, Ärâvaòa
- ashùakâ: festivals
- Assagi
- assâsapassâsâ
- Aùani
- atireka-kîvara
- âtmanep
- Attakâmapârikariyâ
- aùùhâra mahâvihârâ: There were eighteen (?the MS. reads: aùùhâra mahâvihârâ) great Vihâras around Râgagaha included by the same boundary which Buddha himself had consecrated.
- Atthavaòòanâ
- atthikehi upaññâtaê maggaê
- avanîta
- âvasatha
- âvasatha-piòdo
- Avidyâ (Ignorance)
- aviggâ (Ignorance)
- Âvikatâ hi 'ssa phâsu hoti (for if it has been confessed, it is treated duly): duly for what purpose? In the due way for the attainment of the first Ghâna (and so on, as in § 7, down to :) of (all) good qualities.
- Âvikâtabbâ: (it is to be confessed); it is .to be confessed before the Saêgha, or before a small chapter, or before one person.
- Âyasmanto: this word 'âyasmanto' is an expression of friendliness, an expression of respect, an appellation that infers respectfulness and reverence.
- Bauddhas
- Bhaddiya: el Venerable, el Santo
- Bhâòavâras
- Bhava: individuality
- bhikkhugatika: Buddhaghosa: bhikkhugatika is a person that dwells in the same Vihâra with the Bhikkhus.
- Bhikkhu-pâtimokkha
- Bhikkhus: The names of the five Bhikkhus were, Koòdañña, Vappa, Bhaddiya, Mahânâma, Assagi
- Bhikkhunî
- Bhikkhunî's
- Bhikkhunî-pâtimokkha
- bhikkhunîdûsaka
- Bhikkhunîkhandhaka
- Bhikkhunîsaêgha
- Bhikkhusaêgha
- Bhikkhunovâda
- bhiêsapeyya
- Bodhi tree
- bhummâ devâ
- Bhûtagâma
- Bhuttasmiê pâkittiya
- Brahmâ Sahampati
- Brahman svayambhû
- brahmakâyika devas
- Brâhmaòa
- Buddha-vaêsa
- Buddhaghosa
- Buddhist Suttas
- dadyâma
- Daggâma
- Dakkhiòâgiri
- dantakaùùha
- Dantapoòa
- dasabhi k'ûpeto
- dasadhammavidû
- dasakammapathavidû
- Devadatta
- devalokas
- Devanampiya King of Magâdha
- dhammâ hetuppabhavâ
- Dhamma Texts
- Dhammapada
- Dhammas
- Dhataraùùha: uno de los cuatro dioses que guardan las cuatro direcciones del mundo (Dhataraùùha, Virûlìaka, Virûpakkha, Vessavaòa or Kuvera)
- Digambaras
- Dîpavaêsa
- Dîpavaêsa
- Diùùhi: delusion
- diùùhamaôgalika
- dubbhâsita: offences: The five classes of offences are, the pârâgika, saêghâdisesa, pâkittiya, pâùidesaniya, dukkaùa offences; the seven classes, the pârâgika, saêghâdisesa, thullakkaya, pâkittiya, pâùidesaniya, dukkaùa, dubbhâsita offences. See, for instance, Kullavagga IX, 3, 3.
- Dukkaùa
- dvangula
- dvâra-kosa
- dvâra-okâsa
- dvittikkhadanassa
- Ehi bhikkhu
- ehi-bhikkhu-upasampadâ
- ekârakkha: Siendo guardado en una cosa, una de las diez ariyavâsas según el Buddhaghosa
- Ekuddeso
- Evarûpâ parisâ: (an assembly like this): this refers to the assembly of Bhikkhus.
- Gagga
- Gahapati
- Gaina sects
- gâma
- gambhîre
- gambu: tree
- Gambudîpa (the Gambu Island, or India)
- gamikâbhisaêkhâra
- gaòamaggena gaòetuê
- gantâghara
- Garu-dhammâ
- Gâtaka
- Gâtaka Atthav.
