Shiva Ramsingh

Shiva Ramsingh Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle.
A Krystel Amrita Ballah le gusta esto.

Erron Melissa Seenath
This something i know about for sure for my life and my love is like that....we will always be looking at each other forever...we dont need a miracle our love is that miracle..
Hace 11 horas

Shiva Ramsingh
i know you stand the storm just to be with him and may the lord always bless you
Hace aproximadamente una hora.

Shiva Ramsingh Oh Krsna! I am Your eternal servant! I have disregarded Your lotus feet. Oh Krsna! Now I am completely doomed." When you cry and say that before Krsna, then Krsna will shower His mercy on you. "Now he is crying for Me. Yes. He wants to come to Me."
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Shiva Ramsingh
come to me o my gopala for my lord their is no other,o what i have i give to you o govinda gopal your blessing return to me you are the lord of all.this world is a learning place haven we cannot se passing trough by your grace soon we will be free so come and dance gopala take the hand of radha... come soon o krsna.....
Ayer a las 17:24

Sreevidya Muthu
Even if we disregard Him at some point of time -He-being Krsna-the friend-He'll always be there for us.Jai Srikrsna
Hace 11 horas

Shiva Ramsingh
gaura hari bol
Hace aproximadamente una hora.

Shiva Ramsingh love love hari
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Shiva Ramsingh i am a soul an eternal point of light i am a peaceful being a virtuous soul relaxed and blissfull divine in nature
A Rahul K Maharaj le gusta esto.

Anga Harini Devi Dasi haribol
Anga Harini Devi Dasi thinks you would be a fan of Safari Kingdom. Try out the game now!
Shiva ha comentado el estado de Theresa Robinson.
Shiva y Bv Damodara son ahora amigos.

Rahul K Maharaj Hey Bro Seem you love this song... Have wonderful day....

Devi Lomax
This is one of my favorite movie.
Ayer a las 4:09

Shiva Ramsingh
mines to i really love this song
Ayer a las 15:57

Shiva Ramsingh a través de Amber Maharaj:
Bhagwan Sree Satya Saibaba himself sings this song so beautifully. Good orchestra support. We are blessed.
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Sherri Seenath
amazing, soul stirring, i love you baba! my loving lord krishn bhagavan, radhe radhe ma!
thank you shiva, i couldn't help but shed tears of joy!
thank you shiva, i couldn't help but shed tears of joy!
El mar a las 21:31

Sherri Seenath
everyone should see this and experience the joy!
El mar a las 21:36

Shiva Ramsingh am i so bad ma?dont leave me alone in crowds i may not find my way back meri ma,dont send me places far away were you wont rember i so bad ma? sometimes life takes me to so many roads, my heart sinks and my eyes search for you hopeing that you will come and hold me safe i never told you that i am afraid of the dark.but you know, ma meri ma am i so bad ma?
A Kamal Hari le gusta esto.

Rahul K Maharaj Hey Shiva May Devi Maa Always be with you and bless you.... Jai Maata Di

Shiva Ramsingh hari hari!!! now and forever hari hari!! always ever fresh hari hari!! ever bursting with joy hari hari!! full of love hari hari!! full of hope hari hari!! ever sweet hari!!
A Vladana Radevic le gusta esto.

ॐ नमो नारायणाय . नमो ब्रह्मण्य देवाय गो ब्राह्मण हिताय च ,जद्धिताय कृष्णाय गोविन्दाय नमो नमः -भक्त प्रहलाद स्तुति -विष्णु पुराण .

Shiva Ramsingh long is the night to one who is awake. Long is ten miles to one who is tired. Long is the cycle of birth and death to the fool who does not know the true path.
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Shiva Ramsingh O lord if you are the ocean let me be the wave, if you are the sun let me be the heat, if you are the flame let me be the wick, if you are the bow let me be the arrow, if you are the chandan let me be the water, o krsna never let me be separated from you.
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Jeannette Borsboom
~ Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ~
29 de marzo a las 21:07

Shiva Ramsingh
nitaya nanda gaura hari bol
29 de marzo a las 21:21
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Shiva y Kirtidevi Devi Dasi son ahora amigos.
Shiva y Jeff Wright son ahora amigos.

Shiva Ramsingh In the presence of giradhara krsna will I dance him I shall please by dancing, love and affection will be thy rhythms of my feet and remembrance shall be my dancing robe the world regard and family dignity I shall all discard my both hands are lifted in the air danceing to the nectar of krsna
A Brannon Parker le gusta esto.

