Shri Krishna Disguised as a Female Singer : !! श्री कृष्णा का नारी वेश !!, de Mukesh K Agrawal
The gopi Jatila used to live in Javata village with her son Abhimanyu and daughter Kutila. Maharaja Vrishabhanu married his beloved daughter, Shri Radhika, to Jatila’s son Abhimanyu on the instruction of Yogamaya Puraamasi. Although Abhimanyu had the conception that he was Shri Radha’s husband, by the power of Bhagavati Yogamaya he could not even touch Her shadow. Instead, out of shyness, he always busied himself by looking after his cows in the cowshed or spending time with his friends. Jatila and Kutila remained wholly occupied in household chores.
On various deceptive pretexts the clever sakhis would arrange meetings between Shri Radha and Shri Krishna. Actually these meetings were brought about by Yogamaya to nourish the rasa of paramour love, because Shri Radha is the embodiment of Shri Krishna’s pleasure giving potency, and the crown jewel of Krishna’s eternal beloveds. Fire and its power to burn, or the sun and its light, are intrinsically one in nature and cannot be separated from each other. Similarly, Shri Krishna and His para sakti Shri Radha are eternally non-different and inseparable from each other; They are one soul manifest in two forms solely to taste rasa-vilasa. Ravana could not so much as touch the original Sita ji. He was only able to kidnap her shadow. One can reconcile Abhimanyu and Shri Radhika’s relationship in the same way.
One day, Shri Radha was in deep Mana (sulky mood). Although Shri Krishna brought Her gifts, praised Her and tried to pacify Her in every way possible, nothing He did had any effect. At last He went to see Kundalata (One of the Radha’s best sakhi), to consult with her privately about what to do.
After discussing the situation with Kundalata, He disguised Himself as a beautiful young girl. He donned young girl’s clothing and jewellery, and assumed a voice so sweet and enchanting that it put the melodious song of the cuckoo bird to shame. In this way, He went with Kundalata to the house of Jatila Shri Radha’s Mother-in law). His jewelled ankle-bells tinkling softly as He walked.
Shri Radha was in the company of Her Sakhis. The moment Shri Radha set Her doe-like eyes upon this extraordinarily attractive young woman approaching in the distance with Kundalata, Her mind became completely enchanted. Smiling, She addressed Kundalata: “Come, Come Kundalata and tell us right now why you are paying us a surprise visit today.
“And who is this beautiful young woman with you? Where does She come from, and what is Her name?”
Kundalata replied : “O Radha, Her name is Kalavali. Having heard of Your name, fame and qualities, She has come from Mathurä to meet You. Her expertise in singing surpasses that of even Indra’s guru, Brihaspati. What more can I say? You will only understand what I mean if You hear Her sing.”
“My friend, Kundalata,” Shri Radha then asked, “from whom has Kalavali learned such skill?”
“From Brihaspati himself,” replied Kundalata.
“And how did She get the chance to meet him?” Shri Radha asked.
“Beautiful-limbed Radha,” replied Kundalata, “Once, when the brahmanas of Mathura were performing a great angirasa sacrifice, Brihaspati came there from the abode of the demigods and stayed in Mathura for one month. He received great honour at that place, and this pleased him immensely.
“Sakhi Radha, one day in that respected assembly, Brihaspati performed a recital of a celestial song. This song is extremely difficult to sing, but Kalavali is so astute that amazingly She immediately memorised it, and the next day She sang it with precisely the same complex rhythm and subtle melody as he used.
“When Brihaspati heard Her sing, he was filled with amazement and inquired from one of the Mathura brahmanas, ‘Who is this young woman who is singing my intricate celestial song? I am astonished! She is a mere resident of this mortal world, and yet She has learnt this song after hearing it only once. Please bring Her to me.’
“On Brihaspati’s order, the brahmana brought Kalavali before him. ‘Most intelligent of young girls,’ said Brihaspati, ‘Your genius is matchless and Your voice defeats the cooing of cuckoos. How wonderful! I will therefore instruct You in the topmost knowledge of the Gandharvas. Such a fine intelligence and sweet voice cannot be found in the realm of human beings, or even Kinnaras.’
“Brihaspati instructed this girl for the duration of his month’s stay in Mathura. Then he took Her with him when he returned to the heavenly planets and taught Her there for yet another year. She returned to the Earth planet at the end of the month of Asvina, and came to Mathura only yesterday. Now, today at dusk, She has come before You here in Vraja.”
Upon hearing Kundalata’s story, Shri Radha said, “O Bhavini (beautiful lady), sing something for Me.”
Kalavali said : “ O Vrindavaneswari,” , “which raga would You like to hear Me sing?”
Shri Radha replied, “It is twilight, so You may sing a malava raga.”
“Sumukhi (beautiful-faced one), in which melody should I sing?” asked Kalavali.
“Please sing in “sadaja,” replied Shri Radha.
Kalavali then asked, “O Radha, in which of the four different srutis of that melody will I sing?”
Shri Radha Replied - “O beautiful one, If one has a bodily disorder in which the kapha or vata in the throat is out of balance, it is not possible to sing purely. In the same way, it is not possible to sing pure notes without the backing of a vina. Nonetheless, I would like to hear You sing a sweet song full of the various attributes of music such as scale (raga), rhythmic cycles (tala), musical notes (svara), ornaments (gamaka), the particular class of raga (jati), improvised variations (tana) and the Vedic system of melody (grama).”
Kalävali said : “O Radha, who in this universe is as expert in music and song as You are? I can only sing simple melodies. Please listen.” Saying this, Kalavali began to sing, “Ta na na na ta na na r,” in such a beautiful voice that She put to shame both the peacocks and the bumblebees.
When Shri Radha’s dear Sakhis heard Kalavali’s sweet singing, rivers of tears flowed from their eyes. As the song progressed, their rapture and enchantment became such that their tears even stopped flowing. Then, at the song’s completion, those tears pattered to the ground like a shower of small stones.
Shri Radha’s heart had become as hard as a diamond because of Her mana, but now it was melting, and this surprised Her.
Radhika Said : “Devi, Kalavali, Your song is so sweet it far surpasses the sweetness of the nectar of the demigods. If only someone with Your skills would always stay with Me. Oh, then I would be so fortunate! Only then would My entire life become successful. But listen, Devi, if the son of Nanda Maharaja hears of Your singing, He will certainly always wear You as an ornament around His neck.”
After hearing such conversation between Shri Radha and Kalavali, Kundalata said, “ O Radha, among omen, Kalavali is the very epitome of virtue, so do not speak to Her like this. You should personally mbrace Her; don’t do anything else.”