- Gâtaka Atthavaòòanâ
- gâtarûparagata
- Gaùilas: Los tres Gaùilas principales son, Uruvelâ Kassapa, Nadî Kassapa Gayâ Kassapa. De estos el Gaùilas Uruvelâ Kassapa es el jefe, el lider, el principal, el primero, y más elevado entre los quinientos Gaùilas; el Nadi Kassapa es el jefe .... (&c., down to highest over) de los trecientos Gaùilas, y el Gayâ Kassapa es el jefe .... (&c., down to highest over) de los docientos Gaùilas.
- Gaùila Uruvelâ Kassapa
- Gaudama
- Gavampati
- Gayâ Kassapa
- Gayâsîsa: De acuerdo al General Cunningham, ('la cabeza de Gayâ') es la montaña de Brahmâyoni cerca de Gayâ Arch. Rep. III, 107.
- Getavana
- Gigghakûùa mountain ('the Vulture's Peak')
- Ginakaritra
- Ginas
- Giribbaga
- Gîvaka: was physician to king Bimbisâra, and one of the chief partisans of Buddha at the court of Râgagaha. See VIII, i, the introduction of the Sâmaññaphala Sutta, &c.
- Gîvaka Komârabhakka
- Gotama
- guhotayas: Sacrificio Védico, los Vedas distinguen entre grandes y pequeños sacrificios (yagatayas y guhotayas
- Hammiya: Hammiya es un Pâsâda, which has an upper chamber placed on the topmost storey. Guhâ is a hut made of bricks, or in a rock, or of wood.
- hâsa-dhamme
- hattha-vikârena
- hattha-vilaôghakena
- Huhuôkagâtiko
- iddhâbhisaêkhâra
- Iddhi
- idhagata
- ihagaya
- Indakhîla
- isipabbaggâm pabbaggâti
- Isipatana
- Itivuttaka
- Kaitrî pauròamâsî: The Brâhmaòa texts begin the year with the full moon day of the (uttarâ) Phâlgunî; the Sûtras mention, besides the Phâlgunî, another new-year's day, the Kaitrî pauròamâsî, which falls one month later. It was in connection with this dislocation of the beginning of the year that the annual festivals could be postponed accordingly. See Weber, Die vedischen Nachrichten von den Naxatra, II, p. 329 seq.
- Kakudha: tree
- Kalandaka: About the name of Kalandakanivâpa (seeds of Kalandaka? feeding ground for squirrels?), see the story related in Beal, Romantic Legend, &c., p. 315, where this place is said to be the gift of a merchant named Kalandaka. A dif ferent account is given by Spence Hardy, Manual, p. 194.
- Kalandakanivâpa: At that time the Blessed One dwelt at Râgagaha, in the Veluvana, in the Kalandakanivâpa
- kâlasâmaê vâ
- Kamâ: Sensuality
- Kamma
- kammâra is said of a silversmith
- kammârabhaòàu
- Kammavâkas
- Kaôkhâ Vitaraòî
- Kappas: La Edades del Mundo, (world-ages)
- Kapu-kapu
- kara pi re
- kara api re
- kara pare
- kârshâpaòas
- Kassapa
- Kathina
- Kathinassa ubbâdra
- Kattika-temâsa
- Kattika-temâsi-puòòamâ
- Katukka-Nipâta
- Kâtumâsinî
- Kathinuddhâra
- Kattika: Kattika, which is frequently called Kaumuda
- kâtumahârâgika devas: devas (gods belonging to the world of the four divine mahârâgas)
- katurâpassena: Observando cuatro cosas, una de las diez ariyavâsas según el Buddhaghosa
- Kaumuda: Kattika, which is frequently called Kaumuda
- kâyasaêkhâra
- ketâpetvâ
- Khabbaggiya Bhikkhus
- khabbaggiyo
- khalaôga: Las seis buenas cualidades, una de las diez ariyavâsas según el Buddhaghosa
- khalaôga
- kammavâkâ
- Khandhaka: texts
- khandhas
- khârikâga
- Khattiya
- khakkhattuparamaê
- Khandhakas
- khandhakavatta
- kilesa: (evil passion)
- kittasaêkhâra
- kîvara
- kîvaraê nitthitaê
- kîvaraparihâra
- Kodanâvatthu: Lugar Sagrado de Peregrinación.
