"Planet ISKCON" - 26 new articles
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Homage to HG Aindra PrabhuAs you all must have heard by now, His Grace Aindra Prabhu is no longer with us; he left under tragic circumstances on the night of 16th July. • Email to a friend • ![]() Gaura Yoga, NZ: Samadhi• Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON Klang, Malaysia: Harinam Revolution Manifest By HG Aindra PrabhuBY HG AINDRA PRABHU It’s time to wake up and understand what is the responsibility of every man, woman and child in this movement to take seriously that dharma when Lord Caitanya himself inaugurated for the deliverance for all fallen conditioned souls for the rest of the Kali Yuga. There is another 427,000 years left [...] • Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Svarupa-Sakti MatajiSrimad Bhagavatam 11.22.27 - You're not the body. You're Krishna's servant. • Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON Klang, Malaysia: Last Darshan Of Srila Aindra PrabhuBY SHYAM GOPAL DAS AND VIJAY RADHIKA DASI Source: Dandavats.com Hare Krishna! Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Filming the documentary project of BB Govinda Swami about Vrindavan we've became witness of Aindra Prabhu's passing away. Please take also your last darshan of this great personality.. Last darshan of the great [...] • Email to a friend • ![]() Japa Group: Please Join The Japa Group
• Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON New York, USA: HG Aindra Prabhu festival @ Radha Govinda MandirDear devotees and friends, With sadness in our hearts, and full dependence on the Holy Names we invite you and your loved ones to join us on Sunday July 18 2010 at Radha Govinda Mandir, as we glorify a dear servant of Sri Sri Radha Govinda, His Grace Aindra Das, who unexpectedly left his body in Sri Vrindavan Dhama on July 16 2010. Sunday 4pm-11pm Radha Govinda Mandira will have a Tribute to Aindra Prabhu. 4PM Ananta Govinda Prabhu & Friends of Aindra Prabhu chant Vrndavana Mellows Bhajans. 6PM Arati & Kirtan 7PM -8:30PM Bhajans & Videos of Aindra Prabhu and his service of Propagating the Chanting of the Mahamantra- Holy Names 8:15 Special Feast in Aindra Prabhu’s Memory 8:30PM-9PM Sayana Arati Kirtan 9PM-11PM Vrndavana Mellows Bhajans and Devotees Remember Aindra Prabhu’s wonderful and great Service. ![]() • Email to a friend • ![]() David Haslam, UK: Simply Surrender to a processOver the past few months I have been busy proofreading Mother Urmila’s up-coming Activity Books that will work along side her children’s reading books. The other day I was looking at one section and the Americanized Text; the difficulty in making them universal when taking into account the difference in spoken English and phraseology throughout [...] • Email to a friend • ![]() Bhakta Chris, New York, USA: For Aindra
• Email to a friend • ![]() Kirtans in Oxford, UK: A Great Kirtaniya is Mourned.
• Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 133:50 A.M.Last night I had a headache and could not attend the memoriam kirtana service for Aindra Prabhu. Then a terrific thunderstorm came with lightning and heavy rain, and it lasted all night. I was able to get to sleep but woke up at 12:30 A.M. Jayadvaita Maharaja had been remarking that if you lie in bed while you're awake you get just as much rest as if you were asleep. So I tried to apply his opinion and did not get up from bed at 12:30. I lay there awake. The next thing I knew, I had fallen back asleep and I woke with the alarm at 2:30 A.M. So perhaps I shall do that each day. But I do like getting up early also. And I have only chanted nine rounds, whereas I usually like to get a bigger jump. The nine rounds were good. I was alert with no pain and paying attention to the sound vibration. The thunder finally died down, and the room was peaceful. I had no fear that the lights would go out and the electric power would fail. I chanted Hare Krishna like I used to do years ago, full of vigor and attention for nine rounds, and now my time is up and I have to turn to writing.