Shri Radha then stepped forward to embrace Kalavali and to present Her with a precious necklace, but alita whispered in Shri Radha’s ear, “Radha, who is this person You are about to embrace? It is none ther than that wicked and deceitful lover of Yours in the guise of a lovely woman.”
Radhika replied : “My dear friend Lalita, you give supremely valuable advice. Indeed, after careful onsideration you are speaking the truth. I was going to express My appreciation by simply presenting her with a necklace, but that would not show Her proper respect. I shall therefore present Her with all sorts of jeweled ornaments and fine garments.”
Shri Radha then turned to Rupa-Manjiri and said, “O Rupa-Manjiri, carefully dress Kalavali right before Me in a bright new outfit of many colours. Take off Her old bodice, and quickly cover Her raised breasts with a new one.”
Kundalata promptly spoke up and said : “Beautiful-faced Radha, Please do not take off this beautiful young girl’s clothes, for She will feel shy and embarrassed in front of You. Just present Her with whatever You want to give Her, and let Her take it home to try on there.”
Shri Radha Said : “Sakhi Kalavali, everyone knows that women never feel bashful or fearful when there are only other women around. Tell Me, are You not creating the thorny obstacle of shyness on this very happy occasion?”
Kalavali Said : “Oh, Radha, I will not accept any garlands, clothes or ornaments. Naive girl, I am not the daughter of a singer! If You are pleased with Me, then only once give Me the wealth of Your embrace. Do not think I am greedy for any other treasure.”
Shri Radhika Replied : “Oh, Sakhi,” “why are You so contrary? Why do You refuse My offer? Please put on these fine garments and jewelled ornaments. If You do not comply willingly, I will dress You Myself by force. Look, You are alone, and I have hundreds of Sakhis with Me. Silly girl, I warn You not to act so independently before Me. I am telling You, just be careful!”
Having said this, Shri Radha ordered the Sakhis to dress Kalavali in the new bodice. Two Sakhis in front of Kalavali firmly seized the veil on Her shoulders, while another Sakhi went behind Her to unfasten Her bodice. As the bodice loosened, two very big kadamba flowers, each somewhat flattened on one side, slipped out and fell to the ground.
“Aha!” cried Shri Radha. “What has fallen out of Her bodice?! ”Rüpa manjari and all the other maidservants clapped their hands with glee, and then shyly covered their laughing moon-like faces with their veils. Vrishabhanu-nandini Shri Radha turned Her back on Shri Krishna and sat down.
When the Sakhis saw what Shri Krishna had done, they tried to suppress their mirth by holding their veils over their mouths. Unable to control themselves, however, they burst into loud peals of laughter. Without uttering a word, Shri Radha also joined in, and at last, so did Shri Krishna and Kundalata.
Then, the personified form of the transcendental mellow of laughter (hasya-rasa) manifested for a moment in their midst, for everyone’s supreme enjoyment. The Sakhis began to address the two kadamba flowers, saying, “O great big kadamba flowers, of everyone on the face of this Earth, it is you who are truly blessed. You are not usually duplicitous, but you have become so by your association with this cunning person. As flowers of a tree, you know no cunning. But now that you are in the hands of this cheater, you are showing such shamelessness that you have assumed the form of a young girl’s breasts. We are all drowning in an ocean of the nectar of laughter because of you.”
The Sakhis asked Kundalata, “Oh, Kundalata, where has your companion Bashfulness gone now?”
Kundalata said : “She and Kundalata have both drowned in the depths of the water of Patala-loka, you cannot see her now.”
The Sakhis again asked : “If Kundalata and her Sakhi named Bashfulness have drowned and passed away, then who are you?”
“Oh, I am only her shadow.”
“But if Kundalata has departed, how can we see her shadow?” the sakhis persisted.
“I have nothing to say,” said Kundalata. “May the goddess of speech dance upon your tongue.”
Lalita then spoke. “Kundalata, your love for Brishaspati’s disciple and your good association with Her has been increasing steadily since your childhood. There is no trace of a false statement on your tongue. Your glories are heard again and again throughout Vraja, and it is proclaimed that you instruct chaste girls in their own righteous activities. Thus you perform great deeds on behalf of Kamadeva. Unfortunately, your desire was not fulfilled today, and consequently you have to tolerate great pain.”
“Sakhi Kundalata, how supremely intelligent you are. Today you proudly came to our assembly from far away and have with great endeavour tried to sell this knowledge you received from your ‘guru’. But alas, you have not been able to sell your knowledge, and instead you have quickly become a laughing stock. Maybe you came at an inauspicious time.”
Shri Krishna responded, “ Lalita, I can easily sell this knowledge in the market place of the Sakhis and fulfil My desires. Now give Me that bodice, or I will dress you up in it.”
When Lalita heard this, she said, “O king of rogues! Can a driedup flower become a fresh bud? Can a body function after its life-airs have left it? Who will continue to worship a proud and deceitful person once his deceit has been revealed? Oh, Svami, do not take part in this disgraceful event by exercising Your talents in lying.”
Shri Krishna picked up the two kadamba flowers. Putting them back on His chest as false breasts, He went to Jatila’s ( Shri Radha’s Mother-in-law) quarters. There He fell to the ground, wailing loudly.
Jatila asked : “Who are You, my daughter? Where have You come from? Why are You crying? Has someone harmed You? Wipe the tears from Your lotus-face and tell me everything.”
Trembling, Kalavali told Her sad story in a faltering voice. “O noble lady. Alas, alas, how unfortunate I am! Fie upon My body. Fie upon My very birth. Hundreds upon hundreds of curses have fallen upon My head.
“I reside in King Vrishabhanu’s town, and I am the daughter of Kirtida’s (Kirtida was Shri Radhika Mother)sister. I have had a close, loving relationship with Radha since My childhood. I came from My home, eagerly looking forward to meeting Her again after a long time. Alas! Radha will not so much as glance My way, what to speak of embrace Me with love and affection.
“When She saw Me, She would not smile sweetly at Me, not even once. Nor was She attentive to even once inquiring about My wellbeing. What is the use of My staying alive? I shall give up My life right now before you. Noble lady, please try to recall whether you know of any offence I have committed against Shri Radha. And please ask Her again and again why She is angry with Me.”
Upon hearing Kalavali’s pitiful speech, Jatila said, “O daughter, calm down and do not be afraid. You have not committed any offence. I am going to settle this right now. I will arrange that Radha soon gives You all Her love and affection. I will see to it that She embraces You and talks to You. And what is more, this very night You will both rest together on the same bed.”