- kodayamâno
- kodha
- Kolita and Upatissa: Dos púpilos, alumnos de Sâriputta y Moggallâna
- komudî kâtumâsini: The komudî kâtumâsini is the full moon day in the month Kattika, which is frequently called Kaumuda in the Epic literature; the epithet kâtumâsini refers to the Vedic Kâturmâsya festival, which falls upon that day (Kâtyâyana, Ärautasûtra V, 6, i).
- Koòdañña
- Kosambî
- Khuddânukhuddakehi
- kulupikâ bhikkhunî
- Kullavagga
- Kumârakassapa: At that time the venerable Kumârakassapa had received the upasampadâ ordination when he had completed the twentieth year from his conception (but not from his birth). Now the venerable Kuma rakassapa thought: The Blessed One has forbidden us to confer the upasampadâ ordination on persons under twenty years of age1, and I have completed my twentieth year (only) from my conception. Have I, therefore, received the upasampadâ ordination, or have I not received it?'
- Kurundî: Buddhaghosa prescribes to leave an interstice of one hattha, and he adds that the ancient Sinhalese commentaries differ as to the measure required for this interstice: the Kurundî requires one vidatthi, the Mahâpakkarî four aôgula.
- lakkhaòa
- Lalita Vistara
- Laùùhivana: Laùùhivana (Sansk. yashùivana), literally, 'stick forest,' means a forest consisting of bambus.
- Lohitaka
- Maddakukkhi: At that time the reverend Mahâ Kappina dwelt near Râgagaha, in the deer park of Maddakukkhi
- Magâdha
- Magadha Brâhmaòas
- Magâdhaê samghaê
- Magâdhe
- Magâdheê
- Mâgadhî
- Magghima-Nikâya
- Magghima-Sîla
- Mahâ Kappina: At that time the reverend Mahâ Kappina dwelt near Râgagaha, in the deer park of Maddakukkhi
- Mahâ Kassapa
- Mahâ-padhâna Sutta
- Mahâpagâpatî: Nanda was a son of Mahâpagâpatî, a half-brother of the Buddha. See the story of his conversion in Rh. D.'s Buddhist Birth Stories, p. 128 (later and fuller accounts can be seen in Hardy, Manual, p. 204 seq.; Beal, Romantic Legend, p. 369 seq.)
- Mahâpakkarî: Buddhaghosa prescribes to leave an interstice of one hattha, and he adds that the ancient Sinhalese commentaries differ as to the measure required for this interstice: the Kurundî requires one vidatthi, the Mahâpakkarî four aôgula.
- Mahaparinibbana Sutta
- Mahâparinibbâna Sutta
- Mahâ-parinibbâna
- Maha-parinibbana Sutta
- Mahâparinibbâna Sutta
- mahâpurisa
- Mahârâgas o Mahârâjas
- Mahâ-seùùhi
- Mahâ-Sila
- Mahâ-sudassana Sutta
- Mahâvagga / Mahavagga
- Mahâvaêsa
- Mahâvihâra
- makkha
- Manaê vulho ahosi: Buddhaghosa: îsakaê appattavulhabhâvo ahosi. Manaê is evidently the equivalent of Sanskrit manâk.
- Manasikaroma: (we fix our minds on it): we listen to it with concentrated, not perplexed, not confused thoughts.
- maòàala
- mandâmukhiyo
- manussanâgo: El elefante entre los hombres, la serpiente entre los hombres. El jefe entre los hombres.
- mârgaëîrsha
- mâribyâdhi: Buddhaghosa explains ahivâtakaroga by mâribyâdhi, and says: When this plague befalls a house, men and beasts in that house die; but he who breaks through wall or roof, or is "rogâ mâdigato(?)," may be saved.