Who is to say when your • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Nonstop…Prabhupada SmaranamWhen Prabhupada passed away, I thought of his most outstanding features. I thought of the fact that he was always talking (or writing) about Krishna. Here's a casual moment where he has a few devotees gathered, perhaps after a morning walk, and he is doing the same thing, talking about Krishna and Krishna's activities. Even if you came into Prabhupada's presence to speak of some ordinary business, to arrange for his travel itinerary, or to talk of what he wanted for lunch, or to talk of finances for constructing a temple, he would soon turn the conversation to krishna-katha. Something in the ordinary talk would spark him to quote a verse from Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam, and he would be off into a discourse on transcendental subject matter. He did this nonstop, with spontaneity. He did it out of duty to train his disciples, but also because he was so dedicated to Krishna and topics of Krishna that he naturally spoke a flow on these topics. It was not always a novel speech. Sometimes he would repeat himself according to time, persons and atmosphere. But he was always serious in emphasizing the importance of everyone engaging themselves in Krishna's devotional service. In Siksastakam, Lord Caitanya advises kirtaniya sada harih–one should always engage in the kirtana of Lord Hari. This refers to the singing of God's names but also speaking krishna-katha. Prabhupada said, "Because I was good at hearing, now I am good at kirtana." He referred to the kirtana of constantly talking of Krishna's glories. When you love someone you want to hear of them always, and Prabhupada's love for Krishna was shown by his constant speaking of his Lord. Whoever came near Prabhupada was impressed with this outstanding characteristic of his behavior. • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: AfterlifeI haven't said my gayatri There are no lights on. I believe the soul moves Bhaktisiddhanta urged his disciples Taking it easy, So he said make this life I'm writing easy I pray Krishna will be • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: With KrishnaFree WriteKrishna is playing his flute, but He is not entirely alone. A gopi is running toward Him from the background. The birds are also flying wildly, and even the trees seem to be tingling in ecstasy from the sound of the flute. On an autumn night when the moon was full, Krishna desired to dance with the gopis, and He played His flute just to gather them. Upon hearing the vibration of the flute, they all left their respective engagements and went to gather where He was standing. Some of them were milking cows, but they left it half– finished and ran to Him. One of them had just collected milk and put it on the oven to boil, but she didn't care whether it overboiled and spilled—she immediately left it and went to Krishna. Some of them were breastfeeding their babies and some were distributing food to their family members, but they left all such engagements and rushed toward the spot where Krishna was playing the flute. Their guardians tried to stop them from going, but they disregarded them and ran out from their houses. But when the gopis assembled before Krishna, He began to treat them strangely. He welcomed them as He also discouraged them by word jugglery. He spoke to them very officially with exaggerated formal etiquette. He asked them what was their purpose in coming to see Him and was there anything He could do for them? The gopis had come to dance with Him, to embrace Him and kiss Him, and when He began to speak to them very officially they were surprised. They began to smile, but Krishna told them to return home immediately. He said the forest was full of dangerous animals, and besides, they were married and should be home with their husbands. When Krishna spoke in such a discouraging way to the gopis, they became sad and filled with anxiety. Finally they became angry with Him and began to speak to Him. They told Him He was cruel and shouldn't talk in that way. They told Him that they accepted Him as their ultimate husband, and He should not frustrate their desire. After the tears and the pitiful pleas by the gopis Krishna began to smile, and He relented. He began to kiss them and embrace them as they desired. They walked together by the Yamuna and enjoyed pastimes with Him. Thus the gopis were blessed with all mercy by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for they enjoyed His company without a tinge of mundane sex life. • Email to a friend • ![]() Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Gosh Goes Fishin’A devotee from New Vrindaban who delivers newspapers to supplement supporting his family called me a couple of nights ago. One of his subscribers was in a dilemma and asking for help. Her circumstances had changed and she was having to move out of the area. She was leaving the next day and still had not been able to make arrangements for her koi, a colorful fish. She had a small fish pond in her back yard where she had 