lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010


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Upload feito em 16 de maio de 2010
por ISKCON desire tree

12th of May 2010 HKC Stockholm-19

12th of May 2010 HKC Stockholm-19 por ISKCON desire tree.

12th of May 2010 HKC Stockholm-20

12th of May 2010 HKC Stockholm-20 por ISKCON desire tree.

12th of May 2010 HKC Stockholm-21

12th of May 2010 HKC Stockholm-21 por ISKCON desire tree.

12th of May 2010 HKC Stockholm-22

12th of May 2010 HKC Stockholm-22 por ISKCON desire tree.

12th of May 2010 HKC Stockholm-23

12th of May 2010 HKC Stockholm-23 por ISKCON desire tree.

Fotos de Marisha Naidoo del álbum krishna

Fotos de Mukesh K Agrawal - Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1

Foto 40 de 200|Volver al álbum|Fotos de Mukesh K|Perfil de Mukesh K


On the right hand side, near the confluence of the Sarasvati and Yamunä, is Ambarisa-tilä. In Satya-yuga, Mahäräja Ambarisa was the sole emperor of this world, which consists of seven islands. He was an unalloyed devotee of the Supreme Lord and engaged all his senses in following the various limbs of bhakti. With his mind, he would meditate upon Shri krishna’s pastimes. With his voice, he would chant the names of the Lord and glorify His various pastimes. With his hands, he would clean the temple of Bhagavän. He would engage his ears in hearing about the pastimes of the Lord. He would engage his eyes in taking darsana of Shri Mukunda’s temples. He would engage his nose in smelling the garlands, sandalwood paste and other articles that had been offered at the lotus feet of Bhagavän. He would honour the prasäda offered to the Supreme Lord by tasting it with his tongue, and with his legs he would circumambulate the Supreme Lord’s dhäma, the tulsi plant, His temples and so on. He would also observe Ekädasi and other fasts on days related to Hari.

Once, while residing at this place in Mathurä, Mahäräja Ambarisa observed the vow of Ekädasi for one year by fasting without water (nirjala). On Dvädasi, there was only a short time after sunrise in which it was auspicious to break his fast. Mahäräja Ambarisa worshipped Bhagavän and was just about to take grains that had been offered to the Supreme Lord, when Maharishi Durväsä arrived. With great respect, the king invited the sage to join him. The maharishii said, “I accept your invitation, but I first need to finish my daily duties. I will go to the bank of the Yamunä; please wait until I return.” Saying this, the sage went to the Yamunä. However, Maharishi Durväsä’s return was slightly delayed, and the auspicious time was about to pass. After consulting with the brähmanss and his ministers, Mahäräja Ambarisa took a drop of the water that washed the Supreme Lord’s feet in order to protect his fast.

When Maharishi Durväsä returned, he was furious, knowing well that Mahäräja Ambarisa had broken the fast without him. He pulled a matted lock of hair from his head and transformed it into a fiery demoness called Krtyä, who was ready to burn Ambarisa to ashes. However, Mahäräja Ambarisa simply stood there fearlessly with folded hands. The Sudarsana cakra, the protector of the devotees, immediately appeared and burnt Krtyä to ashes.Sudarsana cakra then leapt towards Maharishi Durväsä, who swiftly ran everywhere to save his life. He fled to Bhuù, Bhuvaù, Svaù and other planetary systems. He even went to Brahmaloka and Sivaloka, but no one in those places could save him. Wherever he went, he saw the frightening Sudarsana cakra pursuing him. Finally, Maharishi Durväsä came to Näräyan in Vaikunthloka and desperately cried out: “Help, save me, protect me!” Bhagavän Sri Näräyaëa said, “I am under the control of My devotees. I am their heart and they are My heart. How can I forsake those who have taken My shelter, having left everything – their home, wife, sons, family and wealth? You should at once return to Ambarisa and plead for forgiveness. Sudarsana cakra can be pacified by his prayer only, and not by any other means.”