- matthakato vemagghato ti
- meraya
- myrobalan tree
- Moggallâna: Sâriputta and Moggallâna, dos jóvenes Brâhmaòas.
- Mrigadâwa, or Deer Park
- Mukalinda, tree
- mukha
- Na pallatthikâya
- Na oguòùhito
- Na thûpato omadditvâ
- Na ukkuùikâya
- Nadî Kassapa
- Nâga: (or Serpent)
- naishkâmya
- naishkarmya
- naishkramya
- Nakkhambhakato
- Nâvikareyya:' he does not show it, he does not unveil it, he does not make it evident, he does not declare it before the Saêgha, or before a small chapter, or before one person.
- Nekkhamma
- Nerañarâ: río
- Nigrodhârâma: (Banyan Grove). Then the Blessed One, after having resided at Râgagaha as long as he thought fit, went forth to Kapilavatthu. Wandering from place to place he came to Kapilavatthu. There the Blessed One dwelt in the Sakka country, near Kapilavatthu, in the Nigrodhârâma (Banyan Grove).
N cont.
- Nerañgarâ: río
- nidânas: el sistema de las doce
- Nigaòùhas
- nihata
- nîhata
- nîhaùa
- nimmânarati devas
- Nirvâna
- Nissaggiyas
- Nissaggiya
- nissaggiya dhamma
- nissaya
- Ñânadassana
- ñattidutiya kamma
- ñattikatuttha kamma
- Onîta
- Onîtapattapâòi
- osâpenti
- Otiòòo
- ovâda
- Ovadeyya
- pabbaggâ
- pabbaggâbhisaêkhâra
- pabbaggâniyakamma
- pâdaghaêsana
- pâdakathalika
- pâdakathalikâ
- pâdapîùha
- Pâkittiya
- pakkhasaêkanta
- pakkuddhâro
- Pâli Piùakas
- palibodha
- Paòàuka
- paòâmanâ
- pañaôga: Las cinco malas cualidades, una de las diez ariyavâsas según el Buddhaghosa
- pañka lenâni: Estos son los cinco tipos de viviendas (moradas) (pañka lenâni) que se declaran como permitidas, según el Kullavagga VI, i, 2. Estas son Vihâras, addhayogas, viviendas con historias (viviendas que hayan sido de anteriores religiosos), áticos y cuevas, se dicen que son las viviendas permitidas.
- paññattaê
- panunna pakkeka-sakka
- pâpikâya ditthiyâ appaùinissagge
- Pârâgika: The five classes of offences are, the pârâgika, saêghâdisesa, pâkittiya, pâùidesaniya, dukkaùa offences; the seven classes, the pârâgika, saêghâdisesa, thullakkaya, pâkittiya, pâùidesaniya, dukkaùa, dubbhasita offences. See, for instance, Kullavagga IX, 3, 3.
- pârâgika dhammâ: The introduction having been recited, the four pârâgika dhammâ..
- Pârâjikâ
- Parampara-bhogane
- paranimmitavasavatti devas
- Paribbâgaka
- paribbâgaka Sâriputta
- Paribbâgakas
- Paribbâgika
- pârigâttaka: flower
- pârikkattaka: flower
- Parimaòàalaê
- Parinibbâna
- Parisuddhâ 'ti vedissâmi: (I shall understand that they are pure): I shall infer, I shall know.
- pârisuddhi: I declare my pârisuddhi, take my pârisuddhi, proclaim my pârisuddhi
- pârisuddhi-uposatha
- Parivâra-pâtha
- Parivâra-pâùha
- Parivâsa
- pârivâsika
- parivattetvâ
- Pariyâya
- pasâdo uppanno hoti
- passaddhakâya-saêkhâra: Ser fácilmente accesible, estar lleno de facilidad, una de las diez ariyavâsas según el Buddhaghosa
- paùhama-kattika-puòòamâ
- Pâùidesaniya: The five classes of offences are, the pârâgika, saêghâdisesa, pâkittiya, pâùidesaniya, dukkaùa offences; the seven classes, the pârâgika, saêghâdisesa, thullakkaya, pâkittiya, pâùidesaniya, dukkaùa, dubbhasita offences. See, for instance, Kullavagga IX, 3, 3.
