last updated 19th February 2005
Sri Garga Samhita, The Worship of Sri Giriraj
Srila Rupa Gosvami`s SRI HAMSADUTA
Sri Garga-samhita, Canto Three, Chapter One
Çré Giriräja-püjä-vidhi
The Worship of Çré Giriräja
Text 1
çré-bahuläçva uväca
girià govardhanaà varam
ucchiléndhraà yathä bälo
hastenaikena lélayä
çré-bahuläçva uväca—Çré Bahuläçva said; katham—why?; dadhära—lifted; bhagavän—the Lord; girim—Hill; govardhanam—Govardhana; varam—best; ucchiléndhram—a mushroom; yathä—as; bälaù—achild; hastenaikena—with one hand; lélayä—playfully.
Çré Bahuläçva said: Why did Lord Kåñëa lift Govardhana Hill as a child playfully lifts a mushroom.
Text 2
çré-kåñëasya mahätmanaù
vadaitac caritaà divyaà
adbhutaà muni-sattama
paripürëatamasya—of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; asya—of Him; çré-kåñëasya—Çré Kåñëa; mahätmanaù—the Supreme; vada—please tell; etat—that; caritam—pastime; divyam—transcendental and glorious; adbhutam—wonderful; muni-sattama—O best of sages.
O best of sages, please tell that wonderful and glorious transcendental pastime of Lord Kåñëa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Text 3
çré-närada uväca
yathä çakräya vai tathä
balià dadu prävåd-ante
gopäù sarve kåñévalaù
çré-närada uväca—Çré Närada said; varñikam—annual; hi—indeed; karam—tribute; räjïe—to the king; yathä—as; çakräya—to Indra; vai—indeed; tathä—so; balim—offering; daduù—gave; prävåd-ante—at thne end of the monsoon season; gopäù—the gopas; sarve—all; kåñévalaù—farmers.
Çré Närada said: As citizens pay an annual tax to their king, so the gopas, farmers all, at the end of each monsoon season offered a tribute to Indra.
Text 4
cayaà dåñövaikadä hariù
nandaà papraccha sadasi
ballavänäà ca çåëvatäm
mahendra-yäga-sambhära-cayam—the arrangements for the indra-yajïa; dåñöva—seeing; ekadä—one day; hariù—Kåñëa; nandam—to Nanda; papraccha—asked; sadasi—in the assmbly; ballavänäm—of gopas; ca—and; çåëvatäm—listening.
Noticing the arrangements for the indra-yajï, as the gopas listened, Kåñëa asked a question of King Nanda.
Text 5
çré-bhagavän uväca
kià phalaà cäsya vidyate
laukikaà vä vadanty etad
athavä para-laukikam
çré-bhagavän uväca—the Supreme Personality of Godhead said; çakrasya—of Indra; püjanam—worship; hy—indeed; etat—this; kim—what?; phalam—result; ca—and; asya—of this; vidyate—is; laukikam—of the material world; vä—or; vadanty—say; etat—this; athavä—or; para-laukikam—beyond the material world.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: What is the result of this worship of Indra? Do they say it brings a material result or a spiritual result?
Text 6
çré-nanda uväca
bhukti-mukti-karaà param
etad vinä naro bhümau
jäyate na sukhé kvacit
çré-nandaù uväca—Çré Nanda said; çakrasya—of Indra; püjanam—worship; hy—indeed; etat—this; bhukti-mukti-karam—gives sense gratification and liberation; param—further; etat—this; vinä—without; naraù—a person; bhümau—on the earth; jäyate—is born; na—not; sukhé—happi; kvacit—at all.
Çré Nanda said: Worship of Indra brings both sense gratification and liberation. Without it a person cannot be happy in this world.
Text 7
çré-bhagavän uväca
bhuïjanti ye svarga-sukhaà sva-karmabhiù
viçanti te martya-padaà çubha-kñaye
tat-sevanaà viddhi na mukti-käraëam
çré-bhagavän uväca—the Supreme Personality of Godhead said; çakrädayaù—of Indra; deva-gaëäç—the demigods; ca—and; sarvataù—in all respewcts; bhuïjanti—enjoy; ye—who; svarga-sukham—heavenly happiness; sva-karmabhiù—by their own karma; viçanti—enter; te—they; martya-padam—the world of human beings; çubha—of good karma; kñaye—on the exhaustion; tat-sevanam—that service; viddhi—know; na—not; mukti-käraëam—the cause of liberation.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Indra and the other demigods enjoy living in Svargaloka because of their past karma. When their good karma is exhausted they again enter the world of humans. Please understand that worshiping them does not bring liberation.