With these words, Jatila burst into her daughter-in-law’s quarters. Seeing the Sakhis there, she turned to Lalita and said, “Lalita, why is my daughter-in-law in such a contrary mood today? Her own cousin sister has come from Her father’s town, eager to see Her, but She is neglecting Her. Why will She not speak kindly to Her?”
Jatila then addressed Shri Radha, “O Sucarita (girl of good conduct), O my daughter, You are full of good qualities. My dear daughter-in-law, just look. This unhappy girl’s clothes are wet from Her tears. My heart is filled with deep compassion for Her. Remove the pain from Her heart: embrace Her properly, ask Her about Her well-being, and speak to Her affectionately. Make Her happy as She was before, and then I will also be satisfied.”
Shri Radha replied : “Mother-in-law, I shall certainly follow your instructions, so please return to your quarters and rest happily. It does not befit you to become involved in the petty quarrels of young girls. All young Sakhis are the same; their age is small and so is their intelligence. They swing between quarrel and mutual affection from one moment to the next. Your intelligence, on the other hand, is unsurpassed, and you are highly authoritative. Is it appropriate for you to become involved in these childish quarrels?”
Jatila Said : “O daughter-in-law, say nothing more, Stand up and immediately embrace Your sister. Have Your meal together and then take rest together. I am Your senior and elder, so do not disobey my order.”
Shri Radha replied : “O mother-in-law, you have instructed Me with firmness and seriousness; but before I obey your order, please hear one thing. This girl has spoken harshly to Kundalata, and that is why I feel so indignant that I do not even want to look at Her. If She makes up with Kundalata, then I will also be satisfied; and I will certainly do as you have told Me.”
Kundulata Said : “O noble lady, your daughter-in-law is lying. Kalavali has not spoken harshly to me, and I do not feel angry towards Her at all.”
Shri Radha boldly said to Kundalata, “How can you lie in front of My mother-in-law? If you are not angry with Kalavali, and if you are really happy with Her, then embrace Her now for us all to see.”
Upon hearing Shri Radha’s words, Kundalata fell silent. When doe-eyed Shri Radha saw this, She immediately spoke the following clever words: “Mother-in-law, you please decide which of us is lying, and then reproach that one.”
Jatila said : “Surely, if Kundalata is not delighted to embrace this pretty young girl, there must be something wrong. She must be angry with Her. Who could doubt that?” My daughter-in-law is speaking the truth,”
Jatila again said : “Kundalata, why don’t you forgive Kalävali and be pleased with Her? “Oh, Kundalata, I will do whatever it takes to make you happy with Kalavali. Now listen to me. I am your worshipable superior, but I am begging you with folded hands to embrace this girl before my eyes. Do not say another word. Aah! For this end I take an oath upon my head!”
When Kundalata made no move to embrace Kalavali, the Sakhis called out, “O Kundalata, are you not afraid of this good woman’s oath? Just see! What kind of intelligence do you have? Just embrace Kalavali right now.” Saying this, Jatila, Kutila and all the Sakhis caught Kundalata and forced Her to embrace Shri Hari Krishna in His disguise as Kalavali.
If old Jatila had not been present, the Sakhis would not have been able at all to stop themselves from plunging into hasya-rasa. As it was, they just covered their faces with their veils and drowned in silent blissful laughter.
Thereafter, the old woman jatila told Shri Radha, “Daughter-in-law, now You should speak lovingly with Your sister and warmly embrace Her.”
Jatila suddenly caught Shri Krishna with one hand and Shri Radha with the other, and drew Them together in the snare of a tight embrace.
Jatila told to Radha and Krishna : “O sisters, I see that You are crying from the bliss of Your embrace. Now share Your mutual happiness by using Your cloth to wipe away each others’ tears. After that, go and happily enjoy a meal together, and then very affectionately spend the night with each other.”
Having said this, the old woman jatila left to take rest in her chambers some distance away.
Shri Krishna then spoke to the Sakhis even more boldly and arrogantly than before: “Look, Sakhis, you thought that this knowledge of Mine was contemptible, but I have quickly sold it and thus attained the result I desired: victory over you all.”
Lalita Said : “O king of all gallants, You have indeed achieved Your desired result by enjoying Kundalata, who is your own sister-in-law, and thus You have gained the greatest victory. Now that the rules of social conduct are broken, why keep Kundalata only half-enjoyed? Why not fulfil all her inner desires?”
Kundalata said, “Lalita, cannot a brother embrace his sister with a pure heart, or a father his daughter? Your whole body is burning from head to toe with intense amorous desire, so you think that everyone else in the world burns with that same desire.”
Saying this, Kundalata left the place, as if full of anger. All the Sakhis followed her to try to pacify her. The only one left inside was the flower-archer Cupid, who engaged in protecting the youthful Couple, Shri Radha-Krishna.
From outside, Shri Radha’s dear Sakhis peeped in through the patterned, latticed windows and inhaled the beautiful fragrance of the amorous pastimes of Madhusudana Shri Krishna. He Himself was intoxicated by drinking the honey of Shri Radha’s frowning lotusface, which was decorated with arched eyebrows. The Sakhis felt themselves falling deeper and deeper into the waves of an ocean of bliss.
This Holy Katha's Source
Shri Chamatkar Chandrika
Shri Shri Viswanath Chakravati Thakur.
On various deceptive pretexts the clever sakhis would arrange meetings between Shri Radha and Shri Krishna. Actually these meetings were brought about by Yogamaya to nourish the rasa of paramour love, because Shri Radha is the embodiment of Shri Krishna’s pleasure giving potency, and the crown jewel of Krishna’s eternal beloveds. Fire and its power to burn, or the sun and its light, are intrinsically one in nature and cannot be separated from each other. Similarly, Shri Krishna and His para sakti Shri Radha are eternally non-different and inseparable from each other; They are one soul manifest in two forms solely to taste rasa-vilasa. Ravana could not so much as touch the original Sita ji. He was only able to kidnap her shadow. One can reconcile Abhimanyu and Shri Radhika’s relationship in the same way.
One day, Shri Radha was in deep Mana (sulky mood). Although Shri Krishna brought Her gifts, praised Her and tried to pacify Her in every way possible, nothing He did had any effect. At last He went to see Kundalata (One of the Radha’s best sakhi), to consult with her privately about what to do.