- Paùikkasamuppâdavibhaôga
- Pâtimokkha
- pâtimokkhuddesaka
- paùisâraòiyakamma
- Pavâraòâ
- pavâraòâsaêgaha
- pavâreti
- Pavârito
- peyyâla: Thus3 a hundred and seventy-five systems of triads are produced which refer to resident and resident Bhikkhus. (Then follow the same cases with regard to) resident and incoming Bhikkhus, incoming and resident Bhikkhus, incoming and incoming Bhikkhus. By putting these words (successively) into the peyyâla, seven hundred triads are produced.
- pisâkillika
- Pitakas
- Pratimoksha
- Prati-muk
- Pratimukha
- pratyaya
- Prâyaëkittika
- Prâyaëkittîya
- puggala
- Pukkhâvissaggana
- Pukkusa
- Puòòagi
- Râga
- Râgagaha
- Râgagaha
- râgaka
- ragake
- Râgâyatana
- râgini
- Râhula
- raññe
- rañño
- ratanaka
- Ratanas
- Ratanasammataê
- Èishi
- rogâ mâdigato: Buddhaghosa explains ahivâtakaroga by mâribyâdhi, and says: When this plague befalls a house, men and beasts in that house die; but he who breaks through wall or roof, or is "rogâ mâdigato(?)," may be saved.
- rûpa: five elements of existence, rûpa, vedanâ, saññâ, saêkhârâ, viññâòa.
- rûpa-sutta
- Rûpiyakkhaddaka
- Sabbe va santâ' (all of us): as many as are present in that assembly, aged, young, and middle-aged (Bhikkhus), are denoted by sabbe va santâ
- Sabbakâmî
- sabhogaê
- Sabhogane kule
- sabhogana kula
- sabhoganaê
- saddhivihârikas
- Sâdhukaê suòoma' (we hear it well): admitting its authority, fixing our minds on it, we repeat the whole of it in our thoughts.
- Sagathavagga Samyutta
- Sahadhammika
- Sâketa
- Sakka: (Sakra. or Indra) the king of the devas
- Sakka Suddhodana
- Sakkakkaê
- Sakya: tribe
- samabhâritaê
- Samâdhis: (states of self-concentration)
- samaggâ
- Samaggena saêghena
- samâkase
- Samaòa Sakyaputta, El Gran Samaòa Sakyaputta, un asceta de la tribu Sakya, the great, an ascetic of the Sakya tribe;
- Samaòa-bhatta-samayo
- Samaòa Gotama
- Samaòa Gotama Sakyaputta
- Samanta-Pâsâdikâ
- Sâmaòera: Let no one, O Bhikkhus, recite the Pâtimokkha in a seated assembly (of Bhikkhus) before a Bhikkhunî. He who does, commits a dukkaùa offence. Let no one, O Bhikkhus, recite the Pâtimokkha in a seated assembly (of Bhikkhus) before a sikkhamânâ, a sâmaòera, a sâmaòerî, one who has abandoned the precepts, one who is guilty of an extreme offence. He who does, commits a dukkaùa offence.
- Sâmaòerî: Let no one, O Bhikkhus, recite the Pâtimokkha in a seated assembly (of Bhikkhus) before a Bhikkhunî. He who does, commits a dukkaùa offence. Let no one, O Bhikkhus, recite the Pâtimokkha in a seated assembly (of Bhikkhus) before a sikkhamânâ, a sâmaòera, a sâmaòerî, one who has abandoned the precepts, one who is guilty of an extreme offence. He who does, commits a dukkaùa offence.