12 of them that she was very fond of. She was distressed because in her own words she was an animal lover who didn’t want to abandon them. I called the number the devotee had given me and she further stated that she had been unable to catch them because they were too fast which complicated the situation. As I had about done all I was going to get done for the day, on a whim I decided to go. I took two fish nets that Vidya has that she uses to get small gourds out of our gourd cleaner. Sure enough, after repeated tries, I too came to the conclusion that they were too fast reacting to catch simply with a net. It occurred to me that by lowering the level of the water in the pond their options would become more limited so we spent ten minutes bailing out the water until about a third of the sloped rock covered bottom became visible. After that it still took some effort but but we did manage to get them all. The lady was very grateful and I had told her as I was a vegetarian I also was a bit of an animal lover and that I was going to put them in the lotus pond behind the Palace. I didn’t want to put them into the big lake by the temple as there are bass and bluegills there and they do eat small fish. The pond behind the Palace only has gold fish in it. It was dark by the time I got to the Palace but by the headlights of my van I was able to get down to the water’s edge and release the fish into the pond. So New Vrindaban has 12 new residents. Filed under: News, Ramblings or Whatever ![]() • Email to a friend • ![]() Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Huff Post Food TodayThere was just too much in the HuffPo Food section today that was share-worthy….so here we are. Ready for the *other white milk?* Sue Manning reports on camel milk in California. I am not so interested in junk schools and junk food–too much corporate machinations to wrap my head around and most articles fall flat of even attempting to clue us in. But the picture chosen to accompany this Michelle Locke piece is a gem: a hamburger on a donut. Can’t pass up checking that out! Yet another article on the alcohol content of kombucha and how you may have to show proof of age to buy it. And here are a few tips how po’ folk like me with a huge kitchen payment can afford to buy organic. I didn’t find any great money saving revelations here, but maybe it will encourage some of you. Personally, we buy our bulk stuff organic and the cheaper produce. Fresh is best is our motto, so we do try to buy local produce and wash it up real good. ![]() • Email to a friend • ![]() ISKCON News.com: Aindra Das Last Darshan
• Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Sivarama Swami: Saying goodby to Aindra PrabhuAnd introduction to tomorrow's meeting with leaders of the EU on combatting poverty and social exclusion. • Email to a friend • ![]() Japa Group: Japa Room Special Reading
• Email to a friend • ![]() Maddy Jean-claude Durr, New Govardhana, AU: A Journey Across to Poland: [P6] Back On the Beach (Kolobrzeg)Friday 9th, July 2010. The boys were off to setup in the morning. I rolled out of bed to roll out some samosa dough. Our quota for Kolobrzeg was the biggest yet. I was kneading out enough dough this morning to make up three hundred samosas! They were calling for all hands on deck for the restaurant endeavours. Braja, our fearless stage manager, was even recruited. I teased Braja, as much as I could, as he pierced vegetables and gluten with a kebab stick. The kitchen operation was so vast that they were recruiting more than the harinam party. I found myself posting old diaries, from previous tours, on my new blog site: [www.maddmonk.wordpress.com]. I read the titles and found myself living up the memories. It felt like I was in two tours as once. I had recently written entries for the first tour in Australia and it was a similar experience. There were so many sweet exchanges and amazing realizations to contemplate from the past for the tour to come, what to speak of the many more that were on their way. I skipped off onto the bus to Kolobrzeg. I met up with the devotees and we slowly made our way to the usual Prasadam drop off point. I started to walk alone with Sakhi Rai, talking on various subjects. I was a little distracted but soon noticed the area was a little unfamiliar to me. It was almost like my mind was read when I heard HG Adikarta Prabhu call from behind me: "Maddy, do you know where you are going?" I was shocked that I actually didn't. I felt silly, like I used to feel in Australia when I was asked to guide the devotees around from show to show in my car. I didn't even realize that I was supposed to be leading the way on this occasion so I didn't put in much attention to the matter. I left them so I could run ahead and find an easy way to the Prasadam. They were tired from chanting and dancing all day on the beach and I knew, from the many tours in Australia, that there is little patience in such circumstances. Eventually we found our final destination and I sunk my heads into the shadows. We sat, with many other devotees, impatiently waiting to