After discussing the situation with Kundalata, He disguised Himself as a beautiful young girl. He donned young girl’s clothing and jewellery, and assumed a voice so sweet and enchanting that it put the melodious song of the cuckoo bird to shame. In this way, He went with Kundalata to the house of Jatila Shri Radha’s Mother-in law). His jewelled ankle-bells tinkling softly as He walked.
Shri Radha was in the company of Her Sakhis. The moment Shri Radha set Her doe-like eyes upon this extraordinarily attractive young woman approaching in the distance with Kundalata, Her mind became completely enchanted. Smiling, She addressed Kundalata: “Come, Come Kundalata and tell us right now why you are paying us a surprise visit today.
“And who is this beautiful young woman with you? Where does She come from, and what is Her name?”
Kundalata replied : “O Radha, Her name is Kalavali. Having heard of Your name, fame and qualities, She has come from Mathurä to meet You. Her expertise in singing surpasses that of even Indra’s guru, Brihaspati. What more can I say? You will only understand what I mean if You hear Her sing.”
“My friend, Kundalata,” Shri Radha then asked, “from whom has Kalavali learned such skill?”
“From Brihaspati himself,” replied Kundalata.
“And how did She get the chance to meet him?” Shri Radha asked.
“Beautiful-limbed Radha,” replied Kundalata, “Once, when the brahmanas of Mathura were performing a great angirasa sacrifice, Brihaspati came there from the abode of the demigods and stayed in Mathura for one month. He received great honour at that place, and this pleased him immensely.
“Sakhi Radha, one day in that respected assembly, Brihaspati performed a recital of a celestial song. This song is extremely difficult to sing, but Kalavali is so astute that amazingly She immediately memorised it, and the next day She sang it with precisely the same complex rhythm and subtle melody as he used.
“When Brihaspati heard Her sing, he was filled with amazement and inquired from one of the Mathura brahmanas, ‘Who is this young woman who is singing my intricate celestial song? I am astonished! She is a mere resident of this mortal world, and yet She has learnt this song after hearing it only once. Please bring Her to me.’
“On Brihaspati’s order, the brahmana brought Kalavali before him. ‘Most intelligent of young girls,’ said Brihaspati, ‘Your genius is matchless and Your voice defeats the cooing of cuckoos. How wonderful! I will therefore instruct You in the topmost knowledge of the Gandharvas. Such a fine intelligence and sweet voice cannot be found in the realm of human beings, or even Kinnaras.’
“Brihaspati instructed this girl for the duration of his month’s stay in Mathura. Then he took Her with him when he returned to the heavenly planets and taught Her there for yet another year. She returned to the Earth planet at the end of the month of Asvina, and came to Mathura only yesterday. Now, today at dusk, She has come before You here in Vraja.”
Upon hearing Kundalata’s story, Shri Radha said, “O Bhavini (beautiful lady), sing something for Me.”
Kalavali said : “ O Vrindavaneswari,” , “which raga would You like to hear Me sing?”
Shri Radha replied, “It is twilight, so You may sing a malava raga.”
“Sumukhi (beautiful-faced one), in which melody should I sing?” asked Kalavali.
“Please sing in “sadaja,” replied Shri Radha.
Kalavali then asked, “O Radha, in which of the four different srutis of that melody will I sing?”
Shri Radha Replied - “O beautiful one, If one has a bodily disorder in which the kapha or vata in the throat is out of balance, it is not possible to sing purely. In the same way, it is not possible to sing pure notes without the backing of a vina. Nonetheless, I would like to hear You sing a sweet song full of the various attributes of music such as scale (raga), rhythmic cycles (tala), musical notes (svara), ornaments (gamaka), the particular class of raga (jati), improvised variations (tana) and the Vedic system of melody (grama).”
Kalävali said : “O Radha, who in this universe is as expert in music and song as You are? I can only sing simple melodies. Please listen.” Saying this, Kalavali began to sing, “Ta na na na ta na na r,” in such a beautiful voice that She put to shame both the peacocks and the bumblebees.
When Shri Radha’s dear Sakhis heard Kalavali’s sweet singing, rivers of tears flowed from their eyes. As the song progressed, their rapture and enchantment became such that their tears even stopped flowing. Then, at the song’s completion, those tears pattered to the ground like a shower of small stones.
Kalavali (Shri Krishna) began to sing... "Ta na na na na na ta na na na" in a beautiful voice and Shri Radhika and Sakhis are listening..
Shri Radha’s heart had become as hard as a diamond because of Her mana, but now it was melting, and this surprised Her.
Radhika Said : “Devi, Kalavali, Your song is so sweet it far surpasses the sweetness of the nectar of the demigods. If only someone with Your skills would always stay with Me. Oh, then I would be so fortunate! Only then would My entire life become successful. But listen, Devi, if the son of Nanda Maharaja hears of Your singing, He will certainly always wear You as an ornament around His neck.”
After hearing such conversation between Shri Radha and Kalavali, Kundalata said, “ O Radha, among omen, Kalavali is the very epitome of virtue, so do not speak to Her like this. You should personally mbrace Her; don’t do anything else.”
Shri Radha then stepped forward to embrace Kalavali and to present Her with a precious necklace, but alita whispered in Shri Radha’s ear, “Radha, who is this person You are about to embrace? It is none ther than that wicked and deceitful lover of Yours in the guise of a lovely woman.”
Radhika replied : “My dear friend Lalita, you give supremely valuable advice. Indeed, after careful onsideration you are speaking the truth. I was going to express My appreciation by simply presenting her with a necklace, but that would not show Her proper respect. I shall therefore present Her with all sorts of jeweled ornaments and fine garments.”
Shri Radha then turned to Rupa-Manjiri and said, “O Rupa-Manjiri, carefully dress Kalavali right before Me in a bright new outfit of many colours. Take off Her old bodice, and quickly cover Her raised breasts with a new one.”
Kundalata promptly spoke up and said : “Beautiful-faced Radha, Please do not take off this beautiful young girl’s clothes, for She will feel shy and embarrassed in front of You. Just present Her with whatever You want to give Her, and let Her take it home to try on there.”
Shri Radha Said : “Sakhi Kalavali, everyone knows that women never feel bashful or fearful when there are only other women around. Tell Me, are You not creating the thorny obstacle of shyness on this very happy occasion?”
Kalavali Said : “Oh, Radha, I will not accept any garlands, clothes or ornaments. Naive girl, I am not the daughter of a singer! If You are pleased with Me, then only once give Me the wealth of Your embrace. Do not think I am greedy for any other treasure.”