For one full year, the great devotee Ambarisa Mahäräja remained standing there, waiting for Durväsä and praying for the sage’s welfare. Upon returning from Vaikunth, the perturbed Durväsä begged Mahäräja Ambarisa for his life. Ambarisa Mahäräja pacified Sudarsana cakra by offering prayers to him and then satisfied the sage by respectfully presenting him an array of delicious preparations. Durväsä became astonished to witness the glories of Mahäräja Ambarisa and said, “Aah, today I have realised the unprecedented glories of Bhagavän Anantadeva’s devotees. I greatly offended Ambarisa Mahäräja, but still he always desires nothing but my welfare. This is only possible for the devotees of the Supreme Lord.”

This pastime took place here. To this day, Ambarisa-tilä stands as witness to the glories of the devotee Ambarisa. Nearby, towards the Yamunä, is Cakra-tirtha, where Mahäräja Ambarisa pacified the cakra by offering various prayers.


En el lado derecho, cerca de la confluencia del Yamunä y Saraswati, se encuentra Ambarisa-Tilä. En Satya-yuga, el rey Mahäräja Ambarisa era el único emperador de este mundo, que consta de siete islas. Fue un devoto puro y comprometido del Seïor Supremo en todos los sentidos en el seguimiento de estas facetas del bhakti. Con su mente, el meditaba en los Pasatiempos del Seïor Shri Krishna. Con su voz, cantaban el Santo Nombre del Seïor y glorificaba los distintos pasatiempos. Con sus manos, limpiaba el templo de Bhagavän. Con sus oídos los usaba para escuchar acerca de los pasatiempos del Seïor. Con los ojos iba a los templos a ver al Seïor Shri Mukunda. Con su nariz la usaba para oler las guirnaldas, la pasta de sándalo, incienso y otros artículos que se había ofrecido a los pies de loto de Bhagavän. Con su prasäda ofrecida a la Deidad del Seïor Supremo y por probarlo con su lengua, y con sus piernas iba a circunvalar el dhäma (la morada) del Seïor Supremo, la planta de tulsi, sus templos y así sucesivamente. Tambien observaba Ekädasi y otros ayunos en los días relacionados con Shri Hari.

Una vez, durante su residencia en este lugar en Mathurä, Mahäräja Ambarisa observó el voto de Ekädasi durante un aïo con el ayuno sin agua (nirjala). En Dvädasi, hubo muy poco tiempo despues del amanecer en el que se propicia para romper su ayuno. Mahäräja Ambarisa adorando a Sri Bhagavän ya estaba a punto de tomar los granos que se habían ofrecido al Seïor Supremo, en ese momento llegó Maharishi Durväsä. Con gran respeto, el rey invitó al sabio a unirse a el. El maharishii dijo: "Acepto su invitación, pero primero tengo que terminar mis deberes cotidianos. Voy a ir a la orilla del río Yamunä, por favor espereme hasta que yo vuelva. "Diciendo esto, el sabio se dirigió a la orilla del río Yamunä. Sin embargo, Maharishi Durväsä realizando sus deberes cotidianos en el río Yamunä, se retrasó un poco, y el momento propicio para romper el ayuno, estaba a punto de pasar. Tras consultar con los brähmanas y sus ministros consejeros, Mahäräja Ambarisa tomó una gota de agua que lavó los pies del Seïor Supremo, a fin de proteger su ayuno.

