domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010

Brihat Parashara Hora Sashtra by Rishi Parashara 10

Brihat Parashara Hora Sashtra by Rishi Parashara

Page 10

Ch. 83. Effects of Curses in the Previous Birth

1-3. Maitreya said. O Venerable Sage! You have acquainted me with effects, experienced by men and women in a number of ways. According to Shastras, the soul of a person does not rest in peace after his death, if he is not blessed with a son. What sin does a person commit to remain without a son? And what are the remedial measures to be adopted by him to get a son? Kindly enlighten me about this.
4. Mahārśi Parasara replied. I will now tell you, whatever Lord Shiva told Goddess Parvati in this respect.

5. Goddess Parvati said to Lord Shiva. O my Lord! What is the sin, which causes destruction of children amongst men. Please tell me, what are the Yogas for such an effect and what are the remedial measures to protect the children?

6. Lord Shiva replied: O Devi! You have asked a very relevant question. Now I will tell you the Yogas for loss of children and the requisite remedial measures.
7. A person will be without a son, if Jupiter, the Lord of Lagna and the Lord of the 5th are all devoid of strength.
8. The same will happen, if Sun, Mars, Rahu and Saturn, endowed with strength, be in the 5th and the significator for children, namely Jupiter and Lord of the 5th etc. be bereft of strength.
9-16. There will be no male issue, due to the curse of a serpent, if at birth Rahu is in the 5th, aspected by Mars; the Lord of 5th is associated with Rahu and Moon is in the 5th and is aspected by Saturn; the significator for children (Jupiter) is associated with Rahu, the Lord of the 5th is devoid of strength and the Lord of Lagna is with Mars; the significator for children is associated with Mars, Lagna is occupied by Rahu and the Lord of the 5th is in 6th, 8th, or 12th; Mercury, as Lord of the 5th, being in the Navamsa of Mars, is associated with Mars and Lagna is occupied by Rahu and Gulikaa; the 5th is Aries, or Scorpio and the Lord of the 5th is associated with Rahu, or Mercury; the 5th is occupied by Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Mercury and Jupiter and the Lords of the 5th and Lagna are devoid of strength; the Lord of Lagna, or Jupiter is associated with Rahu and the Lord of the 5th is in conjunction with Mars.
17-19. Remedial measures should be adopted to obtain protection from the evil effects of the above Yogas. These are getting an idol of Naga (serpent) Raja, made in gold and, after worshipping it in accordance with prescribed procedure, giving in charity a cow, some land, sesame seeds and gold etc. By adopting these measures the Lord of Serpents will be gratified and by his beneficence the person concerned will be blessed with a son and the lineage of his family will be prolonged.
20-30. There will be no male issue, as a result of the curse of the father in the previous birth, if at birth of the native Sun in his debilitation Rāśi and in the Navamsa of Saturn is hemmed in between malefics in the 5th House; Sun, as Lord of the 5th, posited in a Trikona with a malefic, is hemmed in between malefics and is also aspected by a malefic; Jupiter occupies the Rāśi of Sun, the Lord of the 5th is with Sun and Lagna and the 5th are occupied by malefics; Lord of Lagna, devoid of strength, is in the 5th and the Lord of the 5th is combust and Lagna and the 5th are occupied by malefics; there is exchange of Houses between Lords of the 5th and the 10th and Lagna and the 5th are occupied by malefics; Mars, as the Lord of the 10th, is associated with the Lord of the 5th and Lagna, the 5th and the 10th are occupied by malefics; Lord of the 10th is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th, Jupiter is in a malefic Rāśi and the Lord of Lagna and the 5th are associated with malefics; Sun, Mars and Saturn are in Lagna and the 5th and Rahu and Jupiter are in the 8th and the 12th; Sun is in the 8th, Saturn in the 5th, the Lord of the 5th is associated with Rahu and Lagna is occupied by a malefic; Lord of 12th is in Lagna, Lord of 8th in 5th and Lord of 10th in 8th; Lord of 6th is in 5th, Lord of 10th in 6th and Jupiter is associated with Rahu.