Shiva Ramsingh A person shows his greatness by apologizing, but the forgiver is even greater by forgiving.
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Sharon L. Tucker Caldararo Much Love to you Shiva! Thank you for the friend connection. BE Blessed! ♥

Shiva Ramsingh hip hip hari awo rama welcome and come into my heart bless all prabhuji
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Ganeshwar Rocky Sumair
jai shri ram!!!!
24 de marzo a las 17:39

Shiva Ramsingh
rama avatara panduranga krsna avatara panduranga hare krsna panduranga
24 de marzo a las 17:42

Shiva Ramsingh awwwwwwww
Radha Krsna
Vishnu's Eight avatara, Krishna, born to slay Kamsa and destroy evil in the world
De:Lord Vishnu

Shiva Ramsingh
is it just sweet
23 de marzo a las 20:23

Ganeshwar Rocky Sumair
+wow...this pic is just sooo it!!!!
23 de marzo a las 20:58
Bhagvad Gita Wisdom Quotes For Spiritual Inspiration And Meditation.Lord Krishna Teachings,Hindus Gospel Of Truth,Song Of The Spirit, Relaxaing Music.Daily Inspirational Video
This video is dedicated to the supreme personality of godhead, Sri Krishna ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SUBSCRIBE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aum Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Achala - Still Lord Achyuta - Infallible Lord Adbhutah ...

Shiva Ramsingh ma blessing to all
This video is dedicated to Durga Maa............The Great Merciful Mother...............Jai Maa Abme Jai Maa Jagdambe........................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SUBSCRIBE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Preetha Basdeo Maharaj
divine bliss jai durga ma
16 de marzo a las 15:41

Shiva Ramsingh
tnx for listening ma kripa
16 de marzo a las 17:49

Santana Ramnath
i love love love love love these chants
17 de marzo a las 1:06
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Shiva y Acyuta Krishna Das son ahora amigos.
Shiva y Salvador Ramirez Elizondo son ahora amigos.
Shiva ha escrito en el Muro de Satish Gopa.
Shiva y Jai Radhey Krishna son ahora amigos.

Erron Melissa Seenath my brother be careful of people on your friends list not everyone is as genuine as they say...i will never lie or lead u astray...don't be mislead by them as b4 u
A Vladana Radevic le gusta esto.

Shiva Ramsingh
hey sis my life as you know is always mislead by friends, always getting hurt,you no my heart and how much i can care for someone, even a stranger but thats ok because they are just being themself,i no you always look out for me and may krsna bless you always,
15 de marzo a las 14:05

Erron Melissa Seenath
thanx sweetee ..nice profile the
16 de marzo a las 3:01

Shiva Ramsingh
lol all yo town people always bright ea
16 de marzo a las 13:32
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Shiva y Krsna Marga Devi Dasi son ahora amigos.
Shiva y Chris Gould son ahora amigos.
Shiva ha comentado la foto de Madhurie Ramai.

Shiva Ramsingh hope to merge into you and become one melt me into notingness let the beat of my pulse become one with infinite space melt me into nothing let me fade away into the stars.let my mind be calm with the sight of the moon melt me into notingness let the beat of my pulse become one with infinite space melt me into nothing ...let me fade away into the stars.let my mind be calm with the sight of the moon.melt me into nothing

ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON....................... Archangel Sandalphon is the ruling Angel and Protector of Earth and a Master of music. He also known as an Angel of Mercy and an Angel of Prayer.. Sandalphon acts to take our prayers and petitions to God, and is the guardian o...f our secret thoughts and wishes. He weaves the prayers of people of all Faiths into garlands and wreaths of flowers and then takes them to God for his Blessing. Sandalphon is charged with anchoring the Light onto Earth, and will assist us as Lightworkers to do the same, both into the planet and into our own energy bodies. He comes now to remind us that flowing within you is a wondrous shining light. It is the light of creation, and its magical spark is present within every living thing, in every crystal, in every butterfly, in every flower, in every breath. He wishes to remind you that beyond what you see as your physical form, you are a divine spiritual being, connected in oneness with all of creation, and thus as you cause pain to another so you cause pain to yourself. All the secrets of the Earth are accessible through Sandalphon, when we are ready for them, and when he believes us to be worthy and capable of understanding them. He asks us to be vigilant and caring in our relationship with the Earth and learn to live more closely in tune with her and care for the environment. His radiant energy dances gracefully within all life from the smallest insect to the tallest tree, from the most delicate sparkling water droplet to within the beating heart of mother earth. There is no where that he is not. Metatron is Sandalphons brother, both these Angels work in total unison with each other. as there energy is totally aligned......~Alyson~
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1:S - makes people laugh
2:H - stick to one
3:I - is really sweet & romantic
4:V - not judgmental
5:A - crazy
2:H - stick to one
3:I - is really sweet & romantic
4:V - not judgmental
5:A - crazy
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de Living in Gratitude.
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de temple of earth angels.
Shiva ha comentado el estado de Umzy Jethwa.
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Shiva ha comentado la foto de Shirley Meacham.
Shiva ha escrito en el Muro de Madhurie Ramai.
Shiva y Susana Adomah son ahora amigos.
Shiva y Esther Persad son ahora amigos.
Shiva y Guy Schwartz son ahora amigos. ·
Shiva y Preetha Basdeo Maharaj son ahora amigos.
Shiva y Maharaj Savin son ahora amigos.