Text 8
värtä tu ka kau kila tat-kåtätmanäm
tasmät paraà kälam anantam eva hi
sarvaà baliñöhaà su-budhä viduù pare
bhayam—fear; bhavet—is; vai—indeed; parameñöhinaù—of Brahmä; yataù—because; värtä—message; tu—indeed; ka—what?; kau—on the earth; kila—indeed; tat-kåtätmanäm—of they who have done that; tasmät—from that; param—greater; kälam—time; anantam—endless; eva—indeed; hi—indeed; sarvam—all; baliñöham—strongest; su-budhä—very wise; viduù—know; pare—others.
Even the demigod Brahmä is afraid of that, so what may be said of fruitive workers on the earth? They are are actually wise say that endless time is the most powerful, the supreme.
Text 9
bhajed dharià yajïä-patià sureçvaram
viçrjya sarvaà manasä kåteù phalaà
vrajet paraà mokñam asau na cänyathä
tataù—then; tam—him; äçritya—taking shelter; su-karmabhiù—by karma; param—suopreme; bhajet—worship; dharim—Lord Hari; yajïä-patim—the master of sacrifices; sureçvaram—the master of the demigods; viçrjya—abandoning; sarvam—all; manasä—by the mind; kåteù—done; phalam—result; vrajet—obtains; param—ultimate; mokñam—liberation; asau—he; na—not; ca—and; anyathä—otherwise.
With all their heart renouncing all material pious results, the wise take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and worship Him with the best of pious deeds. They, and not others, attain final liberation.
Text 10
dharmaç ca yajïädhipater vibhütayaù
dhiñëyeñu caiteñu harià bhajanti ye
sa tv ihämutra sukhaà vrajanti te
gaù—cows; vipra—brähmaëas; sädhu—saintly persons; agni—fire-gods; suräù—demigods; çrutiù—Vedas; tathä—so; dharmaç—religion; ca—and; yajïädhipateù—of the Lord of sacrifices; vibhütayaù—potencies; dhiñëyeñu—in places; ca—and; eteñu—these; harim—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; bhajanti—worship; ye—who; sa—and; tu—indeed; iha—here; amutra—in the next life; sukham—happiness; vrajanti—attain; te—they.
The cows, saintly persons, fire-gods, demigods, Vedas, and principles of religion are all potencies of Lord Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They who, instead of worshiping the demigods, worship Lord Hari, attain happiness in this life and the next.
Text 11
govardhano näma giréndra-räja-räö
samägato hy atra pulastya-tejasä
yad-darçanäj janma punar na vidyate
samutthitaù—born; asau—it; hari—of Lord Kåñëa's; vakñasaù—chest; girir govardhanaù—Govardhana Hill; näma—named; giréndra—the king of moutnains; räja-räö—the king of the king; samägataù—came; hy—indeed; atra—here; pulastya-tejasä—by the power of Pulastya Muni; yad-darçanät—by seeing it; janma—birth; punaù—again; na—not; vidyate—is.
The hill named Govardhana is the king of the kings of the kings of mountains. It was born from Lord Hari's own chest. It has come here by the power of Pulastya Muni. By seeing it one becomes free from having to take birth again in this world.
Text 12
dätavyam adyaiva paraà hy upäyanam
eña priyo me makha-räja eva hi
na ced yathecchästi tathä kuru vraja
sampüjya—worshiping; go-vipra-surän—the cows, brähmaëas, and demigods; mahädraye—to the great hill; dätavyam—should be given; adya—now; eva—indeed; param—great; hy—indeed; upäyanam—method; eña—this; priyaù—dear; me—to Me; makha-räja—the king of sacrifices; eva—indeed; hi—indeed; na—not; cet—if; yathä—as; icchä—desire; asti—is; tathä—so; kuru—do; vraja—go.