31-33. To get deliverance form the curse of the father the remedial measures are performance of Shraddha at Gaya; to feed ten thousand, one thousand, or 100 Brahmins, as one can afford; Virgodana (to perform the marriage of a girl); giving a cow in charity. By observing these remedial measures, the person concerned becomes free from the curse and the family lineage is prolonged by the birth of sons, grandsons etc.
Note. In this chapter, where the words childlessness and issue-lessness are used, they should be interpreted to mean want of male issue, because it is the male issue, who by performing the last rites of his father and mother ensures eternal peace to their souls.
34-50. A person will be without a male issue, as a result of curse of the mother, if at birth Moon, as Lord of the 5th is in her debilitation Rāśi, or is hemmed in between malefics and 4th and 5th are occupied by malefics; Saturn is in 11th, 4th is occupied by malefics and Moon is posited in the 5th in her debilitation Rāśi; Lord of 5th is in 6th, 8th, or 12th, Lord of Lagna in his debilitation Rāśi and Moon is associated with malefics; Lord of 5th is in 8th, 6th, or 12th, Moon in a malefic Navamsa and there are malefics in Lagna and in 5th; Lord of 5th and Moon, associated with Saturn, Rahu and Mars, are in 5th, or 9th; Mars, as Lord of 4th is associated with Saturn and Rahu and 5th and Lagna are occupied by Sun and Moon, respectively; Lords of Lagna and 5th are in 6th, Lord of 4th in 8th and Lagna is occupied by Lord of 8th and 10th; Lagna is occupied by the Lords of 6th and 8th, Lord of 4th is in 12th and Moon and Jupiter, associated with malefics, are in the 5th; Lagna is hemmed in between malefics, waning Moon is in 7th and 4th and 5th are occupied by Rahu and Saturn, respectively; there is exchange of Houses between Lords of 5th and 8th and the Lord of 4th and Moon are in 6th, 8th, or 12th; Cancer Lagna is occupied by Mars and Rahu and Moon and Saturn are in 5th; Mars, Rahu, Sun and Saturn are in Lagna, 5th, 8th and 12th, respectively, and the Lords of Lagna and 4th are in 6th, 8th, or 12th; Mars, Rahu and Jupiter are in 8th and Saturn and Moon are in 5th. For release from this curse and to beget a male issue the person concerned should take bath in the sea with bridge of rocks between India and Sri Lanka, recite one Lakh Gayatri Mantras, give in charity things, connected with evil Planets, feed Brahmins and go round a Pipal tree 1008 times. By performing these remedial measures, he will not only beget a son, the lineage of family will also be prolonged.

51-61. A person will be without a male issue, as result of the curse of the brother, if at birth Lord of 3rd with Rahu and Mars is in 5th and Lords of Lagna and 5th are in 8th; Lagna and 5th are occupied by Mars and Saturn, respectively, the Lord of 3rd is in 9th and Mars, the significator for brothers, is in 8th; Jupiter in his debilitation Rāśi is in 3rd, Saturn in 5th and Moon and Marsare in 8th; Lord of Lagna is in 12th, Mars in 5th and Lord of 5th, associated with a malefic, in 8th; Lagna and the 5th are hemmed in between malefics and the Lord of Lagna and 5th are in 6th, 8th, or 12th; the 3rd is occupied by the Lord of 10th along with a malefic and a benefic is with Mars in 5th; the 5th in a Rāśi of Mercury is occupied by Saturn and Rahu and Mercury and Marsare in 12th; the 3rd is occupied by the Lord of Lagna, the Lord of 3rd occupies the 5th and Lagna, 3rd and 5th are with malefics; Lord of 3rd is in 8th and Jupiter is associated with Saturn in 5th; Lord of 8th is in 5th along with the Lord of 3rd and Mars and Saturn are in 8th.

62-64. The person concerned will, without doubt, get release from the curse, will be blessed with a son and the prolongation of his family lineage will be ensured, if the following remedial measures are adopted. He should observe the Moonyana fast after listening to H6thbansa Puran. He should plant a sapling of Pipal in front of Saligram on the banks of the Caveri river, or on the Ganga, or Mahanadi and offer prayers to it. He should give 10 cows in charity through his wife. He should give in charity land with mango trees, planted on it.
65-68. A person will be without a male issue, as a result of the curse of the maternal uncle, if at birth the 5th is occupied by Mercury, Jupiter, Mars and Rahu and Saturn is in Lagna; the 5th is occupied by the Lords of Lagna and of 5th along with Saturn, Mars and Mercury; Lagna is occupied by a combust Lord of 6th, Saturn is in 7th and Lord of Lagna is associated with Mercury; Lords of Lagna and 4th are in Lagna and Moon, Mercury and Marsare in 5th.
69-70. To get release from the curse and for being blessed with a son and for ensuring the prolongation of the lineage of the family the following remedial measures are to be adopted. Installation of an idol of Lord Vishnu. Construction of a deep, or ordinary well, dam, or reservoir, or all of them.
71-78. If a person, mad with power and wealth, insults a Brahmin, he remains without a male issue in the next birth. A person will be without a male issue, as a result of the curse of a Brahmin, if at birth Rahu is in Jupiter’s Rāśi and Jupiter in 5th; Lord of 9th is in 5th and Lord of 5th in 8th along with Jupiter, Mars and Rahu; Lord of 9th is in his debilitation Rāśi and Lord of 12th, associated with Rahu, is in 5th; Jupiter is in his debilitation Rāśi, Rahu in Lagna, or 5th and Lord of 5th in 6th, 8th, or 12th; Lord of 5th and Jupiter, associated with malefics, are in 8th, or the Lord of 5th, associated with Sun and Moon, is in 8th; Jupiter, being in the Navamsa of Saturn, is associated with Saturn and Mars and the Lord of 5th is in 12th; Jupiter is associated with Saturn in Lagna and Rahu is in 9th, or Rahu is with Jupiter in 12th. These are Yogas, which reveal the curse of Brahmin in the previous birth.