Shiva Ramsingh i was asked why krsna love his deovotes so much.....Because we hold on to him as our father, mother, friend and all. We made him our only aim in life to love our krsna to serve our krsna with such love we pour unto the world, and all those we come into contact with. The lord of lords must be merciful unto us..

Shiva Ramsingh what is this world to you? its a five minutes play,a dream,a drama,a joke.are you worried about it and its criticism, losing krsna in the process? come on forget about the world,dont lose krsna for the joy of the only ends in pain hold on to something grater more lasting and forever hold on to your self from your self
A Krystel Amrita Ballah le gusta esto.

Shiva Ramsingh
why do we worry what people think of us...when we should worry what god think of us,we spend to many times thinking of our children,our family,etc but do we really spend time for god.

Shiva Ramsingh let us remember---- spirituality does not mean becoming problem free but problem resistant in other words the best way of becoming problem free is only by being problem resistant. in still other words, spirituality means having more problems than anybody else has.

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12 de marzo a las 18:29
Shiva y Нитья Сундари нет son ahora amigos.
Shiva y Ashley Rampersad son ahora amigos.
Shiva y Shree Kanimozhi Sarojini Govindasamy son ahora amigos.
Shiva y Kevyn Bello son ahora amigos.
Shiva ha comentado el estado de Kevyn Bello.

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Shiva Ramsingh this picture remainds me of what i felt in a church i visited last month its something very special to my heart

Vladana Radevic
beautiful picture... calmness and wisdom of knowing the God's presence in everyone of us and everywhere around us...
08 de marzo a las 17:09

Shiva Ramsingh
very well said,our hands must be humple to love and serve not forgeting to be in prayer,our heart must be open to love all,and we must be aleart in wisdom its a very special pic for the chakras also........
08 de marzo a las 18:58

Peace and Love for the Heart and Soul, cannot be bought or owned by Anyone or Anything, It is a Natu...ral Energy that comes to us All, By Taking the Journey Within, and connecting to our Inner I Am, and by Allowing it to Shine from the Inside out~Alyson~ @ by . . ✫ . .☽☀THE☽SACRED☆JOURNEY ★OF☆THE☽SOUL ☀★¸¸.☆.¸¸ . ✶*¨*. ¸ .✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨
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Shiva Ramsingh is thinking of how krsna showed me his mercy and love yesterday,i no aunty and uncle was shocked..... but krsna you showed me that you are with me.
Madana Dookieram
wow that amazing. i remember when druga ma showed me her graces. well it shows that we hindus r right to believe in wat we believe
08 de marzo a las 15:01

Shiva Ramsingh
may mother bles you always for her love is like no other,
08 de marzo a las 15:18
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de . . ✫ . .☽☀THE☽SACRED☆JOURNEY ★OF☆THE☽SOUL ☀★¸¸.☆.¸¸ . ✶*¨*. ¸ .✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨.
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj.
Shiva y Venkatraman Srinivasan son ahora amigos.
Shiva y Anya Panteleev son ahora amigos.
Shiva y Krishna Premi son ahora amigos.
Shiva y Devi Ramnarine son ahora amigos.