Cuando Maharishi Durväsä regresó, se puso furioso, sabiendo bien que Mahäräja Ambarisa había roto el ayuno sin el. Con una de sus manos se quitó un pelo de su cabeza y lo transformó en un demonio de fuego llamado Krtyä, que estaba listo para convertir al rey Mahäräja Ambarisa en cenizas. Sin embargo, el rey Mahäräja Ambarisa simplemente se quedó allí sin miedo, con las manos cruzadas. El chakra Sudarsana, el protector de los devotos, inmediatamente apareció y lo quemó, convirtiendo al demonio Krtyä en cenizas. El Sudarsana Chakra, saltó hacia Maharishi Durväsä, quien rápidamente corrió por todas partes para salvar su vida. Huyó a Bhuù, Bhuvaù, Svaù y otros sistemas planetarios. Incluso fue a Brahmaloka y Sivaloka, pero nadie en esos lugares pudieron salvarlo. Dondequiera que iba, vio con pavor al chakra Sudarsana que lo perseguían. Por último, el Maharishi Durväsä llegó ante la presencia del Seïor Näräyan en Vaikunthloka y gritó desesperadamente: "¡Ayúdame, sálvame, protegeme!", Dijo Bhagavän Sri Näräyaëa: "Estoy bajo el control de mis devotos. Yo soy su corazón y ellos son mi corazón. ¿Cómo puedo abandonar a los que se han entregado a Mi en busca de refugio, tras haber dejado todo - su casa, esposa, hijos, familiares y sus riquezas? Debe ir en estos momentos junto al rey Mahäräja Ambarisa y pedir perdón. El Chakra Sudarsana solo puede apaciguarse por su oración, y no por cualquier otro medio. "

Durante un aïo completo, el gran devoto de la
Mahäräja Ambarisa permaneció de pie allí, esperando y rezando por el bienestar del sabio Maharishi Durväsä. Al regresar de Vaikunth, el perturbado Durväsä rogó al rey Mahäräja Ambarisa por su vida. Mahäräja Ambarisa pacificó al Chakra Sudarsana ofreciendole oraciones y luego satisfecho por el sabio respetuosamente le presentó una gran variedad de preparaciones deliciosas. Durväsä sorprendido al presenciar las glorias del Mahäräja Ambarisa le dijo: "Ah, hoy me he dado cuenta de las glorias sin precedentes de los devotos de Bhagavän Anantadeva. Me ofendió Mahäräja Ambarisa, pero aun así siempre desea mi bienestar. Esto sólo es posible para los devotos puros del Seïor Supremo".

Este pasatiempo se llevó a cabo aquí. Hasta la fecha, Ambarisa-tilä se erige como testimonio de las glorias de los devotos como Mahäräja Ambarisa. Cerca de aquí, hacia el Yamunä, está el Cakra-Tirtha, donde Mahäräja Ambarisa pacificó al Chakra al ofrecer variadas oraciones.

Mukesh K Agrawal
Mukesh K Agrawal (Facebook)
Mukesh K Agrawal - (blogger)
Fotos de Mukesh K Agrawal - Shri Vraj Dham Darshan... - may 08 (principal) parte 1º
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 2 - may 05

The Liberation of Shri Gajendra - Mukesh K Agrawal... - mar 21
The Gopies glorify the Song of Krishna's Flute - mar 21
Shri Krishna's Shringar lila - mar 22
O Krishna....O Krishna.... : - mar 22
Shri Krishna Disguised as a Female Singer - mar 22
Indication of the future appearance of Shriman Gau... - mar 22
Loving quarell between Suka n Sari about Shri Kris...- mar 22
Shree Radha Krishna's Gandhrava Marriage - mar 22
Shree Krishna - Shree Sudama - mar 22
Shree Shree Gopi Geet - mar 22
Shri Shri Gopisvara Mahadeva in Vrindavan - mar 22
Shri Shreenath Ji's Prakatya Sthala - - mar 22
!! युगलमूर्ति श्री राधे कृष्णा, दर्शन करत मिटे नही...
Shri Giriraj Govardhan - mar 22
Shri Radhika and Her Sakhis - mar 22
Jai Jai Shri radha Shyamsundar Ji - may 09