honour Prasadam. I could tell that something was wrong with the usual, smooth operations because it was ridiculously late, even threatening to jeopardise the festival schedule. Almost as soon as this thought came to mind Dominik showed up. He looked at us for a moment with a rather intent motivation on his face. I could read his thoughts and anticipated his request. The Restaurant/Prasadam truck was blocked off from site access and we needed to help unload the restaurant equipment so that devotees could then take Prasadam. We marched over and quickly unloaded it. As it drove away, I took another route back to the devotees to reassure them that Prasadam was on its way. As soon as the truck stopped, I operated the hydraulic ramp and we unloaded it faster than any other time on tour. I served so we could keep the pace and was virtually hurling Prasadam onto the devotees plates. The devotees were back in high spirits and quickly made their way to the festival site. Dominik dismissed me from my service for about half an hour, due to a band being onstage. I play tracks but Dominik handles all live mixing in the festivals. This gives me opportunities for leisurely activities (ie chanting, reading, writing and associating). I sat in a shady spot, on cushion soft grass, with HG Adikarta Prabhu. We leached off the local motel's wireless internet (a yearly affair) so he could check some crucial emails. He offered me a Jogobella (Polish fruit yogurt - good), which someone had generously donated to him. It was my favourite flavour and he had another for himself so there was no way I could refuse. I made my way back to the sound tent. I removed my shoes as I stepped into the sand and trudged along until I reached our central location. HH Indradyumna Swami came into the tent and I handed him the schedule. He eyed it with intense glances, proof checking the content of the daily show. Maharaja was being trailed by some children. He employed them in fetching him various Prasadam, testing the restaurant quality at this crucial festival location. Kolobrzeg is normally one of our biggest and best festivals so everything has to go down well. Indradyumna Swami carefully monitors every department so that everything is smoothly going and the people have the best experience of the Krsna conscious culture that is available to them. Without his constant supervision I am sure many things would be disregarded. Indradyumna Swami only ever accepted the highest quality for his festivals and no less. I stood there, next to Indradyumna Swami, as he gazed out on the scene. Crowds built as the day went on. "This is massive preaching" Maharaja said. As Maharaja said this, I saw a middle aged gentleman sitting in front of the tent. He had a Bhagavad-gita in his hands. He was browsing it casually with his fingers, barely able to fathom its sheer volume. Eventually the man mustered up the courage to approach HH Indradyumna Swami and asked him to sign his book. Maharaja responded with haste, signing the book and gratefully handing it back to the man. I could tell that this man was genuinely intrigued and knew he would read it with great interest. This really was massive preaching, dishing out the mercy to the masses and individually giving out the full serving for those who would take it. The Indian ambassador stepped onto the stage. He had been coming every year to Kolobrzeg, since I had been on tour. His philosophy was sound with our own and focused on Bhagavad-gita and Yoga. It was nice to finally have someone from the great land of India who spoke the same philosophical language as we did. It was often difficult dealing with the artists, who came from so many different religious and spiritual backgrounds in India, but I was glad that the head honcho was backing our banner. The new Govardhana play was received with a closing applause. They clapped along with the tune and cheered. I knew next that the Nandalal session was going to be packed. The children piled onstage and filled it full of smiling faces. Tribhuvanesvara Prabhu engaged them in the various chants for the liberation of their old souls, encaged in young bodies. Maharaja gave another heart moving lecture. He made one good point, stating: "even if you are really happy here, there is no place like home." I understood this principle and accepted it as a divine realization. For many years now I have simply felt not at home in the material world. Home no longer meant birthplace or residence; it no longer meant country of origin or childhood town; it was simply something not of this world and something that always left me feeling nostalgic. I hopped into the bus. I saw many faces from the harinam party littering the seats. For days we were leading half hearted prayers to the great Nara Hari and I was dissatisfied. I saw the opportunity to rouse a group of devotees in appreciation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead so I led the Nrsimha prayers, with full volume. The bus responded nicely and by the end I felt sufficiently satisfied with the offering, ensuring our protection all the way home.