79-81. To obtain relief from the evil effects of the above Yogas the remedial measures are to observe Moonayana fast and to do penance three times and to give in charity a cow and five gems with gold, after feeding Brahmins, according to ones means and giving them presents in cash. Then the person will be released from the curse and will be endowed with happiness.

82-92. A person does not beget a male issue, as a result of the curse of the wife, if at birth Lord of Lagna is in 5th, Saturn in the Navamsa of Lord of 7th and Lord of 5th in 8th; Lord of 7th is in 8th, Lord of 12th in 5th and Jupiter is associated with a malefic; Venus is in 5th, Lord of 7th in 8th and 5th is occupied by a malefic; the 2nd and 5th are occupied by a malefic and Lord of 7th is in 8th; Venus is in 9th, Lord of 7th in 8th and Lagna and 5th are occupied by malefics; Venus is Lord of 9th, Lord of 5th is in an inimical Rāśi and Lord of Lagna and 7th and Jupiter are in 6th, 8th, or 12th; the 5th is Taurus, or Libra, occupied by Sun and Moon and 12th, Lagna and 2nd are occupied by malefics; Saturn and Venus are in 7th, Lord of 8th is in 5th and Lagna is occupied by Sun and Rahu; Marsoccupies 2nd, Jupiter is in 12th and Venus and Rahu are in 5th; Lords of 2nd and 7th are in 8th, Mars and Saturn occupy 5th and Lagna, respectively, and Jupiter is associated with a malefic; Rahu is in Lagna, Saturn in 5th, Mars in 9th and Lords of 5th and 7th are in 8th.

93-94. The person concerned gets release from the curse and is blessed with a son, if he performs the marriage of an unmarried girl, or, if such a girl is not available, a gold idol of the Lakshminarayana, fertile cow, a bed, ornaments and garments to a Brahmin couple.
Notes. According to our view, Virgodana does not mean giving a girl in charity, but helping in the performance of the marriage of an unmarried girl, not his own daughter.

95-105. If the person, whose duty is to do so, does not perform Shraddha of his father, or mother in his previous birth, the departed soul is formed into an evil spirit and he is deprived of a male issue in the next birth. This is revealed by the following Yogas at birth. Saturn and Sun in 5th, waning Moon in 7th and Rahu and Jupiter in 12th; Saturn, as Lord of 5th in 8th, Mars in Lagna and Jupiter in 8th; Malefics are in Lagna, Sun in 12th, Mars, Saturn and Mercury are in 5th and the Lord of 5th is in 8th; Rahu is in Lagna, Saturn in 5th and Jupiter in 8th; Venus, Jupiter and Rahu are in Lagna, associated with Moon and Saturn and the Lord of Lagna are in 8th; Lord of 5th and Jupiter are in their debilitation Rāśis, aspected by debilitated Planets; Saturn is in Lagna, Rahu in 5th, Sun in 8th and Mars in 12th; Lord of 7th is in 6th, 8th, or 12th, Moon is in 5th, Saturn and Gulikaa are in Lagna; Lord of 8th along with Saturn and Venus is in 5th and Jupiter is in his debilitation Rāśi.

106-108. The person concerned gets release from the curse and is blessed with a son, if he undertakes the following remedial measures. Performance of a Pinda Dana, Rudra Abhisheka, giving in charity a gold idol of Brahma, a cow, a vessel, made of silver and a Neelamani, feeding Brahmins and giving them presents in cash.

109-111. If a person is deprived of a male issue, as a result of malevolence of Planets at birth, he will be blessed with a son, if he undertakes the following remedial measures. Worshipping Lord Shiva, if the harm is, as a result of the malevolence of Mercury and Venus; reciting of Santan Gopal Mantra, we6thng and worshipping appropriate Yantra and taking suitable medicines, if the childlessness is a result of the malevolence of Jupiter and Moon; Virgo Dana, if the childlessness is due to malevolence of Rahu; worshipping of Lord Vishnu, if it is due to malevolence of Sun; Rudriya Japa, if it is due to the malevolence of Mars and Saturn. Listening with devotion to H6thbansh Puran removes all kinds of blemishes and blesses the person concerned with a son.

Ch. 84. Remedial Measures from the Malevolence of Planets

1. Maitreya said. O Venerable Sage! Please describe for the good of mankind the remedial measures for appeasement of the malevolent Planets. 2. The Sage replied. I have already described the names and characteristic features and qualities of the Planets. Joys and sorrows of all the creatures in the world are dependent on these Planets. Therefore persons desirous of peace, wealth and prosperity, rainfall, good health and longevity should worship the Planets (by prayers, recitation of Mantras, charity etc.).