First worship the cows, brähmaëas, and demigods, and then make a great offering to Govardhana Hill. That offering is the king of yajïas and it is very dear to Me. If you do not desire to make that offering, then do whatever you wish.
Text 13
çré-närada uväca
gopo våddho 'ti-néti-vit
ati-prasannaù çré-kåñëaà
aha nandasya çåëvataù
çré-näradaù uväca—Çré Närada said; teñäm—of them; madhye—in the midst; atha—then; sannandaù—Sannanda; gopaù—gopa; våddhaù—elderly; ati-néti-vit—learned in the principles of proper conduct; ati-prasannaù—very happy; çré-kåñëam—to Çré Kåñëa; aha—said; nandasya—of Nanda; çåëvataù—listening.
Çré Närada said: Among them the elderly gopa Sannanda, who throughly knew the real principles of religion, became very pleased. As bewildered Nanda listened, Sannanda spoke to Lord Kåñëa.
Text 14
çré-sannanda uväca
tvaà säkñäj jïäna-çevadhiù
kartavyä kena vidhinä
püjädrer vada tattvataù
çré-sannanda uväca—Çré Sannanda said; he—O; nanda-sünaù—son of Nanda; he—O; täta—dear one; tvam—You; säkñäj—directly; jïäna—of knowledge; çevadhiù—the treasure; kartavyä—should be done; kena—by what?; vidhinä—method of worship; püjä—the worship; adreù—of the hill; vada—please tell; tattvataù—in truth.
Çré Sannanda said: Dear son of Nanda, You are wealthy with a great treasury of transcendental knowledge. How should the hill be worshiped? Please truthfully tell.
Text 15
çré-bhagavän uväca
giri-räja-bhuvaà hy adhaù
dhåtvätha sarva-sambhäraà
bhakti-yogo jitendriyaù
çré-bhagavän uväca—the Supreme Personality of Godhead said; älipya—anointing; go-mayena—with cow-dung; api—even; giri-räja-bhuvam—the ground of the king of mountains; hy—indeed; adhaù—beneath; dhåtvätha—accepting; sarva-sambhäram—all ingredients; bhakti-yogaù—devotional service; jita—conquered; indriyaù—the senses.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: A person who controls his senses and engages in devotional service should collect the ingredients for the worship, anoint Govardhana Hill with cow-dung, . . .
Text 16
draye snänaà ca kärayet
gaìgä-jalena yamunä-
jalenäpi dvijaiù saha
sahasra-çérña-mantreëa—with the mantra for the thousand-headed Puruña; adraye—the hill; snänam—bathing; ca—and; kärayet—should do; gaìgä—Gaìgä; jalena—with water; yamunä—Yamunä; jalenäpi—with water; dvijaiù—brähmaëas; saha—with.
. . . and, as he chants the mantras for the thousand-headed Puruña, with other brähmaëas bathe the hill with Gaìgä water and Yamunä water.
Text 17
tataù païcämåtair girim
snäpayitvä gandha-puñpaiù
punaù kåñëä-jalena vai
çukla—white; gaù—cows'; dugdha—milk; dhäräbhiù—with streams; tataù—then; païcämåtaiù—with pancamrta; girim—the hill; snäpayitvä—bathing; gandha-puñpaiù—wioth fragrant flowers; punaù—again; kåñëä-jalena—with Yamunä water; vai—indeed.
Then he should bathe the hill with streams of white milk, païämåta, fragrant flowers, and then Yamunä water again.
Text 18
äsanaà sarvato 'dhikam
dattvä dépävalià paräm
vastram—garments; divyam—splendid; ca—and; naivedyam—food; äsanam—a seat; sarvataù—than all; adhikam—better; mälä—garlands; alaìkära—ornaments; nicayam—many; dattvä—giving; dépävalim—a series of lamps; paräm—great.
Then he should offer splendid garments, food, a great throne, many garlands and ornaments, and many lamps.
Text 19
namaskuryät tataù param
kåtäïjali-puöo bhütvä
tv idam evam udérayet
tataù—then; pradakñiëäm—circumambulation; kuryän—should do; namaskuryät—offer obeisances; tataù—then; param—then; kåtäïjali-puöaù—with folded hands; bhütvä—becoming; tv—indeed; idam—this; evam—thus; udérayet—should recite.