Saturday 10th, July 2010. I woke up and hit the showers. I overheard Govinda Dev (from Germany) mentioning that HH Indradyumna Swami had woken them up again. "Common boys, rise and shine" he had said but it didn't have any effect on the majority of the devotees. Govinda Dev was up, being an exemplary Brahman, and I was up, simply because my service obliged me. Today I was kneading for four hundred samosas! Three hundred the day before and now even more! I asked Dhira Mata if Maharaja was still on a Fire Water fast. (HH Indradyumna Swami occasionally goes on fasts, for a period of days, drinking only a mixture known as "Fire Water".) She informed me that Srinatha was threatening that if Gurudeva was going to fast then she would also fast. This had dissuaded Maharaja from adopting his usual detached mentality and forced him to honour Prasadam regularly. The days were becoming hotter in Europe. We were suffering in the brink of a massive heat wave, making the summer similar to Australia. The only problem was that the vehicles were not designed to compensate such high temperatures and therefore it was like a regular sauna trip on the way to the festivals. We were now dreading the bus rides, despite our cushy new buses. I trudged off with Sakhi Rai Prabhu and Pulkit for a little stroll and katha before lunch Prasadam. After lunch, we headed to the usual site. Devotees were arriving daily and today Sri Kantha Prabhu arrived. It was a typical tour relationship - after dancing ecstatically in a Woodstock kirtana together we became good friends but when it came to getting to know one another there was a bit of a language barrier. It was now a matter of many Sanskrit greetings and ecstatic body language. Today we had our magician, who usually has a tent of his own, on the main stage. He danced away to Krsna Love, by Jai Uttal/MC Yogi, and performed many cheap tricks. I caught out 90% of them from my distant spot, noticing the slight of hand or the mechanical springs, strings, mirrors, etc. I was friends with Dattatreya, a Gurukuli from the States, and an awesome magician in his own right, so I knew all the ins and outs of basic magic. At the end of the magic act a young child came onstage, accompanied by Tribi. They had lost their parents, like many cases in previous years and we made a community announcement on their part. No one seemed to come to claim the child so the stage program presumed as usual. All the while, HH Indradyumna Swami was hiding behind the curtains, snapping some facebook shots of the performers. After a few dances and other acts, the child was presented again onstage. Finally the neglectful parents walked by and picked him up - another happy ending… It had been a few festivals now but Dominik still hadn't altered the Gita track's format. Yet again it didn't work in the player and I had to sweat while there were some heavy moments of silence. I fiddled with the wires in the back of the consul, plugging in Dominik's computer while he sat back and watched for amusement. It was a short delay but then the Gita hit the stage, in all its glory. We ended the night with another amazing stage kirtana. We all piled on the Pink Bus (the only one that was definitely differentiated from the other two coach liners by colour) and had another wild bus ride kirtana. The boys bellowed out a loud response from the back as a mild, timid voice sung from the front.
Sunday 11th, July 2010. I thought I could slack off and sleep in but the Swami beat me to it. HH Indradyumna Swami woke me up with his usual call of "rise and shine boys. Mangala Arati." He chuckled a little as he closed the door. Maybe he wanted us to rise early for Bhaktivinoda Thakura's appearance day or maybe he enjoyed teasing us daily, while we were in our useless states. I had to knead samosa dough for another four hundred samosas this morning! The day before, I had injured my hand in a strange way so I had the extra challenge of avoiding any further aggravation of the injury. In doing this I accidentally stumbled across some more efficient techniques in the intricate art of dough ball making. The church bells rang across the road, for the morning sermon, and I jokingly interpreted it as the usual Prasadam bell, making the devotees laugh. I met Pulkit in my room. He asked me if I had maybe experienced something in the night pertaining to ghosts. I informed him that I had some pretty wild dreams and I was thinking of asking him the same thing. We took the combined incidents as a confirmation. He told me a few scary things that happened to him in the night and that was all we made of it. I had planned to do some reading and chanting but I postponed it for an unscheduled suggestion from our local authority. "Who wants to clean this room?" asked Kaliyapani Prabhu. I decided this was a good time to learn humility. It was like cleaning the heart of all the dust accumulated for years. Those in the room who had an outwardly messy appearance had an even bigger stash of dust collected in the corner of their slots. I cleaned it all once and knew