3-5. For the purpose of worshipping them the idols of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu should be made of copper, Sphatika (rock crystal), red sandal wood, gold (both Mercury and Jupiter), silver, iron, glass and bell metal, respectively. Alternatively the sketches of all the above Planets should be drawn in the colours, belonging to them, on a piece of cloth by sandal etc. and they should be placed in their own directions.
6. Contemplate of Sun well adorned with two arms, seated on a lotus, with a lotus flower in one hand, red-coloured, like lotus and aboard a ch6thot of seven horses.
7. Contemplate of Moon white-coloured, dressed in white robes, with two arms, carrying a mace in one hand and a Vara in the other, adorned with white-coloured ornaments and aboard a ch6thot of ten horses.
8. Contemplate of Mars with a red necklace, dressed in red-coloured robes, with four arms, carrying Shakti, Shoola, Gada (mace) and Vara and mounted on a lamb.
9. Contemplate of Mercury with a yellow-coloured garland, dressed in yellow robes, with four arms, carrying a sword, a shield, a mace and Vara, mounted on a lion.
10. Contemplate of Jupiter, as yellow complexion and Venus of fair complexion, both with four arms, carrying a Danda, Akshasutra, Kamandal and Vara.
11. O Maitreya! Contemplate of Saturn with the lustre, like that of Indraneela, with four arms, carrying Shoola, bow, arrow and Vara, mounted on a donkey.
12. Contemplate of Rahu with a hideous face, with four arms, carrying a sword, a shield, a Shoola and a Vara, blue-coloured and mounted on a lion.
13. There are many Ketus. All of them are of smoky colour, with two arms, carrying a mace and a Vara, with a hideous face and mounted on a donkey.
14. All the idols should be so made, that they are 108 fingers tall by ones own fingers.
Notes. Such a measurement is taken from the middle finger.
15-16. Dedicate with devotion to the Planet concerned the flowers and garments of the colour, belonging to him, sandal, Deep, Guggul etc., his metal and the grains, dear to him and distribute all these things to Brahmins to appease the Planet.
17-20. The Mantras of all the Planets and the prescribed number of their recitation are given below. The recitation of Mantras should be done after worshipping the Planets, as indicated in verses 15-16. Planet Mantra prescribed number: Sun 7000, Moon 11000, Mars11000, Mercury 9000, Jupiter 19000, Venus 16000, Saturn 23000, Rahu 18000, Ketu 17000.
21-22. Havan should be performed with Aak, Palash, Khair, Chirchiri, Pipal, Goolar, Shami wood pieces, Doob and Kush, for Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, respectively, mixed with honey, Ghī, curd, or milk. The number of offerings to the sacred fire is 108, or 28. 23-24. To appease Sun and the other eight Planets Brahmins should be fed with (cream) of rice cooked with jaggery, rice cooked in milk, Havishya, paddy cooked in milk, curd and rice, rice with Ghī, rice cooked with powder of sesame seeds, rice cooked with meat, rice cooked with cereals, respectively.
25. To appease Sun and other Planets the things to be given in charity are cow with calf, conch, bullock, gold, robes, horse, black cow, weapons made of iron and goat, respectively.
26-27. The Planet, who is the cause of adverse effects to a person at any time, should be handled by worship and appeasing (of the benevolent ones), because Brahma has blessed the Planets with the boon Do to the persons, who worship you. And the development and progress and downfall of the people and the creation and destruction of the universe are all under the administration and authority of the Planets. Therefore they are most venerable.

Ch. 85. Inauspicious Births

1-4. The Venerable Sage said. O Maitreya! Now I will describe to you the circumstances, in which the births are inauspicious in spite of Lagna and the Planets being well disposed. Although Lagna may be well disposed, births will be inauspicious, if they take place on Amavasya (last day of the Krishna Paksha), on Chaturdasi (14th Tithi), in Krishna Paksha (dark half of the month), in Bhadra Karan, in the Nakshatra of the brother, in the Nakshatras of father and mother, at the time of entry of Sun in a Rāśi, the time of Pata, at the time of solar and lunar eclipses, at the time of Vyati Pata, in Gandantas of all the three kinds, in Yamaghant, Tithikshaya, in Dagdha Yoga etc. The birth of a son after three daughters and birth of a daughter after three sons and the birth of a freak are inauspicious. But there are remedial measures for obtaining relief from the evil effects of such births, which are being described in the following chapters.

Ch. 86. Remedies for Amavasya Birth

1-9. The Sage Parasara said. O Maitreya! The person, born on Amavasya, is always poverty stricken. It is therefore essential to adopt remedial measures to obtain relief from the evil effects of such births, which are, as follows. Take a Kalash (water vessel) and then put in it fresh leaves of Goolar (wild fig), Vata (banyan), Pipal, mango and Neema (mango) trees and cover it with two pieces of cloth. Then install the Kalash in the South-West direction after reciting … etc. and … etc. Mantras. Then worship the idols of Sun and Moon, ruling deities of Amavasya, made of gold and silver, mixed with copper, respectively, by recitation of … etc. Mantras for Sun and … etc. Mantras for Moon 16, or 5 times. Thereafter perform Havan with 108, or 28 oblations of the mixture of prescribed fuels (…) and cooked food (Charu) with recitation of Mantras of Sun and Moon. Later sprinkle the water on the child, that is born and his parents and offer in charity gold, silver and a black cow together with feeding the Brahmins, according to ones means. By performing these remedial rites the child born gains freedom and protection from the evil effects of the birth on Amavasya.