Shri Radhika Replied : “Oh, Sakhi,” “why are You so contrary? Why do You refuse My offer? Please put on these fine garments and jewelled ornaments. If You do not comply willingly, I will dress You Myself by force. Look, You are alone, and I have hundreds of Sakhis with Me. Silly girl, I warn You not to act so independently before Me. I am telling You, just be careful!”
Having said this, Shri Radha ordered the Sakhis to dress Kalavali in the new bodice. Two Sakhis in front of Kalavali firmly seized the veil on Her shoulders, while another Sakhi went behind Her to unfasten Her bodice. As the bodice loosened, two very big kadamba flowers, each somewhat flattened on one side, slipped out and fell to the ground.
“Aha!” cried Shri Radha. “What has fallen out of Her bodice?! ”Rüpa manjari and all the other maidservants clapped their hands with glee, and then shyly covered their laughing moon-like faces with their veils. Vrishabhanu-nandini Shri Radha turned Her back on Shri Krishna and sat down.
When the Sakhis saw what Shri Krishna had done, they tried to suppress their mirth by holding their veils over their mouths. Unable to control themselves, however, they burst into loud peals of laughter. Without uttering a word, Shri Radha also joined in, and at last, so did Shri Krishna and Kundalata.
Then, the personified form of the transcendental mellow of laughter (hasya-rasa) manifested for a moment in their midst, for everyone’s supreme enjoyment. The Sakhis began to address the two kadamba flowers, saying, “O great big kadamba flowers, of everyone on the face of this Earth, it is you who are truly blessed. You are not usually duplicitous, but you have become so by your association with this cunning person. As flowers of a tree, you know no cunning. But now that you are in the hands of this cheater, you are showing such shamelessness that you have assumed the form of a young girl’s breasts. We are all drowning in an ocean of the nectar of laughter because of you.”
The Sakhis asked Kundalata, “Oh, Kundalata, where has your companion Bashfulness gone now?”
Kundalata said : “She and Kundalata have both drowned in the depths of the water of Patala-loka, you cannot see her now.”
The Sakhis again asked : “If Kundalata and her Sakhi named Bashfulness have drowned and passed away, then who are you?”
“Oh, I am only her shadow.”
“But if Kundalata has departed, how can we see her shadow?” the sakhis persisted.
“I have nothing to say,” said Kundalata. “May the goddess of speech dance upon your tongue.”
Lalita then spoke. “Kundalata, your love for Brishaspati’s disciple and your good association with Her has been increasing steadily since your childhood. There is no trace of a false statement on your tongue. Your glories are heard again and again throughout Vraja, and it is proclaimed that you instruct chaste girls in their own righteous activities. Thus you perform great deeds on behalf of Kamadeva. Unfortunately, your desire was not fulfilled today, and consequently you have to tolerate great pain.”
“Sakhi Kundalata, how supremely intelligent you are. Today you proudly came to our assembly from far away and have with great endeavour tried to sell this knowledge you received from your ‘guru’. But alas, you have not been able to sell your knowledge, and instead you have quickly become a laughing stock. Maybe you came at an inauspicious time.”
Shri Krishna suddenly appeared to take those two flowers of Kadamb and addressed Radharani's Sakhi Lalita..
Shri Krishna responded, “ Lalita, I can easily sell this knowledge in the market place of the Sakhis and fulfil My desires. Now give Me that bodice, or I will dress you up in it.”
When Lalita heard this, she said, “O king of rogues! Can a driedup flower become a fresh bud? Can a body function after its life-airs have left it? Who will continue to worship a proud and deceitful person once his deceit has been revealed? Oh, Svami, do not take part in this disgraceful event by exercising Your talents in lying.”
Shri Krishna picked up the two kadamba flowers. Putting them back on His chest as false breasts, He went to Jatila’s ( Shri Radha’s Mother-in-law) quarters. There He fell to the ground, wailing loudly.
Jatila asked : “Who are You, my daughter? Where have You come from? Why are You crying? Has someone harmed You? Wipe the tears from Your lotus-face and tell me everything.”
Kalavali (Shri Krishna) telling her sad story to Jatila and Radharani watching this scene from the balcony of her palace.
Trembling, Kalavali told Her sad story in a faltering voice. “O noble lady. Alas, alas, how unfortunate I am! Fie upon My body. Fie upon My very birth. Hundreds upon hundreds of curses have fallen upon My head.
“I reside in King Vrishabhanu’s town, and I am the daughter of Kirtida’s (Kirtida was Shri Radhika Mother)sister. I have had a close, loving relationship with Radha since My childhood. I came from My home, eagerly looking forward to meeting Her again after a long time. Alas! Radha will not so much as glance My way, what to speak of embrace Me with love and affection.
“When She saw Me, She would not smile sweetly at Me, not even once. Nor was She attentive to even once inquiring about My wellbeing. What is the use of My staying alive? I shall give up My life right now before you. Noble lady, please try to recall whether you know of any offence I have committed against Shri Radha. And please ask Her again and again why She is angry with Me.”
Upon hearing Kalavali’s pitiful speech, Jatila said, “O daughter, calm down and do not be afraid. You have not committed any offence. I am going to settle this right now. I will arrange that Radha soon gives You all Her love and affection. I will see to it that She embraces You and talks to You. And what is more, this very night You will both rest together on the same bed.”
With these words, Jatila burst into her daughter-in-law’s quarters. Seeing the Sakhis there, she turned to Lalita and said, “Lalita, why is my daughter-in-law in such a contrary mood today? Her own cousin sister has come from Her father’s town, eager to see Her, but She is neglecting Her. Why will She not speak kindly to Her?”
Jatila then addressed Shri Radha, “O Sucarita (girl of good conduct), O my daughter, You are full of good qualities. My dear daughter-in-law, just look. This unhappy girl’s clothes are wet from Her tears. My heart is filled with deep compassion for Her. Remove the pain from Her heart: embrace Her properly, ask Her about Her well-being, and speak to Her affectionately. Make Her happy as She was before, and then I will also be satisfied.”
Shri Radha replied : “Mother-in-law, I shall certainly follow your instructions, so please return to your quarters and rest happily. It does not befit you to become involved in the petty quarrels of young girls. All young Sakhis are the same; their age is small and so is their intelligence. They swing between quarrel and mutual affection from one moment to the next. Your intelligence, on the other hand, is unsurpassed, and you are highly authoritative. Is it appropriate for you to become involved in these childish quarrels?”
Jatila Said : “O daughter-in-law, say nothing more, Stand up and immediately embrace Your sister. Have Your meal together and then take rest together. I am Your senior and elder, so do not disobey my order.”