Then he should circumambulate the hill, offer obeisances, and with folded hands recite this mantra:
Text 20
tubhyaà goloka-mauline
namo govardhanäya ca
namaù—obeisances; våndävanaìkäya—to the lap of Våndävana; tubhyam—to You; goloka-mauline—the crowen of Goloka; pürëa-brahma—of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; atapaträya—the umbrella; namaù—obeisances; govardhanäya—to Govardhana Hill; ca—and.
Obeisances to you, who are Goloka's crown and the lap where Våndävana forest grows! Obeisances to Govardhana Hill, the Supreme Personality of Godhead's parasol!
Text 21
néräjanam ataù param
väditrair madhura-svanaiù
puñpa—of flowers; aïjalim—handful; tataù—then; kuryän—should do; néräjanam—arati; ataù param—then; ghaëöä-kaàsya—karatals; mådaìga—mrdangas; ädyaiù—beginning with; väditraiù—with musical instruments; madhura-svanaiù—with sweet sounds.
Then he should offer a handful of flowers and then, as mådaìgas, karatälas and other musical instruments make sweet sounds, he should offer ärati to Govardhana Hill.
Text 22
varña-läjaiù samäcaret
tat-samépe cänna-küöaà
kuryäc chraddhä-samanvitaù
veda—know; aham—I; etam—this; mantreëa—with mantra; varña-läjaiù—with a shower of grains; samäcaret—should worship; tat-samépe—near it; ca—and; anna—of food; küöam—a hill; kuryäc—should do; chraddhä-samanvitaù—with faith.
Then he should chant the mantra that begins with vedäham", and then he should throw a shower of grains. In this way he should worship the hill. Then with great faith he should place a hill of food near Govardhana Hill.
Note: The mantra here is Çré Çvetäçvatara Upaniñad 3.8:
äditya-varëaà tamasaù purastät
tam eva viditväti-måtyum eti
nänyaù panthä vidyate 'yanäya
"I know that Supreme Personality of Godhead who is transcendental to all material conceptions of darkness. Only he who knows Him can transcend the bonds of birth and death. There is no way for liberation other than this knowledge of the Supreme Person."*
Text 23
tulasé-dala-misraiç ca
kacolänäm—of cups; catuù-çañöi-païca-paìkti-samanvitam—with rows of four, six and five; tulasé-dala-misraiç—mixed with tulasé leaves; ca—and; çré-gaìgä-yamunä-jalaiù—with Gaìgä and Yamunä water.
Then he should offer four, six, and five cups of Gaìgä and Yamunä water mixed with tulasé leaves.
Text 24
kuryät seväà samähitaù
tato 'gnén brähmaëän püjya
gäù surän gandha-puñpakaiù
ñaö-païcäçattamaiù—with fifty-six; bhägaiù—kinds; kuryät—should do; seväm—service; samähitaù—with a peaceful heart; tataù—then; agnén—the fire-gods; brähmaëän—the brähmaëas; püjya—worshipinf; gäù—the cows; surän—the demigods; gandha-puñpakaiù—with fragrant flowers.
Then, with a peaceful heart, he should serve Govardhana Hill by offering it a feast of fifty-six kinds of food. Then with fragrant flowers he should worship the fire-gods, brähmaëas, cows, and demigods.
Text 25
saugandhair miñöa-bhojanaiù
anyebhyaç cäçvapäkebhyo
dadyäd bhojanam uttamam
bhojayitvä—after feeding; dvija-varän—the brähmaëa; saugandhaiù—with fragrant; miñöa-bhojanaiù—delicious food; anyebhyaç—others; ca—and; ä-çvapäkebhyaù—down to the dogeaters; dadyät—should give; bhojanam—food; uttamam—the best.
After feeding the exalted brähmaëas with fragrant and delicious foods, he should also give excellent foods to the others, even down to the dogeaters.
Text 26
gaväà nåtyaà ca kärayet
maìgalair jaya-çabdaiç ca
kuryäd govardhanotsavam
gopé-gopäla-våndaiù—by the gopas and gopés; ca—and; gaväm—of the cows; nåtyam—dancing; ca—and; kärayet—should make; maìgalaiù—auspicious; jaya—victory; çabdaiù—with sounds; ca—and; kuryät—should do; govardhana—for Govardhana Hill; utsavam—a festival.