Shiva Ramsingh so true ... i could not said it better
Shiva took the "The Real You." quiz and the result is Yourself.
The truth is, you already are aware of yourself and who you are. You've come to terms with yourself and have been through almost everything. You live, love, and cherish. You've already shown everyone your true colors. Your life is complete. Nothing hold you back. You've... lived with regrets, anger, hurt, despair, light dark, and everything in between. However, these things won't stop you. Keep living on. You find beauty in yourself and others. You are prone to changing. You let your emotions out and keep them that way. Everyone admires you for your loyalty and trustworthiness. You are a truly unique and one in your own.
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06 de marzo a las 20:06 a través de Quiz Monster
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de II Sri Ram Charit Manas II.
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de Om Namah Shivaya.
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de Samaskars.
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de Invitation to Invest in Bihar of Buddha.
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de HARE KRISHNA.
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de JAI MATA DI.
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de INNER PEACE.
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de Radha Krishna Radhavallabh Temple Vrindavan. ·
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de SDGonline (writings of Satsvarupa dasa Goswami). ·
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de Global Organization of Hindus.
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de THE INDUS VALLEY UNIVERSITY. ·
Shiva se ha unido al grupo Gaudiya Vaishnavism. ·
Shiva se ha unido al grupo Srila Prabhupadas book distribution.
Shiva se ha unido al grupo Lord Balarama.
Shiva se ha unido al grupo ♥ We really love Kirtan!♥.
Shiva se ha unido al grupo 1 Million People Support The Dalai Lama's Work For World Peace.
Shiva se ha unido al grupo Warriors for Prabhupada’s Ritvik Association(.
Shiva se ha unido al grupo Shivaji.
Shiva se ha unido al grupo 12 Hour Kirtan - NYC.
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Shiva se ha unido al grupo Inner Nectar.
Shiva se ha unido al grupo Krishna Conscious Quotes a day!
Shiva se ha unido al grupo Green Smoke Trinidad and Tobago.
Shiva se ha unido al grupo It's time INDIA picked up a cue from ISRAEL and HIT BACK !!!
Shiva se ha unido al grupo Maa Saraswati.
Shiva se ha unido al grupo Pentavox Herbals & Ayurveda (Biggest Ayurveda Group on Facebook).
Shiva se ha unido al grupo I.N.T.E.L.
Shiva se ha unido al grupo GURUKUL.
Shiva se ha unido al grupo COMUNICACION CON CHILE.
Shiva se ha unido al grupo I N D I A N S.
Shiva se ha unido al grupo THE INDUS VALLEY UNIVERSITY.
Shiva y Rambhadra Das son ahora amigos.

A otras 2 personas más les gusta esto.

Shiva Ramsingh
ati sundar
05 de marzo a las 22:12

Alok Sanadhya
so sweeeet bro how u doin ??
06 de marzo a las 5:22

Shiva Ramsingh rainwater never stands on a high ground but runs down to the lowest also the mercy of god remains in the heart of the lowly, but drains off from those of vain and the proud.

Shiva Ramsingh my brothers only one is missing but we love you bro

Shiva Ramsingh
cant wait
05 de marzo a las 21:58

Erron Melissa Seenath
am i seeing rite ...check bumper....looking good...nice pic
06 de marzo a las 2:12

Shiva Ramsingh “I honor the place within you where the entire Universe resides; I honor the place within you of love, of light, of truth, of peace; I honor the place within you, where, when you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us..”

If one chants this great prayer with faith and transcendental devotion on Lord Chaitanya’s appearance day, then one perpetually attains the fulfillment of their each and every pure desire. ...

Shiva Ramsingh people often wonder,how do i get gods love? you get it by giving of yourself to others,in ways that you like to give..... never ever be selfish

Shiva Ramsingh start your day with love,filled your day with love,end your day with love, love is love is love is the way to god,never hate give love its free

Krystel Amrita Ballah
happy holi to u & hope to see u @ gp ground 2morrow hope u hav ah gr8 1!!!
28 de febrero a las 0:58

Shiva Ramsingh there is an old buddhist saying ''if you die before you die, then when you die you dont die ''

Kelly Paleczny
tomorrow or my next lifetime, which will happen first? - another buddhist saying
23 de febrero a las 23:10

Shiva Ramsingh
nice very true
24 de febrero a las 11:38

Anjaniee Boodram hi brother i wish you ahappy birthday i hoped you enjoy the day and i wish you many more birthdays to come.

Kamini Bachu Happy birthday swami,hope dat u njoyed dis wonderful day k..take care,keep gud laterz
Shiva ha escrito en el Muro de I never stopped loving u..i just stopped letting it show...♥
Shiva se ha hecho admirador de I never stopped loving u..i just stopped letting it show...♥ ·
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