straight away that I had better clean it all again. I went down to the showers to clean up and nearly missed the bus. I was lucky that someone reminded me or I would have missed the festival. I sat with Sakhi Rai Prabhu and we battled the Australian heat (take note that we're not in Australia). The summer sun was scorching the land of Poles (ie Poland) and no one really knew how to deal with it. We were praying for a cold spell but for now we were silently tolerating. I sat in the shade with Adikarta Prabhu, near the site. Another Prabhupada disciple had been on tour with us for a few days now and today he came and introduced himself as "Kapilasvara. He asked various questions about myself, Gurukulis, Radhadesh and a few other things. He encouraged me to be inquisitive and firm up my understandings of life. I had to cut the conversation short in the end so that I could attend my duties in the sound tent. I respectfully took my leave, hoping to seek more association later. I passed Braja, on my way to the sound tent, who had crashed out in exhaustion. When I was in the sound tent I noticed that there was no schedule for the stage show. I went back and woke up Braja and he leaped back into action. We were back in the loop and ready for action. I looked out on an almost empty audience. Someone commented that it was the World Cup today (that would be football/soccer, for those who are as ignorant as me). Most people would be absorbed in the kick of the ball but I prayed Krsna would arrange a few to wander down to the beach's edge to see our show. I had the opportunity to test out Dina Dayal's sound sampler. Whilst he was prancing around stage, battling Devaprastha, I subtly added various sounds of swords clashing and cleaving. It was fun to help our great Ninja-Brahmana, who always amazes us with his death defying feats and his equally notable death defying spiritual intensity. I soon noticed some commotion in the side of my tent. Vanamali's parents had arrived in Kolobrzeg but had taken transport straight to the school so they could take rest. HG Cidananda Gaura decided he wanted to come to the site (Cidananda, aka Cid, was Sri Nama Vanamali Krsna Dasa's little brother) and was now present in the sound tent, dressed for duty. We had been waiting for these great Vaisnavas to arrive for days now. I went over to give Cid a hearty hug, happy to see him back on the tour. We had a grand time together on the last tour, battling breakdowns, smashing setups and hammering in the humour. Now it seemed that we were going to be sharing each other's company for another couple of months of tour madness. The Indian Ambassador came onstage again, addressing the people. He began to talk about Yoga and Ayurveda. He was talking about cleanliness and other various topics. All of a sudden, the ambassador was onstage, squatting, and pouring water through his nostril and out the other. This was a part of Indian culture that I don't think ANYONE expected to see. We were a little worried what the innocent Polish crowd would be thinking, as the nose water splashed down onto some people bellow the stage. When we thought it was all over, he turned his head and poured the water back through the other nostril. I chilled with Cid in the sound tent. We caught up and reminisced some old times. Soon he was onstage for Nandalal, plugging in the keyboard - his first mission for the tour. Already it was disaster and I laughed to myself because it portrayed the irony of services involving technical. Everything turned out in the end but we had Cid running all over, trying to solve the unsolvable. Maharaja didn't give a lecture that night, nor a kirtana. Tribhuvanesvara came onto the stage and started a nice kirtana, to end our stint on the beaches of Kolobrzeg. I went back on the bus, in the heat and to the company of high pitched children, causing a ruckus behind me. This was the final austerity but it couldn't diminish my ultimate satisfaction. We had distributed over a thousand samosas (haha), and many more thousands of tourists had seen our show and heard the holy name. Kolobrzeg festival was always one of the best, being the only beach festival of our coastal tour where we were literally on the beach. [http://maddmonk.wordpress.com] • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Sivarama Swami: Govinda Maharaja’s offering of love and farewell to Aindra PrabhuMay Krishna's holy name, which is a reservoir of all transcendental happiness, the destroyer of Kali-yuga's sins, the most purifying of all purifying things, the saintly person's food as he traverses the path to the spiritual world, the pleasure-garden where the voices of the greatest saints, philosophers, and poets play, the life of the righteous, and the seed of the tree of religion, bring transcendental auspiciousness to you all. Sri Rupa Goswami, Padyavali, 19 This was a favorite verse of Srila Akinchanna Krsna dasa Babaji Maharaja, which he always sang in his mangalacarana before chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra. I thought of this verse today while thinking about you. Yes, Aindra Prabhu, I was thinking about you all day long. The verse glorifies the name of God, and blesses us all with transcendental auspiciousness, the awakening of pure devotional service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. In a sense, this verse was the "mission statement" of a dedicated and selfless kirtaneer of your stature. 