Then he should have the gopas and gopés dance among the cows and call out "Victory!" In this way he should perform a festival to worship Govardhana Hill.
Text 27
tatra püjä-vidhià çåëu
go-mayair vardhanaà kuryät
tad-äkäraà paronnatam
yatra—where; govardhana—Govardhana Hill; abhävaù—is not; tatra—there; püjä-vidhim—the method of worship; çåëu—hear; go-mayaiù—with cow-dung; vardhanam—increased; kuryät—should do; tad-äkäram—the form of Govardhana Hill; para-unnatam—lofty.
Now please hear how this worship should be performed when one is not near Govardhana Hill. One should make from cow-dung a model of Govardhana Hill.
Text 28
éñikäbhiù samanvitaù
püjanéyaù sadä martyair
girir govardhano bhuvi
puñpa-vyühaiù—with many flowers; latä-jälaiù—with a network of vines; éñikäbhiù—with grass; samanvitaù—with; püjanéyaù—the object of worship; sadä—always; martyaiù—by human beings; giriù govardhanaù—Govardhana Hill; bhuvi—on the earth.
Human beings on this earth should decorate thet model with many flowers, blades of grass, and a network of vines, and regularly offer worship to it.
Text 29
kñiptvädrau tac-chiläà nayet
gåhëéyäd yo vinä svarëaà
sa mahä-rauravaà vrajet
çilä-samänam—nuggets; puraöam—gold; kñiptvä—ignoring; adrau—on the hill; tac-chiläm—the stone; nayet—takes; gåhëéyät—may take; yaù—who; vinä—without; svarëam—gold; sa—he; mahä-rauravam—to a great hell; vrajet—goes.
A person who has a mountain of gold but does not use it to worship a stone he has taken from Govardhana Hill, goes to a terrible hell.
Text 30
sevanaà kärayet sadä
pätakaà na spåçet taà vai
padma-patraà yathä jalam
çälagrämasya—of Çälagräma; devasya—of the Lord; sevanam—service; kärayet—should do; sadä—regularly; pätakam—to hell; na—not; spåçet—may touch; tam—him; vai—indeed; padma—lotus; patram—leaf; yathä—as; jalam—water.
A person who regularly worships the Lord's form as Çälagräma-çilä is not touched by hell as a lotus leaf is not touched by water.
Text 31
yaù karoti dvijottamaù
vagäha-phalam eti saù
giri-räja—of Govardhana Hill; çilä—stone; seväm—service; yaù—one who; karoti—does; dvijottamaù—the best of brähmaëas; sapta-dvépa—of the seven continents; mahi-tértha—in the great holy places; avagäha—of bathing; phalam—the result; eti—attains; saù—he.
An exalted brähmaëa who reularly serves a stone from Govardhana Hill attains the result of having bathed in all the holy rivers and lakes in the seven worlds.
Text 32
varñe varñe karoti yaù
iha sarva-sukhaà bhuktvä-
mutra mokñaà prayäti saù
giri-räja—of Govardhana Hill; mahä—great; püjäm—worship; varñe—year; varñe—after year; karoti—does; yaù—who; iha—here; sarva-sukham—all happiness; bhuktvä-—enjoying; amutra—in the next life; mokñam—liberation; prayäti—attains; saù—he.
A person who year after year elaborately worships Govardhana Hill attains all happiness in this life and liberation in the next.
- Sri Garga Samhita - Cantos 8º, 9º, 10º y 11
- Sri Giriraja-mahotsava - The Great Festival of Sri...
- Sri Garga Samhita - Indice de Cantos y Capítulos
- Sri Garga Samhita - Canto 3º - Cap. 3º
- Sri Garga Samhita - Canto 3º - Cap. 4º
- Sri Garga Samhita - Canto 3º - Cap. 5º
- Sri Garga Samhita - Canto 3º - Cap. 6º
- Sri Garga Samhita - Canto 3º - Cap. 7º
- Sri Garga Samhita - Canto 3º - Cap. 8º
- Sri Garga Samhita - Canto 3º - Cap. 9º
- Sri Garga Samhita - Canto 3º - Cap. 10º
- Sri Garga Samhita - Canto 3º - Cap. 11º
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