Shri Radha replied : “O mother-in-law, you have instructed Me with firmness and seriousness; but before I obey your order, please hear one thing. This girl has spoken harshly to Kundalata, and that is why I feel so indignant that I do not even want to look at Her. If She makes up with Kundalata, then I will also be satisfied; and I will certainly do as you have told Me.”
Kundulata Said : “O noble lady, your daughter-in-law is lying. Kalavali has not spoken harshly to me, and I do not feel angry towards Her at all.”
Shri Radha boldly said to Kundalata, “How can you lie in front of My mother-in-law? If you are not angry with Kalavali, and if you are really happy with Her, then embrace Her now for us all to see.”
Upon hearing Shri Radha’s words, Kundalata fell silent. When doe-eyed Shri Radha saw this, She immediately spoke the following clever words: “Mother-in-law, you please decide which of us is lying, and then reproach that one.”
Jatila said : “Surely, if Kundalata is not delighted to embrace this pretty young girl, there must be something wrong. She must be angry with Her. Who could doubt that?” My daughter-in-law is speaking the truth,”
Jatila again said : “Kundalata, why don’t you forgive Kalävali and be pleased with Her? “Oh, Kundalata, I will do whatever it takes to make you happy with Kalavali. Now listen to me. I am your worshipable superior, but I am begging you with folded hands to embrace this girl before my eyes. Do not say another word. Aah! For this end I take an oath upon my head!”
When Kundalata made no move to embrace Kalavali, the Sakhis called out, “O Kundalata, are you not afraid of this good woman’s oath? Just see! What kind of intelligence do you have? Just embrace Kalavali right now.” Saying this, Jatila, Kutila and all the Sakhis caught Kundalata and forced Her to embrace Shri Hari Krishna in His disguise as Kalavali.
If old Jatila had not been present, the Sakhis would not have been able at all to stop themselves from plunging into hasya-rasa. As it was, they just covered their faces with their veils and drowned in silent blissful laughter.
Thereafter, the old woman jatila told Shri Radha, “Daughter-in-law, now You should speak lovingly with Your sister and warmly embrace Her.”
Jatila suddenly caught Shri Krishna with one hand and Shri Radha with the other, and drew Them together in the snare of a tight embrace.
Jatila told to Radha and Krishna : “O sisters, I see that You are crying from the bliss of Your embrace. Now share Your mutual happiness by using Your cloth to wipe away each others’ tears. After that, go and happily enjoy a meal together, and then very affectionately spend the night with each other.”
Having said this, the old woman jatila left to take rest in her chambers some distance away.
Shri Krishna then spoke to the Sakhis even more boldly and arrogantly than before: “Look, Sakhis, you thought that this knowledge of Mine was contemptible, but I have quickly sold it and thus attained the result I desired: victory over you all.”
Lalita Said : “O king of all gallants, You have indeed achieved Your desired result by enjoying Kundalata, who is your own sister-in-law, and thus You have gained the greatest victory. Now that the rules of social conduct are broken, why keep Kundalata only half-enjoyed? Why not fulfil all her inner desires?”
Kundalata said, “Lalita, cannot a brother embrace his sister with a pure heart, or a father his daughter? Your whole body is burning from head to toe with intense amorous desire, so you think that everyone else in the world burns with that same desire.”
Saying this, Kundalata left the place, as if full of anger. All the Sakhis followed her to try to pacify her. The only one left inside was the flower-archer Cupid, who engaged in protecting the youthful Couple, Shri Radha-Krishna.
From outside, Shri Radha’s dear Sakhis peeped in through the patterned, latticed windows and inhaled the beautiful fragrance of the amorous pastimes of Madhusudana Shri Krishna. He Himself was intoxicated by drinking the honey of Shri Radha’s frowning lotusface, which was decorated with arched eyebrows. The Sakhis felt themselves falling deeper and deeper into the waves of an ocean of bliss.
--------------------------------!! जय जय श्री राधे कृष्णा !!----------------------------
Jatila, Kutila and Abhimanyu in Jatila’s house (Jatila ki Haveli)
In the western part of the Javat village, on a high hillock, is the large house of Jatila, in which there are deities of Jatila, Kutila and Abhimanyu. Now a temple of Shri Radha-Kanta ji is also there. The sakhis arrange meetings between Shri Radha ji and Krishna here by deceiving Jatila, Kutila and Abhimanyu.
In the western part of the Javat village, on a high hillock, is the large house of Jatila, in which there are deities of Jatila, Kutila and Abhimanyu. Now a temple of Shri Radha-Kanta ji is also there. The sakhis arrange meetings between Shri Radha ji and Krishna here by deceiving Jatila, Kutila and Abhimanyu.
----------------------------!! जय जय श्री राधाकान्त बिहारी जी !!---------------------
This Holy Katha's Source
Shri Chamatkar Chandrika
Shri Shri Viswanath Chakravati Thakur.
A otras 5 personas más les gusta esto.

Mukesh K Agrawal
Jai Shree Krishna...
I must say, all of you will enjoy this playful passtime of Shri Radha and Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna disguises Himself as a beautiful female singer in order to meet with Shri Radhika.
Jai Jai Shree Radha Kant Bihari Ji...
I must say, all of you will enjoy this playful passtime of Shri Radha and Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna disguises Himself as a beautiful female singer in order to meet with Shri Radhika.
Jai Jai Shree Radha Kant Bihari Ji...

Himanshu Dev Banga
Jai Jai Shree Radha Kant Bihari Ji.

Chellam Kunjan
I love this article....thanks for posting....

Vrunda Sakhi
maniyaari ka bhesh banaya , shyam churi bechane aaya...radhe radhe.

Suja Arumugam
HARIBOL....Prabhu ji .. i really enjoyed this lila.. thank u for sharing ..
Mukesh K Agrawal
Hare Krishna....Hare Krishna......
23 de marzo a las 20:21
Shri Giriraja Govardhana
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Pulastya Rishi bringing Govardhana to Vraja
The deities of Mukharä-devi (left), Rädhikä (cente...
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Manasi Ganga
Mänasi-Gangä on Deepawali
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Deity of Sri Harideva in Shri Harideva Temple
Cakalesvara Mahädeva
Mukhäravinda Temple
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Deity of Shri Sanket-devi (Shri Virä-devi) - may 05
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Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 2 - may 05
terminado 12 Mayo 2010
Sri Vraja-Mandala Parikrama
Gopi Gita (The Gopis Song of Separation)
Vrindavan’s Historic Brahma-Kunda
Authors, Translators, Compilers, Editors, etc. - H...