Sri Vraja Dhama Dharshan
Shri Vraja Dhama - mar 22
Lotus Feet of Shri Nand-Nandan Shri Krishna - mar 29
Lotus Footprints of Shri Vrishbhanu Nandani Shri R... - mar 29
The Border of Vraja-Dham - mar 29
The glory of Shri Mathura - mar 29
City of Mathurä parikramä -- mar 29
Shri Krishna Birthplace - mar 29
Shri Krishna Birthplace Temple - mar 29
The Birth Place! It is a small room 15 x 15 - mar 29
Deities of Krishna, Vasudeva, Devaki - mar 29
Pratibhu-Vigraha of Shri Adikesava - mar 29
Mayapura area of Mathura - mar 29
Visrama Ghata - mar 30
Deities of Shri Krishna and Yamuna-devi at Visrama...
Ghats of Shri Yamuna
The Yamuna’s Twenty-four Ghats
Prayaga tirtha
Tinduka tirtha (Bengali Ghat)
Nava-tirtha (Askunda-ghat )
Soma-tirtha (Gau-ghat)
Sarasvati-patana-tirtha (Krishna ganga-ghat)
Island near Krishna ganga Ghat
Pipalesvara Mahadeva
Ranga-bhumi and Rangesvara Mahadeva
Deities of Krishna-Balaram with Kamsa in the middl...
Kamsa Tila
Shri Kesava Gaudiya Matha
Shri Gauränga Mahaprabhu & Shri Radha-Vinod-bihari...
The Temple Kankali devi
Balbhadra Kunda
Bhutesvara Mahadeva
Patala Devi
Jnana-vapi (Jnana-bavdi)
Mahavidya-devi (Ambika devi)
The temple of Mahavidya
Gokarna Mahadeva
Kamsa’s fort
The fort of Kamsa
Kamsa’s fort - view of the Yamuna and parts of Mat...
Satiburja : Gatasrama-Narayana Temple
Shri Dirgha-Vishnu
Shri Padmanabha
Sveta -Varaha
Dhruva and his worshipful Shri Näräyana Vishnu in ...
The deity of Shri Satrughna
The Talavana
Shri Krishna and Shri Balarama killed the ass-demo...
Deity of Sri Baldeva n Sri Krishna here, at Talava...
The Kumudvana
Krishna and Srimati Radhika, Lalita, Visakha and o...
The Temple of Shri Santanu-Bihari ji and Santanu k...
Deity of Shri Santanu-Bihari ji
Bahulavana (Bosque)
Shrimati Radhika was in Her sulky mood (mana)
Shri Sankarshana Kunda
The Parrots (Sari and Suka)
Shri Radha Kunda & Shri Shyam Kunda
Shri Shri Radha Kunda
Shri shri Shyam Kunda
Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s sitting-place at Tamala...
Sangama or Yogapitha
Sri Jähnavä Thäkuräni’s sitting-place
Shri Raghunätha däsa Gosvämi’s puspa-samädhi
Shri Gopäla Bhatta Gosvämi’s bhajana-kuti
Sri Raghunätha däsa Gosvämi’s Bhajana-Kuti
Indise the Kuti of Sri Krishndäsa Kaviräja Gosvämi...
Gopi-Küp (Gopi Well)
Shri Rädhä-Kuïjabihäri ji
The seven Mahädevas acting as area-protectors (kse...
Shri Giriraja Govardhana
Hanumän Ji carrying Govardhana to Vraja
Pulastya Rishi bringing Govardhana to Vraja
The deities of Mukharä-devi (left), Rädhikä (cente...
Shri Giriraja Govardhana Map
The Deatiled Map of Govardhana Town
Kusuma- Sarovara
Bank of Kusumasarovara
Place in Kusum Sarovar where Krishna and Radha use...
Foot-print of Sri Krishna at Kusum Sarovar
Foot-print of Shri Radha at Kusum Sarovar
Deity of Shri Närada at Närada-Kunda
Krishna’s footprint at Ratna-Simhäsana
Manasi Ganga
Mänasi-Gangä on Deepawali
Shri Harideva Temple
Deity of Sri Harideva in Shri Harideva Temple
Cakalesvara Mahädeva
Mukhäravinda Temple
Deity of Shri Mukharvinda at Shri Mukarvinda Templ...
El pago de impuesto de peaje (Krishna a las Gopis)...