Ch. 87. Remedies from Birth on Krishna Chaturdashi

1-3. The Sage said. Divide the span of Chaturdashi in 6 parts. The birth in the first part is auspicious. Second part causes destruction, or death of father. Third part causes death of the mother. Fourth part takes away the maternal uncle. Fifth part destroys the entire family (Khula - generation). Sixth part causes loss of wealth, or destruction (death) of the native. Therefore it is essential to take immediate remedial measures to escape these evil effects.
4-5. Have an idol of Lord Shiva, made of one Karsha (equal in weight to the former silver Rupee) of gold, or of weight one can afford. The idol should have a New Moon on the forehead, have a white garland round the neck, have three eyes (one being on the forehead), be dressed in white robes, be seated on a bull, be two-armed and carry Vara and Abhaya.
6-13. Then after invocation with Varun Mantra worship should be performed by chanting … etc. Mantras. Thereafter a Kalash should be placed in the North-East direction with chanting of Imah Mai Varun, Tan Tva Yami, Tvan Nai Agni Mantras, followed by Japa of … etc. and Bhadra Agni … Suktas and the chanting of … Mantra. Then, after sprinkling water over the idol of Lord Shiva (Abhisheka), the nine Planets should be worshipped. This should be followed by Havan, by using Ghī, powder of sesame seeds, Urda, Sarson and wood pieces of Pipal, Pakar, Palas and Khadir trees. 108, or 28 oblations should be made separately for the nine Planets. Thereafter, along with chanting of … etc. Mantras, Havan should be performed with sesame seeds for the nine Planets. Lastly the water of the Kalash should be sprinkled on the native and his parents and the Brahmins should be fed, according to means.

Ch. 88. Remedies from Birth in Bhadra and Inauspicious Yogas

1-2. The Sage said. O Brahmin! Now I am going to describe the remedial measures for relief from the evil effects of birth in Bhadra, Tithi Kshaya, Vyatipata, P6thdha, Vajra etc. inauspicious Yogas and Yamaghants etc. The remedial rites should be performed on the day, when the same inauspicious Yoga operates again.
3-5. The remedial rites are to be performed in the following order by the parents of the child in the above inauspicious Yogas. Puja of Lord Vishnu and other deities on an auspicious day and auspicious Lagna on the advice of a proficient astrologer, burning of Deep with Ghī in a Shiva temple, Abhisheka of Lord Shiva, going round a Pipal tree 108 times prolongs longevity and perform Havan with 108 oblations along with the recital of Vaisneh Raratmachityadhi Mantra of Lord Vishnu and feeding Brahmins to the best of ones means. The observance of these remedial measures will give deliverance to the native from all the evil effects of his inauspicious birth and he will enjoy happiness.

Ch. 89. Remedies from Nakshatra Birth

1-7. The Sage Parasara said. O Maitreya! If the birth takes place in the Nakshatras of the brother and the parents, death takes place, without doubt, of the brother and the father, or mother, or they have to undergo death-like suffering. Therefore I am going to describe the remedial measures to be adopted to escape from these evil effects. The remedial rites should be performed in a Muhurta, when Moon and stars are favourable on a day, on which there is no Rikta-Bhadra Dosha. The remedial rites should be performed in the following order. Instal an idol of the Janm Nakshatra on a Kalash in the North-East direction from the fire. Cover it with a red piece of cloth and then warp two pieces of cloth round it. Worship the idol by chanting the Mantras of the Janm Nakshatra. According to ones Gotra, perform Havan 108 times with the recitation of the same Mantra, facing the fire, with Ghī and other Havan material. Then the priest, performing the Puja, should sprinkle water on the parents and brother (whoever is concerned). Give presents in cash (Dakshena) to the priest and his colleagues, associated with the ceremony, to the best of ones means and then feed the Brahmins to the best of ones means.