- Samanubhâsitabbo
- Samaòuddeso
- Sâmaññaphala Sutta
- Samâpattis: (the eight attainments of the four Ghânas and four of the eight Vimokkhas
- samavayasadhesana: Buscando las Cosas Rectas o Correctas, una de las diez ariyavâsas según el Buddhaghosa
- sambodhi
- Sambuddha
- Saêgha
- Saêghâdisesa
- Saêghâdisesa
- saêghâdisesa dhammâ: Having been recited, the thirteen saêghâdisesa dhammâ
- Saêghamittâ
- Saêgîti Sutta: The Saêgîti Sutta gives the ten Noble States, as follows: 1. being free from the five bad qualities (pañaôga) 2. being possessed of the six good qualities (khalaôga), 3. being guarded in the one thing (ekârakkha), 4. observing four things (katurâpassena), 5. rejecting each of the four false truths (panunna pakkeka-sakka), 6. seeking right things (samavayasa dhesana), 7. having pure aims (anâvila-saêkappa), 8. being full of ease (passaddhakâya-saêkhâra), 9. being emancipated in heart (suvimuttakitta), 10. being emancipated in ideas (suvimuttapañña). The Saêgîti then further enlarges on the meaning of each of these ten.
- Saêkhâra-Yamaka
- sammâdiùùhi
- sammâñâòa (right knowledge)
- sammâvimutti (right emancipation)
- Sampagânamusâvâd' assa hoti: (he commits an intentional falsehood): what is intentional falsehood? It is a sin.
- samutkarsha
- Saôghâ
- Saôghâdisesa
- saêghâdisesa: The five classes of offences are, the pârâgika, saêghâdisesa, pâkittiya, pâùidesaniya, dukkaùa offences; the seven classes, the pârâgika, saêghâdisesa, thullakkaya, pâkittiya, pâùidesaniya, dukkaùa, dubbhasita offences. See, for instance, Kullavagga IX, 3, 3.
- Saêghakamma
- Saêghârâma
- Saêgîti Sutta
- saêkhârâ: Los cinco elementos de la Existencia: rûpa, vedanâ, saññâ, saêkhârâ, viññâòa.
- saêkhâra-khandha
- Sammâdiùùhisuttanta
- sammâñâòa: (Recto conocimiento, right knowledge)
- sammâvimutti (Correcta emancipación, right emancipation)
- Sammukhâ-vinaya
- sammuti: I.e. to abolish the character of uposathâgâra, conferred on the Vihâra &c. by the act of sammuti
- sampavâreti
- Saôkhâyana Gèihya
- Santaê bhikkhuê
- Santî âpatti: (an existing offence): an offence which has been committed, or which has been committed and not been atoned for.
- saññâ: five elements of existence, rûpa, vedanâ, saññâ, saêkhârâ, viññâòa.
- Sappâòaka
- Sappinî: The river which Mahâ Kassapa crossed on his way to the Veluvana was the Sappinî, which rises in the Gigghakûùa mountain.
- saraòagamanas
- Saramânena: (by him who remembers it); by him who knows it and is conscious of it.
- Saramâno: (remembering it): knowing it, being conscious of it.
- sârayamâno
- Sâriputta
- Sâriputta
- Sati-vinaya
- Satiê upaùùhâpetvâ
- Sâvatthi
- sayani-ghara
- sekha: The stage of a sekha, i. e. a person who has attained to any stage in the Noble Eightfold Path (such as sotâpattiphala, &c.) inferior to the highest (Arahatship)
- Sekha-sammatâni kulâni
- sekhapaññatti
- sekha-sîla: Spence Hardy (Manual, p. 493) gives the term sekha-sîla, which he explains as the observance of precepts in order to become a sekha. See also Hardy's note on adibrahmâkariya-sila, 1. 1. p. 492.
- Sekhiya
- Senâninigama
- Senâpatigrâma
- Seniya Bimbisara: rey de Magadha
- seùùhi
- seùùhi-gahapati
- seùùhi-ùùhâna
- seùùhitâ
- Sîhalaùùhakathâ
- sikkhâpakkakkhâtâ
- sikkhâ pakkakkhâtâ hoti
- sikkhaê pakkakkhâti: We have no doubt that this is the correct translation of vibbhamati (see I, 39, 5). The difference between vibbhamati (he returns to the world) and sikkhaê pakkakkhâti (he abandons the precepts) seems to be that the former is an informal, and the latter a formal, renunciation of the Order.