Mukesh K Agrawal

Mukesh K Agrawal (Facebook)
Mukesh K Agrawal - (blogger)
The Liberation of Shri Gajendra - Mukesh K Agrawal... - mar 21
The Gopies glorify the Song of Krishna's Flute - mar 21
Shri Krishna's Shringar lila - mar 22
O Krishna....O Krishna.... : - mar 22
Shri Krishna Disguised as a Female Singer - mar 22
Indication of the future appearance of Shriman Gau... - mar 22
Loving quarell between Suka n Sari about Shri Kris...- mar 22
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Shri Shri Gopisvara Mahadeva in Vrindavan - mar 22
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Sri Vraja Dhama Dharshan
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The Birth Place! It is a small room 15 x 15 - mar 29
Deities of Krishna, Vasudeva, Devaki - mar 29
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Mayapura area of Mathura - mar 29
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The Yamuna’s Twenty-four Ghats
Prayaga tirtha
Tinduka tirtha (Bengali Ghat)
Nava-tirtha (Askunda-ghat )
Soma-tirtha (Gau-ghat)
Sarasvati-patana-tirtha (Krishna ganga-ghat)
Island near Krishna ganga Ghat
Pipalesvara Mahadeva
Ranga-bhumi and Rangesvara Mahadeva
Deities of Krishna-Balaram with Kamsa in the middl...
Kamsa Tila
Shri Kesava Gaudiya Matha
Shri Gauränga Mahaprabhu & Shri Radha-Vinod-bihari...
The Temple Kankali devi
Balbhadra Kunda
Bhutesvara Mahadeva
Patala Devi
Jnana-vapi (Jnana-bavdi)
Mahavidya-devi (Ambika devi)
The temple of Mahavidya
Gokarna Mahadeva
Kamsa’s fort
The fort of Kamsa
Kamsa’s fort - view of the Yamuna and parts of Mat...
Satiburja : Gatasrama-Narayana Temple
Shri Dirgha-Vishnu
Shri Padmanabha
Sveta -Varaha
Dhruva and his worshipful Shri Näräyana Vishnu in ...
The deity of Shri Satrughna
The Talavana
Shri Krishna and Shri Balarama killed the ass-demo...
Deity of Sri Baldeva n Sri Krishna here, at Talava...
The Kumudvana
Krishna and Srimati Radhika, Lalita, Visakha and o...
The Temple of Shri Santanu-Bihari ji and Santanu k...
Deity of Shri Santanu-Bihari ji
Bahulavana (Bosque)
Shrimati Radhika was in Her sulky mood (mana)
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The Parrots (Sari and Suka)
Shri Radha Kunda & Shri Shyam Kunda
Shri Shri Radha Kunda
Shri shri Shyam Kunda
Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s sitting-place at Tamala...
Sangama or Yogapitha
Sri Jähnavä Thäkuräni’s sitting-place
Shri Raghunätha däsa Gosvämi’s puspa-samädhi
Shri Gopäla Bhatta Gosvämi’s bhajana-kuti
Sri Raghunätha däsa Gosvämi’s Bhajana-Kuti
Indise the Kuti of Sri Krishndäsa Kaviräja Gosvämi...
Gopi-Küp (Gopi Well)
Shri Rädhä-Kuïjabihäri ji

Mukesh K Agrawal (Facebook)
Mukesh K Agrawal - (blogger)
The Liberation of Shri Gajendra - Mukesh K Agrawal... - mar 21
The Gopies glorify the Song of Krishna's Flute - mar 21
Shri Krishna's Shringar lila - mar 22
O Krishna....O Krishna.... : - mar 22
Shri Krishna Disguised as a Female Singer - mar 22
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City of Mathurä parikramä -- mar 29
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The Birth Place! It is a small room 15 x 15 - mar 29
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Pratibhu-Vigraha of Shri Adikesava - mar 29
Mayapura area of Mathura - mar 29
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The Yamuna’s Twenty-four Ghats
Prayaga tirtha
Tinduka tirtha (Bengali Ghat)
Nava-tirtha (Askunda-ghat )
Soma-tirtha (Gau-ghat)
Sarasvati-patana-tirtha (Krishna ganga-ghat)
Island near Krishna ganga Ghat
Pipalesvara Mahadeva
Ranga-bhumi and Rangesvara Mahadeva
Deities of Krishna-Balaram with Kamsa in the middl...
Kamsa Tila
Shri Kesava Gaudiya Matha
Shri Gauränga Mahaprabhu & Shri Radha-Vinod-bihari...
The Temple Kankali devi
Balbhadra Kunda
Bhutesvara Mahadeva
Patala Devi
Jnana-vapi (Jnana-bavdi)
Mahavidya-devi (Ambika devi)
The temple of Mahavidya
Gokarna Mahadeva
Kamsa’s fort
The fort of Kamsa
Kamsa’s fort - view of the Yamuna and parts of Mat...
Satiburja : Gatasrama-Narayana Temple
Shri Dirgha-Vishnu
Shri Padmanabha
Sveta -Varaha
Dhruva and his worshipful Shri Näräyana Vishnu in ...
The deity of Shri Satrughna
The Talavana
Shri Krishna and Shri Balarama killed the ass-demo...
Deity of Sri Baldeva n Sri Krishna here, at Talava...
The Kumudvana
Krishna and Srimati Radhika, Lalita, Visakha and o...
The Temple of Shri Santanu-Bihari ji and Santanu k...
Deity of Shri Santanu-Bihari ji
Bahulavana (Bosque)
Shrimati Radhika was in Her sulky mood (mana)
Shri Sankarshana Kunda
The Parrots (Sari and Suka)
Shri Radha Kunda & Shri Shyam Kunda
Shri Shri Radha Kunda
Shri shri Shyam Kunda
Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s sitting-place at Tamala...
Sangama or Yogapitha
Sri Jähnavä Thäkuräni’s sitting-place
Shri Raghunätha däsa Gosvämi’s puspa-samädhi
Shri Gopäla Bhatta Gosvämi’s bhajana-kuti
Sri Raghunätha däsa Gosvämi’s Bhajana-Kuti
Indise the Kuti of Sri Krishndäsa Kaviräja Gosvämi...