1. You gave your life in "dedication with conviction" for sharing the ocean of transcendental happiness of Sri Krishna nama sankirtan with countless souls suffering the miseries of material existence; 2. You dedicated your life to present the "Only and Final" solution for ending the sins and tribulations of Kali Yuga through the performance of Sri Krishna Nama Sankirtan; 3. You humbly and mercifully cried out with a bleeding heart to humanity to purify their existence through accepting the association of Sri Krishna through the performance of Sri Krishna Nama Sankirtan; 4. You were always the chief servers of the luscious feast of Sri Krishna Nama Sankirtan to all of the pilgrims on the path back to Goloka Vrindavan; 5. In your kirtans you were the tour guide to the transcendental pleasure gardens where the faithful can rest while hearing the sweetest voices of the greatest saints extol the glories of Sri Krishna Nama Sankirtana and the exquisite glories of Krishna Bhakti; 6. By liberally bestowing the holy name you presented the real, eternal existence in the lives of the righteous and saintly vaisnava devotees of God; 7. And as a humble gardener you planted the seed of the tree of religion deep within the hearts of millions of people throughout the world, while sitting in front of the deities in Vrindavan; 8. And by showing the true life of humble servant of Sri Krishna's holy names, you evoked eternal auspiciousness for humanity. Aindra, Kali Yuga is dark and becomes darker day by day. Krishna Nama is the brilliantly blazing torch in the darkness of the Kali night. You, My dear godbrother, have been one of the great torch bearing sons of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, our Guru Paramapara, and Sri Caitanyadev and His associates. Aindra, I bow down to you praying for your unconditional vaisnava grace. Please bless me that one day I may chant the holy names of Sri Krishna with a pure heart, with the smallest fraction of the love and single minded dedication which you have always shown us. My brother, all glories to you. You have gone to Radhe Shyam. You have gone to Srila Prabhupada. Please tell them I wish to come as well … but it will take me much more time to have the correct heart situation to finally go. We are feeling sorry you are not here, and we are feeling joy at your success. Well done, well commenced, well executed Aindra. You focused only harinama, Thakurji seva, Bhagavat. You have made the grade and we already miss you. If by chance there is internet up there, or even post card, please stay in touch, because we all love you, and miss you, and direly need your support to reach there. Please say little prayers, on our behalf to the young important citizens there. Please pull the strings and get us there too!! Aindra, till our next meeting, May the love, peace and grace of Sri Krishna sankirtan bathe your precious soul. Daso'smi, BB Govinda Swami • Email to a friend • ![]() Akrura das, Gita Coaching: COURSESCourses provide: • Email to a friend • ![]() H.H. Sivarama SwamiMoney often costs too much. - Ralph Waldo Emerson • Email to a friend • ![]() Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Rathayatra 2010 - Odissi Dance - 6/14An Odissi Dance performed at the Dallas Rathayatra. Dallas, TX • Email to a friend • ![]() Gouranga TV: Lokanath Swami – Gurupuja kirtan – ISKCON Mayapur 2007 – Part 2/4Lokanath Swami – Gurupuja kirtan – ISKCON Mayapur 2007 – Part 2/4 • Email to a friend • ![]() Hari Sauri das, Mayapura, IN: In Memorium: Sriman Aindra PrabhuAt this stage of life, the physical instability of our existence becomes more apparent and the exit from our field of activity of our near and dear ones becomes accelerated. Already this year we have seen Sriman Grahila Prabhu, Sriman Padmalocan Prabhu and Srimati Amekhala dasi complete their transits, and three days ago we just saw Vicitravirya Prabhu do likewise. We have to expect it, disease is part and parcel of material existence. Yet sometimes even devotees become bewildered when a great or prominent devotee is suddenly taken from our sight. Such is the case with our beloved Sriman Aindra Prabhu, who unexpectedly departed on Friday July 16 night, around 10.30 PM. Like everyone else, I was quite shocked to hear the news yesterday morning, after his body was discovered in his room at Krsna Balaram Mandir in Vrndavana. Apparently his gas cylinder blew up and he died as a result of that a very short time after. Devotees missed him in the early morning when he always dressed the Deities, and on knocking on his door got no reply. They had to break in and saw the room blackened and burnt by the blast. Aindra prabhu’s body was found