- sikkhamânâ: Let no one, O Bhikkhus, recite the Pâtimokkha in a seated assembly (of Bhikkhus) before a Bhikkhunî. He who does, commits a dukkaùa offence. Let no one, O Bhikkhus, recite the Pâtimokkha in a seated assembly (of Bhikkhus) before a sikkhamânâ, a sâmaòera, a sâmaòerî, one who has abandoned the precepts, one who is guilty of an extreme offence. He who does, commits a dukkaùa offence.
- sikkhamâòâs
- Sikkhâpadâni, literally, 'Paths of Training.'
- Siêhalese
- Siôgiloòa
- So âvikareyya: he may show it, unveil it, make it evident, declare it before the Saêgha (the full chapter of Bhikkhus), or before a small number, or before one person.
- sotâpattiphala
- Ärâvaòa: month
- Subâhu
- Subhûti
- Sudinna, sin of
- Sugata
- Sugataôgulena
- sukigharaê
- Sumaôgala
- Sumaôgala Vilâsinî
- Supatiùùha
- Suppavâyitaê
- surâ
- Suru-suru
- Suttadharâ
- Suttanta
- Suttas
- Suttantikas
- Sutta Pitaka
- Sutta-vibhaôga
- Suttavibhangara
- Suttadharâ
- suvaòòakâraputto
- suvimuttakitta: Tener el corazón emancipado, una de las diez ariyavâsas según el Buddhaghosa
- suvimuttapañña: Estar emancipado en Ideas, una de las diez ariyavâsas según el Buddhaghosa
- svayampati
- Svetambaras
- tagganiyakamma
- Taòhâ, Desire
- tâni; madhu phâòitaê
- Tasmâ:' for that reason.
- tassa upalâpeti
- Tassapâpiyyasikâ
- tatragata
- tatthagaya
- Tâvatiêsa: Cielo
- tâvatiêsa devas
- Tevigga Sutta
- Teviggu Sutta
- theyya-saêkhâtaê
- Thullaccaya
- Thullakkaya: The five classes of offences are, the pârâgika, saêghâdisesa, pâkittiya, pâùidesaniya, dukkaùa offences; the seven classes, the pârâgika, saêghâdisesa, thullakkaya, pâkittiya, pâùidesaniya, dukkaùa, dubbhasita offences. See, for instance, Kullavagga IX, 3, 3. thullakkaya is a (grave) offence, (grave sin)
- ti-kîvara
- Tika-Nipâta
- tikîvarena avippavâsa
- Timaòàalaê
- Tiòavatthâraka
- Tipallattha-miga Gâtaka
- tirakkhâna-viggâ
- Titthiya: school
- titthiyapakkhasaêkanta
- Tûlaê
- tulâdhâram
- tulâtaramuòàako(read tulâdhâram)
- Tuòhî bhavitabbaê: (he ought to remain silent): he ought to accept (the recitation of the Pâtimokkha without any answer), he ought not to utter anything.
- Uddaka Râmaputta
- Uddhakka
- Uddisissâmi
- ukkhekkhâmi
- ukkhepaniyakamma
- Ukkhitto anosârito
- ukkinatha
- ummattakasammuti
- upadhis
- upadhisaêkhaye
- upadhyâya
- upagghâya
- Upajjhâya
- Upalâpeyya
- Upâli
- Upananda
- Upananda Sakyaputta: the venerable Upananda Sakyaputta
- Upanikkhittaê vâ sâdiyeyya
- upâsaka
- upâsaka Udena
- Upasampadâ
- Upasampadâ-kammavâka: With these sections compare the previous chapters 12, 28 and following, 36 and following. The watt is prescribed in this chapter, together with the Three Refuges Formula prescribed in chap. 12, 4, the whole of chap. 77, and the Four Interdictions form together the current ceremony of ordination (the upasampadâ-kammavâkâ) as now still in use in the Order. See the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, New Series, VII, p. i.