Annakütta at Anyora gaon
The Place of Shree Näth Ji’s Appearance
Deity of Shrinath Ji at Govinda-Kunda
Apsarä-Kunda and Naval Kunda
Naval kunda
Deity of Suryadev (Sungod) at Surya Kunda
The gate to Ädi-badri
Deities of Badri Narayana
Nar- Narayan Parvat
Tapta Kunda
Kedäranätha Mahädeva
Way of adi Kedaranath Mahadev
eighty-four sacred ponds, eighty-four temples and ...
Shri Vrinda Devi and Shri Rädhä-Govindadev
Deity of Shri Vrinda Devi
Dharam Kunda
Deities of the Pändvas and Draupadi in the temple ...
The Temple of Kämesvara Mahädeva at Kamyavana
The Deity of Kämesvara Mahädeva at Kamyavana
Family Tree of Shri Krishn’s Maternal Relatives

Phisalani-Silä - may 04
Vyomäsura’s Cave - may 04
Footprint of Shri Baladeva Prabhu at Vyomasura Cav... - may 04
Bhojana-Thäli - may 04

Plate marks on the hill at Bhojana-Thäli - may 05
A view of Bhojana-Thäli Temple from Krishna-Kunda - may 05
The deities at the temple of Shri Gopinätha ji - may 05
Näbhä ji - may 05
Uncägaon - may 05
Sakhigiri-Parvata - may 05
The Phisalani-Silä (top) and a Citra-Silä (lower) ... - may 05
Lalitä-Viväha-Mandap - may 05
Däü ji Temple - may 05
Shri Lalitä-Sthala (Atorä-Parvata) - may 05
Deha-Kunda - may 05
Venishankara Mahädeva - may 05
Varsana - may 05
Map of Varsana - may 05
The Parikramä of Varsänä is four miles long. Vraja... - may 05
Shri Brahma Parvata - may 05
Shri Vrishbhänu-Kunda - may 05
Sankhri-Khor - may 05
Dana Garh - may 05
Mana Garh - may 05
Mayur Kuti - may 05
Viläsa-garh a top Vishnu-parvata - may 05
Ciksauli - may 05
Gahvaravana Parikramä Path - may 05
Krishna-Kunda - may 05
The Deity of Shri Radha Govind ji at a Bengali tem... - may 05
The Divine Deity of Shri prem Bihari Ji at Prem Sa... - may 05
The temple of Sanket-bihäri ji - may 05
Deity of Shri Sanket-devi (Shri Virä-devi) - may 05
Rasa Mandal Near the Sanket Devi (Vira Devi) Templ... - may 05
The Place of Swing at Sanket Gaon - may 05
Deity of Shri Sanket-Bihäri ji at Shri Sanket biha... - may 05
Deity of Shri Sanket-devi (Shri Virä-devi) - may 05
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 2 - may 05

terminado 12 Mayo 2010

Sri Vraja-Mandala Parikrama
Gopi Gita (The Gopis Song of Separation)
Vrindavan’s Historic Brahma-Kunda
Authors, Translators, Compilers, Editors, etc. - H...

Pilgrims in India - Hindu
Hindu pilgrim places India

Fotos de Mukesh K Agrawal - Shri Vraj Dham Darshan... - may 08
Ultima Actualización 22 Mayo 2010

Ekadasis de Diciembre 2009 - Saphala Ekadasi y Putrada Ekadasi

Ekadasis de Diciembre 2009


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jueves 11 de marzo de 2010


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