Ch. 90. Remedies from Sankranti Birth

1-2. The Sage said. O Brahmin! The names of the Sankranti on the seven days of the week, beginning from Sunday, are Ghora, Dhavankshi, Mahod6th, Manda, Mandakini, Mishra and Rakshasi. The person, born at the Sankranti (entry of Sun in a new Rāśi), is poor and unhappy, but he becomes well-to-do and happy, if remedial measures are undertaken. I am now going to describe the remedial measures to nullify these evil effects.
3-6. The Yagya of the nine Planets should be performed to obtain relief from the evil effects of the birth at Sankranti. A clean spot in the eastern part of the house should be purified by besme6thng with cow dung. Then prepare three separate heaps of the following: 5 Dronas (80 Seers) of paddy (Sadhi), 2 Dronas (40 Seers) of rice, 1 Dronas (20 Seers) of sesame seeds (Til). On these heaps of grains make a figure of lotus with eight leaves (Ashtamdhal) and then decorate them with flowers. After doing this, select and invite a priest, who is well versed in the performance of religious rites and recitation of Mantras.
7-18. The religious rites are then to be performed in the following order. Install Kalashas without any holes on all the three heaps and put in each of them water from holy places, Saptamrattika, Shataushadhi, Panchapallava and Panchagavya. Then wrap the Kalashas with pieces of cloth. Place small earthen pots, wrapped with thin cloth, on the Kalashas. Then install the idol of Sankranti along with the idol of Adhideva and Pratyadhideva. (Here Sun is Adhideva and Moon Pratyadhideva). Their idols should be placed on either side of the main idols of Sankranti. Two robes may be given, as offering to each of the idols. Perform worship of all the three idols, according to the prescribed procedure. The main idol should be worshipped with the chanting of Trayambakam, Yajam Hai etc., the idol of Sun with Mantra Ut Sun and the idol of Moon with Mantra Apayayashava etc. The worship should be performed with Shodshopchar, or Panchopchar, as may be possible. After touching the main idol, Mrityunjaya Japa should be recited 1008, 108, or 28 times, as may be possible. Make a small platform in the West of the installed Kalashas, kindle fire on it and perform the prescribed rites. Then perform Havan 1008, 108, or 28 times with Samidha, Ghrit (Ghī) and Charu (powder of Til) within ones means along with chanting of Trayambakam etc. Mantra. 8) Again perform Havan, first with the fuel of sesame seeds along with recitation of Mrityunjaya Mantra. After performing another Svistkrita Havan, sprinkle the holy water on the child born and his parents. Lastly feed as many Brahmins, as one can afford. By performing the remedial rites, described above, the evil effects are nullified and the native and his parents enjoy happiness.

Ch. 91. Remedies for Birth in Eclipses

1-14. The Sage said. O Brahmin! A person, whose birth takes place at the time of solar, or lunar eclipse, suffers from ailments, distress and poverty and faces danger of death. Therefore I am going to describe for the benefit of the mankind the remedial measures, required to be undertaken to nullify the above evil effects. The remedial rites are to be performed in the following order. The following idols should be got prepared, according to ones means: in gold an idol of the deity of the Nakshatra, in which the eclipse takes place (regarding deities of Nakshatras, see notes of verse 18, Ch. 3, Vol. I); in gold an idol of Sun, if the birth takes place during solar eclipse; in silver an idol of Moon, if the birth takes place during lunar eclipse; in lead an idol of Rahu. Besmear a clean spot on the ground (in the house) with cow dung, cover it with a new (unused) beautiful piece of cloth and install the three idols on it. Make offerings of the following to the idols: in case of birth during solar eclipse all things dear to Sun and red-coloured Akshat (Akshata - rice), red sandal, a garland of red-coloured flowers, red clothes etc.; in case of birth during a lunar eclipse all things dear to Moon and white sandal, white flowers, white clothes etc.; for Rahu blackish clothes, blackish flowers etc.; white flowers for the deity of the Nakshatra, in which the eclipse takes place. The worship should be performed, as follows: of Sun with the chanting of Akrishnim etc. Mantra; of Moon with the chanting of Imadeva etc. Mantra; of Rahu with Durva (a kind of grass) and with the chanting of Kayanshicatra etc. Mantra. Thereafter Havan should be performed, as follows: with the fuel of Aak wood pieces for Sun; with the fuel of Palas tree wood pieces for Moon; with Durva for Rahu; with Pipal tree wood pieces for the deity of the Nakshatra. Sprinkle the holy water of the Kalash on the child born (and his parents). Offer worshipful regards to the priest, performing the remedial rites and lastly feed as many Brahmins, as possible within ones means. By performance of the remedial rites in the manner described above, evil effects of the inauspicious birth are wiped and the native enjoys happiness and is blessed with good fortune.

Ch. 92. Remedies from Gandanta Birth

1. The Sage said. O Brahmin! Gandanta is of three kinds, namely of Tithi, Nakshatra and Lagna. Birth, travelling and performance of auspicious functions, like marriage etc., during Gandanta are likely to cause death of the person concerned.
2. O Maitreya! The last 2 Ghatikas of Purna Tithi (5th, 10th, 15th) and the first 2 Ghatikas of Nanda Tithi (1st, 6th, 11th) are known, as Tithi Gandanta.
3. Similarly the last two Ghatikas of Revati and first two Ghatikas of Ashvini, the last two Ghatikas of Aslesha and first two Ghatikas of Magha and the last two Ghatikas of Jyeshtha and first two Ghatikas of Mula are known, as Nakshatra Gandanta.
4. The last half Ghatika of Pisces and first half Ghatika of Aries, the last half Ghatika of Cancer and first half Ghatika of Leo, the last half Ghatika of Scorpio and first half Ghatika of Sagittarius are known, as Lagna Gandanta.
5. Amongst these Gandantas the last 6 Ghatikas of Jyeshtha and first 8 Ghatikas of Mula are known, as Abhukta Mula.
6-8. Now I will tell you the remedial measures to be adopted to release the child, born during Gandanta, from its evil effects. The father should see the child born only on the morning next to the end of the days of Sutaka, or on any auspicious day after the performance of the remedial measures. The remedial measures are giving a bullock in charity in the case of Tithi Gandanta, giving a cow with calf in charity in the case of Nakshatra Gandanta, giving gold in charity in the case of Lagna Gandanta, performing Abhisheka of the child along with father, if the birth is in the first part of Gandanta and along with mother, if the birth is in the second part of Gandanta.
9-11. Performance of Puja on the holy Kalash of the idol of the deities of Tithi (in case of Tithi Gandanta), Nakshatra (in case of Nakshatra Gandanta) and Lagna (in case of Lagna Gandanta), made of 16 Masas, 8 Masas, or 4 Masas of gold, as may be possible, followed by Havan and Abhisheka, according to procedure already described earlier. At the end as many Brahmins, as may be possible within ones means, should be fed. These remedial measures will ensure long life, good health and prosperity for the child.
Notes. Unless one is himself fully conversant with the performance of religious rites, the remedies, recommended in this chapter, earlier and later chapters, should be got performed by and under the directions of a learned priest, because the full effects will be derived, if the rites are performed correctly and according to the procedure, prescribed in the religious scriptures on this subject.