Gopi-Küp (Gopi Well)
Shri Rädhä-Kuïjabihäri ji
Gopi Gita (The Gopis Song of Separation)
Sri Mädhavendra Puri’s sitting-place
Sri Vallabhäcärya’s sitting-place
Map of Shri Radha Kunda and Shri Shyam Kunda
The seven Mahädevas acting as area-protectors (kse...Sangama-Ghat
Sri Mädhavendra Puri’s sitting-place
Sri Vallabhäcärya’s sitting-place
Map of Shri Radha Kunda and Shri Shyam Kunda
Shri Giriraja Govardhana
Hanumän Ji carrying Govardhana to Vraja
Pulastya Rishi bringing Govardhana to Vraja
The deities of Mukharä-devi (left), Rädhikä (cente...
Shri Giriraja Govardhana Map
The Deatiled Map of Govardhana Town
Kusuma- Sarovara
Bank of Kusumasarovara
Place in Kusum Sarovar where Krishna and Radha use...
Foot-print of Sri Krishna at Kusum Sarovar
Foot-print of Shri Radha at Kusum Sarovar
Deity of Shri Närada at Närada-Kunda
Krishna’s footprint at Ratna-Simhäsana
Manasi Ganga
Mänasi-Gangä on Deepawali
Shri Harideva Temple
Deity of Sri Harideva in Shri Harideva Temple
Cakalesvara Mahädeva
Mukhäravinda Temple
Deity of Shri Mukharvinda at Shri Mukarvinda Templ...
El pago de impuesto de peaje (Krishna a las Gopis)...
Annakütta at Anyora gaon
The Place of Shree Näth Ji’s Appearance
Deity of Shrinath Ji at Govinda-Kunda
Apsarä-Kunda and Naval Kunda
Naval kunda
Deity of Suryadev (Sungod) at Surya Kunda
The gate to Ädi-badri
Deities of Badri Narayana
Nar- Narayan Parvat
Tapta Kunda
Kedäranätha Mahädeva
Way of adi Kedaranath Mahadev
eighty-four sacred ponds, eighty-four temples and ...
Shri Vrinda Devi and Shri Rädhä-Govindadev
Deity of Shri Vrinda Devi
Dharam Kunda
Deities of the Pändvas and Draupadi in the temple ...
The Temple of Kämesvara Mahädeva at Kamyavana
The Deity of Kämesvara Mahädeva at Kamyavana
Family Tree of Shri Krishn’s Maternal Relatives
Phisalani-Silä - may 04
Vyomäsura’s Cave - may 04
Footprint of Shri Baladeva Prabhu at Vyomasura Cav... - may 04
Bhojana-Thäli - may 04
Plate marks on the hill at Bhojana-Thäli - may 05
A view of Bhojana-Thäli Temple from Krishna-Kunda - may 05
The deities at the temple of Shri Gopinätha ji - may 05
Näbhä ji - may 05
Uncägaon - may 05
Sakhigiri-Parvata - may 05
The Phisalani-Silä (top) and a Citra-Silä (lower) ... - may 05
Lalitä-Viväha-Mandap - may 05
Däü ji Temple - may 05
Shri Lalitä-Sthala (Atorä-Parvata) - may 05
Deha-Kunda - may 05
Venishankara Mahädeva - may 05
Varsana - may 05
Map of Varsana - may 05
The Parikramä of Varsänä is four miles long. Vraja... - may 05
Shri Brahma Parvata - may 05
Shri Vrishbhänu-Kunda - may 05
Sankhri-Khor - may 05
Dana Garh - may 05
Mana Garh - may 05
Mayur Kuti - may 05
Viläsa-garh a top Vishñu-parvata - may 05
Ciksauli - may 05
Gahvaravana Parikramä Path - may 05
Krishna-Kunda - may 05
The Deity of Shri Radha Govind ji at a Bengali tem... - may 05Apsarä-Kunda and Naval Kunda
Naval kunda
Deity of Suryadev (Sungod) at Surya Kunda
The gate to Ädi-badri
Deities of Badri Narayana
Nar- Narayan Parvat
Tapta Kunda
Kedäranätha Mahädeva
Way of adi Kedaranath Mahadev
eighty-four sacred ponds, eighty-four temples and ...
Shri Vrinda Devi and Shri Rädhä-Govindadev
Deity of Shri Vrinda Devi
Dharam Kunda
Deities of the Pändvas and Draupadi in the temple ...
The Temple of Kämesvara Mahädeva at Kamyavana
The Deity of Kämesvara Mahädeva at Kamyavana
Family Tree of Shri Krishn’s Maternal Relatives
Phisalani-Silä - may 04
Vyomäsura’s Cave - may 04
Footprint of Shri Baladeva Prabhu at Vyomasura Cav... - may 04
Bhojana-Thäli - may 04
Plate marks on the hill at Bhojana-Thäli - may 05
A view of Bhojana-Thäli Temple from Krishna-Kunda - may 05
The deities at the temple of Shri Gopinätha ji - may 05
Näbhä ji - may 05
Uncägaon - may 05
Sakhigiri-Parvata - may 05
The Phisalani-Silä (top) and a Citra-Silä (lower) ... - may 05
Lalitä-Viväha-Mandap - may 05
Däü ji Temple - may 05
Shri Lalitä-Sthala (Atorä-Parvata) - may 05
Deha-Kunda - may 05
Venishankara Mahädeva - may 05
Varsana - may 05
Map of Varsana - may 05
The Parikramä of Varsänä is four miles long. Vraja... - may 05
Shri Brahma Parvata - may 05
Shri Vrishbhänu-Kunda - may 05
Sankhri-Khor - may 05
Dana Garh - may 05
Mana Garh - may 05
Mayur Kuti - may 05
Viläsa-garh a top Vishñu-parvata - may 05
Ciksauli - may 05
Gahvaravana Parikramä Path - may 05
Krishna-Kunda - may 05
The Divine Deity of Shri prem Bihari Ji at Prem Sa... - may 05
The temple of Sanket-bihäri ji - may 05
Deity of Shri Sanket-devi (Shri Virä-devi) - may 05
Rasa Mandal Near the Sanket Devi (Vira Devi) Templ... - may 05
The Place of Swing at Sanket Gaon - may 05
Deity of Shri Sanket-Bihäri ji at Shri Sanket biha... - may 05
Deity of Shri Sanket-devi (Shri Virä-devi) - may 05
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 2 - may 05
terminado 12 Mayo 2010
Sri Vraja-Mandala Parikrama
Gopi Gita (The Gopis Song of Separation)
Vrindavan’s Historic Brahma-Kunda
Authors, Translators, Compilers, Editors, etc. - H...
Pilgrims in India - Hindu | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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