behind his altar, kneeling in the obeisances pose. The supposition is that he lit his gas cylinder and it blew. He then went behind the altar to where there was a window but left just after, offering his obeisances to his Deities from behind. A lot of devotees are in shock. How could a great kirtaniya like Aindra prabhu, still healthy and enthusiastic, with apparently many more years ahead of him for chanting the glories of the Holy Name, make such a violent and dramatic exit? I received a letter from one of my Face Book friends Sukavaka prabhu, asking for some way to understand this: “pamho pr ji.sorry but i hv another question,if u would like to answer it. seeing the sudden death of our very dear aindra prabhu ji,a question arises why does such pure devotees (even srila prabhupada) also have to undergo such tragic and painful end, if krishna wants they can die a peaceful death? Here’s my reply: Just because someone becomes a devotee it does not mean that physically everything will be perfect. In fact, the glory of a devotee is that despite the physical unreliability of having a material body, he remains fully absorbed in his devotion to the Lord. Srila Prabhupada explains this in SB 3.16.37: PURPORT “When something is arranged by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one should not be disturbed by it, even if it appears to be a reverse according to one’s calculations. For example, sometimes we see that a powerful preacher is killed, or sometimes he is put into difficulty, just as Haridasa Thakura was. He was a great devotee who came into this material world to execute the will of the Lord by preaching the Lord’s glories. But Haridasa was punished at the hands of the Kazi by being beaten in twenty-two marketplaces. “Similarly, Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, and Prahlada Maharaja was put through so many tribulations. The Pandavas, who were direct friends of Krsna, lost their kingdom, their wife was insulted, and they had to undergo many severe tribulations. Seeing all these reverses affect devotees, one should not be disturbed; one should simply understand that in these matters there must be some plan of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Bhagavatam’s conclusion is that a devotee is never disturbed by such reverses. He accepts even reverse conditions as the grace of the Lord. One who continues to serve the Lord even in reverse conditions is assured that he will go back to Godhead, back to the Vaikuntha planets.” [end] From this we can understand that a devotee is always protected by the Lord and whatever happens to them is directly under the control of the Lord. Why did Srila Prabhupada have two heart attacks on the boat just when he set out for America? When I travelled with him, he constantly suffered from a variety of diseases– kidney malfunction, heart palpitations, severe toothache, high blood pressure etc. Why didn’t Krsna arrange for him to go there when he was healthy and fit? We can ask these questions, but then, the glory of what Srila Prabhupada did was magnified because he did it despite the physical ailments he had. Aindra prabhu’s body was found in the kneeling position, offering obeisances to his Deities which shows that despite the explosion his heart and consciousness was clear and fixed on the Lord. We cannot second guess why a devotee leaves. It may be to our eyes sudden and without rationale. But that is because we are not seeing the interaction of that devotee with Krsna. In Vrndavana everything is under the control of Yoga Maya, and fully surrendered devotees are directly under Srimati Radharani’s control. Aindra prabhu dedicated himself to the service of Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundara for many years. He would dress Them with great love and devotion and then during the greeting of the Deities he would join the eager throng of devotees crowding forward to have Their Lordships darshana, a glint in his eye and huge smile on his face as he gazed lovingly at the cynosure of his life. In the afternoons he would sit before Them with his harmonium and his band of fellow chanters, leading everyone into increasing levels of ecstatic revelry. His name became synonymous with the chanting of the Holy Name, so that is not a small achievement. To have oneself always associated with the Lord in the minds of others means he achieved the status of a great devotee, by the mercy of the Lord. There is therefore nothing inauspicious. While we lament his passing, Aindra prabhu and his 24 hour kirtana companions have left us with many hours of transcendental sound vibration in the form of recorded kirtanas. We are still fortunate that in this day and age such recordings remain. At least modern technology has some good to offer us. So let us hear them with pleasure and gratitude, remembering the wonderful service performed by this great devotee and disciple of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. • Email to a friend • ![]() More Recent Articles |
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