Ch. 93. Remedies for Abhukta Mula Birth

1-2. The Sage Parasara said. The ruling deity of Jyeshtha is Indra and the ruling deity of Mula is Rakshasa. As both the deities are inimical to each other, this Gandanta is considered, as the most evil. A boy, or girl, born during the period of Abhukta Mula, should either be abandoned, or the father should not see the face of the child for 8 years. Now I shall describe the remedial measures to obtain deliverence from the evil effects of birth during this extremely inauspicious period.
3-4. In view of the extremely inauspicious effects of birth during Abhukta I shall first describe the remedial measures to obtain relief from Mula. The religious remedial rites should be performed after the 12th day after the birth, the next Janm Nakshatra day, or on an auspicious day, when Moon and the stars are favourable.
5-8. Erect a canopy (Mandap) with four arched gateways, embellished with festoons, on a sacred spot, besmeared with cow dung paste, to the East, or North of the house. Prepare there a pit (Kund), or place there a square vessel of clay, or metal for performing Havan. Then, according to ones means, prepare, or get prepared an idol of Rakshasa of 16, 8, or 4 Masas of gold, as may be possible within ones means. The idol should be with a horrible-looking face, black in colour, with two heads, two arms, carrying a sword and a shield and seated on a dead body.
9. In the absence of an idol a piece of gold of the weight, mentioned above, should be used for worship, as gold is dear to all the deities.
10-20. Thereafter the remedial rites should be performed in the following order. Select a learned priest to perform the religious rites, according to the prescribed procedure. Install a Kalash and put in it Panchagavya (five articles, yielded by a cow, namely milk, curd, Ghī, dung and urine), Shataushadhi and water of the holy river (Ganga etc.). Then install the idol of the Rakshasa of Mula, facing West, on an earthen pot (Dhata) with one hundred tiny holes. After placing bamboo leaves on it, perform the worship of the idol by offering it white flowers, sandal and clothes etc. Also perform worship of its Adhideva Indra and Pratyadhideva Jal. Then perform Havan to appease the deities. According to ones means, 1008, or 108 oblations should be offered in the Havan. After this to obtain deliverence from death Mrityunjaya Mantra etc. should be recited and prayers offered to all the deities for the purpose of Abhisheka. The father, mother and the child should thereafter take bath from the water of the two Kalashas. Then the parents, dressed in white clothes and with white sandal paste, besmeared on their foreheads, should give a cow with calf, as a Dakshina to the chief priest and feed the other priests and Brahmins, according to ones means. Lastly, after reciting the Yatapapan etc. (see verse 19) Mantra, the father, mother and the child should see the reflection of their faces in the (melted) Ghī. By the performance of the remedial rites in the manner described all evil effects of the birth during Abhukta Mula are completely wiped out

Ch. 94. Remedies from Jyeshtha Gandanta Birth

1-5. The Sage said. O Maitreya! Now I will describe to you the remedial measures to be adopted to ensure relief from the evil effects of Jyeshtha Gandanta. The erection of a canopy (Mandhup), installation of Kalash, selection of a priest etc. will be done in the same manner, as has been recommended for the Abhukta Mula in the previous chapter. In this ceremony Indra will be the deity-in-chief, Adhideva will be Agni and the Pratyadhideva will be Rakshasa.
6. Then the remedial rites should be performed in the following order. Install on a Kalash, full of paddy rice, an idol of gold with Indra, seated on Airavat with Vajra Ankusha in his hands. Perform worship of the chief deity Indra along with that of the Adhideva and the Pratyadhideva with the recitation of their appropriate Mantras. Perform Havan, Abhisheka and then feed the Brahmins in accordance with ones means. In addition to the above, after doing Indrasukta and Mrityunjaya Japas, prayers may be offered to Indra. These measures will wipe out the evil effects of the Gandanta. 7. In case the performance of remedial rites, described above, is beyond the means of any person, he should give a cow in charity. This will also appease the deities and promote relief from the evil effects of the Gandanta. Because the giving of a cow in charity has been considered a superior remedial measure than giving in charity all the lands, belonging to a person.
8-9. According to prescribed remedial measures, 3 cows are to be given in charity in the case of Jyeshtha-Mula and Aslesha-Magha Gandantas, 2 cows in Revati-Ashvini Gandantas and 1 cow in other Gandantas, or in any inauspicious Yoga. If cow, or cows are not available, their actual value should be given in cash to a Brahmin.
10. A girl, born in Jyeshtha Nakshatra, destroys (is the cause of death of) the elder brother of her husband and a girl, born in fourth quarter of Vishaka Nakshatra, destroys her husbands younger brother. Therefore a cow should be given in charity at the time of the marriage of such girls to wipe out the above-mentioned evil effects.
11-13. A boy, or girl, born in the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th quarter of Aslesha Nakshatra, destroys his/her mother-in-law and a boy, or a girl, born in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd quarter of Mula Nakshatra, becomes the destroyer of his/her father-in-law. Therefore suitable measures, as may be possible within ones means, should be taken at the time of the marriage of such boys and girls. There will be no evil effect, if the husband has no elder brothers.