- upasampanna
- Upasena Vaôgantaputta
- Upatissa: Púpilo o alumno de Sâriputta y Moggallâna
- Uposatha
- uposatha-pamukha
- uposathapamukha
- uposathâgâra: I.e. to abolish the character of uposathâgâra, conferred on the Vihâra &c. by the act of sammuti
- Uposatho paòòaraso
- Uttara Kuru
- uttarimanussa-dhammaê
- Vadâno
- vagga
- vakîsaêkhâra
- Vânaprasthas
- Vappa: el Venerable, el Santo
- varuòapraghâsâs: Thus the sacrifice of the varuòapraghâsâs, with which the Brahmans began the rainy season, was to be held either on the full moon day of Âshâàha or on the full moon day of the following month, Ärâvaòa, quite in accordance with the Buddhistical rules about the vassupanâyikâ.
- vassa
- vassâvâsikaê
- vassupanâyikâ: The full moon day of Âshâàha or on the full moon day of the following month, Ärâvaòa
- Vedanâ: five elements of existence, rûpa, vedanâ, saññâ, saêkhârâ, viññâòa.
- Veluvana: Bosque de Bambú.
- Veluvana monastery
- Vesâlî, Council of
- Vessavaòa: uno de los cuatro dioses que guardan las cuatro direcciones del mundo (Dhataraùùha, Virûlìaka, Virûpakkha, Vessavaòa or Kuvera)
- vibbhamati: We have no doubt that this is the correct translation of vibbhamati (see I, 39, 5). The difference between vibbhamati (he returns to the world) and sikkhaê pakkakkhâti (he abandons the precepts) seems to be that the former is an informal, and the latter a formal, renunciation of the Order.
- Vibhaôga
- Vibhaôga
- vidatthi: Buddhaghosa prescribes to leave an interstice of one hattha, and he adds that the ancient Sinhalese commentaries differ as to the measure required for this interstice: the Kurundî requires one vidatthi, the Mahâpakkarî four aôgula.
- Vihâra
- Vikâle
- Vilâsinî
- Vimala
- Vimokkhas
- Vinaya
- Vinaya-dharâ
- Vinayadharâ
- Vinayapâmokkhâ
- Vinaya Pitaka
- Vinaya-Samukase
- Vinaya Texts
- viññâòa: five elements of existence, rûpa, vedanâ, saññâ, saêkhârâ, viññâòa.
- Virûlìaka: uno de los cuatro dioses que guardan las cuatro direcciones del mundo (Dhataraùùha, Virûlìaka, Virûpakkha, Vessavaòa or Kuvera)
- Virûpakkha: uno de los cuatro dioses que guardan las cuatro direcciones del mundo (Dhataraùùha, Virûlìaka, Virûpakkha, Vessavaòa or Kuvera)
- Visâkhâ Migâramâtâ
- Visuddhâpekkhena: (by him who desires to become pure): by him who wishes to atone for it and to make himself pure of it.
- vitakkavikârâ
- vyagra
- yagatayas: Sacrificio Védico, los Vedas distinguen entre grandes y pequeños sacrificios (yagatayas y guhotayas
- Yagñavalkya
- yâma devas
- Yasa
- Yassa siyâ âpatti: (he who has committed an offence): he who, whether an aged or young or middle-aged Bhikkhu, has committed some offence belonging to the five classes of offences or to the seven classes of offences
- Yathâ kho pana pakkekapuùùhassa veyyâkaraòaê hoti: (as a single person that has been asked a question answers it): as a single person that has been asked a question by another one, would answer it, thus (those who are present) in that assembly ought to understand: He asks me.'
- yâvatatiyakâ
- Yâvatatiyaê anussâvitaê hoti: (it has been solemnly proclaimed three times): it has been solemnly proclaimed once, and the second time, and the third time.
- Yebhuyyasikâ
- Yoganas
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