Ch. 95. Remedies from Birth of a Daughter after Three Sons

1-2. The Sage said. O Brahmin! I will now tell you about other kinds of inauspicious births. The birth of a daughter after the birth of three sons, or the birth of a son after the birth of three daughters is ominous for both the maternal and paternal families of such children. Therefore remedial measures, described below, may be taken to get deliverance from these evil effects.
3-9. The rites should be performed on the morning next to the last day of Sutak, or on any other auspicious day in the following order. After selecting a priest and some Brahmins to perform the remedial religious rites, the priest, after paying obeisance to the nine Planets, should install four Kalashas on a heap of paddy, place the idols of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha and Indra, made of gold, on them and perform their worship in the prescribed manner. A Brahmin (an assistant of the priest), after taking bath etc., should recite four Rudra Suktas and the whole of Shanti Sukta. The priest should perform Havan with Samidha, Ghī and sesame seeds 1008, 108, or 28 times with the recitation of the prescribed Mantras of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha and Indra. Svistkrata and Purnahuti and Abhisheka of the child with his family should be done and presents in cash should be given to the priest and his assistants, according to ones means. The Brahmins should be fed. The father and the mother of the child should see their reflections in the Ghī, kept in a bronze vessel. Lastly grains and clothes should be distributed to the poor and the needy. By the performance of the above remedial rites the evil effects are wiped out and the child and his parents etc. enjoy happiness.

Ch. 96. Remedies from Unusual Delivery

1-3. The Sage said. O Brahmin! I will now tell you about inauspicious and unusual deliveries by women, which are ominous for the village, town and the country. These may be of the following kinds. Delivery of a child 2, 3, or 4 months earlier, or later from the approximate due date. Delivery of a child without hands, feet, or any other limbs, without head, or with two heads. Delivery of an animal-shaped being by a woman, or a human-shaped being by an animal.
4-5. Deliveries of these kinds by women, or cows etc. in a house are ominous for all the members of the family, living there. Therefore remedial measures are essential for obtaining relief from their evil effects. The best remedial measure will be to abandon (turn out from the House) such women and animals (cows, mares etc.).
6-9. It is considered inauspicious for a girl to become pregnant, or to deliver a child in her 15th, or 16th year from birth. If a cow delivers, when Sun is in Leo, or a female buffalo delivers, when Sun is in Capricorn, they are disasterous to their owner and the person, who looks after them. Therefore either such cow, or buffalo should be given away to a Brahmin, or suitable remedial measures should be taken to escape from the above-mentioned evil effects. The remedial measures to be adopted are the same, as given in verses 3-9 in Ch. 95.
10. Thus, whenever there is any kind of 6thstha, adoption of appropriate remedial measures will ensure long life, happiness and prosperity for the person concerned.

Ch. 97. Conclusion

1-4. Mahārśi Parasara said. O Brahmin! I have described to you the Jyotishya Shastra, as narrated by Lord Brahma to the Sage Narada and by Narada to Shaunaka and other Sages, from whom I received the knowledge of this Shastra. I have narrated the same Jyotishya Shastra, which I learnt from them. Do not impart the knowledge of this Shastra to one, who is insignificative, slanders, or calumniates others, nor to one, who is not intelligent, is wicked and unknown to you. Teach this supreme Vedanga Jyotishya Shastra only to one, who is gentle and amiable, devoted, truthful, brilliant and well known to you.

5-6. Only that person, who possesses adequate knowledge of time and the positions of Planets and Nakshatras, can understand this Hora Shastra. Only that person, who has complete knowledge of the Hora Sastra and who is truthful, can make correct favourable, or unfavorable predictions.

7. One, who reads, or listens with attention and devotion to this most excellent Hora Shastra, becomes long-lived and is blessed with increase in his strength, wealth and good reputation.

8-9. Thus was narrated by Mahārśi Parāśara to Maitreya this novel Horāśāstra, containing invaluable and uncommon material from ancient scriptures on Jyotishya, for the benefit of the world at large. Afterwards it came into usage on the earth and received reverence from all.

10-25. In these verses have been described the subject matters of all the chapters, contained in this book and their importance. This information has been given in detail in the Table of Contents of this book.

Om Tat Sat

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